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mr grr grr
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They’re right though, we all wanted Makoto.
chibis are for anal plapping only
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Ideia sexo Magnolia sexo
because vaginal would fucking kill them
>I hate drive rush
me too
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I wish this series wasn't mega dead. The first one was great, barring some writting issues, and BS was way weaker, to the point that I couldn't even finish it. I do love Magnolia though.
Weren't they going to announce something this year?
Dunno. But I have no faith. The censorship is also mega gay. The second game itself was way too self referential for my taste, and BD2 looks like shit and from what I understand it's immensely dumbed down.
the lack of fanart is sad, I might pick up drawing just for her
This was one of the series that got killed after Redditbirth failed to meet sales expectations.
I want more games too. But as you said, the sequel didn't fix the issue the first game had (too much filler dialogue). And then BD2 basically forgot everything good BD1 did except the music. If the creators can't figure out what made BD1 good, then maybe it shouldn't get more games.
>If the creators can't figure out what made X good, then maybe it shouldn't get more games
I want this for all my favorite games.
They know what made it good. They got the author for Stein's Gate to write it. And then they never brought him back, or anyone of his caliber, and they wonder why the story and characters are bad?
what about Bravely Default 2
Is Bravely Default 2 worth playing since thats the only one on steam?
Why isnt the first one on steam anyway?
I looked at both games but the models in 2 look off, like they were molded by some shitty character creator, but if the gamegame is good I'll still try it out.
He designed your sexy costumes.
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Be the change you want to see
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I think the visual novel length writing is the one bad part of BD1. Granted it might not have been the fault of the writer. But the game really needed to cut down the amount of dialogue and not delay everything until Chapter 5-6.

No, what most people liked about BD was the tone, characters and combat. And that's what they failed to replicate in the sequels. BD2 is like they went out of their way to do the opposite of BD1 in everything but music.
>Why isnt the first one on steam anyway?
It's never been ported to any system. It's very dumb they didn't port it to Switch before BD2 came out. Just to build up hype/free marketing.
I liked the dialogue, I liked the length. Really fleshes characters out.
>chibis are for anal plapping only
You must be some kinda homo to see a girl and think about anal sex. If you just wanna plap from behind then the pussy is literally right there, barely more than an inch lower, yet you insist of defying God and common sense by sticking it in their asshole and getting shit particles all over your dick.
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I'm working on it. Comic in progress.
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I enjoyed BS but it's clear they reworked the story and characters deep into development, Magnolia story doesn't make much sense and they shoved the same dynamic as the 1st game except with worse developer characters.
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where can i follow this
>I wish this series wasn't mega dead.
What boggles my mind is that we keep getting more octopath games that only have half as many jobs as any bravely game and the characters are stuck with a default job they can't swap out.
I'm still learning to draw and this is the first big project I've ever done. I might make a pixiv page later on but not for a while.
ok mr gay
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ehhh??? buravuly deforruto????
I bet you fap to full package futanari (men) because you like titties but the sight of vaginas terrify you.
The BD's writer (who is the steins gate guy) got replaced in BS for a "team of writers", of course it was gonna feel off, specially with the secret movie in the first game that implied loads of things that the retarded team of writers dropped.
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You will know that SquareEnix is about to go under if they Remaster BD1 and 2, uncensor them and release them for whatever the Switch 2 is going to be called
that explains a lot, especially with the prequel demo to BS having Yew, Janne, Nikolai and Magnolia as the main cast, with Janne&Nikolai having elaborated backstories just to go loltraitors in the full game.
It's not a particularly great game, since the characters, story, and environments are not compelling or interesting, and the battle system feels like two steps forward and three steps back compared to the previous 2 bravely games, nevermind the uncanny valley chibi style. I feel like bravely fans would have been more generous in their reception of BD2 if it was an unnoficial fan sequel rather than the third game in the series, because then it's mediocrity and low sales wouldn't impact the future of the series, and they could still hold out hope for a true sequel.
>uncensor them
I bet Squeenix could be fucking burning and I still don't see that happening.
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i dont see how the act of uncensoring something is supposed to extinguish a fire.
I hear it sucks. It looks bad, and I never played it because, lol switch.
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i havent played BS

is it worth it for her? is the writing atrociously bad or just bad in relation to BD?
My crystal awakened.
It was kinda mid, but it got worse because the translation actually took out a lot of plot stuff. Like the branching paths, not just censorship crap.
Nah. They've already said their plans. Which is to focus on "quality over quantity." In other words, start cancelling most of their games and put all their money into a small amount of overbudget FF games. The same mistake they made in the PS1 and PS3 era.

BD was the game they cited that they should focus on more quantity of games. But that was two console gens ago. Now they want to return to the old failed model. Because they always just want to put all their money on huge FF games.
oh well id better play an uncensored version
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Imagine BD1. But with even more filler/stalling dialogue and less locations/characters. And even though best girl comes back and joins your party, she doesn't do anything. She's literally a tag along character. The focus is on a mary sue from the moon and a guy even more bland than Tiz.
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remember what they took from you
>mary sue
She is just a bimbo made to suck the dick of the actual mary sue, that fucking guy which name i forgot.
I'm still stuck at the fifth rerun with the count. He's actually fucking impossible
BS may have had worse writing but the gameplay was more polished. Then BD2 has neither good writing nor gameplay, I still have no fucking clue what they were thinking with half their ideas.
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Magnolia is actually sex reversed ringabell, which I found annoying
>uncensor them
How was BD1 censored?
Real. God I hate fucking censorship so much.
Last I recall the bunny outfit at the very least was made less skimpy for NA
I still have my bravely second copy sealed. I keep wondering whether to sell it and buy a used one or just unpack it.
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I will not allow shit talking on Magnolia. I will find you and I will turn you into gravy.
And that point you should have infinite combos
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A couple costumes, like the bravo bikini, were a lot smaller in the original Japanese. And a lot of changed dialogue in the translation made characters less sexual.
I just use stillness and some burn till I have max braves but the count shreds through everything
No, fuck you, i used to love her, the secret movie in BD showed her as a cool girl who was gonna be the new MC...THEN THOSE RETARDED WRITERS TURNED HER INTO A BIMBO THAT ONLY EXISTS TO SUCK SOME FAGGOT'S DICK! I am fucking mad, fuck the writers, fuck the devs and fuck Square Enix!
This art is so old but fuck it's so hot.
pubic chibi...
I wanted Dudley
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Well you can just interpret BS as non canon and that way, she's still the cool girl you liked and you can love her still. BS gets pretty stupid and contradictory with the original game anyway.

