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weg thread
after witch trainer silver removed some content they planned on adding it back in, did they already do? it's been a couple years now if I recall correctly
any other NEW trainer games worth checking out? seems like a dead genre sadly
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that's not how it works
cool now my thread will stay bumped, thanks!
Probably for the good
90% of the content was those retarded chibi versions
Theres very little actual art if you think about it
slave trainer is the isekai of weg. its fad has already over, names have already been made.
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What do we think about realporn wegs?
>What do we think about realporn wegs?
i dont
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I'm fine with the chibi art, I played the game mostly for the trainer gameplay (not great not terrible) and the setting (I want more harry potter/'play as principal'' games)
I don't watch animus but don't they still make an isekai anime every other day
yes sadly, my heart is broken
People play text porn games, that's way overstated as a problem. Context and writing are more important. Obviously having good art is a huge plus but you can just go look up good phonographic art, it's so much easier to find than well written/designed interactive smut.
Only thing that has happened in the 8 years since akaburs games released is patreon drip feed scams
yes, they do still make more isekai and most of them are not as successful as SAO season 1
>inb implying anons
yes SAO season 1 started all this shit, you can cope all you want
added in some luna content but it feels soulless compared to what it was before
some new CGs
I wish they added more shit for hermione, more sex poses and other shit
I want more cho
no, not really
MITY has 4 element trainers
gunsmoke has something unlimited
pinktea has all of his games
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>luna content
nobody cares? I agree they should just add more stuff hermoine, or ginny at least.
>feels soulless compared to what it was before
yeah that doesn't surprise me. anyways thanks, guess I'll ask again in 5 years
>no, not really
>dripfeed patreon scam
>dripfeed patreon scam
>normal trainer ''games''
the last one is the only one that qualifies and they are basically flash game tier (not good)
I found it hilarious how you spend dozens of hours grinding this piece of shit because of Hermione, and when you get to the end, she metamorphoses into a completely different character that you can't even recognize as the same one who gave you so much trouble, for a terrible bland scene.
kek this anon took the public whoring (i.e. cuck) route
luna is best girl, shut your whore trap
>after witch trainer silver removed some content they planned on adding it back in
Ah yes, the pokemon strategy
>4 element
He completed the game, that he occassionally gives more content while working on his other game doesnt change this. He delivered, your feelings on it dont change that
>4 elemental trainer
by definition, done. the artist making new content for it doesnt expand the story arcs
>something unlimited
has more content than the majority of finished h-games or (lmfao) finished WEGs, and it kept being made content for doesnt change that fact.
devs are communicating with patreons a few times a week even. current build is 2.4.6. Fucking TWO POINT FOUR POINT SIX. are we going to argue if live-service games are games or not now?
>>they are bad because I said so
save us some time and just say you are disingenuous because you have a hate boner for wegs
>He completed the game, that he occassionally gives more content
these two things directly contradict each other, your feelings on it dont change that
>the last one is the only one that qualifies
sit down nigger
It also get mad when a dev patches a game with more content for free
He completed the game, he makes more people people want more. Its glorified DLC. Are you saying that no game that finishes a story but then gives bonus content later by popular demand didnt *really* finish? Because thats a really retarded statement.
how did Akabur manage to make 2 games and the are STILL the PEAK of weg? the closest would be the Isle of Nadia devs
>hey guys im going to do X
>does X
>people want more
>ok here ill give you X+ with some extra stuff since you guys liked it so much
Next time just admit when youre wrong and/or talking about shit you havent even played
NGL that female is sexual attractive
If the game keeps getting updates with more content, it's not completed.
you also agree that live service games are completed because the ''final product'' is there?
that's a bad comparison. there's a difference between dripfeeding content constantly (which 4et does) vs a completed game getting a one-off update with more content (which 4et does not)
see question above

I'm not mad he gives more content, but saying the game is completed because the main story is completed is dumb. imagine him adding 40 years worth of content from now on, imagine how much content you missed despite the game being ''''''''''''''completed''''''''''''''

maybe if you weren't sperging out I'd know what you are trying to say
>it doesnt count because he keeps making bonus content well past what he promised to make
You are fucking retarded. He completed the game. Seethe all you want, its a completed game that occassionally gets bonus content by popular demand
Live service games aren't completed and the final product is not there. That is quite literally what live service means
>it counts because I'm a retard that doesn't understand the point being made
just type that next time, it's easier
>but saying the game is completed because the main story is completed is dumb.
Bro cmon
What is she looking at?
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this is the funniest webm i have ever seen
>the final product is not there
yeah I phrased it wrong but this is what I mean with my 40 years of content comparison. story being completed does not equal game being completed
>no argument
Bro cmon

PLEASE tell me there is one nigger here smart enough to understand what I mean
>realporn wegs
I genuinely avoid them like some sort of infectious plague. For some fucking reason, the devs almost always manage to put in the most unimaginative and boring pictures that they turn me off really fast.
I hate them so much that I reached a point where I would rather play a weg with AI pictures than realporn pictures.

>College Daze
Nice concept, silly execution, overall ridiculously bad pictures
So has anyone merged AIdungeon with AI Art yet? Or still not good enough?
Paradise Found made autismally sure that the images fit the writing (or rather the other way around) but it's basically a lot of teasing and slowly corrupting your family
>realporn wegs
Only good if they have a lot of random pics/gifs scattered around which trigger after simple actions. Like walking from one location to the other has a gif of a girl's butt, taking the train has a groping pic etc.
All the real porn wegs using the same fucking actresses (lisa ann as mom, riley reid as sister etc.) with some serious story suck dick. Just give me interactive porn with lots of random scenes scattered around. I don't wanna read your fanfiction
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Play Claire's game!
the akabur trainers are princess trainers, not slave trainers. slavetrainers have you juggling multiple generated girls with less strictly linear plot development.
original princess trainer was such a banger, shame he got lazy
The sequel is coming soon
Allegedly it's a return to his old style of game making
hey, Akabur, if this is you. I fucking love you man. Please return to form.
Are there any WEG physics games? That sounds like a good idea especially with some ryona
Is the gameplay actually good or original ? I already have enough WEGs
I did but the last time I posted it I got banned for "posting furry porn".
Just use sillytavern, there's image gen already included.
It is a RPG maker game without the slog like turnbased combat.
Remember Cloud Meadow? Now that was a game with good animation
Impressive speed, good sir.
college daze is probably one of the only good ones out there
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Not enough dominant MC animations. In the overwhelming majority of scenes, the MC is way too passive.
Furthermore, on the valentine's day event, being able to choose that I want to date women specifically and then the girl turns out to be a boy. It was the only time a weg made me actually angry.
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Ok brehs, I am not a furry BUT

