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Now: Super Mario World
Next: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Later: WACCA Reverse



Previous: >>681870695
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____ _____!
2 hours of this lets go!
Do /pol/cucks not realize trannies are like the biggest Palestine activists?
Kaizofags need to die. I hate kaizoshit.
>Now: Super Mario World
Nigga, it's a kaizo hack.
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this is the worst run of the event
chart guy if you're here you might as well label it as Z and get some rest for a few hours
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I migged but I'm not proud of it.
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(≧▽≦) Trans Rights & Free Palestine!!!
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>tfw watching this
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I'm up next guys, wish me luck!
total pantsu annihilation
she's beautiful. you're pornsick if you think otherwise.
Kek, daring
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I'm a migger
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I'm not going to pay close enough attention to find a half-hearted reason to post this, let's just get it out of the way
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Why are threads always so shit during American prime time?
Has there been a Ukraine donation this event?
human rights are not political
>tranner on screen
Yes we exist, and we're not going anywhere. Get over it.
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Rules for thee but not for me
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I genuinely do not get the support for trans rights and Palestine they keep inserting every 4th dono.
Don't people from the middle east hate trans or, anything degenerate? Surely they know this.
Also, I swear every time they feature Kaizo Mario, it looks more and more like esoteric garbage every year.
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Couldn't they have played a good hack instead? I like My Melody Adventure.
this shit is mad gay, I'll just go watch a 2 minute lilkirbs video about some retarded mario maker level
>Unironic shoutout to the tech crew
>post gay porn actor
>mad at the current convo
fuck off FAGGOT
Can someone post THE webm?
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This guy looks like the guy from the webm I've seen where he is getting really angry at some game and is pressing his keyboard really fast. The overlay makes it look like the hands are just under his neck so he is like an angry T-rex. Someone reply to this with the webm if you know what I mean
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miggu miggu
not one that was read
Still on the same section...
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What makes these runs so fucking bad? Just watching them die on the same part over and over?
this run is so much less hype than the last one they did in mario maker
That's not trendy anymore
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>2024 GDQ
Palestines hate trannies and will stone them to death and refuse to give them any rights
but somehow the entire community has been brainwashed into supporting them because...they're the victims(?) of a foreign war that has no impact on our personal lives.
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You mean Artosis?
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is there an android app for twitch with built-in adblocking? i want to go to sleep but i also want to continue watching in bed. i remember using one years ago but can't remember its name
yeah its like dark souls
This is horrible, I thought they'd already played the levels but no we get to see them die a billion times over and over
Return to your containment board
Last warning
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There's a severe lack of bald man.
>Bald heteroseuxal male on a team of trannies
>He fucks up
>He takes another turn anyways, confident in his sexuality
>He just keeps doing it
that was so 2023 bro, nobody cares
>the timer went back to zero
ha ha fuck yeah. Thanks based webm anon
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Wait so why can they jump sometimes and other times they can't?
I'm not actually paying attention to this background noise.
>white man team is always the first to finish the first section but loses every time
Almost like they are being told to dial it (dilate) it back and go slow so the tranny team can screensnipe their progress
my guy you have an android
just google "twitch no ads apk" and install
cmon dude
Fuck off normalfag, this is an anime website.
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The one with Dode? That was, what, 2-3 years ago?
At the very least the levels were easy to follow, but these levels are unintelligible.
>you are GOING to want to see this inventive

He looks like Tucker Carlson
There was a gimmick on that stage making it so you can't jump unless a P-switch is active.
what am i looking at
What's the context for this?
Why is Yotsuba watching Walter White play Mario?
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they can only jump when a p switch is active. that was the gimick for that level but not for this whole romhack it seems
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>$1.2 mil
Is this good for gdq standards
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Imagine ripping the biggest fart then dying so you switch chairs with the next guy
Ito has such a good eye for drawing unnerving faces
>thread isn't even on page 9 yet
>new thread is 70 posts in
It's hard being a migger...
Just use the iframe URLs in Chrome, they don't load ads.

with chat:

