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Sena Bryer, controversial trans voice actress of "Wuk Lamat", one of the main characters of Final Fantasy 14's latest expansion Dawntrail, attempted in early 2023 to get another voice actress in the industry - Kelly Ohanian, voice of Bridget in Guilty Gear Strive - to quit her job over her gender, stating that Bridget should be voiced by a trans voice actress and that the cis woman playing her should step down.
"It's #TransDayOfVisibility, and the most visible trans woman in anime & video games is still played by a cis woman who has shown no signs of ever stepping down, and Guilty Gear's localization director did a targeted hate raid on trans people who spoke out against the decision."

When confronted about it, Sena defends herself saying that it's not hateful or targeted to call for someone to "step down" (aka quit their paid gig) over their sexual/gender preferences.

What makes this interesting is that the character she voices, Wuk Lamat, is in no way indicated to be a trans woman either. Therefore exposing a bit of hypocrisy in her line of thinking, as under her previous claims, Wuk Lamat should be voiced by a cis woman.

What do you think? Personally, I don't think it's right for a voice actress to try and get another actress fired or coerce them into quitting their job. I'm sure people will focus on the trans shit, but I'm more worried about a potential future where it becomes normalized to try and get people fired so you can get their job.
Using archived links instead of direct links in case she decides to delete her tweets.
If a Trans Woman is a Woman, shouldn’t she already feel represented? (You know the answer)
Since /v/ gets spammed with nonstop culture war brainrot, I don't feel bad in contributing absolutely nothing to this thread by saying that I don't care
Good on the Bridget VA for not backing down, but dub VA's are still a general blight.
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what do you mean what do i think? any sane person knows that the tranny is just being a stupid whiny retard
Final Faggotsy 7 Redditbirth is horseshit and flopped
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Isnt wuk lamat supposed to be ethnic in the first place? Why is a white "woman" voicing her?
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This is why you play with Japanese dub always. No VA drama to worry about.
trannies don't want equality, they want to take away rights from other people. they've carved themselves a culture where it's considered wrong or problematic to disagree with them and they know it. it's never been about "getting trans rights". saying that trannies have been marginalized for decades doesn't really mean much when they weren't a tranny 5 years ago, all it goes to show is that they're only doing it for victimhood status, and it's beginning to slip through the cracks how little trannies actually respect real women, and how much they actually hate them.

Actual women supported this, and now they're starting to see that it was a bad idea. But currently it's too late to do anything about it. Trannies may be disgusting freaks, but they aren't necessarily stupid, considering they're still actually men. They know exactly what they've been doing this entire time, and now they're trying to cash in their chips.
She's adopted but her real father is still from the game's equivalent of South America, so, yea.
because only straight white people are not allowed to voice marginalized classes. Blacks can voice whites, trannies can voice biological women, gays can voice straights, etc. The only problems arise you turn it around.