Witch Hunter is frankly on the same level as Akabur's shit, except the gameplay is far grindier but there's faaaaaaar more scenes (and some more extreme fetishes)
I wanted to get back into WTS but I've heard they're doing some big UI update so I'll wait till that drops

>never tried realporn shit
>tried College Daze because it's the most downloaded one
>childhood friend turns into a bimbo and has brutal sex in the school toilet literally 5 minutes into the game
Lamest shit I've ever seen
The only RLporn game that ever got me hooked was one that exclusively focused on sexchange/body transformation/pill bullshit, but I find them to be shit fetishes so I dropped it despite the game's quality
>check F95 score
>1.5 stars
>with 100 votes
what the fuck
not even a furry, she has skin
the other spells have more gradual changes on characters. I was never really into the body transformation stuff so I don't really know too much about it apart from being able to make permanent changes to characters
They did one thing right, and that was hire Fuzzamorous as animator. Too bad he quit years ago so it'll never get more animations like that.
the project was poisoned from the outset by the lead dev's last game, then it went patreon milking mode and it's been in a constant state of limbo for years
So is this Hermione also addicted to amphetamines and trying to kill me with a hammer?
Please say yes.
>female protag in a h-game
Just suck dick already.
What fucking point? Your point is that it doesnt count because of some arbitrary and deeply retarded reason. If someone promises X and they deliver X with all content kept, adding additional unpromised content doesnt suddenly negate the fact that they completed what they promised to do. The game is fucking done, he delvered on everying he said he would. Him adding even more by popular demand doesnt diminish that in the slightest. You are wrong by definition, no amount of retarded cope changes this.
What was the devs last game?
90% of my enjoyment was the dress up with the increasingly sluttier clothes
Why is it's so fucking rare these days??
Came here just for this, thanks.
>pregnancy tag on F95

Stop fucking lying to me, it is always, without out fail, so vague reference at the end of the game with no art.
I hate it
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I think the animations in my game are quite alright! My artist took inspiration from Cloud Meadow when working on them.
>the planned tag system rework on f95
just like the weg devs, it takes ages for one update
I don't remember where I read it but one of the site mods said ''it will be ready when it's ready'' so they're doing fuck all lol
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Dead at 28 due to spinal issues
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>noooo those tits are too big think of her spine!!!!
Try these. It's a bit on the malevolent side tho, not happy slootery like Akabur does it. Also very text based. Oh, and it's all whoring one way or the other.
Huge tits are disgusting. The thinking man prefers flat.
Breeding Season. It was a flash game with monster breeding gameplay that got pretty popular. It was one of the first really profitable patreon funded games. The devs had a falling out, they blame each other for it but the guy who went on to make Cloud Meadow was accused of stealing art assets/money to make his new game. He has his own take on how things went but it's pretty clear from the state of Cloud Meadow that mismanagement is consistent.
Anyway, Breeding Season was canceled and Cloud Meadow started development soon after so people didn't forget.
I just """play""" koikatsu for that now. More games need dress up or at least alternate outfits.
Jesus fuck what is this post. Is there even a single Western example? I can manage nip ones, sort of.
fippy bippy
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Buy an ad, nigga.
A Fr*nch game. Been in development hell for years. It's promising reactivity wise. Dev didn't draw and commissions art.
Gamer troubles
Thinking of making an NTR WEG where a girl cucks the main girlfiend of the guy simply because she pays attention to him and is willing to do all sorts of lewd shit that the gf wont . Is there a market for such a thing? Ill probably make it regardless, but im wondering if I should even bother monetizing it. Because setting up a patreon and a discord and having to listen to 3rd worlders drone on about it sounds like a fucking pain in the ass
Am I the only one that needs half an hour to load the clothes menu in the latest versions? WTS steps back twice for ever step forward.
link to full image?
If you can motivate yourself properly without monetary incentives, I'd advise it, yes. I don't believe you can, it's rare as fuck. It's normally a domain of mods and open source shit, and very few people produce anything worthwhile.
Oh, and NTR explicitly refers to (usually arbitrary) contempt for men. A dubious fetish.
I tried it some time ago (after content removal) and it was VERY slow for me too yeah. every action took longer than it normally should. this wasn't the case years ago before the content removal thing
I think even pressing right click to go save and scrolling up to go back took a while.
It's surprisingly content heavy. The whoring route is the only abandoned one lol. Has futa in one sub route.
I'll always like slutty dress up games from the early flash game era, but the corruption in to sluttier outfits that makes it god tier
Rogue like is okay for that, but is lacking in the number of clothing options
Gigabased. Probably not though, which is why its rare in the first place
Cuckquean or femcuck is top tier anon
I like the sound of the game. One of the mistakes I see frequently is people monetizing their projects too early, seeing very little attention and immediately burning out. If you get a functioning game with enough content to keep someone busy for like an hour it looks pretty favorable as an initial release, at which point you could figure out monetization. An early access model where you release public builds after a couple weeks of exclusivity is generally seen as positive. Moderating Discord is indeed gay as fuck but if you get the game off the ground, people(subhumans) will do it for free.
Good luck anon.
I see this post made often, but never bothered asking. What kind of "gameplay" or changes do you expect/want from a pregnant woman?
Something Unlimited with Marvel characters. Dev's stingy with pubic releases and kemono.party isn't updated all that often.
A Slav game. It's harem, no whoring, but at least one girl has events where she gets trained in an external institution, because that's how fucking early Akabur did it, and presumably doesn't get fucked in there. Strikes me as ill advised game design. Don't play it yet, every new version breaks saves, but it is good.
Aaaand that's all the unpopular trainer games that I know of.
I'm thankful that they introduced me to my favorite pornstar but the games are shit
oh right I played princess in the tower I think it was called and that was great, pacing is a bit off but it was fun nonetheless
I'm waiting for him to finish that game so I can play that
go on...
>extensive references to dogfucking
>no scenes
I seethed a bit. Dude did talk shit about revisiting his first game, but also about a female protagonist game in a magic school. What a dogshit idea.
Yeah now that I think about it, there's a lot that is disappointing about the game
I think you barely tame the evil queen and only have 2 or 3 scenes with her? Also how the whole buttplug system was sort of a throwaway, I would've loved more interaction with that
For a slav I'm impressed for what he put out, but you can tell it's still a slav
First projects are usually a mess. Here, have another one that's also good but a bit fucked:
Also no shittalking Slavs, you burger fucker.
But Something Unlimited is terrible, why?
>possibility of having a game with nice slow corruption of heroines
>instead you just go "ok strip ok now fuck me haha"
Why are trainerniggers like this
I don't think I'll ever get over the lack of RLE clones, man.
Brainwashing' main selling point is that it's easy, I think.
Man at this stage I would settle for a image of a pregnant heroine.

