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Nobeta... Nobeta... Nobeta...
ro chan... ro chan.... ro chan....
Auto battlers aren't video games.
What age was Mary again? Yeah, thought so.
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>enjoy her short game
>want sequel
>dev too busy whoring Nobeta out on their xwitter and Patreon
Pain. Endless agony.
Is it worth playing the trials?
It's a boss rush mode with limited upgrading attached (no stats, only spell levels). Has some LORE attached for the contingent of little witch enjoyers looking for it. Also features Nonota forma gato for those wanting more of her after the base game finished up. If any of that interests you and you want more costumes unlocked, sure it's worth it.
Enjoying Summer with Nobeta!
>one panel looks like a little girl
>one panel looks like a grown woman
This is why I can never fully get into Nobeta, the fags drawing her can never decided if they will go all the way, fucking cowards, just say she's 10 and get on with it!
Why is it always tentacle/bestiality shit and rape for all these 'official' porn the devs keep commissioning?
cause it's hot duh
Rape is one of the most effortless porn scenarios you could possibly write. And if the author doesn't want to make it particularly violent he can just whip out the magic syringe and suddenly it turns into happy sex.
pedophile thread
Cool it with the anti-democratic remarks, pal.
Why not?
why do you keep saying the same thing every thread?
Gangraping Nobeta all week with the boys...
She only wants to he with East Asian Jomon Men.
The goblinism thread is two blocks down, buddy.
that's a child
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>he said the word
Thanks for extending an invite for Nobeta's GF to come into her thread
What's wrong with that?
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imagine the aroma
bouta start huffin my monitor daym son
>no piss stains
No. I don't think I will.
I'll be disappointed if the dev doesn't make a porn sequel
My beloved daughter/wife
These are children!
I really liked the actual game part of this. I would like more spell slinging magical girl soulslikes with surprisingly fun aerial movement.
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Yes! Yes yes yes, please!!
>canonically raped and double penetrated and fucked silly
based devs
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Outta ten!
Because Nips in all the asian countries are all cucks and they always like the use the same lame excuses when called out for being cucks.
So how does the dev get away with making non-stop pedo references and blatantly marketing it to pedophiles?
obvious samefag
>No response
Kek faggot
they say shes 18 like marie rose
There ain't no Goblinism thread, last one got autosaged 7 posts in. The jannies are out in full force.
There was at the time of that reply, but it was since deleted. :^)
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It's a good thing nobody is sick enough to post Carol here. Such an annoyance would that be for all involved.
Not anymore
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Can they ever get along?
>canonically raped and double penetrated and fucked silly
I don't believe you
Prove it
>Anubia dying out of boredom especially when she could be taking care of her business
>Renata = ??? but whatever she's doing has Nobeta concerned
I love it.
Nobeta is concerned about her gf acting like a belligerent tard again.
Where's Jas?
Not canonically. Officially double penetrated. Developer sanctioned, developer commissioned double penetration. But canonically it was another character's delusions
She doesn't have to be in every picture faggot
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pretty good
dazzi my beloved
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She's getting teatime ready in the C-team Kitchen.
>Duplicate file exists. Here >>682885225
another day, another Ashley thread deleted
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>are we in Stardew Valley yet?
maybe you guys should stop opening your threads with how much of a whore she is
>Just stop telling the true bro
Soon I hope
we like her BECAUSE she's a turbo slut
Is Yumi out of stage?
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I hope there'll be an event where Carol follows Nobeta all day long and keeps bothering her about inane stuff.
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prepare for trouble

I'm new to Nobeta, is this actually official?
Does the dev pay money to artists to whore her around?
Does this element appear at all in the game?
Yes, it's official, but it always end in "it was actually a dream" end or something similar.
>Officially double penetrated.
post prove
it was garbage. it got like 10 posts in before getting canned
>OP calling her a slut
Good riddance. You idiots don't deserve to see my Ashley.
Ashley fans are the only ones honest about their true love for her.
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You're damn right. I'll make a proper Ashley thread this Friday, with actual OC and proper posters.
