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Which patch is Ian coming out in?
Haven't started the new Theater thing yet. I heard I'll need lot of ready teams for it? If so, I'm kinda fucked.
5.1, like Cyno
You don't need teams, you need characters. But this month you can only use pyro, electro or anemo characters and you need at 12 of them.
Not teams, just built characters. It's really easy but you need a bunch of characters to even be able to start the game mode. In a rare turn of events literally everyone hated it so mihomo has already addressed that they will be making changes. Even the usually docile japs were shitting on it.
Anon, she got reworked.
You need 10/14/18 pyro, electro or anemo characters at level 50/60/70 to access easy/normal/hard mode, but you can pad out this number with UP to 6 depending on whether or not you already have the current trial characters unlocked
Not every character needs to be geared or have their talents levelled up, but they do need to meet the elemental and level requirements
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they'll show her in the trailer
lol no, thats just a different loli
>completely different design scheme
>completely different name
Nah Iansan will just come at the end of the region
You only need lvled characters. The gamemode is piss easy I beat it with my broken arm. My arm hurts...
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Is /v/ still under the retarded impression that Paimon is annoying? Or have you finally come to appreciate her?
I fucking hate diggers
you need like one good DPS and maybe one or two off field (that aren't already trials), other than that you need enough characters to enter, which filters newfags and is terrible design ngl
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love little white floaty
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Mini Pie is cute.
Patternchads, is it safe to assume that the 5.0 launch characters will use Arlecchino's domain materials for their talents? Debating whether or not I should continue doing it weekly
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Squeaky reminder
yes, I don't think it was ever something other than the most recent boss
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This anon fapped too much. Beware, anons.
Hopefully later on around 4.2
Siggy dried me
Holy sexo
That's a miner digger.
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Boyo-lads........................ I'm already farming for Navia mats, but I'm still not sure if I wanna roll for her............ Either I save my primos for the Natlan cunny, the pyro Archon, or any cute girl down the line........
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If it's even a question, you don't deserve her.
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Here's your 4*s for the first half
nilo banner first?
Yep, navia/nilou first half and yelan/emilie in the second half
You must pull her for her idle moaning voiceline alone
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Do you have any other geo characters?
>mihomo has already addressed that they will be making changes
Wait, is this true?
For fucks sake, people are so fucking worthless
Imaginarium was fine, it rewarded you for having a lot of characters and adapting to whatever the stage required at the given moment. People want to turn this shit into another spiral abyss, where you have two top meta teams and faceroll everything so you can call yourself an epic genshin gamer.
I fucking hate this halfbrained community so much
Sigh I would roll for Navia's weapon but I already have the Key of Khaj-Nisut
My only usable Geo DPS is Noelle, yes.
Restrictive endgame isn't enjoyable for anyone.
Not that anon, but that's right. On the other hand we have a playerbase that complains about every single thing so I doubt those "changes" aka dumbing it down further will be of any help
It's not restrictive, you're just a fucking brainlet. Imaginarium is easy, it just encourages you to do things differently than you'd normally do. Instead of following your epic meta guide on how to make the perfect team you have to actually think for once in your lifetime and work with what you have at the moment. No wonder you zoomerbrains hate it.
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>want the key
>already have navia's weapon
I know the feeling
Next weekly won't be until the end of the Natlan archon quest. I always do the 3 newest weeklies
At least Navia's weapon is more flexible and it looks good as fuck
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I already have this cute ojou-sama, should I roll for her C1 or C2? She's so fun to use she's been in my team ever since.
>it just encourages you to do things differently than you'd normally do.
Funny you should say that because you will not believe the amount of people I've seen complaining they can't use a certain team/character. Like damn, you seriously cannot use a different team just once in your life?
It's some mental illness that I will never understand. I've seen a comment in a different game couple days ago that said "the devs should nerf this best thing, because it prevents me from playing anything else". This applies to pretty much every game these days. Modern """"gamers'""" can't use anything other than the top minmaxed best setup. They don't want to have fun and engage with the gameplay diversity the game offers you. No, fuck that, I just want to faceroll everything in 20 seconds and be done with it. It baffles me to no end, like why would anyone even want to play video games at that point.
>It's not restrictive, you're just a fucking brainlet.
Hmm, so me not being smart is the reason I can't use over half of my characters, that's my bad I guess. Let me guess, it's also my fault 90% of pyro characters are selfish on-field dps characters, making team building with the restrictions already harder than it needs to be. The only reason it's still doable is because it's so easy you can stick 4 barely built characters on a team with 0 synergy and still win. Hardly enjoyable for anyone.
>don't even have Kirara at all yet
>no cons for chev
Lietrally the only two 4* characters I need. Give them banners mihoyo you fucks.
Yeah, it's much more enjoyable than spiral abyss where you stick arlecchino in one team, neuvilette in the other and you clear every stage in 30 seconds
They're giving a free Kirara
Nice, just six more to go.
Very worrisome if you ask me. Somehow connected to the puzzles becoming toddler tier too.
(You) problem then because I have neither. I use Klee and Nilou most of the time.
>90% of pyro characters are selfish on-field dps characters,
Circumstantial difficulty. When the elements change you will face different adversities and - if you're capable - find ways to overcome them. That's what makes it fun.
>misses the point entirely
Yeah, no wonder you complain about imaginarium lmao
>but I'm still not sure if I wanna roll for her
navia is one of the 3 characters fontaine characters worth rolling for
good job outing yourself as brainlet
Who are the other 2?
>different adversities
It's all piss easy, that's the point. There is no complex teambuilding, there is no strategy, there's nothing interesting. I don't get why you hoyo cocksuckers defend this shitty content when it's rightfully hated all over.
>everyone in a retarded zoomerbrain community hates it
That's your argument? Fucking hell. Yeah, you can go back to whatever streamer spoonfeeds you what to build and what to think.
One minute you're saying its hard as fuck
>making team building with the restrictions already harder than it needs to be.
Another you're saying its piss easy. Which is it?
Where did I say it's hard. Quote the exact post.
This is why 3.7 Abyss filtered so many people as well, retards pissed and shit themselves because they couldn't bruteforce everything with Rational or Hyperbloom and actually had to experiment with burgeon
Imaginarium Theater is inherently unfun garbage. Being forced to use mismatched trash teams like Wanderer Cyno Clorinde Raiden because the RNG fucks you can never be fun, I got the primos on the first try and didn't bother with getting full stars.
If I had known the stars are literally worthless I wouldn't have gotten any, from now on I will refuse to get more than 0 stars on purpose to pad Mihoyo statistics showing the event is too difficult. I will also complain in the surveys and in the feedback every day from now on, fuck you Da Wei for adding this trash and forcing me to play it for primogems
furina and arle. top support and top dps. meanwhile navia is actually fun to play and overall a decent character.
clorinde and chiori look good but mihoyo made sure to give them enough nerfs to not be worth considering if you're someone who's low on primos, unless you really like their designs.
i'm not counting neuv because i'm not a faggot
If they present any challenge slightly out of the ordinary it causes massive seizures on players. This thread is proof of it
>That's what makes it fun.
Wrong. And hoyo agrees with us, the majority of the playerbase as they are fixing this trash. Seethe tryhard
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Holy shit that line count, navia may overtake nahida in 4.8
