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Now: Gravity Circuit
Next: Penny's Big Breakaway
Later: Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick

Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48

Previous: >>681918982
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>ESA died because of some fat pig squealing

No it actually died because it sucked lmao
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>MFW mig
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> no pronouns on the runner
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So did Shoujo's team get rigged to win the race again? I fell asleep
do people really fly out to Minneapolis for this?
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stinky smelly cat girl
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Ranger mig
His team lost in the end :)
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caveman + pantsu mig
reading the responses to the incidents makes me sure that nobody here has ever had a gf because they are genuinely, irredeemably and unabashedly autistic
I bet it was coolmatty or Mike Uyama
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i havent heard of much less played most of these damn games theyre running...
link for the german run?
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Gravity Circuit is such a fun game
>they are genuinely, irredeemably and unabashedly autistic
Where the fuck do you think you are?
>newfags hate zelda runs now because of CHEATING according to them

I hate normalfag tourists so fucking much.
You faggots don't understand, these runs began as CLEAN and NOT CHEATING and eventually that became problematic because the games are that broken.
What you don't like is actually seeing your games for what they are - broken code.
>tune in
>another commercial
GDQ is fucked
>upside-down mirror mode
Absolutely deranged.
>coolmatty tried to touch her butt
>she tore his arm and leg off as punishment
They don't post the date they came out either for a reason.
it flips even some stuff in menus around, it's pretty funny
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>Mighty Number 9
>Sorry I have to bring up that game
This run makes me want to play the game which is the biggest praise I can give a speedrun actually.
I live about 90 minutes away, so I drove there for two days. Unfortunately, I could only go yesterday and Sunday, which both had pretty terrible schedules. I thought about going again today, but unless you're meeting up with friends it's really just better to watch from home (they just project the Twitch stream layout on a couple screens in the room). Unsurprisingly, a lot of the attendants are socially awkward and autistic and not really looking to talk to people they don't know... But I did talk to a guy from Florida for a while. So yes, people do fly a good distance to Minneapolis for this!
It's not fun watching someone open and close menus quickly while humping a wall.
no we are of course as shocked as you are
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fucking g-merl looking ass nigga
Migged my miggin mig off
You think Ben would be interested in molesting someone when he has Josh? Banter with your bro>hoes
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>three guys walking on a restricted floor (no security)
so they casually walked in on a restricted floor? not so fucking restricted then is it?
end of the day is that nothing fucking happened and she has no way of knowing that anything would so we are literally just entertaining her schizo episode
>telling someone that the person you are interviewing is a groper and then leaving them alone (no security)
is she a fucking toddler?
>oh and by the way this guy is a groper
>then Im not comfortable with staying with him alone in the room
that's fucking it, that is all it takes. But apparently she is so fucking retarded that this is too much
>sharing details in public and making the whole thing unbearably cringe
again yeah its fucking cringe and something you'd expect an autistic person to do but this isnt something you write a fucking manifesto about

If they want it so much then I guess we really should start treating women like retarded children
That was honestly kinda cool
ok seriously though what is up with his limb situation?
Well that's your opinion.
You're obviously too dumb to understand it and enjoy it.

If you know what he's doing, it's mental.
>/r9k/faggots and faggots baiting /r9k/faggots and faggots pretending to be /r9k/faggots talking about ESA drama in a GDQ thread
PLEASE kill yourselves
he got a blood infection. nearly died. too bad he's still a twat
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Bit of a shame that this run doesn't use the piledriver burst technique
I fucking love that attack
Sonic robot designs are so kino and they almost never fucking use them unless you read the comics
I'll have to take a look if I replay it.
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you know its bad when even a twitch chat that regularly donates to scam charities calls you out
The irony is that there have been studies showing that, even though obese people are more likely to need amputation due to sepsis and blood infections, they're also more likely to survive the surgery on account of being so fucking fat.
I'm a boomer that loves Zelda speedruns, but ACE is fucking stupid and has ruined every game where it's possible. SS BIT magic at least has you interact with how the game works by setting flags and all that. Even play song of soaring 20+ times to open the debug menu was more interesting. ACE is just do random shit to pseudo-program the game. Who the fuck wants to watch someone speedrun programming?
>Pastebin has been posted over and over since basically the start of this marathon.
>Suddenly today people are calling it nothing, she is making it up and is retarded
Top 3 speedrun marathon ritual posters
it sees use in just a moment, there's a trick in ark2
This game actually does look pretty alright. I'll wishlist it for a few years.
I'm up next guys, wish me luck!
guy is the only one i would be sad to see go away
>ESA plants
>Desperately trying not to laugh
we've been calling it nothing since the PACE threads
There it is!!
I kneel to the high IQ gigachad maybe one day I too will join the enlightened roundtable in the stars.
I like Megumi comfy poster. guy is cool. And Edenal of course, he really loves to post here
Careful bro he's too intelligent for us lowly peasants to interact with
I tried gravity circuit in a steam game fest, if you follow indies enough it's not that obscure
guy is the soul of the events. a fair arbiter that likes a good speedgame
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Apologize. Now.
Hell yeah! That attack made me fall in love with the game right away.
>be xqz
>stop running twitch ads
>suddenly views go down because Twitch doesn't promo it because no ad revenue

It's the same sort of mentality for runs that really break games to the point where corps consider it a detriment to the promotion of their games. They most likely lobby and shill against these things now. It's easy to do with bots.

