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Will Natlan save Genshin Impact?
public execution of all gachaniggers
huh I remember /v/ seething over the company being taken over by fujos forcing clothed designs? what happened?
Does anybody know what language they were singing in at the end of the Natlan teaser?
ZZZnooze being shit is going to single handily save Genshit
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Rumor has it that recently China is loosening restrictions on video game depictions which is why the design team is more gutsy with these designs
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Still curious to find out if they really made a new model for girls that is in-between current child model and medium. Because the geo loli is smaller than medium sized girls but definitely bigger with better limbs than current child models.
Natlan is supposedly also coming with a graphic update so maybe they are just upgrading the child model in general rather than introducing a new model.
Really? Source?
I don't think so, somebody said it was perspective that made that girl a larger loli.

What we do know is that from 5.0 onward, we'll have a "buff male" model. Whether it's playable, we don't know yet.
None. If it's true, we'd have bikinis.
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that'd turn off normalfags which are the majority of genshit's playerbase at this point.
I'm eager to see if WuWa will get censored
and if it'll get lewd skins
it's literally just schizos
I stopped playing a few days ago.
The buff male has been claimed to be a thing in leaks sinc eSumeru, I'll believe it when I see it. When it comes to the small girl here, it's definitely not just perspective because you can compare in-game right now with characters side by side or Sayu doing her stretches, it's definitely not the same.
Nah they definitely upgraded to HSR/ZZZ level of models.

geo loli is taller than normal lolis
hydro teen is thicker than the normal teens
dendro boy is taller than the girl and looks to be normal adult male height while keeping the boyish looks.
like 60% of genshin's fanbase are mentally ill women and teenage girls, there'd be chaos if they did anything remotely saucy at this point
Start with yourself, steamcuck.
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>mesoamerican inspired setting
>all revealed characters are white or slightly tanned in native south american clothes
>according to leaks the pyro archon is a white redheaded woman dressed like an european colonizer
Whill mihoyo get away with it?
The only mentally ill people are DEI xitterfags who hate genshin.
Emilie owes me sex
>The buff male has been claimed to be a thing in leaks sinc eSumeru
Since Itto
I wouldn't be surprised, the video game hating CCP boomers probably got spooked when they saw how much their entire tech sector dipped when they tried to increase regulations. They don't like it, but vidya and especially digital gacha opium are hard carrying all Chinese STEM industries, and expanding it is the easiest venue to make more money.
Of course they will. The fuck lil twimmy gon do?
She doesn't have the same skeleton as the other lolis, right? She seems too tall. Like she seems like a midpoint between Klee and Barbara.
CCP boomers are retards. They need to understand how much money Mihoyo makes outside of China, and how much soft power (which China lacks) can gain by having Mihoyo games be more popular.

Mihoyo games and Chinese vidya in general are great for China's image, and will only get better when bigger/better games come out.

Trying to regulate it is retarded as fuck. Anything short of outright born or borderline porn is stupid. Lolis, armpits, feet, navels and sideboobs should be fair game.

As the kids say, let them cook.
>all revealed characters are white or slightly tanned
>even in the regions inspired by africa and mesoamerica
I'm a fan of chocolate waifus but their fervent insistence on not adding any dark characters is so cartoonishly extreme that it's become based
>like 60% of genshin's fanbase are mentally ill women and teenage girls
But said people are only good for advertising the game and don't usually spend. They are basically a protected class that companies will defend at a loss.
>I'm eager to see if WuWa will get censored
Didn't WuWa increase fanservice?
Save? Isn't it still the second most profitable gacha, after hsr?
Absolute kuso designs, you love to see it.
Easy savings to the archon, at least.
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With EOS Frontline 2 and Sexbreak upgrading their dorms along with Eh? Lane and other games adding them, I wonder if Genshin will consider upgrading the dorm system one day to have NPCs do more than stand in one spot. I love the teapot and would love some new features for it.
>add dark skinned characters
>no longer $100M+ in profits per new character
Bad idea.
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For me, GFL2 is the optimal level of horny for a gacha game. Something between Blue Archive and Nikke's level of horniness.
I found out the other day that there is a not-insignificant part of the game's players, which are nearly all women, who don't actually "play" the game, but rather, spend money on characters, and play the game like the Sims, building their teapot and having their male characters stand around and take pictures.

I can only imagine how many more female players the game can get, or maintain, if they expanded on the teapot more.