The thrust of my criticism is that on f95 is that when the pregnancy tag is applied the is a 90% chance it is a fucking lie.
There was some game that started with a great premise (family is locked in together, someone is pumping pheromones into the apartment to make them horny) that just turned into a full-on mind control game where they fuck because the drugs magically mind controlled them
yes it is

Power vacuum? More like update vacuum!
No Snow Daze is fine
That had mind control? I thought it was just them liking the MC's dick
From a certain part in the story Hunter starts pumping horny drugs in the ventilation with predictable results.

That’s what made me jump to that conclusion.
>Please return to form.
Inb4 it's 4385734857438 chibi drawings and a couple of full Cgs
Quite possibly the only thing more low IQ and third world than Daz gobbos.
I wouldn't expect too many art assets from Queen Trainer, yeah. He's prone to text based cuck stories, too. Was, at least.
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>adding content to a "finished" weg by a third party
I wouldn't hold my breath.
There are a couple projects that basically add new girls and expand on the stupid grinding and its short dialogue scenarios.
Last time I checked it it had like 4 new proper scenes all with the new girls.

What's wrong with Akabur? His art is great and the scenes pretty good, why does he keep obsessing with "gameplay"?
One of the only good games with decent art and english voice acting. I honestly can't think of any other even.
>any other NEW trainer games worth checking out? seems like a dead genre sadly
I'm still waiting for an Evangelion one.
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I'm back looking for testers (writing, features, feedback) for my VN. If you are interested, it is free, updated weekly and I have a spicy discord server that you can request access to by emailing:

Current content
- almost 1.0 featureful
- 1 hour of rune content with H
- 1 dirty talking scene
- achievements
- select from 4 game guides (one of the girls)

Currently, there are 4 companions
- ditzy genki shortstack
- haughty uptight elf
- cold dominating dark elf
- cheeky spirit girl

- frilly tomboy knight
- unkempt depresso goth girl
- kuu white pantyhose ghost girl

Fetish content
- impregnation (with pregnant sex and pregnant alts for the girls)
- dominating the girls (spanking, rough play, anal)
- exhibitionism & Harem
- feet, armpits, light worship

NO hard-core(futa, homosexuality, ntr, beast, rape, gore, scat, vore, etc.) fetishes, ever.
You played this thing? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1189070/Slimy_Sextet/
Full voice acting. Features speediest fucking corruption ever, which isn't a good thing.
Oh fuck it's you. I don't like you at all for reasons I can't properly put into words. Fuck you.
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>What kind of "gameplay" or changes do you expect/want from a pregnant woman?
Well for starters
>detailed fertilization with accurate anatomy
>simulated menstrual cycle and safe days
>scenes or dialogue during actual pregnancy showing growth and hormonal changes
>possible fail states such as miscarriage, stillbirth, defects if the game has incest, gotta try again
>getting to name the baby
>post birth coitus with woman
>development, growth, raising of the child
>if it's an incest game, wait until they're 18 and either fuck a daughter, have son fuck mother, or pair brother and sister
>simulated distant family over multiple generations
>recessive and dominant genetics
Basically I expect someone to make a Sims 4-like system without all the stupid bullshit that makes the Sims 4 boring and unplayable. Also, cannibalism would be pretty cool. A Sawney Bean simulator would make my brain explode, or a Hills Have Eyes game. Hunt people, breed mutants. Simple as.
I don't know why you keep linking steam links, they don't really work unless you're logged in.
Beastiality, furry etc is just trash and slime is barely above it. That game is nothing like snow daze.
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This is the climax animation on a test bed. Ingame, this animation is shown ontop of the player's actual bed.
I am phone posting, so it didn't even occur to me.
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maybe late to it but started playing this the other day
highly recommend and art is 10/10 but I still don't like a lot of the details that prevent it for being a masterpiece to me
>claire seem to exist entirely within the present, no real sense of growth or corruption
>most of the really depraved scenes are game over ones and thus they don't really have an impact on the world or the story
>for constantly selling itself as dark and depressing, the game is laughably easy and claire succeeds at pretty much everything
Full English voice acting tho.
You have to play LonaRPG for real grimdark kino
thanks, I don't know that one and seems promising
I'm europoor (but still have more money than all slavs combined)
I would, but I see scat and ryona and that's just not hot
I would already mean a lot if Claire couldn't farm infinite money in the very first town (and every torn afterwards). I understand a dev's hesitation to softlock players, but the game comes with a damn cheat menu, make survival an actual challenge.
looking at it now it does honestly seem like a very good game but I'm just not into tentacles at all.but it did make me look forward to his next game
how does one promote their weg? I have a hundred followers, but so many have thousands
is it any good? the followers will come
otherwise, shill your shit on porn sites (especially niche communities if you serve a niche fetish)
You can turn scat off, ryona is baked into the cake though
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>seems promising
It's very old and completed, anon.
Is this hecking Liz? Dev dropped off the face of the Earth btw, blog hasn't been updated since 2023.
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>F95 janny when you ask them what general rule 7 means
oh shoot, thanks I'm downloading it now
I saw the pics and it looked good, I didn't pay attention to anything else yet as I was gonna check it out later
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Analysis continues of the nightclub update. The Japs have discovered that the games title is an anagram for Hentai and that assigning the fifth girl to dance delays the timer on customers. We still wonder if Poppi will be in the next level after she tries to kill everyone.
Since you're on a Ruski slop binge already, Ciri Trainer is by the same dev, and also completed. Go nuts.
There is a universal rule that if you apply to a janny/mod position anywhere you have to be gigantic faggot.
They only have that rule in place so they can delete shit that personally doesn't appeal to them, that's why the other games that break that rule stay up
I played that one and it was also really good. I don't think the dev is working on anything after that which is a shame since it was a fun game

