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>People sent emails to Hoyoverse complaining about white washing of historically black characters form African mythology in Genshin impact
>This is the response they received
The Chinese don't give a shit about any of this. If they don't want negros in their video games they're not going to put negros in their video games. End of discussion.

There's a whole section of the world that caters to your video game habits. You can try looking there.
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>The Chinese don't give a shit about any of this. If they don't want negros in their video games
why does this thing exist in ZZZ then
sadly gacha stays chink casino slop
It's that shrimple
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Gacha still aren't games so this is meaningless.
Isn't this her suit or something it doesn't look like her natural skin.
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>All those faggots blackwashing their characters
Why not spend the effort in making a game then? Aren't blacks the biggest neets always living on gibs?
It's an artistic use of blacks. Same thing with DJ in Street Fighter. It's not designed to be "mai representation for respeccing da negros" it's the proper way to do art. Where a talented artist just says "I have an idea I think is cool" and zero are fucks are given who is offended.
>literally (LITERALLY) called the SON of Sigurd
>make it a woman
American retardation really is something to behold.
fucking based imma download their games RIGHT NOW
Lol fucking fascists
Never buying shitslop trashpact or honky starfail
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I like how mihoyo's insatiable greed is so strong they're willing to be outright racists if it will bring them more money lmao
There is literally nothing wrong with this
Underage twitter niggers are mad that genshin characters don't look like aunt Jemima and thought they mattered in the slightest.
If you don't have a picture of him from during his lifetime why out the jarl on there? Aren't the others good enough?
>playing this gacha game whose themes are culture, history and racial segregation
>scared shitless americans are gonna ruin it sooner or later

How do I cope bros???
nice, picking it back up.
I hope Natlan will finally drive the Twitter retards away from Genshin
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That's not a nigger. That's a white person with black skin. Next you're going to tell me this is a nigger.
Amerilards don't have any power over the chinks
I'd be okay with these if they were upfront and said "yeah these are artistic 'what if' imaginings if all these leaders were black. join us on this wild ride through an embellished fantasy history"
But they've always gotta try to pull the "n-no this is REALLY who these people were!" schtick. Not saying every one of those was intended that way, but that's how it comes across.
I bet they defend blackwashing. typically the argument is that their race doesn't matter. It's fiction who cares. Funny how this logic doesn't hold when it comes to Genshin fucking Impact. These people don't even pretend to be consistent.
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That's a robot with black paint lol
you can break that down quite a bit

>its the literal only ""black"" skinned NPC in the entire game and its a robot
>its completely devoid of any cultural relation to niggers
>its female and soft spoken so its designed to be the object of the white/asian male gaze

the only """"black"""" npc in that game is a lust object for non-black men, wrapped in a "safe" design which is a robot that can get a paintjob or a chasis swap at any time.

That's honestly one of the things I really like about Mihoyo games, they're literal billion dollar franchises that still to this very day REFUSE to include any disgusting niggers in it.
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>history and mythology
i mean they aren't wrong but it's still incredibly retarded to make a region based off of mexican heritage and just ignore it completely
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>official website post
now customer support can be added
why not? authentic mexican heritage and culture is disgusting by any civilized nations standards, so why not improve it?
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>noooo you can't have a name that originated from another culture it's RACIST! ! !
I guess everyone with a hebrew originating name needs to change it immediately. Fucking retards.
you're already addicted to buzzwords and shitposting on 4chan and that's even worse.
doesn't matter, the designs are still horrendous, worst region to date
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All gacha games are dogshit as actual games. All of them. This is a non-negotiable fact of life.
The story will always be forgettable trash with some addicted schmuck claiming its actually good, the gameplay will always be bad or mediocre at best, and the grind will always be god awful to bait you to pay, either skip the grind for a bit or make the grind marginally faster.
The only good aspect of any of these kinds of games is the hot bitches but you don't need to touch the game to jack off to the bitches.
Why aren‘t there any more Black Myth Wukong threads?
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Mihoyo has/had bigger problems to deal with. Like firing whoever wrote the entirety of Fontaine, which I'm convinced was an act of corporate sabotage.
Do you not understand what 'if' means?
How is the #FIXDEHYA campaign going?
I can fix her, with my small but effective yellow dick.
A lot of the people complaining LOVE Hades 2.
I only see people complain about blackwashing characters on 4chan, you're racist for being against it even though those same people cheer when it happens while denying it at the same time
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but /gig/ said fountaine is success except part 2 or something
>fantasy game

tis a black robot, superior to shit skin niggers that smell. also a cute white hand so even when you shake her hand its like a shaking a white persons hand still thankfully
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>Trusting giggers
Lmao. They flip flops constantly Anon.
Fontaine is the worst fucking thing they ever made and that's 98% because of Troonvillette getting his dick sucked at the expense of every other character, especially Furina who got her entier character story ruined and promptly forgotten at the end of 4.2, the only character that didn't get anything after thr story was done.
China is being based as fuck is all you need to know. 1000 points are deducted from Mihoyo!
>kindly reminded
even chinks hire pajeets?
Money rules
this will be a funny era we look back to like we do blackface in the future
>when corporations tried too hard to jump on current trends
mihoyo, like all chinks have a thing for super white skin
it actualy looks so stupid that i had to turn off HDR because some characters were that white it was flashbanging me
they have a few brown characters here and there but even they are super light
people are acting surprised that they didn't add nigger characters when they used names from african mythology, even when they already did this with the region based on the middle east having mostly white characters
You can get banned on twitter for telling people not to support a business? What a fucking world.
>why does this thing exist in ZZZ then
To have sex with me (a White man)
i mean did you really think musk meant free speech when he said free speech?
he is a corporate overlord of course he won't let you do that
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Muh history
You missed the last part.
if there's one good thing about the chinks is that they don't care about woke shit
they even censored black panther's movie poster when it came out lmao
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Based but also I want proper chocolate girls
ZZZ is the nigger-game, it's all hip-hop music as well. They want to make money but they know the bigger audience (Genshin, Star Rail) don't want niggers
They should have left the poster as is, in order to warn their citizens the film was niggerslop.
then don't play chink games
installing genshin impact on my PS5, android phone, PC, and ipad
On PS5, make sure to enable the gyro aim. It's very KINO for mini-games and the archery puzzles.
it says or retard the second part doesnt matter
t. John (Yochannan) or David or Michael or Jacob
i didnt like any of the main quest plotlines for each region, besides maybe monstadt. the only good quests are some of the world quests.
the world quests are entirely written by AI, theres a reason why they aren't voiced.
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English voice actors for Genshin are busy shitting on Mihoyo on xitter and calling them racist fascists.
Surely, would be a shame if they learned about this.
>the world quests are entirely written by AI
They're universally considered the best part of Genshin, what are you talking about
Fontaine and Sumeru were fantastic, Inazuma was too short and abrupt. Liyue was ok, Monstadt was obviously them just experimenting with the super safe and boring elements, so no wonder it ended up being the most forgetful.
I have no idea why would someone subject thenselves to a soulless AI generated mess that are world quests.
>world quest entirely written by AI
>quest like sakura cleansing, chasm spelunkers that are 2-3 years old

