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Why is this game so blue?
because if it was green I would die
A better question is how nobody points out how SMT V literally just reused Tokyo Mirage Sessions' UI without any change whatsoever. Was that game such massive failure that nobody cares about the UI being reused is such blatant way?
Exactly, I wouldn't even know that if you hadn't pointed it out.
I guess this is the place to ask: someone knows who is the father of Alex from Strange Journey Redux? We know her mother is Lucifer after turning himself into a woman and that the father is a "human", but who is he?
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Wait till you find out how many demons they reused with no changes whateverso for 7 games since the ps2.
That is normal, after all they are using the same characters again, but UI is something that should be exclusive to a game or game series.
Lucy stole MC's cum
ngl most of the environments look janky af.

I was somehow more impressed by overall presentation of SMT PS2 games. This just looks bare bones, almost like a fan game.

>walk through barren low poly environment
>walk through more barren low poly environment collecting trite shit
>cutscene with some c00mbait demoness wiggling her feet and ass and winking at the camera seductively
>walk through more barren environments
People were calling that out even before the original launch. Some were coping by saying that it was just a placeholder.
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>demoness wiggling her feet and ass and winking at the camera seductively
Someone please post this scene
Seething Mansemat
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>almost like a fan game.

that's a pretty a really accurate description.

It's almost like the talent left and ATLUS is trying to make money by whoring out their IPs instead of caring for them.
As you said, TMS was such catastrophic failure (twice even) that the general public doesn't know it all, its UI will be forever associated with SMT V instead.
>Implying she needed to "stole" it.
Da ba dee da ba dee
Is there a Atlus' "update rerelease" that doesn't have a "new girl which the new plotline is heavily around her"?

3:12 or so
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>worst SMT ever made

it's like you people hate smt or something, at least have some decent voice acting.
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they know their audience

The issue is that all of the demons are exactly the same, same poses, same animations, etc....
Considering how low-effort everything is would it kill them to give each demon type maybe 2-3 poses so at least they look somewhat varied?

Or some new way of "interacting" with them?
Condering how paper-thin story is in these games you'd think they'd play around more with how demons interact and so on....
They clearly don't.

They are trying to appeal to a wider one with romances and girls instead of making Strange Journey 2
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Because Beano is blue and the world can already tell he's the new boss.
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Tokyo Mirage Sessions? I've never played the re-release, but I don't recall there being any new characters, aside from the new Session attacks, but those only brought in previously existing characters.
That was just a port with some QoL additions.
I fail to see the issue with this.
Did bog standard murakumo STR-bino for demi-fiend and want to shake things up for satan and masakado. Who should I slap with paraselene blur/dodge tank build and who's easier to melt with a magic-bino? Also just double checking but magic-bino is also almighty? Any recommendations for a crit magic demon, running sandalphon but would rather someone with support proficiency as a buffer/debuffer
>they same english voice actor
Really? My ears must be going bad because I couldn't tell at all.
Anime weeb influenced VA direction vs proper VA direction.
Do you mean Makoto's voice acting vs. Agrat's voice acting? Because they are both anime influenced direction.
Kino. V truly the most Lynchian SMT
Magic Beano can use the unique Ice spell or just whatever Barions but you'll want to tailor yourself for a specific fight or use Impaler's a lot
no one played it so the assets might as well be new
SMT acting is much more subdued and somber.
all about how my life got flipped turned upside down?
this battle taught me that charm is fucking useless. It feels sometimes that only Seal and Poison are worth inflicting at times.
There is no voice acting in any SMT I can think of that is at a quality that would be out of place in Persona. There are more characters that speak in a more subdued and somber way in SMT but that's just because of the characters having more somber and brooding personalities. They still convey those personalities in a way that comes across as anime voice acting. I don't even really have a problem with that, but it does not feel like a totally different direction from Persona, or most other JRPG dubs for that matter.
I do think that the original IV has fantastic English voice acting. Sadly the quality tanked a lot in Apocalypse with literally only Dagda being a good voice actor.

Not mainline, but also Digital Devil Saga has fantastic voice direction, although that's a long time ago.
I agree, about IV at least, I've played DDS but don't recall tis voice acting really standing out, but IV still has what I would describe as anime voice acting. Doesn't mean its bad, I'd say Atlus games in general have above average dubs but they do pretty much all make use of the typical anime/Japanese game dub circle of voice actors and they all feel directed in a way that feels typical of an anime or JRPG for the most part. There are still varying levels of quality within that kind of voice acting and I think Atlus games tend to lean towards the upper end, but they still do have an anime dub feel to them. Even if we were talking about what got closest to not feeling like that, I feel I'd probably say Catherine rather than any SMT.
>blue his house, with a blue little window, and a blue Corvette, and everything was blue. for. him.
>and himself, and everybody around, cause he ain't got
>to listen (to listen)
Exfucking cuse me? Apocalypse has the same actors + Asahi, it doesn't get any better than that.
A couple of them did get recast. ENG Navarre and Nozomi had new voices in Apocalypse.
I liked krishna and Odin in IV:A
it's not about the quality of the actors, rather the direction of the voice. You can hear it a lot if you compare the voice lines from the arms dealer in IV vs the arms dealer in Apocalypse. It seems like direction was all over the place with characters as you said Asahi, Dagda, Odin and a few of them very high quality, with a lot of the returning characters with minor roles having worse performances.

