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If it wasn't for Sekiro and Armored Core being some of the best games released in the last ten years, this would make me think that FROM had nothing else to offer. It's incredible how shit this DLC is, to be honest. Endless copy paste. How can one expansion turn me from a meatrider into someone who doesn't want to bother with a Soulslike ever again?
It's not very good. I thought for sure this would be the goty winner but it's kinda ass and a rush job. Outside of rereleases the only games that I had basically no major complaints about were Atlus's games and shockingly Stellar Blade, but it's fucking sad that every other major release from this year didn't live up to the hype.
Here's hoping Metaphor and Wukong don't suck too.
tl;dr sucks to suck I guess
How much further can they push the rollslop genre after this? It really felt like they were pushing how much much they could get away with when it came to crazy anime combos and delayed attacks. I can't see them making it even crazier without a lot of pushback.
I hope not too but I'm getting the feeling that it really will. No game that bursts onto the market from a chink studio promising everything with flashy visuals alone is likely to be good.
good fucking lord, sekiro is so boring and dogshit. how the fuck did it gain a reputation as some sort of incredible game, when its combat is somehow fromsofts most shallow attempt yet at creating an action system?
the honeymoon phase will end soon for most and you can tell me im coping or whatever but the whole thing feels like from never wanted to make this
the game sold beyond expectations and bandai probably begged on their knees for them to scrape something together from the leftovers
You're a fag and sekiro is the best game From has made.
you're only saying that because you never played Bloodborne
I ain't even accessing the DLC cause I get so bored getting to Malenia yet *again*. I ended up buying Lies of P on top of the Elden DLC and I'm having a ton more fun as a mechanical fuckboi right now
based and puppetpilled
when will niggers stop making these cringe ER hate threads?

You got filtered
You have skill issue
You need to git gut
the combat is tailor-made for retards. it's so pathetically shallow as an action game.
It really is amazing how LoP dunked over recent FROM. A tight experience, a relatively concise story but with smaller secrets to figure out (that actually make sense), unbelievable worldbuilding with an established IP, incredible atmosphere, inventive weapon system, yep, I'm thinking it was kino.
I see people talking like this, and I swear I'm not trying to suck up to FromSoft or anything, but how the fuck do you guys not play Lies of P without the constant feeling that it feels like a cheap souls game? I'm a Bloodborne-fag who loves the aesthetic and I want to like the game, but the gameplay feels fucking terrible.
Keep enjoying your rollslop
i'm not even defending souls right now lol, is this the full power of sekiro fags? "UHH NO THIS GAME IS ACTUALLY A TOTAL FLUKE AND ALL THEIR OTHER GAMES ARE SHIT BUT THIS IS THE EXCEPTION!!!"
Lies is popular because it's one of the few soulslikes that DIDN'T feel cheap
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Sekiro was boring parryslop with awful level design and trash combat
Armored Core 6 was decent but ultimately plagued by dogshit Yamamoron design choices like no turn rate and assault boost/kick, because Yamamura hates mech games and wouldn't even call AC6 mecha or shooter (it's called action-adventure)
Elden Ring is far, FAR better than both
thanks for responding to my post by saying nothing you worthless faggot, jfc just off yourself if you reply to everything this meaninglessly
I'm not writing you a treatise on why you should like a game you faggot, you clearly have terrible taste anyway
>Sekiro was boring parryslop with awful level design and trash combat
what i dont get is how the fuck did this trick so many people into thinking it was some incredible game? so many people take an "uhhh actually heh i think SEKIRO is the best game heheheh" stance to try and be elitist but it just outs them as bumbling retards who struggle to press L1 at the correct time
Elden Ring is the greatest game ever made, and Shadow of the Erdtree cements it. /v/ was utterly mindbroken by it. Shazam lost.
>ask why do people like this game
>"people like it"
>uhhh IM not gonna explain why people like it uhhh you just have bad taste if you dont like it
this is the intelligence of the average lies of phaggotry consumer, i guess
Ah I see you're just a seething fromspastic
> Slopiro
You mean Dark Slops: Press one Button Edition.
> Armoured Bore
sounds like someone got his heart stolen
Palworld was better tbqdesu
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It went for me from, yeah it's an ok little side game, to hating it when the repetition set in during a lot of the combat became boring.
The fact that the level design was so shit and you can instantly disengage with any enemy is the cherry on top of dung pie
I got all achievement for all From games, including the bullshit grindy multiple NG+ on a single character for DS3, yet Sekiro was the only one that felt tiresome even to complete at NG+3
I loved exploring the world and figuring out how the zones connected. I don't really care about the combat, the zone design was amazing. Same reason King's Field was good. Combat doesn't matter at all. Also, armored core was fucking garbage. Imagine complaining about copy/paste and praising AC6. They literally use the same environments for multiple missions and every single combat encounter is hold down attack until stagger -> melee. I beat AC6 without ever changing equipment after chapter 2 and it was a joke. I never died a single time until the final boss and that was only because his melee attack had a retarded hitbox
>being anywhere near the best category
cull all basedlenialls
i quit the game half way because the game is so repetitive it makes ubislop seem sane in comparison, no builds, every skill and prosthetic is useless outside of the meta 2, bosses are boring and copypasted throughout the game despite it being quite small in size especially compared to ER, the main story is not really interesting and you need a fucking comic to even make some sense of it in certain parts, L1 to win the game gg.
it was the only FromSoft game the normies could finish and combine that with OHMYJAPAN! aesthetic and setting and you got a winning combo for the goyim.
Now because it was the only game they could finish they feel like big gaymers and consider their best game.
You've clearly never played Sekiro if you think everything is just parrying.
What does this even mean? Sekiro is the hardest FROM game by far since you can't out level stuff or summon help
>i quit the game half way because the game is so repetitive
Funny you say that because I got to the mountain top of giants and haven't played since because the game is just so boring. I actually went back to Sekiro, which is a vastly superior experience.
sure you did xister
yeah boredom and bad game design is a big filter in the gaming industry
thank god that hack didn't ruin ACVI and it was actually the kino we were promised
literally better in every way than Shitkiro
lol wtf is this game just shilled by bots or something? i've never been able to get an actual answer from anyone that loves this game on how it ISN'T just another cheap-feeling clone.
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Surely I must be lying because I have a differing opinion. If I do manage to finish the game, I will surely not be buying the DLC.
its okay not everyone can appreciate the few good remaining games being made.
It was fun, polished, and without many of the self-flattering trimmings that FROM tries to pretend are essential. What more do you want?
I admire what they've done with the DLC world design, it's insanely cool conceptually but it doesn't translate perfectly into gameplay.
All the problems inherent to open world are still in there and corrupt everything else about ER. All the recycling, zigzagging through empty field, poor enemy placement, fucked pacing, etc. it dilutes everything.
It is so formulaic. As I play the game, I can feel the designers trying to fill empty void of open world with a recycled dragon encounter or placing a stupid cookbook at the end of a road. It's all stretched so thin and as a player you consciously start thinking in terms of, what's my reward? I never thought "what's the rewards" or "oh another catacombs" or "oh another dragon" in DS1. It's fucking MMO tier mindset.
There are so many baffling ideas in the DLC. And also a LACK of fresh ideas. Outside of the world design, so very little surprises. It's why it feels like they made it on autopilot. They're just a factory churning out souls content now, and I hate that term, content, but that's what it feels like.
I want to believe DLC was made by a B team while they're working on a next game but it's probably cope; I desperately want them to make smaller, unconventional, focused games again but they got so popular, Bamco and Kadokawa will force them to continue milking the open world while streamlining everything.

