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>Splatoon is sold as a full price game in an era when most competitive multiplayer games that aren't F2P are written off immediately, e.g. all games media not being paid off calling Concord dead on arrival
>you get a campaign, multiplayer and a co-op PvE mode
>only post-purchase DLC is a bonus single player campaign
>game has seasons but there's no premium battle pass and all the content is immediately added into the in-game stores after the season ends
>metaprogression is nonexistent after the player hits level 30, after that is just getting more tickets to unlock more guns which is easily trivialized

The only other relevant premium multiplayer shooters on the market are Call of Duty, GTA Online and Rainbow Six Siege.
Is Splatoon being a Nintendo A-lister making it immune to conventional market logic?
this is why I can't take spergs who treat nintendo like the worst thing in the industry seriously

sure they have a lot of flaws but compared to the rest of the industry they're by far the lesser evil
>>game has seasons but there's no premium battle pass and all the content is immediately added into the in-game stores after the season ends
They’re not. Catalog gear only appears if you unlock it first, and emotes are sent to gacha. Everything else is unobtainable after the season.
Yeah it reminds of buying a shooter back in the Xbox 360 era. It's nice
It’s crazy how we live in a world where the only online shooter worth playing is made by Nintendo. This is what happens when westerners are in charge of an entire genre.
The catalogs will re-cycle though.
each catalog has gear from older seasons too, so the only thing you'll be missing is locker decorations
this season's catalog also has the gear from sizzle season 2023
People act like Nintendo not following the latest predatory industry tactics is the worst thing ever. They scream Nintendo games are too expensive and then wastes hundreds of dollars on a single game or many cheap ones they're never going to even play.
This thread made me put on Splatoon 3 again
it made me go to the booruses.
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>Callie is canonically straight.
Calliefags lost the splatfest but they won in the end.
Callie devours cute Squid Boys.
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>there are people who unironically believe Nintendo is worse than EA, Activision, and Ubisoft
Anyone who thinks this should have all of their video game related opinions discarded.
People also acted like Nintendo was milking the series when they released Splatoon 3 five fucking years after 2 when CoD is an annual franchise.
The Squid Sisters know how to reward their fans.
Nintendo isn't a creature that goes and grabs money from your wallet while you're not wathcing, if you don't think it's a good deal you don't buy it, the end, or is being a karen about other people's purchases really that much more entertaining than your beloved Call of Duty? I don't fucking blame you.
I always kek when a new splatoon comes out and fags will be like "grrr why didn't they completely overhaul the incredibly fun and successful gameplay from the last one? It's literally the same game!"
Oh come on. Thats obvious comphet.
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>The majority of the fanbase see her being straight as weird and “wrong”
Honest to god the destigmatization and normalization of homosexuality has been nothing but a con for society. I hate faggots so much its unreal
splatoon 2 was a mistake
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I unironically think splatoon is the most underrated franchises in vidya

legit genius core gameplay, fantastic presentation, insane amount of content, good challenge, and popularized the last real improvement when it comes to console gaming control schemes with gyro aiming and yet faggots act like it's this shallow nothing series, gaymers truly deserve all the chinese gachas and rollslop coming their way
>Shows the most obvious signs of Comphet
>Nah she's totally straight you guys.
>woman likes hot guys
WAOW it's just like real life
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She is overly compensating her attraction to men to deal with society's expectation of centering men as the default. No straight person dresses like she did in Splatoon 2.
Part of what holds the game back is its crappy matchmaking and high amount of network issues in games. It's been one of the biggest complaints since 3's launch, and the communication errors were much more prevalent in the beginning. They've cleaned it up a bunch since then. I think Splat 3 in its current state is a great game even with its rough edges, but that is not how it was at launch. For Japanese people i'm sure it's fine as they have lots of Japs to play with, but the netcode gets real questionable when it involves anyone outside of Japan. The Switch's gimped network capabilities also hurt the game, with many people playing on wi-fi, with the Switch's wi-fi chip being notoriously bad.

I think westerners get turned off because they see it as a kids game, and motion controls filter most people. Gyro controls need to be embraced more, but people are still traumatized by the Wii waggle days, so they associate all motion controls with that.
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She's not gay retard. I know you fags think every single fictional character is gay for some reason but not the Squid sisters. You can have Pearl and Marina, they're the gayest duo in Splatoon. Anything else is a huge stretch, stop inserting your gay projections into literally everything.
insane tranny delusions, don't pay it any mind
oh ok
Compulsive herterosexuality. A phenomenon among lesbians that you feel attracted to a man because you are supposed to. One of the signs is over compensating their attraction to men. Like what callie does in that picture.
You are mentally ill
Why are you trying so hard
>you'll be missing is locker decorations
no they also occasionally show up in shop inv and gacha machine
Its funny how people thought that Nintendo's lack of innovation was somehow working against it, when MS and Sony basically innovated themselves out of the competition by turning themselves into digital storefronts. They dont even sell CDs half the time anymore, just a digital code to download from xbl/psn.
Because Splatoon is a queer series and we don't need straight people infecting it.
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Too late, we've always been here.
>Pearl and Marina are lesbians
>Marie is trans
>Callie is a lesbian.
Man, I gotta work up the desire to finish this last Catalog, but there's nothing I want in it.
the online issues are undeniable but I don't think it has anything to do with the game's reception
>I think westerners get turned off because they see it as a kids game
it's 100% this