You are right on one thing, she would be a great protagonist, and I never even considered that.
Its basically an expansion pack disguised as a sequel. I beat the game and felt nothing... Mag is pretty sexy tho.
Every BD game basically turns the main girl into Yuna. That's the punchline of the comic up at >>682257356 I'm writing.
Wanna know how much BS ruined everything? when the first game came out it managed to get decents amount of fanart and even some doujins, Magnolia also got some attention before BS released, but then BS released and all the fanart stopped and magnolia NEVER got a single doujin, not getting a doujin is unironically a testament of how unpopular a character is, to compare Iono, from pokemon, already has 10 doujins about her with more coming and note "doujin" is not always lewd.
>lol switch.
Sir It's on steam...
The sheer audacity to make all the new mainline ff games arpg hamburger hell horseshit and demote actual turnBASED jrpg FF games to a spin off that doesnt even have ff in the name is so fucking gay it makes me want to take a nasty green shit in my toilet. Fuck off, square enix.
Relegating the turn based games to a spin off would be fine. Especially since BD1 (and the FFIII Remake/4 Heroes) was better than all of the overbudget 3D crap FF games. The problem is that after BD1, they didn't bring the original team back. And so the spinoffs started to become shit. It's just like the Tactics series after the first Tactics game.
Just dl'd an uncensored BS from hshop

Wish me luck bros

Any tips?
If you really want to max out every single job then start off with free lancer cause they get a JP gain perk.
Oh, I wasn't aware of that.
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Just because the game is on 3ds doesn't mean the artist had to use 3ds resolutions
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ok but is BS worth at least one playthrough
I remember when they first showed off Bravely Second and I thought Yew was just a red herring and he would die in the prologue then you would switch to Tiz permanently. His design was just so fucking generic that I couldn't believe he was the actual MC. If he was just a random MC in the town, I wouldn't even think he was supposed to be a major character.
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her problem?
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Yeah, the gameplay is fun, though you need to grind quite a bit to level up classes, I honestly wish they got rid of the job levels and just tied it to your character level.
I want to be her taste tester and try out all of her delicious pastries while she devastates my dick and also my waistline.
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>Jap dub
>speaks engrish
>writes in french
Has a lot of QoL stuff and some broken combos. A lot of abilities that could be considered shit or redundant have been removed. For example, there are no 10% or 30% stat ups, being replaced with 20% that only takes up one slot. There are some other tweaks like making the M.ATK and M.DEF stats of equipment scale with proficiency.
random NPC*
thick chibi thighs
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>Edea's outfit is actually a leotard
god I wish.
Sex with the pope
Also apparently there's some books/short stories about BD that explain what happened between BD and BS, anyone read them?
All I know is the teaser for BS looked cool with the vaguely ww1 aesthetic and seemed like it had a neat idea with Tiz being pulled out of his coma into a world that's falling apart; fish out of water, I just cleaned this mess, all my friends are dead kind of drama. I saw Agnes was still alive, but didn't pay much attention when it finally came out. Sucks that it's apparently worse than BD outside of a few changes. Magnolia was pretty cute though, and the artists always took the opportunity to show of her ass and legs.
she needs anal sex or she will die
To me it's quite clear he was meant to be the kaiser, they look too alike before the story got rewritten and Magnolia may or may not been evil.
chibi sexooo
I theorized it was suppose to be one of the infinite dimensions other than the one you played in BD1. Tiz gets pulled into one of those dimensions where he died. And he has to do a bunch of stuff to save his alternate self to allow him to go back to his universe. And this would allow for everyone else to have different personalities. As well as the typical "don't fall in love with the alternate Agnes" storyline.

Instead, we got Bravely Second focusing on not Tiz...
Why do Japs hate Magnolia again
Don't think they do, but they hate BS because they got a botched release, the game we have in west is the complete version and not the rushed one that was originally released over there.
It's not hate, just apathy. As with the game as a whole.
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Post the gif...you know the one
Some say apathy is actually worse than hatred.
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A good bunch of BD1 villains were pretty based
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>the white mage boss talking about capturing Agnes
>torturing her for info/fun
>then just healing her to do it all over again
I regret to say that awoke something in me.
Yeah and then in the second half of the game it's retconned into
>w-we were just the misunderstood good guys all along, here look at this silly skit to make you sympathize with us!
Uh, no, almost every single asterisk bearer deserved to be brutally, painfully murdered
Why are moon people so sexy
And there's some truth to that.
>w-we were just the misunderstood good guys all along, here look at this silly skit to make you sympathize with us!
I think you might be mixing two different things up. The later White Mage/Monk you meet are from another dimension. They're actually different characters. But yes, I also hate how the first 4 chapters is basically enemies spending 2 hours saying how horrible you are, but never divulging any specific reasons why. That's all dumped by DeRosso and the sage in Chapters 5 and 6.
with anal plapping you can still see the vagina because its not obstructed by a tallywacker

>That doujin where Derosa accidentally saved his timeline with an orgy
On one hand you're right in that they are alternate dimension versions but on the other hand it feels to me as if the narrative intent was to sloppily humanize the evil versions you've spent the entire first half of the game fighting.
This. Retards also can't understand that porn doesn't have poop unless you go out of your way to look for it.
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Is Bravely Second worth it? I hated the boss rush that was everything past the first cycle in the first game.
>missionary Anal
you guys watch too much sissy gay porn, holy shit.
Projection. Bet you're a christcuck, you know the kind that's fervent in public and is later found with a hard drive full of yourself wearing lingerie.
It's the opposite. The Western release is the one that was butchered and censored.
Second has better gameplay but worse everything else.
I never played BD2 but did Edea ever end up getting plapped by Chad Ringabel?
2 is unrelated to the first 2 games.
>give her a single flower
>she becomes your personal slut who would die for you
Gotta be honest, Second was really pushing it with this incel take on women.
I want to draw some of these characters too but I'm only good at more chibi style which isn't very popular
Switchtards have gotten remarkably uppity over the years. Not every single game needs a fucking Shitch port.
dunno I'd say fans of BD and BS tend to like the chibi style, I'd like to draw both chibi and non-chibi tho
No one asked tranny.
At least the music was way better than the previous two games.
>PS1 era Square
>put all their money into a small amount of overbudget FF games
>actually put out a ton of games with several decently budgeted experimental titles
Wait that's not how it works? I have a harem of women I got like that.
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Is BD2 any good?
>that doesnt even have ff in the name
BD quite literally does have FF in its name though kek
FF3 is only good in a vaccuum. In a world where FF5 exists, 3 is completely skippable.
What do we think of the Bravely series' biggest fans, Legend of Legacy and Alliance Alive?
I thought him being part of that group of heroes in the beginning was a joke, like he was the Scrappy Doo of the team since they all seemed so much more powerful than him but no he was a legit member iirc. So much of BS is bs.
>But with even more filler/stalling dialogue and less locations/characters
Except absolutely none of that is true. BS includes the majority of the locations from the first game and more and the majority of the characters and classes from the first game and more.
>w-we were just the misunderstood good guys all along, here look at this silly skit to make you sympathize with us!
Haha, that's our every single japanese anime and vidya writer for you...
>outed as a sissy
>starts to project
Maybe she meant less new ones
Post American subversion yes
I skipped BD because /v/ constantly said it sucked, started with BS because the cover art looked cool and I assumed the gameplay would just be a refined version of whatever BD was. I never had any story beforehand to take seriously so I actually enjoyed how the character interactions were basically just constant memes like Disgaea or something.
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Reminder that moon people don't have genitals or a sex drive.
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FFIII is an improved version of FF1. FFV is not like FFIII in any way except having jobs. And FFV jobs work a little differently. FFIII has many different systems and tone/story.

