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What went wrong for Helldivers 2?
>Heavily outsold FF7 Redditbirth
>went from 500k players to 10k
>still diving down
>no new content
>awful balance
>devs openly hates players who give honest feedback
>testers never played their game or rarely playing on dif 4
>shitty netcode and bugs
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Why the fuck would balance your PvE shooter like it's some e-sport competitive game?
Game is an example how you should not support your game.
why do you guys keep parroting this when they've already reverted all of them and buffed the shit out of most of the guns and stratagems on top of that?
pilestedt is literally singlehandedly responsible for turning around their fucking retarded balancing choices
Snownigger game devs are retards.
right after you stop sucking their dick
game is still unbalanced as fuck and most changes still didn't address jack shit, and let's not start about warbond endless rifle reskins
you literally don't play the game so i don't think there's any point in you trying to argue balance with me
some bug weapons are terrible vs bots and vice versa but the overall balance is great now, both for strats and normal loadouts. It's the most diverse it's been since release.
I'm convinced they contracted out the game, then took over some shit they don't understand.
You're full of shit. The arc thrower is still nerfed and still has the day 1 misfire bug.
It was always flavor of the month there’s nothing wrong with that. It was just always gonna be limited to that month.
>Can only use 3 support weapons against bots or you get anally brutalized by gunship patrols
>only brownoids can have negative opinions
Kill yourself snow nigger.
>They didn't anticipate the initial success and the servers couldn't handle the number of players
>They let a bunch of troons moderate their discord
>The PSN linking fiasco
I don't know anything after this because
Slugger, Eruptor, Breaker Spray & Pray, Breaker, Railgun, and Arc Thrower have yet to have their unjustified nerfs rolled back.
nice argument... for a cock sucker
>Every update nerfs guns and or adds a NEW CRASH even if they fixed some
>Meta is all about gangbanging the player with rag-dolling (Bots)
>No new content since launch really and at launch there wasn't all that much to begin with
> Tons of content in the game files being withheld for months
>Weapons get released and are either massively OP or are fucking dog water

I really enjoy how it plays but it feels like only like 20% of the weapons and stratagems are viable
they won't, it's "working as intended"
let me guess, the last one is that weird Blitz achievement that's on a specific difficulty
Cool, so is this:
>already reverted all of them
stop being a lying nigger
>arc thrower
I still like the game and I’m glad they buffed some strats and weapons in the last patch but that doesn’t take away from
their abhorrently retarded approach to balancing up to that point
>why do you guys keep parroting this when they've already reverted all of them
Railchads won't forget what you took from us, Alexus. We won't be praising your game and will laugh when it dies and you're a stain on the games industry
What can I say, I'm an Eagle guy
it's not a misfire bug, it gets caught on terrain, shrubbery, corpses and i shit you not particle fx which is indeed retarded but that's one weapon (2 if you count the rail gun which is rightfully dead)
HMG, AC, LC, EAT, Spear, RR, AMR
Eruptor is great still thoughever. I run it every day on 9 bots, a personal favorite of mine and very effective.

none of this detracts from the fact that more things are viable than ever and the amount of buffs greatly outweigh the nerfs to the apex shitter picks
The Eruptor is mid at most and only works when you have a support weapon that's going to carry it more than other primaries would require.
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>they've already reverted all of them
my railgun?
my slugger?
my eruptor?
still nerfed
>Game comes out
>play content until satisfied
>move on

Why are retards here so obsessed with autistically playing one game their whole lives?
The bigger problem with the balance is their whole damage and armor system makes it impossible.
Guns will either be relegated to dealing with trash, which many guns already can, or be dunked on as soon as that one enemy type is in the spawn pool.
cool but your argument was that they “reverted” them you dumb faggot, which they haven’t. slugger is still dead, eruptor is better than it was after they shot it in the head but it won’t ever be as fun as it was
>thinks railgun nerf was justified when the immediately gave AT 1HKO potential straight after
nevermind there’s no point in even arguing with a colossal retard such as you
I sort of agree and that's how I run it along with my HMG but there's nothing wrong with that, it isn't and shouldn't be a new powercreep toy that shits on everything. It's good at what it does, which is reaming bots.
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The whole sony drama did a lethal blow to the game.
However, 40k players is not that bad and other game developers would kill to have that many players in their game.
4-5 seconds and 2/5ths of your magazine to kill 1 (one) devastator lmao