you understand a lot of things when you realize most video games players judge titles entirely based on visuals and are incapable of even articulating why a game is fun to play
The fuck
clique killed the pool
what a tragedy
>>the online issues are undeniable but I don't think it has anything to do with the game's reception
It's one of the biggest complaints people had about Splatoon 3 at launch, rightfully so because the netcode was straight up broken. Have a rough launch like that and it pushes people away, even if you fix it later. Reviews criticized it at the time, and lots and lots of people complained about it, rightfully so.
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Certainly didn’t help that the first game’s advertising push in the west HEAVILY leaned on the it being a kids game. Coupled with being on the wii u it did the game a major disservice and I don’t think that stigma will go away anytime soon, if ever
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I remember waaaaaay back in 2007 a hot console war topic was Nintendo being shitty for their games not having DLC. So yeah this checks out.
Splatoon 2's DLC is one of the most praised things Nintendo's made in the past generation
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Do you think that rumor of the Final Event being both a Splatfest and a Big Run is true?
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Isn't that more of a theory than anything?
I thought the datamines mostly just point to it being in a new hub, the tutorial area at the start of the game, and that it will be one giant concert from all three idols instead of the idols performing in separate hubs.

Is there any data pointing towards it being a big run AND a final splatfest?
And what happened to Agent 4!?
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>Is there any data pointing towards it being a big run AND a final splatfest?
Actually there is! Within the files there’s data and parameters to handle Big Run music within the new plaza alongside parameters to announce a Big Run within the Splatfest itself (picrel), none of which would be necessary if they weren’t planning to have a Big Run occur within this new plaza where the FinalFest is held. Combined with that one weird PSA from grizzco hinting that the salmonids got one more trick up their sleeves, one way or another Big Run WILL be involved with the FinalFest
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None of the idols in Splatoon are straight. There is no way. Straight people are boring.
Zones room up if anyone wants to play
Oh shit, thanks for the heads up
This could be BIG indeed
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Confess your splatoon sins.
I play as a Boy Inkling.
I hope the next games pool is nearer to a server browser. Anything to avoid the "recruitment has ended"
Or allowing it to be easier to drop in and prepare as people are playing in any mode instead of only on turf.
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last year I fapped to green cum futa marina
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didn't mean to quote there
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Bring it back.
Oh people are pissed about this.
While big John killed these threads
how exactly did I kill the threads, retard?
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fanbase is too gay and retarded to know who squid girl is
Youre not him, he's still sleeping and will spam later
I used savescumming in splat 1 to keep my S+ rank

eventually I stopped because I kept getting niggered by autistic japanese players
i dont play with you fags yet i infest the pool
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You're welcome to loiter.
I think you're fresh!
i commissioned porn of my ceph
I will sometimes squidbag my enemy if they were playing like an asshole
Only 5 people are left there. You're proud of being a retard
You obviously missed the entire weekend.
More likely you're another person that doesn't play games and instead spends all his time posting about games he doesn't play.
No, I left the pool because it's dead and full of gatekeeping faggots
You must be a special kind of cunt to get gatekept from splatoon.
The pool must be living rent free in your head if you're keeping check on it after leaving.
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>gatekeeped in splatoon
SR 2/4. Only playing for one king.
correct me if im wrong but wasn't there a dlc for splatoon 3 that was just an empty lobby from the older games, what the hell was that about?? That was like super wierd and shit
>calling Concord dead on arrival
Wait people are paying for that slop?
It was thrown in to encourage people to pre-order the Side Order DLC.
i havent played since the first big run but i still crank it to woomy spats and callie
>Nobody actually likes the game for the gameplay
Game is addictive as fuck, you're an idiot
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>instantly thinks of porn
>tf2 reaction image
>complains about freedom
Fuck off ACfag
Is that why every other thread is a splacoom porn dump, where the OP blatantly admits that he doesn't even want to talk about the games? that doesn't sound like a fun game.
>Says 'Joinable'
>Isn't actually joinable
I see nothing wrong with this
It's completely different from anything else in vidya history. Can't really compare it to cod or halo or fortnite
That's just your opinion, GooneyTunes. We're not addicted to gooning like you.
Salmon Run is great, I just wish I choose which Weapons to bring in.
>full price game with online subscription
>uses 16 tick peer-to-peer
>Tendies shower them with praise for a worse infrastructure than shooters in the 90s had
>deliberately chooses the coom threads
>the ones that are made so they don't intrude on the gameplay threads
You're such a dishonest little shit
>Has a Battle Pass
>Has Loot Boxes
>Has Card Packs
>Has Emotes
>Has Dailies
>Has Seasons
I don't give a shit if all of that is free, it's still cancer.
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>mods being based and killing ACFag for a change
Ggs SR, thanks for joining.
splacoom is its own separate thing, majority of splaTOON threads stay on topic with people playing the game
I'm sorry, I just legitimately disagree. The games are very frustrating to me because of how little user control they offer. And like >>682885810 says, it still has alot of failings that make the game hard to enjoy. I also don't like the character designs. Is that so wrong?

Maybe my first post was wrong, and the game does have some positive qualities. But after playing through it myself, it just never stuck with me, and I never understood the hype.
>he's still sleeping
care to explain?
You never played it and have no input to give, fuck off and start another one of your BotW moan threads.
tohsaka fin....
I've given my critique, so I have nothing more to say.
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I broke my Wii-U gamepad playing Sploon 1 and was embarrassed so I blamed the dog.
There should be a special event where you can chose your weapon
Did you rage break it?
have fun getting two exploshers every shift
>bottomfrag left
>deens left
>moorunes left
>G!!! left

its unironically over
[citation needed]
because I'm one of them and I still play
I didn't leave I'm just busy playing other games
live NTR in action
>2 shitposters left (G and BF)
This is a good thing tho
don't die before salmon
No one gives a damn about 4, it’s all about 3 and 8 getting freaky.
I already did two kings today, I'm pooped
he wasnt a shitposter
shitsposters and namedroppers are actually from /ink/
>the /ink/ hater is back again
Nintendo are still new to scamming people
>anons unironically play with a stick only user
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You are a frog in a slowly boiling pot.
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>Have to choose between Stealth Jump or Object Shredder
But I like my ninja shoes...
salmon 3/4
>see host