I liked how quickly the MC fucks his discount robot. Like it's not even coming from lust, it was either him going to get his rocks off or he gets a lethal shock and they find his half charred half rotten corpse weeks later when investigating the smell. Both outcomes would be preferable to him.
>I don't think the dev is working on anything after that which is a shame
Making wegs is usually a job and not a hobby, and Russia was mostly cut off from Patreon bux. That's the reason.
I blew so many loads to witch trainer
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Once again we are reminded of the insanity of war.
Did you try reading the text on the image?
It was a time before people figured out you can just scam retards.
File deleted.
Very strange but ok.
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Reccomend me your top 5
Actual gameplay is appreciated
I like classic medieval fantasy, if that matters
quality of art is off the charts, i assume harem is mff?
Fucking loved witch and Princess trainer. Are there more games where you train girls to be submissive loving sluts? Aside from something unlimited
this was my favorite part of those games and it's a real shame how few people have based enough taste to appreciate it
purely with time
link yours here. i won't judge
Girls look good and the "promised" content seems good. Good luck bruv.
>you also agree that live service games are completed because the ''final product'' is there?
>League of Legends is not a complete game because they keep adding champions
>World of Warcraft is not a complete game because they keep making new expansions
Also yes, live service games are completed games don't know wtf you are smoking
I've played some that are decent enough, you kind of feel like a gooner due to the constant porn gifs though. What really makes or breaks it is the choice of models and then the scenes.
What platforms are you supporting at the moment?
I just want to coom to Vivienne.
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The only game I can think of where pregnancy can cause any changes would be Public Bath - A Rural Bathhouse Where You Can Casually Bathe And Interact With Strangers over on f95. It's nowhere as detailed as what you've posted so don't get too excited. Each woman will randomly be on her dangerous/neutral/safe day and that affects the odds of getting her pregnant. Even on safe days they can be impregnated, it'll usually require you to pump more semen in her though. You never see the pregnant woman until the next day after she has already given birth, so no preggo belly. The child is briefly mentioned when you ask her about it and no more. Repeated impregnation leads to the woman's breast size increasing by one cup, and the larger the cup, the more impregnations are required. It won't blow your mind graphics wise or gameplay wise, but it's the only hgame that comes to mind where pregnancy can make an impact, even if only very slightly.
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>Vivienne fan
Happy to see one, you are a rare kind. I recently started redesigning her outfit to better fit with what I established with Sirena. I also made her more haughty and uptight. Oh and I'm giving her bigger hips.

>What platforms are you supporting at the moment?
PC, but I could probably easily do a Linux and Mac build. I'll attempt mobile after 1.0. Right now Vivienne has no H, just Rune and soon Sirena. Vivienne's will require a lot of writing work since she has the most build-up to her baby-making missionary.
And unfortunately, that image isn't from the game I mentioned.
not vidya
Hey anon! I once asked you about the tallest girl and something like that. Any plans about adding orc/oni girls?
behead those that enjoy FemMc games
b for me
it's always the worst concepts for the games too.
WEGs are so fucking like why the fuck do you guys play this shit?
None of them are good
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>WEGs are so fucking like why
What did he mean by this
immediately put off because the text runs at a snails pace
there it is!
also buy an ad
There's a "mod" that speeds up the text, but I've no idea what page it was on.
I think, "Why the fuck do these exist?" You can recreate the exact same fucking experience by alt+tabbing between Pornhub and Wikipedia.

>So no preggo belly

This shit.

Then it shouldn’t be tagged pregnancy. I don’t get it, pregnancy and impregnation just should be separate tags.
I want to bully the high elf and dark elf by making them wear each others clothes.
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Doesn't pregnancy affect your gameplay in Violated Heroine? The game has shit like a stats screen that tells you how many times you have been knocked up and how far in development is the embryo currently in your womb. At least the stats screen and some in-game graphics shows your character with a preggo belly too.

I haven't played it though, so I don't know if it affects gameplay or not.
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>Any plans about adding orc/oni girls?
The setting doesn't include a large number of races. Elves and Humans. Hya is a special exception. I'm also not into muscular women.

Yeah, I prefer the ponytail.

That's not a bad idea for a cute little scene. You get to dominate both, with some optional worship content for Sirena. Another fan idea I like is forcing Sirena into some sexy maid outfit, with a cat tail or something and telling her to act cute, just to embarrass her. There are also planned scenes with Sirena and Vivienne when fucking them you can make them kiss and stuff.
Looks good and promising, mate. I'd love to make that knight my submissive wife.

Good luck on your game.
When is this fucker gonna crank out his new game?
>pregnancy and impregnation just should be separate tags.
Same way I feel about ntr, regardless of how anyone feels about the fetish, having them properly tagged would be nice. Supposedly f95 is working on that, but I'll believe it when I see it.
I've no idea, never played it either.
i came
i laughed
i left
>I've no idea, never played it either.

You gotta admit the stats screen are pretty awesome though.
>vagina: cavern
>anus: ruined
>womb: bursting with semen
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Anyone can tell me if this is any good? Changelog makes me think it's got a ton of content but the first time I tried to play it the intro was dragging on a bit too much.
for me it's
>vagina: virgin
It'll be out when it's out! And we like that, It'll be out when it's out. But great work ethic!
is akabur still working on that star channel thing?
Makes me wonder how the hymen will get torn during childbirth.

also, I'm gonna have to start a list titled "phrases I never expected to say".
He's almost finished Queen Trainer now.
hadnt even heard of queen trainer, I kind of tuned out with the whole star channel thing, the idea was fine but I was only ever interested in a few characters and going for entire chapters without any content for them wasnt great
Other than DOL, what games do that?
This looks like dogshit
Can none of these retards hire competent artists?