sure thing anon

I support chairman xi nao
Hopefully Hoyo fires all those dub troons.
whether or not its AI, sakura cleansing, chasm spelunkers, enkanomiya, dragonspine raising the nail, narzissenkreuz ordo are all better than the main region quest. some of the dain quests are good too. hell arguably jeht and aranyaka quests are better than the main region quest.
>They're universally considered the best part of Genshin
not in any universe. I would bet most of the players havent even played half the world quests
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>soulless AI generated mess
>enjoy in enka
>all of the chasm
>sakura cleansing
>tsurumi island
>dirge of bilqis
>genociding sand people with the racist lamp
>I would bet most of the players havent even played half the world quests
This is correct, I am excluding secondaries
>narzissenkreuz ordo
90% of the dialogue is utter fucking nonsense with water drops arguing about nothing in a stupid accent. Its entirely filler that went on for 4 patches.
nearly everything in genshin has nonsense dialogue. the world quest provided lore which is what made them better and interesting shit
Queen Cleopatra was a documentary by the way
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>lowly cultivator doesn't have jade-like skin
*laughs in no impurities*
What do you expect from Elonstein Muskberg? He is the biggest fucking kike in existence
literally this. listen to the s-rank pull music, literally the most disgusting nigger music you can imagine:
my only regret is it being the mihoyo game with the best hebes
that piper armpit scene almost tricked me into playing it but no
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Nope. Nip women were literally all dirty street whores. If you tried to explain the virtue of chastity to a yellow nip women in the warring states period she literally wouldn't understand. The only thing nip women did was whore or if they got married, wash rice for their husband. And then go back to whoring if he died. It was so normalized in Japan that "geisha" was as normal as breathing.
Yasuke probably nutted in hundreds of forgettable yellow Jap whores with his thick 1500ml testosterone BBC. 400 years later, you're an incel who hasn't had sex once and are still thinking about him.
>If they don't want negros in their video games they're not going to put negros in their video games. End of discussion.
based. ubijew on the other hand tries to pass off its made up fanfiction as the truth, which is absolutely sickening.
Like who?
If you don't realize the hypocrisy in this statement you're low IQ and hopefully won't reproduce. If Ubisoft doesn't want snowniggers/nips/whatever in their video games they're not going to put snowniggers/nips/whatever in their video games. End of discussion. Also, it's not made up fanfiction. Yasuke was a samurai and is a real figure.
ubijew claims its game is historically accurate. mihoyo doesn't. hence the former is hypocritical
Somehow I doubt these faggots cared about raceswapping in Hades II
Fuck em'
Cite them saying that once.
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Good common sense answer, you can always make your own work of fiction. I heard Dustborn is looking pretty good (lol)
hot. gooning to these posts rn
Discord sis?
We won, for once.
Nice jew face
Based. If only more companies stepped up like that then the alphabet faggots would die out.
"This is a video game about big tiddy biddies, go back to Twitter" is also an appropriate response
/pol/yps will kill themselves en masse after the election; this is nothing yet.
Lmao it has "it's just a movie, it can't hurt you" tone that you use to placate a toddler who accidentally saw a scary movie. Literal crying babies and you have to treat them as such
Keep seething lefty
Talk me out of spending $50 to get Sigewinne's bow. I'm at 2/2 for the weapon pity banner thing.
but Natlan is clearly based on South America?
buddy, the future won't be a happy place
>Yasuke was a samurai
nope, never was
and while we're at it, the moors? not black
Are you having trouble with any of the content right now that you need the weapon?
Portraying her as black wasn't even the only bullshit in it. They tried to portray Cleopatra as a wholesome and relatable girlboss whose social sensibilities and values were ahead of her time, while we know for a fact that she was a power hungry demagogue who very much believed in brrutal conventions of the time had her own family members murdered for the throne, including handing over her sister Arsinoe to be publicly humiliated and executed by the Romans, and then arranging her assassination when Romans spared her in the end.
Why are kikes like this?
More info about this, unless you are making it up.
lmao, what the fuck is this?
Sucrose's voice actress.
>if you're going to use real-world deities, RESPECT them.
Hades 2.
>muh white
>works for a chinese company
Rules for thee but not for me.
>us folks of color
Asians do not count as persons of color.
Why in the actual fuck are we wasting time and money with these ungrateful ugly piece of bitches? All there fucking money WASTED man
Just a reminder that if it were white characters being turned black, you dipshits would be losing your fucking minds at a response like this.
Something tells me she doesn't feel the same way when white characters are blackwashed.
Yes, and?
And we would be right. Wake me up when darkies start producing videogames.
These retards have no power and need to learn their place. Fucking wannabe celebrities.
I wanna see someone have the balls to do this to Romance of the three kingdoms.
To make pp hard
>pronouns in bio
>venture in overwatch
>teen titans banner
yeah, it all makes sense now. waste in human form.
And like every other time, we'd be right and you'd be a repulsive goblin trying to drag the world down purely out of spite, nigger.
>white washing of historically black characters
But /pol/ told me that never happens, only the other way around!
They're asian washed
You told me these characters were asian, what's up sweaty?
>American retardation
Aren't those all from British productions?
>the region based on the middle east having mostly white characters
Middle Easterners are Caucasians.
You said several. Who else? I, too, want to send feedback.
>"one step forward two steps back will win the culture war!"
if zoomzooms are so mad why don't they just stop playing
This, we should just give up, it's getting us nowhere...
What is genshin going to do without the twitter crowd?
He was and he will still be black after you turn to dust.
They also were.
Guess sucrose isn't going to be part of any future events in genshin then or not be voiced like what happened to argenti in star rail
someone post the COD MW2 pic
but I thought only incels cared about what color mythological beings were?
Narratives shift, as necessary
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>Natlan seems to be inspired by the many countries that are part of the Ring of Fire, mostly Latin America, which can be seen by the presence of the Pre-Columbian civilizations of Latin America, as well as African, Hispanic and Aboriginal Australian cultures.