Wait that guy doesn't just shit up Metroid threads?
Anything Nintendo related tends to make him seethe
>Nintendo will never do paid online
>Nintendo will never do DLC
>Nintendo will mever do paid battle passes <==you are here
If you see anyone mentioning terraria in a Zelda thread it's him
you play bad
You don't play with anybody
Is he also the guy who shits up Fire Emblem threads?
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Well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it I suppose.
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I've honed in on the human psychology when it comes to this game and how people react to specific stimuli within it, so through various means I'm able to make my teammates do specific things through my actions alone without VC, even if it's in deception to make them take a death for the sake of us winning.
I try not to let it get to me but the power to subconsciously control people really helps my ego.
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And Xenoblade too, yes.
he mostly spends all day seething in Zelda threads nowadays.
I spent two years using stick controls until Side Order came out.
ggs salmon
salmon GG's
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Canonically lesbians. Deal with it.
i played with you once
most of the hate nintendo get are steamfags like asmon, critcal and mutahar who is butthurt their games are not on pc so they can priate them stream deak entire idenity is just to pirate nintendo games.
You're not even replying to the person you think you are
When's the last time you even played this game?
stop posting this ugly thing
post marina instead
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I kinda love these three idiots.
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I find the friendship bracelet cute and I'm not even a footfag
hey /ink/
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why did you reply to me? I just said I dont want to play with that host anymore
Never once even entered /inkgen/, try again
When's the last time you played Splatoon anon?
like 5 hours ago, why?
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you say the same retarded shit every thread for months, you don't even play this game. autism
how much ink resistance are they running to be sprinting full speed like that
what is this new epic meme in splatoon threads?
schizo thread
I mean… Is he wrong here?
unless you're a backline stealth jump will be better
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This aged well.
If there was a Splatoon 4, what are (you)r ideas for a story mode/dlc?
Marine Mammals are the villain
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what are these cute squids thinking?
>will the schizo ever shut the fuck up?
Pirate seafaring adventure where you control a ship to travel to islands. There are big sandbox level islands and small islands with a Trial similiar to OE levels
Mammals are all dead, including marine ones
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Absolutely not
>Patch notes are out
Oh shit
What did this squiddo mean by this?
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>Aerogay buffs
Oh good
>Douser ink consumption buff
Pretty much its only real weakness, dman.
>Trizooka nerf
Hahahahahahahahaha holy fucking shit what a joke
>no pencil nerf
>STILL trying to make big bubbler meta
i'm going to kill these devs stop trying to make this thing meta
>buffing clash blaster when it's already very OP

mental illness
>S-Blast nerfs to firing rate
Knew that last buff was too good to be true
no, that's a buff, it'll fire 5 frames faster.
They need to do this to Sloshing Machine.
yes he's 100% wrong because "people would talk about them and move on" is exactly what happend, the only ones still making threads about the games are errors of nature like him shitposting about it daily
Nintendo did its own predatory bullshit with Splatoon.
>We made Splatoon 2. Splatoon 1 server SHUTTING DOWN. Btw, u want to play octolings? $40, faggots! HA HA
>We shut down Splatoon 2 now. You must buy Splatoon 3 to keep playing online!
>untouchable yet again
feels good, jetbros
>game get praised for its originality in a time where big corpos just copy and paste the same rehashed formula and anything trying to be original is crushed by those same corpos because everything has to be a live service game with as much predatory practices as possible
>big corpos can't wrap their head around splatoon's success
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>Made it possible to continue pressing the A Button to fast-forward the animations on the screen where XP and Grizzco Points acquired are calculated after returning to the lobby or Grizzco.
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Splatoon 1 just shut down a month or two ago. Splatoon 2 will be around for the foreseeable future. Are you deranged?
that's a new level of retarded that I didn't think possible.
If it's bait, congratulation, you made me type out a fucking replt
Anon your schizophrenia is acting up.
You say this, but S4 is going to be full battlepass, calling it now. S3 already started it with the catalog.
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I guess they're saving the big nerfs for the end of the season. But, like... why?

It still looks stupid as fuck. Pearl looks like some fat old karen, marie is running like a retard. Thighs too fucking big
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>Added shoes to the Friendship Bracelet
>i-it'll happen trust me sis and then nintendo will die for sure for real this time!!!
That looks to be the final balance change, so they're giving it some more time to make sure they get it right I suppose.
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NTA, and while it's possible that guy is just shitposting, thinking of all of the fomoshit that's in Splatoon 3? I wouldn't put it past them to do a battle pass type thing. We've already got $25 DLC with very little content. We've got Smash Bros and Mario Kart that have long ass DLC cycles. We've got catalogues where all of the new gear is locked behind limited windows of availability, and more grindy shit with impossible to get badges, events that are only available for a couple of hours at a time, and so on. They've leaned more into fomoshit with 3 than they have any previous game. What makes you think they're going to back away from that?
which kpop you listen while playing
I'm getting bored of the in game songs
I listen to long videos about religion and politics.
Deluge Dirge
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>doesn't address a single point
Argument conceded

What makes you think they're going to back away from fomo-oriented design for the next game when they've leaned more into it than ever before? I've got near 4K hours between all three games, I think Splatoon 3 is a great game, and while I don't think battle passes are inherently bad, I think time-gating content behind limited availability is indeed cringe as fuck. It punishes people who aren't there for the launch of a game. It punishes players who don't put X amount of hours into the game every season. No previous Splatoon game did that. 3 did. I think 4 will as well. Whether it will be paid or not, that's up for debate, but I wouldn't put it past them. Remember Nintendo Online used to be free, until the Switch that is.
I didn't address anything because the "argument" is fundamentally stupid, splatoon from the start has been a free GaS title so you might as well have used exactly the same retarded reasoning to argue splat 2 and 3 were going to have paid updates because splat 1 structure was le frog in le boiling pot
That's also not a single argument.
Splat 1 and 2 didn't lock in game content behind time windows. Splat 3 leaned more into fomo than any previous title before. Splat 1 and 2 were also released at times when it was free to use your own online. Switch online was free at first, for the first couple of years, then they started charging money for it.