Anyways, I'll fuck off now. This is a Nobeta thread after all.
search nobeta on sadpanda and all of the doujinshi by sky are technically official
>deleting sfw pic
Dumb jannies
Imagine Nobeta being your waifu.
A powerful mage who can't even stop regular human men.
why does she have the tik tok thot e-girl face
>search nobeta on sadpanda
Just did and other than being hard, Im confused. Why do you consider this official?
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forgot image
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Damn, Carol gets to wake up to THAT?
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Jas should be there
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Kind of?
Oh, so the one at the bottom was Sayaka. Didn't realize it was directly inspired by the gif and not just a mere reference.
Maybe you should take the hint that no one likes you or wants you around, and your pathetic shill threads are samefag central for a fucking reason.
I finally understand.
jas is busy getting fucked by pigs, sorry lad
how many
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>that's my fetish
You're fucking disgusting
Stop forcing Jas on everything faggot
they're taking turns; at first it was two or three but now it's like six
sorry can't hear you over the sound of jas's swollen stomach sloshing with seed
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Be honest, how does it feel to know that 99% of the Nobeta OC made here includes Carol? How do you concile sentences such
>that no one likes you or wants you around
that only exist in your mind with the actual reality that Nobeta can only ever get OC made by people who love Carol? It has to hurt, doesn't it?
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Wow. I think I hear horses too anon.
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Since this is a Nobeta thread, let's post the many, many images that just coincidentally and for no reason at all happen to include her best friend in them.
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>Gets double teamed
>Sucks dick for the first time
Blessed doujin but too short, pay the artist more for more pages goddammit
What do you have against dazzi jascuck?
Nobeta's poop chute is no longer chaste.

How will this affect the gameplay?
Botfag/dazzifag sure hates Jas being in C-team threads, why do you always samefag when seething about Jas?
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Behold, it is I Dazzifag!
Fear me.
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The exact same thing happened in that one other thread until he got BTFO with the joke delivery, fucking kek.
Not him retard, take your meds
I remain flaccid.
>Why do you consider this official?
Because it's commissioned by the Nobeta dev and released on his fanbox. Most of the fanbox stuff is on panda under image sets and all of it is essentially official even if not actually canon (as it's all what if scenarios or characters delusions).
The lewdest thing you'll get ingame is a lore item depicting a see-through nightgown describing it's formal wear for the churchs prostitutes, and it looks Nobeta sized which may imply her body was used while her consciousness was sealed but there's nothing outright confirming she in particular was being whored around.
kek obvious samefag
The early access was better than the official release, was this done as an artistic statement by the author?
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>and it looks Nobeta sized which may imply her body was used while her consciousness was sealed
The headiest canon that has ever headcanoned in the story of headcanons.
Someone made a sequel to that drawing but I forgot to save it.
It's weird the main artist of the game is suddenly drawing literal what if porn doujins of her.
And the cat keeps UOOOOOHHing imagining lewd things.
Nobeta x giant insects (and drawn by tomoki tomonori) when?
It's actually weird that her game does not have insect enemies somehow.
Early access did too well that the popularity went to devs head. He delayed the full release by roughly a whole year to get vtuber voice acting in, a bunch of non-game media out and he wanted to get an anime too. After realizing he overestimated his budget and success he seems to just milk fanbox now.
Don't think Sky is the main official artist. All original main art of Nobeta including her ingame one is flat as fuck while Sky never draws her flat. Skins artworks are done by several different artists.
Illiterate retard.
>Because it's commissioned by the Nobeta dev
Did he say that or just people assuming?
>Illiterate retard.
We don't sign our posts around here.
>dev releases doujins on his fanbox
>it's obvious who the artist is even if not explicitly credited
>dev is known to commission various artists for Nobeta art to release on physical goods or fanbox
What do you think?
Keep being an illiterate retard.
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Why do some Nobeta niggas have a hard time accepting that their little witch is a slut?
>Keep being an illiterate retard.
The name field goes above your post, hope that helps bro.
ok I think those are damning evidence
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Do you approve their relationship?
once again, Ashleyfags are the superior pedophiles
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They have the best and most well developed relationship in the C-team by far.
