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do i need
to open
a menu
every time
to shoot
you don't have to fuse
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny.
If you played the gam, you would know how often its actually needed
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then what do i do with all of these materials?
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You press "Y"
but this is the 131st time we've had to tell you
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Using an interface to directly influence and inform the gameplay through player choice is the literal definition of what a video game is.

Moronic troon. Go play a vastly shitter game.
>ignoring the question
that's not what i asked.
>too retarded to read the on-screen prompt

TotK are confirmed low IQ morons
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
Seethe bitch SEETHE
because you are playing a shit game
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4chan troons still malding 15 months later.

Every item does something. Go ahead and attach each one individually and find how.
That is the entire point after all. It's all got a use.
>press sort
i can
finally shoot
the fused
that i
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
Nobody forced you to do anything schizo
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It's hysterical that even into its 2nd year, /v/troons can't think up a single convincing criticism of this masterpiece.
are you
i sorted
the items
like you
and now
my problems
with the game
were solved!
>>ignoring the question
Why did you feel you needed to make the question a hundred times?
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
Fucking hell, he actually hasn't played the game. He doesn't know.
You do if you want to do actual damage.
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
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>just don't use the new mechanics
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
>freedom and choice is le bad!

Go play a shitter game
See >>681656534
i don't know who that is
i haven't bought a single sony product in more than 10 years
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
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>this shit is infecting top down zelda now
Its over
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
Nobody cares about your shit taste and schizo ranting.

Seethe more on 4chan mpre than a year later lmao
The game looks fantastic though.
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Why can't anyone make a game as good as Nintendo? What's stopping them?
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anon, if i don't use the new mechanics, then i have less freedom and choices than i had in the last game. i can't make fire/ice arrows without using fuse because they retroactively changed it.
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
Nu-Zelda can't into UI. Or anything really.
this isnt zelda its just adventure boy: nintendo edition
And it's the central fucking mechanic of the game so enjoy constantly looking at this screen.
I hate Aonuma so much.
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
is this some kind of reverse psychology? botw and totk are the rawest definition of tranny shit. "look we didnt want to overwhelm you with simple tasks and puzzles so we made sure every single approach is possible so u can just mindlessly win every time! we also didnt want there to be any challenge because u already struggle enough in real life so u can have infinite health and resources at any time!"
this game is trash
You don't pause that much for a single arrow
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
Why are you animals back to making daily anti-totk threads?
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Because Nintendo went into Tears of the Kingdom intentionally trying to stop ways people were breaking the game last time.

Arrow Spam was one of those ways. It's why Hearty Durains didn't come back either.
Boy this tranny be seethin!
Then why did they let players make a flying motorcycle that completely trivializes 99% of content? Sounds like they did a shit job.
Making Zelda into a subhuman really ruined her for me.
>freedom of choice is… LE BAD
Get fucked, bitch.
Because you can't stop Players from finding ways to break a game, Nintendo just thought they could. Another example is Flying Parts despawning after awhile or why it takes so long to build the Zonai Batteries.

It's a problem of balance between player freedom and game-breaking nonsense and Nintendo didn't really know how to go about it.
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It's about as accurate as people who criticise Xenoblade 3 for "playing itself" when you do a powerful move in a chain attack, a la FF summons. Like, half true, but the argument is being very disingenuous
Yeah the freedom to break the game. They don't give a shit about how players clear it they've made that obvious. The intent was to let the player do whatever they want. I don't think any effort was made to prevent breaking it, if anything they made all this shit to be broken. The game's puzzles are made for children in mind but older players can entertain themselves by experimenting.
what an atrocious fucking thread