80 seconds that's gotta be some sorta record
nobody liked star channel and people wanted him to go back to making a normal game and so he is working on that
his patreon is free/accessible for everyone, but it mostly seems to just be his blog of whatever garbage he has been doing instead of game updates :DDDD
What's the best version of Witch Trainer at the moment?
>like 10 paragraphs about whatever game he played recently
>maybe 3 sentences about what he actually worked on that week
good thing this shit is free cause nobody would pay to read this
I'm so glad most games don't actually have pregnancy content -- it's fucking gross. I do crack up how basically the first comment about every WEG I've ever read was something along the lines of "Does this game have pregnancy" or "Plans to add pregnancy?"
check out haramase simulator. It doesnt have everything you want, but it at least has some.
>it's fucking gross
Hello satan
You're wasting your talents bro
Unless you plan on hooking retards with a patreon scam?
the only good one is trials of the succubi
Too many games add orc/goblin/whatever pregnancy.
>Its a VN
>art so unbelievably soulless and generic it looks like an Ai generated ad for some shitty mobile game rip off of League of legends
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What is this called?
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Pictured: each of my save files from every time Knightly Passions updated after I beat all the current content
I've spent far more time on that game than I'd like to admit
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Heres the only weg I've ever bothered to actually go through more than one route of mage > warrior
name of game?
There is one unfathomably based one. But its not a story the jedi would tell you...
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Oh? You're Approaching Me?
easily best art iv seen in an adult game. rune is best girl
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>TFW you forge to attach the picture.
>but the guy who went on to make Cloud Meadow was accused of stealing art assets/money to make his new game.
He was the artist and he somehow jewed the other dev out of the rights to the art when they had the falling out so the Breeding Season dev couldn't continue anymore without remaking everything. Then the Cloud Meadow dude went on to make a lame dungeon crawler and started milking patreonbucks while writing entire novels worth of cope about how it would take decades to keep producing animations of the quality people were used to.
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It's a well established and cozy art style that is easy to mess up. You could do far worse and far uglier nowadays. Don't be a fag and save that hyperbolic enmity for shit that actually deserves it like >>682847907
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You guys are fucking USELESS
If you use litterbox then at least make the expiration time a full day or something, these links are always fucking 404d.
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>enters weg thread
>demands gameplay
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I'm an intellectual, all these people bashing on realporn HTML games don't understand the real appeal of it because of a wrong mindset.

Don't compare it to other games but compare it with real porn instead. They are simply superior to watching an 8-20 minute porn on pornhub, it's immersive, it has a storyline, it's interactive and you get to fuck your fav pornstars.
When you go with this mindset, an entirely new venue for watching porn is opened to you.

>muh they suck
Blackpill for you, buddy. 90% of all porn games, from wegs to h-game are pure putrid shovelware.
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witch trainer silver (yeah yeah I know)
behind the dune
mystwood manor
karryns prison

also this >>682882070
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I'm looking for a game.
It's an old weg, back from the time 8ch/htg/ existed.
It's a fantasy setting, with a black-haired male protag that has a gf, it includes NTR and possibly the MC himself getting gay scenes.
Your stuff inspires me to keep going with my own lewd projects. Keep up the good work, Anon! Godspeed!
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Schwigs entire team quit on his scam game lol
Is this guy S-Purple or someone else?
same guy
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Katalist is the best tower of trample esq "Boss fight a dominatrix and gather gear/spells/mats to power yourself up and fight the next dominatrix boss" in my opinon, and I'm autistic enough to do things like grind out materials/crystals to put on my equipment made from rare boss weapons that I grinded the materials for so I can get a bit more agility/Magic defense/Attack. And the story gets a lot more interesting after you stumble into an underground murder cult that controls the town
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>congratulations, if this was a dating game you'd be getting the Snape ending
one of the most genuine chuckles I've ever gotten from vidya
Kek, serves him right.
that shit is so fucking grindy I bounced completely off of it
Akabur games are pure comfy. I play them mostly because of the writing.
Even with his slacker reputation, the guy has over 3 finished games under his belt and is always working on and finishing his next project. Looking forward to Queen Trainer.
Why do devs insist on having grind in a fucking sex game
I'm sorry to hear it zoom zoom.
I personally don't mind the grind, I find one of this guy's strengths is pacing (game and porn).
But yeah if you want a 15 min crank this ain't it.
Grind isnt sexy. It adds nothing. Its isnt "pacing".
>over 3 finished games
>keeps adding content
Pick one and only one.
I'm old, what does weg mean?
You got BTFO 100 posts ago
Western erotic games.
>>keeps adding content
What added content, m8? At most, he made Princess Trainer Gold over 5 years ago.
Are you one of those gullible people who think stuff like Witch Trainer Silver edition is official?
the weird excretion gobbler
star channel was kind of a miss, hope the next one is better
>Just give me interactive porn with lots of random scenes scattered around. I don't wanna read your fanfiction
This, but for every h game
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Yeah, the episodic format didn't work, and takes a long time for things to start going. He left the game open for a potential "new season" but he was clearly burned out from it.

Still better than Witch Trainer.
Only one I liked was Casting Director because the idea was unique and the writing funny, but the dev stopped being a porn addict and quit developing a long time ago. Shame.
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Soon weghbro
>I find one of this guy's strengths is pacing (game and porn).
What the fuck are you talking about?
Each scene is a handful sentences and a couple poses

I loved the models (he makes amazing puffy nipples) but everything else in the game is fucking terrible.
The pacing? Like I said?
The way he paces the gameplay loops and when he adds the speed-up/skip mechanics is (broadly) well thought out, the ships with the infinite missiles not so much.
The pacing of the corruption (what you get, when and why) is also 'realistically' spaced out, women don't go from nuns to porn starts in the space of 1 day of in-universe time.

You can think what you want about the content, that's nothing to do with the pacing.
NTA, he was talking about the pacing of the porn scenes itself, not the overall game.
Thanks anons, will check these out
If by "thinking man" you meant "raging faggot"
second that.
>janny deletes the DoL thread with no coomposting and only discussion
guess we can't shit on their tranny faggot overlord vrel or they get butthurt
Average wegger intelligence.
Hey retard, don't talk shit about our mod team. You're lucky they let us post these threads here in the first place.
Does modded Sims count as WEG? I haven't found anything better for a sandbox game.
A check of ₹0.00 has been deposited to your social score.