Love it
I dunno how it happened but it works for me!
slow dancing in the dark
its not canon that she takes bbc and random faceless cock
she's cute and everything, but what's her personality? None because she's just a pokemon-like creature.
Feels like Carol is about to kiss inflate Nobeta
smug breeding slave
She's a smug loveable brat
pretends to be nice to you then zaps you (aka brat)
IDK Women fantasize about that stuff a lot.
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It would be funny to see Jas and Morgan getting caught practicing kissing with each other.
Dazzi my beloved
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Can't wait for Morgan, Ashley and Nobeta's witchventures in Pelican Town.
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>artist last thread said he does size stuff
>didn't leave a link to his account
>an event that's exclusive where you aren't dating/married to them yet where they try to make a love potion to use on the farmer
>it ends up not working because the farmer already loves them
What does the C-team think of Carol's yummy gummy prince?
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He's the gay feminine friend who hangs with the girls and is more interested in any older brothers the C-team might have.
i think he's cool
i think the fags are too obssessed with him but what can you do
i wish faggots would stop trying to embarrassingly force him into every thread
is carol just practicing?
she's slipping her a date rape drug with her tongue
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Speaking of Blueberry look who just got some new art. >>682895579
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Fucking nice.
Carol is so nice filling in for Blueberry's father to walk him down the aisle.
Where is it?!
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very edible
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I'm glad we now live in a time where Jas has art that isn't just her being a background character for Shane art drawn by women.
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Bluby unironically looks even tastier now that he has that hard shell layer with the swirly candy texture underneath.
now draw a grown up version of her. think no one dares.
>big boobs on the next pages.
That's why I stopped supporting the fanbox and just buy the merchandise where she genuinely looks like a child
>wanting to turn Jas into a hag
We have Marnie for that
sucks Marnie isn't marriagable. what a crime
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True story
I just take the headcanon this nobeta is one were the innocent nonota won and took the body while the one in the doujin is the canon where the real witch nobeta got the body and slowly make it look older. Carol deserve nonota
No, get a different artist, sky specializes in /ss/
Not loli.
waiting for the evolution where we get Jas art of her getting fucked by farm animals
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Lucky for you, the farmer is an absolute stallion.
where's his horse cock then?
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Carol took it for a ride.
Never going to happen Dazzifag
Uh-oh, he will proceed to cleverly show he's not being called out by calling you a schizo.
Jas is actually really cute. Who would hate Jas?
That's my cock btw
You don't need the pm if it's a 24hour clock.
>"Caught a cute loli"
>says that before they grab her
what the fuck, bros...
sorry, I'm not a regular to these threads, I'm just a degenerate
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>Carol got her plushie funded and is getting updates
>Nobeta got a fumo
>Renata got a sequel
>>Hat Kid doesn't need to do shit because she already won
>Potionomics is getting a re-release
>these tits
They really need to stop doing that shit
She didn't got two games already? She would enter in the same category of renata
Beebz got a plushie already, tho
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It's in terms of recent activity. I do not care about Fabraz's new game at all so seeing her out of action indefinitely stings even harder.
Careful or you might get monkeypawed into a mobile game.
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>chocololi teasing marshmallots more and more lately
Update hype cycle soon?
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>C-team gacha
It's just devilish enough to work.
Which C-team game would still be just as popular if they were adults instead? Also as a bonus Would Stardew also be as popular if Jas was also an adult but an official bachelorette like the others?
I hope this doesn't happen otherwise i may spend money on a mobile game for once.
Onirism and Nobeta would be definite contenders since they both have unique non-standard gameplay, but the latter would lose on her meme stardom. Demon Turf got a decent amount of marketing well before it even got meme'd as a cunny game, so that's safe too. Frogun would probably be the defacto loser here.
Adult Jas would just be Penny 2.0, assuming her relationship with Marnie and Shane are about the same somehow: You'd be saving her from an absolute shit life, especially if you go deep into her parent loss trauma.
olivia mann

Recent activities? Then why aren't you putting hat kid in the same bag? Being draw by shadman is really considered a winning?
is there any adult jas mods that work sdv 1.6 at the moment?