ER makes me feel like I'm burned out on the genre/formula but it's not the case. I had more fun with Lies of P and Archthrones mod. I always crave something like Dark Souls 1, I badly want them to head back into the 3D Metroidvania world design style. I hear LOTF2 has the closest world/level design but the gameplay looks atrocious. My only hope is P DLC/sequel improves world/level design.
what's annoying as well is that elden ring combat is for some reason lumped in with souls/bloodborne when it's just easily better than any of those games as well.
takes the poisebreak mechanic of sekiro (and technically to a lesser extent, bb/ds3), and makes it a core mechanic of how you interact with bosses ... if you choose - or, amps up the status effects of the previous games and makes that a core mechanic if you're building around that. different types of interactions via ashes of war are expanded on greatly from DS3, parrying is a bit more skillful then bloodborne which actually allowed from to implement it into every major boss (i believe?), implemented guard counters for shield builds or literally even just heavy weapons, and with that, even gave us deflect tear in the DLC. oh yeah and jumping, which seems like nothing if you continue playing the game like its DS3, but actually is a significantly better option for dodging a way higher % of attacks than people expect. build variety and combat have literally never been so good.
Traveling on a horse in a barren open world, going through copy+paste catacomb #22, and just rolling is around in every encounter doesn't make a great game. The landscape design is nice, I'll give them that
>all these people pretending you just L1 forever in sekiro
huh. what made that game in particular garner such a vocal subset of people hating it that clearly never played it? don't like activision? filtered? what a strange phenomenon
so you didn't play the game or completely missed the point of it congratz
oh right, on occasion, you need to jump to dodge some attacks as well. which the game spells out very loudly for you, thankfully.
drivel post, ER balance is dogshit and jump r2 wins every fight
I know right. Boggles my mind that this shit game is getting so much praise. I'm starting to think it might be a marketing strategy.
I for one know its L1 to win because i actually played it but keep shilling your braindead game
us ACVI chads will play the superior high IQ game
The worst is the Cerulean coast with all those meaningless top level gloveworts, I saw endless messages with "dung" all over. Even reddit seems exasperated
the hardest? maybe if you have no brain function left and cant pay attention to what attacks your enemy is doing. but if you're capable of jumping to dodge when the game tells you to without panicking, it's not that difficult.
it's not at all and anyone who has played it knows it isn't, so i don't get it. what is your goal
>funny you say the game was repetitive. because i didnt like elden ring.
wow really good point anon!
sekiro fags sending their best lol
>japan aesthetic = insta win
>easy combat that doesn't need too much thinking
>the strongest tools given to you right at the start of the game
>e-celebs praising it and it won GOTY
easy really the goyim love that shit
I've beaten every boss that I can up to where I am (mountaintop of giants), including mohg and radahn, etc. What else am I supposed to do exactly?
So basically much more depth than rollslop.
So it's not that Fromsoft has cultists, it's Elden Ring in particular. That makes a lot of things make so much more sense. They're probably zoomies/normie tourists
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Armored core was so based. Still normieniggers would rather side with copy pasted grassy fields full of nothing.
Gay world.
you don't even have to time your parries in Sekiro, you can just spam L1 the entire game and you'll get the parry 90% of the time
People like you will be the reason we'll never get another good game from Fromsoft. They'll just keep making open world trash from now on.
>if it wasnt for fromsoft releasing some of the best games it would make me think that they had nothing good to offer
Wow good point OP
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Normalfag tells me the DLC is easy, I ask him what his chudtree level is, he says maxed out
Every single fucking time, no shit it's easy if you're playing on easy mode you retarded fucking nigger. When did all these normalfags infest the Souls community?
how old are the people that are so dedicated to being a contrarian that they pretend Sekiro even comes close to Elden Ring
If you don't have accurate timing you take posture damage. You can't just mash the deflect button.
you're talking about console games
the normalfag was you
Obviously older than your zoomer ass. I've played all of From's games aside from BB and demons souls. Sekiro is easily much better than elden ring.
we just got the best FromSoft game to date, ACVI that wipes its mech arsehole with your weebshit game, cope troon.
it's reductionist ludo
nta but
>i-i am older so that means something
>absolutely bottom of the barrel taste
>maybe if you have no brain function left and cant pay attention to what attacks your enemy is doing
why do you think every one considers it the hardest lol
souls games have a dozen ways to circumvent actually playing the game via summons, grinding and overleveling, just sitting behind the fattest shield and armor you can, while sekiro forces you to actually engage with it's rudimentary "parry = win" combat system without letting you cheat around it
I have played all of them including DeS and BB and Sekiro is easily the worst outside of DaS2
again you're just some bitter gay contrarian
Yea sekiro isn't a souls game nor is it an arpg. I don't know why it's brought up when people are discussing souls games. It's totally irrelevant to the discussion.
>absolutely bottom of the barrel taste
Ok sure.
>without telling you to cheat about it
>what is picrel
watch how Sekirozooms will not be able to refute this
kek. the worst part is the person you're replying to is exactly the type of person that would have a clip like this and then complain about malenia's "bullshit anime moves" that "you cant dodge"
Is it because you can't roleplay as your favorite tranime character?
Sekirofags have to force themselves in everywhere so they feel like they're special
Sekiro fans are basically the equivalent of BotW/TotK fans in their tantrums and autism
ER balance is a mixed bag, but, no, jump R2 doesn't trivialize every fight, especially if you're not specifically built for it. jump r2 spamming as an int build with a straight sword isn't going to be ideal.
>literally tendie tier mentality
>You can't just mash the deflect button.
yes you can I beat the entire game like this without a single NPC getting Dragonrot
>all this gay sekiro hate
Is /v/ really this contrarian lmao?
no one here is hating it
it's geniunely hilarious that every single rebuttal i've gotten to sekiros combat being overhyped has been "UHH WELL UHH ITS NOT ANY MORE COMPLEX THAN SOULSLOP!"
like, how do you not see the irony in elitist about sekiro while admitting its on the level of what you're calling slop? yes, the action in souls is generally very basic and simple as well. its a lot less forgivable in whats supposed to be a pure action game though, you fucking retard.
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>Sekiro if it was actually great as the zooms and normalfags are trying to claim
>it actually filtered normalfags and zooms ( Sekiro fanbase )
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>worst outside of DaS2
So you were filtered
Yeah unironically stellar blade is prob my goty
the dlc is great IMHO but the basic enemy reused makes just feel like I'm playing a couple added dungeons to the main game instead of a new area
ffvii rebirth was great but Ive warmed on it
Stellar blade was amazing and I still think about it and the music and bosses and ass
I loved the world design and interconnectedness, and Shadow Keep while itself being disappointing is connected to the overworld in the way that I expected the whole game to be when it was first described by Miyazaki after announcement. Also, I think the Gaols were a lot better than any of the main game caves/catacombs.

Everything else about it sucks though. It's crazy that the entire DLC doesn't have a real legacy dungeon. It's all minor ones.
A majority of /v/ is underaged and started this series with ds3/elden rang anon
I just think the legal issues with Bandai got in the way.
>if you don't consider it a masterpiece like i do you're hating it!
look all i am saying is that Sekiro has alot of the problems ER does but amplified ten times because of its linear and short size game, it really is poor man's Tenchu.
like a good 85% of any combat interaction in sekiro is literally just L1. there are other inputs required, on occasion, of which you'll be quickly alerted about by the game - but its so fucking tiring seeing retards shit up all souls threads larping like some supreme action game enjoyer when the action in their ""pure action game"" is unironically less demanding of you then most of the hard bosses in elden ring, lol
>''Sekiro fans'' are in fact the shazamtroons
more news at 11
Sekiro's combat is not compatible to Elden rings. I was just stating it has more dimensions to it. In Elden Ring you can literally hide out a boss' attacks and strike. In sekiro you have to be the one in the attack 90% of the time. Parry is the main function of the battles, but you also have to side step, jump etc on top of it. Elden Ring is one dimensional.
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Honeymoon phase for me ended when I beat radahn the weekend of release. Pathetic final boss, literally no ending, etc.