But it's not hypocritical!!!!
Hes literally Latinx
Uh, newsflash chud. C*s women CANNOT play trans characters, but trans characters can play c*s characters. This is literally not hard to understand. Kelly should step down and be ashamed of her actions, and Sena deserves the roles of Bridget, that has been her favorite character for so long, and Bridget is LITERALLY her.
You will never be Japanese.
keep sucking that tranny cock
Dub VAs should all step down.
high school tier nonsense that shows how this stuff all boils down to narrow self-interest rather than the societal selflessness they like to portray it as
Dub VA's are still increasing the cost of producing games, even if you don't use it. So being okay with the dub voice acting world being so shit because you play subbed isn't helping you the way you think it is. You're still paying for its inclusion.
No he isn't.
they never wanted rights for all, they've always wanted rights for "me me me". They just found it convenient to hitch their trailor to the LGB+ movement because it already had momentum, despite the fact that being a tranny isn't any more of a sexual preference than being a christian is. I can concede that being a faggot is something you're born with, but being a tranny is something you choose to do, especially when you still try to fuck women even after putting on a dress.
biological women are less equal than trans women
trannies want actual women to go back to the suffrage era where they aren't even allowed to vote or have jobs. They don't want real women to be seen anymore, because real women will always draw more positive attention than they do. I yearn for the day when every athlete in women's sports is a tranny, because that way they wont have an unfair advantage anymore, but they'll just have to accept that reality since it's the one they fought for.
english voice "actors" are a fucking disease
it's not voice actors, it's anyone in the west with a strong liberal bias. They try to play social police all the time and they don't care that they come off as obtuse cunts.
Alright, /v/. What is the last dub you heard and enjoyed. Be honest and DON'T say "never" because there's at least one, even if it's full nostalgia, that you enjoyed.
For me? The answer is Live A Live Remake even if the Jap VAs are objectively stronger. Seriously, check out the JP VA list, it's crazy, but I still enjoyed my playthrough with English voices.
It's partially due to nostalgia, I do love the OG.
Endwalker pre-patches
Sonic Frontiers (even the japanese hate japanese Sonic)
good we like admiring japanese culture from a far not see it getting ruined by globalist cancer
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what a hypocrite
Sailor Moon dub airing on Toonami now.
Just because his dad is from Puerto Rico means fuckall when he can't even speak Spanish. So the accent isn't even rooted in an understanding of the inspired language.
>What makes this interesting is that the character she voices, Wuk Lamat, is in no way indicated to be a trans woman either. Therefore exposing a bit of hypocrisy in her line of thinking, as under her previous claims, Wuk Lamat should be voiced by a cis woman.
Agreed. If you are going to go out of your way to call for someone to essentially get fired over a personal standard then you need to live up to that standard yourself.
Wuk Lamat hates women??????
Dude who
Who gives a fuck
Play video games
>tranny game
>tranny protagonist
xiv cultists are off in the head
>Statement: I would rather Japanese games be voiced by actual Japanese people.
These people make your video games more expensive. Your "who cares" attitude is naive and part of why the industry is such a mess.
What a hateful and incendiary tweet, it would be a shame if it were to be used against him.
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>FF dub
>GG dub
>dub at all
We should have never stopped beating the fuck out of trannies
Wuk Lamat is misogynist?!
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The minute traps start being voiced by trans people, is the minute the fetish stops working for me.
It's not a conscious decision, the voice triggers an automatic response to make me lose my boner.
No it isn't, it's you fags who continually support the modern gaming industry for the last decade constantly consuming every new slopbox or slopcard and pre ordering AAA garbage and then just coming here to qhine about your Twitter drama
It's like having a retarded child who just keeps grabbing a hot pan and never learning it's hot
There's a clear conflict of interest in the statement and it should be obvious why this is bad social conduct and bad optics to anyone with a brain.
Do I think it would be a better fit to have a trans person voice act a trans character? Perhaps, it'd be interesting to see all the "people" have an aneurysm when their expectations don't match reality. It'd also be some exposure to "otherness", something a lot of low-intelligence people could probably use in their life to become more well-rounded individuals.

>GBVS has 1 (possibly 2, Cagliostro is up for debate) trans women in its roster and no trans women were even sent sides to audition.
>When I asked the studio personally about this, I was promptly deleted from their roster and blacklisted with no response.
Imagine my surprise when people don't want to touch the optic equivalent of a hot glowing hot stove.
I liked the P3 Reload dub.
Then get rid of dubs as an industry practice
This explains everything if its true
replace them both with ai
latinks is no joke. always make sure your pork is fully cooked
This is every ideology where someone claims they care for the downtrodden.
The "downtrodden" is them and as soon as they feel a little better about themselves they become authoritarian assholes because fuck the downtrodden I got mine.
But aren't transwomen women? If that's true, and that is what troons been arguing for years, then a bio woman voicing Bridget should be fine.
witcher 3, I still think english cast is good but I prefer the polish ones now
When I played FFXIV 10 years ago, I always had jap dub on because the English acting was insufferable.
That was just for cutscenes I couldn’t skip.
its like trannies want everyone to hate them
>get rid of dubs
you mean like these dubs? check 'em
troon grifter, simple as
People who play video games, tranny.
I love that every single time a dev hires a tranny, they ape out over nothing and drag the game's reputation through the mud. Same thing happened to Dead by Daylight.
Maybe hire sane people next time.
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>just be a mindless consumer and play shitty pozd video games without complaining!!!
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>and Guilty Gear's localization director did a targeted hate raid on trans people who spoke out against the decision.
What is Sena referring to?
the scenario xeyxer made up in xerxims head
This person really is a piece of shit, huh?
>trannies want actual women to go back to the suffrage era where they aren't even allowed to vote or have jobs
Chat is this real? WTF I love trannies now!
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I think English dubs should be abolished since 90+% of the characters in Japanese media are Japanese, and none of these hack losers are Japanese themselves. It is not racially accurate, so their vocation should be gutted.
Wuk Lumat's voice actor should quit and let a REAL Hrothgar voice the character!
anyone under the lgbt flag should be murdered in the streets
They are ALL like this nigger
do it yourself then
yeah, trannnies want to completely replace women and use CRISPR to create a new artificial test tube race of monosexual femboys
This thread was either written by a chatbot, or it was created by someone given orders from a telegram channel or other related foreign sponsored agenda pushing entity. You are all tools and OP is an ESL.
You Faggots don't play video games, you talk about trannys all day
If women were not literally children mentaly, I believe we could have formed an alliance against trannies.
I hate this recent fascination of glorifying VA's. Where did it come from all of a sudden?
Less HRT more schizo pills, Sena.
All trannies are piece of shit. It's literally impossible for a tranny to be a good person.
This is a pathetic investigation to be honest.