Like it's kinda funny to me that a large number of women don't play the game (except maybe the story quests to know their male characters better?) or care about the plot, but they just want to homebuild and take pretty pictures.
Fuck off FEHshill
I've avoided the teapot for like years now. The item capacity is so limited, that if I swap anything out, I'll lose out on realm currency. They should make it so that your realm currency per hour is based on your max adeptal energy ever obtained and not current adeptal energy.
You could just dump random shit in one realm to max out adeptal energy then use a second one for actual decoration if you really wanna be autistic about it.
>I'm eager to see if WuWa will get censored
Nah they're safe, they bent the knee to Tencent and didn't spit on their face like Mihoyo did. There's a theory going around that all the feminists that successfully called for censoring Genshin were Tencent-hired wumaos. The idea was to make male fans drop Genshin and make them hate feminists in turn giving the fanbase an incel reputation in the eyes of normalfags.
You can swap to a different layout, it keeps the original. I have my first one as the coin farm, another one for my home/museum build and the rest for companion rewards.
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FYI anon, the game calculates realm currency from whichever teapot realm has the highest earnings. Switch to a realm you don't like, and make it a crypto miner. It's something they should tell you more easily, it's a little information tucked away to the menu where you switch realms.
I want to have sex with this character.
Have they recovered from the Raymond cuck debacle yet?
Late Sumeru through all of Fontaine killed a ton of interest in the game due to the blatant female centric pandering, so the retarded women in charge got wrangled or replaced.
Same. I had a cool idea for it, but the limit hit when I was at 10% of competing it. Fuck this shit. I don't care if console peasants can't run my realm. I have 128Gb of ram, let me fucking build.
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Look at that perfect room.
Genshin has been steadily getting worse and more stagnant since around halfway through Sumeru so I doubt it.
I just hope we'll get some cute brown girls at this point.
A new loli? fuck I don't have enough time to save for another banner
Natlan reveal absolutely destroyed every single ounce of interest I had left.
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*walks into Hoyoverse HQ, Pink Pistol™ in hand
*stares at the most recent genshin leaks*
*looks at leaks again*
*clenches teeth and furiously punches iMac screen, but holds back as to not damage screen*
*huffs Disco Elysium inhaler*
*cocks Pink Pistol*
Dawei: im sowwy mr american, we give you bracks, we moder brack and make brack meta for abyss!! prease dont kirr!! theres so much erephant penis wine i have reft to experience in rife!!
>No, dawei, i'm afraid it's too little, too lang...
*bang bang bang bang bang*
*take a deep breath and put on my Cantu-Ledesma playlist*
*police sirens in the distance*
Mission accomplished... now, i wait... i just hope there's big black hunks on chinese prison... at least sixty of them...
If leaks are true she's a 4* so will probably be given a free copy with 5.0.
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Literally Mina
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Roll for her
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>somehow has a collab before she even came out
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I hate the outdoor limit. You either build a small enclosed area so it looks nice in every direction or you accept that whatever you build will only look good from the one specific angle you take a screenshot from.
How do people do this shit with a straight face and put it out there. Like what the holy hell. I mean. I know how, and why. But good hecking lord. The blatant acceptance and doubling down on the premium of whiteness is laid bare so openly it feels like it betrays its insidiousness.
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>some has more collabs than banners
It's so god damned boring
I'm at 40/90 guaranteed
Skipping Navia rerun for geo brat
Fontaine already saved Genshin
Not like your guarantee will matter for shit for a 4*. Would be nice if they made getting 4* easier but at least a free copy will probably be given with the release of Natlan.
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Here. Natlan fixed.
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Say sike right now
Unironic soul
I would play again if this was real.
I wish, but leaks since before the trailer drop has been 5* Dendro Claymore, 5* Hydro Catalyst and 4* Geo Polearm and there's been no change on that. At least we'll know for sure before 5.0 drops since 5.0 beta will start shortly after 4.8 launches.
Why couldn't a billion dollar company do something so simple?
I think we'll know even before the beta goes live, they'll probably release both the full trailer and the drip marketing for the 5.0 characters next week
They make light skinned characters because they go by domestic demand, and Chinks like pale skinned girls. It is as simple as that.
What the fuck are these designs? How did we go from Mona to this knockoff vtuber garbage?
Why would they? No one in south america has a shitskin that dark.
Super cute shoes.
Super cute tummy.
Based if true
hmmm nyo
Other billion dollar companies would cave and add nigs. Mihoyo refusing to is more novel and frankly, quite based.
She seems useful for dendro application. Unfortunely Siggy dried me
Bro your wallet?
On Twitter/Reddit it's always some shitlib seething that a company isn't capitulating to globohomo
Here on 4chan, it's always some tard that is upset he can't get his rocks off without brown sugah
Go back to twitter
Nah not a single cent was spent in the last 10 years of playing different gachas. f2p only.
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Where do people get the idea Natlan is based om Africa? Everything we've seen so far looks Mesoamerican. The green dude's weapon is a macahuitl.
The official dripmarketing and region trailers generally don't tell us if a character is 4* or 5* from what I remember. We just know because of leaks/beta datamining.
Or in the case of Ayaka because she was literally a closed beta character which was why she was well known and so anticipated.
>removed tanlines
Talking Stick weapon from the BP has Natlan lore than mentions African names. Iansan's name also is Yoruban in nature. It'll probably be like Sumeru again where there's specific tribes that are based on African as opposed to the mesoamerican/polynesia based chars that got shown now. But honestly I'm hoping they're also pale af just because it'd be funny and I'm sick of seeing nigs everywhere.
Some of the names from the Talking Stick story are from Subsaharan Africa.
Why are chinks so god damned soulless
Iansan from the travail trailer had some tribal looking ooga booga clothing but the music that played during that part was very clearly some kind of hispanic/latam stuff (idk how else to describe it) so I think people were just setting themselves up for disappointment right from the start
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Mexicans saved Genshin Impact
Go back to /gig/ and spam your shit there pedro
...so what? every natlan character should turn nigger because of that?
You were asking why people thought Natlan was based on Africa and I gave you an answer.
I hate twitterfaggots but yeah tanned look better
Yes, everybody knows that the Aztecs were all powerful black brothers and sisters until whites rewrote history and made up “indigenous Americans” to deny us our history.
Natlan? More like Natlame.
>There was a preview live stream yesterday