When I spent an hour fully exploring abyssal woods, then spent a whole 5 minutes beating the "legacy dungeon" there I already saw the writing on the wall. This DLC was by far their worst yet
Why are you brown though?
Sekiro is from's easiest game because you don't play as retirement home sonic the hedgehog who's main defensive move is slowly tumbling across the floor while every enemy is an edgy anime OC that teleports behind you and does a 20 hit combo every 5 seconds.
but underages love Sekiro because muh japan aesthetic and lore.
They hate ER and Souls because its just ''boring'' medieval kino
>Shadow Keep while itself being disappointing is connected to the overworld
scadutree base is one deadend arena
shaman village is a boring deadend with just two random copypasted tree sentinels
scaduview gaius/chalice is a boring deadend with 5 random fragments and an empty landmark tower
only real connection is abysmal woods
>fromdrones brag about how much they love the concept of a slow limited player character beating a sonic speed boss and how your every move should be unsafe
>they also claim that souls are not about difficulty but about exploring a hostile world
>they also hate loot and switching their equipment
>miyazaky listens to them and makes a game with forced exploration, speedhacked unstoppable bosses and shitty pointless loot that you never need to check since you know it's some useless shit
>drones don't like it
So you're saying Tenchu is better than Sekiro? You must be braindead
>if i just say things that means they're true
is this the best argument Sekiro fans can come up with? no wonder i consider you a subhuman fanbase that is trying to larp as supreme action game enjoyers but never played an action game before in their lives lmao
I will agree that Cerulean Coast, Charo's secret grave and Abbysal woods do feel blatantly unfinished, like they designed the zones and then ran out of time with whatever grander concept they had for them so they just put filler in them.

Otherwise, it's a pretty good expansion. Feels almost like a complete game.
Abyssal Woods, Rauh, and the fact that you can get in from the church or the front.
people like you are the reason we're hardly getting any actually well-designed action games. unfathomable that the average sekirofag actually thinks that L1 with a side of occasionally jumping is some sort of supreme combat system, and a true ultimate challenge unseen in video games before.
>Sekiro fans outing themselves as zoomers
well nothing new for me
>Sekiro and BB are From's best games
you will never ever see this opinion outside of /v/
though there is a much better argument for BB
>Make no argument of any kind and just say "Sekiro has problems"
>Are brown
Is this the best you retards can offer?
They also love Sekiro because they can mash 1 button and win every fight while Elden Ring requires actual skill.
noone pretends sekiro is deep. but unlike elden ring it's honest.
Yes, rolling is much better
Considering that 99% of elden ring webms I see posted on /v/ are of absurd cheese builds, the conclusion I come to is that the zoomies hate sekiro so much because you can't just outlevel and 2 shot the bosses.
>inb4 fireworks
1 second stun 3 times a fight who cares
>Elden Ring
>Actual skill
People stunlocked Malenia day one. And elden ring is made an infinitely better game by the new deflect tear.
Sekiro is a literal rhythm game where you mash 1 button 90% of the time, my dude
I've played Tenchu 1 and 2. They are good games for their time. Sekiro is much better.
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>elden ring requires skill
newsflash pajeet
Sekiro HAS problems
get it through your nigger skull
>yet another musically illiterate troglodyte who doesn't know what a rhythm is
I just can't imagine thinking Sekiro isn't their easiest game since DaS
Uh oh, someone's projecting.
I find it so hilarious when they say sekiro is a rhythm game.
>How can one expansion turn me from a meatrider into someone who doesn't want to bother with a Soulslike ever again?
I assume it filtered you very hard and you're coping since other than the boss difficulty being ratcheted up quite surprisingly high, the DLC is an upgrade on base game ER which was already some of the best shit they made in terms of the Souls "family" of games.
>why do you think every one considers it the hardest lol
because the modern souls audience is predicated on normies being marketed games they're told are incredibly difficult challenges to test their gamerhood or whatever.
>souls games have a dozen ways to circumvent actually playing the game via summons, grinding and overleveling, just sitting behind the fattest shield and armor you can
yeah, if you grind and overlevel for a boss in an RPG it's actually a lot easier than if you dont, good point anon i hadn't considered that.
>while sekiro forces you to actually engage with it's rudimentary "parry = win" combat system
the reason that i suggest it's not that hard is because.. well.. you've already explained most of the depth in that combat system, unironically. 85% of most combat interactions just has you pressing L1 at the right time. it's really not that difficult.
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Sekiro requires zero skill you just hold L1 in more than half of the boss fights and the rest are trivialized by firecrackers.
Armored Core 6 is the true skill check FromSoft game that coincidentally filtered these ''hardcore'' Sekiro gamers and they never recovered.
>no builds
Good. Not every game needs to have shoehorned faggy RPG mechanics like classes and stats. Action games aren't supposed to have "builds".
What's with all the seething sekiro troons coming out of the woodworks. Did your asses get pounded by SotE so hard you now have to seethe at it 24/7?
There's no way you actually believe this
>critics are my go-to for whats a good videogame
yeah that clarifies a lot about the average sekirofag, lol
it's just easy to realize it's a better game
I am fine with no builds but Sekiro is trying to be both RPG lite shit game and an action game and it succeeds in neither of those.
Played every souls game, beat Armored Core VI three times. Easy enough. ALLMIND was easier than Isshin.
>Sekiro requires zero skill you just hold L1 in more than half of the boss fights and the rest are trivialized by firecrackers.
I can tell you didn't play it.
see >>682117446 and thank you for being as predictable as any given sekiro boss encounter
I have zero interest in buying SotE.
>le recycling
Shut the fuck up retard.
You think linear games don't reuse enemies? That every enciunter has new enemy type?
Nothing in Elden Ring is recycled to the point of feeling boring or overused, if you don't like some refights you don't actually like the game and you are slogging through it because it's flavour of the month.
I did thats why i know
its really funny how majority of supposed Sekiro fans that have played this can only spam either ''you're brown lol'' or ''you didn't play the game'' or ''but its their hardest game chud'' its like they haven't actually played it...
AC6 didn't have a single even remotely difficult fight though, what is there to struggle with?
just a nothing meaningless statement. also, yeah, sekirofags geniunely do try and argue it's got depth when faced with the fact that 99% of combat encounters play out in exactly the same way.
Lol yeah sure try holding L1 and using firecrackers on Owl, Father. See how that turns out.
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they still can't get over picrel
>literal best defense is pedantic-fagging
i accept your concession.
My concession is, keep enjoying your rollslop.
>he's so assblasted he now, unprompted, is repeating the exact same shitpost over and over
nigger you've said this like 6 times in this thread already
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Don't @ me again you filthy journalist casual faggot. You're the same return that asked for easy mode on Sekiro
this post is so revealing. it's not that you think that sekiro is actually good, you literally just like the sound and feeling of your sword deflecting. i get it man, the game has great sound design, and the parrying feels really good. the fact that you think elden ring is infinitely better for just having that simple combat tool alone shows how little you actually care about anything else though lol
Sekiro is the best from soft game in recent memory btw.
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If the Cerulean Coast had reskinned Scadutree avatars and Gaies, cousin of Gaius, you would esqually throw a fit
Shadow of the Colossus was right not to pander to you faggots.
see >>682117446
i accept your concession (again) and thank you for adding to the pile of retards
I also thought this DLC would be my GOTY, I guess I forgot about all the issues with Elden Ring base game.
So far my GOTY is Granblue Fantasy Relink, which I wasn't expecting. The campaign was a really fun short action game with tons of variety. Felt like Platinum in their prime. The post game missions I played with a friend and those we fun too. Stellar Blade is my #2 pick.
>it's not a good game, it's just that the core game mechanic feels really good
What the fuck am I even reading
>all this rampant samefagging
bring back ip counter. ac6 was easy i'm actually in awe someone thinks it was hard
Elden Ring is EXTREMELY limited by only having one defensive option per build. Before it was either
>retarded heavy poise with giant shield and colossal weapon to face tank everything
>Light rolling/med rolling to dodge attacks and attacking within the few openings the boss gave you
Deflection gives you agency. It better allows you to deal with faster attacks that are harder to dodge, and rewards sustained timing when blocking multi-hits. It's a great addition. It's not about the sound design, nor the ease of it. It's fine that perfect guarding doesn't do stance damage.
There was no concession. I plainly stated how sekiro's combat is more deep than elden ring. You had no rebuttal because that would be impossible to refute. Again, enjoy your rollslop.
>if a core mechanic of a game feels good that must mean the entire game is really well designed
lol wtf am i even reading?? i feel like i cant be engaging with real humans this shit is so unimaginably retarded
>Stone coffin boats all have a max level Glovewort at their pedestals
>Retards can't pick up on this and expect something different at every one
I was surprised by the low number of new enemies. They really showed off all of the good ones in the DLC trailer
Why is the entire thread filled with people posting discord buzzwords
>it's more deep because: sometimes you r1, sometimes you X
>Elden Ring is EXTREMELY limited by only having one defensive option per build
no it's not, you don't understand Elden Ring and you are a complete shitter
This. I hate recycling but it's been a part of game development since the 8 bit days.