And this is coming from someone who's favorite game in the series is V. I still think III is worth playing on its own. If for no other reason but having another game with the job system. And because dual wielding weapons without penalty is awesome.
Purely a gameplay standpoint I liked it a lot. It's a hard game.
Late but keep up updated somehow
No one is saying every game needs a Switch port. But Bravely Default 2 came out on Switch. So it would be logical to release BD1 on the system. Even if it's just a port of the 3DS game. It's just like how they should have put Chrono Trigger on Switch before releasing Chrono Cross. But didn't because Square is about as good at planning and marketing as Sega.
Because they're French
Never heard of them until you mentioned them ITT.
Sounds like trannslators vandalized the game during the 'localization' process.
I bought both games because after playing all the job based FF games, I wanted more like it. And because I learned the writers of Trigger and Suikoden wrote them.

But I haven't played either yet because life got in the way. Then Eiyuden Chronicle came out and I played that before Alliance Alive. Then Alliance Alive got a re-release on PS4. So now I don't know if I should sell my sealed 3DS version and just get it on PS4, or play the 3DS version.
BD2 got absolutely fucked by covid so is really unpolished but still enjoyed it and liked Elvis and Adelle
why do people not want healing, it didn't work in SF4 for a very specific reason, in 3rd strike it was fine
Art isn't even by yoshida and looked like western pandering cheap shit. Revo came back and that's nice but fuck it it's not BD game just in name.
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It sucks that there's a bunch of good art in the failed gatcha but it never got fully datamined
Sexy fucking chibis
Nah, covid is just an excuse. It was fucked because most of the original team didn't work on it. And the people who did just did whatever they felt like. Rather than trying to emulate what made BD1 did.

If Square really cared, they would have brought back the original team. Instead, they just thought "it'll sell because IP name". Like they do with so many things.
space anus...
SE cut BS budget im half.
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I would have played it, wish it came to global eventually...
I wish I could find my own BD cart. I had a decent Norende and some special moves from friends.
I was forced to play the browser game to get outfit in BD
I wish we got Fairy's Effect. I will always laugh at how they killed it off only for Brilliant Lights to die in six months.
Can we get some more magnolia
I'll draw one, do you have an idea for her?
bathing in gravy
Yeah, posing in a very sensual manner. Something easy, I guess.
Draw Magnolia dressed up as Fuyosa from Final Fantasy IV. Or Dianna from Turn A Gundam.
As someone who played a bit on 3DS and Switch, the remaster looks significantly better.
Something wholesome and not sexual
>No one is saying every game needs a Switch port.
No one is saying that specifically but in almost every thread about a game that's half decent, Switchfags portbeg.
They're just Romancing SaGa for babies anyway, but it has kino music from Hamauzu and they are relatively charming in their own right.
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hello mister grr grr
>And FFV jobs work a little differently.
Yeah and the differences are a huge improvement.
who knew BS would be the actual BD2
BS was so shit
Yeah, I agree, at least in the writing department ,but I love Magnolia regardless.
FF5 is an improvement from 3 which is an improvement from 1
sucks how most people hate 3. it's probably my favorite
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>less soul than 1
>less fun than 5
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dunno, just liked how classes played
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What even is "soul" to you? III has a bigger world, more character development, better music, etc. FF1 is fine as a first game. Or are you just going on nostalgia, having played FF1 in your childhood?
The decensored patches for Bravely and Second is just visual stuff like the jobs and such. I don't think anything restores how the sidequests worked. IIRC, in original JP you're locked into like one or two "bad ends" until you can redo them for the "good end". The english releases skips ones of those.
Going off memory and super tired atm.
nta but someone keep the thread alive, I'm doodling something
they way I heard it was that each quest has a good end and bad end for each side, and to get the good end you need to pick a side you've already beaten. So you need to play through the game 4 times to see everything. The translation only has good ends so you see everything (that is in that version) playing through 2 times which you already need to do to get all the classes.
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more Researcher Magnolia please
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Human-sized Airy
what job should I use against victoria and science man?
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A Switch BD should have had graphics like this
Injun and bikini
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fukin love wicked flight
I remember taking like a month in each chapter in BD.
>Have a modestly sucessful not FF.
>Murder it with 30 gacha and shoddy sequels.
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magnolia cute
Holy based
Controversial opinion: End Layer was better then the first game
Note: this does not mean it's without flaws. The sidequest design is retarded and most sidequests are terribly written; the Glanz Empire is impossible to take seriously as a threat and the plot is just sort of stupid: it would have been IMMENSELY better if The Ballad of the Three Cavaliers was expanded into a full game instead of bringing hack Tiz and Edea.
But in terms of gameplay it's far better, and it doesn't repeat itself four times for no reason.
I legitimately forgot bravely default 2 came out, i even forgot it got a steam port lol
In terms of gameplay absolutely
I wish you nothing but success
Ty so much
>cut off the feet because you suck at drawing
>Glanz Empire is impossible to take seriously as a threat
>it would have been IMMENSELY better if The Ballad of the Three Cavaliers was expanded into a full game instead of bringing hack Tiz and Edea
Elaborate on those two points
>is insecure because you suck at drawing
Tale as old as time.
Footfags get the rope.
>Glanz Empire is impossible to take seriously as a threat
The Glanz Empire isn't an empire. Where are those soldiers coming from? Who are those people? At no point we really get an explanation. The Glanz Empire holds no territory and has no subjects. The warmachines they field manifest from the ether apparently, and the soldiers hatch out of pods fully trained, probably thanks to the experiments that aren't being held anywhere.
It FEELS as if they wanted to redo a warfare storyline but just sort of slapped the Glanz Empire there when they realized it would be stupid to have Eternia wage war on people again.
>it would have been IMMENSELY better if The Ballad of the Three Cavaliers was expanded into a full game instead of bringing hack Tiz and Edea
This is a pet peeve of mine. The demo's plot literally is better then the basegame. Jenne, Nikolai and Yew are all so much better when they're bouncing off each other, their dynamic is gold and Magnolia Just Works as the Outsider who they slowly warm up to. They're all so much fun.
We could've had JRPG D'Artagnan instead of this shit. It could've been so good.
Who is this strange man next to my french moon wife
it's all square enix knows
A pretty cool character torn away from his supporting cast and previous relationships and never given a replacement
It's insane how they made the perfect group dynamic with him, Jenne, Nikolai and Magnolia and then just threw it in the garbage. I would have actually seen him as Magnolia's love interest if they just kept doing what they were doing before.
Bravely second released around the same time as Fate/Go and if you know anything about the doujin scene, the you'd know how giga massive FGO was and still is. Anyone that would have drawn a doujin for Bravely Second in time for that year's summer or winter comiket just drew FGO doujins instead. For a solid 3 years it was 90% FGO doujins, and it's still pretty popular even though it seems like Blue Archive is replacing it as the "safe pick" for artists to draw when they don't have inspiration for anything else. BS not having doujins isn't a testament to its quality or popularity, it just had the misfortune of releasing in the shadow of a mega popular new IP.
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what does a fairy need a big fat ass for
Doujins are shit popularity stick because most of those are done by secondary artist and generally bought by otaku.