You hate a character so much you go through all their tweets or whatever to find a reason to call them out. That’s fucking sad, man.

Get a life.
>Sena led a hate campaign to try to harass Guilty Gear dub team into firing the actress and hiring a trans actor
>Localization directors said "wtf shut up she's staying on stop doing this"
>Sena delcares this a hate campaign
hey pal this isn't reddit
The last paragraph in OP's post is all you need to see to know this is a /pol/ bait thread. Sorry fag, but you guys are too easy to spot for people with at least half a functioning brain.
Your monthly subscription pays her salary, never forget that <3

Trans rights are human rights!

Final Fantasy XIV belongs to trans people!
this nigga sena need to senda her ass to tha fucking gallows
>English dubs should be abolished
Too late for that, a huge portion of western fans of Japanese games only play them if they have an english dub.
nice try fbi
>t. tranny
lazy nigger
You are not allowed to use the word "tranny"
>Suddenly two reddit ass posts back to back
Alright, where did they share this thread
10 years ago the game was still on its first batch of EN actors. They got scrapped and replaced with actors from British theatre and television 9 years ago.
nobody is talking about that game retardkun
She IS a real woman, and you will respect HER as such.
>Bridget is trans
This whole thing has a false premise.
I don't trust polls Atlus posted on their forums at 3 AM and only kept up for five hours.
The only people put out by reading captions are the blind and the illiterate. More people watch media with subtitles now than ever beford, thanks in part to horrible audio mixing. But a big part of it is young people with a background of watching and playing weebshit.
We can easily do away with dubs forever, and we should. Every one of these VAs are worthless parasites and their orbiter cults need to learn that they'll only survive if they get real jobs.
Then remove dubs, simple as that.
Gooood goyim, don’t ask questions or complain and consoooom product, good goyim
don’t forget to fellate your boss in hopes for getting promoted off of monitoring duty kek
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>She IS a real woman, and you will respect HER as such.
Sena ruined FF14 for me.
>I hate this recent fascination of glorifying VA's. Where did it come from all of a sudden?
Dumb fucks who think VA is a cushy well-paid job they can get into someday. Too bad there are tens of thousands of weebs just like them thinking the same thing. Anyone who's already in is parasitizing the industry and will gladly shut out newcomers and fuck over their colleagues, hence the troon.
Voiceover acting is literally lower than dinner theater when it comes to acting prestige. Dinner theater performers actually do fairly well.
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Consider this: Bridget a cute.
Puerto Rican (Kentucky born) tranny btw
The two Japanese franchises that I will always play in English are Final Fantasy and Sonic the Hedgehog. Feels weird hearing Sonic speak Japanese.
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>according to this scenario, cis woman voicing trans women is hateful and bigoted
>but according to hogwarts legacy with its trans character drama, trans woman voicing trans women is hateful and bigoted
so my personal takeaway is lets get rid of voice acting altogether, make everybody read again.
every character should just be a soundfont, yes
You got a problem with trans people?
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>Sena Bryer, controversial trans voice actor** of "Wuk Lamat"
>attempted in early 2023 to get a** voice actress in the industry
>When confronted about it, Sena defends himself**
>What makes this interesting is that the character he** voices
>Therefore exposing a bit of hypocrisy in his** line of thinking
>Personally, I don't think it's right for a voice actor** to try and get an actress fired or coerce them into quitting their job.
>Using archived links instead of direct links in case he** decides to delete his** tweets.
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Yes, people, problem?
>comma splice
This isn't an Atlus-only opinion.
Just look at how many Dragon Ball fans complain about "Grandma Goku"