People here argue from a dishonest, rose tinted claim that prior souls games kept their content distinct.
That makes it 50% more deep than rolling
DMCV rapes it hard
ACVI rapes it hard
OG Tenchu rapes it hard
The shitty elden ring webm poster is in every thread that mentions sekiro to hate on it.
While I can agree, I could also counter that if they've been working on the DLC for over 2 years there should be no need to recycle
are you okay? did you forget to take your schizo meds today anon? because i don't see a single thing you're apparently assblasted from in my post
>You are le bad because you advocate for agency in game design
I understand the game better than you do, apparently. Since they added the deflecting hardtear. I guess FromSoftware betrayed you?
Reusing assets is fine if it's done well. Afterall, the very first boss of DeS is a reused asset and nobody complains. But I think spending 2 years to make a DLC and 90% of the enemies in it being unthreatening hollow undea- I mean.. uh..shadow.. guys, and like half of the open world bosses being jarring reuses is very offensive. For the size, scope, and time spent making SotE it shouldn't be fromsoft's DLC with the most boss repeats and reused enemies yet. But it is. That's a perfectly valid criticism.
>Elden Ring is EXTREMELY limited by only having one defensive option per build.
what lol? elden ring has more defensive options than sekiro on literally any character you want. you have the jump with iframes, rolling, bloodhound step if you want, parrying (which actually works on major bosses in this game unlike bloodborne or ds3, part of the reason those games suck ass), and then you have medium shields with a large variety of AoWs to choose from that range from granting you immunity for a second to just increasing the defense of your shield. additionally you have defensive AoWs and incantations - geniunely not even going to read the rest of your post because it was so easy to list off many different examples of defensive options you could have, all on one build, that i think you're probably just fucking retarded for stating the game's defensive options are limited.
nta but why do tards keep calling it a DLC when its an expansion?
you can also block, parry(with a shield), or even deflect in elden ring, you retard. your entire argument is shattered, and thus, i accept your concession
At the end of the day, elden ring is not a BAD game.. it has some bad design decisions. It is still infinitely better than most DEI infested shit that is being churned out nowadays. But don't compare it's combat to Sekiro or claim it is superior to Sekiro, that's just a false claim.
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>rapes kekiro in its difficulty
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> parrying (which actually works on major bosses in this game unlike bloodborne or ds3
You can parry the literal first boss of both of those games
wtf are you talking about? you realize that no one shitting on sekiro for deflecting dislikes the mechanic itself, right? in a vacuum it feels really good and is satisfying to do. but it's not *that* good to make an entire game of where that's 90% of all combat interactions.
Budget was clearly over reaching in map design, given its sheer volume.

The new enemy count is reasonable as far as DLC has historically been, it's only noticeable in places like Cerulean which has it's own "identity" but doesn't have anything new.
retards don't understand that Sekiro isn't a souls game in the first place but they NEED to feel good, they NEED to feel validated so they keep making these threads to jerk eachother off.
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>mfw I still haven't beat Radahn
This is so frustrating because I do no damage to him and the first phase alone takes close to 10min because all I get to do is either roll or block, maybe swing at him occasionally. I do not have the fortitude to grind this fucker.
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>Elden Ring is EXTREMELY limited by only having one defensive option per build.
At its most fundamental level
>Crouching attack animations
>Charged attacks that lower the body
>Staggering the enemy attack
Depending on gear and/or build
>Tanking/Poise with armor/endure/stamp/
>Mobility attacks like Bloody Helice, Blinkbolt, Bloohound Fang,...
>Blocking with various weapons or shields
>Blocking with special skills
>Using attacks with forward momentum that mess up enemy tracking
>elden ring is the best because it's the hardest
>armored core 6 is the best because it's the hardest
>sekiro is the best because it's the hardest
>metal gear rising is the best because it's the hardest

"Prepare to Die" marketing ruined a generation of video games.
>Sekiro is better than ER
this is an opinion exclusively held by contrarians on /v/
yeah, i would also only reply to the least relevant of your entire argument in that post if i were being btfo'd as hard as you.
but i will admit, i forgot to add my "most" qualifier, as in "most major bosses". also now that i think about it can you even parry cleric beast more than once?
>where that's 90% of all combat interactions.
But it's not 90% of all combat interactions and you 100% have not played the game if you think so
post your build bro I'll help you out
>moving goalposts this hard
i am not the one who keeps sucking off Sekiro as the hardest Fromsoft game without having anything to back it up
Elden Ring has player agency, Sekiro does not
I'm not the person you were arguing with retard, take your meds.
>shifts goalposts, changes argument after being proven wrong
Of course
I've noticed this mindset is also in e-celebs circle, really makes you think..
oh god my mind is numbing hard i forget to keep adding my "most" qualifier so that annoying fucking retards like you dont chime in with
>erm aktchaully, it's not EVERY combat interaction, heh, have you even played the game?
To be fair most people don't really care about difficulty, it's just one zoomer sperging out. He's like 60% of the posts in this thread
I called out 4 different games including Sekiro and all you can do is seethe about Sekiro. You need to self-reflect and then kill yourself.
I like playing Immersive Sims where player choice matters and while obviously ER is not an immersive tier game, it helps that it retains the core of such games and that is player agency.
Propably the reason why i like ER so much compared to Sekiro.
>forget to keep adding my "most" qualifier
Do you happen to be autistic?
>shifting goalposts
lol what goalpost shifted?
>changes argument
the way you're wording this you'd think the point i made in the original post is entirely numb now but you're literally just pedantic-fagging over a throw-away line that wasn't relevant to the argument at all. and so on that basis, i accept your concession.
>after being proven wrong
but also you cant even add this part because i'm pretty sure you cant parry cleric beast more than once and idk if thats even a parry
>newnigger sperg out
kill yourself slop consumer
>this newfriend is still sperging the fuck out about sekiro
no but unfortunately if you dont qualify every statement you make, you just get a flood of retards looking to pedantic fag on their edge cases
60 vig
40 end
60 str
15 dex

Crescent Moon Axe and Fingerprint Shield.
a game about lame robots is what filtered people. no one plays gay robot games
Same, I used to be a Fromdrone, 400-500 hours into almost every game they released in the past 15 years. Now Im fighting the Fromdrones over how shit this DLC was.

I dont ever want more games in the same souls formula, I want more Sekiro or Bloodborne
>Crescent Moon Axe on a STR build
>Greatshield without a poking weapon
weapon is the main issue
Trying way too hard.
>least obvious shazamtranny
>I want more Sekiro or Bloodborne
Imagine how awesome a sequel to either one of these would be. Too bad we'll get another eldenshart
we just got a better game than both of those normie trash games
Armored Kino mogs them hard.
Up until this point I've played without a shield. Had to go get the fingerprint shield for this occasion, so I guess I should swap the weapon also.
lol you people are so predictable
>Not a single attack thrown until riposte chance.
This really doesn't look cool, it's the equivalent of watching a turtle fight.
maybe next time play actually challenging games
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Playing against DLC bosses be like
I'll try it if it becomes cheap enough for steam winter sale.
>armored core fans either begrudgingly like or hate ac6
>this zoomer is desperately samefagging this thread like ac6 is the best game ever
was it your first mecha game or something anon
you realize sekiro is a copypaste you retard?
Sekiro is by far the hardest game for normies to beat because you can't trivialize everything with summons like in every other souls game you absolute mongoloid
>it was the only FromSoft game the normies could finish
lmao normies finish souls games super easy since they can just overlevel, use op builds seen on youtube and reddit, summon, and overrely on shields, whereas with sekiro they were stumped as they were forced to learn the game which is why so many souls "veterans" hate it
What disappoints me the most is how shit most of the new stuff is. Everyone was excited about the new weapons and things they shown in the trailer and most of it is undertuned and/or unusable when it matters or completely unsatisfying as a reward for what you do (fucking slightly different Radahn armor and weapons as reward for beating the final boss). The whole dlc seems like a case of not enough time and/or last minute changes. That some of the big bosses have no intro, no lines and just die with zero relevance is crazy (like Rellana just standing there when you enter like some random mid-boss).
>How can one expansion turn me from a meatrider into someone who doesn't want to bother with a Soulslike ever again?
>blizzard rerelease wow 8 times with the same copy past everything
>nobody says anything
>from does this

