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Sexy Archive
teams for GA?
thank you anon hopefully this one is a comfy one
LGs are cute not sexy
lol imma just borrow Miga and complete the rest somehow
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Which academy has the best pizza?
Hag archive
Spurt archive
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Hebe archive
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Mika is going to have my babies
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Thoughts on this cat?
she needs rape correction
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the zippers make it easier to drink her milk
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how did I do? I have no idea what I'm doing
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You can't impregnate a foot, anon
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breddy gud
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You did well as lvl 46 sensei but I think you probably can clear extreme difficulty with your roster. Also it's better to borrow Wakamo instead of Haruna for blue raid
thanks anons
>it's better to borrow Wakamo
I figured after looking at >>682840371 but no one has her up in my club, I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask
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Is Gematria still doing nothing in the new Abydos chapter?
the alternative is maid Alice or Izuna but yeah better ask your club
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Neru Marriage
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sexy seia
thats the deadest /v/aca thread I've seen in ages...
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>completely dead week
I mean, this is the deadest the game has been in a while, but it won't be for long.
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If summer Misaki also turns out to be bad, she might actually kill herself...
Is there any other student that is legitimately this bad with absolutely no use cases?
Saving it for half anni
Unironically, can't wait to talk about the dress event.
>we are going to be near japan in terms of events and units we swear
Nexon is funny, i dont really care but i guess we'll always be behind 6 months of them
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Voiceless reminder
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cant wait for police academy summer in december
we're actually getting both servers bluefes at the exact same time
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive
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Thank You Neru
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AGP Archive!
Thats a child
Thats a boy
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yuri game
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Just finished hina's momotalks
I want to apologize to the hinafags since i wasnt familiar with their girl
started playing this recently it's pretty good
Aru is incredibly cute
she's also great at high investment levels
go hard on the missions and farm for her
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Both the regular and the swimsuit version are way worse than misaki
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not true I use her in pvp and she's pretty great
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here's your proof
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Wtf is that team?
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>finally got sub-1000 in PVP
>got bullied out of it right before the daily reward timer ended
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it's my team don't make fun of it
let's me play around and stay in top 100 without resorting to boring meta comps
Are you winning by timeout or something?
Seems pretty decent, although I'm like 70% sure a 4 tank + sAyane comp rolls over it
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depends, at its core it's a quadtank based team so it's mostly effective against nyHaruna, timeouts do happen but kirino can kill their backline or severely hurt them to the point where all heals go to them instead of the tanks in which case it usually ends after fever time because of nySerika spam against a low HP yuuka and their backline
I don't think sAyane would be that good as Atsuko can tank her pretty well and nySerika is a pretty strong crit debuffer which can actually affect TS specials and Sumire can kill off Yuuka. but there's no need to go that far, those iori wins are pretty much luck as Iori and not having good RNG usually is enough to kill my entire team, it's a pseudo-quad tank after all and
nyHaruna > Iori > quad tank > nyHaruna
Sex with Mika
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thingken of sensei
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No thanks I don't like schizos
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Thanks I love schizos.
We love schizos here
do I lose pvp rank if I attack and lose? everyone I can fight with are all fucking 80+ level accounts lmao
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Glory to Trinity
No, you stay the same
>This is... this is our Blue Archive!
What did she mean by this?
okay in that case I have no problem giving some chinaman easy coins kek
You only lose rank if your defense team loses to somebody else challenging for your seat
Her farts reek
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Would you play reverse blue archive?
Speak for yourself, I don't want a student that will kill me in my sleep because I said something she didn't like
not at all
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What does /v/ think about blue archive cosplayers?
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Too fat
You are not a real architect
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I disagree
I wouldn't go bigger than that tho...
Some of them are very sexy, like that Neru one that gets posted.
Do you have it?
You play wrong gacha then, no students will kill you here
My wife toki
>like that Neru one that gets posted
you mean the one with off model tits? no thank you
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Mika is mentally unstable enough to snap and kill you without warning.
And you forgot someone.
Get that 3dpd pig outta here
Soon doombros!
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No cosplayer will ever be perfect, besides that she feels like a dead ringer for Neru.
Mika and Saori are mentally strong though after sensei guides them
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how do get korean cosplay gf?
Mika is a time bomb, there's a reason she's the 3d pd girl in blue archive
Flat Neru
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>muh 3dpd
I see I didn't realize I replied to a shitposter
My princess would never hurt me
How do I get a korean cosplay bf?
Sensei, stop fucking the students.