without chat:
Why are people who can't run Mario running a Kaizo?
I was just thinking >>681875009
left was him during that run. Fucking face blindness, man.
oh the play bar was hiding it
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He was not having a good time.
>team straight white male losing
humiliation ritual
Yeah I see that too
kys faggot
with inflation? lolno
This game doesn't look fun
On the contrary. They're not pathetic enough to have complete mastery of an autistic mario romhack like this like trannies are.
Damn I don't recognize a single runner. Where are all the oldfags at?
The groovy goombas are kinda bad at this
Man exposed to dishonest protoss trash for over 30 seconds
Maybe you should go to Palestine once it's free since you love it so much and see how things go for you, ma'am.
Just tuned in. What are the rules here? They get 2 lives before they pass the controller?
Can't wait for ESA
It's still alive to me dammit
this sucks
Cancelled or retired.
But it's not a vtuber website. Just anime. Vtuber is anime but 10x lamer and gayer
>Where are all the oldfags at?
banned. this is gdq remember?
You don't have to like kaizo but this is the biggest and loudest crowd I've seen in days, they're actually into what's happening.
banned for having fun
Someone was beating him in Starcraft. He claimed they were a bad player for doing that.
She's growing on me a lot for some reason, just how she's a complete anomaly. Its like she's not real.
Doggystyle using her hair as handles
oldbois were told to transition to female or to their own streams
>no tits
What a disaster
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>they suck but that makes them cool
i recognize the tranny in the yoshi burqa but only from this marathon. carlsagan was at the marathon earlier, surprised he's not at least doing commentary since he's usually on for this shit. grandpoobear is on the couch in a few hours, idk why he's not in this either
banned or transed
The irony of a trannyrunner saying this, lmao.
did you miss the heckin doggo run from yesterday?
lol his arms are so short haha
I know it's hard but y'all kinda suck
No cool points from that. Nobody has ukraine flag in their twitter bio now, its palestine flag!
Didn't grandpoobear die? He was a good runner
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Stay strong brother!
It's very middle of the road. There's something like 8 events that raised more by now, and 11 less, at least going back to 2015.
he's doing commentary in like four hours
She seriously has no fucking sense for fashion. Like holy fuck, you'd think with all those genuine fags around they'd say something to her.
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god i hope she has a massive yet well groomed bush going all the way up her fupa
carl is on for the mm2 run
>Hiding away in the tournament room (They came out of hiding for the Evil Zone tournament)
It'll unironically be fine, don't let /vee/ gaslight you
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It's fine.
We're so back
probably not. one thing i've noticed is that girls who die their hair typically shave.
>die their hair
ughRochester did.
threads will be dead during prime time thoever
I love Floor Peijenburg
they'll just keep resetting the clock until they meet this donation incentive
tomorrow's bonus game is a troll kaizo race and i genuinely think they're not going to make it.
These Mario races are supposed to be one of the main events GDQ but honestly this is really low energy and boring
She dresses better than literally everyone there, those malebrained losers have no place to tell her how to dress
Did they stack the tranny team?
Groovy Goombas what the fuck are we doing
The venue is so fucking packed for this pile of shit run
can't believe I bet all my channel points on these losers
here comes some tranny donations
it was fine when she wasn't fat 10 years ago
now it's just the wall giving gut punch after gut punch, when all she had to do was not eat like shit, and use sun screen regularly
she's thick in all the wrong places, it's kind of remarkable actually
this is the 3rd "kaizo" this event. it's too much at this point.
groovy goombros.. its over..
Bacon Barbie
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With how long her hair has been that color it's probably accurate to say die
humiliation ritual
How many points do they need to get for this to finish?
It's rigged so shoujo's team always wins
I thought the guy talking was doing a Ben Shapiro impression at first
Meh the only fun relays are the ones where they get each person to do a star in sunshine or some shit. There's always one guy who didn't practice and shit ensues. This is alright, but yeah we get it it's hard and you die alot. Woo hoo.
I just noticed that they've been restarting the timer between each race,
If they're taking 15-20 minutes per level, and they have 8 levels, no way is this gonna make estimate
kaizo lore
dream has a good jawline, but i don't know what it is about him that still makes him...ugly
>rule number 3: when you see the sign flash shout "TRANS RIGHTS"
we getting actual music?
This sucks
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Anon, eat your 2024 GDQ event
Finally someone else says it
Shoujo is always rigged to win these races
The Goombas never win. They're like the Washington Generals to the Fuzzys' Harlem Globetrotters
Wait a minute... this isn't /vmdg/
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What do you FUCKING mean I have to actively WATCH the ad, it literally pauses if the thing is off-screen

holy shit this is horrible, fuck twitch
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This is truly awful
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holy shit kekkkkk
they've engineered this entire block to stall as much time for donation incentives as possible
fukken miracles
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imagine looking her in the eyes in person and being met with that smile
You just know when they hype something up it's about to be the lamest shit
All of his proportions seem to smooshed together imo
>rave party
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he has a small mouth that makes him look like a wiener
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Yeah this is getting a ZZZ from me
back to vidya
ok this is kinda cool
He just needed a bit of muscle and better hair cut
I will bet $1000 dollars theres a trans flag in this level
wow this is....... so cool..........
omg it migu
He desperately needs facial hair
Is this OCR? Nice.
longcat is
Watch it turn into Undertale shite.
zfg is in go mode

i repeat. zfg is in go mode
this sucks i hate hate hate
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>bad apple
>false advertising as it's not Mario World or Kaizo
>random romhack nobody cares about
>not one, not two, not three, but MULTIPLE trannies
>2 fucking hours
>every single donation has mysteriously become trans rights shit