I missed the 300 Primos + stuff then.
And don't even feel bad, cause I am losing interest in Genshin.
Have spent over 300€ in the game over these 2 years.

Natlan will be a Mexican Zoo...eh I mean Mexican Disneyland theme park.
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>Hoyoverse confirmed that they're making an official ZZZ event in Mexico

>They're making big mural paintings around the country

How come Mexicans are such huge weeabs?
Save from what? From Hoyo themselves? lol
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Why are 99.9% of genshin images and videos a closeup of some kind of generic looking moe blob girl doing erotic movements. Where is the gameplay? You know, the thing that actually matters in a game
Because you lack context and don't seek out context or anything else posted (cause the gameplay doesn't get posted in places like this).
Immediately after that, she starts running around the world and hops in a drill that can drive up walls.
Jealous of you goddamn
Why do wokies try to ruin every single game instead of playing all the westslop garbage that caters to them?

Totally rewritten Natlan
this is literally what everyone wanted
Because they are of the mindset that anything popular has to cater to them. If it doesn't it's wrongthink and evil. Any game they want to play even if it isn't for them, HAS to be for them or they will throw hissyfits like crazy.
Popular examples of other games this happens is Sekiro and Elden Ring, regardless of what you think of them or what From is doing, the bitchfit because the games aren't catering to them is insane.
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She's kinda hot.
Mihoyo should pay reparations for cancelling brown bodies from Genshin by releasing a tanned Venti microbikini skin for free.
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I made this post btw
kill yourself, tendiemutt
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Well hopefully she is a geo buffer then
I wouldn't mind replacing Yun Jin in my Noelle team
The guy is an improvement. The loli should be lighter and slightly reddish tanned like a child that spends a lot of tme in the sun. Removing the tanlines by turning fish girl into a full blown nigger is a crime.
can't wait to give her MASSIVE tits and ass and a womb tattoo with mods only to never use her and keep enjoying Furina and Yelan
as long as they dont add darks to it then itll be saved
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you rike gweilo?
They most likely will desu
They just released an entire game of nigger worship
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Oh boy, can't wait for 4* Geo healer loli (since apparently lolis are only allowed to be healers).
Which makes it funnier that ZZZ has no blacks either
Nahida has no healing.
Klee has no healing.
Ermmmm...your prototype amber?
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Everything in existence must cater to them.
Is not a part of the character and is thus irrelevant.
By that logic, Neuvilette is a healer.
If one were to hypothetically impregnate Kirara while she's in her human form, how would the pregnancy play out? Does the fetus also shrink into a cat fetus when she goes into the box?
They still heal, you can turn them into healers if you want to, enjoy your future loli geo healer
I dunno. Fontaine was so bad. The story was horrible and it introduced the biggest gary stu in the series who replaced the archon because he's just so powerful. Turned me off Genshin after 3 years. What a mess.
I know Natlan is written by a different team but they're going to have to pull out all of the stops after the shit show that was fontaines archon quest.
Don't worry, Natlan is for sovl-anons, it's the country of brotherly love.
Enjoy the dope-ass beats that are on the way
>Fontaine was so bad
The MSQ was horrendous, but most everything else was good.
>Exploration (shit to do absolutely everywhere, very lively, not much shit locked behind quests)
>Some of the side quests are fantastic (Narzissenkreus and the research institute stuff for example)
>A bonus area that isn't boring as sin (Morte/water cave place)
>Actually made underwater exploration fun
And if you only play for the main story, then I have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with you.
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Which ones am I missing bros? The resonance stones don't find any
There's gotta be some area(s) you forgot to check since you're missing 2
Did you check the 4.6 underwater map? It's a separate area after all
Got all the ones there. Only places I can think of were the areas for some of the older world quests but I would've been too autistic not to grab them.
If I recall correctly the resonance stones only work within whichever region you're standing in so maybe just teleport to each of the shrines of the seven and use the stones there just to make sure you didn't miss any areas
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I love little girls.
Found them, they were up in the cave system by the prison and I just haven't gone up there since 4.1
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I like that this region already has 2 confirmed lolis now. It's looking up.
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Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … ToT ToT ToT Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … ToT ToT ToT Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … ToT ToT ToT Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … ToT ToT ToT Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … ToT ToT ToT Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … ToT ToT ToT Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … ToT ToT ToT Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … ToT ToT ToT
Man, fuck that entire area. I'd say that I hope I can get away with never returning to it but I still haven't done Siggy's quest so I guess I have no choice but to go there some day
are all hydroculus available now in fontaine? i thought there's still an unopened area.
You could find all of them for a while now.
Available as of 4.6
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"Last" expansions always have their own collectable bro
She looks like she is 14.
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this actually looks better i hate to admit it. the clothes should be recolored tho. skipping these heroes tho they look like absolute shit
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Out of ten!
I'm here for Nilou's feet.
How am I supposed to play anything but my bloom team when their foot game is about to become so strong?
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>Make a region
>All the lore about it so far is that it's a nation of war with tribes in constant conflict
>Also is a great vacation spot
>The only piece of lore specifically mentions a bunch of african and mesoamerican names
>One really emphasizing a characters "dark skin"
>No natlan NPCs appear in other regions at all for some reason like other regions
>Characters reviled so far aside from iansan look whiter than sumeru's "darkies" and the war torn nation is just pokemon and jurassic park
I just find it funny how japs seem to not have a problem just having a dark skin characters, but genshin does
Even HSR has some darkie NPCs in their recent planet
M-maybe they're just saving them for the next trailer with all the characters, right?
I just want a chocolate waifu or femboy hebe to roll for
loreGOD here, it's pretty possible, especially according to the current questionable leaks with names (I think only two of them are African)
Natlan should have at least 5 tribes and each of them have their own inspirations and since Iansan isn't anywhere to be seen, it's reasonable to assume her tribe appears later on, I doubt all tribes will be shown in 5.0, since they usually reserve stuff for X.1
as a lore outergod i regret to inform you that iansan was child sacrificed rip
now they need to do that to other future geo characters
Can somebody point out where Africa is located in Teyvat?
The first part is west of Mondstadt, slightly northeast of Chenyu Vale.
>get away with it?
Or else what? they will make twitter mad? oh no... anyway
I honestly expected it to look more like Middle-Earth but it's just brown Mondstadt
Imagine the boardroom meeting that happens with these gacha devs