Tenderizer shits all over your dogshit contrarion pick if you can aim.
This. You're naturally going to gravitate toward the weapons with the highest AP because they can deal with the most targets. I'm never going to use an amr.
Lets begin...
>Openly sold the game to players they knew would be locked out once they reinstated the PSN requirement.
>Pushed PSN on PC players and blamed Sony for their own incompetence.
>Once they backed off, they paraded their "victory" over evil Sony while firing employees that were open about their disagreement with the PSN thing.
>Nerf strong and fun weapons to be as shit as the rest of their weapons.
>Release new weapons that are strong that you can grind or pay for and then immediately nerf them once the new weapon packs come out.
>Eventually new weapon packs are just weak and lackluster.
>Hire a dude infamous for terrible/unfun game balancing to make all primary weapons into pea-shooters while proclaiming that the fun players were having was wrong.
>Discord mods and community managers are all lgbt faggots that love to shit on players and ban them for not liking furfag art.
>CEO is a whinny baby that "doesn't understand why the players don't like his game :("
>they only reverted 95% of them instead of 100% of them HAHAHA I GOT YOU NOW RETARD
for whatever it's worth I hope they buff them as well but I'm not in a rush to see it happen. Except breaker and railshitters. I hope they take the inc. breaker out back as well. I don't want shotguns to be codshit effective at up to 5 meters or anything but good fucking lord have they been dumb up to this point. You can plink the incendiary breaker from 150m away on a distant bug breach and rack up a huge killstreak currently.
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>ERM, not having fun? Skill issue.
>reaming bots
like hell it does outside of scout striders or clumps of fodder which anything should be able to take care of, and no wonder you have success with it when you’re using fucking HMG which is by far the strongest of the AP4 support weapons and obliterates anything in its weight class. If you’re also >>681783883
then the irony on display is wild.
I still run it because it’s the only explosive weapon that has actual AoE attached to it, gutted as it may be, without having to deal with the molasses travel time of grenade pistol or grenade launcher. A consistent stratagem-independent way to take out fabs and nests is always going to be useful too; ran it begrudgingly for blitzes even after the second nerf which made it pathetic for anything except objectives.
You should absolutely use AMR and the other “big three” AP4 weapons (AMR, HMG, AC, honorable mention to Laser Cannon)… but only vs bots since they’re actually designed well unlike the bugs with chargers/titans. For bots, AP4 can handle every single enemy, though of course having at least one player with anti-tank for bruteforcing mean tank/cannon placement is always valuable too.
>>they only reverted 95% of them instead of 100% of them HAHAHA I GOT YOU NOW RETARD
You’re the one who claimed
>they've already reverted all of them and buffed the shit out of most of the guns
Not my fault you’re a dumbshit who makes blatantly false claims. Also a reminder that it’s a PvE power fantasy game you dumb retard
i can concede that but you're still a retard endlessly seething over things that are no longer accurate
Everyone collectively bailed when they just started nerfing everything. It's a pure pve game and not competitive in nature in the slightest, so nobody liked the feeling of their favorite loadout getting nerfed so they could buff the incredibly similar variation that just happened to be in the premium warbond. Looking at you, slugger and then dominator.

When they did that it pretty much turned the game into clearing trash with primaries and spamming strats to deal with everything else. Look, geniuses, people didn't take the quasar only because it was the only option other than autocannon, they took the quasar because nobody wants to have to call in five millions EATs for every wave with chargers then run like hell for 70 seconds if you whiff one.

They backpeddaled but the damage was largely done, playercount fell off massively around the time of the update that added those really trivial gate defense missions.

They also leaned really hard into this idea of having a GM, which was sort of off putting to me. Every online game with an evolving story or campaign has a "gm", and there were plenty of times we could see active manipulation of metrics involving quests. What a silly conceit.

Still, the core gameplay was rock solid, or at least the gunplay was, but after a while you're just doing the exact same missions over and over. And the highest difficulties are more about just running away from enemies than a kill fest with crazy sci-fi weapons, and that's honestly pretty antifun in itself.

Also my personal pet peeve was annihilation missions on high difficulty against bots. Itty bitty map where flamethrower hulks and tanks get dropped right on your head. Easy to clear with a handful of orbital lasers (or other strategems) but supremely unfun as once one person dies it's like a cascade of shit, and you're pretty much spawning to drop your strats then die as you'll never gear up again.