please don't be g*o please don't be g*o
Imagine being proud that you've been filtered like the majority of the normalfagiest of normalfags in the community.
You can clearly see her geo vision in the trailer
Yeah, I'm the one who's seething
They already did with Navia. If she can successfully apply geo off-field she'll be fine. If she's some trashy on-field dps however...
I cleared it on my first attempt using only female characters like I always do (despite that meaning a bunch of my team were 2 or more main dps characters) and I still beat it easily. That doesn't make it fun. If by "filtered" you mean "didn't enjoy a shitty game mode that does have any redeeming features" then yes, I got filtered.
Big if true
What's more insane is that like 95% of Nahida's lines only are from the 3.X patch cycle while Navia's (as well as the two other Fontaine chars in the top 10) only are from the 4.X patches
Really goes to show how the cutscenes got longer starting in Sumeru
Also funny how some of the event exclusive characters manage to rank so highly
No, they haven't. Geo reactions are fucking braindead boring. Dude shields! in a game where everything comes down to how fast you can kill stuff. Make geo and anemo lift up a dust storm. Geo and pyro volcanic eruptions. FUCK ANYTHING BUT THOSE STUPID CRYSTAL SHIELDS LKDSJFLKSFSDFSDF MIHOOYOOOOOOOOOOOO
Personally, I hope that lolitranny sucks so there's no reason to roll her at all
>noooo why won't they make Geo into another Pyro!!!
It's shit for old players because it's jsut a restricted spiral abyss, and it's shit for new players because they can't even participate in it.
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Can't fix what isn't broken. Can't wait until the geo imaginarium theater.
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Geo God... I kneel
Most of nahida's lines was her just explaining shit which is probably why her line count is so high
So is it Iansan or Lansan?
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I've always loved Paimon.
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not my problem
If leaks are to be believed, there's no ETA for her. Current leak is saying the 5.1 new character is a tall female (geo). 5.2 will be the pyro archon and 5.3 some dude, allegedly. Not that Natlan leaks should be trusted much in general but it was around the same time as the 5.0 trio were leaked and those turned out right so far.
People want geo to become the new dendro lol
Also why she's so insufferable
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Based Naviadev is UNSTOPPABLE
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Based geoCHAD
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What exactly do I need to crit for 100k with noelle? Highest I've done is like 30k with furina
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Are they bringing back the 4th banner? It was good for rolling weapons.
Not for the foreseeable future, no
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She would be perfect wihtout those paws, wluldn't she?
If I were to guess aside from the the team listed, possibly an R5 redhorn and abyss blessing boosted autos. I reach 60k with Yunjin and Furina as I refuse to use Gorou and use Chiori instead with R1 Redhorn and no blessings.
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Still in awe that we are getting this in 5.x
How do we fix her?
To be fair, all gacha games pull out swimsuits when things start slowing down a bit too much.
Fair enough, I only have Whiteblind so I was wondering how far away I was from reaching the really big numbers
As a side note how's Chiori as a battery for Noelle? I was thinking of getting her on her first rerun to fill out the fourth slot in my WIP Noelle/Furina team. Mostly for her off-field damage but also because the doll attacking passively (undecided if I'll get C1) might let me be a bit more lazy with funnelling energy to Noelle.
I don't really pay attention to how much energy Chiori generates, Yunjin is the main battery. Also if you wanna run Chiori with Noelle (or Navia) you pretty much want C1 as her kit needs a geo construct otherwise. It's one of the worst con baits they have done.
Navia was also one of the characters I was considering picking up but when I read through her passives I noticed that she ideally wants to have two Pyro/Electro/Cryo/Hydro party members and I'm not sure how much I'd be crippling her if I wanted to run triple geo instead
I do that to use her w gorou sometimes and its all good
Yeah, that's the thing. I don't have Gorou at C6 so his buffing isn't as potent as it could be but I've been wondering if the increased geo damage I'd get from his banner (in a triple geo comp) would outweigh whatever personal damage Navia would gain from having a non-geo party member
Assuming most of the damage is going to come from Noelle anyway I feel like it's not as big of a deal as I make it out to be in my head but it's one of the primary reasons I have a hard time deciding what I want to do
Genshin is still topping charts
I don't have Navia myself as I skipped her and will skip rerun in favor for Natlan girls but from my understanding, you just generally don't bother with Chiori in Navia (or Noelle) teams if she isn't C1 unless you willingly run a construct member which is not ideal. You can do it like >>682042650, it's just not ideal is all.
I have C1 but I still think it's one of the dumbest constellation baits they have ever done.
Also if you run Furina you will still just get so much damage in general being optimal is hardly a concern.
Yeah, that's the weird part.
Though we obviously don't know the details. If they're not seeing slumps in some areas/demographics which are simply made up for by increased spending of whales or new blood.
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Watch how these dumbfucks will make her a 4*.
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>Check daily commissions
>Tales From the Court
If I were to guess I'd assume Welkins carry their profits even during slow patches
According to leakers, she's a 5*
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Imaginarium is easy and fun. Just build more characters.
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I want to marry and impregnate Yae so Kokomi can’t bully her for being old and busted anymore.
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>Is This Novel Amazing?
At least level up fremi/gaming/sethos to 20 for free fates
It's very possible it'll still get censored during the beta. People in previous threads were posting some news about CCP easing up on their regulations for character designs but didn't see a source so no idea if just made up shit or not. Could also just be Mihoyo fired/replaced whoever the retards in charge of what was going on last year in the game.
Meh. There's some RNG elements to it I'm not fond of like character unlocking and which stages you get as the stages between bosses are NOT made equal. Ultimately it still boils down to timers being the real checks yet again rather than anything else but that is just Mihoyo's design for everything to be "hard"; put a timer on it, not that the timers in Imaginarium are even close to Abyss timers but point still stands and it's not particularly interesting.
Different region means different design language, it's not that hard to comprehend
Your weird, autistic hatred of Nahida will never change how loved and popular she is.
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OK Whale
F2P, buddy. I just manage my time better and have damn good luck. Except when I don't.
>rolls for every character except for Itto, even multiple times
Sure thing, whale.
The only old players who shit it on it ones who don't actually play the game and get mad when they have to. That's what you get for not building characters during dead patches and skipping so many banners just to "save". Roll for everything or get fucked.
Is Sethos any fun gameplay-wise? I got him to C1 while rolling Clorinde and plan to have him as my main DPS for ow and domains until I max his friendship. Problem is, his gameplay seems kinda ass. Any fun teams for him besides the obvious Nahida-Fish carry?
>like why would anyone even want to play video games at that point.
That's the thing: modern audiences don't want to -play- video games. Those are still for loser virgin incel nerds if you're caught playing one. What they want is to be able to talk/engage about those games that they don't want to be caught playing, because the topics are popular. It's a form of cognitive dissonance that's on the rise in every aspect of everything.
NTA, but that pic is not the roster of a F2P player, even if you did every event, every daily and everything there is to do in the game since release. I've been playing actively since shortly after release and I don't even have half of what your pic shows. You're not fooling anyone here.
>rolls for every character except for Itto, even multiple times
Yes? With as many free primogems that you can grind out of the game via exploration alone, this is very easy. It's part of why i loved Sumeru's desert alongside how deep and layered it was. Very fun times. And I don't need Itto. I have Noelle. I roll for the Redhorn instead and hope I get lucky.