Onirism with adult would not turn the game into a generic 3d shooter with a female protagonist? To be honest everyone fucking lose in that scenario
with off-brand cteam members, such as:
Bat kid
and.... Deebz
No, Nexus is explicitly against mods that age up child characters for romance purposes. Look at how ridiculously detailed this shit, I'm almost convinced a closet cunnysseur wrote it due to how suspiciously thorough it is.
>Mods featuring child characters should be appropriately named and refrain from using ambiguous attribution implying sexualisation or sexual connotation including but not limited to adjectives such as “sassy”, “naughty”, “sexy”, “(barely-)legal”, etc.
The genuine question would be what kind of gameplay would have the C-team gacha. Being a crossover of many games give the liberty of not have to think so much about levels because it can always be "this chapter will be focused on onirism levels" and then change to other game for the next chapter until you cover all the C-team games, then you randomly rotate returning to the games you already visited but with another plot in the chapter and with enemies with a higher level that will be just recolor of the old enemies and only the boss of the chapter will be different
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>Carol: Girls Frontline
>Beebz: Auto-runner
>Nobeta: ZZZ-esque action game
>Anubia: Literally just make it Recettear
>Renata: Simplified 3D platformer
>Jas: Farming system in the home base with Farmville-esque timers
>crossover for character's in each others stages could add their respective gimmicks to the minigame
This is starting to make way too much sense.
that sucks.
>crossover game
If anything I would make a RPG with rpgmaker. The problem is that C-team is bloated with magic and ranged users, we don't have a character that would be pure melee to be the generic "warrior" class.
They made a new roguelike game. Has nothing to do with nobeta though.
Beebz could be the physical attacker since that's pretty much what she does already. You can even give her new transformations more suited to fighting. Also Anubia would be fun as the luck-based gimmick character that uses up the party's money for attacks.
don't forget potions and summoning powers (her copies). but you have to fill up her profit meter each time to use her specials.
You can go with the plot of the C-team playing some kind of new console that one of the girls brings to the sleepover and everyone gets absorbed inside the videogame
Warrior = hat kid
Thief/ranger/gunslinger = carol
White mage = nobeta
Black mage = ashley
Alchemist/Gambler = Anubia
Beastamer = jaz (mostly everything she use are farm animals)
Dark knight/ demon = beebz
And the list can go on
Jas would be the princess who uses support abilities.
>you choose one of the c-member team to start
>that member will be the protagonist and will be able to grab the hand of one of the other girls as party member before every girl get separated by the game
>game start with a party of 2
>the objective is to get together all the C-team members together and beat the game to get out
>different protagonist give a different starting zone
>add amnesia in some members to justify why they're not moving and searching the other members
Now I want a RPG of the Cteam...
So, budget-bin Enchant Farm.
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Nice. My personal takes:
>Hat Kid
Gimmick character. She has an unique mechanic where you can give her badges to change her playstyle completely.
Support/healer. Has a joke spell where she drops 5-10 burnt baked items which may hurt or heal party members randomly.
Also a gimmick class. Has an unique skill that lets her grab and paralyze just about any enemy in the game with the Frogun, potentially playing off additional mechanics like monster capturing.
>Secret Unlockable Character 1: Olivia
Has an unique passive that makes her less likely to be targeted out of all party members. Is weak, but she's able to summon a Tron Bonne-esque robot that takes damage in her place. Limit break has her activating the Australium in her body and fighting alongside a summoned Hale.
>Secret unlockable character 2: Maja
Has an unique skill which hands out fat blunts to all party members, confusing them and dropping their INT to 0 while regenerating HP and MP. Synergizes with Carol and Beebz's "retard gaming" builds which makes them stronger the lower their INT is.
Where's the fucking bard?
>Annemarie, capable of charming enemies and buffing party members with her alliterations
If only she's this sexy in the game.
