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what is the best kingdom hearts game?
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KH2 (vanilla)
>b-but muh shitty platformi-
It's 2.
I appreciate the sentiment, but remix is better
Nothing else in the series even comes close. Maaaaybe coded, but its a stretch.
data fights and terra are autistic and ruin the game
Optional content you play if you enjoy the game
Wrong, they are obligatory and on your nose
2 'secrets' were dogshit, the chest locations and interacting with the world felt like a slap in the face after playing 1
kingdom hearts 3 would be the best game if twilight town was as big as the original, 100 acre wood was fully fleshed out like 2, and well a lot of other shit. but it does a lot right, and its safe to say that after all the updates and remind it became its own final mix version, and all those remind bosses are incredible.

at this point i think KH2 and KH3 are nearly NEARLY equal.
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1 but i also enjoyed BBS
2's areas felt weirdly empty compared to 1's
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Kingdom Hearts (2002)
The only obligatory new fight is the one with Roxas.
You didn't get what I mean, at all
>Roxas fight is a cutscene
That's a yikes from me.
>no Critical Mode
Literally why. Critical Mode is what Proud Mode would be if it was actually good.

You have zero reason to revisit Disney Castle outside of grinding in Timeless River after the latter is cleared, meaning you never have to see Terra.
The Data fights are tucked away in a secret passage in Radiant Garden, which you have to go out of your way to visit.
The only major difference in a casual playthrough is the Roxas fight and a few new pieces of equipment. More cutscenes too, but I feel like someone like you skips them all anyway.
2 has to account for you not leveling up your drive forms ever, so there's never any single instance at all where you actually need them, which I think is what makes it feel so bad. everything has to be flat to account for it. notice how good cavern of remembrance feels compared to everything else, because they actually expect you to have leveled up drive forms there
overall, it's 1. 2 and 3 have their highlights.
all the spinoffs fuck shit up too much.
if you didnt use drive forms or level them you are literally retarded and don't know how to play the game. the cavern is an extra piece for people who aren't retarded.
This is also why KH1 feels so great to traverse in. Your movement abilities are tied to your world progression rather than leveling up alternate forms. You get Dodge Roll upon leaving Traverse Town for the first time, High Jump in Monstro and Glide in Neverland.
I agree, it's an unfortunate game design trapping they put themselves in having to account for complete tards. sometimes I wonder if they should have given you level 1 of each movement ability just by having the drive form, it would have made it so they would know you have at least the bare minimum per form
Sounds like you're the retard here, because you completely missed the point of his post.
The game doesn't expect you to level up your drives at any point. You can go from Twilight Town to Final Xemnas without ever getting a single point in High Jump, Quick Run, Aerial Dodge, or Glide, because the game was designed to make sure you aren't roadblocked just because you decided not to touch Valor form after getting it.
2 by a landslide
yeah, because the game doesn't hold your hand like a fucking baby. they explain drives briefly once and it's your job to explore them further. this goes for anything in the fucking game faggot besides your basic keyblade hits
optional, and you're autistic for caring about optional content
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>still doesn't get it
NTA btw
>yeah, because the game doesn't hold your hand like a fucking baby.
yes, it does. it's a baby game where the AIs will use heal you when you suck and you can magically revive when you die to a boss.
you don't have to think to get through it. why would someone put in the extra effort fucking around in the menus when they're doing just fine mashing X and sometimes using a potion
"b-but muh critical"
was added years after
the environments don't matter. you're intentionally crippling yourself for failing to explore a mechanic whose purpose is to give you more options in battle.

>added years later
don't matter
not on critical nor a level 1 playthrough. level 1 is for action RPG enthusiasts, while you play proud mode like the faggot baby bitch you are. i bet you didn't even know you can choose which magics can activate MP recharge. and you're able to customize your party members and it's preferable so donald isn't healing you after you heal yourself
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>still missing the point
Never get into game design.
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>the environments don't matter. you're intentionally crippling yourself for failing to explore a mechanic whose purpose is to give you more options in battle.
That's not the point the other Anon was making. How many years did you get held back in school?
KH1 level design is objectively the best. The levels were fewer in number but at the same time giant multi-stage puzzle boxes to explore and hunt secrets in. KH1 levels never lost their sense of "it feels like there's something else hidden here somewhere."

KH2 and onwards really flattened out the levels and made them more linear, but the KH2 levels were especially egregious. The Mulan level was probably the worst in the whole series.
Was this series always doomed to become overly complicated?
tru. miss kh1 level design
the environments don't matter. see above. i shifted the focus. KH1 is not better designed.
Basically KH1 was a classic early PS2 era platformer and RPG first, and a combat game second.

KH2 onwards went heavy on the combat elements but sacrificed most of the level design and platforming. KH1 is to KH2 what Alien (1979) is to Aliens (1986)
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>i shifted the focus
You got mad about an imaginary argument nobody made. You're arguing with the schizophrenic demons in your head and nobody is claiming what you're trying to argue against.
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>>1 but i also enjoyed BBS
>>2's areas felt weirdly empty compared to 1's
>mentions 2's areas are weird yet likes BBS
this guy is a fucking idiot.