Funny you single out Itto but ignore that I skipped Neuvi twice.
Well that's what I did and that's what I got, so my luck is legit just better than yours. Granted, it took me all the way until Sumeru before I finally got Mona even once. Then she just suddenly showed up twice after that.
Not sure why you keep lying to me when we both know.
>he also admits to rolling on weapons alongside all that
yeah, very f2p my dude lmao
You're a schizo living in a world of your own creation I see
lmao no one believes your lies paypig.
He's fun yes, and also you can switch it up between normal attacks and charged attacks. You can do without Nahida I guess as long as you have another dendro. However, having Fischl is a must and there's no getting around that.
You guys are weirdly bitter and delusional.

I throw whatever single rolls I get into whatever I want to roll for at the time. Sometimes I get lucky, sometimes I don't. I couldn't get XIanyun's or Arle's weapons but Chiori's and Clorinde's both came instantly. But as a result, I had to squeeze every last primo I could out of achievements, hidden quests and events only for them to not show up until the last day on their banners.

5-Star constellations are hard, though. I usually don't bother, get lucky, or specifically plan for it in the case of Eula.
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weak bait
Look, you can not believe me if you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you're wrong.
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Two or three weeks ago I saw an anon talk about Bennett in TCG and for some reason I randomly remembered him so I wanted to try him out
Holy shit he's even stronger than I had expected, I have no clue why I don't see more people run him. With his own talent and Aquila Favonia he becomes a raid boss that can 1v3 the entire enemy team if they don't have the means to burst him down or freeze you
Can't believe bouken boy is broken even in the meme game mode
>According to people who're making shit up, she's a 5*
NTR game
If you consider lending your characters NTR then why did you made them available in the first place?
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>Some people actually used my characters
Finally, I have frens…
Maybe that's precisely why he does it
I want to FUCK Yaoyao!
It would be neat if hoyo told you what characters other players used
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Well, that Abyss session was easy. I struggled a bit the last two times, I guess my usual teams were more fit for the current session.
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>14 time(s)
Damn, I kneel.
>It would be neat if hoyo told you what characters other players used
True, that would be really fun.
I'm still on act 4, should finish this some time soon. Do they really not tell you what character is being used for supports?
No unfortunately, although you can probably assume it's your best built character since people can inspect the builds beforehand.
I mean, they were right about 1 dendro claymore, one hydro girl (alleged so far catalyst) and geo loli
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Do they buff/nerf chars in this game? Because klee should get a buff or atleast qol to make her less clunky to use as a cata user. She is the only cata user with atks as slow and clunky as claymore.
There's a wish tracker, you know? Surely you have your wish tracker upload to post proof of your primo count used in total?
Only indirect buffs through new weapons, artifacts, support characters, reactions, etc.
The only character to ever be buffed directly was Zhongli and that to only because he was the God of China and Tencent shills reported his "weakness" to the CCP. He was supposed to be a Geo contruct damage enabler when launched in 1.1 not a shielder, even Diona who came out the same patch had a stronger shield than him back then
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They don't really buff characters but they have nerfed them. You could say that the EM change and dendro buffed characters though.