kill yourself you fucking underage retarded 24/7 online spoiled covid child, if your entire generation was killed yesterday nobody would care.
And yet I see people recommending other people to get the mod that makes ER play more like Sekiro everywhere.
the truth is that the base game was boring slop with terrible bosses already, the dlc just went harder on it, and yeah bloodborne and sekiro are the peak of from soft's games but if elden shit is their new direction I doubt we will ever get something like that again as miyazaki seems to have hit the wall
What pisses me off about the new weapons is the smithscripts. They are really fucking underwhelming and thei scaling is totally fucked. Also lots of completely nonsensical scaling splits like the putrescent knight axe
>str/arc + frostbite, barely scales with arc. arc doesn't increase frostbie at all
The DLC was way better than the base game aside from some shitty bosses and the frenzy zone, simply due to the world design being complex. In base ER pretty much every zone was straightforward to get to, here you actually had to think and such a small change did a lot for me.
>blizzard rerelease wow 8 times with the same copy past everything
>nobody says anything
in what universe do you live because literally everyone hates blizz, even wow players
also what in the flying fuck does this have to do with fromsoft? are you ok?
>Sekiro requires zero skill you just hold L1 in more than half of the boss fights and the rest are trivialized by firecrackers.
Lol and you're the faggot shitting up the thread? I cant tell if this is bait or you are that retarded.
On your first playthrough you will struggle with spirit emblems, and since you wont reach the spirit emblem upgrades (unless you looked it up like a fag) you will struggle spamming firecrackers whenever you want especially when you have 17 emblems per life
Only exception to this is if you genuinely went out of your way to farm credits and do this faggot, proving not only you are a disingenuous faggot since you couldnt beat the game but one ginormous shitter.
>nobody says anything
Brother, are you retarded, the most whining about a video game thats ever been done on the internet has been about retail wow
>the DLC is an upgrade on base game ER
No it's not. I have enjoyed DLC but aside from "main route" this expansion may feel quite empty.
Zones likes
>Cerulean cost
>jagged peak
>abyss woods
>all finger ruins
Don't offer much in terms of content despite being visually stunning and having some important lore bits, gameplay-wise they are disposable and it's huge disappointment since those are the largest areas in SOTE.
yeah that's definitely how most people are playing ER man
no ranjeet my first mecha was ZoE2
Those fucking woods were also my
>this can't be what I'm doing right now
moment of the dlc. And then you think that at least they didn't stretch the "stealth section" (in fucking Elden Ring) but turns out that was only the first part of it. And the pay-off to all that tedium is nothing.
>the DLC is an upgrade on base game
It's really not. There are 3 legacy dungeons and 2 are terrible. The one good one, shadow keep, is not very good either. It's a very pretty DLC and I love some of the bosses, but overall it is a huge downgrade
kill yourself
My point was that it's a pretty common opinion that Sekiro has better combat than ER and is not exclusive to/v/.
Even Miyazaki said the same.
skill issue
>Its yet another retarded mongoloid saying that you can turn bad game design fun by being better

Total Fromdrone death
how is free content a downgrade? are you unwell?
>Even Miyazaki said the same
is this the part where we link a journo article like tendie faggots with the ''ER was inspired by BotW'' ?
>he's now sperging out about a secret discord cabal because people like a different fromsoft game than him
Yes anon, I like the same dev as you therefore I'm from some secret evil discord made to shit on this dev.

What? Nigger the DLC costs almost as much as a full AAA game
lmao FromGods rule the industry, go climb rocks in Unfaggot 8: Sad Edition
Concession accepted.
...what? It's $40, nearly the price of a full game
>Sekiro fans have to samefag to oblivion otherwise they would get raped hard
i wish the IP counter was still here
fair point its also 10 times as good as any full priced game
This is the guy saying elden ring is better than Sekiro. Let that sink in.
AAA games cost 40 bucks now??? sweet where can i find them!?
I did read that in a interview with Miyazaki about his thoughts on Elden Ring and the future of the series yes
and twice as good as Sony Presents Tranny Adventure 5
no he is actually one of the retards thinking Gaykiro is a masterpiss
yeah its really sad that the great game made by the same guy is better than the other great game made by the same guy
>You gotta play defensively on bosses 95% of the time
>Boss gets to do all this cool shit constantly, you yourself can only ever do a simple r1 because theres no window to do anything else
>Boss has obvious input reading
>You dodge the boss' 2148109 attack string combo, you think its your turn, boss leaves AOE after string, time to roll another 1385235 attacks

If you enjoy pressing roll at the right exact time for dozens of hours, then sure this game might be for you.
>if I invent games to be mad about, that makes elden ring's dlc good
I don't care about sony or whatever AAA movieslop you're butthurt about, but I will point out that it's funny you whine about trannies while sucking off a body type a/b game with a tranny final boss and a dlc about homos
>Sekiro fanbase was full of shazamtroons all along
well glad that we sorted this out but it makes sense
woah this guy replaced Sek in Sekiro with Gay! He called it Gaykiro...A real genius lmao
Elden ring is an average game, but better than most modern slop.
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Sekiro is the only From game with real combat that makes you actually fight an opponent by observing and countering what they do.
>he still doesn't understand the subtlety of a/b body types for Marika/Radagon, two villains of the highest order
Yea, and he misspelled Sekino.
What Sekiro boss filtered this guy that's still sperging the fuck out?
Chained Ogre most likely.
all of their games are like that if you dont import help
>utterly annihilates ''action game'' ''fans''
>you can instantly disengage with any enemy
You can do that in every FROM game. You ever seen a Dark Souls speedrun? Players just run past everything. The point is, your main point is wrong.
That was my thought too, dropkicked to death kek
>normalfag says sitting is easy
>I'm asking what kind of horse dildo he has inside of his asshole
>he says he got none
>Every single fucking time, no shit it's easy if you're sitting down on easy mode you retarded fucking nigger
To be fair the second Ogre fight really shows off how much you're fighting the shit area you fight in rather than the ogre himself given how easy it is.
this whole post is a complete lie, impressive.
play AC6 if you want such experience.
sekiro has a lower completion rate than the others
It did though. Don't know why you're such a pathetic shitskin and you have to cope so much.
The copy pasted dragon bosses fucking suck
All the new crystal tears are from the furnace golems which might actually be the worst enemy fromsoft has ever designed.
I replayed Sekiro for the first time since release a couple months before Elden Ring DLC came out.

Its not even funny how much better of a game Sekiro is, I fucking loved every second of my replay, whereas in the ER DLC I got bored or annoyed many times.

It baffles me that there are so many people saying ER is better than Sekiro. Its not even close. ER isnt even the best souls game, its mid as fuck
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with Shadow of the Erdtree: it's more Elden Ring. So if you liked the base game there is no reason to not like the DLC.
The issues is that /v/ simply hates Soulsli- sorry, "rollslop" and Shadow of the Erdtree happens to be the latest game made by the genre's creators so it gets all the flak.

By the way, it's pretty funny to watch /v/ pretending to be hardcore Action Game Masters and Schoolars whose philosophy is "GAMEPLAY IS EVERYTHING" when pic related is unironically the board's favorite action franchise, the only one who never gets ANY criticism while everything else is either "sandbags simulators", "UT spam simulators" or "glorified Simon Says".
>Abyss woods
Is not it nice that you have to traverse the gigantic area on your own two legs and it has nothing inside of it but a bunch of rats and a couple of enemies from bloodborne? What a waste of time and potential.
>Sekirokeks have ran out of arguments so now they proceed to insert their schizo headcanon out in the open
It really didn't. I love ac6 but if you think that game is hard you are an immense shitter
>play AC6
Easiest FROM game in years. You cycle through weapons until you find a meta and then steam roll the game. Duel Sneedles and Zimmers broke the release day version.
all souls combat is shallow
>completion rate suddenly matters
Most of these people never touched sekiro or got filtered.
>uhh sekiro is a game for normalfags
>even though less normalfags finish it
You are such a sad faggot it actually made me laugh. This entire thread you cannot argue for shit, all your arguments boil down to devaluing others (like you did there), damage controlling, or being a disingenuous faggot. Why are you even wasting your time if you're that moronic. Post your Sekiro hours.
Thinking about replaying ER fills me with dread. Especially the DLC because I know I'm going to have to spend 40 minutes travelling around the map to get the skibiti toilet branches.
all this Untermensch got filtered by picrel
>There is absolutely nothing wrong with Shadow of the Erdtree: it's more Elden Ring. So if you liked the base game there is no reason to not like the DLC.