>>which I think is what makes it feel so bad.
they DON'T feel bad. 2 accounts for all options and all kinds of playthroughs, but you're retarded for not using mechanics that improve your combat ability. kill yourself you fucking nigger monkey. there is no point they had.
i compared 2 to 1 not BBS
There are times where the games did try to integrate platforming back into the games, such as Coded and DDD, with varying results. KH2's Cavern of Remembrance showed us that it can be done in a numbered title.
KH2 final mix
Do this one for a great time with less great times.
I feel like 2 meter was perfect. Having the drive forms feels like the game rewards you for doing good but you're not forced into it like 3 meter. 3 meter just felt like it was another part of the combat rather than you EARNING to use your superform. like in 2 you WANT to be in your superform because it's fun, 3 you end up in your superform because well i mean you're kinda forced into it.

also i fucking hate attractions.
I agree with you. Problem is that you belong on reddit because you probably have the appearance of being an adult, but you used the word "yikes" which is for children. So you have to go back or repent, at which point you may remain in my presence to speak of my game.
attractions can be turned off. and you are not forced into any form in 3 retard
>you're retarded for not using mechanics that improve your combat ability
Not a single person is claiming they do not use drives, or encouraging anyone else to overlook them. The schizophrenic demons in your head are lying to you.
Having bought and replayed the first two recently
KH2 stinks
>Get juggled to death by basic enemies
>Retie your shoes real quick or instantly lose this event fight
I may be willing to change my mind if miraculously other games don't do this.
Gameplay-wise? 2.
Story-wise? 1.
Nostalgia-wise? 358/2.
100 Acre Wood minigames are better in KH2
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Pic related is the game's way of telling you "Yeah, you're gonna get juggled, here's your cope".
not when i played also i mean yeah drives aren't "forced" either but like with 3 it's like PRESS TRIANGLE TO ENTER YOUR GOOGOOGAGA FORM
Oh, no, I'm aware that they added that in.
you can see the meter building up and the end result is always a form (on critical with the critical convertor ability)anda stronger magic if you used magic. you can enter a form and save it by switching keyblades. its an entirely different mechanic and isn't the same as drives. they are both really good in their own way.

>not when i played
then you didn't play the full game
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If you want the cool shounen experience, you play KH2
If you want the autistic manchild experience, you play KH1
Yeah my point was the games that don't have Once More won't end up locking you in endless combos, KH1 being the most noticeable of this.
>cool shounen experience
>autistic manchild experience
These are the same.
The only thing more insane than this would be someone saying KH3 without the DLC.
No, KH3 without the dlc can still be sort of okay with critical mode. Pre-patch KH3 is the actual insane answer.
I wouldn't call Super Mario or 2D Sonics shounen so you are wrong
im playing days on proud
i fought a knight heartless with a shit ton of health that i had to slowly and carefully burn down without geting hit by his spin attack.
>the cool shonen experience
1 but 2 is close
For me it's probably the first game followed closely by Dream Drop Distance
I always wonder why they didn't just heal him when the cure spell is used a bunch in other cutscenes
1 > 3 > 2 > the rest
Fight me
They were so sad they forgot
the remix of 1,
1 is the best game, it works great as a stand alone just letting the whole story end right there, after KH1 the story turns to nonsense.
The remix of 1 is better because is adds extra bosses and content.
Okay sure
Yes it's the best.
Nah. Gameplay is ok for its variety but the combat is also floaty unreal engine jank. Story is an absolute mess. Not that 1's story is great, but it's simple enough to follow.
Better than 3, worse than 1. Series probably should have ended here.
>the rest
Chain of Memories has a better story than 2. Gameplay is pretty interesting.
Dream Drop Distance is a filler arc, but it also has good gameplay and great worlds. It's a better game than 2.

There I fought u
2 > 1 > 3 > BBS > Re: CoM > 0.2 > DDD > Days
Didn't play mobile games, MoM, or Re: coded.
Re:Coded would have been ultimate kino if it weren't for all the shitty alternate playstyles forced on you.
The turn based JRPG combat in Olympus was cool though.
>DDD having good gameplay
Some commands being able to be used in the air doesn't make up for commands losing the ability to level up, and abilities being tied to what dream eaters you had in your party meant you were hard locked into what kind of party you had if you wanted to use the haste skills. Flowmotion was a good addition and allowed them to make bigger worlds but in combat it quickly became useless compared to commands and for the commands it ran into the same problem BBS had where bosses break out of hit stun too easily so you stick with all of your extremely safe moves with high amounts of invincibility. Without the ability to meld commands you're stuck with using the dream eater board to earn new commands which means you'll be grinding out LP through the minigames since the rate you get LP by fighting is extremely slow in comparison.
That sound kind of autistic anon
Kingdom of Hearts
You sound kind if like a lamer and Im totally going to pwn you in struggle tomorrow rucksack
2 only because it gave us Roxas.
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I'm playing through 3 for the first time right now.
Is it bad that I liked 0.2 more than 3 so far?
The combat flow in 3 (so far) feels like the focus is not to use your power to defeat the enemies but instead to chip away at enemies enough for you to unlock a temporary power to screenwipe the enemies. Even the seemingly random partner attacks feel like they just exist if you're unable to build the command gauge quick enough.
It feels like they removed a lot of the depth that made combat in 1 and 2 like timing your jumps so you can squeeze in a full quick air combo before you land or purposefully dropping your combo before the finisher in order to draw out as many smaller hits before the enemy breaks out. 3 just feels like you glide over the arena and the best ways to attack airborne enemies is not to position yourself or use the envrionment but instead to mash the X button so sora lifts himself with each swing endlessly until one hit connects.

I dunno it feels like there's far less power in the player hands and less of a journey to attain power, moreso just a focus on building up to the wide array of temporary powers that are out of the player's hands.
It's like that one episode of dragonball where everyone is holding off Nappa or something waiting for Goku to arrive. Previous gamesi n the series felt liek you were playing Goku, the power was always in you, 3 just feels like you're playing one of Goku's friends.
I can't imagine how you're meant to overcome so many of the battles early in the game without attraction flows and formchanges and shit.