Venti's burst)esp when used with the BP bow) was nerfed so that it doesn't cause fall damage which potentially gut his DPS.
Ayaka's charge attack range was seriously nerfed.
Albedo's flower was nerfed, before when you jumped before reaching the top you would get a jump boost. They totally removed that which makes it feel like absolute shit.
This is all I can remember but I think there were some others.
Klee could someday get the Xiao treatment (a full new team to buff him and an upcoming targeted weapon) but it would be hard to do that for her without skyrocketing better Pyro characters ahead of her.
>only nerf chars

I thought so, they are faggots to the core.
Xiao never got shit and he still sucks. Nothing can save Klee from feeling bad to play.
You could argue they were fixes but that would make you a faggot. Especially Albedo's thing since it aligned with some patch that fixed a physics bug.
What's annoying is that no one cares about any of those things but they made all three characters much worse.
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Claymore buff WHEN
>lending fictional characters to help people fight that don’t exist is NTR
Holy fuck you people are mentally ill. Don’t understand why they done away with insane asylums.
here's your (You), retard
that's what you wanted right?
>borrowing characters
evil filth
kill yourself
none of you disgusting subhuman psychopaths will ever touch my Klee
I refuse to participate in in cancer like this, I will never defile my account by using some subhuman random's trash character
fuck multiplayer as a concept
doesn't matter
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Giimme your klee
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Post UID
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good lord
>Xiao never got shit and he still sucks
He got Faruzan Furina and Xianyun, and he works on my machine. His damage went through the roof while you were sleeping, Mr. Fossil.
Im about to swipe for her weapon, it seems mandatory unless you want to use a lvl 3 weapon for ever.
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im hoping for a more general support buffing weapon, her signature seems more for if you want to increase her burst's damage
doesnt the extra HP increase healing too. There really is not much more to buff her support aside from just buffing her healing.
her healing is overkill no matter the weapon you use, a party buffing weapon like elegy is what I want
Genuine question here. I promise I'm not trying to trigger anyone. But I've always struggled to get into Genshin. I think partially because doing daily commissions + resin feels like it takes too long and too much effort and I burn myself out, and then make little progress in the game outside of its daily/weekly cycle. I tried wuwa and I've had an absolute blast with it; but the monochrome world is wearing on me, and I'd really love to fall in love with Genshin as much as I did with wuwa. But now it feels even harder to get into Genshin after going back to its movement style. Part of me thinks that starting a brand new Genshin account might help, because when the game first came out, I was in love for like the first 2 months but quit before the first major patch and didn't try again until last year; so I feel pretty disconnected from my playthrough, if that makes sense. Any suggestions?
What do you think about Mona's butt?
prob will never happen for a long while for a 5 star bow.
Siggy uses her big ass to seduce human men.
Start with a new account.
Genshin now is much different from what it was two years ago. A lot of QoLs updated too. Have fun.
Xianyun literally does more damage than him with the same supports.
make her black and give her pants
Not sure when you last played but they added a system where you get "encounter points" for doing things such as opening chests, finding collectibles, participating in events, doing quests
You can use those points to complete your daily commissions
Next patch they are making those points stack
to make it even easier
As for resin not much you can do about that, most gachas have some kind of energy system like that
>xiao in 2024
where's your Gaming, gamer
Only at C6
He's C6 because I rolled lots of Xianyun, but he's clunkier so I don't use him as much. Still a fun ass character though.
agree, I've beat the normal mode but don't have enough characters for hard and that's fine, ppl who put more effort into the game should get better rewards.
At c0.
Then that's just untrue, I've tested. Who led you to believe this?
yeah, I think I'll do that. I'll just login on EU server instead of making a new account