So this is gonna be the worst run of the event yeah? Super Sonic has nothing on this
this is the worst thing i have ever seen
Okay, this is genuinely tricky do do within SMW. Cool stuff.
wow was that a racist chud reference to 4chan longcat racisms chuddies!? ban these runners
Where is the speedrunning though?
shoujo is actually pretty skilled, though
for a tranny
what is this, how do they die?
>Flygone STILL masks in 2024
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Trains rights and everything but this is actually kinda sick
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>streaming sgdq in the living room
>roommate walks in during the checkpoint
Made my day.
sorry /v/ros but this is SOVL
will rate S
this is so fucking gay
Trannies already took over Touhou. I've seen a bunch of them in the community.
excuse me hi i just was wondering where the uh speed running event was?
>tranny on the right thought SMW has 69 exits
what the fuck? do you not play this game for a living?
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Imagine learning this image was from summer 2024
>for a tranny
Yes as a biological man. If he were actually a girl then it would be impressive.
This isn't even fun to watch ironically.
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What are you guys playing?
Fucking demoscene ass shit occurring rn, pretty based even if the run is shit
cringe without the kino
Have you seen his face? That's the only reason he masks up still.
About time
>Watching this at home :-l
>Watching this on commentary
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That was fucking sick
goomba bros we're back
climbing floors in Palace of the Dead solo run on RDM
That was pretty cool actually
>"Which team will win?"
>both runners instantly head to their own side
slightly kino
that was kinda cool, cool to see dan salvato still does mario levels
that was cool you guys just hate fun
>Level loading
>Stream begins stuttering
>Freeze Frame on "What a horrible Nig"
>Unfreezes to audience cheers and hoots
instant SSS
would have been cool if it wasnt for this event
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That's the kind of romhack fun I like to see
Very nice
Toohoo is the definition of tranny shit.
downloading GTAIV again on my Steam Deck
yeah ill admit that was kinda cool
That was cool, i guess.

Lets go gookbas
Vagrant Story.
ZUN says fuck off to troons and homos
I'm watching it muted and this was pretty kino
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Just beat bloodborne and wanted to turn on cheats to +10 all the weapons I cared about for ng+ and it corrupted my game save

Now hylics 2
>only groovy goombas got hurt
Rigged for Shoujo
why did the timer reset
Missed most of this event. Has it been good? Looks like they got a full audience tonight.
Just did a quick scarlet monastery run in wow classic
The bullet hell level was cool, I just wish it wasn't sandwiched by lame kaizo dying a billion times and making zero progress/
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>reset timer
comfy and nostalgic
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cringe ass bad apple shit on an emulator is not cool
each stage is hard capped at 15 min
if you were insecure about your ability to pass wouldn't you try to cover your face as well?
Mediocre mostly. This is one of the few times the room has look filled at all today.
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How big is this fucking hotel to sleep all this crowd?
did you get my wife's hat?
You rike? Been on my list for ps1 jrpgs for a whole but haven't gotten around to it
finna fire up elden ring dlc (second playthrough)
here its only 3 minutes and its better than whats on right now
oh my god wait what the fuck why did it reset!???
right now there is nothing that Im interested in so Im kinda just waiting for shit to come out
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That was actually awesome, sad to go back to boring level trial and error.
Felt like I was about to generate a serial number for Paint Shop Pro 6.
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zenless zone zero
why the fuq does shoujo have a ps5 controller?
You haven’t lived if you haven’t shot heroin
What happened with Chibi-Robo?
>Katamari is an F
Who the fuck rated puwexil running yet another boring rpg this highly?
Miss them every day
I see you are fucking old like me. you probably spent weeks downloading 500 rar files for Ray dream studio from a warez site back in the day.
I'm sure it was an E earlier...
it's not, they didn't book a backup hotel either, we had to fend for ourselves
Why such a spread for Evil Zone?
doing my yearly periodic sessions of playing Black Desert
think i might actually last longer than a week this time around
>one guy samefagged a hundred Zs
>one guy samefagged a hundred Ss
>only the second guy got banned and his posts deleted
That's the rundown.
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comfy game, allegra was one of my first crushes
I'd really rather prefer if you be quiet
It was pretty fun but also literally not a speedrun
What’s everyone getting for prime day
Not a speedrun.
don't lie. you lost.
not a speedrun but actually cool and /v/ can't make up their minds on what matters here anymore
The fuck is Katamari so low?
The matches were genuinely enjoyable, but certain people spammed F's for "not a speedrun"
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As someone who likes TP randos normally would I like this one?
Chartfag keeps reducing the rating for Katamari every time the chart is posted.
This shit sucks man
Fucking took forever but had old GDQ vibes
furry vtuber