Splat 3 leans more into Fomo stuff than any previous title. So what makes you think they're going to back away from fomo for the next game? Chances are, they're going to keep leaning into it. You literally cannot get the new gear in the game without first unlocking it in the catalogue, and if you don't do it then, you have to wait an entire YEAR before the catalogue reshuffles. That's retarded and there's no defending it, which is why you don't even try to lol. I love Splatoon 3, don't get me wrong, but the fomo designs are literally the worst aspect of this game. It does nothing to make the game better but punish people who don't grind an arbitrary amount of time. Splat 1 and 2 did not punish players like that.
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Hot take, these devs were cooking. Is it a shame they're leaving nerfs for next patch - yes it is. But these are good changes.
>Fixed Brella shit
>Fixed ledge desyncs
>Buffs S-Blast
>Buffs Aero
>No more accidental booyahs!
>Buffs Dousers
>Buffs Krak-On
>Easier to take photos in recon mode.
>Buffs Bubbler
>Buffs Brushes

Look on the bright side bros. I'm sure they'll nerf Pencil soon.
>>>Fixed Brella shit
Yeah just like they say they "fixed" egg lag every patch, and yet egg lag is still there. I'll believe it when I see it.

>Buffs Krak-On
But they nerfed the Kraken itself.

The douser are probably the most meaningful. Buffing bubbler is interesting, but it doesn't really fix the Zooka problem.

You also left out the fact they gave Reefslider a damage radius buff but reduced its painting radius to nerf zones cheese, which is a healthy change.
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>reduced dousers ink consumption
>didn't give it any damage buffs or increase droplet size
>buffed areos
I'm not sure how this would pan out but here goes.

>Stealth Jump has been removed because it is the new default, the detection range is a bit bigger though.
>Replaced by new ability. "Jump Sniffer"
>Let's you see SJ's from any distance

Basically supposed to be an ability for backliners.
>Made it so that players you battled with in X Battles do not display in the Users You Have Played With system feature.
Why is this so funny to me
Splatoon is only relevant because it's a Nintendo exclusive.
You just know mass reports and passive aggressive friend requests (addressed in a previous patch) resulted in this
Single player is about the salmonid apocalypse and includes the missing kings plus reworked versions of the kings in 3 as bosses.
PvE now takes place in the memverse and narratively severs as VR training against the salmonid threat
Sounds good to me. I trust them to make actually fun games.
This. Tendies really hype up a shit game if it's Nintendo
>Made it possible to continue pressing the A Button to fast-forward the animations on the screen where XP and Grizzco Points acquired are calculated after returning to the lobby or Grizzco
Meanwhile during a splatfest I have to wait for 3 different bars to fill and multiple one by one notifications
Meanwhile I have to wait for the rank bar and slot spins
Well, the problem is the game isn't fun

Genuinely fun game and it has nothing to do with it being Nintendo. If it came out on PC everyone would shit themselves.
>everyone would shit themselves.
No it wont. $60 is a big ask for PC players. Maybe at $20 it might have a niche.
Splatoon has some of the most satisfying gameplay of literally any modern shooter or game period.
This ain't foamstars we're talking about.

If they'll pay $60 for Elden Ring, they'll definitely pay $60 for Splatoon on PC.
>Comparing one of the most anticipated single player game to splatoon
Why would PC players pay $60 for Splatoon when are are a shit ton of cheaper alternatives out there? Elden Ring doesn't really have anything similar to it on PC.
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>splatoon before release
>"heh... it'll do tw101 numbers, pathetic tendies don't care about anything outside of mario and pokemon...."
>splatoon ten years after release
>"reeeeeeeeee if it wasn't a nintendo game no one would care tendies would hype anything!!!!"
nintendo derangement syndrome is eternal
Kek this is true and no one has refuted it
There isn't a single alternative to Splatoon's movement and ink mechanics anywhere else.
It's a fad and Nintendo's cashing in before saturation hits it hard. Which is why we got 2 and 3 on switch.
reminder that while snoys are too busy seething dilating and watching their jewish movies play themselves with giant amounts of aim assist PC players recognized the gameplay superiority of their masters, adopted gyro aiming and created a community of gyro enthusiasts who fully understand the advantages the control scheme bring to the table

based nintendo for making the medium progress
Actually, it's probably equally common for women to like cute guys rather than hot guys.
LMAOOO you fell for the motion control marketing. That shit died off with the Wii
the sister is trying so hard... almost tempted to give xher a (You)... nah
There is literally no other shooter on the market like Splatoon and that's a fact. You have cheap imitations like the chinese knock off and foamstars, but only chinks are playing the former and nobody gives a shit about the latter.
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Incredibly rare jannie dub. Wonder if i'm unbanned yet after the jannie meltdown a couple threads ago
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>Elden Ring doesn't really have anything similar to it on PC
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It's unfair that Splatoon gets away by being a nIntendo IP while Concord gets shit on while being a Sony IP and have decent gameplay
Buffing brushes’ kill consistency is great! Hopefully this will make it harder for opponents to escape after you successfully sneak up and start attacking
salmon run is the only good mode

the new patch is meaningless
pool killed the cl*que
getting killed by a brush feels insulting, watching a monkey swing its arms like a crackhead
>clique is dead
thanks brostar and ballin!
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But the new patch buffed salmon run
>Made it possible to continue pressing the A Button to fast-forward the animations on the screen where XP and Grizzco Points acquired are calculated after returning to the lobby or Grizzco.

