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Warner Brothers suck and I predict the studio isn't going to be around much sooner so might as well leak whats going on

>Rocksteady desperately wants to gain back consumer trust after Suicide Squad bombed and how people reacted negatively to Arkham Shadows being a VR game
>Want to pitch an actual Justice League game and a majority of the assets reused from SS:KJL and make it more of a single player AAA game
>Zslav and other executives are convinced that Games as a Service are the future and refuse to believe that Suicide Squad failed because of it.
>Basically they want to give Rocksteady another chance but they need to make this Justice League game a GaaS as well.
>Most of the pitches right now is how monetization would work in this new game over the actual gameplay and mechanics because WB are that greedy thats what they want to hear most of all.
>Right now the two main pitches are a sequel to Arkham Knight that shows the story of how Batman and Superman form the league as there kidnapped by Mongol on Warworld
>Double Down and make Suicide Squad still canon with a new game having the league be fugitives and trying to rebuild public trust after their actions in Suicide Squad: KTJL
>Montizeation is that you only play as Superman and Batman at launch with some gameplay segments letting you play as WW,Flash and Green Lantern
>Each character released post launched with "seasons" focused on them and individual storylines and Battlepasses for each character
>Parts of the Gotham City from Arkham Knight and Parts of Metropolis from Suicide are reused. New areas like Themyscira, Keystone City released post-launch
>If going the Warworld route these would just be recreations and not the actual cities
>Right now Morale is low, devs and employees just want to make a fun game akin to the old arkham series but WB refuse to budge
>Rumors are that Monoliths' WW are also going through similar problems and that the game is being redesigned to be more "GaaS" like with battlepasses and skin purchases but still being a singleplayer game albiet with co-op
Game looks good and smooth so I really don't understand why people didn't like it. It iddn't have enough crafting and skinnerbox mechanics or what? Or are people really crying over noooo don't kill Batman?
>you're dead
>does fortnite dance
Imagine if you died and killer did that shit in front of your still warm corpse, batman deserved better send off
>batman deserved better send off

I like how despite leaks prior to release and how the game hints at it people still think that the JL are dead and weren't suppose to come back lol
Why would someone play a game where the main draw is literally pissing on the corpse of your favorite hero?
>Rocksteady desperately wants to gain back consumer trust
Not possible, it's over
How do these retards think they can gain back consumer trust when all of their staff is rainbow haired faggot retards and consultancy groups all whining about real life constantly?
You want to gain consumer trust? You visibly fire everyone like that. You fire everyone inserting reality horseshit into your product, you fire every one who is antagonistic to your customers on social media, you fire your entire marketing departments.
You're not gaining any consumer trust any other way, your industry is riddled with cancer and pretty much unsalvageable
I criticize all the time but WB is pretty decent shadow of mordor mad max batman they made some decent shit. they arely go all the fuck because they re a bit coy so it doesnt work very well because art is more of a everything or nothing thing, but still
>dude, le hecking shitniverse, batman is gonna come back, ong ong fr fr no cap, >bonkler does default dance and shoots new batman
>-Oops, bring another one! Harley, open the dimension portal! Science is le hecking cool!
if you removed "wokeness" from Suicide Squad it would still be a shit game filled with GaaS shit. The fact you faggots always focus on "muh DEI and SBI" instead of the money grubbing practicies they put in these games is excatly why corporations like WB double down on GaaS because they know they can take the heat of it if they have everyone talk about a stupid rainbow flag
How isn't it obvious that you play as the bad guys? People her cry awful lot about capeshit and modern game mechanics but then in the end most are into that. Same when they cry about gacha and women. Just pretending to be the cool guys.
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Friendly reminder that this is FREE on epic games next week lmao. I've never known an AAA game to be free 5 months after release

you're fucking retarded buddy, you think that only one thing can be the cause of a product being shit when the very obvious reality before your eyes shows you that there are in fact multiple things that cause it to be shit
secondly, the post is about gaining consumer trust - plenty of consumers are retarded and play gaas slop. one just released like what, 1 or 2 days ago? hundreds of thousands of people on it, streamers all on it. gaas does not inherently delete consumer trust, whilst cunts trying to socially engineer you via the product DOES inherently delete consumer trust
they could make another single player arkham game and they would regain literally zero consumer trust if they kept the same staff, same writers, same social media managers all engaging in the same behaviour and writing as suicide squad
>wtf bros why is this character that constantly talks about hating flash and fantasizes about killing him being so disrespectful to him and not jerking him off about how great a hero he is!
You realize that the focus on hiring the ~10% of the population that is minorities who worship the ideology is the reason developers are incompetent? What do you think would happen if a company decided to only hire people with heterochromia?
Zaslav is pretty based here, because he's right.
DEI and Suicide Squad the IP is why the game flopped, not because it was a monetization-scheme #459.342.000
No one gives a shit about Harley Quinn as a playable protagonist, and making her a Girlboss, doubly so. No one knows who an australian smelly man with a boomerang is. No one knows King Shark and nobody cares about an extremely minor Batman villain like Deadshot.
In a post-endgame world, the "Capeshit = buy" mentality is over.
>supervillains aren't capeshit
Avengers was a better-built GaaS in terms of writing and more noticeable characters and Gameplay and it still failed spectacularly.
inb4 anons refuse to think it was the GaaS and monetization and blame it on the muslim girl