0.2 just being the novelty of being BBS with a command menu, animation cancelling and actual level design felt great.
>Without the ability to meld commands you're stuck with using the dream eater board to earn new commands
You can always just tell the game to shove it and only use what you find lying around in chests. I did this in both BBS (all routes, both with fusing allowed and without just because I hate myself) and DDD and I can say with impunity that the game gives you enough shit. Between that and the shop you really won't be wanting for any commands unless you want something specific. I only gave a shit about fusing as long as I could find the retards that gave me Spirit Roar or Haste because those are the only spells that mattered, or if I wanted a specific Command Style with Riku (all of Sora's Limits are dogshit except Ragnarok).
Osaka Team's always had a "style over substance" issue, and I feel like 3 really exposes that the most.
Bros is it okay to not gush all over KH2s combat? I am still very early in the game and it will obviously get better as I unlock more tools but so far I am not very wowed by things in general.
the only ability you need is Guard little zoomzoom, master that and everything else is salad dressing
Why would you be wowed by early game combat?
Obnoxious boomer.
Something a lot of people tend to forget is that 2's combat takes a bit of time to really build some momentum. You really don't have a lot of tools to get nuts with until around halfway into the game, and that's assuming you've been leveling up your Drive Forms to get those Growth Abilities.
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... Because of fundamentals? Could immediately tell I was in for a good time with games like NEO TWEWY, Nioh 2 and God Hand for example.
Is that the cat stuffed animal guy on the wall?
I like the levels in KH1 more than 2 but it feels like people are overhyping them instead of liking them because they have high potential. The levels in KH1 weren't that great you barely do any platforming in them if you do it's something extremely simple and easy to do. KH1 has the right idea but it doesn't do anything with it until end of the game.

The Tarzan level is complete ass outside of the non-sliding mini-games and the areas that surround the tent. I'm instantly reminded of the jumping on hippos set piece or swinging on vines set piece and how awful was the controls were back then and the fact that Sora can't jump out of water in KH1, so you have to swim your ass back to all the way to the beginning of the pond to retry to platforming puzzle.

Alice in Wonderland level is just bland and completely shit and boring despite it being based on one of the most creative IPs that ever existed. You can say the these levels are bad because the Tarzan and Alice in Wonderland levels are the first levels you go to that's why they are super simplistic and basic but the level designs don't really change that much after the first few levels.

Captain Hook's ship is a fun and cool idea but it suffers from Kh1's overly simplistic level design with it only being the ship and the clock tower that you "explore". The flying gimmick of level isn't that amazing once you realize that its just the atlantica swimming gimmick.
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People don't talk enough about how FM fucked up the mid-game. You go from Explosion being Agrabah 1 to Space Paranoids 2, Aerial Spiral from early Olympus to Port Royal 2, Slapshot from Timeless River to the beginning of the final fucking world. I'm not going to shit on the new abilities. Combo Master, Magnet Burst, Flash Step, Round Break are all great, I'm glad they were added. But holy fuck, they made sure they were backloaded alongside all the other fun abilities. Was it stupid to have Counterguard past Hades? Sure, I'll give you that, but that doesn't explain half the decisions they made.
They should've just put all of these back on levels like KH1 did but what the fuck do I know? Has anybody made a KH1-style progression mod for KH2 yet? I feel like I'd enjoy that quite a bit.
final mix or BBS if you want to play other characters not Sora


This is the right answer

2 is for clownfags (if you think it is the best you did not play 1 [as a child when it came out])
>game where focus is all on endgame bosses with skills unlocked
>game where you unlock most core skills as you level up and progress through the story
>game where end game bosses significantly differ from early game bosses and standard enemies
So you're comparing apples and oranges.
I played kh1 first as a kid but like kh2 more
2FM on PC
2, final mix also heavily improves it.
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Since people still haven't gotten the memo.
I am objectively correct and everyone who disagrees with me is wrong.
But since I rule with an iron, yet fair first I'll grant you some leeway.
BBS, DDD and Re:Com are interchangeable.
I'll give GBA CoMfags the benefit of the doubt if they put GBA CoM above re:coded or 3 since I only played GBA CoM up untill monstro at my cousins house when I was a kid.
I respect anyone who puts 1 over 2 since 1 is the most soulful game in the series.
Anyone's list that doesn't adhere to these parameters is wrong and doesn't have to be taken seriously.
>back home for one more week
>gonna make sea salt ice cream with mom and play kingdom hearts while me and the family watch star trek
Gonna be a good few days lads
Great to hear.
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Childhood is demonizing 2's static hallway level design.
Adulthood is realising 1's rampant pointless backtracking just wastes time.
At least they change enemy patterns in 2 if you ever have to revisit any of its room, even during the same visit. I don't think they change any of the enemies in the revisit to Hollow Bastion in KH1 aside from adding enemies to rooms that previously didn't have them.