Pokemon barely get any doujin but everyone and their mother know how much porn it have.
It worked extremely well in SF4, that's the issue.
Yep, instead we get Mags nonsensically lusting after him while he passively stumbles into accepting it over time.
>secondary artist
>repeat itself four times for no reason.
the bottom of that outfit is so small you could probably see her asshole at any given time
It's a shame, because I liked Ballad Yew. He was actually the fucking captain, the guy had obviously earned his rank. While he was silly and goofy (which made him have a good relationship with the equally goofy Magnolia) he was a goddamn leader, he knew what he was doing and when push came to shove he led the Cavaliers as an unit and showed *why* he was a Crystalguard elite. And having him, Jenne and Nikolai dramatically pose actually came off as cool that time.
Come Bravely Second he is literally fucking brain damaged, can't beat a single troll without help, lives in a fantasy world, is naive to the point of retardation and just sort of vaguely bumbles around the plot.
God it was such a waste.
You really think that artists drawing then current FOTM really play or consume said material?

Gotta have those clicks.
>He was actually the fucking captain, the guy had obviously earned his rank.
Kek looking at this, the BS we got feels like a YGO GX dub/YGO Abridged in comparison.
It even has shitty meta jokes making fun of the game's mechanics.
That's called trying to build an audience, if you think your favorite online artist didn't start by trend chasing you're delusional, you don't know what secondary means
fucking this holy shit. I couldn't take any of BS seriously after I finished the demo.
Nigga Yew literally went off to fight Geist Grace without flinching and that guy he looks like a vengeful spirit that crawled out of Hell and you're telling me he's incapacitated with fear by glowing lights and a scary forest?
I recently bought bravely second. I stopped buying games after I hacked my 3ds but now I'm going back and getting games before they get too rare. Next on my list is a complete copy of etrian odyssey 2 untold
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>closest we will ever get to another Bravely Default is if cygames makes another Little Noah
>get to the part where you have to fight the bosses like 5 times in a row
>don't want to miss out on any dialogue by skipping them
>end up dropping the game entirely instead
why did they think this was a good idea? don't they know people with autism play these games?
>don't they know people with autism play these games?
yes, and you failed the autism test
It can't possibly be any worse than BD2
nah, but it's still bad. i can power through beating BS since it's rather easy. i CANNOT power through BD2's terrible beginning
Noah's design is very cute, she has slightly more fanart than Mag, which is kinda sad too.
I didn't put together that it was "artists who are secondaries."
It isn't, I'll be fair. It's actually an improvement from a gameplay standpoint which we can't say for Counterfest Default
She's literally an alien.
How would you fix BS?
Childhood fairy betray
Cut the entire "Yoko hid an entire country" plot.
Edea is an NPC and has the Templar asterisk. Tiz is the same and is working in the Norende reconstruction effort. The rebuilt village is a cutesy little location based on the minigame village that you can access yourself.
The Glanz Empire is actually a terrorist organization, kind of Akatsuki flavored, and the soldiers are all more merc-flavored as well. The core cast is Yew, Jenne, Nikolai and Magnolia, no betrayal happens. The things that led to their betrayals are instead revealed midgame and lead the heroes to turn away from the Crystalguard. The people in charge of the demo writing keep writing for the game.
More memes, bigger Magnolia speaking role
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The peak of female form
Well good luck because I don't think you can cheese the game by buying the gachashit anymore
Ok tough guy lets see you try at that forest without feeling squeamish
They wanted the Disgaea audience
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Can you draw >>682295246?
is this fairy below the height of consent?
someone at square has a mrging fetish
i literally clapped
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Fairies propose that your consent will not be necessary
I thought I never finished Bravely Default 2 so I opened it up the other day and found out that I did. It was just so forgettable compared to the first and bravely second
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It's been years since I played Second and I wanted to draw something, what are a few contextually relevant foods to Yew besides gravy? If there are none I'll just come up with something and post it in the next BD thread, I probably won't finish before this one ends.
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Chibikino: Westoid Edition just dropped and stylistically blows Potato Default out of the water
Edea spelled backwards is useless
silence, /co/ombrain
I wish there was more Bravely porn
Why does this conservative religion dress their pope so sluttily?
Imagine how good this series could be if they had the guy who wrote the first game write the sequels
Because she was developed by a man to appeal to the male gaze and enforce unfair beauty standards on real life women
Since the whole religion is basically a sham anyway my headcanon is that the whole system was designed specifically to perv on Agnes and she is oblivious because she has no reference point to compare it too.

They probably blindfold her and violate her pussy and tell her it's some kind of sacred ritual.
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Because the guy who created the garment and established the orthodoxy was a perv. It's literally a plot point in the game.
Also I think it's implied that the "angel from the sky" that Rosso and the sage obsess over wore something like that. And apparently looked like Agnes. I thought they were going to pull some plot point like Agnes was a distant ancestor to the angel but they didn't.
Isn't the angel just Agnes from another world? It's been a while since I played it
I hope she's stretchy.
Could be. I'm currently replaying it (very slowly because WORDS WORDS WORDS). And I'm in Chapter 5 where they info dumped the stuff I just said. But maybe in Chapter 6-8 they say what you did.
Personally I prefer Airy's weird leggings that actually look like part of her body, to actual boots
loved BD, liked BS, liked BD2
still wish for bravely third(sword) to be real
to moon people the flower meant something like eternal love
FF1 is completely different than FF3's job system. 3 and 5 both let you change jobs freely and let you build the ultimate skillset pulled from several jobs, and as a result you can always switch up what you're using whenever you want to tailor your strategy for each boss. With FF1, you're locked in to your starting jobs and have to overcome the game's challenges with what you chose.