As much as modded Skyrim counts as a WEG.
go dilate bootlicker
they allow all sorts of cancer that don't fit on this board anyways so I don't give a shit about them. if we can't post here anymore I'd go to the dedicated threads (and be reminded of the horrors of generals)
yeah sure why not
modded skyrim counts too
Gentlemen, gentlemen...
How about both
and futas
Wasn't akabur making a new game that wasn't scam channnel 34?
yeah, see
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His latest update from yesterday.
"GOOD NEWS WITH NO PROOF. I finished the initial testing of the entire game. (I am talking about my game now, Queen Trainer). Now I am moving on to working on the achievements. After that is done it will be time to finally add the true ending that you will get for unlocking all the achievements. (Same way it was done in Princess Trainer). Let's see how much I will be able to accomplish over this week."
>the game's almost done but I need to fix the bugs
I can't tell what's weaker between the japanese immune system or japanese QA
>nobody liked star channel and people wanted him to go back to making a normal game and so he is working on that
I personally didn't think it was bad, but yeah he missed the mark. People wanted a trainer porn game, not his crossover adult fanfic. Here's hoping for the next game.
>eyebrows by incase
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>he doesn't like thick eyebrows
>Is there even a single Western example?
cmacleod's Slave Maker 3 is THE western erotic game.
Breeding Season had loli
Cloud Meadow doesn't
Shan't be supporting.
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why yes, i only play games with traced art
This would be infinitely better if the shota had an actual shota penis and the loli didn't have tits.
so this is some weird attempt at shilling your game by saying you trace art, which garners attention and discussion?
honestly pretty smart and unique. either way kill yourself
I thought you got proven wrong about this last thread.
>make AI art
>trace it
>all nearby artists spontaneously combust
big dick shota > worm dick shota
He did.
>he doesn't like dick-with-a-boy-attached shota
its literally the best
What's the point. Same with oppai loli, there is none.
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anatomy moment xd
>Actual gameplay is appreciated
>medieval fantasy
Porn is pretty shit tho
It's a sound goblins make
These WEG "trainer" games just feel like an excuse for the artist to rack of Patreon money while taking a long time when the whole thing would be sexier and take less time if it was just a comic.
>These books just feel like an excuse for the writer to rack of words while taking a long time when the whole thing would be sexier and take less time if it was just a movie.
different strox for different folx
I despise visual novels but can enjoy smut just fine
on the other hand if it's just straight porn I'd prefer that over smut
Are you comparing needless grinding stats between actual content to reading all the words of a book?
Interactivity is what makes game versions hot
I'm sorry if you don't get the ludo narrative resonance of breaking someone by your own agency and efforts.
Do you know about 8ch dot moe and the webring? The current /hgg/ is on the webring so you might want to look there.
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The best is having premium mediums and tit-monsters fill out the cast so that the token flat can be jealous of literally every other girl
Visible body changes, pregnant sex and lactation would be a good start.
Feels so fucking good appreciating women of all shapes and sizes (within reason, of course).
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I tried out Ero Dungeons, because I saw that it's essentially Darkest Dungeon but eroge. so technically Lewdest Dungeon
Then I played for 4 hours straight because it actually has interesting gameplay.
The h scenes are definitely not there yet and the game obviously needs more polish, but as an eroge that's actually a game first, it more than makes up for it.

If someone liked Darkest Dungeon or similar turn-based games, chances are you'll like this one too.
my man, you are a machine
I really like this game, but I don't like the fact that you can't shave the girls. The game even has an item for that. I don't get it.
Unless you're a fat fuck, being flat is a masculine trait.
Brainwashing and corruption are two very separate genres precisely because of this difference in ease. Brainwashing games tend to be about hypnosis or some other ability that allows you to "flip a switch" to make the characters obey you, but corruption games are about slowly breaking down the barriers and morals and turning the characters into sluts little by little while still keeping their wits about them. The fact that each individual step seems insignificant but the difference between where they start and where they eventually end up is so huge is the entire point.
this game got worse after the new art, dropped it since.
They're basically just CYOA stories (assuming they aren't completely linear) with embedded images; their quality depends almost entirely on the writing, which is godawful in a vast majority of cases. The various developers working on the Twine game slop mill would be better spending their time authoring regular smut that doesn't require an incessant amount of button clicking to read.
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>Preg tag
>Game has no preg
>Check forums
Then of course without fail, the dev is doing some inane shit they redrawing every single scene in the game, or porting the game to a new engine so they can rewrite the code for their menu system for no reason, or deathly ill with some disease that means they can only release an update bi yearly, or has been conscipted into the Ukrainian military.
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>Yours to Conquer in this thread
Also looking forward to the redhead tomboy knight. She’s cute.
Anyone else following the f95 thread on What a Legend? Even the discord shills are starting to get uneasy
best hag games?
imagine one day f95 disappears
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Can't wait to be dripfed this game's content over the course of ten years
Free Cities is, for me, the peak of all slave trainer games.
it was abandoned by the creator long ago but autists have continued working on it since
I honestly think it turned out better than anything the original author would have put out. We've got actual graphics now. I think more has been added to the game by the mod than was in by the time it stopped being worked on in 2017.
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I have spent plenty of time with witch and princess trainer
Can't believe that was 10 years ago. FUCK
free cities + stable diffusion is the pinnacle of gaming
>boring game with no fetishes and mass-appeal art
just make it in ren'py and set up a patreon, you'll be pulling 10k per month in no time
And no, the basic human impulses you listed are not fetishes. Fucking a bunch of women and getting them pregnant is not a fetish.
Swollen tick bellies are a fetish even if the act leading up to it isn't.
>Mom owns a legit business that she can easily work and help make money
>Still whores out

Are women just incapable of not being whores?
Nta but preg sex definitely is a fetish, I would know because I find it abhorrent.
the only games I could ever jack off to are from empress, there is something about that art
I don't play finished wegs, it's simply not my style.
>Final battle/boss released
>Still needs to add other endings, epilogue, post games, and overall QoL to the game, nevermind the art
Im happy but for no reason at all im dreading how long it will take for the rest to come out, credits HAVE been achieved, if I was in the dev's positions I would start to slow down a little after achieving such an important threshold.
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If it picks up and does well 100% of the earnings go right back into it. At that point, I could easily add A LOT of art each month. Writing is harder, it takes time to write good content, that cannot be changed. I'm working on a lot of content creation tools to speed up every process, the major one is being done now.

The goal is to constantly add new content, but not milk it. I do not personally need the money, so I have no reason to milk.

>No fetishes
What are you looking for exactly? There are a few I didn't list, such as ENF, foreskin play, smell, and maybe watching one of the girls piss.

>mass-appeal art
I don't agree.