Holy fuck Deep Jungle and Atlantica are such a waste of time.
>no one said 3, not even as bait
The world is healing from coprophiles
It wasn't that bad. But yeah missed potential.
sounds comfy
Been going through the games on PC, finished KH1, more than halfway through KH2. KH2 is fun but the replay reconfirmed a lot of my issues with it. I don't like the way it's written or paced, I don't like the level design, I don't like reaction commands, I don't like the MP recharge system, I don't like the second visits, I don't like the intro, etc.
Also, maybe it's just because I've played the game before, and I played the Elden Ring DLC not long ago, but even on critical KH2FM is really easy. You can occasionally get one-shot by a stray enemy, and the optional Organization bosses are really tough if you try to fight them as soon as they're available, but the storyline bosses are a joke. Every story boss is basically just a mild annoyance. One of the big issues I have with most of the bosses is that reaction commands are basically an I-win button. They take no skill to trigger or execute. They just make the boss braindead. For example Jafar is literally just attacking his belly then using the reaction command to stun him, again and again, with no change. KH1 had plenty of simple bosses, sure, but they had a physicality to them that KH2's lack. You can jump on bosses, you can parry their projectiles, you can jump onto some of the bigger ones, you can move around them, and so on. In KH2 it's whack them, reaction command, repeat. Even the more involved gimmicks at the end of the day are just reaction commands.
I hate that the game is so tainted with this system because the non-reaction command combat mechanics are pretty solid. Makes me dread KH4 since apparently reaction commands are returning.
Yeah true.
The thing worth noting is that Critical mode is not a 'hard mode', it's an 'action mode'. You have a straight up 25% damage boost or something in it on top of the extra abilities.
All of the games have issues with their bosses in one form or another.
KH1 bosses are either entirely autonomous button mashers like Clayton, Guard Armour, Ursula and Hook or lack any kind of dynamics and end up repetitive chip-a-thons like Cerburus, Behemoth and the Cave of Wonders entrance.
CoM bosses all get melted by that time sleight and are mechanically identical to one another with no depth to vary them, it's all just card break spam.
KH2 bosses are all reaction command spam as you noted. Even as a kid I always thought you just spammed triangle as soon as the option showed, I didn't know Xemnas had different outcomes if you waited until a replay on emulater a few years ago.
BBS largely just stand still until the late game bosses which straight up punish you for using the game's mechanics like countering your counter attacks or having attacks that straight up can't be blocked. Late game commands leaving you entirely open to damage and not staggering bosses pretty much punishes you for using anything big too.
DDD bosses want you to engage with the mechanics in the game less and less as it goes on until the last few bosses just become block-counter matches as you just stand still.
0.2 had like 2 bosses and they're not all that bad all things considered.
And then bosses in KH3 pretty much exist for you to wail on and charge your commands for you to oneshot them. at leats until the DLC ones.

It feels like everything but the superbosses in these games are complete fodder.
kh1 and its not even close.
the rate of progression is perfect
combat feels great.
boss fights arent stupid gimmicks (except hercules and oogie-boogie. and ice titan if we include optional stuff).
things are fair.
levels have interesting designs and layouts, with plenty of room and reason to explore. there are things to do and solve in order to progress.
story is solid.

heres why kh2 falls vastly short:
sure, combat is flashier, but getting put into an airborne juggle state like tekken from every hit is fucking stupid. and then the recovery button takes time before you can do anything AND makes you stay in the air longer? gtfo with that bullshit. cant use items in the air. heal takes your entire mana bar. oh, you got combo'd into the air again? too bad.
too many stupid minigames.
keyblade progression is stupid and minimal. hell, most item/weapon progression is stupid and minimal.
too many gimmick boss fights.
too many instances of characters avoiding each other instead of grouping the fuck up to help.
finishing moves being so much more of your actual damage output compared to regular strikes
being unable to kill a boss without a finishing move (or magic, or reaction command).

and we all know 3's tremendous flaws, and the dumb shit that is all of the spinoff games.

the only thing you can really say badly about kh1 is that the mp/magic system/mechanics are overtuned and you can become too powerful. thats about it.
the point is that even if they dont "do" much with them in kh1 and they have a lot of "potential", its still demonstrably more than later games. even if kh1 bar is low, the other games fail to meet it.

its less "kh1 is great" and more "kh1 levels are simply better than the other games' levels".
KH1 is SOVL but KH2 is the most fun gameplay wise
The other games are still fun but almost all of them have problems
1 is the complete package followed by 2 which has stellar combat but inferior everything else.
Something I don't see mention enough about KH1 is the level of interactivity with the world. I'm a sucker for games where hitting and using magic outside of combat actually has some reaction in the world. Makes the games feel far more reactive to the player rather than just set dressing. Like in Traverse Town there's a little puzzle with the candles in the coffee shop, or hitting the chimney in Pooh's house drops an item, that sort of stuff.
You haven't played or understood Days in the slightest. It's not about the game itself but the feel of being a nobody and a slave.
For me it's 1 > BBS > 2 and I didn't play the others but I liked the one with the black haired girl, I watched it on youtube since it was just a movie.
KH1 fans need to be gunned down
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play radiata stories, gamer

if you have a brain you like it more
yeah i agree. adding a skateboard to a few places or some stupid mini-games is NOT the same.
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It's been on my backlog for a while but that webm alone sold me on it. Thanks anon.
The highlight of Days objectively are the little moments in the lounge and out in the field with all the guys from the Org.
The highlight of Days mechanically is the seemingly massive amount of movesets the game reveals to you through Gears. I'm not just talking Roxas, I'm talking every Org Member, Sora, Riku, the fucking Disney trio. Every fucking character has at least 8+ movesets (with secret characters still having 2-3) with a good chunk having different Y-combos or timing based moves that can fluctuate. There's so much that seeing it all is a fool's errand.
The reality of Days is that while mechanically it can be as deep as an ocean, you will be treading a puddle in the same 5 screens per world doing endless repetitive missions and god forbid you want to engage with a character that isn't Roxas, because the game will NOT scale your Solo damage by 2-3x like it should, meaning you're doing Chip Damage forever.
The game is FINE despite its problems, but I wouldn't classify it above any other KH game because of them. Not even BBS or DDD.
that does not count at all. some gay ass freddie fish "click to see some dumb animation" shit is not the same. using ice magic to put out the fire and retrieve and item, and/or fire magic to ignite the fire is the cool shit. kicking the wall and having the eyes on the deer blink is empty nothing shit. making the armor shake is empty nothing shit. hell, let me fucking DESTROY the armors or something. make the painting fall to reveal a secret behind it.
KH1 niggas need to go
What's wrong with KH1 besides the camera? I prefer KH2FM overall but KH1 is still amazing for many reasons.
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NTA, Days has the worst combat of the series. "It's supposed to be bad" is the worst defense ever, half the missions are genuinely designed pretty poorly, including the weird stealth missions, and the "break random pots, some are good and some have bad guys" missions. The bosses tend to range from annoying to health sponge, with the only real standouts being the humanoid ones like Saix, Xion, and Riku near the end. The only real good parts are the tetris system, being able to customize different keyblades and having different combos, different tiers of magic having different effects, and mission mode being kind of fun to fuck with. There's neat features people who watch the 1.5 movie won't see, like some fun banter and Sora popping up in the bottom screen for certain fights, but there are a lot of weaknesses to its overall gameplay. I recommend anyone that does to just play it in small batches as was probably intended.
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based, have fun