>1 or 2 days ago?
you mean a F2P Gatcha? yeah i wonder why it would do better then a game that was $70 at launch and still wanted you to spend more money on it then a F2P game
Capeshit is more about the idea that the main hero has insane plot armor.
So you didn't read the comic
It doesn't matter what Rocksteady pitches, WB will make it shit.
The decisions they forced onto the last three big games they published (Gotham Knights, Suicide Squad, Multiversus) completely ruined them.
Their management is the absolute worst blend of incompetent and overbearing.
You are talking about the game where Harley Quinn defeats Superman
Yes the only occurence where superman lost. Losing once? That's just too much.
Isn't SBI working on the wonder woman game?
game looks boring and soulless, you fucking tranny
>people actually pretending the reason Suicide Squad flopped isn't because it's a dogshit game and everyone could tell from the previews
No one gives a shit about an ultra generic TPS with obnoxious microtransactions
dumb commie shut the fuck up
I'm going to assume you are trolling because you are literally saying that a normal human defeating someone that throws buildings isn't plot armor

>Avengers was a better-built GaaS in terms of writing and more noticeable characters and Gameplay and it still failed spectacularly.
Going by reactions at the time it had a weaker representation of its cast than SS did. A lot of people were hyped on the MCU canon and felt extremely put off by having Troy Baker and Nolan North representing, and having so much "wannabe MCU" feel when it was a seperate canon. Crystal Dynamics just had a kind of bland visual pitch for the game, and I think that made it flop too.
Personally, I believe the average consumer to be blind to whether games are singleplayer kino or GaaS slop, and they buy based on how well they marketed it.
>you mean a F2P Gatcha? yeah i wonder why it would do better then a game that was $70 at launch and still wanted you to spend more money on it then a F2P game
You're just grasping for excuses as to why it doesn't count now
Destiny is still gaas horseshit
Gaas are still all around anon and retards play them and are happy with them
Zero games exist with dogshit social engineering that people are "happy" with, the way to gain consumer trust is incredibly obvious. Making a good game simply will not cut it if that game has the same shit writing and employees
These people all abandoned their reputations and consumer loyalty for short term money, now they're butthurt about having no consumer loyalty just like everyone told them would happen
Meanwhile fromsoft, vanillaware etc, companies who chose not to delete their reputation and loyalty for short term money still have all that consumer loyalty without doing anything to try and earn it
Capeshit is just anything where it's a sprawling cast of people with costumes who are assumed "awesome" by the premise of the product just because they're them, and not because anything they do is actually that interesting. "Capeshit" became a term because the further MCU went the more obvious it became how self-congratulating and incestuous it was, and how increasingly meaningless the idea of "Superhero" becomes if litearlly everything on screen is either a super hero or a super villain.
>try to capitalize on movie phenomenon
>refuse to pay for movie actors likeness or voices
>wonder why normies who liked the movie don't buy it
everything else about it was shit too, not just the monetization but the gameplay and design entirely
but the no actors likeness killed that game with normies immediately, big surprise to squenix but to nobody else
nah the gameplay was fun
WELL just my two cents but over the years I've over heard so much shit from the guys in montreal because they cant keep their mouth shut while in public on break/smoking/wtv.

They need to gut the studio get rid of all the worthless fucks and cancer managment. Or else they're gonna die. Its as simple as that.


This would fucking sell like hotcakes but shit it'll take 4-5 years to make with their "talnet" fuckig gamedev field is horrid man I dont understand how these fucking people get work. That reminds me its been a few weeks since I pissed on the door of ubisoft how lazy of me since its up the street.
Woke devs cannot create, only corrupt.
At this point i'm fairly convinced that giant gaming companies bay for Indian Troll farms to immediately shift everything about wokeness anytime someone tries to talk about how GaaS and battlepasses are bad
That's neat and all, but conroy is dead, and unless WB learns from every mistake made with SS, any similar future endeavors will stunningly fail as well
Anon come on man its 50/50 the woke faggotree creating a god awful word with terrible art etc etc and companies going full retard thinking they can all release a Gaa(id)S BP microtransactions out the ass game.