>just make it in ren'py
Unity is infinitely better than renpy t. developer with 15+ years of experience. Nani novel BTFO's renpys workflow and feature list and ease of use.
Less than worthless. I'd have an easier time getting off with just text.
make it cuckqueen instead of cheating, and it's kino
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I forgot to mention, that there is also some hairy content, bush and optional armpit hair for a singular companion.
tranny artstyle
You would know
Anon it's clear you have a vision for your project, and are doing a good job getting it done. Please stop taking "advice" from retards on here (except me, of course) who don't even intend to play the damn thing.
I agree but I try to defend myself a bit that way people can see I'm not a push over and I'm genuine in what I want to create. I appreciate your words and I'd never let someone change my game in a way I didn't like.
tranny post
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>>mass-appeal art
>I don't agree.
what is the best H mods for legit games? skyrim is S tier for sure, but is there any other game worth it?
You would know
People are just jaded because everyone says the same shit you said. It's hard for people that make these games to not get burned out and lazy when they reach success. It's just how it is.
I like the art you've shown so far is all I can say.
>Sounet>Rune>Sirena>Vivienne(outfit is a bit meh)> Hya
Good luck bro
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I appreciate the comments. Vivienne's outfit is being redone >>682877591 here is the newest version.

>People are just jaded because everyone says the same shit you said.
Very true. That is the sad state of gaming nowadays. A lot of newb devs get into it without realising how much work it really can be. Luckily I have a lot of experience, I'm not poor/relying on the game and I'm 3 years in without a single burnt-out period.

I also have most of the main game coded, which is a full 3d adventure RPG, with a retarded amount of features (done). Here is an example from last year.

All I can do it post what I have and support others.
I understand that The Sims has an absurd modding base to rival or surpass Skyrim, but I'm not sure if 3 or 4 is better.
She's whoring out initially because either business is bad or mom is terrible at keeping the books balanced, and she's trying to keep it from going under.
But since this is a Trainer game, she's going to keep whoring herself out even after the business issue is solved, because you tell her to(or don't.)
Weggers should really make this image the op at this point. It's undeniably the only post of any value in their threads
Their problem probably isn't with Vrelnir, but with the discord troons that are making the game as unfun as possible. I'm 90% sure that at one of the jannies on /v/ is a mod on their discord.
It only has value when it isn't the OP. Read the room.
I really like the soundtrack of this game for some reason, the h content isn't great but I keep playing for the music.
Some of Incase's older art would have been decent if it wasn't for the futafaggotry and if he wasn't such a massive faggot in general.
Hung shota and /ss/ are based.
Damn, I finished the game in 2017. Might be time for a replay. Is there enough additonal content to justify it? I always thought the whole armies and other arcologies part was pretty sparse
>Women that are always sopping wet
Same. Sex is for impregnation, not for while she is pregnant.
You're reading another mans fanfiction while looking at singular images of nude women who are usually old and ugly. People think RPGM porn games are low tier and Renpy ones lower still, but HTML shit is just absolute bottom of the barrel.
Bodyslide and/or True Wasteland Body are must-have mods for Fallout 4. Just slapping more attractive female bodies on the base game made it much more fun.
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to train up a child
I understand now anon. You're a man of culture. Please recommend some high quality corruption content, game or otherwise
nta but someone mentioned Eternum in one of these threads, and i believe it qualifies as "high quality corruption content", and a personal note from me to whoever posted about it last week: i have been late to work every day this week and it's entirely your fault. thanks.
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Alright /v/ pitch them porn game ideas
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Virgin hag who can still get pregnant.
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My game is basically this but you can steal my idea if you want.
I never finish anything anyway ;_;
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I always wanted to make an H-game version of the hostess minigame from yakuza 0 with customizable outfits and stuff but I have no skills or knowledge
Rune: really fucking cute, 10/10
Sounet: looks like a tomboy in her sister's dress
Vivienne: looks like squirel girl
Other two: don't care.
I played the beginning of it and bought it on steam.
I plan to return to it, good goon material.
Lots of lots of lots of violent and brutal rape of women of all shapes and sizes. Some trap/femboy content too.
Game where a hung shota is forced to walk around naked and gets reverse-raped constantly, cumming buckets in each of the women.
Based, the more thoroughly you rape and mindbrea them the more points you get, leaderboard included
I'm cooking up another Rune-like companion, the ghost girl.
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Anyone know any good tutorials on making poker games? I was just gonna make a game about how you run a safe house for criminals and in your downtime you play poker with the hot chicks.
>or has been conscipted into the Ukrainian military.
Many such cases! SAD
Would this thread not be better on >>>/h/
/h/ is for eastern shit, not for western ones.
People on porn boards too busy jerking off to actually discuss much.
I hate this game, I used to play it once in a while and I admit some scenes are pretty good but I always felt this game somewhat "unfinished" like the only one with any content was no-hermione while the other girls introduced had only extensive walls of texts for scenes or getting slightly undressed and also the game it takes a lot of time to get any meaningful scene.
I think there needs to be a board for porn games in general but I doubt they will want to make another board for /v/ media.
Making a poker game is generally a programming 101 project.
Was Witch Trainer Silver the one where the devs are turbo faggots who removed Luna (best girl) like 5 years ago?
I'm more than sure there are libraries that simulate all the card game stuff and you just have to implement them
>bad ending collecathon
>non repeatable scenes
Literally none of the cunts in these threads have a single decent or original idea
except me of course
3D platformer about collecting monstergirls.
You beat monsters to death with your 3 foot long dick.
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>>Final battle/boss released
holy shit it actually happened
predicted this as soon as it didn't get to half the numbers summertime had.

too high effort, too professional, it was bound to fail.
hey don't this they legit have some of the best animation cgs
The Last Sovereign
Portals of Phereon
Price For Freedom: Avarice
Star Knightress Aria

here, 5 100 gameplay oriented wegs for you
Porn game where I fuck women.
>, no real sense of growth or corruption
she can become a lowkey assassin if you play the route long enough. you reach a point where you just don't give a fuck about stabbing a nigga
> tfw Seeds of Chaos is still around.
SU got boring because you basically repeat the progression and scenes with 40 characters

what's this?