That sounds really neat, and I'll probably get hooked this time around, thanks anon
I was bored and build Noelle, I thought she was doing fine dmg with Gorou, Yun jin and Furina but abyss 12 was a bitch, specially those last consecrated beasts.
I got 2 stars but no way in hell she is able to clear it fast enough for 3*
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There are lots of stairs in the fortress, huh?
they also said they were all black
post your build
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Why does every single loli shows off her ass?
Noelle needs some hefty investment, if you don't have a good weapon, good team and good stats for her then yeah she won't be keeping up
Still kind of cool that a launch character can keep up with modern content
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Fertility is beautiful.
Who's the best character and why is it Mona?
Husk set, 70/180 crit, 2200 DEF with Itto sword, 150 ER
I mean, what the fuck more does she want, my house and credit card?
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>husk with Furina
Only way you can improve Noelle herself is using Hunter instead
Otherwise make sure your other supports are built
Yunjin is nice but depending on the floor (you can easily consume her buff too quickly) you can replace her with Fischl to experiment
Well, of course the team does more dmg with Yelan on it for example.
But its Yelan+Furina doing all the work then, its no longer a hypercarry Noelle team (I might as well just use Raiden or Tao at that point)
Its more crit rate worth the DEF loss by using hunter?
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Damn mihoyo, releasing another loli so soon, made me buy welkin!
>new geo loli's ass animations
>siggy's constant ass shots
>yaoyao having shaded ass and polearm normal attack animations
>nahida has her normal attack and idle animations
>dori constantly sitting on her ass
>sayu's normal attack and idle animations
>diona's normal attack and idle animations
>qiqi has wind upskirts
Only Klee has no particular ass shot in her animations besides the usual loli run>sudden stop animation.
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and the water jump animation but they all have that too.
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Do we know what the next few banners will be?
I sorta want Sige but I have so many fucking characters to finish gearing so I can actually do Imaginarium. At this point it would be better to save for cons of the characters I actually have ready to use.
Navia/Nilou and then Emilie/Yelan.
MH may not be better in the case of Husk artifacts that good, you'd be playing catch-up for quite a while.
wait nevermind that's the Itto sword pulling the weight
what a waste of primogems
we know you need the op units to beat theatre anon
Gorou is your battery because he has perfect synergy with Noelle + Chiori. Slap a fav bow on him and build a little ER on Noelle and you'll have no energy problems. At 140% on Noelle, for single targets I have to funnel once, maybe twice vs single targets and not at all vs groups.
no you don't
so why are you concerned with rolls
nta, but why is it a waste of primogems? the anon pulled for who they liked. what's wrong with that? if you're enjoying the character then what is lost exactly?
I love Yanfei so much bros.
she looks like she would have very high libido
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I got her to c6, no regrets at all!
But... How much did it cost?
how does the bubble prison thing work? why cant I imprison anyone
Emilie owes me sex
>90% of pyro characters are selfish on-field dps characters
and then when they make Dehya unique and useful, people are too retarded to understand her kit and try to make her a DPS
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Lots of time and saving, I only roll for lolis.
u didnt edge the release of her bubble
I have enough to get her C6 right now and I definitely will get her C6, but I'll wait for a rerun when she gets less insulting 4*s on her banner, especially now that there's a new 4* loli that'll be in the standard pool.

I don't know what the fuck they were thinking not having Sayu nor Diona on her banner.
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My dick says otherwise.
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Name a worse fate
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Nahidas rerun doko
Totally could've gotten stuck as a worse character tbdesu
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>like the open World/Exploring and Music
>HATE everything else (The Characters (Paimon), The Awfull Story)
Wish Emillie was sooner
the average genshin player (mostly female) play this for Anime Fantasy Open World Simlator with Visual Novel Yapping.
They dont give a fuck about combat.
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What is your Stash for Natlan?
Did you pulled on the Weapon Banner?
Seems like a lot of /v/ habituals hated it too look at the guy a couple of posts above seething and pissing himself
Think you have enough to max out Iansan? I'm a little relieved she doesn't appear to be coming in 5.0, I could use the extra time to save for more cons
Why is there so much gay porn in this series? I can't go one second without seeing one twink or another getting fucked in the ass.
Unfortunately, that's what happens when the vast majority of your playerbase only roll and build characters that "theorycrafters" tell them to use; 90% of players only have the same 10-15~ characters and don't like it when they can't be used. They also don't like anti-synergistic Abyss cycles for the same reason.
Next Combat Month is Freeze Chilling.
Time to play Ayaka Freeze and the forgotten Morgana Comp
Sadly those well oiled Machines/Team Comps are getting fucked by RNG when you get Barbara instead of Kokomi or Faruzan instead of Venti.
Sure the Difficulty is not the Problem but its Driving the Car with a Flat tire.
Barbara does NOT look like that
You start with Barbara and Faruzan, and you want the Faruzan early because you also start with Xiao who you'll want to use up
Should have kept the bulge.
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>I can't go one second without seeing one twink or another getting fucked in the ass.
That sounds like a you problem.
>child model with less range.

She was doomed from the start.
Sure she made 10% more Damage than Diluc back then.
Probably best to keep Xiao for one of the bosses since he's better with single targets
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Genshins with cute ears.
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Sucrose has cute ears
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True. True.
Honestly, not at all, Sige drained me a lot, needed 670 rolls to get her C6R1...
If she appears on 5.1 I'll just get her and wait for reruns.
She was S tier DPS back then. And its not like she got powercrepted by other fire DPS. Its mostly that none of the new weapons/artifacts benefited her. her best weapon is still a 4 star weapon, Witch set is the only set viable on her, and she cant even fully utilize it.
>And its not like she got powercrepted by other fire DPS.
Meanwhile, Xiangling.
Doesnt count in the same way bennet doesnt count. She isnt a main DPS and neither is bennet, Klee is a main onfield DPS. You use xiangling with klee to boost her onfield DPS.
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>Want to get Yelan up to C2 as she's constantly in my teams
>Also wouldn't mind uping up Navia's constellations as I use her all the time and is fun
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I fucking kneel
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paimon is cute in japanese
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Lumine knows
lol Miko so based
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lol they gave yoimiya's voice to this fat chick
caught me off guard
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They all know.
Huh? The girl trying to get Rawats product?
yeah, jp dub