Lots of weird design decisions like that. The game just didn't have staying power.
I accept your concession
>seething over things that are no longer accurate
Arrowhead tends to nerf damage/durability values, not accuracy. Hope this helps!
you cant nerf anything because...you just cant ok?
because...it's not a pvp game, ok?
>You can only nerf things in a PVP game
you need some form of balance in pve games as well or you're going to have a vermintide 2 situation where every elf nigger gets to solo the entire map as you watch, hoping for some scraps or for the retard to somehow kill himself so you get to play the game
>devs put out warbond with good guns
>people buy it
>immediately get rugpulled as soon as next warbond comes out
Also a reminded that devs themselves marketed it as a power fantasy game
confession denied.
It’s not about whether nerfing itself is wise, but the lack of wisdom in how they handle nerfs. The most divisive nerfs/reworks are those that are functionally disjunctive with other buffs and design paradigms they push. Railgun gets brought up a lot because it was absolutely unequivocally overpowered - but only relative to the other support weapons that were massively underperforming, and because bug enemy design is inherently controlled by whether you have enough anti-tank slotted to deal with the inevitable quadruple charger spawn and stacks of biles on higher difficulties, provided you aren’t just kiting everything and then that flattens the entire game out. Fast forward to today’s sandbox with buffed anti-tank, slightly nerfed chargers (except behemoths lmao), and more pressure from fodder spawns, and the original railgun in all of its power wouldn’t actually be dominant.
also keep in mind the decision to hamstring it was motivated by the ps5 bug where heavies would have weirdly reduced health, which was a huge contribution to why railgun/arc both felt strong even if it didn’t make sense against datamined stats
as far as i know the ps5 bug only mattered for the titans, but i would agree that the railgun could be buffed back again to the state it was in at release. At the time the nerf was 100% justified
They just need to move some of the power it had to the unsafe mode instead of letting everyone spam 50% shots forever and ever, give it some small form of required neuron activation to use. I only hate the weapon because of the pan banging retards that used it along with the shield backpack and breaker.
>the bug mostly affected titans?
Correct, sorry I’m writing stream of consciousness and didn’t mean to lump chargers into the mix, though doming them or at least exposing a leg in two shots was still extremely good in a game where the dedicated AT options had fucking deflection angles against the wonkiest piles of hitzones ever conceived. Strong, consistent, still useful against weaker enemies. Nothing came close.
>bring power back but shunt it into unsafe mode
Your opinion’s pretty close to mine. I’d spin it a bit further; revert the damage entirely since now we have behemoths and bugfixed titans (who also have new shitty head hit detection anyway!), boost and normalize the durability damage of any unsafe charges (60%+), but make unsafe shots cost double or even triple the ammo. The 50% fire rate can’t keep up with all the medium enemies today even though it still OHKOs them, so it’d mostly be a way to keep the gun useful against durability checks like chargers/titans, tanks/cannons/factories, and especially gunships. It’s absurd it can’t take them out faster than AP3 primaries.
This way it would only compete with dedicated AT if you were willing to burn the ammo and commit to it, unlike rockets which get to be much more choosy and just fire at something. It could mirror Spear in that regard, trading manual aiming and a mobile reload for low demolition force (no holes/fabs/containers).
>I hate this weapon because of metaslaves
They’re always going to exist no matter how many moles get a’-whacked, but they piss me off too. AH are idiots but I doubt they’d have rushed to kneecap all three of those weapons if it weren’t for clickbait clout-chasing dickheads going
patched out the fun
also, all the rockets should just fucking evaporate what you fire them at, which is why Spear feels so good. Instant kills if it hits a weakspot, two or three bodyshots for most heavies otherwise is pretty damn good.
Behemoth leg stripping HP being EXACTLY the damage value of the other support rockets/quasar is funny because it leaves them subject to damage penalties from walking backwards. I shit you not, rockets are more consistent if you are walking or diving forward instead of backpedaling and the single digit variance is enough to fudge things against the player. It’s ridiculous. Why would they set it up this way for ROCKETS.
Needs story content. Why is there no story mode?
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>thing gets nerfed
>thing gets buffed
>no difference whatsoever in gameplay
Literally the only buff and nerf that affected our arsenal in any meaningful way was the laser cannon medium armor pen and railgun respectively.
The only thing that affected gameplay enough to actually change your loadout and gameplay at all was the huge nerf they applied to armored spawns against bugs, everything else is purely 100% unironically placebo.
This is only true if you subscribed to the true meta of running or stealthing constantly, in which all that actually matters is how smart you and your teammates are with smoke.
Laser Cannon as an example didn’t just get AP4; it also had its performance adjusted so it performs very slightly better against non-durable targets (300->350/s) but drastically worse against durable targets (300->200). Anyone who actually used the weapon could tell the difference when firing against durability sponges like berserkers which it used to do okay against.
Honeymoon is over
It's really an early access game. They can't allow the galactic war to actually progress because they haven't finished the content yet. People got bored of doing the same handful of missions on the same handful of maps over and over.
Sony nuked it after they changed their mind on the psn linking thing
does alexus and twinbeard still work there? is the arc thrower still fucked? until then it's gonna stay uninstalled.
Balance, lack of content, psn fuckery, incompetent devs.
Deep Rock Galactic won again
Devs went woke
>144 players
holy shit, I havent played the suicide squad game, but is it really that bad?
it's worse