She's mentally unstable anon
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>Aris not built
>Kayoko not built
>Running low on mats and money
It's over.
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Just message them on X, compliment their wig or some minor detail, then start talking to them. Oh and you have to be a white guy that's the main requirement
t. Exclusively dates mentally ill Asian cosplayers (they're all mentally ill)
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but the students are begging me
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That's the Ayane cosplayer right? She's really cute
Whats her name?
Too big and off-model
My wife is a perfect Anime medium/real-life extra large
Too much Photoshop.
I will save Misaki. There is nothing anyone can do to stop me
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Neru obliteration
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Not a full reverse cause i always find full genderswap au boring but maybe a 1/3 reverse or at least 1 or 2 students of each school
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Would you adopt her?
I have a 750ti is that good enough
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The fans demand Niya.
Of course I would help my student
that akira is seriously doing something to me
fat slut
Hasumi would be a lot more attractive if she didnt have that exposed slit in her skirt
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>flopped all 5 attacks today
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Me am fans
With those hips, she ought to be cosplaying Izumi instead.
why is Yuuka cosplaying Rio?
Would have looked better without the comically large glasses.
they work because ayane is a stinky nerd
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It's never stated she's a nerd, you get that idea because she's got glasses.
Hasumi would be a lot less attractive if she didnt have that exposed slit in her skirt
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You (read: we) said that the last 10 streams...
also because she acts like a nerd
the duality of a man
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and I'll continue to say it until it happens
i dont play the game but i like that blonde haired girl from the shop and arona so post more of them please
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Secondaries not welcome
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Momoi is too busy with eroge research and development to be saying any gamer words
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Making Momoi beat Dark Souls with a vibrating egg inside her.
Making Airi eat Chocomint with my dick inside of her.
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Airi is pure.
Pure sex.
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hebe archive
We hate Neru here
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Airi is the buruaka that I believe would be most likely to engage in enjo kosai. She looks likethe type of girl to give zero fucks about anything.
We love Neru here
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Brat archive
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This week can't be over soon enough.
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How else is she going to fund her ice cream habit?
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nin nin!
She's asking for it
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ninpon sensei rape jutsu
Izuna would never!
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you didn't beat the tactical challenge
I finally got this game to run on Linux... I can finally cut Windows from my life forever
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Making Aris die.
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You can't kill something that was never truly alive to being with.
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shut up you maso bitch
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Neru Adoration
Neru Abomination
We only love Neru ironically here.
We only love Neru unironically here.
Neru's L2D is so bad.
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Did someone Kannass?
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I Kannassed.
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hard for kannass
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They're like 12 dudes...
each of those pictures is one girl, there are no dudes
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Out of 10
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I love Serika
/v/aca won
bru/a/ca lost
neru WON
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bluefest starts on d ako's banner or d hina's
kayoko chill
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Congrats, you're no longer banned.
Why do people do this instead of just checking 4chan.org/banned?
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Left can do right too
Right can do left too
I can do both
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Try 17
Are you cute?
My mom says so
Are you a cat?
Big girl with a big gap
I'll take her. faggots keep your 2d
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the same thing I think about all 3D w*men
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It's frustrating, because these retards always manage to reposition themselves and fuck everything up. Again and again.
But this time it's for real. It came to me in a dream.
the strength of a dozen men?
Holy shit check /bag/
Hoshino just went super saiyan
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She does need to eat more
we know not of this "Blue Archive General" you speak of, for this is merely "Sexy Archive"
Bah gawd is the EOS fox
It stands for Ejaculating On Seia by the way
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We're all waiting for Summer Hasumi, yes? Of course.
Who needs her when a superior version exists.
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>Hoshino woman moment
You wish tsurugi looked like that
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Arona and plana are the cutest
im going to rape both of them if i have to spark ako or makoto
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Tsurugi would kill you for having that opinion.
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Plana Plapping
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Plana needs to clean her filthy mirror.
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>mental illness, 2D
>mental illness, 3D
why's that?

Context? I don't play BA
She is very sexy.
I want to marry.

This thread is filled with faggots.
Any non-limited spooks you're wishing for from Bluefes?
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I like this retard(genius).
not with that attitude
My roster is quite small so I'll take anyone, although I'd love Kanna.
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I want to finally get Reisa
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Out of 5
Hoping for Aru and also Iroha if I don't manage to get her the week before.
>I don't play BA
nobody does it
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Nobody wants this thing.

Lots. Koyuki, Misaki, Atsuko, Cheer Utaha and Kotori, onsen Shigure, Natsu. I'm not expecting anything though.