zelda discussion is irremediably ruined all of you niggers deserve to die

I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
Jannies are too incompetent to get rid of him so I just filter all of his phrases.
OP needs to stop shitting his pants nonstop over zelda
Go be friends with the scat and rape and Vietnam schizo that frequents the FE threads and go elsewhere
Really don't understand why they couldn't at least do two or three rows to speed up moving around. Or let you set some short cuts to your favorites.
>It's why Hearty Durains didn't come back either.
Nah that's bullshit, truffles are still in TotK. The problem was being able to make full heals, and bonus heart recipes automatically giving full heals, not the fact that durians existed. The Zelda team is just really bad at balancing, they spent so long making easy games that they have no idea how to design a proper challenge.
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
BotW's weapon switch menus were likely a vestigal element from the Wii U gamepad (which had a touchscreen), then for TotK they just kept the menus the same because they were lazy, then in EoW they're copying them again because why improve anything when you're already making a gazillion sales.
Nobody even talks about Tears of the Kingdom, that's why nintendo fans seethe about all criticism to it
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It... does. It saves the location of your cursor in the menu. It's literally a single button press to use the same fuse twice
The single-line menu is bad. But at least you generally won't need to attach more than a handful of different types of things throughout your entire playthrough.
What if you didn't want to do that? Early game is scarce on resources, but that would work in mid-late game
truffles are pretty rare in totk though. compare this to botw where you had entire areas full of radishes or hearty durians.
>find a shrine
>animation of Link opening the portal
>animation of Link walking into the portal
>Huge loading screen
>animation of Link leaving the portal
>there's nothing but a chest
>animation of Link opening the chest
>pop up explaining which item Link found
>walk to the end of the shrine
>animation of Link placing his palm on a device
>Pop Up impossible to skip that says the same thing 170 times during the game
>animation of the statues talking the same old shit
>huge loading screen again
>animation of Link coming out of the portal
botw was the better game
Optional toggles are sooooo hard to program. No one has ever figured out how to do them before.
But to be fair, all these unbearable animations aren't exclusively Nintendo's fault. Even with the mod that removes all the waiting, you still lose a huge amount of time because the Switch is simply too slow to load things. 75% of all those boring animations in the game are just loading screens in disguise.
She made the most boring porn I've ever watched. Plus, her bf is a dead fish too.

I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny
It is Nintendo's fault considering they use the same obsolete hardware for 8 years
Not rare enough to not be able to still pump out full heals.
Regardless the underlying issue is how the recipes are balanced (terribly), the fact that you can pause heal at any time, and the fact that there's no limit.
Hey dude, I sent >>681661484 and >>681661589 your way. Play nice!
No, the problem was BotW/TotK's assembly line production and the nu-Zelda team's lack of creativity. There's no reason there needed to be a single empty shrine. Blessing shrines could have simply been chests or pedestals that spawned directly in the overworld and gave the orb + chest. The loading screens are entirely unnecessary and are just a disappointing waste of time.
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Eric.
you are aware that samefagging like this won't help,you, right?
Who is Eric
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He's the king.
Some boogeyman this faggot fabricated to deflect criticism from his favorite game. Why jannies let him spam up every thread we will never know.
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I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Eric.
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Because jannies would have to acknowledge their sonygaf threads exist.
>wow I need to open this menu every single time I shoot these special arrows
lmfao garbage nigger game
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Eric
Post signature for some obsessive mentally ill schizo obsessed with BotW/TotK
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Eric
>Post signature
It's his real name. From when he doxxed himself defending Mighty Number Nine to shit on Megaman 11. Because he thought Megaman 11 was Switch exclusive.
...So why is the schizo so intent on hating on this man? He's an idiot, sure, but this seems very spiteful
Is this a bot
I feel this way about hotkeys with Skyrim on console. The cool thing is that the game looks smooth like buttah when you edit out the inventory navigation
Not specifically Zelda but I really dislike games that let you pause or make you pause to use healing items
It always makes the health system entirely pointless for any amount of damage that isn't a oneshot
He spams threads over and over and over again. And samefags his own posts for up towards hundreds of times. Does so regularly.
And he also regularly posts faux fanbase wars. Like when he tried to pin Mighty Number Nine against Megaman fans. Or Bloodstained against Hollow Knight. Or Xenoblade against Fire Emblem.
And he'll "argue" against himself for hours on end. Forever and ever.

It's like if Sybb was obsessed brand wars instead of asses, and posted more frequently by orders of magnitude. And samefagged on top of it.
And continued to do so for years and years.
all UI problems stem from gamepad considerations
and everyone else is right to have their own opinions you retarded spammer
That's pretty annoying considering they got archery right in BotW. For me the zonaite device shit is just annoying. I built a couple different vehicles and drones but I rarely use that crap. Most of the shit you can make just damages you and destroys itself. Going into fights normally is more fun than building stupid shit that barely works.
>don't criticize life if you decide to keep on living
what's it like sucking 30 cocks a day?
Isn't the fact that /v/ is still sneeding over this game, proof that it's a good game?
Because nintendo hates QOL interface features
The solution is that controllers need more buttons.
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i hate opening chest in 3d zelda because of all the damn waiting. in link to the past you open a chest and immediately get what you want. but in 3d zelda it's always WOOOOOOOOAH GLOWING CHEST for 5 rupees. it's so slow
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>"action" game fans when they play actual RPGs, not Xenoblade/Zelda
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Victranny

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