You shouldnt need 20+ chars to play content in a single player game where only 4 chars at a time are relevant for 99.5% of that content.
lol we cry for her banner while fags cry for kaveh's
Damn we really are not different huh
They've been deliberately dangling her in front of people by putting her in both Clorinde's character trial and her stage during one of last month's temporary events
They want to showcase how useful she can be so they can shove her into some completely unrelated banner in the hopes that she can make people pull for her
Expect her to show up on some random shit like a double cryo or hydro banner
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What's a good 'yaka team that doesn't involve Ganyu or Shenhe?
I finally decided to start using mine after all these years since the next IH wants Cryo.
Ayaka exceeds at permafreeze, so you need someone with good off-field hydro application (Kokomi, Mona, Xingqiu) + anemo VV (Kazuha, Venti, Sucrose) + another cryo for battery (Shenhe, Layla, Diona)
or diona/mona/sucrose
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>Use Barbruh skill
>Alt sprint into people over and over for freeze
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I'm gonna try Kok/Rosaria/Sucrose and see how that feels, at least until I can get Shenhe and the goat. Thanks anons.
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Uhh, Furina my love, you have to understand, I have a MIGHTY NEED to go out and colonize new lands, expand our territories, discover new materials and create new trade routes. I'll be back in a couple months, I promise
>Wanting a fat slampig over the perfect wife
You don't deserve her
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>>Use Barbruh skill
I...don't like Barbara.
>fat slampig
But enough about Furina's pastry and pasta diet
Shenhe yeah but Ganyu is not necessary at all in Ayaka teams and frankly, a waste of Ganyu's dps
i guess natlan really is a pokemon ripoff, they gave this girl that mewtwo body
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Why are 4chan fucktards obsessed with nahida?
This shit character alone singlehandly brought an army of /polcel pedos and ruined countless communities when sumero came out.
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Are you gay by chance?
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I always thought her best team was Kokomi/Shenhe/Ganyu, but I heard that a long time ago so it could've been wrong.
Straight as an arrow, which is why I don't like Boarbara. She is great in threesome scenarios with Jean though.
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I ain't reading that
I am reading that
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I have every 4 star except Ning.
Bro your Lantern Rite selector?
I was promised Natlan would have cute brown girls after Sumeru dropped the ball but all preview characters are just white Pokemon trainers. Very disappointing.
I Gamed.
>elephant penis wine
That's a meme, right?
As someone with 90% of characters who has them all built to a usable level, and who got all stars on the theater on hard, it's pretty shit how it's currently set up.
Needs way too many characters to just be usable and way too RNG based on what characters and challenges you'll have unlocked at any given time.
Even just cutting it down to 12 characters instead of 15 and letting you invite more than 1 friend's character would be an enormous help.
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They're blatantly copying the pokemons themselves
aren't you /polfucks anti-med/anti-vaxx?
I will NOT cum to Ayaka
You can tell a furry made this
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rightoid can only make one word posts lol
go back to crying about the trans Steam sale character
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>I will NOT cum to Ayaka
What a foolish endeavor.
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I need a qt White Mexican Sucrose gf so bad
I kneel and cum
Evil Nahida when
Will the summer event be kino? They seem to be decent then good then decent. They're always ruined by shit characters like kazuhira or kokomi or the entire cast of the first one except Klee.
But hey Nikou is SEXO
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nta, but you've been spewing buzzwords left and right. how does that make you any different than him?
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Best one is GAA1, followed by the Mirage and then GAA2. We'll see if the next one is decent or wordslop questslop with an aggressive time limit like GAA2 was.
i kinda have high hopes (i know i shouldn't) for this summer event because judging by the last world quest it was short, simple and to the point. they said, they're gonna story telling like that for now on. idk will see though.
Getting raped by evil Nahida...
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Anyone else playing too many gacha now?
My days are filled with dalies.
Just FEH, both Yugiohs, and Genshin. I don't play gachas solely because they're gachas.
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Genshin is the only gacha I play
Tried ToF, Honkai, WuWa, ZZZ but none of them can pull me in
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I play Dokkan Battle too. I usually do auto link leveling while playing genshin. I've tried playing more gachas alongside genshin but since genshin expects so much time to actually make meaningful progress in it I can't play anything more serious. It'd have to outright replace genshin entirely for me to pick up another one. I intend to actually give Azur Promilia a chance though
I love it so much
Genshin, WuWa, ZZZ in the morning, and Azur Lane and Blue Archive at night.
Luckily I bounced off the current expansion of FFXIV so I can avoid those long ass dailies.
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>Desperately need primos
>Last easy source is the homo hangouts
>Hours of fujo fanfiction even if I skip every word
>All to hit hard pity on Furina
Is she actually worth it? I think I'd rather never have her
Please Mihoyo, I beg you, stop being so esoteric for five minutes. It's like the entire Enigmatic Page questline revels in being confusing.
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I'm excited for Emilie bros
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>Is she actually worth it?
She's easily one of the best buffers in the game and works on an absurd amount of teams due to her typing and the way she buffs. By far one of the best characters you can pull in the entire game next to Yelan, Kazuha, and Kusanali.
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>Is she actually worth it?
It's dumb to compared her to Yelan or Kazuha and she's worse than Nahida.
Not at c0
that's her only constellation that's worth it, the rest are memes
You realize I'm just saying generally that she's one of the "must pull" characters, right? The comparison is that she's a character everyone should have available due to her utility just like the other three.