>Hmm our sales are slowing down
>How will we stop this?
>"What if we added more sexy children?"
I'm not the one adding children to a videogame that is clearly pandering to waifufags
Wait, really?
The pussy drought in late Sumeru made me less interested in the game, and the underwater prison snozefest made it drop it completely.
Is Natlan actually looking better or just marginally less shit?
retards just think it's better because the two girls they showed show more skin than the male character who is wearing a tight black t-shirt and a jacket in 90 degree weather
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There's only been like two trailers that showed anything.
Don't believe anything until the actual 5.0 trailer drops. The game is still a gay snoozefest until it shows otherwise. Just got around to doing Cyno's 2nd SQ and it was so long and boring it made me want to rope.
I think it's just unfounded optimism at the moment, we don't have much info.
With DBZ dead there is a power gap that animu-related companies are rushing to fill.
Whoever can shove his moeblob down the mariachi's throat will control the cartels.
So you dropped the game when they turned around the pandering and started dropping babe after babe? retard.
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>Where is the gameplay?
It's just running around the countryside yelling allahwackba.
Fun, but not exactly super original.
Fug annon I'm jealous, all I ever seem to pull from that cursed domain. Is defense, defense, hp, attack.
to be fair i've been doing this domain since arle release
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Genshin is healing...
Is this real?
fpbp & I love my wife, Paimon
kek this room is same as mine
god no, reminder that you're a retard if you're still playing
No Anon, that's a videogame.
>graphic update
My poor ps4... Everything already takes so long to load
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For me, it's yaoyao
I never understood why genshin does this . Women, and teenage girls don't spend money on genshin. Most whales are horny dudes, adding to their waifu collection. I'm just saying it's odd that genshin ponders to the ones that don't spend any money.
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Good taste!
>companion rewards
the what now
>Most whales are horny dudes, adding to their waifu collection. I'm just saying it's odd that genshin ponders to the ones that don't spend any money.
Absolutely not.
Ew. Gross.
Because women buy other shit that isn't gacha money, the sumeru homo's handbags sold out in a few days after they were announced
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Pointy reminder
The 20 primos or whatever you get from each character when you place them and their furniture set in the same teapot. I think they're called companion gifts.
Is the Natlan geo loli a 4*
I like the climbing mechanic but Ill prefer to save my rolls for water pokemon trainer
How is this board any different than Twitter? It has the same mental illness.
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She can remove them
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Damn bikini brats, tempting me with that sexy body!
That's how they get you. Those items are basically never ran again.
Most likely 4 star geo polearm yeah
>Region based on india
>not a single indian in sight
>dehya the resident brown girl has the complexion of a white girl with a tan
Really makes you think
>short hair, but not a tomboy
Forest Sumeru is mostly persian while desert Sumeru is pre muslim invasion Egypt.
Also a mild tan is as dark as Mihoyo is ever going to get
I don't want that. Neither do the Chinese.
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>Natlan character designs so far are good
>ZZZ's character designs so far are good
Is Hoyo trying to bamboozle us? What's the catch? Is there gonna be another homo storm once everyone regains interest?
ZZZ characters are all censored. If anything the Natlan shark girl is skimpier than anyone on ZZZ
I would literally drop the game if they added more darkies
Sure ZZZ was censored but compararive to how Genshin's been they're great and help to cover up for the mid gameplay
This guy gets it. Mihoyo knew what they were doing adding it but they should spent more money on developing it. Just having them walk around would do a lot, and to remove the strict character limit.
I'm glad we're getting a leyline overflow I need the mora
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>twitter going mad calling her an evil colonizer
>completely oblivious to the fact that all the archons are colonizers since they're false deities charged to chaperone humans in the name of the heavenly principles
MuH mEdIa LiTeRaCy
>he still needs mora
there's nothing human about that face
show me all of those weapons and characters below level 50
why do they look like pokemon trainers so much
Lol, vast majority of the cast is at least 80/90.
Day one players no longer care about mora.
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>dropped before BEST GIRL
>dropped before the waifu spam began
Bwo how do you even make such bad decisions?
China doesn't like dark people. Hoyo won't make characters that won't sell.
They covered Yinlin’s tits. The middle opening of her clothes didn’t use to have that cover on it.
My wife!
>ignores the mention of weapons
I'm also a day 1 player but why bother sitting on it when it can be used
the entirely of the white only region flopped
Im sorry, I didnt want to show off all my five star weapons too.
Of course I have plenty of level 90 weapons including multiple copies of Fav and Sacs.
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>1 square centimeter less skin
Coomers need the rope.
because they hate brown people.
>Doing a thing flop
>Therefore doing opposite won't flop!
Maybe it's not the skin color causing the flop anon.
>Geo Polearm
No pls
I have literally no polearms, I skipped Arlechino because of it.