And this is why GDQ sucks now. Corporations are literally denying good runs and runners because they're not ad friendly.
This is why getting paid to run games is bad. You should reject such platforms, especially twitch.
It's even an SPD, based.
I like Headbanga, Guy and When's Runescape, they're harmlessly devoted to their thing.
I don't like the Anya avatarfag
is the redditxfamily retard a bot? its just complaining about random shit
Dude on the couch doesn't think frankly is a real world.
Redemption arc time.
This guy has been breaking DKC for years now. But he's also had some niggles at GDQ.
how difficult is this game? i want to try it but if its too hard maybe not
He said frankfully
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>Headbanga, Guy
I don't know the Runescape person but one thing I appreciate about these two is they don't hang around all day to rush into a new thread and try to be first, they can just pop up any time in a thread.
It isn't that hard on normal, but there are harder difficulty options per se (master levels and rude enemies)
Normal mode is not that bad, only the final boss might have you struggle.
Kill yourself.

These things won't improve until these issues are addressed. It's fucking trash right now.
>Only with white people
Year after year he states his beliefs but the marathons are too dense to notice.
pretty easy, but the final boss can be tough if you don't know how to beat it
but the difficulty is pretty customizable with easy mode or with what stuff you pick up
I'm up next guys, wish me luck!

Doesn't feel like GDQ threads without em
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Rate this run!
Rate this run
I told you Edenal samefags here
Game looks pretty fun
Solid A rank I really enjoyed it + it made me buy the game which is the best a run can achieve.
yea I'm sure making random seetheposts in a /v/ thread while avatarfagging some normalfag garbage is going to change something
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Didn't watch it.
Shoot avatarfags. Kill avatarfags. Behead avatarfags. Burn avatarfags. Gut avatarfags. Skin avatarfags. Defile avatarfags. Tear avatarfags apart. Fuck avatarfags.
The body of an avatarfag was placed in the street. People cheered and jumped on it, kicking at it repeatedly. Another one was nailed to a door with crosses made from gunship parts. The rest were dragged around for people to throw shit at them until they disappeared. The remains of the last avatarfag lay in the gutter. Some kid vomited on what remained of its head before being kicked in the balls by his friends.
Good riddance to fucking avatarfags, was the general consensus.
It's not a surprise when half of these threads seem to think people to go these marathons to get laid.
skilled run, under estimate, showed some cool movement tech without relying on gamebreaking glitches, not a lot of dono interruptions
Cool tech, cool gameplay, good informative commentary. All I could ask for.
A solid Me Gay Man game.
It's teenagers that see it's a woman and decide she deserved it because they read an infographic once.
is this guys moveset all SF references? pretty sure i saw a DP, SPD, hadoken, flashkick (?) and some other stuff
It always triggers reactions. Especially if they're in detail.
You have people reading your posts everyday for a job.
And it pisses them off. It mind fucks them.
Wasn't really paying attention but B
A, Gravity Circuit always delivers
I saw the bump - i mean penis
A for sick ass movement, good commentary, and good game
B, wasnt bad but was way too long
guys on the couch: great
Guy running: great
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I'm doin' him an A
>this post was brought you by chat gpt (tm)

The truth hurts and the reality won't change until you accept it.
>Penny's Big Breakaway up next
You guys won't wanna miss that one
Wrong AI.
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Do you think
Z because I don't get paid to spam S for Gravity Circuit.
Nier but metal might be the worst one.
Anon, gib chip.
I just saw the homeless woman's ass crack on the audience cam. Please send help.
Not since I started drinking
who here has jacked off to Penny's Big Breakaway but never actually played the game?
>haven’t seen the pastebin

Any TL;DR?
B, good ol fashioned run with nice tech and decent commentary. Solid run all in all.
Which one is it?
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I keep it to a minimum
heckin epic guitars! \m/
I have 100 hours in the game and am on two speedrun leaderboards for it, AMA
Yes, regretfully
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have you jacked off to the game?
Holy fuck cringe
who commissioned a drawing of KFFC?
It's got a bunch of fun shit like that yeah
I love Japan, period.
>aggressive stereotypical japanese engrish
holy shit my sides
What the fuck are you doing with your life?
>clapping at him speaking japanese

NovelAI. Outdated as fuck by this point.
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Oh no...
his Japanese? it sounded okay to my ears
>1h30min est
I'm so sorry lads
>another 2024 release date
remember to give an F to all the ads
another advert hell yeah brothers
No but I like brown girls and Penny is cute.
Watching GDQ.
he's the speedrunning event STD
Penny's Big Breakaway is one of the ugliest games I've ever seen
What were they thinking with the character design and art style?
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>no one in the audience

RIP gdq.
She had to be stopped. Simple as.
It's incredible how fast the set-up times are in the morning when donations aren't flying in.
Looks like every other 3D indie platformer from the last 8 years to me.
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not that hot of a take, coming from someone whose pronouns are eat/eats
ESA died?
So today's the day they're gonna be really bad with the shilling, right? Especially due to no two milly.
I mean... it's unique?
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nice catch. Almost missed it
Wait, I missed this event? JFC, how did I miss the yearly tranny event? How many tranny to actual girl ratio so far?
another pink and blue pallet
Preemptive F
Bro a speedrun is getting to the end as fast as possible using skill and mastery. Every fucking Zelda speedrun like SS is boring. I want to see skill and mastery and go "wow nice tricks!"
I don't want to see how fast you can break the code and warp to credits.
Imagine every game had an iwin speedrun button and whoever can run the 100m dash gets new wr. Boring af.
Even bomb jumping was stretching it.
dude pastels lmao
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no ass
>Actual speedgame on the screen
>/v/ whining about shills and color palettes
holy shit this dude
It's not dead but it's probably not going to go well next month.
Congratulations, you win the retard medal for this thread.
Alas such wanton flappery must be squelched summarily, with impunity.
I don't like how the game has a 5 second delay from the couch
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Interesting move techs, like sonic on roller skates
This games biggest problem is character design
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Did this game even find an audience? People talked about it for like half a week saying that its a below average platformer, and I completely forgot about it until I checked the schedule 10 mins ago. Devs should have sticked to Mania 2, or whatever that skeleton game Stealth(?) was making.
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>playing some shovelware 3d mario clone instead of something like sunshine that actually requires tehncique and skill
she flew too close to the sun
haha benny's big :DDDD
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Reminder that there are literal paid organisations that deliberately fuck with speedrunning communities to "prevent online extremism" which is a codeword for "competition with hacking and criticism of DRM".
This is why GDQ sucks.