Thats objectively false. Id rate the base game a 9/10 and the DLC a 4/10. The boss design of the DLC was peak cancer. They used every single cheap trick in their books to make the bosses hard for the sake of "muh difficulty"
The base game only had a very small amount of bosses that were this much cancer. While every single boss in the DLC is unfun to play against
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lemme see those credentials
its okay to enjoy a braindead experience anon but don't try to pretend like its objectively better so you don't embarrass yourself next time
It's really baffling how every single review before release was shit like "10/10, the greatest thing From Software has ever made, absolutely epic" and it barely took a couple weeks for people really get burnt out.

All I can say is that bringing back Radahn for the last act is the single worst storytelling I've ever seen in a From Software game. Really abysmal shit.
Is there a better From boss battle? I don't think so.
>If i play META the game becomes ... le easy? impossibru!
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Seriously? She's a joke.
i don't know why that retard thought you were a snoy when snoys can actually play from games
anyway, why don't you go back to one of your cuck porn generals, tendietroon freak?
>OP faggot mentions AC and tries to piggyback off it to save Sekiro's skin
you ignored all my arguments and called me a buzzword, zoom zoom.
Wanna know which from game doesn't have stats, levels, and a meta that can trivialize it all?

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It's a process that every player naturally does as they test the various weapons.
>Calls Sekiro braindead
>While defending ER's rollslop

You might aswell play a game thats a black screen that turns red every once in a while, and you have to press B when it turns red within 0.5 seconds or you lose.
>There is absolutely nothing wrong with Shadow of the Erdtree: it's more Elden Ring
thats the exact issue with it
why am i paying the price of a full game to fight drakes, falling star beast and demi humans from the base game again?
half the price and remove all the copy pasted shit I've already beaten 10 times over then it might be a decent DLC.
actually imagine dropping into AotA and you having to fight 3 more asylum demons
i can't think of a more disappointing boss maybe the Queen from DS2
Now that i think about it Sekiro is alot similiar to DS2 in its ''quality'' and is also protected by loud schizo minority.
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>You might aswell play a game thats a black screen that turns red every once in a while, and you have to press B when it turns red within 0.5 seconds or you lose.
you have just described sekiro lmao
You're a shitter
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>doesn't post his credentials
So you did get filtered
Furnace golems fucking suck. Spend 10 minutes whacking their feet and running away when then start the fireball spam attack.
Most of the generic enemies aren't very fun to fight. I only really enjoyed the black knights and fire knights.

Overall I actually really like the DLC because I think the world is more fun to traverse than the base game, and I like the NPC quests and bosses (I haven't had much time to play so I haven't fought them all yet,). However a lot of the stuff between the bosses feels like filler.
You used a Greatshield build in ER
You shit on Sekiro because you couldnt beat it because you couldnt make a cheese build to trivalize the game

It all makes sense now
For one i know its definitely not Sekiro since that one has levels and a meta that turns the game into even more easy braindead mode.
So pray tell which game is it? Kings Field?
I thought the other endings had harder bosses than this, I have no idea. I only played the game once
>you have just described sekiro lmao
Bosses don't 1 shot you in sekiro. That's reserved for rollslop
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>This is what AC will be from now on
I hate Yamamura so much
please point out where i defended ER in my post thank you
anyway i think its time for your discord to go dillate, the hour is getting late is it not?
All of those issues are present on the base game; that's why summons were implemented into it, because it was easier than balancing the bosses.
Again, the issue isn't Elden Ring itself but people finally deciding that they don't like "rollslop" anymore.
>Sekiro since that one has levels and a meta that turns the game into even more easy braindead mode.
Go on anon, tell us which boss in sekiro filtered you
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The continual amount of praise, criticism, love and hate lined at every single From game every time one of these threads happen proves that they're all great games.
Im at work right now if the thread is still alive in maybe 4-5 hours or so ill post my 4 savefiles, pirated the game

Read the reply chain before you speak moron.
it's shit, pal
>people have different opinions
>therefore everything is great
Based brainlet
>Sekiro has a basic level up system like any other RPG making you somewhat stronger but doesnt trivalize bosses
>Elden Ring has numerous cheese builds that allow you to 2shot a boss or block every single attack trivializing the game
>not Sekiro since that one has levels and a meta that turns the game into even more easy braindead mode.
Jesus Christ.
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you just spam L1 that's all you do in this game
furnace golem is easily the worst encounter from has ever made
there no way anyone play tested that fucker, there's just no way a real human fought that guy and said "yeah this is fine and in fact worth doing 7 more times"
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>not Sekiro since that one has levels and a meta that turns the game into even more easy braindead mode.
I pirated the game tranny and long since then deleted it
i don't buy mediocre games hyped up by e-celebs
Theres only 2 groups of people
Former Fromdrones that realize the souls formula is played out and reached peak annoyance in the ER DLC and there is no hope for a future fun game if this formula continues
Fromdrones that are still under peak delusion and refuse to give their favorite gaming studio any criticism whatsoever and will fight anybody who does
I have yet to play ER
In the context of a narrow group of videogames, yes.
There should have never even been a DS3 let alone elden ring. They're beating a dead horse here.
You're supposed to play it 3 times to get the true ending where you defeat entropy and become a transcendent being.
Is there any normal person anywhere like me who likes
>Demons Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 2
>Dark souls 3
>Elden ring
>Armored Core
Or do you all just have to hate one thing because you like another thing.
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>Or do you all just have to hate one thing because you like another thing.

Yes, the way I see it, the 2 years that were spent on making the ER DLC that was pure garbage, couldve been spent on Sekiro 2 or Bloodborne 2
I love all of those games except Elden Ring. I don't hate Elden Ring, but I think it's OK and by far the worst of the collection.
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>t. didn't play the game
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I didn't bother participating on the AC6 threads (sans posting my AC a couple times) because just giving a glace to the catalog it was clear that the board hated the fuck out of that game (just like when you look at any ER thread):
>"It's just another Soulsshit game!"
>"muh turning speed"
>"It's just another staggerslop game"
>"It doesn't play like Armored Core at all"
So watching people here suddenly pretend to like the game and that it is one of From's best titles just reminds me that /v/ runs on contrarianism and shitposting.
let me think... its name was Boredom the vicious L1 deflector
That isn't a level bar. There are no stats to increase. Keep coping.
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>turns the game into even more easy braindead mode.
>snoy trying to btfo someone
kek for once i agree with tendeniggers
>Yes, the way I see it, the 2 years that were spent on making the ER DLC that was pure kino, couldve been spent on pure garbage
what did xer mean by this?
I like them all except Sekiro
it just didn't click with me and i got bored of it half through the game, it just made me crave an actual Tenchu game and not a cheap knockoff
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>furnace golem is easily the worst encounter from has ever made
Demon of Hatred and pic are worse
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Pic related took a very spin on the formula back in 2017 but everyone either ignored it or shitposted it to death (I was pretty much the only poster on /v/ praising and defending the game).
The second game is just more of the same with new mechanics and much-needed enemy variety; /v/ jumped on its cock ouut of nowhere due to contrarianism (and having a waifu character creator).
Most of actual /v like the game but the amount of loud samefagging tendies and shazamfags do ruin the discussion yeah
>I like them all except Sekiro
>it just didn't click with me and i got bored of it half through the game