>Witch Hunter is frankly on the same level as Akabur's shit,
fuck you, hunter is 100 times better.
>the best weg is still around
damn i can't believe it
Behind the Dune
Summer Memories+ (and Winter Memories)
Bible Black: La Noche de Walpurgis
Kamidori Alchemy Meister
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all my ideas are contained in the game I'm developing
it's not getting finished any time soon because I've been too busy DYING
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nope. i have 6+ great ideas and i'm not sharing any of them. too bad so sad. coulda shoulda woulda. see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
i like games where i rape women and children
how the fuck do i fix the bugged fullscreen in this game?
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Adelaide a cute
>>bad ending collecathon
Did not get past the first area huh?
I just can't get behind all the brutal rape in evenicle when most of the game is lighthearted vanilla shit. I know it's just part of it being alicesoft or whatever but it really kills the mood.
thank you
'kay, recommend me some good sandbox game
i liked free cities, but pregmod development is kinda slow and at some point slave management became really tedious
I really like the bedroom graphic, do you have more environments to show?
I like the idea behind it but I would've preferred a game with a greater quality over quantity.
and yes the music is surprisingly good
hey tinkeringturian
you better make the game about the robots and not the pseudo furries, you fuck
She's in the current one. She doesn't jive with Akabur's Luna in Star Channel. Assuming there is such a thing as canon in all this...
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games with goth girls?
the world would be better without it
Usually I avoid them but I've gooned for hours to X-change Life
Summertime Saga.
Played that already obviously though how the fuck does the hot goth librarian chick still not have content?
One bitch in this >>682881604 sorta counts. Don't play this game until it's done lol.
I haven't played Witch Trainer Silver in a long ass time. Can you fuck Tonks yet?
Nyope. Plenty of new and seriously dogshit cgs tho.
Oh I played that dude's goblin game(the literal kind)
Might be amusing
I will never understand the thought process of weg devs
These aren't weg devs, exactly, these are modders. When money isn't involved, things are either really amazing, or really bad and take years. Actually, have a blast from the past: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2261640/Missing_Stars/
No, they are still not done after a decade. Obviously.
>the only one with any content was no-hermione while the other girls introduced had only extensive walls of texts for scene
That's because the original game was just about Hermione and the rest of the shit is just fans adding their original donutsteels in to "make the game better"
I only ever played the original so I can't say for sure, but all my experiences with fan mods come pretty close to this.
>get patreonbux while doing absolutely nothing
its simple, look at SU or SS
I remember playing this a good while ago, it felt like it was going hard into the angle of making the princess submissiev and all and then just veered off in a completely different direction. Still pretty good but it was going places I liked before changing course.
whats the scifi game like?
the worst of all, even more soulless than default daz renders
most people play porn games because they don't like porn, especially professional one, so why add it?
wait i know why, because it's the cheapest way to make a game, and it shows
the pics are boring but the options are usually good
currently the best weg alive
>humor is decent
>art is hot
>no turn-based combat garbage
>quests are not too simple, not too hard
>integrated cheats and guide
dick too big, spend the game trying to figure out how to squeeze it in
The princess is still as susceptible to hecking reverse psychology in her evil state, but yes. I think slavs have trouble even fantasizing about women being submissive, it's just too unrealistic. Haha.
>whats the scifi game like
Tone is exactly the same, writing is still horrible, there is no whoring this time. More game systems and it's arguably even grinder. The princess is also in it, same model.
Oh so what's what you're been doing all this time.
Like the tower its completely cucked. I love the artstyle, the dev works at a decent pace, the dev finishes games, and you have gameplay. Still it ends up being crap

>no training or buildup
>you kind of just fuck the girls, usually you manipulate them into having sex with you
>there is a focus on pubes and shaving, but never a scene in which you corrupt a girl enough to convince her to shave or something like that
>the best scenes are all implied, like in the tower game the witch ends up getting corrupted in the warlock school, but they odnt show you that. She just comes back halfnaked with a demon dog
i only played weg mostly for the stories since its basically a dialogue fest game, its fun for the dialogue, for the porn? ehh not that much, but it has some good girls, like the sleepy girl i think its a great girl, i want more of her.
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You think things are bad but you don't know just how bad they can get
I hope they go away soon now that AI is common
I fucking hate real people
hey, I recognize you from dev threads, didn't know your game was a weg. Now I'm even more interested. Are you planning to have H animations, or only H pics?
elvensang is the only good weg
Based and same.
I can chew the ending IF it contains more than a few phrases tho
Man I fucking hate this for most fetishes
>hmm let's look up a game with let's say tentacles, milking, pregnancy
>there's one scene with mild versions of those things
>search completely cluttered by this shit
>even vanilla normalfag games show up somehow
Nigger I need to coom to degenerate shit
If you can make pubes on all characters and make them optional for those who cry I will literally get on my knees and suck your cock. I will donate to you. All the good art games have every girl completely shaved and no variety.
Fear not, my degenerate game will properly lean into all of it's tags.
I've never played a good weg maybe the genre gets shit on all the time because it doesn't have good games. Some random OTAKU Plan game is more entertaining.
it had some great art and worst "developenent" possible
I wish for harry potter weg that's not akabur with his chibis
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what are some games with bros?
pig princess has pic rel
witch trainer has snape (kinda not really a bro)

can't think of any others
Superhuman, you get a whole cadre of bros who don't even mind that you're assimilating the entire female social circle into your harem because they get pussy off screen.
>game full of goth girls
>art is beyond dogshit
maybe one day if I lose my vision I will play that game but I refuse to read a picture book with abhorrent pictures
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Yeah I'm not going to defend the art, especially the early stuff, I just like it for the plot. It does become passable for the action scenes at least, later on, when the dev starts to mostly use 3d models as a base.
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It's a total burgerfest anyway. MC has a bunch of black friends who are constantly talking about BBC and shit
You can tell he's a total blackedfag.
What happened in your life for you to have such a wrong and autistic outlook on games?
When a game hits 1.0 it is finished. Everything added past that point is EXTRA and does not affect the game being "finished".
This isn't a fucking porn-game exclusive concept.
Do you think Witcher 3 wasn't finished because 2 expansions came out later on? Do you think Dark Souls wasn't finished because Artorias's DLC came out later on? Was BFBC2 not finished because it got a Vietnam DLC later on?
Of course not, you'd be a fucking retard to think so. Finished games can receive extra content.
that doesn't look bad

semi-related but I hate devs that don't upload just ''update patches''. they've been expanding their game for infinite years (average weg development time) and when you want to see the newest stuff you need to download everything again. very annoying and another thing that just makes me want to wait until it's completed (abandoned)
I knew he was shilling his own shit but that I didn't know. even less reason for me to start on that weird shit

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