Radiata Stories Emulation settings:
- Right as the game is loading hold triangle and X to enable 16:9 progressive scan. This is very important even if you're playing it on a console.
- Enabling MTVU in speed hacks gives a big speed up.
- Disable DOF(makes the game look better)
- HD textures(not necessary desu, I think it kinda looks bad)
-60fps during battles
//60FPS Battle

you can kick every NPC in the game and you find treasures in stuff, it's very much the same and you'll spend more time and have more fun kicking stuff in this than doing hidden puzzles in KH

it's kind of clunky
YouTubers like Regular Pat have been a mistake. There's more people parroting his opinions and now the infighting between games has become worse as a result. Doesn't help the man would probably make a video in celebration if KH1 came to his house and banged his whole family in front of him.
The tcg.
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The highlight of Days is the dairy in text form
It serves are a beautiful cognitive contrast to the work days that indeed feel like work and you are rewarded with a psycholical insight to roxas' mind as how he feeled that day.
Days is better and more deep than KH3 and KH1 to me.
the so called superior level design of KH1 mainly boils down to going in circles to trigger scripts. Its the worst kind of exploration because you are literally going back and forth between rooms to wait until the game decides to show you something new. There is no organic discovery
>but muh chests
genuinely fuck off
i dont know how anyone can sit through that guys videos. He is basically reddit personified with hints of crippling depression. He is so desperately trying to hold onto his childhood, its sad.
I mean yeah, it's great to read through and it's chock full of character (the whole damn game is, it's its claim to fame), but the other anon also has a point. Just because you're playing 'Fantasy Japanese Businessman' Simulator doesn't excuse the fact the gameplay, the thing you're engaging with the most often and for the most runtime, is objectively the most mediocre in the franchise.
I hope the retard who keeps bringing up a Days Remake is being honest because there are so many ways to fix it and I believe a modern H.a.n.d could do so. Re:Coded too, but it doesn't need as much work.
KH3 is so hated that I never see anyone discuss it or replay it, but a lot of people will replay KH1 and KH2.

I'd say KH1 and KH2 are the pillars of the series, specifically KH2. I personally like BBS, and DDD is just okay, was a bit disappointed with KH3. Did I rush KH3? I beat the game in 30 hours, and it just felt incredibly short compared to KH1 and KH2, maybe I just played KH2 slower or something. The worlds feel smaller and shorter in KH3.
You are fucking tripping. KH3 worlds are way, way bigger than anything in KH1 and 2. KH3 just has faster running speed and way less backtracking.
Hmmm, maybe I just rushed through the game then and didn't fully explore the worlds. They really did feel small, and the backtracking wasn't nearly as bad in KH3 compared to KH2 and KH1. I'm planning to do a replay of it, not gonna 100% it probably, but going to take my time with it.
KH1 and 2 can be way shorter than 30 hours for a story playthrough. KH3 can be faulted for a lot of thngs but it has by far the biggest and most detailed disney worlds in the franchise. It also mixes more linear and open ones. For example, the Tangled world is very linear while the Pirates one is basically a mini Black Flag.
KH2 is the best.
But I have to say KH3 is definitely overhated, the story was definitely a huge disappointment but especially with ReMind, the gameplay is actually really good and the disney worlds outside of frozen don't really feel like a slog. As much as I love KH1 and 2, it feels like half the disney worlds are genuinely terrible, or just flat out boring.
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These games made me gay
How fucking dare you. Why would you even mention that shit?
1 because it has all of the charm and sincere adventure
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I have never played a single one. I'd have to say whatever gave us Simple And Clean.
big cringe
Hikari > Simple and Clean
you just went full retard
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A game can be more than just gameplay. Even if it was a tedious buggy mess, with only 2 combos, no keyblades, running at 16 fps, with regular shut downs and black screens, I would still love KH Days. My love goes deeper than a mere press of buttons or how difficult it is to handle a piece of software. I don't care if it's a text based walking sim you beat in 1 hour, or a 90s bullet hell on lunatic difficulty that you need to practice for weeks to even see half of it. I play games for the emotional investment, the atmosphere, the story, the characters, and most of all, the intended meaning or vision. I could not possibly give less of a fuck if the game has "worse gameplay". Pure gameplay games like Super Mario, Super Mean Boy, Celeste, even WarioWare, mean nothing to me. They don't exist to me.
KH3's worlds are bigger, but also noticeably fewer in number compared to the other two. You only really have seven full scale worlds, and the rest are a gimped Twilight Town and the locations crammed into the end of the game which feel more like brief visits than a proper world to travel through. This is opposed to KH1 having 11 worlds I'd call full sized for its scale, and KH2 having 13 which is nearly double that of 3's. Mind you, I'm even generously not counting places like the first game's Destiny Islands and Olympus Coliseum or the second's Disney Castle and Atlantica as "full worlds" for the sake of fairness. So maybe compared to KH1, 3 has a lot more going for it, but KH2 is where the comparison gets uneasy. KH2 also has you visiting most of these worlds twice to play through different scenarios, even if much of the maps are reused (sort of "doing more with less" so to speak) and even with my first time experiencing KH3, I was really feeling like the amount of time you spent in a single world felt comparable to doing both visits of a KH2 world back to back, so they're somewhat equal in the amount of time spent per world, but KH2 still has a much higher number of worlds to go through this with, which might make 3 seem a lot shorter compared to it.
The story of days isn't even that good.
You didn't play the DS version, you didn't care to read.
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let me guess, you got lost in the jungle?
because you sounds like the kind of raging retard that would get lost on a straight line.
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I played it and it was shit
>but if you sit through 2 emotionless characters + 1 actually decent character repeating the same cutscene for 15 hours straight then the story gets good!
I felt more emotional attachment for the BBS crew in the first hour of playing that game compared to all of days.
KH1 is a better overall package.