its inhabitants:
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Why didn't they hire diversity consultants?!?!?!
>disliking the genetically evil and corrupt is contradictory
lmao. Get fucked, shitstain.
Looks about right.
Hoyo needs to do what Snowbreak did and just get rid of the EN dub.
you wish pedro
>nooo that's hypocrisy!!
Yes, and? So are they.
I never thought I'd see the day when I'd say Japan is gone and we should shift to Chinese developers, but here we are
I for one can't wait for Journey to the West-influenced game #7890141
That's literally a picture of me and the local chiquitas.
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But are the voice actors trans?
The fact that it was presented as a factual documentary is why the Egyptian government sued them (and won.)
>White washing
Fuck off /pol/.
Fuck off chink. No one is playing your shitty gachas.
Honorary whites
If whites weren't so raacist they could team up and create an A-type society in less than half a century.
Cry me a river faggot.
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I support the skin police unironically
No one cares about westoid tears
Please tell me you sent it. I really hope those VA posts blow up in their faces.
She was mixed, but it's misleading because modern day Egyptians weren't the original inhabits of Egypt. Like all areas in Africa it was Black African. Osiris for instance was described as jet black by the Greek. Ancient Egypt existed as a political entity for roughly 4000 years, and it peaked during the middle. During the last 500-700 years of its 4000 year existence, it was invaded by the Romans, the Greek, and the Arabs twice in that order which is what caused it to decline in power and end. Cleoparta was the last head of Ancient Egypt and not from the original lineage. She was just a formality as it ended long after the management changes (invasions) started. Modern day Egyptians are essentially the mix of Africans/Arab/Greek/Romans.
The Egyptian government never formally sued them, and they didn't "win". Just losers throwing tantrums because they can't overwrite history anymore.
It's technically illegal
Thank Israel for that. Apparently boycotting Israeli companies is now seen as antisemitism in the highest levels of US government now
ayo hol up
the right still has too many
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Lynette's VA