They see mobile slop and are seething thinking why cant we make this much money off AI art and horrible programing.
how dumb do you have to be to not understand how much normal people actively dislike social engineering and woke lecturey shit constantly lad?
unironically you seem more like a shill by being unable to accept the most widely held opinion as an issue and constantly trying to deflect back to "its totally just monetization guys nothing else is wrong"
meanwhile everyone complaining about the writing and attitudes immediately says "yeah gaas is dogshit too and is part of the problem"
>normal people
I wouldn't call NPC's who fall for the most basic subversion and literal brainwashing "normal people" what with who is elected in most western governments shows this...
because the coversation around SS:TKJL has always been "WOKENESS KILLED WOKENESS KILLED IT" and rarely ever about the buisness practicies. I'd be more inclined to belive you if this wasn't always the case
We need a new video game industry crash
We need more Latina Women giving blowjobs more then a vidya crash
>rarely ever about the buisness practicies
You know its the retarded people pushing all the woke faggotree pushing for GaaS/etc "skylockery". I wonder why that could be hmmmmmmmmm its almost as if they're hypocrites
We need more than the gamedev field to crash and burn. Fuck me man when everything is rotten. Sadly everything needs to be burned and start over fresh and new(while also making sure boomers&their masters are not allowed anywhere near this new world so they cant fuck everything up again)
Most normal people don't give a shit anon.
How the fuck do these retards think they can gain trust back with this garbage
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it's so bad 6 months on they trying to give it away through amazon prime.
It'll most likely go on ps plus, gamepass and egs free games list by years end.
And it's not even worth playing it for free.
Honestly it should just go F2P at this point and see what happens. So should have Avengers. I don't really see a point in doing free copies
wow prime gaming actually giving away something mildly interesting? i'll be damned.
anal beads
>Arkham Trilogy was heavily praised and put Rocksteady on the map
>Elden Ring, a predominantly single player game without service elements, sold 20 million units.
>None of the most anticipated games of next year besides GTA6 (which will likely have its GAAS be a seperate element) are service games.
GAAS are neither the past, present or future. WB executives are delusional.
how do we combat wokeness? it's obvious that losing money doesn't matter to them
Unironically a trump presidency and project 2025 would probably force a lot of companies to get rid of it or face prosecution +
>>so I really don't understand why people didn't like it
>Instead of giving Batman the Wonder Woman role (People who help the Suicide Squad) they make Wonder Woman have that role for some insane reason despite everyone at the studio knowing people would have the most attachment to Batman.
This is especially stupid when it could lead to good interactions between Harley and Bruce because to her he killed Ivy and Joker.
>Every single boss fight boils down to shooting them with guns, including Superman and Flash.
>Every single person uses guns rather than have their own unique weaponry when even Avengers got this right and that means you're left with garbage like Killer Shark and Captain Boomerang using guns rather than their actual gimmicks and their gimmicks are relegated to traversal.
>Instead of everyone being more or less the same speed when traversing you have people like Deadshot and Captain Boomerang being massively slower than Killer Shark, Harley, and Joker.
>Endgame is literally running the exact same missions you did for like 30 hours except now you have huge DPS loss conditions and significantly more enemies.
>You also have to fight Braniac using the same movesets as main story bosses 12 times.
>Combo system looks interesting at first but they spread enemies out so far at times, especially in endgame missions, that you drop your combo constantly and it's a huge part of your damage output.
>Game has invisible enemies as a gimmick.
>Game has snipers you have to constantly chase and they're miles away.
>For several months after release the game ran terrible with constant crashes.
>People at launch got the entire story spoiled for them launching into the game since it played the final cutscene.
>They put all the detail on the bottom of the map when the entire game is based around staying on rooftops so you never have a reason to explore down there.
>Every notable character that's not part of the Suicide Squad just turn into vendors and barely matter
They are best off ignoring this game from Arkham canon and just making a sequel to either Arkham Origins (vr doesnt count) or Arkham Knight.
if this is true i would honestly like the War World idea for a justice league game
Because they are delusional and are use to getting their ways with NPC's in their past field of work/sales. Thinking this is totally overblown, its about woke culture and SBI(hardly anyone cares about that!) and it totally has nothing to do with the absolutely fucking moronic sales model they are pushing. Thinking but goymers LOVE GaaS goymers love microtransaction 20$ DLC for a few models goymers love battlepases goymers love kill in the blank absolutely fucking moronic business practise in a highly over saturated field.

Its not like the FEW successful GaaS games were liked IP's or from dev's that are not "charging that much"(compared to the rest of cancer in the field) as well as giving the players everything they wanted. Or how they build this up over years adding more stuff in along with more options to buy shit. Or how these games have a massive following on twitch with streamers&gamers liking the IP/series already. Plus the fact that the gameplay is good, competitive and etc gathering a large playerbase. Which means massive whales who make up a massive overwhelming % of sales. Or the fact that people who play these types of GaaS/battlepass shit only play one game because its a part-time fucking job.

As well as seeing all the money made with mobileslop how "games" are raking in billions made in China with the lowest amount of effort not realizing most these sales are from Asians super fans who will blow every penny they make on the game. Plus the fact said games are created to be super addictive and to skirt pass gambling laws in a lot of countries.

Its honestly amazing how retarded these suits think people are. How they keep trying to push this shit only seeing the numbers made by others. Ignoring HOW AND WHY they made all those sales and keep customers. Ever since 2010 its just been more and more bad management as the worst of the worst got promoted higher up every yeara and the yesmen&sjw's under them promoted.
>Government censorship is actually le good!
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The gameplay was completely fine and anyone who says that played like two hours and wrote it off.
>Even though a good third of enemies were the AIM robots and mechs they all had unique movesets and none of them were identical in any way in terms of combat.
>Every single character, with the exception of Jane Foster and Bucky who are both Echo characters, all have their own unique playstyle.
>They even managed to get flying right somehow even if it's a bit slow, but it has to be because of the maps.
>Have to play several dozen if not hundred hours before you even start noticing how they stitch levels together to make new levels.
>There's no need to grind for endgame raid gear unless you're a mentally ill person who must have the best substats because you can clear everything with basic Cosmic gear and stacking elements.
>Pretty decent amount of OC outfits, MCU outfits, and comic outfits.
>Once you hit 140 you actually had to care about dodging, keeping up your buffs, and using your ult effectively because the enemies stopped babying you.
No one is defending stuff like Hulk throwing rocks being his best build, but the way you use them feels exactly like that character. The most they dropped the ball on was radiation arrows hurting Maestro, constantly refusing to put in new missions and instead kept repeating Taskmaster ones (Despite Crossbones having a complete boss fight that's only ever seen in BP's story), and the Xbox/PC versions being completely pointless due to not having Spidey. The story even made Kamala worth a damn and is probably her best incarnation so far while also keeping you at least interested, even if it dropped the ball with Pym being playable.
Don't forget how you could do some cool team attacks.
>Shoot Iron Man beams at caps shields to deflect them at enemies
>Throwing Thors Hammer at caps shields to redirect attacks