This is why you will never enjoy these things again.
Either you purge your government or you'll never be happy again.
Yes it's got a cult following and many people have said it's their GOTY, myself included
Why did it stop being 24/7?
No wonder Sega shit canned these chuckle fucks. This game sucks.
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Waiter, my pasta is glowing.
>Penny's Breakaway
>Penis break away
This is trans propaganda, isn't it.
it kind of flubbed in the first two weeks, and that hurt its long-term sales
this game looks like shit
Game is utterly revolting visual vomit
scary to think thousands of hours of effort put into something and the result is complete shit, like 90% of games
the industry is a blackhole
This thread is miserable right now, I'm out
Penny's Bi.... ResidentSleeper
>almost accidentally gave gdq 10000 bits because im a phone poster

Oh no no no. This is FREE entertainment
Sonic's advertising.
Why is everything a shade of pale pink or blue in this game?
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What kills me is the hypocrisy
YOU'RE miserable right now.
because during an experimental marathon they found it helped by letting them get some downtime and reset the schedule instead of having the massive fucking drift like there's been this GDQ.

Some anons took it very personally that it's six hours of downtime even though it was really more like three.
See you in 2 minutes
This looks like pokemon scarlet/violet with a better framerate
Nope I think, it's the platformer from the Sonic Mania dev team
What pasta?
Oh you're a bot. Ok then.
why the fuck do you even have bits to give out?
go to bed
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what is this thing, what is it supposed to be because its not moving the needle on my erection
Why is there a game called Grand Poo World on the schedule from yesterday?
why the fuck are you using official twitch options?
yeah so am i but i'm staying anyway

i leave gdq on in the background while i do the dishes
>visit a Japanese website I frequent
>it's down for maintenance for 12 hours

why is Japan like this
I'm miserable and the thread must be aware of this fact right now!
you know why.
i don't have the slightest clue whats happening in this picture
You need a therapist and that's okay.
I don’t, but it got to the purchase menu

That I have no answer for
So your brain notices it while you don't
it's a semi-famous kaizo mario hack
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enlighten me
I don't need a therapist.
You need purging.
You are killing people.
Massive improvement then, 3 hours of downtime at the expense of late night "comfy" runs that nobody watches because of European timezones.
I couldn't go back to sleep or my morning wank, so for shits and grins I went ahead and added an optional "cull ratings made after X minutes" feature and found some interesting things:
- Guy D. Ping fag has had his posts deleted quite a few times after the thread archived (the archive shows they're not deleted, but the actual thread had the post deleted). These aren't all the ratings of deleted posts, or all posts that are his, but whatever got caught when I was debugging posts that were not having their times recorded after-the-fact: https://files.catbox.moe/u5a3gx.txt
- There's a small difference in the ratings when constraining to either three or four minutes ignoring a few S/Zs that are usually negligible.
- Katamari's real rating will be revealed at the end of the marathon.
japs dont know how to use computers
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>this shovelware got a run
>no Pseudoregalia run
This guys seem cool, this game is pure autism though.
please understand
Fields of dead in my wake! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
Legitimately one of the most difficult games on the whole schedule right here, the tricks are all like 10x harder than they look to pull off
Complimentary colors, especially for pastel or borderline pastel shit.

Of course that doesn't stop anons going places with their pattern recognition telling them they've uncovered the hidden truths.
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And current to compare.
japanese internet is stuck in the year 2000 prease andastand
oh you~
5 second delay is killing me. Couch is spoiling everything that happens
Oh so it doesn't make much difference except culling a few SSS and ZZZ spammers?
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uhoh stinky this looks like a bad horny we cant have that at gdq only safe horny and bubbly wubbly safe color schemes with enby protags
That game is too vulgar in its visuals for GDQ crowd.
But the game is ugly. Did they do it wrong?
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No anon you don't get it, pink and blue on some video game means I gotta chop my dick off because someone on discord is blackmailing me with sissy pictures
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you rascal
I appreciate the jokes you made to the chart this year, chart-kun
we schizo hours now boyyyyyy
theres no delay
All the developer had to do is officially say the bunny is trans...
Except I'm 100% fucking serious. Tolerance of this garbage corporate fuckery have killed members around me.
5 eyes and it's corporate cartel gremlings needs to be purged.
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The shadowdrop kind of hurt the game because it clearly wasn't fully polished yet between all the various bugs, exploits, and shitty Switch performance (which is still a bit undercooked but has an extremely esoteric exploit where if you change the console resolution output to 720p it will hit a consistently locked 60fps). The game play is also somewhat complicated and you really have to "get good" at the game for it to be satisfying to play. I really like the game but I'm not surprised the game landed with an "eh" at first, even with people like Dunkey shilling it.
looks pretty much the same except for destiny
they had it last gdq didn't they
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John Carmack demands it.
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Fixed it for you
what's up with leaf blower man going from 50 ratings to 3?
This game looks so ugly, not even just the artstyle but it looks grainy or something. Like there's an issue with the anti-aliasing.
So this game is in some bundle thing. Might actually pick it up. Has it been improved since launch?
of course it is
there have been many games here that had the developers on the couch for a game that was released this year
fucking hell, one of the games was run by the developer himself
this is the real chart
As another experiment you should show the chart without Z or SSS ratings just start from F to S. Would be interesting then
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Poow widdle man is bweing genocwided
Yes, /v/ irrationally hates it for literally no reason. I tried to defend it when it came out and after first patch but some people just enjoy shitting on everything.
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biggly pog. thanks fag.
It's meant to have the aesthetic of Genesis colour palletes.
>this is the last day
>six months again
I don't want it to end anons...
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anon didnt you know??? retro means ugly
But to where?
There's a setting to turn that off I think.
there was an sss and s rating for curse crackers
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This looks more fun than any 3D Sonic game since 2001. Can we get these guys to make a 3D Sonic?
ESA is on in a few weeks, you don't want to miss out on it's funeral, do you?
I hope Katamari gets a good rating, it was a legitimately fun run, very efficient and if you're not a sperg, commentary was fine.
to be fair it screams tranny game
Any GTA runs?
good lord i havent seen this image in YEARS
I'm out of the loop, what's going on with ESA?
I'm fucking so over GDQ it just needs to die now. It's over. These corporate shills have ruined speedrunning.