2 drops the ball in many departments, to the point that the FM version was just a half-hearted attempt to “fix” it. And by “fix”, I mean just adding a couple superbosses and crown stickers and calling it a day.
You clearly didn't play it if you think that's all it added
What there's like 1 instance of this in the game and that's Traverse town and that's if you for some reason decide not to kill any Heartless
lol lmao even, the slander is unreal, you people really need to stop being so disingenuous
But KH1 is better than 2. There's so much more to do in the game that the better combat of 2 doesn't sway bar in 2's favor.
That is mostly it for new features. The only others are Critical Mode “which is basically just balancing improvements”, and the Mushroom XIII, which are a welcome addition, but are another example of trying to do SOMETHING with the hallway levels.
>what is traverse town
>what is wonderland
>what is deep jungle
>what is atlantica
>what is monstro
>what is agrabah
>what is neverland
>what is halloween town
oh look at that, literally the majority of the game is like that.
So you didn't play it
>Best console
2 FM
>Best handheld
>Best overall
2 FM but 1 FM is mot so far behind my favorite is Days tho
>forced to backtrack through linear level design multiple times to pad out playtime
>this is good according to kh1 fans
One and it's not even fair

I played both of them for the first time like 2 years ago, and the change of one to two was just too shitty for me

>Worse combat no, having better animations != better combat
>They introduced a shit toon of OC anime spiked hair guys that weren't related to FF
>Magic system totally fucked over
>Worse worlds
>Now it even felt more pointless going to disney worlds, it was just filler between anime OCs talking about the plot cutscenes.

>THE FUCKING MICKEY PROMP WHEN YOU DIED. It felt like the game was laughing at me when dying against a boss.
unironically fucking filtered
>DDD bosses want you to engage with the mechanics in the game less and less as it goes on until the last few bosses just become block-counter matches as you just stand still.

So this is a weird quirk of the system but YMX, Xemnas, and a couple other bosses have either a consistent retaliation point (but not quite RV) or consistent stagger point.

Like YMX always staggers after taking 2 hits (with some exception to moves that don't count hits when he's performing them) or Xemnas always retaliates after 11 hits. So with that in mind you can actually consistently do the YMX fight at least. The issue with Xemnas is one of his retaliation moves can come out frame 1 so you basically have to iframe for consistency. If they had made it always use the delayed timing it'd be consistent.

It's weird that they're basically the only fights in the game to do that. Similar to how Xehanort in BBS had consistent retaliation and no one else
>making you engage with the world is bad
as opposed to
>enter room
>enter next room
>next room
>do some stupid minigame
>go back 1 or 2 rooms
>fight some gimmick boss
oh yeah, the "level design" really shines through there. keep in mind that you rarely if ever DO anything in those rooms, except maybe fight some heartless, while in kh1 there were usually things to find and/or figure out.

you're just a sad, salty bitch without an actual argument.
Find the Evidence boxes, then do what the Cheshire Cat tells you. That’s literally it.
>Deep Jungle
Most of it is just going between the camp and the treehouse. The only obtuse part is saving the gorillas, but you can probably figure that out once you notice that killing all enemies in an area triggers a gorilla cutscene.
You’re literally told where to go every step of the way, and Flounder tells you about the dolphin.
Head to the Bowels, then head to the Stomach (which is blocked off until you do the Bowels). Shortest world in the whole game.
The first half of the world is kind of like this, but parts of the city are initially blocked off, so it’s very hard to get lost unless you’re retarded.
All paths lead to the deck, and to the room where Wendy is being held.
>Halloween Town
The most linear world in the game that’s a literal corridor. Finklestein tells you where to go every step of the way.

Stop lying.
2 final mix
why did you note down the kh1 gameplay loop but remove all the backtrack padding
>meaningless backtracking through the same rooms
it's shit
>meaningless backtracking through the same rooms
it's shit
>meaningless backtracking through the same rooms but with insanely shit water movement
it's shit
>meaningless backtracking through the same rooms but it's only the first half so it's fine!
it's shit
>meaningless backtracking through the same rooms but with shit cramped camera
it's shit
>meaningless backtracking through the same corridor that forces you to fight the same encounter over and over again
it's shit
while you are 100% correct, i think his "point" was that its a bunch of "go here, then go there, then go back to the first place, then go out again, then go back to the first place, then go over there for the boss". it can feel like "circles", but thats a wild reduction and a piss poor argument against engaging with the world/rooms/levels and enemies.
Why can’t 2fags just admit their game is flawed.

No one is saying that’s outright bad, but there’s a reason it was widely regarded as flawed until 2FM released in the west (and 2FM didn’t fix most of 2’s most egregious problems— Not even the lack of difficulty for 90% of the game).
because its the kh2 experience, you disingenuous clown.
>oh no, i had to go through a room that i've already been in! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
go find some game to speedrun then, tranny.
You realize the argument is that 1fags keep insisting their game is somehow perfect and that 2 is objectively a downgrade somehow despite the vast majority of players agreeing that 2 is way better including the actual makers of kingdom hearts?
>Not even the lack of difficulty for 90% of the game
and the only "difficulty" is that if you get hit, you're in an airborne bound state (and both recovery options increase your airtime), and pretty much every org13 fight except xemnas and roxas are complete gimmick fights.
Are you pretending that 2 doesn’t also have backtracking? If anything, it’s worse in 2 because of the lack of shortcuts and alternate paths.
There's two abilities that are literally combo breakers. Any drive from activation also works with shitloads of invincibility frames and an AOE explosion on cast and refill your health and mana. You can chain the any of these with air block, reflect, leaf brace, or double jump which can parry.