Just cool small shit like that.
Like dude you gotta realize these are the stupid mother fuckers that were promoted by the same retards. Who killed so many companies in the 80's&90's pushing nonstop garbage over saturating everything. Dropping a project months after its released. Wasting millions of company dollars dropping projects with months if not years already invested into it. Not listening to consumers trying to push their own mentally ill delusions because wellllll. IF IT PAYS OFF WE(the board and investors) WILL BE RICH PLUS we'll lay everyone we can off "saving the company money. AND MAKE EVEN MORE IN BONUSES as the company is in massive debt even tho the game was a success. We'll pay ourselves massive amounts in millions every year for doing nothing firing everyone against us and etc.

When everything is said and done the company is dead we sell it off to a bigger company. And we get a job somewhere else for our amazing skills because our friend is a board member at X company. So this violent fucking cycle of retardation never ends. Debt gets higher and higher. Shit companies somehow are able to buy up so many failed companies getting more and more IP's.

There is just so much fucking retardation its not even funny and its like this in every field. This people are delusion they refuse to listen all because the slight change they can make even more money if something is a hit. It doesn't matter because they are already raping the companying giving themselves 25-100X what the average person at the company makes. All for doing no work and fucking everything up plus causing more problems due to shit managment.

LE CAPITALISM look at Japanese and euro companies nintendo CEO's and board do not make 1-50+m a year they make 10X tops management. Money is well invested you keep people at your company as long as possible. Instead of fire them ASAP claiming it costs more money when its cheaper&better in the long run.

The problem is the bignoses like for real
You know that GAAS are the biggest and most popular money makers right now.
You think that you not liking them means that you should pretend otherwise, but that's not how a decent human being should behave.
THe main problem is wokeness everyone knows this and its why we all talk about it
No dumbdumb its only a part of the problem.
Why is the wokeness being pushed? Because money is saved by taking blackrock funds. This way these parasites can get even more money. Plus they already promoted parasites&SJW's in the 2010's into high managment thinking this is what the people want.

You cant blame this all on cultural marxism thats retarded considering the people promoting this trash are hypocrites liars lazy sloths thieves and degenerates themselves.

The game failed for a few reasons all of them equally important all of them ironically cranked to 11. The people pushing this shit dont care they make bank they already got their money. Now that blackrock funding is drying up. Well now they're scared because they burned everything ages ago. Pushing woke shit pushing retarded sales pushing players away literally doing everything you can to someone trying to sell a product away from you turning your IP toxic forever.
literally no one would care about the gameplay most players were turned off by the woke designs and writing that made fun of fans. you're delusional when most games are fine mechnically it's just that no one wants to be insulted for being straight or white
>Most normal people don't give a shit anon.
Flat out the most retarded statement possible. Normal people very much care about what's in their media, it is one of the things they care most about in all of society and drives the majority of their conversations.
Perhaps you're mistaking the fact that they're not outwardly yelling about it every 5 seconds as them "not caring" but that wouldn't stop you from being retarded because that's the most low iq conclusion possible.
Sorry, reality is demonstrably observable and clear on this matter and on the current trends in media
most people do not care if a rainbow flag shows up in a game. Most people do not care if a black person exists,
>The game failed for a few reasons all of them equally important all of them ironically cranked to 11.
This is correct. Trying to downplay any of them as if they don't matter or that the game would have magically been successful if they only removed one of the problems is stupid
If the game removed all the retard social engineering rainbow hair shit, sure, it would have got shit on less and mocked less, but it still wouldn't have sold any better. Same goes for it they removed all the gaas design, would not actually improve the game in a substantial enough way to make up for all the other dogshit things you're doing and thus would not fix your sales problem

Nice b8 m8.
Its not, pushing as much (not)gambling is the main money maker. Its why so many gaedev companies the vile scum on the board. Has been hiring as many people as they can who worked int the gambling industry. Ever since they got away with lootbox bullshit. They are pushing (not)gambling as far as they can pushing in as many gambling options into a game as possible. What makes people addictive and want more PUSH THAT SHIT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE INTO THE GAME! because said retards will blow fucking thousands on a game all because OwO 0.000000001% drop chance ooohhhhh pretty colours oohhh loud noises me NPC brain full of dopamine me want more.