All because you fucked with their stock market. You stepped on master's foot.
So you lose everything you love now. You're competition to their lifeless and meaningless corporate game, even though they're all practically in a sunk cost situation with their lifestyle and are just making your life miserable to match their boring lifestyle.
You know, the very thing the media complains that "these deplorables on the internet" do to them. I'm sorry, you corporate faggots started that, not us. You started that centuries ago arguably.
edenal is crashing the plane
with no survivors
I read the first point but I feel I don't understand it
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well its pretty clear its in the green around an A because he didnt completely cover it
Meh that's the usual around here. If it's fun it's fun. I don't care about the other bullshit. Does it do the whole mario odyssey momentum stuff well? I'm itching for something like that.
No they left
Anons overreacting to 3 hours of downtime every night to not get schedule drag
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ESA got #MeToo'd
Ironically none of the people in the community are trans. I was in it from day 1. We had a few trannies join including Shovelclaws but they all got BTFO because executing the tricks was too hard for them. It's pretty much just the runner, the dude on the couch in orange and that Xanz guy they shouted out.
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>event will be a solid 'fine', likely just less person-you-know shilling
>dedicated retards will screech the entire time no matter what happens
The delay has been an issue the whole event.
You just have to periodically pause/play the steam to fix it but they must be broadcasting at a funky refresh rate.
Lovare me too'd it but in reality she just mercy killed what was inevitably coming judging by what Das said and stuff. There was already no 24 hours, Metako had already left, staff were unhappy and morale was low.
Welp not like I have something better to do, might start running GTA myself since I cannot get enough of watching runs
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its one of the oldest images in my shitpost folder that has survived 2 hard drive failures and an two OS upgrades. these bits are vintage.
post it
this game is sick. if you enjoy 3d platformers at all get this game!!! (SHILL)
A lot of staff and runners pulled out in the last month for various reasons, some more like Metako left earlier in the year, Edenal and Planks are doing damage control, purging vods and banning people all over the place instead of trying to sort shit out.
I said nothing other than asking why everything is a shade of pale pink or blue. And they're currently in another blue level.
staff quitting
runners banned
esa discord under lockdown by women
years old vods taken down

it's fucking over
So are you because of that.
You don't live without me.

You're purging your lifeline and now look - your inflation is through the roof, disease is rampant, your medications don't work, your system doesn't work period and it's killing you.
And you can't even tell because you literally purge the accurate indicators and empirical evidence for the sake of "comfort" and "safety" or whatever fucking shit.

You are literal AIDS, even to yourself.
Animal Well was the worst one
>Released May 2024
>Submission Deadline for SGDQ was April 2024
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It will be fun to see what kind of train wreck ESA will be.
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>went last year
>on the verge of dying
sad stuff, GDQ is just not the same. the people i met acted like actual people and not retards who acted like turbo autists.
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all his practice shows!
When are we getting warnings to remind us to get up and hydrate?
FF and ESA are right around the corner if you think youre going to miss the shit posts
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Also they had a Dunkey figure as a donation prize
halo bros we are back!
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So why are bald jokes ok but anything else is not? I dun get it


Why is the thread so bad? It's not mutt hours.
Can the anon that made that post showing all the future events and threatening with threads post it again?
i fully expected them to get dunkey on the phone at some point during the run
Is the game fun? I'm downloading the demo now
Man I just can't get over no Mania 2. I thought that shit was in the bag for sure and now we're in another bad sonic timeline. Sorry bro I can't forgive that.
bald jokes targeting a cishet white male are ok
The experimental marathon was to test the theory that shutting down the stream wouldn't affect viewership
Lmao she's been doing this shit for years, probably meant a lot to her. Explains the breakdown she had when the hat got banned.
why did they make a character nobody would want to make porn of? this is like furry game creation 101
BE ADVISED: I can tell you haven't hydrated recently. Correct this immediately or your access to the stream will be terminated.
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It's like seeing Jonestown manifest globally. That's how this feels.
It's been like this around me my whole life and I just take it no longer.
Yes but it's very much a case of you get out what you put out. You really need to work for movement
Last ESA was basically all Metako. Got pretty sick of him so I'm looking forward to him not being in everything next event.
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Way ahead of you
Its gonna be like the Gabbo episode of Krusty the Klown where Krusty loses Itchy and Scratchy
Yeah that was my experience, hung out with a bunch of people, had an awesome time, most people there seemed like functional human beings who happened to run vidyas on the side.
Looking at what did get culled, nothing looks offensively samefaggy: shit runs that already had Zs got more Zs, the good runs that already had Ss got more Ss, the divisive runs got an even mix.