That's going to save a lot of time in the long run
if you get killed by a brushtard, you deserve it
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Salmon Chads run this game
When did the Ts take over the western community? Surely I am being trolled?
You took the bait
twitter integration did more damage than crack did to blacks
Twittards lost
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>You can have Pearl and Marina, they're the gayest duo in Splatoon
Kill yourself, Pearl is straight.
Underrated change, I always mash through that instinctively and get minority peeved by how slow it is
>buffs bubbler
>good change
kill yourself
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I will run past the other enemy team members to splat a dude trying to jump in. During the splatfest, there was a dude who was completely clueless constantly jumping in near his buddy. During that match, he had maybe only a few seconds of play time between being dead and jumping to his friend.
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Natural conclusion of the game’s perception
>Game is all colorful compared to the brown CoD’s of the world
>Most normies are turned off by the game looking like kiddyshit
>Most gamers are turned off by gyro thinking it’s waggle controls
>The game’s colorful nature attracts those type of “people” in the west
>Pearl and Marina only bolsters them further as of OE
>Most normies and people in general are somewhat turned off by the game’s community being nothing but lgbt shit
>Shit like everyone jumping to the conclusion of shiver being non-binary upon her reveal (despite nintendo not fucking with any of that shit) only confirms the notion
>We’re now in the timeline where picrel is the agreed-upon look for pearl and marina across the western fanbase
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I just miss that dress.
Why no fanfiction of the following?
Callie x agent 4
Callie x agent 8
Callie x new agent 3
Marie x captain agent 3
Marie x agent 8
Marie x new agent 3
>i'm going to kill these devs stop trying to make this thing meta
It's not that they're trying to make it meta, it's that it's an absolute dogshit special. The second kraken was let out of the bag, it overshadowed big bubbler completely and the only way to make it viable is to potentially make it completely broken because kraken is already completely invulnerable and also has offensive capability.
where is everyone
its almost midnight
and it should stay dogshit because it will be incredibly unhealthy for the game if it enters the meta
Pretty sure she doesn't have a bust?
schizo killed the pool
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How about no?
Buffing it against inkjet and inkzooka is healthy. That’s the type of shit it should be strong against, and if it becoming better acts as a nerf to those specials and a buff to its counters, which are already weak. It could get bad if too centralizing, but it works as a great counterbalance for our current meta
make a room, im bored
It's not ever going to be anywhere near the problem you think ink armor was. Big bubbler is trash. It's a stationary defensive special that fails to defend against anything. It can't stop a splashdown, it can't stop a charged kraken attack, and you can walk directly into it. You really need to get over this obsession with big bubbler. It is far from the biggest concerns regarding specials in this game. The fact that trizooka has largely been untouched since its inception should be telling. The fucking thing still doesn't have a start up time after all of this. Anybody who fears big bubbler has not played splattershot jr. outside of it being the starting weapon. That special is so trash that it needs to be replaced entirely.
Well done, but technically the original would've worked fine. It's like they browse 4chan or something.
name drop one player you like playing with
>runspeed buff for clash blaster
finally...I've been waiting for this since splatoon 2.....but will 4% make much of a difference?
In the context of run speed, 4% is a pretty sizeable amount.
tohsaka fin, shame he left he pool
he was above average
>a game being colorful attracts trannies
there's plenty of shooters with colorful cartoony esthetics that didn't attract this type of fauna, that isn't the reason
>society's expectation of centering men
I don't know if you noticed but Inkling and Octoling society is centered around women.
Splatoon 4 when?
once I tried joining naucie and he ALWAYS left after 1 match. what's wrong with him?
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She looks like she fucks human men.
if he played more he could be better