It seems like she has to be a buffer at this point but what niche even exists there?
Yunjin buffs normal attacks and aspd
Zhongli shields and buffs all damage
Gorou buffs def, cdmg, and geo damage
Will she buff crit rate or something? I always thought a geo buffer would be the one to buff skill damage but Shitwinne just took that niche.
This. It's like how in Korea they have a large coffee brand collab with Genshin featuring Wanderer. It's targeted for women, it's countrywide, and it'll sell out.
noooooooo stop noticing
Brown Girl = Must be Tomboy
You can always get the fishing one from Inazuma
>Women, and teenage girls don't spend money on genshin
women are genetically built to be impulsive spenders that's why advertisers always target them. they even control most of the debt in the west
we need more fat lolis in media
That's a burst support weapon. Her best 4 star will probably be the BP one since it gives def
What happened to the 5.0 graphics update? This looks just as bad as the graphics right now.
it blatantly looks better
when is the real trailer coming out with all the characters
i don't like these shitty wuwa pokemon characters
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Thy look unironically better. I don't give two fucks about representation or diversity, but this would add some much needed visual variety to the character designs given that they all share similar heights, animations, and faces.
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*our wife
Sorry bro but communism won
They never promised a graphics update in the sense you're probably thinking of
I forgot the actual quote since it didn't seem relevant for me but I think it just said they'd be changing some visuals for lower end mobile devices
it's crazy how dark skin characters just look more interesting and catch your eye more
Its crazy how much seething those characters are causing. It wouldn't be that shocking if the same exact thing hadn't happened with Sumeru but yet people are still acting shocked and offended
Wasn’t bennet found in Natlan by adventurers?
Yes. Maybe his parents were from the same tribe
I'm not happy about that because I need to farm artifact fodder, but I suppose I can spend some on exp books, in case the lvl 100 rumor is real
Sure, thanks to daily BBC brainwashing in the West, lmao.