What the fuck happened?
I feel like no. I like zelda randos but this one was just boring. Spike literally didn't know certain tricks and they had to teach him mid run.
>I missed the SMW race
Who won?
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I, without exaggeration, remember PS1 and DC iso downloads taking 3 days. Then 1x CD burns taking over an hour. Glad to have you, brother
Internet gaming video was better before facecams
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Total ratefag death.
Katamari runner was a Japanese guy with a furry vtuber model.
Of course the ratings were heavily polarized by furfags and anti-furfags.
I think the run itself was pretty good for what it's worth
>Not a speed run
>old GDQ vibes
Just because there were tits in it, didn't make it like old GDQ.
trans rights wasn't enough, they've really upped it now
they have these relays every year
The panic when he says "one more thing" from the runners. You know they were being told in their headset for him to shut the fuck up
I'm off to play with my lara croft barbies, see you guys later.
huh that's not how it works
Man the estrogen makes the fuzzies very powerful. They are mogging really hard.
Yeah so get rid of the face cam don't replace it with your female furry OC and then larp as a girl
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>trans right and free palestine!
this run is fun and /v/ is seething
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I see. It's not vanilla SMW...What the fuck is this shit?
>Not a speed run
Fair but it's been the only entertaining thing today
No elden ring DLC runs? lame
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Do Palestinians support trans rights?
lol I can't remember the biggest piece of software, but yes, going overnight as to not tie up the phone line during the day on 14.4k was definitely a time investment measured in calendars and not clocks
don't ask a palestinian what their opinions on trans rights are
I don't get it. What's the context here? Is this guy pulling a chibi caveman deal or what?
these kaizo levels are entirely bullshit, and I imagine the runners themselves are thinking the same thing
It is like watching mice get electrocuted
How many webms are there like this? What's his problem?
They still have a right to exist chud. Go suck some Israeli cock somewhere else
i would not appreciate that since i'm still working through it
Jesus why are there so many overestimate runs this year? Did they scrape the bottom of the barrel of runners or what?
>It is like watching mice get electrocuted
very nice
Anybody else remember when they used to do this shit on Mario Maker?
they ban everyone good
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why's purrely here?
him raging is part of his brand now for better or worse.
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Did /ourgirl/ win I had to leave and watch tv with my mommy
this song sounds familiar but I can't remember where it's from
lot of runners are whos that get extreme stage fright
Yeah, it was waaaaay better
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>Look up A Rank Katamari
>Its a Z
Y'all just need to relax, this is easily most fun and challenging runs during this SGDQ. You just hate it because, you know
I really do miss the days of low quality videos with faceless voices. I'm with ya.
that's funny
i love seeing all this KNOWLEDGE being gained
You don't understand. There's fucking toss scum being dishonest on ladder
I'm pretty sure Spike Vegeta's Twilight Princess hack run is the first double over estimate run.
Because they fucking moved the estimate back and then went over the moved back estimate too.
The power of nepotism.
since gdq is now supporting palestine
does this mean no more jewish funding for them?
this is like that dunkey video of him dying over and over again on mario maker lol
>is the first double over estimate run
Definitely not
Wh-What if chartanon is just waiting to make the Katamari run rainbow colored..
yeah wtf i want more demoscene mario
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This is why
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Who has the current ratings?
Groovy goombas suck lmao
lmao the Link to the Past run this morning just had a double over estimate too
The top runners dont need GDQ anymore, they go and stream and get the same amount of viewers. The second tier runners are all banned or don't go anymore, the third tier runners they get two or three each year, the rest are bottom tier runners.
goombas getting raped hard
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funky fuzzies are the best right now
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>Because they fucking moved the estimate back and then went over the moved back estimate too.
kek wish i was there
I guess they can't say "guys" because that assumes someone's gender, so it's Y'ALL
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TP was only over estimate once; they raised it the first time to match the incentive met partway through the run. I'm all for antagonizing Spike, but do it honestly.
It's not really two hours is it? Is that just a really high estimate given the volatility of it being a relay race?
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Nah, Final Fantasy 5 last event AGDQ 2024.
Trannies are mogging them
Butcher on set
So /ourgirl/ IS winning. Eat shit chuds. Kek!!!
They increased the estimate twice, once for each additional dungeon incentive that was met. Not saying that's a legit excuse or not, just demystifying it.
Man, Thab has been carrying his team.
It's posted in this thread you lazy fatty
Cute transgirl
ThaBeast too strong
They look cute.
To be fair, they raised the estimate because two donation incentives to make it longer were met.
doctors without borders is the most jewish (((charity))) in existence