also gets the award for worst vocal performance in the game, Lynette is a standard kuudere in all languages except EN where she is a shittier Misty
>Osiris for instance was described as jet black by the Greek.
Yeah the color of a god is 100% representative of the people. Ancien Egyptians were also furries because of Anubis and no migration happened before the Greeks! Osiris is green btw
Melanin edits, eh?
Let's reduce those melanin levels then, since edits are a-ok.
vile spanish coloniser sullying sucrose's name
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my ancestor :)
at least theyre not speaking german churchill would be proud
Dont tell me youre one of those faggots that confuse that when Egyptians talk about Black they mean the sands of the Nile and not Nigger skin
nooooo every game has to cater to basketball americans even though they are F2Ps that don't contribute to revenue and even though mihomo games are the top earners globally every month they have to cater to us because... because they just do OK?!??
>She was mixed
We have the Ptolemy family tree. They imported Greek wives and concubines from across the Mediterranean. Cleopatra was almost entirely Greek except like two Syrian ancestors. Also Cleopatra and entire Ptolemy dynasty had nothing to do inhabitants of the region, they were foreign Macedonian conquerors who arrived with Alexander the Great.
>You said several. Who else?
Cyno, Albedo, Lynette
This thread doesn't need more twitter screenshots so found them yourselves
>ask for one actually black character for once
Cleopatra was not mixed at all, what are you talking about?
The Ptolemaic dynasty was huge on incest, they were Greeks that didn't intermarry with Egyptians at all
Most of the urbanized coasts of Egypt were Hellenized by then anyway
I'm referring to pharaohs. You've confirmed yourself to be an idiot layman, and/or someone who can't read. Either way there isn't anything for us to discuss.
>We have the Ptolemy family tree
No you don't. Forensics still can't even reliably identify backlogs of unknown people who died in the 80s, yet alone a family tree 2000 years ago.
why are you retards giving serious replies to a wewuzzer
That's cause Asians don't play the victim card and aren't into pretending to be oppressed, they prefer to earn what theirs through hard work
Only lazy turd worlders are willing to be grouped together with trannies and gays in order to receive pity points
See >>682604167
Go play western games, they're full of black characters.
I will be happily read either Resetera or Pol salt.
Whoever wins doesnt matter.
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Picrel. That's the simplest summary.
Are they really surprised China is racist
That's straight up incorrect
The only meaningful gap in her geneology was her paternal grandmother since Ptolemaios Auletes was an illegitimate son of a concubine, but most said concubines were Greek.
At the absolute rarest scenario where that concubine was a native Egyptian elite, Cleopatra VI would be a quarter Egyptian
Anything else is "KCD should have black people because what if a Moor mercenary passed by a Czech village and shared his BBC at the local inn" fanfiction
Humiliation ritual.
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>KCD should have black people because what if a Moor mercenary passed by a Czech village and shared his BBC at the local inn
Still can't believe that's a real argument from a real article
Wish I still had that screenshot
i genuinly believe the world would be a better place if america was nuked back to the stone age and repurposed as a theme park or museum
the (white) survivors should be sent to re-education camps where all american culture is drained from them and their kids
no more sjw//pol/ tard crap
no more annoying ass censorship
no more twitter
no more youtube faggots and e-celeb streamers
clean and enjoyable world
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>Cleopatra VI
I like Aether because he looks like a twink fucktoy that I could break in half with my bare hands
>Trusting /gig/gers
>spurts out a quite literal /gig/ opinion
You should have sniffed that instantly from the bait image attached to said post
Ancient Egyptians were African (Black) until about 600-500 BC. All of the legitimate Pharaoh monuments make this very obvious. Modern day Egyptians are the mix of Arabs, Greeks, Romans, and Africans and the result of the last 500 years of Ancient Egypt where it was invaded by foreign countries over and over.
nooooo every game has to cater to incel americans even though they are F2Ps that don't contribute to revenue and even though mihomo games are the top earners globally every month they have to cater to us because... because they just do OK?!??
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Stop attributing to stupidity what is attributable to Evil.
>This is was is thaught in american's school
You are fucked burgers.
Can we send back all american culture by at least 30 years before they do even more damage to the world with their retardation?
they'll lose a lot of money though
Factually false. Here is an authentic representation of the average ancient Egyptian.
i tried genshit the other day and uninstalled it cause i went through the list of characters and none of them had tits and asses that were fat enough
perhaps i was too hasty
The one good thing about the gachashit scene is that no one dares to touch a winning formula until they start losing enough money to worry. Mihoyo already had one instance of "whitewashing" blow over without any problems. There's zero reason for them to start listening to these faggots now
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>real world deities
What an oxymoron. What's next, real world fairytales? THEY DON'T EXIST
30 years isn't far back enough
they should settle down once they get raped by chyna over taiwan at least
Not really.
Most dubshitters are F2P anyways.
>That's cause Asians don't play the victim card and aren't into pretending to be oppressed
Which is funny because the media, seeing that they DON'T do that, got pissed and started #StopAsianHate out of nowhere to push an agenda that Asians are being discriminated as much as everyone else in an attempt to separate Asians from Caucasians
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Yeah and that movement stopped once people started looking at the crime scene footage and noticed that a lot of these "white racists" that were beating up asians were just a bit too dark
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>he thinks there will be room to "look back" and "reflect" in the future
>eeing that they DON'T do that, got pissed and started #StopAsianHate out of nowhere to push an agenda that Asians are being discriminated
And they backpedaled immediately once they figured out who was attacking asians
does wuwa have blacks
Why bite the hand that feeds? Do these morons not have an ounce of professionalism in them? This is how you get blacklisted.
These dipshits aren't helping their case against them getting replaced with AI. Just use AI to convert the JP voices to English.
Because English speaking countries don't take voice acted media seriously (games and animation), we don't have serious professional voice actors, we have "temporarily inconvenienced actors/journalists"
They're all embarrassed of working in animeshit, record on a Blue Yeti from their $3000 per month closet apartment in Los Angeles, and think they can online activism their way into arthouse cinema or a position at NPR
All blue checkmarks.
twitter niggers already cancelled Aunt Jemima though
Americans engineers invented the internet for you just so you could write stupid comments like this, on an operating system that Americans wrote for you, on a website that Americans provide you. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. The entire digital age was essentially single-handedly invented by Americans. That's how hard we're carrying. If you are not American you are an irrelevant subhuman.
lolno. the only gacha with blacks is yugioh iirc.
Obvious troll, but nope.
Bongs invented the computer, which you're currently using to access the internet, guess we should all dicksuck bongs and never mock them
I'd take UK voices like Xenoblade over US ones. Would give it way more personality.
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>guess we should all dicksuck bongs and never mock them
that's like saying bongs invented the car because they invented the wheel. the microprocessor was invented by americans
The English VA sphere needs a full-on purge, just get rid of all of them and start over. I'll take AI voice recording over giving these brainlets any career prospects.
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Stuff like this is why racism still exists.
>Bongs invented the computer
No they didn't. Americans invented the processor as well. What British invented were things that could be seen as "spiritual predecessors", but it is so far away that it isn't the same thing.
what happened with the blue checkmark discourse? First conservatives hated the blue checkmark because liberal journalists and hollyword celebrities had it and they say mean things to them. Then when Elon Musk bought twitter and made it so you could pay for it leftists hated it because twitter is a conservative website now. Now who are the people that have blue checkmarks and what group hates them?
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>blackwashing white history is okay
>whitewashing black history is not okay
0 shill threads up
Total nigger death
Based Genshin
People aren't blackwashing white history. They're just undoing whitewashing. If you believe all of the eurocentric history you were taught, you are likely pretty stupid.
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I want to be a VA so badly. It's my biggest dream, always has been. Fuck Troy Baker, that faggot sellout dropping his roots to do the same voice for everything he is ever a part of and he's still regarded as one of the best ever. I want to make it big and call him a sellout bitch when I'm up there. hopefully to his face and in front of Jennicuck Hale, the female Troy Baker
Most writings on Egypt come from the Greeks, who specifically differentiated between the Egyptians and "charred-skins" (Nubians)
Why is that?
No they didn't, and Homer in particular described Ethiopia as the place "where the gods dine".
The microprocessor was invented by Italian, Japanese, and American engineers. Also that doesn't change the fact that the first computer was invented by a British man
>"But it doesn't have a microprocessor"
It's still a computer
wrong, but whatever. see you on mars, faggot. oh wait, you're not invited rofl
I guess the Cleopatra Netflix documentary never happened
Concession accepted
You're confusing modern Ethiopia with the Classical Greek Aethiopia which referred to Nubia AKA the Sudan, the Horn of Africa was called Macrobia
Herodotus defined the three peoples of Egypt (Libyans, Aethiopians and Egyptians) with Epaphus/Apophis as their forefather and founder of Memphis
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>People sent emails to Hoyoverse complaining about the censorship
>This is the response they received
Exposed for self-censoring
Shanghai Publication Bureau answered an email saying that they didn't ask Genshin to censor
>I want to be a VA so badly.
Same here till Vic stuff happened.
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Hoyoverse intentionally cultivated the xitter audience by all their homosexual pandering. How could they not see this coming?
They reap what they sow
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Of course it never happened and Netflix is trying to distance themselves away.
>Hoyoverse intentionally cultivated the xitter audience by all their homosexual pandering.
They cater to mentally ill people even homosexuals are trying to distance themselves.
What homosexual pandering, stop living in Twitter
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It all started with this faggot and kaveh.
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>/b/ and /trash/ come here
>/co/ came hare
>/ck/ came here
>now /o/ is fuckin' here too
How long until some /po/ fag comes here?
Why does Richard III look like one of those ugly mannish black women?
Yeah anon fujobait shit, that's old as fuck. Not everyone feel an honor like you
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Godspeed, anon.
Post a vocaroo or whatever it is
looks fine to me
americans were a bit darker than the spainiards
>that fucking smile
God I miss sumeru
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>they are going to complain about Genshin whitewashing in the United Nations
And I thought /gig/ was schizophrenic
Because they wanted to have it, not because they felt obligated to do it for whiny losers.
>what ubisoft does with new AC is cool and ultra very good!
>this is ultra very bad!!
So...where are trooncels making fun of this and spamming "grifter"?
if you can blackwash we can whitewash
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My criticism of this is the same criticism I have of games like Hades swapping the skintones of certain gods and God of War making giants and Angrboða specifically black.
If you don't want to make a game that features Greek characters, then don't make a game about Greece.
If you don't want to make black/ mesoamerican/ brown characters, then don't visit those regions.
Simple. Nobody was forcing either of these companies to visit these areas so they can and maybe should get shit on for doing it wrong.
>People sent emails to Hoyoverse complaining about white washing of historically black characters form African mythology in Genshin impact
>This is the response they received
Based. Peeminists and sjwfags btfo!
>why does this thing exist in ZZZ then
That female robot with obsidian skin
Why am I supposed to dislike Chinese people again?
What faggot that’s that deep into a gacha actually cares about anything in the game except numbers or hot people? These gotta be fake culture warriors pretending they care.
>Mr.hoyoverse you are charged with cultural appropriation, how do you plead
>Not guilty. Natlan isn't a real place lol
>Damn, that's a good argument. Case dismissed with prejudice
umm sweetie I am LITERALLY making a change in the world by showing my 30 followers on twitter how good of a person I am
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Mr. Hoyoverse did in fact say this
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>tfw real life became Scary Movie
>black, gay and disabled
That's just modern England
this reads like a /pol/ shitpost
I just think nigs are ugly and I don't want to see them even in fiction.
Where is the vitiligo and the eye patch?
it's called an humiliation ritual
making something so incredibly stupid yet act as if its normal to completely demoralise the targeted people
That's a really long name for a english named TV show.
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Wtf are you talking about, get a life you fucking loser
I think artists should be able to make anything they'd like and have characters look in any way they like. If that results in companies forcing black people into every media property for eternity then so be it.
tf is that goofy wheel barrel chair?
All the people complaining are going to stop playing, right?
All the CCs joining in will stop streaming the game, right?
All the VAs showing support will stop taking paychecks from Hoyoverse, right?
They’re not just virtue signaling, right?
This is a shitpost....right?
new region based on mexico and africa has no black characters
twitter fags are outraged
Over on reddit the ones saying they should be black are saying that race does matter and since it is based on those real life regions then that is exactly how it should be in game. Fucking delusional. I miss the 90s when I was told race and skin color didn’t fucking matter and it was just a person’s character that did.
No one stops blacks from making their own games.
Look at based japanese women, they make their own manga and some of them are really popular and they have their own genre that panders them instead of forcing a man to do it for them
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You rolling?
why does the one in the back look like a cow?
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Cow rep
Did they actually pull them in the first place?
Vitiligo is disgusting
it's sexy and virtuous to add it to your art now
This is what you get when your game becomes so much popular that it attracts these kinds of "people" as well. I'd rather stick to something relatively smaller like fgo where Jack the Ripper is a big butt loli in a thong and no one bats an eye.
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>I'd rather stick to something relatively smaller like fgo
>relatively smaller
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FGO is nothing in the west
Scary thing is it still gets people crying about "why they aint got no BLACK servants".
If Hades 2 is allowed to blackwash the Greek gods, then Genshin Impact gets to whitewash black Gods. Its only fair. They're not real. How are you impacted by this?
I'm going to out myself for this but it sure was weird that in terms of fiction, I'm treated like if there's a white character it represents me. That whole thing where the very clearly Arabic inspired characters in FF16 "didn't count" was fucking weird to me, man. Anyhow, yeah, sand nigger I am blah blah blah
Not wanting black characters and wanting black characters are different things, yes. Execution also tends to matter a little here.
this is a /pol/ shitpost
No. What you're calling "Eurocentric" history is accurate history.
That's the infuriating thing. If it was just an artistic interpretation. Hey, maybe this black guy actually REALLY nails this role so well that we can pull the historical fiction card and spotlight him. THAT'S when you preface the work by saying its not a historical adaptation. THAT'S when you pedestal execution above adaptation. But because there's agenda behind the intent, all of these are just incredibly shitty at what they're doing.