Nobody likes Black characters in East Asia, except for one token Black clown guy to lighten up things.
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My Furina is C1, is it worth it to get her to C2? I feel like it will mostly adds up to her personal damage rather than my team. Though it helps in getting all the fanfare points quicker, but I don't think it's that hard. Maybe I'm wrong. Plus Yelan and Navia are coming next.
I won't have anyone to roll until Natlan thereafter.
himeko bros, we are so back
Kek no
Jesus, all the designs so far have been shit
then why do so many dark skin girls in asian media get so much fanart by east asians?
the public clearly wants them, but the faggot devs don't
I think her C2 is huge fucking bait. Her C1 is more than plenty for a team wide buff with a HP% goblet.
Makes sense, Archons are forced upon the nations in Teyvat, Archons are bound by Celestia, though now all of them are giving away their Gnosis as a sign to break free from Celestia.
Just stop being a lucklet. But honestly though, 4 years passed and they still haven't implemented an item that changes any desired main stat just like HSR has.
Don't the level 100 leaks include that the character goes from 90 to 100 right away, no leveling involved?
I've heard of that yeah but its not like we can know for sure until its announced or reliably leaked (with 5.0 beta perhaps)
Lol what?
When and where?
You know whitening cream is a thing in East Asia, and even in SEA?
It's not even a new phenomenon, back in those days if you have fair skin you had power and wealth.
If you have dark skin it means you are a farmer/slave.
>Lol what?
>When and where?
blue archive
other gachas i can't think of off the top of my head
You know what I hate about Genshin and ZZZ?
Why out of all the fucking HUD elements already on the screen is the resin not displayed at all times?
Can't wait until everyone forgets about Furina and moves onto the next Archon.
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did people forget about Nahida?
Is that every week? God I've been missing out on so many gems and I didn't even know.
Thankfully yeah
No, you only get them once. But each character has at least 2 sets so 40 primogems minimum per char
i don't trust Mihoyo to release an actual good unit (tanned) after Dehya.
Even c1 is a meme. I barely use her burst and I can assure you the clear time between bursting and not bursting is borderline irrelevant if your team is already good.
One thing that I'm jealous of since I use gamepad is that there is a resin timer if you use KBM. Although now that we have a 200 resin cap it doesn't matter.
Is 178% ER enough for C0R1 Yelan? I often use her with Xingqiu if that helps.
Its a bit bizarre that ZZZ and WuWa dont also have a resin cap slightly over 24 hours.
I think if you are zero resin it lasts something like 27 hours?
Shouldnt be an issue with XQ at the very least.
No one knows who that is and I only know because @OZ made porn of her.
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With XQ that should be plenty. This is basically enough for her alone, with c1.
western tranny devs will shit and piss their pants if it doesn't. genshin is here to stay, cope, seethe and dilate.
That's very low ER but I guess C1 makes up for it, very tempting
>Wide hips a entire baby in her birth canal
The should add Sims/Sim City features: NPC interactions, build houses,etc.
Did we only get one from Fontaine? Wtf
Fucking chinks hating on quests that aren't NPC bloat
Hangouts have been scrapped
>another genshin loli
How many are we up to now?
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Hydro sharkgirl feet
Shame. They were better than character quests
i hate gneshin impact
I hope they increase the character showcase amount.
There's no way I'll be able to pick and choose which little girl to show to the world.
Be for real
A lot of Genshin girls paint their finger/toe nails. None for Natlan?
I'm 100% serious. I rather have new hangouts than a story quest for Emily