WAIT. Spike did a run that went DOUBLE over?! Someone explain to me in detail. Oh god I am so hard. I fucking hate that self inserting cunt. He can't fucking speedrun
>female furry OC
this is how we describe anime cat girls now? you're disrespecting decades old japanese tradition
What was that person in the audience screaming before getting reprimanded by the announcer?
>one voice dominating the commentary
>just assume it's the he/him commentator
>look at the names
>realize it's been the "they/she" all along
el oh el
>romhack using music from non Mario games
Miss me with that shit. I hate that
It's literally an anthro, Haru himself says it's an anthro
lmfao they literally had one right before that where you were
no, they added dungeons as the run was happening
spike is actually fairly competent and donkey kong and kh speedruns.

not everything else tho
It wasn't even the first double over estimate run TODAY
>that super Mario sunshine run
Pure kino
lmao, based chartman.
trans rights
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i love how girls wear tight tummy revealing shirts and baggy pants again just like in the early 2000's
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He did commentary for Kaizo Mario Galaxy. We had a timer anon start a stop watch every time he didn't speak and took bets on it. He lasted 17 seconds. A few years he put out a butthurt tweet saying "I'm not saying that commentary was bad but if it was your favourite run you probably don't like speedrunning." It was just a couch of people having fun and (in his opinion) talking too much. He added nothing of value to the couch because he said "I haven't even watched this run"
I don't think any speedrunner gets 10k+ viewers lol
thanks bitch
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man this sucks so much ass
are they really traveling left?
nah fuck that run and the zoomers who never shut up
what's wrong with "everyone" or "peeps"
his willingness to learn new games to run isn't something you see too often
no, retards keep spouting this. the estimate was increase twice. once was because extra dungeon incentive was met mid-run. the second one seemingly was just because they were going to go over estimate. so only single over, not double
am exicted for the aftermath
would it kill them to just have someone run SMW and not some kaizo meme relay race for once
>Spike literally didn't know certain tricks and they had to teach him mid run.
Wow that's impressive adaptation, Spike must be a very skilled runner
phew, only single over
Even if this is true it doesn't excuse him from using being on staff to force his fucking awful commentary on any run he wants.
Complained about a super mario land run with just group of friends chilling on a coach and having fun. Very old GDQ feel to it. Spike hated it because they talked "too much". Anon timed how long Spike could remain quiet during a run few days ago and excluding donations, the longest time that Spike was quiet was 17 seconds
Spike routed his detractors and proved them wrong. He PACKED the house with spectators too.
i'll agree to that. ya gotta be bad at something first before you're good.

I wish they went back to showcasing skill though.
nobody plays SMW anymore anon
Throw yourself into a volcano.
fuck you
the groovy goombas are lacking in KNOWLEDGE
Makes sense it's an rpg run because I always turn those right off.
Seethe faggot, they knew what they were on about even if they were ADHD
This is just miserable, it makes sense they couldn't find a real girl to run kaizo, only men play this
>come to a run unprepared because you know it doesn't matter cause you are staff and they can't ban you

He is such a self righteous cunt
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Kaizo slop is not good level design. It's just muscle memory and guessing what autistic sequence of frame-perfect inputs you'll be required to perform back to back with zero room for error.
the commentator is making this seem deeper than it actually is.

this ain't a randomizer it's not that deep
IMO Harutomo is a good way to tell if someone is a newfag/tourist because he's been at GDQ a lot. So if they're sperging out about him NOW it can only mean its their first time seeing him.
Ya and shoujo she’s the magic bullet desu sorry to say
more of a skill issue they couldn't even get to the rainbow shell part of the last level
nobody plays 90% of the games in these marathons anymore what's your point
>Grandpoobear getting annoyed this is taking too long and he isn't getting attention
Every time
Fuking kek
You'd be wrong because Haru always had he/him pronouns up until this year which caused a lot of controversy.
H-he's a boy! A cute boy!!
I was playing Outrun 2006 with the new fixes.
Honestly it hasn't even felt like an hour for this run yet. It's just too fun!
Dixiefags, is it "y'all" or "ya'll"?
Yeah, the guy's good at mario
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where is the kino?
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The day, 5th July 2024, the vidya gaems world was in disbelief. A decade long dispute between the brightest minds and elite thinkers of /v/ (~75IQ) came to a closure. It is forever indisputably settled that Chibi, the autistic retard, who cant live a single day without embarrassing himself, was in fact, in the wrong. A democratic 'rate' of Cavemans latest stream appearance, a tournament of the lesser known Playstation fighting game Evil Zone, revealed the majority of /v/irgins was pleased and entertained. Ratings of A and S came out on top over some triple ZZZ ratings. With this, the restless minds of /v/ can close a chapter and dedicate themselves to more pressing issue, like 'why are they still wearing a mask?', 'is kojima a hack?' and 'did Adachi do nothing wrong?'.
Haru himself says the character is a girl on his twitch page
I will not respond ro your bait again.
Just for that I'm going to rewatch it. Fuck you it was one of the top 3 speedruns I've ever seen in my life
they gave more time because more levels were added while they were playing
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It's kino... nah jk its fucking boring.
>It's just muscle memory and guessing what autistic sequence of frame-perfect inputs you'll be required to perform back to back with zero room for error.
...aka speedrunning
How is in this in any form or meaning a "speedrun"? It's just a bunch of people trying over and over and over again.
y'all. God damn trannies and lefties appropriating my culture
>MGS4 at 2AM
Fucking traitorous faggots quit putting good shit at the early hours
Why won't the tranny pass the controller on?
Hate how a perfectly acceptable means of addressing a group is now a buzzword that's related to those with mental issues. As a Southern American, this hurts my vernacular.