Except Destiny: https://files.catbox.moe/9wppb4.txt

I'm assuming the rating post came and no one bothered to rate it for a while.

Ratings post made after three minutes were ignored.

Sega couldn't stand to be outshined by fan devs
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What the fuck are you talking about?
Pomni already hits the jester girl niche and looks better overall. Penny's eyes are cute, though.
ASM starts a week before ESA and will likely be the replacement for ESA when it dies
i'm hungover because i had too many drinks to drink last night and the drinks were not water
I mean saying the guy.png posts were deleted but I've never seen any deleted in a thread
Fuck hydration. Purge everything with fire.
Hydration is cuckoldry.
Bitch shit.
becuse bald "people" aren't people
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what are you guys playing instead of watching this run?
Those are some sexy nails, geez
So glad it's dying, the faggots who keep spamming it in every thread have be the worst meme this year.
Kill yourself dude.
Love me some Disgaea. Currently playing Slay the Spire
You're actually retarded if you need to be reminded to drink water. Just sayin.
If your piss isn't orange you're a reddit casual
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>25 minutes of destiny score spamming removed

what the fuck happened in that run holy shit
According to them it didn't impact donations to a significant degree at either Legends or at Winter.
You want to know why all these people are being convinced to castrate and kill themselves?
It's called cult hysteria.
yeah those guys have been doing pretty good, ive been watching it over the last few events. i think it just needs a little more polish on the audio
is doing the laundry a game?
What are we eating for lunch today bros
>dehydrating myself to defy the woke
I think you mean dood
it was so funny to see how the speedruns were the least interesting part of attending ESA; all of the fun you have there is hanging out with people, especially when you share hotel rooms with eachother or do outdoor activities. im afraid i'm not gonna witness something like this again for a hobby i like to watch.
I'm not even exaggerating this is the worst the thread has been all week.
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Yeah not to shill but please check it out the last one was pretty good but the threads died during dead hours
>Mr. Jew
Give me a quick rundown on ASM
Buriedbrones 2
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you first dood
And all because of (you)
Ashes 2063.
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It's got Werster
What else could anyone want?
Neurodivergent people don't react to their physiological needs like everyone else and can take their bodies to absurd extremes just by being distracted or hyperfocused on something
Probably something on the Swtich VCs, maybe the GBC Zelda games.
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I have half a tray of pizza in the fridge and another full tray as well because the dude at the pizzeria accidently made two for my order and let me take it for free.
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Werster's wife
I'm on a dry fast for religious purposes and I find the constant reminding of hydration to be incredibly offensive. I think I'll file a complaint.
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>this song bangs
can't hear any fucking game music this entire weeklong event because of these chickenshits.
I will admit this run is hard to watch as someone who knows this game because he's already nearly 10 minutes off pace. Makes me wonder how it feels to watch a good runner play poorly in other games desu.
only the 100% runs are interesting to watch. any other zelda run is boring
Why do you worship someone who wants you to starve?
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I guess it's actually useful. I always assumed just dropping Z/SSS would be too drastic but the shit runs are still shit, and the good runs are still good, just not emphasized enough to stand out.

there's the ADD shakes
where they literally don't get a hunger sensation and only notice they need to eat when they're shaking because of low blood sugar
I do wonder what they were thinking with Penny's design, she looks like a grandma with that hair.
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There will be more even if ESA collapses in on itself, BSG is probably going to end up taking over to some degree since it's basically the same thing, just at a smaller scale.

Way too many people want to have these social events for it to die entirely.
It's not about that, it's about seen "being concerned and helpful" without actually being helpful or concerned. Just a catchphrase of vague positivity.
Fasting isn't starving lol
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these fish dont catch themselves
Reminder to drink water and eat a delicious ham sandwich.
Of course it was all him, he was the only one left
ratings are compromised, nothing is true anymore
Gunstar Heroes, Bonanza Bros, maybe a bit of Saturn-era stuff
All of this shit will die probably this year because the financial elites cannot allow us to come together and enjoy things. It's literally unprofitable to them. They cannot allow us to collaborate and exchange ideas. They cannot allow us to collaborate in the context of computer mechanics. To the technocratic financial elite - it's competition. They're now involved in things like AI and cannot allow open forms of it. It's against their interests. They cannot allow detailed discussion in computer architectures, programming, hacking, etc. It's a threat to their interests.

A lot of people think it's not like this, but look how quickly they shat up GDQ post covid. They have their grubby paws over everything now and it's obvious. That's why everything sucks.

Oh they'll try to convince you've just changed too, denying the sudden surge in sophisticated big data investments by banks over the past 4 years.
No it's always YOU that's the problem. It's never this racket.

So, good bye speedrunning, you're dead. Finished. You've been killed by capitalism.
So if I'm hearing it right even without the Lovare thing ESA still would have been fucked? It's just she gave it a quick death rather than a long painful one?
>I guess it's actually useful. I always assumed just dropping Z/SSS would be too drastic but the shit runs are still shit, and the good runs are still good, just not emphasized enough to stand out.
if you do that, do the z's become Fs then? because some runs are absolutely dogshit and get a ton of well deserved Z's.
Dehydration is a serious problem.
>Werster "someone said on /vg/ he would donate 100 dollars if I said fucking niggers on stream so there you go" is ASM staff
The game looks so ludicrously open that the skill ceiling seems very high, yet the margin for error seems really strict as a result.