Nobody fucking gives a shit about the output anymore.
the game is catering to south east asians and is extremely successful. what americans want isn't even the slightest consideration at mihomo. sorry you're mad at about being a shitskin or whatever though
I don’t get it. Did Sumeru not filter you fucking retards out? Did you not take the hint yet? Skill issue. They’re right in this case.
Extremely based
I know that in Japan Fate is a cult way bigger than any other gacha aside maybe BA, but in the rest of the world? Absolutely not.
>"people" genuinely getting mad when you tell them fiction is fictional
Why is it okay for real life to get blackwashed and "alternate" histories but a completely different universe thats entirely fictional and fantasy can't be white washed? LMFAO
Provide examples.
deities aren't real thoughbelt
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>How are you impacted by this?
>Durek Verrett (born November 17, 1974, as Derek David Verrett) is an American businessman, alternative therapist,[2][3] self-professed shaman and author. He has been characterized by Norwegian media and other observers as a conman and conspiracy theorist.
Honestly its one of those lines that I'm surprised those idiots throw out because its the easiest to turn around on them.
>can people of color watch?
peak cuck mentality lmfao
Good God please let them upload their faces for a face compilation. I want them to see how retarded it is to make fun of people for their looks.
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>hebrew originating name needs to change it immediately
honestly yes, non-jews with biblical or otherwise hebrew names are the worst people
Why is Ubisoft unable to make this statement in regards of Yasuke?
They want Samurai Yasuke to be true, but know that he was not one in reality.
>make fantasy game
>on fantasy world
>slightly based on real world stuff
>people take that as gospel and want to just be real world
I miss when fantasy was supposed to take you away from the real world
Send it, king.
The quintessential american
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>this creature voices sucrose for EN fags
>this creature voices lynette for EN fags
i'm starting to feel bad for Hoyo, having only these "people" to pick from to voice their characters in english
Yasuke is a real person
Why not just make THEIR own characters? Hell, make a jrpg
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>race swapping is only okay when we do it
Why are leftists like this?
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Western games get bribed/extorted to add that crap, and they tried the same with Wukong, FUCK your MAFIA shit where you ruin artists original visions
Damn based, Assassin's Creed Zeng He when
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imagine the shitshow if hoyo fires this hero of society
I thought voices had the FIT the character race?
>form African mythology
You mean Mediterranean mythology?
Never understood this shit. I can understand leftist thing of "fighting the oppressors" but not "haha we changed the race of the oppressor to black now we're the oppressors yas queen" shit instead of promoting actual African stuff
>region based on mesoamerica
>americans want niggers in it
I wish basic history was mandatory to use the internet
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Is it okay to blackwash chinese characters?
Why do they draw themselves like JoJo characters when irl they are really ugly?
The conceit of Asscreed is "oh cool history what ifs" so outright saying Asscreed is a fictional video game is shooting themselves in the foot.
This is the reason why in an hundred years, there will still be a China and Chinese people.
Westerners, on the other hand…
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this along with hiring a hentai artist known for loli artworks to design the characters in their new game has made twitter and reddit self implode this past week lmao
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>thinking China is America
>thinking tranny tantrums work with the CCP
>show 10 new characters
>1 is not human
>4 are black
>5 are white
>twitter still seethe at it
Why do you think sewer rats are nervous, they cucked themselves by destroying their host and replacing them with violent useless people
Stop killing babies you satanic freak
>hentai artist known for loli artworks to
Honestly most jap artists have drawn at least a loli so I don't know how they expect them to avoid them. Like trying to find a farm family who hasn't shoot a gun
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>the enemies have dark skin
I love hoyo
Who the fuck is Lillian to think he knows that visually describing a scene is the same as explaining what its about? Who the fuck is this idiot?
Why don't they buy games that "accurately" portray that cultrure then?
Only applies to white people apparently
pls post attractive anime style black character for reference, like you'd imagine how an attractive irl black woman (maybe like Sheva's model from RE6) but in anime.
I wanna see what it looks like instead of the usual thing where it's just a regular ass character but they just changed the skin color; or the white hair black skin characters that pop up every now and then.
Who? And they got mad at that?
They are making more money than America, and this threatens our economy