So the one game that Fromsoft made where you couldnt make a cheese build to trivialize the game was the one you didnt like? I dont often say it, but you got unironically filtered
Next soulslike game fromsoft definitely has to add deflecting instead of just rolling. Even just using the deflect tear makes the game amazing. A combination of all their gameplay systems would be their magnum opus
Sekiro fucking sucks, it's a QTE game
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>Most of actual /v like the game
Oh yeah, suuure.
Just like most of /v/ actually like Elden Ring and the ones shitting on it are just part of a Discord conspiracy.
Nioh and Nioh 2 are unjustly hated here and for god knows what reasons. Nioh 2 is an incredible game and while I can't call them soulslikes exactly, they are better than 99% of imitators.
I don't even play Fromsoft games with meta or cheese builds though, closest i got was in DS1 with the Black Gwyn Knight Greatsword and the meme stamina shield.
I just dislike the repetitiveness of Sekiro without more options to tackle the combat and since i am stealth autist it also triggered me that for the most part you can't actually stealth the game without waiting like a retard for half an hour for the perfect execution since the game is not made for that and its just there... kind of.
yes? have you been living under a rock these past 2 years?
>elden ring is the easiest game fromsoft has made
>sekiro is the hardest
>/v/ loves elden ring, hates sekiro
Imagine shit talking Sekiro's combat while praising Elden Ring. You would have to have an Africa-tier IQ.
Shichimen warriors are great, you just need divine confetti and you can deflect all their attacks. Also anti air deathblow makes short work of these guys
Elden Ring has good enough combat it's that literally everything else sucks. From designers should be lobotomized for the input buffering and delay though
Nioh had normal threads for a long time. Some Niohbro started spamming and making fun of fromdrones and they have been seething ever since.
>ER is the easiest Fromsoft Game ( despite all the raging anons in the threads across the catalog )
>Sekiro is the hardest lol
not even worth a (you)
>ER is the easiest Fromsoft Game
Yes it objectively is. Also learn to greentext newfag
Please explain how elden ring is hard
No, you're just a dishonest shitskin unfortunately.
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Both Demon of Hatred and those guys are easy compared to this shitter. Hardest enemy in the game
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>Nioh had normal threads for a long time.
No it didn't. In fact it never had any threads, and I talk as someone who played it on launch on PS4. 2 is the one that got threads but:

>Some Niohbro started spamming and making fun of fromdrones and they have been seething ever since.
Only this kind of threads: threads aiming at provoke From fans, not to discuss the game (with a few rare ones actually talking about it).
Which is my point about why the hatred ER gets and the love Nioh and Armored Core get aren't sincere.

I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only poster on this very thread who genuinely likes all of the games posted above.
kill yourself gaslightnigger
I regret to inform you that I am white and ac6 is easy. It's still a very good game.
When you act so hyperbolic its pretty cringe. Anyone being honest could agree that Demons Souls is objectively the easiest game, Then Dark Souls, after that its up for opinion
by not using shitter mechanics and options and playing it the normal intended way like the previous FromSoft games brainlet.
>I beat it it's so easy I died zero times....please believe me
You're so brown it's sad....
Got all endings, tried resurrection mod, the fucker at the senpou temple is now a bossfight and that fucker almost filtered me, took me like 12 tries to kill him w/o kuro's charm
I'm not being hyperbolic in the slightest. Not even getting into the cheese builds and obscene optimization of Elden Ring, being able to just leave any boss and go explore the entire rest of the world whenever you want intrinsically makes it the easiest game. You could fight margit at level 50 with 2 grave scythes. There's nothing like this in DeS/DaS1
If you like all these games you're a brain damaged retard. Fromslop is beyond shit and even if you like Nioh you are too retarded to actually play it.
its not hard compared to other titles but in comparison to Sekiro which its ''fans'' have now latched onto AC6 to make them look better, is in fact hard in comparison.
>ac6 is harder than sekiro
laughs in dual zimmermans, dual miniguns, etc
I genuinely hope we will NEVER get Sekiro 2 so these creatures can forever seethe, meanwhile we will be getting AC7 and Bloodborne 2 and more FromSoft kino.
It's harder than Bloodshit and any souls game though.
>laughs in META shit
well not exactly a great argument, besides these got nerfed months ago, though dual miniguns are still viable but not perfect.
>if i don't use the tools available to me the game is harder
gee you don't say

now guess what game doesn't have meta shit and cheese builds that allow you to trivialize the entire game
then why did Kekiro fans screamed and raged across this board when they encountered the very first boss and Balteus? Couldn't L1 out of that huh?
What a vile subhuman moron. To think that now this is the average /v/ poster.
Objective rating from best to worst

>Dark Souls 1
>Demon Souls
>Armored Core
>Dark Souls 3
>Dark Souls 2 SotfS
>Elden Ring
Clueless post. They changed the formula with elden ring they made it open world, if they stick to the formula everything would've been fine.
I was talking about AC6
it definitely can't be Sekiro btw
>most insane definitely not intentional to gather (you) post
Sekiro has had a massive impact on souls design though. The DNA is in all the "hard" bosses you faggots like to boast about beating.
average /v poster praises Simon says game like Sekiro because it makes them feel hardcore
Sekiro is consistently excellent, but Elden Ring at its best is even better. But Elden Ring has some lower lows imo
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>still seething this hard
overall i'd agree then but only if we exclude obvious META shittery.
>Press L1 when enemy attack
>Press Jump when enemy big red kanji
>Swing a couple times after parry

wow so deep
>y-you're seething LOL!
is this a genuine human reply or a bot?
Sekiro has leveling system
Sekiro has cheesy mechanics and items
end of story, play the game you're shilling next time faggot-kun.
This thread brings back very fond memories of launch day threads when everyone started getting to chained ogre lol
Thats one more input then elden ring which is just
>Press dodge when enemy attack
>R1 a couple of times after dodge
>Sekiro had a massive impact on souls design
>adding wee of stealth and crouch button
>adding posture bar
>inb4 Malenia schizo cope
Sekiro fans have never touched a DMC game in their lives huh?
Owl made more people seethe thoughever
You are the average /v/ poster. Bumping the thread and spouting ragebait for (You)'s. You are the reason this board has gone to shit. Rope yourself.
I don't know. How about we start with a list of your mental illnesses then go from there.
I beat that retard in 2 tries
don't know why Sekiro ''fans'' have to pretend everyone disliked Sekiro has to be bad at the game
Except almost all of these highly dextrous bosses would be easily countered by Wolf, or at least matched. Why wait thirty seconds for an opening when you could be engaged the entire battle? That's what you fags are forgetting. You're supposed to be stimulated by the game every moment, not finding the brief window to exploit. That's what Sekiro did so well and that's what you buildshitters can't understand. The fun happens in the gameplay, not in the endless theorycrafting you copied from some fag online.
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God I love FromSoft games.
thats a hefty projection anon
unlike your vile 3rd world kind i do not shitpost about games i dislike or haven't played, i don't know why browns are so incapable of respecting criticism.
Yea anyone with a functioning brain did but you'd have to have been here to know what I mean. Sekiro launch made /v/ fucking furious because they had to learn how to play a different game. There was even more seethe than in this thread
>You're supposed to be stimulated by the game every moment
>That's what Sekiro did so well and that's what you buildshitters can't understand.
thanks for confirming Sekiro fans are ADHD zoomies
>The fun happens in the gameplay, not in the endless theorycrafting you copied from some fag online.
yes which is why i love Armored Core and dislike Sekiro.
It wasn't fun for me, just a chore desu.
Still can't beat the eternal seethe ER brings up to this day.
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No, I'm not a tranny.
I remember hitting L1 a lot in that game, did you not?
>hefty projection
>>3rd world kind
Jesus christ. Not only that but you are literally shitposting and ragebaiting in this thread here and now. Again, rope yourself.
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>Makes soulstrannies seethe
This is so true because I was one of them. I initially seethed about Sekiro along with many other anons on the board, I remember it well. Replayed it about a month later to realize how much of a fag I'd been and how great the game actually was
>this singular person has spent like 4 hours same gagging about Sekiro and pressing L1
What a strange place this board has become
you're already one if've touched Sekiro lad
i wish people like you would get the rope
this board would finally get some decent discussions without baits or turdies shitting up the various threads with positive vibes.
I've played a few but never really enjoyed the "juggling enemies" type of gameplay.
I want to an hero Hiro for removing the ip counter when everyone was asking for IDs on all boards.
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>Makes simonsaystrannies seethe
Literally went 10 minutes not checking the thread to see this pottery. Irony at its peak. Again, rope yourself.
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>he spent hours in this thread waiting on his imaginary single guy that apparently ''hates'' on Sekiro
>remove ip counter
>shitposting increases
Gee wow thanks hiroshimoot
>lower completion rate means it's tough and good
Could also mean it's shit and no one enjoys it enough to play through
I got filtered
I have skill issue
I need to git gut

now can we talk about why is the dlc not as good as it should be and why it costs 40$? this was rated better than blood and wine ffs
>average 2 buzz words per post this thread
fromdrones are diabolical
top tier bait you got my respects