it's currently at 46k. i fully expect it to go to 10k and below by december.
Have they:
>Reverted gun nerfs
>Fixed Mechs
>Fired that retarded balance guy that killed the other game?
>Fired that weird Discord gay furry mod?
>Reverted gun nerfs
They did some tweaks and reverted some stuff back but weapons are no longer the same from launch because they need to keep releasing crappy weapons.
>Fixed Mechs
Yes, you dont blow yourself up anymore but mech are still shit vs bots.
>Fired that retarded balance guy that killed the other game?
I dont think so, but the CEO stepped down and he's currently trying to revert shit
>Fired that weird Discord gay furry mod?
I dont go into any discord server so i dont know this.
fuck you, you just jealous
>They also leaned really hard into this idea of having a GM
hardly anyone mentions this, despite it being one of the biggest flaws of the game, everyone is just interested in the faggot discord mods
Joel blatantly manipulated outcomes and reset planet progress pretty much daily, and when the callouts got so frequent they couldn't be ignored the faggot devs had the audacity to try and claim it was a bug in their netcode
I encountered two games today where the host just got reinforced in and immediately ran into gunfire and died, over and over. At one point I died to some bullshit (I think it was a gunship patrol I didn't see) and I spectated the host to watch him eat yet another stupid death. But instead he ran and hid and avoided fighting until the reinforcement timer was up and he immediately called me in. Guess he knew who was carrying the team.
I hate when they give us impossible tasks or manipulate with numbers and people defending it like "ummm sweety, we were not supposed to win this one, yeah..."
>it's one retard who intentionally shoots hellbombs when other players near them
>Literally every single weapon and stratagem works and has a function
I think this is more a case of the player base being retarded than the devs getting it wrong. The only mistake they made was doing any patches at all, it just put in an expectation by manchildren that BUFF [My favorite gun] and NERF [his favorite gun]
Played it month ago
>weapons do jack shit dmg
>stratagems bouncing back to you
>game crashes for no reason
yeah, cya never

Frankly, the game actually just sucks
And I'm not talking about the lack of missions or biomes, or the fact the weapons suck, the gameplay just lacks compared to any coop shooter of the past 20 years
>Look, geniuses, people didn't take the quasar only because it was the only option other than autocannon
Those retards killed so much goodwill just to deal with railgun breaking the AT backpack weapons balance, just to add a fucking backpack-less RR with infinite ammo. Sure the cooldown limits it and one quasar is fucked when lots of heavies appear, but it scales up fast when 2 or more players take quasars.
Balance is the excuse of shitters

The game died because there is literally no fucking thing to do or farm. The game needs grind even if people dislike the idea. A season pass system is absolutely retarded and shit, no endgame, armour passives are shit. Get a gun, unlock all stratagems, and 3 or 4 armours, play a level 8 bug and bot mission and you have seen every single thing this game had to offer. There is no reason to play beyond 20 hours, 100 or 200 if you're specially fond of the game.