They need to stop working too hard and slow down things
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I think that's what irritates me about all this.
>We are going to destroy Japan because they caught up to us in terms of technology and went past us now that they figured out the HD pipeline. We must sabotage them at any means.
>The Koreans have learned how to make games and have infinite money. How the fuck dare they? We can't benefit from this. We must sabotage them.
>The Chinese can literally throw enough of them at any problem and catch up to our pipelines very quickly and they are proud of their culture and ideals, which overlaps with the demographic we're trying to condition. We must badmouth them.
Its always about fucking money. Should we try to actually compete on our own terms? No. They're threatening us and we need to ruin them for it.
I mean characters based on historical figures are not the same as said historical figure. Just look at fucking fate.
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this nigga in a donkey kong barrel
Oh, waterkuma. I'm surprised they were able to connect the dots on that.
I'd imagine her to be latina or SEA before Id think black
It's okay anon, the enemy of the enemy is my friend. Fuck kikes.
people are going to be laughing at us for shit like this in 60 years
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she's Pardo tho
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good shit
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It's like completely and utter standard for Japanese artists to be involved in hentai at some point in their career because it's a way to build experience and it is always wanted. I want normies to go and stay gone.
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>IF you're going to use real-world deities, RESPECT them.
Note: She's a Hades 2 enjoyer. And would most likely get angry at you if you said the same thing about that game.
China is intensely thin-skinned, this will send the CCP into a screeching, weeping frenzy. It absolutely will get results if sent.
They're absolute retards
just like it did with black nahida right?
Back when they added the censored skins, Hoyo said in the announcement that it was due to the recent censorship of the industry, and then quickly deleted and reuploaded the post without that line.
>Asian cultures typically do not see dark skin as a sign of beauty and obviously Mihoyo needs to market more than Americans because at the end of the day Americans don't whale as much as Asians
>Americans kick and stomp their feet screaming that Mihoyo needs to pander to them by shoving characters in the game that Mihoyo knows wouldn't sell in China
Why are Americans like this. Make your own fucking gacha games that will EoS in a week then.
lmao this is what they get for cultivating the whiny fag audience, at least they told them to fuck off.
I wonder if this anon was serious or if this was weak bait.
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>fk us ovr and disrespekt us to keep us behind whitey