If you want to play it safer you can also stack once more and second chance to eat the whole combo and heal on the ground.
only a complete retard would say that either game is perfect. by all means have a favorite, but nobody should be saying that either game is "perfect". i can articulate exactly why i like kh1 better and in what ways i find kh2 worse. kh2 does a have a few things nicer, but its not enough and not core enough.
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wow maybe if you actually played the game you would realize that the devs accounted for that!
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This explains alot since BBS was written for literal manchildren
My personal chart goes as follows: KH2>KHDays>CoM(gba)>KH1>RCoM>BBS>DDD>Coded>literal fan ficition written by 10 year olds>KH3>XBC>UX
I even think you can skip KH1 altogether. KH2 is the only game you ever need to fully understand KH as a whole. I write this as I know all of this will upset you, so I write it again. KH1 is dogshit. Just as BBS is. Their presentantion is truly worth of an autistic manchilds dream but that's probably exactly what you need
KH1 is shit.
How do faggots like this even bother with playing KH games?
The game was literally designed to be played by kids/teenagers going to school and bringing their psp with them for multiplayer.
It's not the games fault that you are playing something literally made for children and then getting mad that it isn't deep.
a skateboard is not an excuse.
So did KH1 with growth abilities (which you don’t need to grind Drives for btw).
where is the growth ability that lets me interact with objects without needing to kill all the enemies around it first?
Neither is magic
No one is saying that isn’t a good QoL improvement, but that’s a very minor thing compared to the core design.
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>i cant refute facts about substantial parts of the game
>i better cry about some tedium that only matters if i want to avoid combat
>you know, combat, one of the primary aspects of the game
you should probably find some other game to speedrun then, tranny. speedrunning is all about playing/engaging with as little of the game as possible.
There is a difference between Pokemon & Dora The Explorer kids and Naruto & Bleach kids
All of these shows are technocally made for children but some, at the very least, take just a hint of mentally developed minds into account. That is the difference between KH1/BBS and KH2/Days. It has nothing to do with handhelds.
when did i say anything about magic?
>you know, combat, one of the primary aspects of the game
Okay but the moment someone says kh2 has better combat you immediately backtrack and start saying combat isn't that import
You have severe mental illness
I wouldn’t say any of the KH games are toddler tier braindead. Although I’d probably say that KH2 is the most suitable for very young kids because it’s flashier, impossible to get lost, and you can button mash your way through it. It’s a great “babby’s first ARPG”.
To be fair every single kh is babby's first arpg if you play on beginner.
no i do not? i just dont think it has better combat. it certainly has FLASHIER combat, and longer combos can certainly feel more fun, but i firmly do not feel like it has "better" combat. first and foremost getting hit feels tremendously worse. but even IF one were to concede "general combat is better", i still feel like kh1 has more going in its favor, ESPECIALLY in regards to level design and interactivity.
NTA, but KH1 combat is neither better nor worse than KH2 combat. It’s just different.

1 places bigger emphasis on the RPG elements and on more slow paced, tactical combat, whereas 2 focuses on more on DMC-esque combo strings and being fast paced in general.

It’s apples and oranges for the most part.
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and you have no argument
And in KH1 you play a bright colorful 3D platformer swinging on vines and jumping on giant mushrooms with a tiny bit of combat on top, where you play an 8 year old, who was looking for his girl crush, but it was all along in his heart and the whole story is evil=bad. It was literally made for toddlers and adult men who wish their toddler times back.
You missed the whole point of the argument you were replying to and started throwing shit like a monkey with madeup solutions to answers not even questioned. You are an autistic mentally ill man.
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Well considering both games have vastly different gameplay and design philosophies, why do people still try to compare the two so much?
It's pretty obvious the series has gravitated towards being action games much more.
When I first played 2 it took me till the last few hours of the game to figure out that basic movements like roll, high jump and glide where locked behind growth abilities that you get by levelling up your drive forms. There's a section in Agrabah that you can go to for farming your drive forms to max level them pretty easily, just as a heads up for you anon.
KH1 defenders will grasp at any straw they possibly can.
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1 is the most fun storywise and has the weird soul, but 2 FM is just the best overall game
1’s non-linear level design and the fact that it’s harder than 2 even on the lowest difficulty might cause very young children to have some problems.

I sucked at vidya as a kid, so KH2 on Beginner was the ultimate power trip for me. If anything, I grew to prefer KH1 with age as I got better at vidya.
but the story of kh3 is hot ass
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Lets settle this once and for all
>Muh level design
Platformer baby
>B-but KH1 has h-higher difficulty
Because the combat is so utterly trash they compensate with damage and dodge rolls to make it seem more deep than it is, desperately hiding the fact that KH1 entire combat is shallow as a pond.
>I prefer KH1 with age
You are just self identifying your toddler youth into younger sora and braindead platforming, while projecting your adulthood on a toddler game coping on an online image board that said toddler game is somehow "more adult" than is clear as day more adult sequel where the ages of all characters make a big leap and the focus is suddenly on combat than BING BONG WAHOO