Y'all. It's "You All", not "Ya All".
you all -> youall -> y'all
kek what a sissy german bitch
>/v/ cannot comprehend the notion of 'solidarity'
checks out
Gives me these vibes
all vtumors are fucking faggots, no exceptions nigger
The new pressing question is "why is the venue so empty" that gets conveniently not asked during runs like this run because the venue is in fact, not empty
You genuinely don't speedrun if you believe it's just performing a sequence of inputs, plenty of games have all sorts of shit you have to adapt to on the fly.
I like that jump!
But the day will come when you'll have to choose between the two. They can't coexist.
Solidarity for people who would stone you to death if they knew you were a tranny?
yous >>>>> y'all
It's too powerful of a word frankly, it's why it's reserved to a very specific part of the US.
Why do they y'all so much? I know the whole "replacing you guys with y'all" but we dont say "you guys" twice a sentence. Are they roleplaying a southerner in the 1800s? Is it addictive to say?
>can you imagine coming to GDQ and not knowing your run?
Yes, we call those failed runs.
Ey, yous guys
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okay i'm usually the last person to bitch about it, but the amount of times i'm hearing y'all is too high
Return to your containment board
Last warning
Wow, so many girls present at this event now. Great progress!
Same reason they say trans rights so often, it's become a tic.
the north east was always the superior part of america
Is there really two more hours of this shit?
Or just "everyone" thats inclusive and broad. Y'all just sounds so dumb. It just doesn't work or flow at all.
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messing around on Dragon's crown
Is purple yoshi girl cute?
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bring back goon speak
I am gonna progressively sniff some chairs if you know what I mean
Straighties got SWEPT
you will never be a janny
But if you're not a newfag/tourist why didn't you complain about it the other years?
Sorry bro
>everyone avoids mentioning that goombas can't even tie any more
>working on this rom hack since October
>everything is in place for it to finally happen
>It's a fucking wash out with no tension
I think you meant 'yinz'
the hint disguised as a troll was good
>word entirely comprised of soft sounds
>doesn't flow
Baldur's Gate 3 wondering when it gets good
>Y'all just sounds so dumb. It just doesn't work or flow at all.
Only because of the forced way they say it. Doesnt sound natural.
Imagine the smell...
Stay positive, test negative, sisters!!!
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just caught this, pretty topical
>Eye drifts around at random
>Shitty nu-doom zoomer ref and le silly fac
>jojo pose
>Finally lands on witch
Any good audience moments from this year?
Peek a boo, youse fucks youse.
It'd be kino
>OoT run costs $100k to run
>Fast50 had the exact same run done by the exact same runner... for free
>the money raised during Fast50 was on the same pace as SGDQ2024
lmao, GDQ in shambles
every level has a 15 minute timer, this was explained already, please pay attention
last level is worth 200 points
They say "y'all" because it's a way of de-gendering "you guys."
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I love sylveon (male)
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in case y'all are curious why "y'all"
don't @ me, just passing along KNOWLEDGE
for some reason is the wizard's face always gets me.
If being from Pennsylvania didn't mean I was a perfect human being I would have the ego to gloat about how much better I am than everyone else.
why not just say ladies and gentlemen? then its inclusive
Why are they playing romhacks instead of Mario Maker this year
why do you think he wears the mask?
>Large Woman on the right (jk I have to assume it's a tranny)
>swapping seats for 2 hours
She is gonna have a fucking heart attack with all this exercise
you tell me
west PA is yinz

east PA is youse
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Good to see crowds have recovered to pre2020 now.