Now if you unlock the best (not)gambling options behind GaaS/battlepass while also having normal shit. You'll make more money because said retards also think they can *dab* on the poors OH LOOK this persons account is only X he's not a VIP lol loser has not wasted 230k on this 4 month old game for some shitty skin. What a loser look at how better I am. Its all about manipulation control subversion etc. its all about getting people to gamble and piss money away and how you get people in the door to waste money. Allowing as many people to gamble as possible will make you the most money which is why F2P did so well.
You can thank the koreans for pushing this in the early 00's where gambling was illegal just look at games like maplestory with 1$ gacha with 1:1k odds to get something worth 500k in game cash which took like 30mins to make 1:10billion to get something worth more than 20$ in usd. Charging 3-7$ for item skins that only last 90 days for a fucking shirt make it so NPC's can buy a whole set of clothing wasting 30-70$ every 90 days on a skin then release pets that cost 20$ for 90 days and make them super important to gameplay. Add in more and more types of gacha systems at 1-5$ a pop with the worst odds ever because its not real gambling who cares.
Nah i disagree the average players cares more if the game is fun and not about "muh wokeboogy man" sure the game would have slightly sold more removing the woke stuff but actually making it fun and not a Gaas but keeping the woke stuff would have made the game sell WAY more then what we got. Trying to say Wokeness is an equal problem to the corporate mandates of battlepasses, GaaS etc is stupid. We can agree there both problems but they aren't equal problems
Yes, they do. You can try to reduce it down to the most simple strawman moronic statements possible but it doesn't change reality
Because it is not "A black person" or "A rainbow flag". It is very clearly social engineering in -every single product-, all written the same, all espousing the same views, all shitting on the same people, all prioritising the same people.
Even if you are too low iq to understand the individual pieces, even if you cannot put it into words, you inherently comprehend what is happening overall and what is being attempted.
Because human beings are exceptionally EXCEPTIONALLY good at pattern recognition. It is perhaps our strongest trait, and it is one that is subconscious too so you can be a retard and your biology will still do basically all the work for you.
You can kick and scream and deny reality all you want, it won't actually change it buddy
Holy mother of wall of text schizo Batman!
>Nah i disagree
It does not matter if you disagree because the opinion you're stating is stupid and not in line with the average consumer in the market or individuals in todays society in general.
It would not have sold substantially more no matter what they did, they're trying to sell you floor tiles with 30 massive spikes sticking out of them, removing 1 of those spikes actually changes nothing at all
>We can agree there both problems but they aren't equal problems
You're correct, dei esg shit is very clearly a much larger problem because it infects everything and is not limited to a tiny subset of games, which is already a subset of media in and of itself.
GAAS is a relatively minor problem overall because there are a million alternatives to it widely available
Listen i know why you want to focus on wokeness much more then the other bigger problems of corporate greed. It lets you sell your shitty culture war youtube channels and products better. We both know you don't want to actually make games better because then you'd be out of a job
i had fun with gotham knights
i had fun with suicide squad
ask me anything
why support woke shit?
Many recent successful games had MTX, and HD2 was a GaaS. This game failed because the gameplay, story and dialogue were shit
i support fun games
i dont care about your identity politics culture war
You do realize that most companies now just hire whoever is cheapest regardless right even if they exclusively hired straight white men they would be bottom of the barrel with basically no experience in the game engine their being forced to use, understaffed ,forced to work long hours to get a game out under a extremely tight deadline while being forced to listen to all the inane bullshit the marketing team and consulting firm they hired said most of which is so retarded they inevitably have to redo shit to remove it and when games done their going to downsize the staff just before launch so they don't have to give away the bonus's they promised that's not even getting into outsourcing to the cheapest bidder but yeah it must be DEI and not the fact the AAA gaming industry is a meatgrinder that hates original thoughts and idea's unless their putout by the overpaid marketing team and consulting groups.
>how people reacted negatively to Arkham Shadows being a VR game
They aren't making it. But still, I want this to spread like wildfire so badly it affects WB.
>>Zslav and other executives are convinced that Games as a Service are the future and refuse to believe that Suicide Squad failed because of it.
Do they have a special class in MBA school where they tech them that GAAS is the future and the countless games that failed because of GAAS were just coincidences?
or make a batman beyond adaptation
>GaaS COULD bring infinite money
>but it probably won't, Mr. CEO
>but it COULD. I want infinite money. Bring me another analyst who will tell me what I want to hear
>yeah sure Mr. CEO, GaaS will bring infinite money and it will bring you as an individual infinite money
>see, the analysis agrees, GaaS are the future, so grab whatever studio is around and get them to work, release date in two weeks
You didn't refute what I said, both things can happen simultaneously
The irony of publishers themselves falling for the gaas gacha is pretty funny
Consultation firms aren't cheap or necessary and they hire them anyway. Explain that
I don't believe any of this is a leak but it's also probably true because WB is a clown show.
>just making a sequel to either Arkham Origins (vr doesnt count) or Arkham Knight.

GIVE US A FUCKING BATMAN BEYOND GAME MAKE BRUCE AN OLD FUCKING MAN. GIVE US CYBERPUNK LUDO. I mean for fuck sakes if you deo cyberpunk right you can throw in trannies coloured people everywhere anti capitalism etc . Because cyberpunk is all about high tech low life megacorps massive sprawling hellscape shities post-human technology. Yeah sure dude you want massive tits a huge as fuck dragon cawk wive a knot(barb's obviously for her(male) pleasure) that would make most faggots cry when pulling out and you want some "neo-vagina". Yeah sure no problem dude just to your nearest illegal chopsshop and they'll hook you up with the latest and greatest importb&'d Indian/Chinese bioflesh.