he left for inkgen according to inkers
One+ year, screencap this post
no, he is still in poolsclosed
do you think they'll keep adding options to the core gameplay like with squid roll/surge and would you want them to?
Ew, this looks gross. I would've fired the entire art department.
NTA Need evidence for that statement.
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the salmon run shop prices are easily the worst thing in the series
when does the patch go live anyway?
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>ink vac
>Made it so that when the ink shot impacts a wall, the explosion will also ink nearby ground.
>Made it so that when the ink shot impacts the ground, the explosion will also ink nearby walls.
Tomorrow at daily rotation
in a fit of autistic passion in one sitting i banged out a yuri fic where cap3 hatefucks neo3
Autists who no-life salmon run need things to grind for
Those banners simply aren't for you if you aren't willing to put thousands of hours into the mode
thank you. really hoping those brella buffs make them as fun as 2 again.
It seems like they've made some serious changes to them based on them dedicating three fairly detailed paragraphs on why they made the change they did, but I'd still keep your expectations low. It might be "better" but it may not be "fixed" if you know what I mean
The ending where the salmonids wins when?
I feel bad for them. Imagine being chained to this game because of autism
A while ago someone posted a screenshot of him being close to a gold SR badge
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>Gold Grizzco Badge
No-one cares about Splatoon but Nintendo fans. Also, imagine being a grown-ass adult and playing this shit, and not thinking you should be made fun of and shamed.
no, i think it looks more like she fucks adult men
What adult games do you play sis?
Does underwear not exist?
>Marina wants to fuck Pearl
>Marina also wants to fuck humans
Would it be difficult to persuade her into a threesome?
I'd be happy with just dying far less from trying to hit others when they just bypass the canopy completely
still fucking pissed the splatoon 1 octoling gear is a 2400 bronze grind. let me trade in my silver and gold sclaes. I don't give a shit about the other rewards beyond the friendship bracelet.
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>Would it be difficult to persuade her into a threesome?
Not at all my boy, not at all!
why, the inclusive hero looter shooter concord of course, exclusively on playstation 5 (and PC)!!!
Pearl get's retcon of being trans when?
Shoulda played more salmon
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When you ACK yourself
I had an idea of a military ai originally made for humanity's wars rising to be the antagonist of a new story mode/dlc, using retrofitted army robots as the enemies
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I normally blame my teammates for picking shitty weapons like Nova, Tuber or Meme Blaster, but deep down inside, I know I'm the shitter because I'm can't actually kill with my midline weapons at the times where it counts
Are the splatoon 3 servers down?
Seems down for me
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servers are down for an hour
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What is there to do for an hour
Nintendo can afford treating you guys like shit. You still eat it up regardless.
What would the story even look like?
I imagine it'd look pretty similar to the other stories. You enter some manhole looking thing and you go into a pocket dimension with a bunch of floating crap and platforms.
go farm more mem bucks in side order
gonna dust off my figgies
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I play as a woomy schoolgirl and would give my right nut to fug her , would you ?
What do you have?
>Shiver will never tongue my ass while she strokes my cock slowly and lovingly
This world is cruel and unjust.
bit gay that
It's more so that the lack of voice chat prevents any LGBT bullying compared to other shooters
Weren't you the fag who got jannied earlier? >>682885375
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Damn people already memory holed pic related.
ignore acfag
Only because my post was a little bit too aggressive, and I acknowledge that. Someone replied to me and I saw it in my feed, so I thought I'd clarify my position a bit more reasonably.
Fuck off faggot
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>splatoon is loved by the LGBT

I've noticed this really weird trend that a LOT of characters loved by the LGBT community are also loved by the heterosexual male coomers community.

Like, a lot of things. a Weirdly large number of things Like, on youtube shorts there is a guy that talks about what your favorite Pokémon or animal crossing villager says about you. AND like ALL the coomer favorites are apparently loved by the LGBT community too.

t's insane, and then you learn about horse show fandom and how like one huge chunk of them are progressive LGBT types, and another chunk of them are /pol/ users who helped meme Donald Trump into the white house.

The fuck is going on?
Fair enough. Infact, let me delete my previous post. I was probably being unfair by saying that I wasn't having any fun. I'm not gonna condemn the game for these problems entirely, but they still are problems. That's all I'm saying.
How do you think they would let people host their own splatoon servers? I don't think there is a console multiplayer game that lets you host a server.
yeah the p2p is shit, nobody is denying that.
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Hey, this Gone Fission loadout looks fun. Hope the freelancers are up to snuff. And OP, you shouldn't be praising Nintendo too much. The fact they even bothered adding in season pass bullshit is already a gigantic red flag. Just because it's free don't make it good. If they were immune to shitty ideas, they wouldn't have started charging people money for a service that's worse than when it was free both on the previous console and previous handheld.
Haven't console games been doing this for decades? I know some of my favorites allow the hosting of servers, like Armored Core 4 and FA and V and VD let you host rooms to fight eachother.
Servers and rooms are two very different things.
Then they could point to PC games, which allow you to make servers. Select your map, then open up the lobby for anyone looking for a game. Not only letting you pick what map you want to play, but even making your own custom maps and setting custom rules, maybe custom game modes.
My point was HOW do you think they would let people host servers for console games? Do they expect you to just run on on your switch? That means you can't do anything with it while you're running the server. They sure as hell don't want to make an app for the PC.
>They sure as hell don't want to make an app for the PC.
I wouldn't write that off as impossible. They're open to making apps for mobile phones, even if it was just for voice chat.
No splatoon source code is in the mobile app. A server hosting program absolutely would. That would just open up even more vulnerabilities.
Splatoon is way bigger than most people realize. It WILL eclipse Fortnite in relevancy at some point.
Then at the least they should allow a bit more user freedom in terms of what people are allowed to play online. It just feels restrictive.
>allow a bit more user freedom in terms of what people are allowed to play online
Holy shit, randos just can not fucking into fighting joe. It's mind-boggling how either a really good or just fairly decent team can fall to pieces so hard. But hey, got a gold since I managed to almost kill it.
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Been using picrel for the longest time now and I like far better than gold banners anyways, but been slowly grinding for the 999 silver banner.
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Every western fanbase for all-ages Japanese games is like this now. You should see how hard Sonic of all things got hit by this, you'd think being a far-left political activist was a prerequisite to liking fast hedgehogs if you saw the Twitter community around it.
A lot of troons are just incels that went off the deep end. I've seen many of them talk about "My alt-right phase in 2016" (Read: watching "SJW owned" compilations and posting frogs) and saying "Thank god I'm not brainwashed like that anymore!"
It's a little hard to explain. If I may bring up TF2, the difference is akin to why people liked quickplay (you could hop into a game and choose from thousands of servers) and the subsequent dislike of matchmaking (the algorithm chooses for you)
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Man, I've been spending too much time playing Splatoon. I have to say, I feel like a failure in life. I'm 36 years old, I don't remember the last time I went to the gym, and I'm still a fucking virgin. What am I doing with my life? Anyways, a cute octo daughter for reading.
And yes, I know this is kind of a thing with private battles. But it's akin to a bandaid on a more widespread issue.
does laphi still play
I honestly don't think it's popular enough for that. Even in regular queue it takes 80 seconds to find a match, sometimes it'll just fail to find anyone.
This is so sad, sis
Oh, Splatoon is pretty popular. I don't think >>682916028 was exxaggerating when he said that this game could possibly eclipse Fortnite. It's easier to blame Nintendo's online server architecture.
Maybe in japan? Here the game's a little bit of a ghost town. In one of the modes you can get an overall ranking based on hour you did during a 2 hour block. Wasn't too long ago that I got 20th place and didn't even make top 50%.
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>does being captive to nintendo affect your perception of their games?
listen, i've watched splatoon on twitch and from the outside it looks like a paid game with p2w transactions and like all nintendo games it doesn't have a game server so there is a latency advantage for whichever team the host is on. i cannot think of a more ridiculous combination of things to be true in a competitive game.
Ironically, that might be another Nintendo exclusive eating into the playerbase. Who knows?