Too many homosexuals.
how do you call this phenotype
uhmm, did you just exclude non-binary folk?
Umm sis?? Are you forgetting your enbies??
Agender seller... you can't handle my face. It is too STRONG for you
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200 points, alright!
Horse gir-
oh wait
>Who doesn't want more Grandpoo?
Me. I don't want any.
west PA > east PA
west PA has sheetz
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>Turn away from the stream because the level is just players constantly being required to do near frame perfect shell jumps and failing repeatedly
>Tune in for the next level
>It's also just requiring the players do frame perfect shell jumps repeatedly and failing
money laundering done quick!
I literally did
second, he appeared on GDQ like 2 fucking years ago so where do you get off calling people newfags retard
>Got this when it came out
>Was a solid party member that solidified a spot on my team when playing the main game
>Now it's an icon
I hate this so much. Genuinely the first Eeveelution I was able to enjoy on my team, and now it's sickening to even look at. I always made fun of people for thinking furries ruined their childhood cartoons with animals, but now I know what it feels like to have something I like being tainted.
He looks Ao oni-ish
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I didn't care for Palestine.
>People refer to groups of girls as "you guys" all the time because it's just a colloquial thing English speakers do
>Girls will even call each other "dude" or "man" because the context will sometimes allow those gendered terms
>There is nothing formal or weird about using "you all" or just "all" since it serves the same function as "y'all"
>Even when someone does use >>681879474 it's turned into a joke thanks to shit like "... and non-binary pals"
The more you think about it the stupider it gets.
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Corey Feldman
East PA has Sheetz too.
no one cared who he was until he put on the mask
Nobody plays Toe Hoe
kaizoshit has lost its novelty a decade ago
Have you never seen a kaizo?
>Genuinely the first Eeveelution I was able to enjoy on my team
look at this fairy type playrough spamming shitter boys and girls
I have sheetz and wawa within 10 miles of my house
Stop telling these tranny tourists to play Touhou
Welcome to 99% of kaizo romhacks
I don't know how anyone can enjoy this shit except for flexing your epic "gamer" skills on stream
Even IWBTG is more fun than this shit
how long has this been going, they keep resetting the clock
Shut the fuck up about toe hoe my god no one cared including people on the mic
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Don't bring GDQfags into Touhou please
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Is it over?
But why y'all? There's plenty of other words: People, peeps, gang, everyone, pals, buddies, friends, etc.
I say "you lot."
Don't worry. Kaizo replaced TAS. KAizo is now going to be replaced by heckin pupperino runs.
Give it up for the racists y'all
Kill 2hus. Behead 2hus. Roundhouse kick a 2hu into the concrete. Slam dunk a 2hu baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy 2hus. Defecate in a 2hus food. Launch 2hus into the sun. Stir fry 2hus in a wok. Toss 2hus into active volcanoes. Urinate into a 2hus gas tank. Judo throw 2hus into a wood chipper. Twist 2hus heads off. Report 2hus to the IRS. Karate chop 2hus in half. Curb stomp pregnant 2hus. Trap 2hus in quicksand. Crush 2hus in the trash compactor. Liquefy 2hus in a vat of acid. Eat 2hus. Dissect 2hus. Exterminate 2hus in the gas chamber. Stomp 2hu skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate 2hus in the oven. Lobotomize 2hus. Mandatory abortions for 2hus. Grind 2hu fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown 2hus in fried chicken grease. Vaporize 2hus with a ray gun. Kick old 2hus down the stairs. Feed 2hus to alligators. Slice 2hus with a katana.
What have you learned from these threads so far?
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Where the fuck is the Tonic run?
That my time would be better spent baking bread than watching this slop
Who is this semen demon.

I-I mean... stupid tranny!
Why not just say all then? "Hey all" sounds better than "Hey y'all"
>Been playing video games for 30+ years.
>No fucking idea what a Toho is.
>What have you learned from these threads so far?

That you cannot say the N-word on /v/ anymore.
It's the dawn of a new era...
Guys has become all inclusive for decades now. Calling a group of females "girls" is infantilizing them, and calling them ladies demeaning. The problem with y'all is that its been co-opted by leftie weirdos who will usually follow it up with some pretentious hollier than thou bullshit.
zozzle where have you been the past 12(13?) years. toho nonsense has always went hand in hand with speedrunners and GDQ before uyama banned those big ass plushies
i wanna be the guy
Touhoufags ARE GDQfags, I'm sorry.
The spain nigger got red, stop talking out of your ass gaylord

Youre just making it worse by giving them attention newfag
It's 8 levels with a maximum runtime of 15 minutes each. (They only reached that once so far)
So basically this has been going on for almost an hour and half, with about 20 minutes remaining
4 hours.
you just know these niggas couldnt into a 1CC
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>touhou now is normie approved
what happened?
I'm going to sleep, someone give this ZZZ to this run on my behalf. This is the rockbottom
bet peanut butter couldn't do this shit
And the fact that it's the ONLY piece of vernacular they took from Southern/black American dialect. So you just get their typical speech with a random YA'LL always louder than it should be dropped in the middle.
some bullet hell tryhard garbage