Eating out Seia
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I'm all alone in here....
Thread's dead bro, pack it in.
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alone with me
i also hate her 2-d model as much as her chibi model
gameplay-wise Marina would be nice, she's one of the only student's i'm still missing that it hurts not to have available in some situations. for my heart it would be delightful to get Renge, Yukari or Shigure. i like them a lot and it would be nice to pat them and experience their momotalks
I find the lack of BBC in this thread concerning.
the sexiest red winter
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Holy kino
I fucking hate clockman schizoposting inside Hoshino's head coaxing her to become a Terror
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do i need all 3 to be insane clears to get plat? I can't do red...
That would be Shigure but Marina is a close second.
plat really doesn't matter in GA
but i want more coins
man bullet train was a good movie
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Post yours
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Arisu Archive! Pam paka pam!
then start wanting less then
This is a trans girl
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Natsu, please
it's been 2 years, come home already
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Holy shit, what an entitled dumb fucking cunt.
Don't be mean to my princess
muri muri
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Imagine her nipples getting stuck inbetween the zippers and getting torn off lol
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dude are you blind? those are 6 cute girls
I don't even play this game, that's real? Chibi action scenes?
not funny
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only if the PC were still male
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I feel like I lose 80% of my pvp coinflips
I know I don't have S shiroko but I literally refresh until I find someone without S shiroko and I still fucking lose
God I fucking hate PVP
It's kinda funny and realistic
gun kata...
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The brightest mind of Gehenna Academy!
she's probably a scentfag if you think about it
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what's the game?
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Make the fucking PC client already.
Where the fuck are those fireworks coming from, particularly ingenious fish?
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the sexiest student game
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Chibis don't have any right to be this cool.
Himari, Miyu, Cherino, Sakurako
It's scripted but new to the sequence is new to th game as of the most recent update in JPN release. They've been experimenting with presentation since 3rd anni back in February.
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nah, she'd lose
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>invites me into her room
>this is her room
What should I do
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sorry but that's an official artwork, seia is indeed sexy
tranny circlejerk thread
Do I start now or wait until anniversary?
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no1 rule of gacha, start yesterday
So Arius Squad doesn't have an afterstory? What a scam.
their afterstory is me knocking them all up
the rest would be fine with it, but Misaki would murder you and then herself
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Are you ready for SRKR purple?!
Huh? This is a shop, right?
The game was available on android your retard
>b-but my pc
It's a phone game faggot Don't reply to this unless its your obituary
the purple ticket is in the game files, but it hasn't been added to GA yet. no idea how they're planning to implement it when they do. the reward for 3 color clears is already scuffed, being a timed ticket instead of 1200 gems, having to clear 4 for the same reward is just bullshit. maybe it'll have 3 out of 4 colors at a time depending on the boss, still annoying as fuck either way
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anniversary soon
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Mika love
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Niya what?
We love Mika here
By posting in this thread everyone affirms they love Mika
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Regular Miyu, Swimsuit Miyako, Regular Koharu, Ninjazilla, Sena.
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People not rolling for Purple characters have quite a future to look forward to.
>the purple ticket is in the game files, but it hasn't been added to GA yet
It's literally in the GA right now. It looks just like >>682924436 so purple instead of blue. But I only have 1/7 for each with the last point reward still being 500 million even though it's a 5 day GA
JP server
oh, really, so it is a rotation, like i thought? pretty troublesome. still, having Kikyou and borrowing maid Midori should be fine, right?
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Shiroko terror 3.5 anni student, I believe
think for a second. why would she be a half-anni student? that's for swimsuit alts. 4th anni sure
nta, but you mean just like how X.0 anniversaries are for new students?
Hina alt being the anni student doesn't magically make half-anniversaries stop being summer events. i actually wouldn't mind a new student debuting with a swimsuit alt and only later getting a normal version, gonna be a first for BA but surely not for gachas in general
I really want to read her momotalks.
summer spans multiple months there's nothing saying the summer event it has to be now
Thoughts on sunken colony izuna?
Funny, but only in moderation.
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I need her to complete the cheer squad
careful with those thigh holsters
they'll quickly block your blood flow, even with the slightest of fastening
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new york haruka and kayoko since i had to spark the bitch of mutsuki
they say this at my church are they secret blue archive fans?
good opportunity to ask your pastor about cunny
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Fuck me sideways, i hope momiji and s.hanako are enough
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don't worry too much, it's a GA and you can just bruteforce it with Mika

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