I told you that faggot is off to ruin threads with blogposting
>look at pool tab
>went all the way down to apprentice
You bored or something, dude?
He's still learning
Not that guy, he ain't.
He's either trying to farm king kills or he's trying to reach 999 with no losses
anon I like this game series but curb your enthusiasm a little
Not him, but i'd kill for the ability to play some of the ranked modes unranked, mayby slightly modified to fit the turf war rules
I had a run-in with a hacker that made the turf war lobby i was in into unranked rainmaker, and let me tell you, it's fun as hell
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>12 revives
I sincerely hope these are japanese children online. Sincerely hope that despite the HLM badges.

Seems like one hell of an achievement, but who am I to wonder at other people's fun.
I hope he's doing that in freelance. imagine
he doesn't read this thread anymore because of homophobia itt
>Apprentice to 999 in freelance no losses
someone do this. carry freelancers to the gold
He is
Pretty sure he is, got go-getter bout 15 minutes ago.
>posts that aged poorly
Trannies like to attach themselves to good things to get attention like the weak bitches that they are.
In what way did the trailers give a clue about being Bayo 3
y'all obsessed with transpeople
at least pay for an escort
If you don't like obsession so much then you should tell trannies that about being a woman
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Playing SR with japanese is stressful. Have to always go back to the basket in the last 20-30 seconds to make sure enough eggs are in. Least I killed joe. Finally finished the catalog, too. It's a bit surreal knowing that I have technically finished Splatoon 3 now.
>Is Splatoon being a Nintendo A-lister making it immune to conventional market logic?
Yes. I still dont get this game's appeal. It looks like something Sega wouldve done in th 90's while trying to pander to the """cool kids"""
Actually playing games can help you understand.
Not every Nintendo game is an automatic success and this didn't become one of their lead franchises by chance.
What the fuck, already?
so this is it... the final splatfest
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>it's real
What the fuck is it with these games and food splatfests?
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Rerun from S1 btw
italianbros... its our time to shine
Coming up with 3 choices for a topic is hard. Food choices are an easy way to do it.
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i was kinda doing both of these until i get sleepy, now im sleepy..
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Behold, more sex Marie.

Knew it rang a bell.

It can not be that difficult.
People play fortnite because it basically does everything to keep you playing, the sbmm, making little changes to the map, skins, quests, gotta grind the pass, FOMO shit daily/weekly/monthly.
>It can not be that difficult
You try coming up with one right now then.
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You silly bitch.
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I'll make it a summer related one, even.
>Where you do prefer to go swimming?
>The pool
>The river
>The ocean
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But splatoon has gatcha now too!
gn sis
We just had a summer one
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Though now that I think about it, that would be pretty damn silly to aim at a species that literally can not swim.

It's still summer.
Movie night, what are we watching?
Action vs comedy vs horror
Ed vs Edd vs Eddy
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Went comedy last time but I'd have to pick horror if this had ever come up
Squid university dating sim\social link Persona style.
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Office lady attire improves literally all females. This is fact.
Yes, what the hell? How is allowing shitposters on an imageboard posting about one game to affect your enjoyment of unrelated games not the stupidest fucking thing ever?
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If only net code wasn't so bad and people wouldn't disconnect constantly and person hosting the game didn't had such advantage.
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Thank squid jesus that people are still compelled to draw the summer sex outfits.
I prefer suit pants but based
You're dead correct. A better marketing campaign in the west which puts more of an emphasis on competitive play and the immense amount of depth this game holds would do wonders.