Runner seems to keep going for the harder strats that you might do in ILs.
Why are we letting chart anon get away with this

Unironically what is this guy's fucking problem
Ummmm..... Being religious is kinda yikes..... We don't want to be persecuted by your people........
>according to them
I dont believe anything they say anymore
there should be a general for speedrunning.. and it should have its own marathon... nah that's crazy.
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just woke up. What did I miss this time?
>Chibi Robo speech suddenly having 3 votes
So that was a lot of Zs.
It's just penis music you're not missing much
A deluge of indie games from 2022-2024
that feels like the correct ratings for tearful manifesto
>Katamari's real rating will be revealed at the end of the marathon.
Kek I love this bit. I keep fucking looking at it's rating every time to see how it changed
Nah keep the extremes. That's what the median is for
Chartanon just ruined the entire event and thought nobody would notice.
Some schizo is posting on cooldown.
People won't shut the fuck up about ESA.
It's bad this morning...
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahah! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
What did I miss this time? - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
a lot of people missed it since it was just 3 minutes after the run, most would just fuck off.
This game looks like its movement is too good because it invalidates every level imo
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I wouldn't play this shit, it's dripping in DRM, which is literal malware.
Technocrats exploit DRM as a backdoor for their personal interests now.

They'll literally target flea markets for copyright infringement in places like Africa and South East Asia, killing people's livelihoods. That's how far corporate trademark infringement has become. It's become a prison.
QRD on Leaf Blower Man and Sushi Soul Universe?
Pretty much, the two dudes in charge haven't been running things well and have been highly focused on the corporate shit at the expense of everything else.
It's the only thing I do believe them on since if it made a serious dent in the money they get, they would be the first to reverse it since that hurts their chances with sponsors.
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i'd honestly be fine with that, would be closer to where i live. wouldn't even need to travel by plane if its the same place every year
Not an argument when you were told to stop lowering Katamari every day and kept doing it anyways, fucking faggot.
>it's dripping in DRM
Let me guess, you use steam still but complain about DRM?
>but I've never seen any deleted in a thread
Because they're made after everyone moved onto the next thread. The ones that did get deleted were made after the tail-end and deleted after the thread archived. Archive sites don't note that they're deleted since they stop monitoring a thread that has archived.
>all this chatting
>none of it about weed

dude i suggest everyone smoke some weed lmao
>The organization is called AUS
>They do smaller day long speedrun events at major conventions, stuff like AUS@PAX, AUS@DREAMHACK
>Their "star" event is ASM (Australian Speedrun Marathon) usually in July or August, their week long event similar to ESA or GDQ
>Last year a bunch of anons watched it in that big 6 week speedrun event bingewatch that started with GDQ and ended with ESA as there were multiple speedrun events in a row
>It was pretty good had things like: Werster mercy killing Pokemon, an eyetoy run, FFX-2 run where they sang all the songs, and someone crying because they went overestimate
>Biggest issue was due to time zones, most anons were awake during ASM's dead times, but asleep during its prime time
>There weren't enough people to sustain threads either it would often die when everyone was asleep, which were when the major runs were on.
No, it was a lot of Zs
Boring crap that hasn't had enough time to develop a speed run, let alone find an audience.
They removed the dates of games from the schedule. That says enough.

GDQ is dead.
Doesn't Josh have a run on the last day?
>Final run is Super Mario RPG
>with fucking Spike on the couch
every time
>Not an argument
You aren't in a debate anon, you're just vaguely whining. Why does someone have to "make an argument" against you? Make an argument against what?
the game selection is just so fucking bad this year
He does, not sure if he's back on staff or not since he quit last year I think.
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bro what the fuck my Stuart Little 2 S rating was removed by your new system. i thought i posted that as soon as the run ended, 3 minutes is too short a timeframe
The date for the game he's playing is right there.
Stop fucking with the chart, anon. It's a simple request.
Chartanon ruined everything, you're not going crazy.
I wouldn't use this pc how it is for specific things, that's for sure.
No I'm being forced to not use it more and more.
And frankly I'm just not playing their games anymore. This culture is a danger to my life now. Danger to all of our lives.

The very thing they say I am to people.
I think if this were to happen going forward people would just Spam F and S instead, like they used to before Z and SSS were introduced, there's no getting rid of spam rating sadly.
He's not saying it's final, he's just showing what it'd look like
Just had breakfast. Whole wheat peanut butter toast, bacon, a banana and a glass of milk.
waaaaa muh faggy Katamari!!!
I'm kind of hyped for the mario blindfold run. Seems like it could be fun. I really hope next year's gimmick is having someone who hasn't done it before get coached from start to finish.
dogshit games and dogshit runs. that's all there is.
Prove that my life is not having a negligible impact by this and some dumbass ratings about some retarded rant are important enough to insult some dude who's taking the time to catalog all the runs according to our own fucking votes
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Whose big breakaway?
Is this game good or bad?
>He's not saying it's final
He should keep his fucking mouth shut instead of screwing with the ratings again & again.
No idea, they took the staff page down out of embarrassment lel
every level looks the same
It's been dead for 4 years. Covid killed it. Government and corps are now psychopathic about even this community now. To them it's problematic to their algorithms and estimations.