Why are KH1 fans this delusional about themselves?
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you complained about backtracking
then put forth the skateboard as an example of how kh2 lessens the "issue" of traversal, when really its a means to skip gameplay.
then when other anon mentions how growth abilities (like glide) do the same thing, you respond with a snide remark about not being able to open up chests with enemies nearby, as if its remotely on topic or a meaningful point.
but im the mentally ill one? lmao
>skip gameplay
>meanwhile 2 is still longer than 1 despite having significantly less padding
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>KH1 entire combat is shallow as a pond.
if you think kh2 combat is "deep", you're lying to yourself.
>You are just self identifying your toddler youth >BING BONG WAHOO
you dont actually have anything of value to really say. you're just a shitposting disingenuous troll.
Kh2 has deep combat yeah.
KH2FM Critical mode>KH1 US/EU Proud Mode (not the japanese OG or Final Mix)>KH1FM>KH2 Vanilla>>>power gap>>>BBS>>>everything else
so, its a longer game, so you NEED to skip parts in order for it to feel better. is that it? is that the point that you're making? because regardless of how much content either game has, your argument is still "skipping gameplay is good".
why do you think expert mode is better than proud? Just cause there's no Leaf Bracer?
1FM has abilities like Slapshot, Ripple Drive and so on. I also like most of the bonus heartless.
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No the argument is that KH2 doesn't need to pad out the playtime with backtracking in order to make the game feel larger than it is, as the game is actually large.
>you complain
I wasn't even the person you were replying you, you just missed his point and I called you out
The skateboard is a great and cool tool helping you to skip fights you already fought 100 times already, what's the issue here? Why do you insist on doing the fight a 101 times than taking a cool looking skateboard and shit on them?
Glide is just as helpful as skateboarding, the fact that you are even willing to make an online fight between glide vs skateboard is baffling to me. You must be severely autistic and retarded if you think such a benign trivial conversation is even remotely worth your time. You probably need professional help by a special needs therapist.
Most of the worlds in 2 are way shorter than the worlds in 1 though. So much so that they need to split the worlds into 2 visits to get mileage out of them.
You are intellectually disabled, son
You have Down's, buddy
>vary up the gameplay and keep it fresh constantly
>a-aactually that's a bad thing!
I want to kiss kh1 sora on the lips
this but with ventus
>Why do you insist on doing the fight a 101 times
levels and synthesis.
also the satisfaction of actually playing the game.
>the fact that you are even willing to make an online fight between glide vs skateboard
i didnt. try reading comprehension some time, esl.
>You must be severely autistic and retarded if you think such a benign trivial conversation is even remotely worth your time. You probably need professional help by a special needs therapist.
and yet here you are, with zero self awareness. you point one finger forward and three fingers point right back at yourself.
>I wasn't even the person you were replying
so you just injected yourself in with nothing of value to say? really quality strategy. i bet your social life is stellar with that kind of personality.
you can call it "padding" all you want, you're still just advocating for less gameplay and more shortcuts. neither game is really all that deep, and a significant portion of the game and reason to play it IS the combat. if you're trying to cut that, you should probably just watch the cutscenes on youtube.
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Huh, I never realised how much KH1 was such an aspie "on the spectrum" magnet
Despite how long kh3's levels are, it's still better than Kh1 with this in mind it's funny to see Kh1babs say their game has the best levels when Kh3 surpassed it.
>levels and synthesis.
which also exists in 2, you don't even seem to realize what your own argument is since it's obvious we are talking about playing through the main story, obviously you would fight enemies again when grinding post game.
ventus wasn't in kh1
I highly doubt any kh1 fag ever even went past bbs, no way they have any clue about how kh3 plays like.
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>argue that its bigger without padding
>counterpoint is presented that actually its only bigger because its padded with a second visit
>try to counter with "the gameplay is varied" when its still just the same combat
so which is it? is it varied and fresh, or is it the same combat? is it actually a big game, or is it just padded with backtracking through the same rooms?
you cant seem to keep the story straight.
its funny how people want to shit on "kh1fags" when the loudest kh2fag right now is the dumbest clown on the block.
>actual new content when revisiting
>walk between the same 2 rooms 5 times for no reason
Wow I wonder which is better, maybe try actually playing the game before you start talking about it?
>obviously you would fight enemies again when grinding post game.
you do zero grinding or synthesis until right before the end or something?
>you don't even seem to realize what your own argument
my argument is that theres nothing wrong with fighting enemies in rooms, even "in circles" a few times. the counter argument seems to be "its padding" and "skipping it is good". pathetic and laughable of you, really.
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you know what I mean
Is there just one KH1fag who is just samefagging the whole thread?
I’m literally bisexual and the boys in KH do nothing for me.

The girls on the other hand, are pure SEXO.
Ventus doesn't need to exist. Him existing makes the other cooler characters look bad.
>actual new content when revisiting
which is cutscenes
pick one.

>but the enemies are different when you come back!
and the enemies are different when you revisit worlds in kh1 after unlocking more abilities and can get loot that you couldnt get before.
also, you're still complaining about combat and fighting enemies, which are a core and fun part of the game. you're complaining about not being able to get to the next cutscene to not play the game for a minute while you just watch things. seriously, just watch the story on youtube.
Vanitas deserves his own game with the exact gameplay of KH2
The combat in 1 isn't good enough to warrant padding it out with needing to redo encounters constantly.
2 instead gives you a shit ton of optional actually good content to replace said padding, meanwhile the optional content in 1 is kinda dogshit outside of like sephiroth
I'd fuck sora and kairi both
play bbs
>The combat in 1 isn't good enough to warrant padding it out with needing to redo encounters constantly.
its plenty fun. its not like 2 is really all that different. the moves may be flashier, but its really all the same. unga-bunga forever. its so bizarre that someone would pick up an arpg and go "no, theres too much combat".
>2 instead gives you a shit ton of optional actually good content
the minigames are dogshit, and most of the data fights are gimmick fights.
2 feels drastically different from 1, I have no clue how anyone could think they play the same.
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2 is objectively the best, 3 is my favorite though.
Because everything needs to be a comparison and an argument. Both games have fans who think they're flawless and want to go after the other.
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Yeah I mean I really love KH1 but the dude will bend over backwards to defend every flaw in the game because he's played it dozens of times and has it memorized.
KH2 stands straight catering to a more refined palate, while KH1 dwells in the cradle of sentimental infancy
He’s right about most things relating to KH1.

His take that KH3 is better than 2 though is a garbage take.
1 is the only good one

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