That's fine I guess, but I'm enjoying the latest story quests. Sigewinne's is pretty cool though I haven't finished the 3rd act
I think that girl had painted her fingernails blue and yellow in the video
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>i'm afraid it's too little, too lang
>at least sixty of them
fucking lol
artist is atte7kusa
I'd prefer lolis have smaller butts
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On the topic of story quests I've more or less stopped doing them since I find that the quality varies greatly which unfortunately makes some of them pretty boring to do
I've just been gradually unlocking them all + hangouts but I figured I should knock out some of them just for the sake of not overcapping keys
Any of these that I should do? I have multiple keys so I'm considering just doing both of Cynos so I can do them back to back
From the story alone, Dehya > Baizhu > Tighnari >>> Cyno > Alhaitham >>> Nilou
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Imagine the seething when they reveal the pyro archon
my I never have to see another cut scene of her ear raping chink singing. Worst looking character, too.
>cyno 2
Cyno's first SQ is pretty mid but worth it for the second part
Oh I didn't know they announced 5.0
She looks very cute
Isn't Cyno's first SQ the one with a Dori appearance? Its worth it just for that
women own the most amount of debt, so I can assume 2 things, they dont have money therefore cannot whale, and those that do, rarely have the money so they resort to impulse buying or getting indebt
That's just a teaser. There's still 4.8 in between
Lolishin Plapact, will this finally be the year of loli for genshin?
Natlan has 2 lolis confirmed
You can't save something that was never alive
Natlan is going to be fun
make it at least 4 and it will be the best zone
I feel bad for the artists that doing a favor drawing those characters and getting harassed
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Kitty supremacy!
I really hope Natlan will keep animal races a part of the world, instead of creating another Diona.
are you a woman? internet "harassment" isn't real
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>Have to now grind specters again, ores again, and that shitty inazuma talent domain again since Kirara is getting an actual sexo outfit
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>just barely managed to 36 star current Abyss
>next one is in ten days
>is supposed to be an even greater powercreep than the last one was
>spent all the resin from the last twenty days leveling and gearing characters for Imaginarium Theater
The Abyss is a month-long now so you'll have plenty of time to build the right characters to counter said Abyss.
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there's some near a lake waypoint west of sumeru city and then pic related are the ones I've been farming daily since they're all relatively close to the waypoints
>the second part
>shit tier dialogue for 5 minutes
>walk to new place to hear another 5 minutes of shit tier dialogue
>repeat this 20 times with 2 second appearances from other random characters
>get to the desert
>run/wait around the temple going from one uninteresting dialogue session to the next
>short "combat" section where traveller and tighnari squish a couple shitter enemies
>10 minute cutscene
>resume running from dialogue to dialogue
Wow so good
I actually liked Sumeru and Fontaine a lot. I'm going to miss it once Natlan comes around. Looking forward to tan waifus, though.

The Aranara quest was long as shit, though.
Yeah, I'm sure they will dumb Natlan even further because the playerbase keeps crying
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I know where they all are by heart at this point I just can't believe how fucking many I've had to grind by now. Thousands maybe?
at least they get better drops than handguards

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