This is why so many people are becoming more and more safe and boring.
Qny other games with this kind of movement? I'm dying to play something like it with fun movement options.
It's undead. GDQ sustains itself regardless of what shows up on the screen. It's an unholy nexus of parasocial bullshit. Same applies to these threads.
glasses sexo
Alright, I'm out. I'll be back in 6 hours, hopefully the schizos will be in bed by then.
>your new system
You're all such over the top little ninnies he literally says in his post he was just curious and did an experiment, then literally posted the ACTUAL chart after. Jesus. There's no new system.
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Beyond based. I drink saltwater during these events because I can't stand these motherfuckers trying to tell people how to live their basic necessities
it was a lot of fun last year, but I remember trying my best to keep the thread alive and making some threads to keep it going. almost no one was around to see the guy crying live, but the run after it was the werster run and so people noticed. i hope the thread can stay alive longer this time.
Doubt he would go back to being staff. Not only is the ship sinking, it would also make more sense that he would go help the UK event. But at least he is there as a runner
I mean a page with just Edenal's name on it would be pretty useless
>Wahhh wahhh your ratings are negligible! That's why I'm autistically micro-managing my gay script because it means so little to me!
Typical millennial cope, you care more about telling us your masturbation habits than having a shred of integrity.
Ok. This is a marathon of video games being played quickly. It does not matter.
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let's goooooooo
Why do some people go to bat so hard for the removal of the 24 hour stream at ESA? I can't think why you'd want LESS speedruns during an event
It sounds like they took it down shortly after Metako quit, kind of shady way to hide how many of your staff have gone.
Why? What are you gonna do? Make a mad post about him?
>too sleepy for MGS4 run
>it was good

I see playing the game as intended is completely optional
Is this game good??
Just bought Ready or Not on sale.
... to save on staff costs ??? i really dont know
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Bullshit, they're clearly getting kickbacks or they wouldn't be allowed to run. Most social physical gatherings are controlled this way now. It's a joke.

They cracked down on band gigs in my area for "safety reasons" recently. The reason for that being covid.
It is meaningless you retarded faggot I swear to god try to do 3 sets of 8 pushups right fucking now do NOT reply to me until you've fucking done them. You have NO struggles in your life if this riles you up you absolute fucking bitch
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I just find it grim that out of all the small events threads, Frame Fucking Fatales is the one that always survives and has the most active posters.
anyone saying its good is retarded. that shit gets turned off like 7 PM est, how are you going to make money when you're offline in US primetime. at the very least have some TTS set up or SOMETHING. ESA staff is retarded.
It's not you fucking fatass
>Doubt he would go back to being staff.
It didn't sound like he had a great time when Metako was off with covid and he had to run fundraising in his place, I don't imagine he'd want to go back to that as a full time thing.
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>if you do that, do the z's become Fs then?
In >>681928685 they're flatout removed along with SSS, not clamped.
The theory that they still show up as dogshit is that they do get F's regardless of most people being conditioned Z=bad SSS=good.

Oh I am, I don't plan on removing Z/SSS's. Removing the extremes clamps the range too much.

>Stop fucking with the chart, anon. It's a simple request.
All me desu.

I clearly noted that the feature didn't matter at all except for Katamari and Destiny, the two already well noted samefagged-rated runs.
This game has the Mario Odyssey problem where movement breaks the entire game so you don't even have to interact with the level design
>almost every single run that's green is a real woman
Doesn't align with my timezone. So it'll be offline during prime time.
i think that was more due to it not being 24 hours
Imagine getting some sleep and not missing out on anything.
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>edging joke


>Doing damage control for gay letter ratings
I'm sure everyone plays this game like a speedrunner.
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>30 girls
>39 trannies
A lot closer then i thought it would be.
they keep telling us to drink water because we're so thirsty
>esa threads were always dead
>every stupid fag is now saying they miss it
Yeah whatever you say you fuckin tards.
Probably, everyone plays Mario Odyssey with hat dive
>Destiny(...)well noted samefagged-rated runs
This one I don't get.
>they're clearly getting kickbacks or they wouldn't be allowed to run
They are but that's not the point. People keep tuning in and donating anyways. They could call these run ads and it wouldn't make a difference.
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>troons done quick
why would you torture yourself like this
It's Euro hours aka hypocrite hours
He does have a point, falsifying the data is pretty pathetic and clearly it riles you up more than him otherwise you wouldn't act like a such a kike
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>bootleg GDQ threads are ass
what a surprise
I feel really vindicated by all the ESA stuff because a lot of us were discussing this the last event including Habke touching people up and whenever someone brought up anything critical to ESA you'd get some asshole leap on you saying:
>"STOP DOOMPOSTING, STOP DOOMPOSTING, YOU'RE A SCHIZO CONSPIRACY THEORIZE. I'M GONNA CALL YOU RED FLAGS ANON FROM NOW ON" which was funny because I had the knowledge beforehand and just waited for the inevitable shitstorm.
You couldn't say anything critical last even without this guy in your face calling you a doomposter. "I don't like no 24 ho-"
Maybe America isn't the target audience.
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I got like 10 appraisals for an edging joke on Elden Ring.
I feel accomplished.
>Tetris: The Grand Master
Was that the same runner that ran it a few days ago?
It completely killed the momentum of the event every time the stream went offline last ESA
You wanna join him bitch? It's 3 of 9 for you for being such a smartass devil's advocate little faggot
Is there a winter games done quick? WGDQ doesn't so familiar though...
right, what i imagine is a lot of people coming back to watch the clip and then rating it as cringe
All edenal
What staff?
>message receives praise all through the game
>finally check its stats
>it's gotta be at like 300 likes
retard or newfag?
It killed it so hard we still sat there and watched the reruns from earlier in the day.