Even if your favourite weapon was busted again, you would NOT come back because there is literally nothing for you to do or work towards
Erupter, arc thrower, breakers are all good now
You just want them to be broken and by far being the best weapons and there are no point of using anything else.
Snoycücking themself LMAO. PCchads stay winning suck on my uncircumcise dick snoy.I pirated 6 gorrilion copy of God of onions btw didn't play it I just want snoy to lose more money.
Turns out nobody likes when you focus on patching the fun out of the game instead of the problems it has, crazy i know
The issue is that if you can kill all armored heavy with AP4 efficiently, there is no reason to take AP7 AT weapons. Even in bug, now that it's more charger/behemoth centric rather than BT centric, less people run AT than before since AP4 can still kill charger+behemoth, just not as efficient.
AP7 AT are limited in his niche innanti-heavy as single shot, slow reload/ slow recharge, low ammo, and single target shot. That's by bot is very AP4 centric meta. In the end, bug faction allows your AP7 AT to see a lot use and bot allows AP4 to see a lot of use.
There were a bunch of new ship upgrades released recently, 30k req slips, 200 common and rare + 40 rares for each. Sample hunting is back on the menu again.
AP4 always seemed fucked to me on bugs because it's good against bile spewers and just about nothing else. You need to get behind all chargers to blast their tail, which takes less damage because it counts as "squishy". AP4 also has a hard time killing bile titans, while AP5 AT can take both down. Blast chargers in the head, blast behemoths in the leg and AP3 can finish it off, blast titans in the noggin. My recoilless does work against bugs.
Top 3:
>Weapon variety and balancing feels like pure ass, like some of the worst I've ever experienced
>Riddled with perennial technical and performance issues
>PR consists of faggot-ass LARPing and actual faggots going off on their mentally ill bullshit
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Tranny Discord Mods chased away a lot of players with mass schizo bannings while allowing furry porn. Pretty lethal poison for a co-op game.

Sony keeping some countries locked out didn't help, and higher difficulty game play being horribly unbalanced because the devs kept nerfing anything good because they think this will result in people playing longer due to the progression struggle. Which doesn't work when there are dozens of looter/shooter types of games out there that people can ditch for.
No, AP4, GL, and flamethrower are pretty good against charger butt (except maybe LC) because they all have good durability damage. You'll destroy them fairly quickly, noticably faster than with primary. That is WITH the charger butt sometimes bugged out not taking direct explosive damage.
People might disagree or don't recognized this but behemoth is actually the most "balanced" heavy enemy. AT can kill them fairly efficient with leg shot armor strip but non-AT support can kill them okay, just less efficient. Such design allows non-AT support to still be decent choice to take, especially when they can contribute well to the non-heavy enemies but AT still can actually fulfill its niche on them. If AT support can kill heavy only as efficient as non-AT, support, there is ZERO reason to ever run AT support. Even if flamethrower leg bug is removed (which it should imo), behemoth is still honestly fine. People always bring up bot heavy as the "ideal" heavy design but if all heavy are designed that way, AT support might as well not exist and all will be bottom tier troll pick support weapons
>muh wrong decisions muh bad balance.
No. The gameplay loop just had no depth. Shit was as shallow as a puddle and got about as much playtime as it deserved.
I still pick the Recoilless anyway because it's faster and chargers never seem to stay still to let me blast them in the butt, so just breaking their faces is faster. I'll bring the Scorcher, as the explosions from that do stupid durability damage, and they can break charger tails super fast as well. Flamethrower fares poorly against spewers, and the grenade launcher can be a liability at times and has low ammo. I like what I like, and I know how to use it.
About 5% of the userbase knew anything about this brainrot slop though, anon
Yea, that is fine. I run all kind of builds in bot and bug diff 9 and that's my take in the matter.
As I said, AT support should have a noticable edge in taking down heavy because that is their committed niche. Scorcher is pretty decent choice as a weapon when you run AT because it's a strong and versatile gun. If that is what
you are comfortable with then it's solid.
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There's a level of incompetence you can reach where literally any change made is bad because it breaks something. You'll see someone who lasts a single week in a job because by the end people are telling them to sit down and don't touch anything because they can't do anything right. Helldivers 2 is apparently fully staffed by those people.
Worse, no one's been telling them to stop touching stuff needlessly until just lately and even then they keep secretly changing things and leaving it out of the patch notes so eventually someone goes "huh, did doing this semi-common thing always cut framerates in half, kick a random player, and crash the game?" and it turns out they were fucking around with things again.
And even on top of all that most of the updates and patches have been pretty mediocre even if they were working. No one has any hope left that this is gonna be some rollercoaster of a game with all sorts of cool crazy updates. We're gonna get one good gun per warbond and it's gonna come with a serving of game crashes.
devs not understanding people want fun, not "realism"

an example would be the mech suits, sounds like fun, but oh they only have very limited ammo, can't be having too much fun now can we?
I think their engine is a large part of the problem. It was already an obscure middleware engine, and then the engine developer went out of business in the middle of HD2 development.