That committal along with the game's challenge coming from an endurance run through each dungeon makes it play wildly different from 3 and 5. In 5's case, you can save right before each boss encounter, you can revive in the field, hell, you can use a tent to get full MP just for the fight so that you can stumble through random encounters all the way there without any care for conserving your spells.

The best thing about FF1 is that each party composition is arguably just as good as others, the game's difficulty progression changes based on who you have and each class peaks at different times. No class feels worthless when facing bosses or crawling through a dungeon, everything has its strengths.
>The best thing about FF1 is that each party composition is arguably just as good as others, the game's difficulty progression changes based on who you have and each class peaks at different times. No class feels worthless when facing bosses or crawling through a dungeon, everything has its strengths.

Every party is viable because Final Fantasy games are notoriously low difficulty compared to other traditional RPGs. III is the only one that's kind of hard and it's mostly just the spike at the final dungeon
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The guy who voiced the sage also voiced Keeper of the Light in DotA, so I can never not imagine Keeper saying all sorts of perverted stuff.
FF3's final dungeon was great, you get one opportunity to save between labyrinth and Slyx Tower and all of Slyx, Eureka, and WoD have no save points in them. Hell, beating the boss at the end of Slyx and going to WoD was a point of no return, so you have to beat Slyx, the four minibosses in WoD, and then Cloud of Darkness all in one go. Only the Sage/Ninja jobs really detract from it since they make you so powerful.

But yeah, FF as a series is mostly easy, but I'd say FF1 is in a better place than post NES titles. If you use your head and manage your items and spells well, you won't have any problems playing through the game, but it's not a free ride either. From FF4 onwards, the difficulty of every game comes from the bosses challenging you and most everything else is just fodder to pad for time. At least Square made the final dungeons in a lot of FFs interesting though.

Not to derail the thread, but what's everyone's favorite final dungeon in a Square/SE RPG?
brap fairy
Everytime I try to play this at some point i get unimaginably filtered
I didn't have any issues getting into BD and BS, but BD2 is filtering me from the very start with the uncanny graphics.
I personally preferred BS to BD quite a lot. I never thought the story in BD was exceptional anyways (albeit better propped up by its cast), and the gameplay is not just better, but the freedom and fun I had with making unorthodox builds (spellcraft especially) makes it extremely hard for me to go back to the latter... I thought the diary was kino and could spend countless time just reading through their banter too; I don't care if Altair is "gimmicky" either, I liked him. Only real gripe for me is yeah some of the sidequests suck
Most of the BS complaints are from people who never played it and parrotted the Japanese complaints about it that were fixed for the international release, and then the usual culture warriors crying about muh censorshit.
I played maybe half of the first game on 3DS years ago and enjoyed it. Wasn't amazing but it was charming enough.
How do the other games hold up?
>It's just like how they should have put Chrono Trigger on Switch before releasing Chrono Cross.
I will never understand why they never released Chrono trigger on switch. So fucking weird
It's fine, not as good as the first one for me. I think the worst thing was the art style but I got used to it.
After BD2 this series probably has one more game before it gets axed.
>It's actually an improvement from a gameplay standpoint
Which means it's a better game than the original flat out.

Nothing else fucking matters.
Every game should have a port to everything Eric.
After BD2 they should consider it done instead of continuing to ruin it.

Just let Nintendo take Team Asano instead.
Good. Series should die naturally when it's their time too, SE keeping FF alive on a multi million dollar life support system is fucking embarrassing. Something like BD shouldn't be "innovated" on either, since it was born from a desire to capture the spirit of older JRPGs.
With how remake obsessed SE is, it wouldn't surprise me if they were planning some extremely stupid bullshit for Chrono. I can only pray that lackluster FF7R sales has made them reconsider.
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God bless Akihiko and his love for thighs
look at the size of that schnozzle
If I were starting a church I would require all attractive females in their prime to dress like sluts too, and I'm sure most guys also would do the same.
Let’s just say covid fucked them up
Late game you will the same enemies but with different colors
>Is he able, but not willing?
>Then he is malevolent.
non sequitur
I'm so glad the series was dead, the writing was atrocious all the way through and I had to close my 3ds and sell the ROM after finishing the fake ending because I found out that you had to be a retard to get the true end
How do you get the true end?
>As you awaken crystals, it becomes increasingly obvious that the fairy who was with you from the beginning is conning you
>You could:
>Courageously break the crystal despite her pleas, which ruins her evil plans.
>Or just keep awakening them until she reveals herself as the game's villain after you done the same shit 16 times across 4 worlds

And somehow the true ending is tied with you being retarded. I make sense in a director's standpoint since it's way easier to code but goddamn was it so damn egregious to the game's own damn theme. It didn't help that most of the characters were completely insufferable except ringabel.
I'm not sure which one is the good option here. Is it the second one?
>playing BS
>last dungeon
>mfw I see myself
Should have put a jumpscare warning.
I'm honestly so glad that second and bd2 don't have this dumb timeloop mechanic anymore. Holy shit I get it from a story point of view but that was horrible as a game mechanic. You as the player just feel lost and you start to think if you are doing something wrong and it just makes you want to drop the game.
Rather than trying to make the game look more like games art style, they just made the chibis of the DS games lanky (even though those were a limitation style choice) and put the gaudiest lighting effects and shaders on everything. Also the characters are all shit and the main bitch is boring and forgettable.
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My nigga Ringabel should have plapped those cheeks.
I loved the time shit from a meta and theoretical story concept, it creates a cool moment but in reality the second the game demanded I play it again I looked up a guide to figure out what to do. Which kinda ruins it and having to replay the game again somewhat is an annoying slog that will make most just turn it off.
I don't even remember this mechanic
Was the whole Ringabell/Alternis cuckholding necessary?
Autism wants to see and know all. You're describing yourself as ADHD, faggot.
I don't remember very well but I don't think you don't have to do the repeat shit, you can just rush the crystals and continue on. but you do miss out on story content that comes from the looping. Bravely Seconds gotcha moment was better executed but I would've never known to start a new game if I didn't look it up.
Artist know the way.
I wish this was the character design for BD2. Not the ugly chibis with textures. What is square thinking?
The characters get hints of a bigger picture looming behind the obvious Airy betrayal, it's obvious to not only you but the characters as well, but they do the brave thing and default to going along with her scheme to get to that bigger picture.
>but they do the brave thing and default to going along with her scheme to get to that bigger picture.
Bravo Kojimbo!
the tactical RPG battles are more puzzle-like than JRPG. you will beat the game within a few weeks and then there's nothing left to do except collect characters if you like that. don't show your parents what you are playing though, it's more sus than nikke
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What the fuck was her problem?
>mob face
>excellent body

this is the way
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Funny how the one that wasn't even morally gray but downright good was the Pirate Guy. He didn't hurt a fly except for the party if provoked, he was just looking for a summon for his dead bro's wife. They even mention the naval force he commanded did not see any combat. He didn't even overwork sailors or anything since he was using a ghost ship for some reason.
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but why