ITs been so long since we've had anything good done with the beyond IP. There is so much fun to be made. And the best part is you can make fun of mentally ill marxist and retarded trumptards that will gladly suck corpo cock throwing their rights away to totally get rid of the illegals and make faggotree illegal again. Cyberpunk Gotham means you can build a cool ass city map with all sorts of insane shit. No more Bruce he's old as fuck he's retired from Wayne inc, setting up a new batman somehow getting ahold of Bruces final most powerful batsuit. Like fuck man its a cool IP it was such a great idea. And DC fucking ignores it to push out more and more insane&retarded bankwank, thinking fans would throw a shitfit. if they started pushing Beyond as a the main&new batman.

A ludo well made Arkham beyond would sell, even more so if they made fun of the bad games in the fist trailer. Having the new younger batman poke fun at past shit&how cringe Gotham was. Even if its some capitalist hyperhell now. Once again you can have trannies&"nazis" poking fun at both while also taking shit apart pointing out how moronic self-destructive&pointless shit is. MAssive ghettos everywhere with people of all races.
you obviously do by supporting woke shit
Consultation firms are paid to say whatever the company wants them to say, to give them cover when they make controversial decisions, and to be able to blame (without anyone actually getting into trouble) when those decisions inevitably tank the company.
Lmao you think people need to pay millions of dollars to avoid consequences when this is an industry were people fail upwards
HD2 is the best version of GaaS you could ask for, not comparable. Did you play suicide squad? The gameplay and mechanics are fucking shit. Missions are shit. Bosses are shit. It would jave bombed regardless of the woke shit.
if they added a harley quinn BLACKED level it would be kino game
I am not 100% sure how it works in the gaming industry but some are used to mange a failing product or revitalize something or just manage the budget or cut the fat it could be all sorts of shit. Then eventually a consulting group gets their name attached to a success story or 2 and take claim for its success suddenly everyone wants to hire them for their product until they realize that maybe they shouldn't give a consulting group complete control then the cycle repeats. They basically prey on a corporations desire to make more money to fill there own coffers.
NTA but part of the reason why people can fail upwards at all is because of the Cover-Your-Ass industry. Nobody has blame stick to them because it's always someone else's fault, which is how they get away with promoting loyalty to the machine over actual success.
They failed upwards precisely because they knew how to throw everyone under the bus to avoid consequences so yes once they get to the point they cant easily throw people under the bus they hire someone that they can throw under the bus.
I ain't refuting it because its a made up fantasy of a retard who has never had the misfortune to work for a major corporation for any period of time.
Industry will never crash, the top 10% already have their paycheck paid. If a studio fails, there are other billions of them out there or some pajeet with 10 minutes of unreal 5. Who cares?
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I think Evolve did the same while it was trying to claw its way out of the grave
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Yeah bro there's no ideology it's just cutting cost, don't pay attention to the Rocksteady developer admitting that they hire attractive models and the game model becomes uglier with each iteration
Why did they give everyone guns and a jetpack?
>Tim Sweeney net worth:
$6 billion dollars
>David Zaslav net worth:
$400 million dollars

So that's what it comes down to? The unimaginably rich jealous of the even richer?
The senior vice president of Disney was caught with a hidden camera talking about how they hire based on race.
Yeah probably because a consulting firm or marketing told warner bros it would make then a extra dime.
Never said they didn't do that shit I just said that they don't focus on hiring 10% of the population that believes a ideology because that's retarded the sole reason they hire minorities and women is because their statistically cheaper then the average white man but keep pretending its for some ideology when all they do is pay lip service because they want their money.
wont they die because multiversus failed
Not having to pay for the models likeness rights if they make a future product for one but hey I never said consulting firms are smart I think their staffed with retards who are only good at cutting costs but think that they know what people want
Multiversus was also a victim of wokeness overtaking the good gameplay mechanics
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And why only the female characters are made uglier? The male characters look the same
Like I fucking said Idk I aint working for warner bro's and I have no clue what the teams are thinking but given that the staff making the game are confused its probably some retarded mandate by the studio because some study showed that people are less likely to buy a game with a hot black chick in it. which is not the dumbest thing i have ever heard sadly
Didn't you see the video of the GDC developers screaming? All of them woke women, the industry is filled with activists
You have a bottomless pit in the spot where your brain should be.