Maybe they were able to get the engine's source code and continue developing it as needed, but if now there may be some engine level bugs or limitations that will never be fixable.
Even if they did get the source code, using an obscure engine means all your engineers/developers are going to have to waste time and likely make mistakes while learning the engine.
game got humiliation ritual after psn fiasco
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There isn't a single nerf they have reverted, they're too arrogant to admit they were wrong
>community is so bad in general that they couldn't face more than one charger at once and managed to waste all stratagems without dealing with threats appropriately
devs are super based and should have let shitters keep dying forever at difficulty 5 instead of nerfing armored spawns
Many such cases
I think a bigger problem is that if you dont spend extra on the credits to get the "passes" you are hard-locked out of getting new weapons/etc. You can only use the literal same AR and handgun for so long even if the game is fun before you want to switch to something else.

Shame since most of the weapons are really fun but it takes an insane amount of time to grind them out or you pay for it.
>they've already reverted all of them and buffed the shit out of most of the guns and stratagems
Railgun is still garbage.
At least it lived longer than palworld and that fact makes microsoft and their fanboys extra mad LMFAOOO
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It suceeded in spite of itself, but ultimately killed itself through poor leadership and mismanagement.
Don't forget
>backed off on the PSN requirement
>can't buy the game in PSN-restricted countries now

>nerfed weapons based on a crossplay bug
>kept buffing flame-damage because flame-DoT wasn't working as client
>results in flames dealing so much damage that you instantly died should fire so much as touch (you)

>release new overpriced ship modules
>half of them straight up don't work

>crashes everywhere

There's no quality control and they're going about their "balancing"-efforts as you would with a hyper-competitive PvP game.
problem is devs struggling at dif 4 and never beat def 5
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I see arrowniggers are still trying to astroturf these threads, here's a reminder that you got filtered by difficulty 3
>Railgun gets brought up a lot because it was absolutely unequivocally overpowered
It wasn't "unequivocally overpowered". It was performing well.
They based the entire nerf-justification on a fucking ps5 bug.

To this day the railgun is still completely fucking worthless against bugs.
Someone just tell me how to farm super credits. I've been playing this shit with friends and we're nearing the end it feels but I'd at least like to get another super credit battle pass before then.
>pick the easiest dif
>perfectly on planet with flat terrain
>look for stashes
>find map with good amount of credits
>choose same mission again
>everything on map will be the same
It's been fixed, you get no SC if you pick the same pile twice
are you fucking niggering me
Wagie wagie get in your cagie
>people still complaining about chargers
I can get through most 8 missions without dying once, chargers are so fucking easy to dance around; most my deaths usually come from the little hunter shits
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>buy online game
>it dies in less than a month