You want Kazuha due to his constant swirling, succ, exploration capabilities thanks to having a double jump that works in midair, and free damage buffs along with VV. Then if you slap a Sac Sword onto him you have insane energy, VV application, damage, and succ capabilities every time he comes back into the rotation.
You want Yelan for her dashes being able to mob, free energy generation from the dashes, her ability to elongate and mitigate stamina drain due to her dashing, her burst being an amazing sub DPS tool and Hydro applier, and her high damage. Then if you get her to C1 you have even more energy gain, damage, and infinite stamina making it one of if not the best C1 in the entire game.
You want Kusanali because she can apply constant Dendro to groups of enemies all at the same time, everyone who is tagged and also close enough will also take damage when you do an elemental reaction to any enemy in the chain, she's extremely simple to build, she buffs EM like crazy, and because of her ability to push Dendro quickly and consistently she's essentially the best support in the game.
You want Furina for her constant Hydro application and damage from her summons, her burst heavily buffing your entire team for an eternity thanks to the summons draining your HP and you healing using another character, the ability to walk on water, and the ability to heal with her alt summon.
Muito texto
>You realize I'm just saying generally that she's one of the "must pull" characters, right?
She's not though. Yelan and Kazuha are absolute must-pulls but Furina and Nahida aren't, they're just good pulls. With Nahida pulling more weight than Furina.
What's Navia's best con? I got her at C0 on her debut, but rolling for Cappucino depleted my reserves.
Disregard this, I read Nahida for some reason. Navia's cons suck.
I guess I can spare 200 rolls. Hopefully they run her with some nice 4*s on the banner.
In what way are they not? Who is better than Kusanali at anything?
>D-Traveler requires a Hydro and you waiting after the burst to even start remotely outputting a decent amount of Dendro on top of needing like 200% ER to even be viable.
>Baizhu only applies Dendro when you send Changsheng out for like two seconds.
>Tighnari has terrible Dendro application and is a DPS so that's not his intended goal anyway.
>Yo-yo is a healer and has to be on field with her Burst to actually apply Dendro as fast as Kusanali, and even if you throw Yuegui out it can only target one enemy so she's okay at application but not great.
>Kirara exists just for the shield.
>Collei's reliable Dendro application relies on her burst, is short, and even if you have C2 the ring that's around her from her boomerang has extremely short range on it so its application is inconsistent at best.
>Kaveh has to be on field for his Dendro application to even become noticeable and it requires you popping his burst to even do that.
>Alhaitham is in the same situation as Tighnari where he has to be on field and actively attacking for the Dendro application.
She's the leader of the best elemental reactions in the entire game, she can make an absurd amount of teams viable, she offers massive buffs to everyone, and more. I have no idea how you can argue she's not a "must pull" because Yelan does less than her even with Breakthrough Barb added (Which I forgot to list). Let's also not forget because of Dendro she makes multiple characters viable.

Furina's only real competition is Benny and Benny requires you to play Circle Impact whereas Furina requires you to play Healer Impact which has significantly more wiggle room. She offers tons of benefits in exchange for having a single healer, works on an absurd amount of teams, makes many characters way stronger than they have any right to be, and is easy to use.

How can you argue they're not some of the best things to use pulls on?
>Who is better than Kusanali at anything?
Are you joking? She is a support that isn't the best in the game right now, why would she be in the future? I'm also mostly talking about Furina not being a must-pull, you can make the argument for Nahida because she's the spine of dendro but dendro has a weakish damage ceiling and might not always be relevant.

>Furina's only real competition is Benny
She isn't even competing with him because she needs a healer to match what he does, meaning she is below him because he is a healer himself.

Also you type way too much shit, I'm not reading most of your posts.
Why would you need Yelan when Xinqiu is just as good as her and a 4*.
>metababb cringe
Pull for who you like.
what if you like meta
>Are you joking? She is a support that isn't the best in the game right now, why would she be in the future?
By your logic who is the best support then? Benny? How can you genuinely be downplaying Kusanali like this? I've never seen anyone argue about her this way.
>but dendro has a weakish damage ceiling and might not always be relevant.
Who cares? It's extremely powerful, is useful without a lot of investment, is extremely easy to work around, and no matter where you are in the game it's worth going for. I do not give a monkey's toss about meta talk if that's what you're talking about, I care about general usage for the general player and she's an enormous boon for them.
>because she needs a healer to match what he does
Except you're not restricted with the circle like you are with Benny which immediately opens up how you can approach fights and makes things like Cloud Retainer x Furina completely viable for tons of characters, or simply lets you actually move around the arena to chase people like Mirror Maidens, wolves, Fatui, and the Emerites as a very basic example. You also have to worry about Benny's Pyro infusion if you have his C6. Benny also exists strictly for his burst and his skill is useless unlike Furina's which is constantly attacking and stacking Hydro on enemies.
>Also you type way too much shit
Because I have to lay everything out on the table here to support my argument? You're barely explaining anything and just dismissing everything.
>By your logic who is the best support then?
It doesn't even matter, just think about all the characters that are coming that you will want to roll for. Dime a dozen supports aren't must-pulls. They won't help you clear content over the characters they're competing with and aren't saving you time anywhere else.
Oh, ok then. Guess I'll wait to see how Emillie is, or hold for more Arlecons
>Guess I'll wait to see how Emillie is
She seems really strong.
>Dime a dozen supports aren't must-pulls.
There is no one who can do what Kusanali can do. The closest is D-Traveler and they're extremely clunky to do so. By pulling her you let yourself use dozens if not hundreds of new team compositions because of it, make overworld exploration easier, and overall make more annoying content more doable. Basic example being the Mondo Hydro domain, Hydro cube, and the Tulpa.
>They won't help you clear content over the characters they're competing with and aren't saving you time anywhere else.
You gotta be joking dude. Seriously? So having 24/7 Dendro reactions that also cause tons of damage to enemies also tagged and also lets you pick up items in the distance won't help you in any way? Having a bunch of summons that spam Hydro at enemies while facilitating huge damage buffs to the player without restricting them to an area won't help them either?