who was offended
I hated the rng turn order of this shit game
the fact that Alternis is supposed to be Edea's childhood friend and yet she had never seen his face once is funny
I'm offended those weren't assless.
All chaps are assless, retard. They’re meant to be worn over jeans.
I don't see any ass hanging out, fucker.
She’s literally wearing pants under the “assless” chaps like you’re supposed to, you dumb fuck.
I want ass hanging out. That is why I am offended. There is clearly no ass showing so therefore it is not assless.
Balances the weight from the wings.
From what I understand, that Angle came from a timeline that was so fucked she was forced to transform into an angel
She barely managed to communicate to whoever managed to reach to the true boss aks you the player
Would’ve beem cool to expand on that part but they did not
>Barely getting doujins
Are you fucking drunk to make such retarded claim? Tottotonero just releaawd one about Sango.
They got the author for stein's gate too write it? No wonder it's such a repetitive slogfest
> Pokemon barely get any doujin
Who’s gonna tell him?
Most are behind paywall so I cannot fully blame you
No, she wasn't literally an angel or transformed in any way, it was just an Agnes on the verge of death because her version of the group had just been murdered
How she fell through time is only given a vague handwave with the interdimensional BS but it otherwise establishes a time loop where she shows up wearing the vestal garb, which then gets passed down as the traditional vestal garb, which she is then told to wear when she becomes a vestal
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can she be saved and salvaged for future games
Didn’t Rosso draw what he witnessed and hang all his paintings in his castle? Too bad the hardware fucked up the paintings but I remember one of them displaying a radiant white female figure with long black hair and wings. As you said because they intentionally made the whole thing vague, it’s anyone’s guess.
Well… she showed up recently in Octopath Traveler Cotc as a crossover banner alongside Ringabell and that Chick from BD2
If anything this indicates they didn’t fully abandoned the series yet
Well, it's a painting, those are often embellished and made fancy for the sake of being art
What we do know is that she showed up, had no wings, warned them of a terrible future, and immediately died
>Since the whole religion is basically a sham anyway
Just like in real life
>anons think the BS demo was the original plan.
The original writer got replaced by a "team of writers" before BS started full production.
Speaking of the demo, is it true that you should play it first before going to BS? I was told you missing out on stuff if you skipped the demo
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>FF3's final dungeon was great, you get one opportunity to save between labyrinth and Slyx Tower and all of Slyx, Eureka, and WoD have no save points in them. Hell, beating the boss at the end of Slyx and going to WoD was a point of no return, so you have to beat Slyx, the four minibosses in WoD, and then Cloud of Darkness all in one go.
HaaaaaaaAAAAAAA! I activate...my super power! Go!
Honestly it was obvious the demo wasn't going to be the full plan. Jenne and Nikolai's designs were too intrincate, it would be too much work to make Asterisk costumes for them.
Still a goddamn missed opportunity because literally everything but core gameplay was better. Yew was a character I could take seriously, Magnolia falling in love with him made way more sense, they actually had a party dynamic instead of Edea carrying the game in her back, and hell, the Three Cavaliers were just so much fun.
ravely efault
Lying Airy
>Still no Bravely Third with tyrant Edea from the prophecy.
The demo gives some costumes if you play it, but honestly you should play it because it's actually pretty fun: it's one of the best demos I've ever seen before, it actually lets you get a taste of the full game without spoiling anything and has a very fun, lower stakes story. You'll have fun just watching characters bounce off one another.
They dropped that storyline, the director APOLOGIZE for BS.
Cutting like 1/4th of the game's total text from the English release isn't a fix.
Actually I'm pretty sure most of the complaints are about the woefully underdeveloped duo in the party, the over-reliance on meme dialogue, and the game mostly featuring 1's world like TotK compared to BotW.
>releases 7 and 9 remasters before 8
Square just be like that sometimes
Should I play 4 heroes of light first?
Blying Dairy?
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No. Game should be free, like the buffalo.
True but the best doujin always comes from an artist who did play the game and this series is no exeption
Back in the day everyone hated the three guys, i remember people screaming "disgusting sausage fest!", the old guy in special got more hated just for being "old and fat".
I should replay Default or get around to actually playing Second. little to no interest in 2
It baffles me how they had the trailer give so much focus to the Three Cavaliers, had them do the whole all for one, one for all gesture in a super cool way and then they just betray Yew with absolutely no buildup whatsoever

People have terrible taste, what will you?
Did anyone spend the whole game cringing? I finished it because I wanted to see the end of the story, but damn that game was 100% cringe.
I'm talking about Bravely Second btw.
I will forever be mad over how they ruined Magnolia and doomed her to obscurity.
what was even there to ruin lol
I meant Bravely Default sorry
I meant Bravely Default 2 y'all
BD secret movie.
asano confirmed a new Bravely game is in development only a few months ago
Cue SE killing all their AA productions because Rebirth failed.
iirc, the angel is Agnes from the opening scene of the game. That Agnes' party is slaughtered by Airy and she escapes to another world.
I'm playing BD2 now and it's fine, definitely not as good game play wise as 1 or second, although plotwise it does feel more expedient.
But I'm not really synergises the classes, none of them have particularly good abilities, so my team passive abilities just consists of JP up and get/steal rare items so I can farm booster buns - I'm saving for when I master all classes, make them freelancers for the stat boost for each mastered classes, then boost each of their best individual stats. So I am grinding through the classes for each.
The bosses are annoying, they not hard and don't force me to plan much, I can kinda win through attrition - multiple bosses have actually run of MP while I was fighting them which to me is a sign the fight has gone longer than intended. And yeah I'm playing hard mode
Its actually just "mugu" in japanese, a kind of frustrated growl thats in a shit ton of anime but almost always got localized as words like "oh phoey or "argh".
The "endings" that got cut were just half assed versions of the ones we got in the west.
sounds based
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thats what I meant retard everyone is like it was to op they are fucking morons
Am I missing out on cool special moves and the ability to build up Norende since we dont have spotpass anymore? I remember also some drinks being advertised by a scantily clad Edea.
You're missing special weapons, equipments, special moves, and cutscenes. There's ways to edit the save to give yourself a shitload of villagers don't worry.
And that's why it's peak design! Girl's should shamelessly display their assholes more often!
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Suck my COCK you lying onahole
Waifufags gonna waifufag
4H is mid
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Opinions on Airy?
needs copious amounts of rape correction for her crimes against multiple universes
She made a plan and saw it through, that's admirable in a person.
>and then they just betray Yew with absolutely no buildup whatsoever
I never played the demo so that part was so confusing, these characters I've known for bravely two seconds suddenly have hair highlights and are comically evil.
She and Queen Ripple are the reason why we have fairy friday threads
I like her but she does need the onahole treatment.
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Did you forget about Rif?
It was such a weird fucking rollercoaster. First they expect you to give a shit about this guy you've known for 5 seconds betraying you out of nowhere, then they expect you to give a shit about Nikolai being dead when you've known him for 5 seconds tops as well, then Nikolai actually isn't dead and is also a traitor and you're still supposed to care, and then they dump Jenne's tragic backstory on you.
Yep they do that and you think maybe the story is serious or something but it's basically a spastic slice of life comedy with some obligatory action scenes. It's not very good storytelling but I appreciate it for the unique experience.
I awaken the crystals for she.
How does it come off for you anons who actually played the demo and interacted more with Jenne and Nikolai?
Where are her pubes?
>They got the author for Stein's Gate to write it
That's probably the only reason why people cared about BD1 at all so it's funny that they would change it.
Character assassination galore. I *can* buy that Jenne would have a previously unrevealed grudge against the Crystalguard and eventually desert, that'd be interesting, but as it stands he just dies and is replaced with an evil clone. The Cavaliers were thick as thieves, it comes off as completely nonsensical.
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That's because Nikolai looks like the MC of an NTR doujin and Magnolia like the heroine of said doujin
He's just a cool guy with a beard, man, your brain's been rotted. Can't we enjoy a cool magic dude with a beard without thinking of porn? Have we fallen this far? Is Gandalf an NTR bastard now?
He’s literally (Yew)
Killed the series.
>Isn't the angel just Agnes from another world?
Portable hole
I want Shiro's fat midget tits on my face.
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I don't play games that looks like trash specially when both Bravely Default and Second were kino
Literal who
around fairies
never relax
Gandalf hits a little different after reading this comment...
How can I relax with a raging boner?
Sexy chibi.