>2 mins pass

I read that in the same tone
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Go back to your containment thread.
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This one heckler is absolutely about to be banned for trying to have fun during a boring kaizo relay
comment of the day
How are bonus games real? What would they do if they didn't meet the incentive? Crowd cam and donation shilling for an hour?
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Should I make myself a peanut butter jelly sammich to stay up for OoT?
Or should I just go to bed?
>because I said so
that was me
>But why people? There's plenty of other words: Y'all, peeps, gang, everyone, pals, buddies, friends, etc.
>But why peeps? There's plenty of other words: People, y'all, gang, everyone, pals, buddies, friends, etc
>But why gang? There's plenty of other words: People, peeps, y'all, everyone, pals, buddies, friends, etc
>But why everyone? There's plenty of other words: People, peeps, gang, y'all, pals, buddies, friends, etc
>But why pals? There's plenty of other words: People, peeps, gang, everyone, y'all, buddies, friends, etc
>But why buddies? There's plenty of other words: People, peeps, gang, everyone, pals, y'all, friends, etc
>But why friends? There's plenty of other words: People, peeps, gang, everyone, pals, buddies, y'all, etc
Ohhh yeah that makes sense. Bullet hells are not fun
the irony is Fast50 did the exact same run with the exact same runner and charged nothing for it, didnt even need to beg for money for it
I more so remember the staple of Kaizo games was restructured level design to make the game harder in a funny way with bullshit hazard placement, not "Do this frame perfect tech 10 times to proceed", because even the developers know that's not fun.
I don't get why they're playing SMW when it's shit
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Oh boy. What are we in for Danny.
PB is now getting beaten half to death for almost going over estimate
C-come on...
IWBTG threads AREN'T that old, r-right?
Why is the audience pretending to be hyped all of a sudden? It's so jarring.
How much have they raised in the past few years from their peak? I used to watch these GQDs when they started and shilled here on /v/, but the tranny scourge the past 8 or so years has been too much so I fucked off. I'm just curious if they are getting more and more popular or if people are tired of the Mike Jewyama scam and trannies.
>Bullet hell right before the end
Jesus Christ people think this garbage is good?
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TFW we'll never see a good IWBTG fangame at GDQ ever again
The pre-arranged corporate sponsor donations make sure they get met.
Interesting. If chat wasn't sub only I would spam a link to that vod in there
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Make a sammich and stay up with us
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you didn't make people actually play the games
you didn't gatekeep
it's over
deadass thought this was a screenshot from Creep lol
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Go to bed. You can watch the stream later.
>winner takes all level
so everything so far has been meaningless
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someone remembered to turn on the hype monitor
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>he doesn't know
Can this faggot in the crowd stop shouting at everything
>90% of competition is just to determine who gets an irrelevant headstart in the final
simply epic. would be one thing if they couldn't screen peak
anyone got the gif of mike uyama scornfully throwing the 2hu out of frame
It just means you all. relax.
It worked the first time figured I'd try it again
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>Winner takes y'all
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When is it over?
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>missed another GDQ until friday
>they get to screen peek during the handicap
What's the fuckin point?
Yeah the screen peak makes the rest of the runs irrelevant
GDQ would instantly be better if all the trannies were actually pretty & passing, these autistic wanna-be's are hard to tolerate
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How are the viewers third lowest yet the donations are in the middle?
shut the fuck up
Ive only been on /v/ for a few years.
>people don't live in the south
I literally say y'all every day because it's how I grew up. Why does that make you so angry?
>tune in for Super Mario World run
>it's not Super Mario World
Damn. Jewyama courting trannies might be one of the best fiscal decisions anyone has made. He must be a multimillionaire by now.
why are you so angry? its literally an abbreviation of 'you all'
I gigantic amount of the donation money comes from companies like the Yeti throwing in 10k donations in the last few days as advertisements that they can write off as charity donations.
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It should be at least 1min per point to make it matter. But that would be too competitive or embarrassing if they didn't even get to play at the end after getting smashed by 3 whole losses.
You're obviously not who he's talking to, retard
They just pay whatever amount before it starts, it's not like someone from the Yetee is sitting there watching the stream and making donations, they've got a pool of 100k or 150k or whatever it is in advance.
I bet this chair swapping is the most exercise these people have gotten in years
>this AMAZING ORIGINAL song by whoever
>it's the most boring bland credits song you've ever heard
what did they mean by this
God, can you guys SEE the HAZE of stench in the cam on bottom?
>kungfu blindfolded

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