You fucking retard.
I also just realized this is made by a different studio so it does not matter to my original post
I like how everyones crying over wokeness and dei instead of focusing how WB wants to make a singleplayer wonder woman game with GaaS features
It was an example of the trend you retarded faggot, and example in this game are the male heroes
You know who works at WB? The guy saying it's done for ideological reasons. There's many people saying that it's being done for ESG points to get investment money, women that look like men help the lucrative industry of FtM trannies. You are just being contrarian for the sake of it
Yeah but how many of them have any actual say in the product their making hell how many of them are actual developers and not just friends they brought along to make their number's appear bigger for all we know barely 20-30% of them are devs I am not trying to downplay your point but that video has always been kinda crap.
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Any discussion about a new Batman Arkham game is pointless as it would be like 7 or 8 years away from actually coming out.
>Sorry guys, we can't afford to give you raises, we had to hire another executive and you know how much they cost
Just to be clear my point isn't that games are woke because they hire woke employees, I'm saying that they hire woke employees because they are yesmen to the current policies
actually it does matter because that game did not do really do what they claiming most actors look way more on point then the example given above and most changes are adding some facial tatoo's or giving them actual hair not turning them from a hot model into generic middle age black women.
And I am saying they hire them because their cheap and its easy for the company to keep them happy they just have to play lip service to whatever dumb shit they believe that week.
Let's agree to disagree. I'll admit that maybe I'm exaggerating how much being an ideologue plays a part in the hiring process
>actually only the games that hired that guy do that
Lucky for me that guy worked on many games, check his resume
>10-12 Years since the current culture war started
>Rightoids still crying about wokeness instead of creating shit
>The only media they have to claim is a shitty Twitter Cartoon and Mr.Burchum
The point was that there's things in the industry that can't be explained with cutting costs, such as uglifying female characters while the male ones look the same
Neat but as stated that game proves that they sometimes make women uglier either But way to miss the point.
is this spposed to make it not look boring and soulless?
ESL much?
ITs simple that is what focus groups marketing teams and consultation firms will bring in money To give a example of the dumb shit these people do go look up q5 ghostbuster's and the other shit they did for abc in the late 80's see all the baffling changes they made that ultimately killed their very successful lineup when they were brought in.
Neat but as stated that game proves that they sometimes don't always make women uglier either but way to miss the point. sorry I half assed correcting some shit.
So your saying that if not every female character gets systematically uglier we just ignore the ones that did? Huh?
big if true
No I aint you mouth breathing retard I am just saying that you can't compare different game companies when one is not have that problem in your example. I agree its a problem but I ain't dumb enough to use a game that actively hurts my argument and then try and justify it.
This thread is like trying to decide whether someone died of untreated AIDS or late-stage cancer when they had both. Even without GaaS and SBI wokeshit, the game is already absolute trash.
better than flash where they piss on his corpse
post piss with timestamp
Can you even try to speak english? I literally don't know what your trying to say
A journey of 1000 miles starts with one step, Anon.
I want a teen titans games
>doubling down on GaaS while games drop dead all around them

WB deserves every bad thing that happens to them.
Hey Boco hows the new baby
>or necessary
Yes they are you blubbering fucking retard, blackrock gives you a tiny bit of investment. You have to show them a few pitches so they will give you capital. You already have someshit in the works, hire one of their mafia firms for help. So they give blackrock the wink that you will submit. Poof blackrock gives you a bag of gold. The board instatanly pockets 85% the other 15% goes towards creating the game.

Also firms are tax write-offs or some other form of parasitic bullshit IE X department has 2m in funding this year its the end of and fianace/taxes are being done X only spend 1.4m this year FUCK they need to spend 600k and fast or else they wont get 2m next year they will get less and if they reach 2m they can ask for 2.5/3m next year IN COMES SWEET BABY to charge them 600k for literally nothing.
Corporate tax is not the same as normal taxes. If you see the amount of money wasted and on what its form It'll all make sense.
Its like hospitals in America charging 50k for an xray when the machine costs less than 200k. insurance is paying for it the more hospital charges the more insuranace can fleece people for rates. These places charge for like some faggot to come over a show of a slideshow. While telling everyone white in the room they are monsters, till someone tells the left handed black dyke that they are in fact Jewish giving them violent knife throwing eyes. To the point the chick starts sweating and going i-i-i-i'm s-sorry v-v-very s-sorry. Having someone come over to give everyone new chairs well for some reason the chairs cost 5k each. Even tho they look like complete shit compared to your 650$ chair at home which also has more settings/levers. This guy spends like 2-10mins helping you set up the chair.
BOOM you find out he's charging 100k for these 3 hours of work plus the cost of chairs. Reality is chairs only cost 500$ in China. He got them rebranded bribing someone in the us government so now they are magical chairs.
>deserves better
They're villains you fucking crybaby what do you want them to have some fucking police funeral parade
Capeshit niggers baka my head

Was-was that a Baby Blues reference?
So you're are saying that isn't a result of hiring cheap incompetent employees? Thanks for proving my point
Sorry I am a tad drunk what I was trying say is that using star wars Jedi survivor's was a bad example for your argument because they did not make the women uglier. I do agree with you that it is a problem that women are being made uglier though but comparing a studio that's not doing it to one that is just makes your argument look bad to anyone who has seen both products. I hope this clears up what I was trying to say.
>blame it on the muslim girl
maybe when you have iron man, captain america, hulk and thor in your game, you shouldn't make the protagonist Princess Fanfic
i finished the game and did as much of the extra chapters as i could stomach. the gaas model killed the gameplay, but kamala killed the story. the black panther chapter for example was much better because she's barely in it
Nah Kamala wasn't bad in the game and the main plot barely focuses on her outside on the intro
>we killed batman knowing that conroy was on his last legs but we wanted to bring him back but conroy died so our original idea does not need to be changed to accommodate this
fuck you
Yep sounds like capeshit
avengers died because it had no fucking content and shitty writing
>we made muslim girl literally who the main character but you cant blame the bad reception of the game on her because reasons
That's different, they went free to play. Amazon is literally giving away Kill the Justice League.
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>Here's your Mr Freeze bro