Armored Core 6/10
>no one was able to refute the post
good morning discordsirs
one less faggot fore to invade
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This is secretly the real GOTY.
>nothing else to offer
try different companies retard
wow calm down with the seething there friend
I'm so fucking glad I beat the final boss solo so now I have licence to shit on this dlc

And why the hell does it feel sp empty? Like fuck all happening in the cerulean coast, abyssal woods and jagged peaks. Sure it looks pretty, but I'm just holding down circle running past the empty level
hard agree, it really feels like artificial size. the same amount of content as older games stretched as much as they can to give it "that open world feel" but the content in it doesnt merit an open world
>You mean Dark Slops: Press one Button Edition.
says the elden ring fan lmaooo
hey mark
>holding down circle to run past the empty level

You didn't beat the game
That's a pretty sooky la la take there bud
When the rot dragon in Caelid didn't mesh well with the small hills behind it, I knew ER was a steaming pile of shit.
If you unironically chose to play like that then you deserve the shit experience that you received
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when dlc
soon friend
>t. didn't beat sekiro
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Scam dlc
lol this is cope for thinking beating er bosses somehow gives you more clout than beating sekiro
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>unironically believing any of this
>so shit and you can instantly disengage with any enemy
Shit take
guy in the image is a perfect visual representation of average Sekiro player
you are the fucking normie, dumb fucking nigger
nta but you're clearly the retard
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good thing is that miyasaki stated they won't make giant games like elden ring anymore and go back to smaller scale titles
Replaying des right now and holy fuck, from games used to be really good.
Reading your chain you're clearly the dumbest cunt in this this thread
I prefer Sekiro and AC but Shadow of the Erdtree is not bad at all, you people are whiny fuckers and have shit taste.
Yes, I am not a fan of the bosses and the open world either but it's not a bad game, for fuck's sake.
It really was the Dark Souls 2 of DLCs.
>click on elden ring dlc thread
>it's filled with no-life trannies complaining about sekiro

what did i miss?
But dark souls 2 dlcs were all 11 out of 10s
samefagging won't save you ranjeet
AC6 is like an adhd zoomers wet dream, grow the fuck up, get some taste, then immediately kill yourself because you're still retarded after all of that
stop with the pretend play anon
you can clearly see from OP's first sentence this was never about Shadow of the Erdtree and was just another where Sekirocasuals can jerk eachother off how strong they are
this is true but for Sekiro
AC6 requires you to think and strategize
now kill yourself shitskin and don't reply to me ever again
Such insecure cope it's not even funny. Beat sekiro before taking about it you dumb cunt
I don't like the bosses and open world in the DLC, it's a straight downgrade from the base game.

Even the lore became this goofy fanfic tier shit, it was a lot of fun to talk about the base game lore, now it feels too silly to take seriously.
I would like to try this game. Should I play the previous ones first?
The problem of DLC is an imbalanced placing of critical for main story things.
You can draw a line from Belurat towards Shadow Keep and everything left of this line gonna be story-important, everything right - unimportant addition you can skip if you only follow main questline.
i reached 60% of Sekiro and had enough of its copypasted gimmicky game design so i uninstalled it, not gonna waste more of my time on cheap Tenchu knock off.
If any of these games required you to actually think or strategize then you would have been filtered immediately, you street shitting mongoloid
>actually admitting to being a shitter

if you want to explore more of its past game design and see it change and improve then maybe but each AC is a separate entry ( well there are one or two that are kind of connected ) so you're not missing out on any previous events or re-appearing characters/things, though i guess you could try at least ACV just for actual comparison.
>being bored out of my mind from bad game design and a copypasted bosses/enemies means you were filtered
6 is more action than mech sim (makes it digestible to newfags)
Nah, let him play vd instead.
>not being able to determine samefagging

Don't you get access to plugins in your third world shit hole?
>implying the previous entires were a mech sim
>calling others newfags
man Sekirotrannies are really the nu-Zeldafags of Fromsoft fandom, a worse plague than DS2 contrarians.
Dangerously fucking based
I really liked Shadow Keep but I do agree it needed another area as large as the Specimen Storehouse. The holy district also would've been nicer with a new boss instead of the fucking tree spirits
3.5 gen with rebalanced and more realistic heat, parts breaking and used parts selling less felt like a mech sim.
I pray everyday for ZoE3
maybe Konami noticed ACVI's success...
>getting filtered so hard you blame game design and enemy reuse

KEK, game's best parts are in the last 30% too which makes this even richer
the only good part is the Fountainhead palace, unfortunately the final boss is shit and overrated just like Gehrman, Gael was better in this regard.
>can't even comprehend that I insulted all fromsoft games in one fell swoop

Don't bother leaving a note when you kill yourself, it'll likely be unintelligible
Isshin, DoH and Owl Father are the best aspects of the game you enormous retard
Perhaps, but my money is on that it better represents you, chuddy
>i-i was just pretending to be retarded
fix your axe wound xis its leaking again and making you look dumb
I hope team nigger goes bankrupt
Literally shamelessly ripping off fromsoft
all shit except Demon of Hatred.
back to preddit.
The difference is that a linear game is usually short enough or varied enough in design that you don't notice the recycle even when it's there
in Elden Ring it's impossible to ignore beacause 75% of the content is just filler
Thanks for the further evidence of your subhuman IQ, but it wasn't necessary
Honestly I agree, its not my favorite From game and ranks only slightly higher than DaS2 but to call it a bad game is fucking insane. At worst its a 7/10 which is still well above average, a flawed but overall enjoyable experience, sadly /v/ only deals in extremes.
>The difference is that a linear game is usually short enough or varied enough in design that you don't notice the recycle even when it's there
yeah unfortunately Sekiro is very flawed in this regard
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I honestly just groaned when I saw my first magma wyrm, ulcerated tree spirit and generic dragon in the DLC. It's getting silly at this point. And I'm sure there's gotta be some deathbird hidden away in some corner.
No its not, it's 9.9/10
imagine being such a loser from 3rd world shithole you have to base your entire personality around defending games on the internet
If you want to go the deflection route, it takes out his stance pretty handily
>Radahn's stomp --> overhead swing down --> swipe, swipe --> deflect and guard counter the second swipe --> roll his ground slam and get a charged heavy in if he's in his first phase
Guard counters are pretty quick even with a str weapon, you've got a handful of openings against him like the one above to perform them
reminder magma wyrm is gaping dragon with a sword
>didn't find the death bird

you didn't beat the game
and death bird is oceiros
Shitters assmad they couldn't summon LMAO
>literacy so poor that it can't even quote me properly
>is literally told that I insulted every fromsoft game mentioned
>claims I'm defending a game

This is sickening, I haven't seen someone with this low of an intelligence on here. Neck yourself immediately, if you can even buy rope in whatever shithole you're from
>At worst its a 7/10 which is still well above average
That's the base game, SotE is 9/10 (would've been 10 if they fixed the input delays)
holy newnigger
you're the reason why the internet at large and this very board is so unusable
i bet you arrived in 2016 huh?
>no mention of summons in any of those posts
i accept your concession
anyone playing online in FromSoft game is a faggot
Elden Ring just felt like a bit of a slog to play.

After beating Sekiro I just hopped straight back to replay Isshin, he's just so fun, a proper final boss that gets you to test all your muscle memory and discipline you built up through the game.

Radabeast is just a chore, and that's true for most ER bosses. Either a chore, or a joke if you use the broken shit.
ok, still dont care about your normie zoomer lgbtq+ slop
game not related?

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