>new console
>absorbed by the videogame
Sound like something that would come from wario ware, so Ashley can be the one that bring the console to the sleepover
The farmer is such a lucky guy
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Is her anime any
Play Clea's game.
Puzzle games are not my cup of tea
Oh look, it’s Scamming Bitch noBETA.
But she had a beta. The game was in early access for like two years.
they schlick together, yeah?
Dazzi can be a stormsinger with those cute chirps.
Is Harry Potter literal child pornography because it features "child" (under the age of 18) romance?
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The C-team have suddenly taken an interest in gardening
I want to see Renata suddenly become uncharacteristically violent when she sees bugs eating her plants.
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Sex with little fictional videogame girls
>Rough sex with Carol, sometimes femdom but she might let you take the lead if you are rough enough, might apppreciate mating press
>Beebz is secretly sub, also likes it rough, definitely compatible with mating press
>Femdom with Anubia, might step on your cock, might be the one doing the mating press
>Happy bareback sex with Renata, lots of kisses, mating press always sends her to heaven
>Nobeta lets you do whatever, including mating press, but not too rough
>Hat Kid just remains smug and never shows any emotion, whatever sexual acts you do to her, mating press just gives you a close view of her smug face
All of them must have nakadashi
Little Warmhole Nobeta
Anubia feels a little wrong. Don't forget she's canonically extremely childish and prone to temper tantrums. She'd try to be really femme fatale at first, playing into the queen/slave angle, but the facade would soon be up and she'd turn into a drooling mess. And then she'd stand up like nothing happened and give you some playful threat to stay quiet. Solid taste otherwise.
>hand holding missionary sex with Jas with her leg locking you and kissing as you climax
I want to know more
( | )
Nobeta? I barely knew her!
Damn, Choco's modeling and texturing have become top notch
The subtle muscles in Carol's hand
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Why do you guys like lolis?
They are cute and funny
They're in their prime
too old
too used
to busted
I didn't mean to call Reimu a loli, I just wanted to use the image to express that I am asking somewhat timidly.
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Corrupted by anime + I have a niche fetish that only loli artists pander to. It was all downhill from there
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Would you take a bath with the cloud brat?
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Let me introduce you all to Hat Kid's boyfriend.
sorry your thread's dying
all the more reason there should AHiT2: revisit cut contents.
Damn brat pretending to be a toaster.
Yes, let's bring back Hat Kid Prime.
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But your toast will get soggy
*throws tomatoes at him*
No I only bathe with Jas
why do americans get outraged at men talking to little girls but not at bepstein island and raiding the island
Depends, how hard does she zap?
i'm not sure. why don't the europeans seem to take issue with all the allegations against the royal family regarding the same thing?
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Do you think if someone dropped Nobeta as-is into Carol's game she'd do well considering how frantic the combat is?
If Carol was dropped into Nobby's, would her biggest concern be ammo? Or the damn obscured switches that need to be hit?
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I might mod her into Stardew sometime
This does nothing for me so not loli.
Is Stardew just another lifesim game or does it have things to do outside the shitty farm?
I'm not talking about mods and I don't really care about the dating or whatever.
As a character I hope. So fat people look at her as a coop animal
Your strike range does not define loli, and that's okay.
dungeon exploration and combat is in the game.
Anything special?
from mining gems to monster loots. you can even hatch dinosaurs in your coop if you get to this mine in the desert and get an egg there. there's a lot in 1.6 and I just started playing a week ago.
I don't think it's for me, sorry.
I want to worship her.
sad that anubia is only fictional
And stuck in a mid game.
Onarism isn't that bad.
Wait, I thought she was from that Recettear-like game about potions.
Well yeah, but come on.
she is but she got modded into a better game. and soon
what's the present
i need to know
The most deranged shit you can think of, now multiply it by 2
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Remember when the official Twitter posted this?
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wrong screencap bro
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For me, it's Rona.
>the lil bop she does on the menu screen
Is there any limit to many animals you can have in your barn and coop?

I hate rice but the game looks fun. Is it like SDV?
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I want to be nobeta here and please unwashed incel cocks.

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