That's Mx. Freeze to you you bigot.
You're right. I got Outlaws confused with Jedi Survivor
nigga I'll be dead by the time another arkham game comes out. I dont give a fuck.
society grows great when men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit
otherwise it declines
Half of thats barely true look they don't pocket 85% most of that money goes to the marketing teams and all the other stupid things they hire which they would do without blackrock because that's how the entertainment industry has worked for longer then blackrock has existed. public corporations do all sorts of retarded shit because everyone involved is a vulture looking to make money if corporate is buying overpriced chairsthey are buying those over priced chairs is one of the investors who put a ton of money into the company owns a chair company to his dumb ass or risk losing his massive yearly investment. Seriously I hate the fact people don't understand that public corporations have to listen to a ton of crazy ass investors who only care 2 fucks about dei because it makes them look like they care about people and are not soulless monsters that only care about making money and instead you have to make up some dumbass conspiracy theory to explain why things are garbage when the reality is dumber I would be glad if It was actually blackrock because then it would be far easier to fucking change but because this site does not understand how any of this investment shit actually works they just go to the old jewish boogie man instead of acknowledging the corporate world is just a fucked up awful place in general if blackrock and hell fuck it all the jews stopped existing nothing would change I hate to break it to you but the system is broken and thats how the investors like it because it lets them make more money actually fixing it would require so much effort that it would be easier to burn everything down and start over but the death toll required to do that would be simply unimaginable. Honestly its best if you just keep thinking blackrock's the problem its probably easier to sleep at night that way when you have a single monolithic enemy instead of a great system that's gradually being perverted by uncontroled greed lacking any form of morality
>Kamala wasn't bad in the game
the #Awkward #Relatable humor is obnoxious and blue balls the audience who expected skilled, experienced and confident heroes
>and the main plot barely focuses on her outside on the intro
the plot is mostly about the inhumans being hunted by AIM. she's an inhuman and AIM is hunting her.
she's the reason they get the band back together
she beats the final boss herself by unlocking a new secret transformation to go even further beyond
it's the kamala show.
Because there is no female gamedevs only trannies. So these sick and twisted monsters are now hiring female models that will be important characters in the game. And transforming the models into the most ugly and masculine looking trannies possible. Because these people hate women so much, they live for and love hurting women. Because not only can they get away with it, they have mentally ill people support and enable such horrific violence. They are forcing every western gamedev to make their fetish reality of what women really look like. ot a single feminine feature, claiming its to stand up for women and fight against the malegaze.(its totally not to degrade and belittle women making their mentally ill and insane fetish subvert peoples reality as to what a woman really looks like as if people are that retarded)

This is why every woman in western games looks ugly as sin now. Tranies are forcing every company to make women look like trannies to fufile their mental illness. That women in modern society are worthless subhumans men make better women men make more attractive women men's neo-vaginas fleshcrafted from colons and illegal as fuck in any other medical field completely insane "experimental surgery". As these plastic surgeons(fun fact in America any doctor in most states IE gp's can preform plastic surgery something that takes up 5 years in the sane world after not only being a doctor but a specialist before you can even study/cut someone up) come up with new fleshcraft hoping it takes off and their name becomes big also FYI this is all paid for by tax dollars none of these people pay for it themselves. Psychiatrists, Doctors and Paediatrics(to keep violent child molesters away from children and from destroying their minds&bodies permanently before the even reach 16 years old). Have all said trannyism is beyond insane dangerous does irreversible ever-lasting damage to the brain and body(trannies are also covered head to toe in infections)
I've been saying all thread its a fucking mix of things now being cranked to over 9000. ITs boomers retiring and not caring so they are wasting as much money as possible. Collecting massive bonuses while ruining the field so their children can be in charge while everyone suffers. Its woke cancer cultural marxism subversion no one fucking cares about being push to the front. Because boomers are seething social media and vidya gayms are the thing. That zoomers care most about and do not fall for subversion like boomer christcucks thus. They are wasting so much money injecting cancer into vidya thinking their subversion will work when it wont its only angering people.

Said boomer upper management&board&ceo's all promoted the worst yesmen who are retards. blue hair women that have no place at said company yet have massive power. Are ruining every project while getting people fired. Not only fired but blacklisted over nothing. Making it so anyone with talent either works indie or is far away working in like software dev or something else.

Its boomers that have been pushing vidya gayms to other boomers as the magical cash cow media. Selling them lies and demanding companies make garbage. While also going ham with funds restarting projects after 2 years. Firing everyone after a game is completely never allowing anyone to stay at a company for longer than 2 years because it costs to much. Basically causing as much damage as possible for moronic short term gains while hurting companies over and over again treating workers like shit. So the only people that stay are the worst of the worst as anyone with skill or half a brain. Is working in a field that pays better and treats people better.

Worst of the worst is because of DLC/microtransactions said boomers got a lightbulb. Started higher massive amount of people in the gambling industry. To fill games with as much (not)gambling as possible.
Claiming its just woke cancer that is killing gaming retarded
But what about when the "patterns" you "discover" are just propaganda fed to you by insidious masterminds who are tricking you into becoming a ghoul footsoldier for ideology? Do you subconsciously obey because they insinuate that you will eventually get more anime porn?
>most of that money goes to the marketing teams and all the other stupid things they hire
Yeah and take a guess who fucking owns these companies 99% of the time.
Companies dont have to listen to investors. Only those with massive voting shares IE hedge funds and etc. They only care about money and because they got that money from blackrock, they demand massive amount of ESG DEI bullshit or they sue for breaching the contract. They dont care about the public or investors only fellow megacorps. Because its all about keeping that imaginary leverage as high as possible with fake numbers.

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