Name more games with the sexy chibi aesthetic. Bravely series is in the toilet.
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Alliance Alive has a gato sexo
Is it worth playing?
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>hotdogging with fairy
>brazen assjobs with fairy
>tense pussyjobs with the threat of penetration with fairy
>teasing your tip and frenulum with fairy's tongue and fingers
>chocking cumshots and gukkon with fairy
She's kinda big
ok but do fairies need thick thighs?
>set cliffhanger for Bravely Sword
>left us hanging for seven or something years (Second was released in 2015 right?)
>give us a mediocre BDII nobody asked for when it could have been 4HoL remade.
>Just let Nintendo take Team Asano instead.
is that even possible?

I always thought how Agnes looked similar to Garnet from FFIX.
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How else are they going to trick human men into doing their bidding?
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ok but what do moon people need boob slits for
Nice butt, but I will still not awaken the crystals.
I fucking loved the series and i even really enjoyed Bravely Second.

I miss it bros
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dude cmon
awaken the crystals already
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that Kitsune/ fox lady was hot and tempting Edea. Also any high res shots of that picture with Ringabel's interdimensional team from that one scene? too bad those other two characters who betrayed Yew aren't party members, which is weird considering there was an art of them in different costumes? weird i thought i had it somewhere
It's bravely default because you bravely default on your obligations (i.e. you stop listening to airy and break the crystals).
you think that Gacha that was closed down has an artbook? diamante is still out there is it? yulyana is dead according to that summoner lady.
>Bravely Second
>Bravely Default II

i never understood this
Isaiah 45:7,
there's your answer friend
They were definitely supposed to be party members, I think that got shelved over development
It's alright.
The chibis take a while to get used to specifically because of their lips and HD details making them look uncanny.
You can tell when Covid really hit it because the writing after ch3 (Rimedahl) takes a nosedive.
I played through FF3DS at the start of COVID. It was really fun. I imagine it'd be a blast to intentionally go through with "crappy" jobs, since job levels do so much heavy lifting. I kept Luneth as a Freelancer the entire game and he was borderline overpowered because of how job levels work. But there were random parts where he had nothing new to equip for 2-3 dungeons in a row and started falling behind, before turning into a damage-cap-breaking monster in the final dungeon with all the super equipment.
You draw that? where do you post your work?
Shame that this anons drawing went largely unnoticed.

Stellar stuff, man. Keep drawing Magnolia.
artists lemme follow youuuuuu plz
It's barebones but with serviceable story and gameplay, plus music by one of the greats. Graphically, it's kind of an upscaled FF3 DS more than something on the level of BD's detail. Overall I did not feel like my time was wasted.
>art of them in different costumes
May have been concept art of their base forms
Second is so hated and such an embarrassment that SE wants you to forget it exists.
SE won't make me forget Nikolai and Barbarossa.
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We will never fight prime Yulyana for the inquisitor asterisk
Second has by far the best gameplay of the 3. The amount of quality of life improvements it made over 1 that weren't present in 2 is baffling. That game feels like it wasn't even playtested.
Now you remember the fan speculation about BD II becoming BD III after the midpoint or that Ringabel and his dimensional cop would show up. The concept art for the sword of the brave making a point that the sword hilt looks like a numeral III really got me.
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The teaser ending at the end of Bravely Default (actually the re-release in JP) was just made to look cool and no story for the sequel had been finalized yet. When they hired new writers to do Second they were completely incapable of matching the tone of that one teaser movie.
The idea is that each numbered sequel is its own thing like Final Fantasy and stuff like FF XIII-2, but when you only have 2 games in the series and make a direct sequel to the first one it is a lot less understandable to the average person
2 is clearly a game with a different design philosophy which I don't hate, but I dislike how the job design took a step back after being so creative in Second
Just the voice acting of the part where Agnes was trying on the bikini offscreen made me diamonds. I love embarrassed girls
Yeah that sucks. I have to agree on that point.
i wish i could fuck a fairy.
in fact i would buy a loli onahole just to imagine doing that.
God that movie made me hard as fuck.
why do people complain about the chibis

the ENTIRE REASON to play these games is the erotic chibis
Gameplay isn't that important in a jrpg
remember that 3DS function to use a QR code to generate the Bravely cast on your screen? I think Team Asano should work on a CT remake.
It sounds really stupid, but I think you're absolutely correct.
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did i miss something here? I don't recall any prophecy about Edea being a tyrant. I wonder if Bravely Sword happens we could rescue Yew's brother since the boss diamante was unbeatable for story reasons. Not even Yulyana could. Didn't Lester DeRosa have a daughter?
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isn't Edea considered the main character of BD since she has the most character development.
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It's really not even a game from the same series. Two people conveniently walk up to you and join the party for the rest of the game, and there's nothing else going on. It goes against everything BD stands for.
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Pocket book of R if you want to know


why didn't we get those two gacha games overseas? do they not know of the Bravely Default fans outside Japan?
SE probably thought it was too much work and not enough potential pay off to bring it over.
i swear to god there was concept art of Jean Balesta in other costumes.


also art of Bravely Default gacha.
I regret not getting these.
pocketbook of R translations

FFIII and V have some noticeable differences in classes. And with FFI the issue isn't so much the classes but the enemies and systems are so different. Bosses are basically just mob enemies with slightly more HP. And as a result, Mobs are 9x harder than a boss, because you will encounter mobs with 9 enemies. And in some dungeons, the mobs actually deal more damage than the boss. This is just artificial difficulty. And is also common in FFII.