The threads didn't even die.
Yes at the start of every year.
Go to bat? Is that what "Oh well" is? I just don't care THAT much about it, not enough to constantly freak out and cry about it.
Man that would be awesome.
Please don't let the next thread be so terrible. This thread is AWFUL.
>Attention whore mad someone DARED to call him out
This game SUCKS
Is anyone actually enjoying this run?
You sound hilariously self-important.
Also ever since ESA went always live with VODs, many people didn't even notice it was happening.
Edenal ruined everything for everyone
>circus with the ugliest clowns gets a big draw
well yeah.
I think they're too seperated out to do it this year. I remember someone saying they've tried a few times with PACE and Segathon but they're just dead in the water. Seems the sustainable threads are:
>Frame Fatales
>RPGLB IF its aligned with another event
>BSG IF it's aligned with anotehr event
>NSG IF it's aligned with another event
no its very generic, the bald jokes are kinda funny though but the game is not great
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So was system shock good?

Why are you replying to me from the comfort of your inactivity? I thought I made myself clear.
It's sad that this GDQ was so shitty the most fun I've had was being a pretend meathead on the shittiest thread of the week so far
This game is giving me motion sickness
It's meh. Every level looks the same/
Not being irrationally angry that the live runs stopped for a few hours is batting hard for something I guess.
They were whoring out Metako big time at ESA Winter despite Metako not wanting to be on screen THAT much, he was meant to be their star poster boy I guess, so him leaving was a humiliation.
yeah it may do that
Saving an absolutely KILLER post for the next thread.
hosts and tech crew i suppose who have to be around for the night shift runs
i actually dont know who at esa is on the payroll and who isnt
>System Shock
You know it was, SS is GOATED and even a screenshot of it is a highlight of any event
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You don't even watch the runs you fat coomer. Fuck you.
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desu Frost Fatales 2024 died off at the end.
Flames Fatales 2023 died off at the last day early.
I don't know what happened with that Fatales to get a huge turnout but I guess just the state of GDQ/ESA right then being enough to encourage people to show.

See, look at them go, like clockwork lmao
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That morrowind run was so good.
can i get a bald in the chat bros
Their audio is desynced so they react to deaths before it happens
omg this banger song nobody can hear
>So was system shock good?
I didn't get to watch it but people mentioned there was too much OOB shit
RTA threads are nice and comfy because the event filters out the shitposters
no, the runner was annoying and the speedrun was him clipping out of the every map, bypassing everything and clipping back in at the exit trigger
Anon, all the doomposter were saying that Metako was at fault for all the changes because he grabbed power. But then it turned out Metako left even before pastebin came out, because something apparently happened that made him really angry. Don't try to rewrite history, nobody was shitting on people for making fun of the German or people complaining about the camera angle. It was the schizo hating Metako that got shit on, and they were BTFO even more with this
Probably, never seen anything like it during other ESA events. Just any criticism was "Oh my GOOOOD stop doomposting, just enjoy the event" Any sort of reveal by insiders was met with "Oh my GOD its so obviously fake you're all schizos" and it turned out to be 100% correct right down to Habke.
"go" how? Again, because I'm not raging and spluttering about it, I must be fanatically defending it?
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I hate when I have a fucking amazing post ready to go as the thread starts autosaging but that's when all the "it was only page 6 you sick fucks" bread bakers are on and we have to wait until page 10, 800 posts until I can post it. Then sometimes when I give in and post anyway, that's right when someone fucking bakes. Then I have to keep two tabs open to see if I got any (You)'s even though I know the thread lost 90% of its population.
Oh look it happened right now. Now we have the super early baker here >>681931176
But it only happens when I have a nice wall of text post going, of course. And right now I'm still waiting for the "le you must wait before making a post" shit
No one is even going to respond to my rant because they totally would have otherwise.
I think ESA has more to worry about right now than no 24 hours.
Dude always seemed busy as fuck the times I saw him about, his dicking about with stuff like starting $20% and having stream 2 was his way of chilling out, so I don't think he appreciated being pushed onto Stream 1, he even said something about them doing it to keep an eye on him.
Need to get back to my playthrough of Vengeance
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Might I add
>PACE If the Mario 4 Tournament is on
*Mario 64
Yeah that and ASM were pretty great for me. Its why I'm eh on advertising it here because I want the thread to remain kinda low activity, small and comfy, rather than bringing a ton of shitposters over, its what went wrong with ESA threads, they were advertised here a lot in 2021 and 2022 and it brought over all the shitposters.

I don't watch Frame Fatales, I don't watch RPG LB (Except trauma dump segment), UKSG was pretty good and I think will become the next ESA, I was in and out of NSG, BSG is alright it feels like mini ESA but its mostly people chatting with Yato, Didn't watch ESA legends, haven't watched any other smaller events. Might check out Fast 50.
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So the problem was that it was a speedrun and not casual gameplay?
I get it now. People don't like speedruns. They like casual gameplay for retards.
Do they get sustainable t hreads though? The reason I didnt add PACE was because I feel PACE threads die, at least in other threads I see people say "I tried to start a PACE thread but it died"
>Didn't watch ESA legends
It was actually really good almost old GDQ vibes, there were two Scottish lads who pretty much stole the show, just being there all the time and keeping the energy going.

Shame it's dead for sure since it was Metako's thing.
Hylics 2
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chill out
if i didn't make that thread then someone else would have. I make the early bakes to spite other early bakers but if i just leave it someone else makes it on page 7 anyways.
besdies i like getting the 500 reply threads even though it's meaningless.
Clips are good. A run that is only clips is like a meal that is only salads - only appealing to a select few tastes

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