every. damn. time.
Because some people like a challenge and you don't have to play on level 9. The first Helldivers was hard as fuck.
>overnerfing railgun
>not enough information on enemies and our tools in game
>no shooting range with emulated enemies to make weapon tests quicker
>releasing bad weapons in battle passes
>releasing bad boosters
>the absolute state of mechs
>putting cool shit in game but not releasing it (car, meatshields)
The game is mega repetitive by design, and the larger "war progress" seems completely scripted, so naturally people burn out on it quickly. There's not enough to work towards after you've unlocked most Strategic Gems or at least the couple of reliable mainstays.
>struggle with difficulty 6 and up missions
>unlock quasar cannon
>can finally fight back against titans, chargers, etc.
>difficulty 7 covers them in armor so that if you don't get a pinpoint headshot, they ignore it
What the fuck kind of loadout am I supposed to be running? It feels like if you bring weapons meant to deal with armored enemies, you get slaughtered by the hundreds of unarmored ones. Then if you bring weapons to cut through unarmored enemies, you're fucked against armored ones until you have a stratagem to fire upon them and even then, some of them don't do shit or work half the time (I'm looking at you, orbital laser). If you're saying I have to strategize with randos, you're insane, these people throw out stratagems with no thought behind them, like calling bombardments on a light outpost with a single hole or factory.
Lest we also forget that performance in this game has tanked since release. My high end setup struggles to get more than 50FPS at 1080p now.
I was wondering if that was just me. What the fuck did they do? The game shits itself on higher difficulties when there's too many enemies or when there's explosions and particle effects out the ass.
Because the devs are competing against the players. This is turning out to have negative effect on sales and the game.
I have no idea. Probably comes from the bug fixes they've been making that they're just brute forcing since the game's ancient engine was never intended for this type of game to begin with. Not to mention all documentation on the engine is unavailable.
Perhaps the engine isn't actually capable of rendering all those enemies on screen and takes the easiest solution and kills itself.
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Hey, I'll reinstall as soon as you unfuck either the Eruptor or the Arcthrower. I refuse to play games where they remove the elements that made it fun and I can't mod it back in. I'll play old non-live service games instead.
>same biomes that get old quick
>map generation is really safe, and thus boring and samey between operations on a single planet but on any planet really
>Chargers make you rely on a handful of good anti-armor stuff and it stifled what people used
That is about it.
>the giant fuck you robots with flamethrowers and armor
>a cluster of airships that instantly nuke you
Someone warn me if difficulty 8 and up is worse, I haven' tried them yet.
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I've got something you might like if you want to shoot abnormally large insects, anon.
Because most of the playerbase was and still is complete dogshit at the game.
Personally I just got bored of it and dropped it slightly before the psn shenanigans. Put 110 hours in to it and enjoyed it, so I figure I got my moneys worth. Might pick it up again a year or so from now.
Sony had a magic out of nowhere wild rampant success for once they could have milked for a decade and instead they ruined it in under a year lmao
the content and progression system feels like something appropriate for an early access game.

Left 4 dead 2 has more concurrent players, and had more content even when it just released 14 years ago.
The game ran incredibly smoothly for me until the last patch, now I drop to 30 fps during firefights. The patch didn't even fix what it was supposed to
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No need to tell me, I will be Fencering face first to my death
This is why I always run breaker incendiary, and laser backpack. Frees up a spot for expendable anti tank, or quasar.
Apparently it uses the same engine as Vermintide 2 and Darktide? It should handle hordes of enemies well then but maybe it struggles with big maps. Or its just swedish incompetence at play
You ever wonder if Sandlot is always resetting their stories because they're trying to find new ways to one up their own special brand of stupidity? If only I could understand weeb, I could've been playing EDF6 to see just what the fuck is up with the time travel.
too repetitive
Devs are retards who don't play their own game and endlessly rage at players when they complain
No one is going to come back, no matter whether the old CEO resigns and devs beg players to come back by buffing stuff. It's too late, they destroyed every good will they generated in that first month of success
Both of those games are corridor shooters, so I'd say that yeah, the large environments are the issue at hand here.
I always end up taking a Guard Dog backpack, Quasar, and then whatever primary and secondary is best for the mission. Still doesn't feel good enough.
Tbh Darktide also ran like shit on release, not sure how it is now
Are the pilotable machines you unlock at Level 25 actually worth using? I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about them so I assume they're total shit.
Their not exactly amazing, the first mech was actually pretty decent against bugs on release before the devs broke it by "fixing" the occasional self destruction by its own missiles. The other one is just 4 autocannons on legs. Player autocannons, not the turret autocannon, which is paradoxically more powerful then 4 guns mounted on a fucking vehicle. They're not especially terrible, but their still a bit of a disappointment.
>they nerfed the mech
I don't know why I continue playing this shit game, everything seems to get ruined before I get to try it.
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For once I'll play devils advocate and say the missile change was meant to solve a problem, but it made a whole new one by accident. I think they've since resolved the issue and now both the minigun and missiles aim exactly where the reticle is. It just took months to get around to it, we're talking about Swedes after all.
>spend 20k slips to bring a fifth stratagem for one mission
>spend 12k slips to bring a fifth stratagem that has to be a mech
>all extra medals over the cap are converted to super credits
>all extra samples over the cap are converted to slips

There. I've made the game more fun with little changes required. Being at caps for no reward sucks ballsack.
Once you've unlocked everything on the battle passes, what's the purpose of medals? Same for unlocking all ship upgrades with samples and slips? Is there no reason to go out of your way and you might as well just complete the objectives? It feels like part of the fun was going out of the way to find the other shit.
doesn't even need to go that far either
just letting you spend requisition on a temp buff is all we need, that shit is so useless
They also did an actual nerf on the rockets
I can spoil you the entire plot if you wish.

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