FFIII is the game that fixed this and made bosses stronger than mobs. As well as adding a lot of mechanics to bosses so each one has a trick to it. This not only improved basic combat, but also means the jobs have more of a use. As you need to switch to certain jobs to defeat certain bosses. FFV, as much as I love the story and characters, doesn't really do this much. You just beat down stuff with your highest damage skill, like in FF1.
Magnolia using slices of ham to cover her nipples.
>Draw Magnolia dressed up as Fuyosa from Final Fantasy IV
what was up with the Moon in BS again?
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The time loop mechanic itself isn't even the problem. I actually find the big reveals to be kind of awesome. The problem is they delay the big reveals until Chapters 5-7. Like 2/3 the game is Chapters 1-4, where you're suppose to be learning about the characters and world. And you do. But only selective things. When it comes time to learn about a characters past or why everyone is calling you a heritic, the story has to find some bullshit excuse to deflect away from it.

Asterisk Boss: "You're a traitor to the orthodoxy and you should be killed for what you've done!"
Team: "What did we even do? What the hell is going on? Who are you?"
Asterisk Boss: "S-Shut up! We fight now!"

The problem is they should have revealed things in a better manner. Rather than hiding it until near the end of the game. Because most people would quit the game out of boredom/annoyance long before the reveals come. Same problem a lot of FF games have.
I think the Moon was getting invaded by the Baals or something. Never got far enough to learn why but I think it was probably related to the main baddy somehow
Chalk me up as someone who loved BS and hated BD soely for how fucking retarded the characters and story in that game were. The same reason I hated Tales of the Abyss for having a cast full of retarded idiots who don't know how to communicate with each other. Where the entire conflict hinges entirely on "kill each other, ask questions or explain things never".
You don't play Bravely for the character development
The head producer of Bravely said that he thinks the second game didn't sell well because people were confused by the name. And so decided to call the third game BD2 to emphasize it was a sequel. Of course this is cope. The reason Bravely Second sold worse was because of a slew of bad decisions beyond the name.
If I blasted a fairy's wings with cum, would they be able to fly?
BD is multiverse marvelslop
BS is low stakes comfy kino
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Not really. Though her and Ringabel are clearly the most popular characters. But within BD itself, they clearly have Tiz as the player avatar and the plot is focused on Agnes travels. It's basically FFX. And the tag along characters are the fun (and best) characters.

I really wish they'd make a Edea Nendoroid.
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I want a fairy flesh light, Is there a better woman than one who's whole body acts as an onahole that you could shove up your ass too, if you're into that. They'd probably shoot off your cock like one of those water rockets if you have a high volume of sperm.
well go get it
Both Steins;Gate and BD1 are shit storywise.
Deserves copious amounts of rape correction followed by a double dose of rape correction and an extra helping of rape correction.
She did nothing wrong, not that I know that character or anything that occurred during that game.
i loved bravely 1 and 2, i got the Art Of Bravely for each of them. I still need to play Second, but im just so busy with life that i often forget i even have a 3ds
Like every fucking fairy ever, they all deserve rape.
In Airy's case, she deserves ALL THE RAPE. ALL OF IT.
Boy howdy that's a lotta rape, maybe followed by putting her in a jar and bukkake her with the mates.
so the average BD thread is talking about how much the games suck now, raping fairies, and chibi sex

did i miss anything?
did i miss anything?

-Edea's ass
edea lee and ringabel for smash bros 6
Drowning faires in sperm is also pretty popular.
well, yes, there's always a game to talk about, and v moves very fast. The good threads about gameplay, possible next entries etc., happen only in the first month, after that the game gets forgotten or the threads are about waifus and/or controversies (trans-lations, sells, etc).

tl;dr you get good threads for a while, after that it's shitposting or nothing
Edea's left ass cheek and right ass cheek for smash.
>did i miss anything?

Rare actual discussion about a video game. Which happened in this thread a lot.
Both of her cheeks smashing my dick
Magnolia Sexo.

Jokes aside, there's plenty of diferent topics in this thread, but a theme that I didn't expect to be so ubiquitous is lost potential.
The *planet* is getting invaded by Ba'als: the Moon is holding them back, basically. The main baddy just wants everyone to suffer because it makes Ba'als out of the cherished memories of a soul it's torturing, and seeing them run amok making everyone's lives hell makes that soul suffer more, and it eats her suffering.
Cum on fairy's cum in fairy's
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Something about Gathelatio makes it feel really cozy. Seems like a nice place to live. We also just need more games with drawn backgrounds.
I felt they were setting up Yoko to be the main antagonist for Sword and did you know she's 14 years old? and she was patronizing Edea that whole segment about love.
>BD Brilliant Light has new character art


>retweets Chrono Trigger art.

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do cities like this exist
how much the games suck
>-Edea's ass
chibi sex
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>chibi sex
what about the normal sized edea from the cinematics?
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Still weird to me that sad panda is where this type of stuff tends to get archived.
Sex but not as much
>Bravely Default: Brilliant Lights was a mobile game created in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Bravely series. Set in a new world, it featured characters from the entire Bravely Default series. It launched January 27, 2022; but due to lower-than-expected interest and gacha sales, was terminated in February 2023.

gee i wonder why
Edea gets sex regardless of chibi or normal proportions, but still, chibi sexo.
No. It's like a bad matchup of London Bridges and Le Mont-Saint-Michel.
>Bravely Default: Fairy's Effect is an Android/iOS free-to-play game developed by Square Enix. The game is designed in a style that is reminiscent of the main games in the Bravely series. It is set 8000 years following the events of Bravely Default and Bravely Second: End Layer in a time when the Crystal's power has waned greatly and the world is undergoing an event known as "The Great Collapse".

>8000 years

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>what about the normal sized edea
Disgusting. What's next, human sized Lalafells?
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I like seeing normally stylized characters drawn with normal proportions, it's erotic
couldn't make it but I might post it when there's a fanart thread
>10 year anniversary project
>mobile title
>dead after only one year
Still kinda regret not getting this, but I honestly probably would have covered it in cum, so maybe it's for the best.
Still not as bad as what Marvelous did to Harvest Moon.
>10 year anniversary
>decide they're going to churn out 10 Harvest Moon games
>only manage to make 4 of them and they are some of the worst games in the series because they were all rushed/not made by the original HM team
Executives are fucking stupid.
last for sex
Thread went by fast, guess I'll wait until the next one to post fan art. Seems to be a lot of that going around haha.

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