lady, it's a fucking video game lmao.
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Gachashit is literally immune to American leftoids. There's too much money going around for investors to give a shit.
>melanin xD
I see it all the time on xitter, do they think it's a funny word or is it improper to say "dark skin" now
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Exactly. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Popularity comes with a price and the further you pander to crazy lefty lgbtq+ types the more they will scream at you for a perceived betrayal
how did they pander to crazy lefty lgbtq+ types before?
Released a popular game is all it took. No matter how insulated a genre is, if you attract millions of active accounts you are going to get crazies and the content creators that reach out and make content appealing to those crazies.
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Cucking Zhongli with Mavuika.
>russian sounding name
>rule over mexicans
>dress like a rockstar
shit is all over the place but i dig it
Ever since I've seen Kaveh comparisons I am not able take this character seriously
So she is black? Why is she voicing a white character? i thought they had issues with whites voicing black characters, why not the other way around?
This just goes to show Kaveh would've been better as a woman.
>same sex shipbaiting
>female character design gets less horny with time
>one year of no new female 5 stars
>feminized male character design
How could the fanbase ever be filled with troons and undesirables? What a total mystery isn't it
ackchually it's a maori name
>Melanin edits
Finally lefties get their own version of blackface
Aethiopia throughout most of history was just the land of the blacks, same with "Sudan", both stretched all the way to the atlantic in the eyes of the Greeks and Arabs. It wasn't a real country or anything like that. Romans and Greeks also talked about more peoples than those 3.

also check these out. I like when stuff validates itself over millenia http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Diodorus_Siculus/3A*.html
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>2 same sex friends = they must be fucking
>pic related has shortest skirt and biggest tits so far
>was actually just a few months
>stockings and long boots used to be male clothing during the time period fontaine is set in
4 for 4
back to /gig/ with you schizo
No one hates Genshin Impact more than Genshin fans.
Female Diluc is pretty sexy not gonna lie.
Still i would prefer the gyaru cat girl or the hydro girl
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I don't know why you are trying to gaslight me that genshin is this straight otaku pandering game. It literally fucking isn't. Even the example you provided pales in comparison with their own early characters.
Even worse, you are trying to convince me that the same sex shipbaiting doesn't exist, and that the fanbase aren't occupied by crazy lgbtq+ types. This shit is obvious to anybody that has started playing since fontaine.
What the fuck are you trying to achieve here?
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>covered from neck to toe
>untextured ass that you can barely even see
keep making up shit sister
post a fan art as proof too, that will shut him up
Nta. But the only implied same sex ship I ever seen in this game is ning and beidou. Everything else seems like other peoples headcanon at most.
That's about right. Ultimately, they make money selling characters, and someone with authority does not have confidence that darker skinned characters are marketable, particularly with their Asian-Pacific audience.

Dark skin is considered unattractive in many cultures. Always has been, and will continue in the foreseeable future.
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>travail trailer
be quiet guys, some trans freak from twitter has something to say
How? Both of them flirt with the traveller
Not really
Perhaps “implied” was the wrong word to use but what I mean is that’s the only reach that could mean anything in regards to same sex bullshit. It doesn’t really matter either way tee be eyach
Do they ever get a single line for both of them?
those who demand niggers in genshin are jews and trannies, actively subverting and sabotaging any competition their ESG DEI slop faces but chinks aren't stupid to fall for it like white cucks
Fake outrage about fake outrage to trick as many people as possible to log in and run on a treadmill that never moved or expanded over 4 years to maximize the chances you spend money to enhance the power of either your attack or your attaaack in order to clear Abyss 0.2 seconds faster than you did in 2020.
Pro tip: if you have to ask for a qrd because the OP doesn't provide enough context to even link their statement to the image, then you are being fed propaganda where the end goal results in you giving someone money.
Only thing I'm reading here is that Sethos is a homo
God I wish I was sethos
No, but see, it's actually okay when we do it.
Thanks never playing this based genchink dev
Its a golem girl
She looks more like a biker to me personally.
She's not for sale. The same thing happened in Sumeru. The playable characters were largely light-skinned, while the enemy units had darker palettes. People can be upset about Mihoyo, but I think it's less about being discriminatory towards darker skinned people, and more about maximizing profit from their target audience: Asians.
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The preload drops on monday, right?
There are straight guys that play those games, yes. But Twatterfreaks do not play it. Instead they sit on Twitter all day taking about it. They haven’t spent any time playing the game. They know about the characters either.
Blue Archive stay winning
>But Twatterfreaks do not play it. Instead they sit on Twitter all day taking about it. They haven’t spent any time playing the game. They know about the characters either.
reminds me of Overwatch threads that pop up in /v/ every now and then
>i'm starting to feel bad for Hoyo
You shouldn't, they deserve this.
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>Engage with indigenous cultural consultants.
The outrage seems manufactured
Not playing genshin is the best way to play genshin
>go to supporter voices on the petition
>play the 5th video
LMAO what the fuck was that
>thread enters western prime time hours
>anti-genshin posts increase
mutts are still angry huh?
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.....did she say a slur?
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Why would I hate Aether?
Only fujos like aether
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Based fujos then
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Anon I don't think fujos are drawing him with girls
first post best post (fpbp)
Mihoyo should have never pandered to these brown tranny twitter freaks. Make every single character white and don't give them an inch.
There are no non asians in Genshin Impact
ZZZ is now the straight mans chink gacha; every chick, even the npcs, are absolute bombshells. But for real, troons dont play these games they just watch the cutscenes
I think the more hilarious part of this is that there are "gaming news" outlets who will cover this, but NOT the shit happening with AC shadows. I mean you have a fucking member of the Diet questioning the game pubically, and people are still claiming it's all white people.

Yasuke being portrayed as a samurai is only a relatively small part of the concerns of Japanese people.
I'm glad I play in JP. Yoimiya's EN reply. As a Yoimiya main, this reply disturbed me. Fuck off and stay in your lane. I'm glad I play JP, as they don't care whatsoever. If i was playing EN, I'd have considered dropping my main.
I don't need to see people getting political over this shit
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>straight mans chink gacha
No straight man's game has a design like this in it
Chinese overlords are immune to racism allegations.
Why is the wife not black?
Gotta promote race mixing.
No, we won't do it with white male and black female, no.
>tranny meltdown
Han are one of the most racist human groups in history as China is basically their continuous demographic conquest from 4000 years ago
>shoving characters in the game that Mihoyo knows wouldn't sell in China
they wouldnt sell in america either, but they need to be in the game for some reason. Slavery or something I can't keep track
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Honestly Karin popularity comes to me as surprise. There is so much fanart of her , especially with that ntr bait girl Asuna. I dont even play gacha. There is clearly untapped market here, but artist are afraid to risk it because of possible backlash.
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>Shark surfing
>An Amphitheatre
>Biker Mommy
>Didgeridoos and panflutes
What are these retards smoking?
But I am not a fujo and I like Aether. I just think some of his outfit and earrings are really stupid.
cant believe you waste your time filling out surveys. HE DOES IT FOR FREE
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Y-you get mora for it....