That and they need to fix the abysmal netcode if they want to get lots of players to take it seriously too. Splatoon 4 here we come?
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As long as it's proper office attire, it will look good on ladies and therefore make them more sex. Just look at how people went nuts for Office Callie.
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Bush vs landing strip vs smooth/waxed
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>Made it so that when a player opens a brella’s canopy, the canopy opens on other players’ screens quicker than before.
>This is to decrease the delay between the canopy opening on the user’s screen and the canopy opening on other players’ screens as much as possible.
they just said the same thing twice
>Made it easier to place Squid Beakons and Big Bubblers close to elevation differences.
>brushes/rollers made more consistent
>reefslider buffed but also nerfed
okay the nerf wasn't necessary
>accidental this ways after revival in salmon get culled now
>Made it possible to continue pressing the A Button to fast-forward the animations on the screen where XP and Grizzco Points acquired are calculated after returning to the lobby or Grizzco.
well there go the days where I can safely grab water/a drink between shifts but I suppose it's for the best
>no pencil nerf or proper trizooka nerf
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Tired, time for bed. I like pasta most, but probably gonna pick rice because I wanna pick cum color at least once before game ends. Night.
god you're pathetic
gn sis
I'm between rice and pasta, the english question is definitely making me lean towards pasta
is the campaign worth it? I played a couple of levels and it felt like just more of the same which is super boring
>Red ink vs white ink vs green ink
>All three choices are frankly terrible because no one wants to eat the same shit every day
Rice has this in the bag just because of cum power
Nintendo is weird with their marketing. They can do good trailers and a direct automatically takes attention from anything else going on.
But then they have explainer trailers for how whatever mechanic works in a game or these family adverts where it shows people playing 2-3 second clips of a game on the bus or in a park instead of just doing game focused trailer without a cheesy voiceover saying "you can shoot, swim and squid you way to victory in Splatoon 3".
>no one wants to eat the same shit every day
you can do a lot with pasta so I doubt it would get boring
Every day means for the rest of your life, it will get boring.
>Red ink on the blue character
>White ink on the least popular character
>AY! (Italians)
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Grizzco EVPers, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the salmonids, and I have over 30000000 confirmed splats. I am trained in octarian warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire takoroka divison. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the splatlands and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, faggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking done, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can splat you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my angle shooter. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Squidbeak Splatoon and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, squiddo.
gn sis
see you next time
"you can shoot, swim and squid you way to victory in the Splatoon 3 game on the Nintendo Switch series of consoles"
not as much as bread or rice
like there's probably easily enough pasta dishes to have a very different one everyday for at least a month, then you can shuffle around the order every month
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Is this "change your profile name to an insult and add them" stuff really so prevalent that they had to add a specific report option for it and do this now?
is that resetera
Eric, you lost ;)
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Overlap because Dinosaurs and Dragons can be Kaiju like Rodan and Ghidorah
Nintendo (Shiver) vs Sony (Big Man) vs Microsoft (Saaaars)
It's the only good modern arena shooter if you don't count halo
modern halo's good? I thought people hated it
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Eh I like it, we don't have many options these days
Well that is coming from someone that likes Splatroon
I think it's more so that they appeal to mentally ill/autistic people who can be either of those two groups. Especially the terminally online type
Rock-Hip Hop-Classical
Fuck you it's chingchong nigga time
Kaijus are fucking dinosaurs
If you're of the opinion that transwomen are just men, yeah there will be overlap
the fact they haven't done tthis one is mind boggling, I'd go past
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Partial skub
Yeah Sonic would probably win that one
"Sonic-Shadow-Silver" could have more even results
neogaf, but it's the same shit
Ok, but you still just shoot the floor and don't need to aim.
kpop is fine
I'd still go sonic but shadow would have a good shot at winning
yeah if you're bad
is a switch and Splatoon worth getting if I wanna be a cute girl squid and play dress up
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>don't need to aim
I know it's shitposting as usual but I have no idea how this became a common notion while talking about splatoon

probably comes from journos who kept spamming this retarded
>if yuo dont know how to aim (like me) u can still contribute because its not about le kills!!!
yeah you're going to "contribute" like the retard gold aerosprays in ranked that do fuck all besides spamming useless booya bombs alright
the dress up options in this game fucking suck. it's 90% generic shirts and sneakers
What about the cute headphones and schoolgirl outfits? is there a kimono at least?
>schoolgirl outfits?
amiibo exclusive
>a kimono at least?
what the fuck, guess I'll just stick to porn
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It's kinda weird how CoD nowadays is like ten times more whacky with its cosmetics than Splatoon.
What the fuck kind of cash-in fad has 5+ year gaps between releases?
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We're nearing the end of its guaranteed content so it depends if they confirm backwards compatibility or extend it.
Not to say that people will suddenly stop playing at the season end in September and you still have the campaign to go through but also never by a console for a single game.
They stopped caring about being thematic and that when you have the option of playing Niki Manaj with an anime rifle.
As soon as a game goes for "haha wacky" then it no longer knows what it wants to be and becomes a catalogue for whatever will make the most money.
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>lesser evil
>forcing you to buy an overpriced fisher price tablet to enjoy squid lolis
>that image
For the price of those fursuits you could by 2 switches, splatoon 3 + DLC for both people, the Online family package (expansion ver) and the TV to play it on whilst still having enough money to pay the unlucky photographer.
Yes it works because everyone has gyro, stay mad.
All LGBT people are coomer degenerates maybe? That's why they defined themselves by their fetish?
Have you ever wondered why all nerd spaces are filled with tranny propaganda, but you would never see a flag of "transgenders welcome! :3" in a football match? Yeah they're trying to get the autists.
obsessed with hating lgbt
>have to pay full price even though game has been our for years
>have to pay subscription fee to play online
yeah, no thanks. i'm not going to encourage this judaic behaviour. nintnedo completely dismisses those who are not financially capable of affording the premium price of their games. it's no wonder many people choose to emulate. yeah, nintendo are profitable, sure, but where's all the money going? where's the innovation? the risks? it's always the same IP's consumed and regurgitated ad infinitum. overrated slop.
what the fuck were they thinking with pearl's design. how you design a bunch of hotties and think to yourself, "oh yeah we need a little goblin to round this out".
The way the patch notes they just put up are worded compared to prior mid seasons patches highly implies there is not another season after this one.
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>where's the innovation? the risks? it's always the same IP's consumed and regurgitated ad infinitum. overrated slop
They don't even know basic things about the games they try to mock.
>but where's all the money going? where's the innovation? the risks? it's always the same IP's consumed and regurgitated ad infinitum.
>sushi striker
>astral chain
>game builder garage
>ring fit adventure
>the stretchers
>all of LABO
>good job!
>inb4 noooo those don't count because they just don't
This is going to be most lopsided Splatfest in Japan.
I'll give you the rest but Good Job is basically nothing.
2nd to last splatfest?
probably, and then the finalfest/big run on the second anniversary

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