This actually happens really frequently in the English dub VA space. Even over the past 2 or 3 years, we have seen several prominent (and pretty good) VAs replaced or harassed out of their roles to put in someone that is better minority representation fitting the role, and it usually results in someone who is plainly bad at voice acting getting the role. On top of that we have seen multiple instances of English minority voice actors going on the offensive on social media to decry cishet white people playing minorities, and then getting mad when they get type-cast into their specific minority demographic (see: prozd)
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How does a bad VA no one heard of get a lead rule in a 10+ year old mmo's story in the first place?
Thank you for respecting trans people, as long as you are not mocking them everything is fine by me.
>Idiot buys a microphone calls himself voice actor
>Accumulates victim brownie points on twitter for clout and attempts to blackmail his way to a job
>Surprised it doesn't work
Many such cases.
Yeah, this. Bridget is and always was a boy
No such thing as 'trans'. These are just mentally ill men.
they do they just don't know it yet
they are aligned with the adversarial force, to their own detriment and eventually destruction
to be fair goku sounds horrible in JP
The original Xenoblade probably. There's no reason to ever play dubs now that dual audio is finally fucking standard.
It's not Twitter either and yet 80% of the catalog is
Except it DID work! She's voicing the main character of Final Fantasy now.
They were invented by that force, so it was inevitable. Trannies do not exist in reality. The entire concept was fabricated by malicious people.
Reported and blacklisted.
Trans rights are human rights.
if trannies don't exist, why do you get so upset about them?
they weren't invented by that force, only jews
influence goes a long way and they are influenced
they are influenced because they think it is good
since they think it is good, they have no room for god
they are blind
Don't care the main characters of those shitty games are effimininate men anyway
Can they not just blacklists retards for trying to pull this shit off? Why don't they?
>There's no reason to ever play dubs now that dual audio is finally fucking standard.
Dub are superior and always be.
It'll get there eventually. At the moment they are testing the waters with "non-binary" people.
Because mentally ill men do exist, and they're causing trouble.
Don't say "actress" you fucking faggot. That's a dude with a penis who shots hormones into his ass to lie to himself. The moment his vials run out his balls will reactive and FORCE him to accept reality
It's actually incredibly problematic to let transvestites voice female characters as it feeds into their delusion.
It is an actress and a real woman, cope and seethe, for a trans woman is a woman :)
Getting rid of dubs won't make a difference so long as the english script is "localized". The dub actors just record lines from a script that was written weeks or months before the voice recording sessions start.
Sonic Frontiers.
such as?
the amount of witch-hunting post expansion is insane
Observable reality cannot be denied. Your retarded mind cannot even grasp the inherent contradiction of "a trans woman is a woman". If he was, you wouldn't need to say that.
>Wanting jobs to be done by people who are good at said job is witch-hunting now.
I have to say it because of bigots like you who still haven't updated your little brain to 2024 standards.

Trans women are 100% just like "real" women, they can get pregnant and everything, it is a beautiful time for mankind, I am even sure your mother was trans too :)
Always choose subbed whenever possible in the options menu because it's just better without the drama Dubs have around them and the lower quality they bring to the table.
/v/ won't admit it but she's right.

Marginalized and oppressed groups such as Transgender, Non-Binary and Queer folx need more roles in the industry.
Sadly cisheteronormative people won't let go of their privileges unless we use force.
The only few great posts in this thread, and you are one of them. Dubs are low quality. Learn to read, and eventually you will be able to open a new world without having to listen to tryhard trash English voices.
wtf I love Bridget now
A friend of a friend within the industry. Always nepotism.
I like playing games from other cultures with their native voice acting because it’s fun
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ESG DEI intiatives devs were coerced and forced to take or else their funding or advertising gets cut off
This video explains it well
Well, they thrive on both good and bad attention so the best is to ignore the things they want you to give attention to it.

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