>Three kingdoms
Characters from southern provinces and plebs are often described as dark-skinned so that wouldn't be that shocking.
That one is actually fine. Film is presented as african kids imagining a story told by their dad. So lots of small details are replaced by something that they can imagine instead of period and race correct.
The alternative being complaining on a random shithole on the internet that Hoyo will never read, really showing him.
Problem with dark skinned characters is that even if they obviously aren't based on black people (because other people have darker skin tones, e.g. see latinos, middle easterns, okinawans, indians or whatever people live near the equator line or places with high sun incidence), they either say it's cultural appropriation or claim the character as black.
And when the character is truly black "coded", it's ugly as fuck.
The main characteristic of black people isn't the dark skin, it's the BIG ASS LIPS and "EXOTIC" HAIR.
>character is described as dark-skinned
Yasss we waz kings n sheit
>Chinks whitwash character
>"Woah BASED!"

>Yasuke, a real perso-
Real person.
Never a samurai.
>anime characters are NOT white you heckin racist chudcel pissbaby
Why are Chinese so racist? They must be miserable
They should do a Civil War biopic where General Lee is played by a black man
Where do they even get these mystery meat lgbtq twitter freaks from? They should get a memo and recruit VA's through theatre scene just like nintendo and fromsoftware does.
Just say you hate niggers and get this song and dance over with.
A soon as you admit hating Japanese and their culture.
She kinda cute tho... is she single?
I think both cases were stupid
They wanted it? Learn to read good.
This is actually what they all looked like, you guys have been deceived your whole lives.
Why are Chinese so based? They must be blissful
black robots are a nice aesthetic
I could do without the hideous hair, though
they dont give you primos?? fucking cheapfucks
genshin /v/ threads are a /gig/ colony and /gig/ hates aether because of one loony aether spammer and because halg of that general are trannies angry male mc gets all the marketing while female one gets ignored
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They did.....once....
would look like the typical ugly american woman if not for the tranny lipstick
They give primos for every .0 update survey.
Unironically asking: why is Marvel making the actual god Heimdall black OK, but naming a pale character after Olorun (not actually him, just named after him) isn’t?
simple don't use cultures if you are not going respect them especially if you make me go through an entire region to wank your culture as superior.
Please answer the question that was posted above you.
what is that at the top?
none of that is okay next
Same person but lower quality
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Here's your primary source cited for "Yasuke the legendary samurai", bro
that's bishounen anon for girls gay shit is muscular dudes like in wrestling or jojo shit
Why are people so obsessed with hyping up Yasuke anyway? The guy basically did nothing, which is why nobody outright point to any of his achievements.
Richard the 3rd being a black lady is the funniest one imo. He was probably the type of white person who didn't tan, and got burned by the sun instead. lmao
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I hope they do the same shit to US history. I look forward to black lesbian George Washington and Abe Lincoln. I know they'd never black wash Andrew Jackson though.
because he's black. That's literally it. His skin color is a way to market the product
literally me
based chinamans
Why do Americans expect an enemy country to listen to their bitching?
>Egyptians weren't the original inhabits of Egypt. Like all areas in Africa it was Black African.
>richard 3rd
I'm positive if there was a play starring them, and if the character playing them was a black person, everyone involved in the play would be executed. lol
Cleopatra was Macedonian
Amerinegro revisionism is pathetic
Why do black people want to claim some fugly inbred Greek lady as their own so bad?
Why would you be positive about that? There's even more race swapping in theater than in cinema.
Why is everyone treating the characters in genshin as real representations of irl deities/people?
The characters in genshin bare next to no relation to anything in the real world. At most, they borrow a name and have no similarities beyond that. They have their own personalities and stories situated entirely in their own world.
How can they whitewash a character that they created?
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>same sex shipbaiting
Modern internet climate almost makes me wish oldschool yaoi, yuri shippers would still exist. They were annoying but relatively self-contained
I'm pretty sure if Richard the 3rd had that thing playing him, she'd be executed, and everyone involved with the play would be imprisoned.
In what country?
mental illness more or less.
>His skin color is a way to market the product
No, it's a way to fuck with Japan. That's the real motive. They barely care about whether or not the product sells.
Are you daft? In England, the country he ruled.
Oh you mean if the play was done when he was alive?
Yes anon, the 99.9% white country of England, had black people playing their king in a play, and he was thrilled about it. Richard the 3rd was well known for his love of diversity. lmao
Holy fuck never thought I lived to see a gacha game dev be a beacon of reason and hope in the gaming world. What a shit show.

Don't confuse chinks with other Asians. They're the only ones who worship having white skin since they're so fucking ugly they compensate by applying boatloads of cancer-inducing mercury-filled skin whitening creams.
Well it's not my fault you're illiterate and can't explain yourself properly.
so in other words he's BASED
This doesn't count because, okay look she has dark skin but it's not like it was mandated that they put dark skin characters in their games. They did it of their own free will. Look, they're still based even if they're willingly injecting dark skins into their games, okay?
>I hope they do the same shit to US history
fuck that, i hope they do the same to german history
Not all Caucasians are white anon. White is a term mainly for Europeans and people of European descent like in the colony countries. I've seen Turks that look like a brown arab and some that could pass as a Med.
This but replace the white guy with a full-on negro because twittertroons think Egyptians WUZ kangz (they weren't) Cleopatra was Greek for example.
Lynette's visible cleavage...
wooooow I guess I have to play (lol) gacha trash now
God, I love retards that still use EN VA

Literal dumpster fire with politics and shitty voice work

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