I genuinely don't get your logic. The alternatives are worse or more restrictive.
>I genuinely don't get your logic.
Because you're not thinking with any and you are clearly autistic typing Kusanali instead of Nahida and derailing the discussion so much.
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Ye but kassius is a cringe faggot and yellan is ugly
>Because you're not thinking
I am thinking, and I'm outright explaining exactly why I'm thinking it. You're just going "Nuh uh" and saying that someone with more restrictions is actually better or not even giving alternative examples as to why you believe so. Why is Kusanali not a "Must pull"? Your only argument for Furina not being a "Must pull" is that Benny exists when Benny accomplishes something entirely different from her with different restrictions and less synergy. Like >>682111016 said, why even bother with Yelan then when you already have someone equal to her? Why is she a "Must pull" in your eyes but not the other two when Kusanali has no equal and Furina's equal has different limitations and less versatility?
>typing Kusanali instead of Nahida
Because she's Lord Kusanali. Traveler calling her "Nahida" doesn't change that when literally everyone else in the game calls her "Kusanali". The fact you understand what I mean shows it doesn't matter.
>derailing the discussion so much.
You mean the discussion where I said to a guy asking if she was worth it that she's on par with Kazuha, Yelan, and Kusanali and you said she wasn't along with Kusanali? That discussion?
>when you already have someone equal to her?
Not only are you autistic and type too much, you're retarded too. As usual it was a waste of time replying to a tripfag.
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>Razor for Mining
>Sayu for Rolling and grabbing Crystalflies
>Kirara for Climbing and getting Meat
>Xianyun for Speed and Verticality
Is there a better exploration team? I guess crossing water might be seen as a problem but Ayaka and Furina fix that if they need to be swapped in. Not like crossing water has really been an issue since Inazuma anyways
Why use Razor for mining? Sure, the charged claw saves you some time but you already have Sayu in that team so you can just plunge or slap it regularly and use someone better for actual fighting or exploration.

Sayu also has the issue of her roll not working as well as Yelan's run when you want to move quickly in general or being as useful in battle unless the enemy already has some easy elemental reaction to work with. Sure, if you want to go in a straight line with her it's fine, but as soon as you want to quickly change directions Sayu's more of a hassle in exploration. She also has more time to get in and out of the ball than Yelan does getting into her dash, and Yelan has Breakthrough Barb which helps you murder birds and boars like it's nothing which no other character can really do as effectively outside of Cloud Retainer's divebomb (Kind of hard to aim without spooking them) or Ganyu.

Kirara's verticality may be faster, but she also pops out of the box fairly quickly and she can't traverse vertically as well as Kazuha can if there's anything that's not straight up flat which mountains usually aren't since they typically have overhangs.
Were you not aware that there are some excellent spots for crystalflies underwater?
One spot has six and you dont need Sayu to easily pick them all up.
John Lee instead of Razor for mining and Nahida for grabbing stuff from a distance - either in place of Sayu or Kirara, since the hag already enhances the movement both vertically and horizontally. Furina and Neuvillette specifically for underwater exploration
>No Yelan
Enjoy going slow and swapping Amber in to your team every time you find a bloaty floaty.
This mode forced me to build Dori from lvl1 to 90 and i surprisingly liked her
The choice paid off in the end because she was the only healer i got in a full team of 4-stars with a Heizou in it and overall it was a pretty enjoyable experience.
I do see how easily things could turn sour for everyone else though.
shit, meant to quote >>682027495
New mode is surprisingly fun, might have to rerun it soon to snag that last flower.
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Am I the only one who feels like the Knave fight is annoying as hell? I get why her health and damage is high since she's a weekly boss but her fucking Aoe attacks just suck to dodge. Also it feels like the difficulty of the fight is really dependent on luck, in some fights she'll use her beam attack and it's an easy win but on the other hand she might also just keep spamming bond of life and take you to Aoe city.
bro, your Zhong Lee
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Klee for pyro and rock breaking
Yelan for fast horizontal movement and bow puzzles
Xianyun for fast vertical movement and healing
Flex slot for puzzles requiring certain elements.
>try to read the meta talk
>"must pull"
aaaand its retarded
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No one was talking about the meta. The guy asked if he should go all in on Furina and I said he should because she's one of the best supports. The entire discussion ended up being about what characters someone should at least have for their account because they're useful in a multitude of ways and she's one of them. Cloud Retainer should also be considered due to her movement + plunge teams + full team heal that open up even more older characters that were harder to use outside of niche ways. The fact she can make Kaveh a main DPS with some help is crazy.
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The events range from kino to meh. I would love to eat these words, but I still don't think any summer event is ever going to top this one I still feel spoiled by it. If the upcoming summer doesn't have a little teaser for Natlan at the end, or any amazing music, I'll be dissapointed again.
Will the music be kino again?
How the fuck am I supposed to know what koreans mean with re-employment money for their retarded meme password hints?
Mouche meeting Ei when?!
Just cope with Serpent Spine.
For what purpose? She doesn't even know who the fuck he is anymore because they decided to "redeem" him by simply erasing his person from history. God Sumeru quests after MSQ concluded were so fucking stupid.
The dook only buffs Dendro reactions. Furina buffs pretty much all team damage as long as it isn't transformative damage
Want to play physical DPS Qiqi? She'll buff that too
I don't even know her moveset, I just unga bunga with my mono-hydro team
How the fuck do you guys see "Scaramouche has to live with the fact that he murdered his only friends for no reason" and interpret it as "he was redeemed"? Genshin players are some of the most illiterate mother fuckers on the planet
>shit character written as a stacy self insert for femdevs doesn't stop talking/crying
Retard. He's redeemed by the fact that literally fucking no one knows all the fucked up shit he did other than Traveler, himself and Nahida. And no one will hold him accountable for it. Hence "redeemed", they basically removed any consequences for his actions by simply making no one know just so he can be playable. It's one of the dumbest fucking things they did, aside from making him playable in the first place.
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The consequence of his actions is that he has to live with it for the rest of his immotal lifge, turns out he has a concience. Meanwhile Nahida made him her bitch boy, gave him a stupid name, and went "go to school, retard"
>hurr durr no one held him accountable
Who the fuck is going to hold him accountable? Raiden? She couldn't be assed to do anything in the last 500 years

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