It's painful to hear Keith Silverstein doing a better performance as the Terminal guy from IV than as Flynn in Apocalypse.

The divine powers had very good direction, Odin specifically although it's fucking DC Douglas.

The key with direction is consistency with itself and quality of delivery. If you compare DDS versus, say, Persona 3 and Persona 4, you'll notice far greater care in delivery for the roles in order to match the grim novel-y tone of the game. You can hear the characters gain emotion and personality as the game goes on, because that's how the plot works. It was impressive to me at the time to learn that pretty much every character was voiced by the same guys who do most atlus dubs at the time, it was all a matter of direction.
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Why is she like this?
Yoko is what happens when a r/atheism mod gets isekai'd
Am I the only one who hasn't finished this game yet
Can you get more Tsukuyomi essences?
Stop playing after beating Beelzebub in Da'at 4, the game was worse than the vanilla experience and i couldn't care less about the new characters, no motivation left to beat zeus and thor.

Been playing SJ instead.
STR Blur is objectively the strongest if you do the setup but Magic beano beats murakumo with his new almighty spell and one debilitate.
They can't make Strange Journey 2. All the talent in the company responsible for the old SMT games are gone. The new guard who discovered Atlus through Personaslop are running the asylum now. Just look at how embarassing V's dungeons are. Fucking Pokemon has better dungeons.
Gotta pay up goi.
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>I do think that the original IV has fantastic English voice acting.

JP just isn't the same without the hoys
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>Demon expansion mod
>Most of them are direct Dx2 imports, as in, they have the insane powercreep skills they had in Dx2 and most demons are late game ones with few ones really sprinkled
>The mod also went and rebalanced existing demons, with Idun and Cleopatra having ridiculous buffs
I feel like I got monkey paw'd with this
Don't think I was stone-walled on anything on my hard CoV run and that still took me ~50 hours just from all the sidequests, miman collection, and a little bit extra to handle shiva + demi-fiend. Even considering its been out for about a month its a JRPG so I expect some people are still working on their first route. Probably a lot more if steam achievement stats are any indication like the most popular ending(new chaos) is only at like 9.6%
Mag Bino has Heavenly Ikuyumi now which is a magic Murakumo that can hit even harder than Murakumo.
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Mermaid design from smt iv apocalypse
Modders cannot into game design so they just make everything obscenely overpowered or they make everything worthless, with no inbetween. I don't bother modding my games half the time because of this.
What the fuck is that. Last I remember in the gacha, Guilty was just a heavy dark attack that pierced.
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Why is this game so blue?
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why do you have to start godborn just to fuse lucifer so you can finally fuse satan? Such a kick in the nuts to see "satan unlocked for fusion" only to see Lucifer as an ingredient, fuck you.
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It's insane how much more fitting this is, it's not even funny. AI to replace young man can't come soon enough. Someone already worked on a full female replacement voice for him too.
Makes me laugh thinking about how their final attempt at pushing that garbage game with an IRL concert got killed by covid.
It's a shame we never got a badass hybrid of Digital Devil survivor and Fire Emblem. I still think about how awesome that would have turned out. Those nips really needed some oversight, can't believe Nintendo was okay with that direction. Fuckn Idols? like really? That has to be one the the biggest blue balling by any developer ever after that announcement trailer.
If you start a NG+ in godborne and unlock lucifer for fusion, can you keep that save file, start another game from the same clear data and have him unlocked there or do you need to continue on the godborn file?
is idun actually just completely outclassed now due to konohana sakuya?
Always was, they nerfed her so they could sell the new DLC bitch.
I don't see it.
Yes. Idun's Innate Skill is the as Pixie while Sakuya has an incredibly busted one, on top of Sakuya's Unique healing Skill being a better version of Idun's with the MP restore.
Sakuya's so good you can just keep feeding her grimoires till endgame
Though there's no real reason you can't just keep Idun in your pocket to sub in either, same with Tao and Demeter
Idolfaggotry was starting to take off during the time, if I remember right. I guess some higher up was really big on it.
Having Idun/Demeter around is still nice since the megami racial can really clutch. Cleopatra on the other hand was dumpstered.
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Incredible that it's now $39.99 on all platforms.

The other day, XBox only, but only because nobody plays XBox anymore.

Glad I waited.
Sega games always get discounted fast.
cause I'm blue da boo de da boo da
Is it worth it for the new campaign anons? I played the original one and thought it was ok at best.
Kys personafag
I hate persona and I hate you autobattle spam faggot.
only if you're craving for a replay otherwise you'll be pretty disappointed
If my cursor in Tokyo is spinning ACW = Chaos right? I chose "Recreate the world" and have completed "The Holy Ring" substory. Why is this faggot still asking me for cash? Do I have to do more substories with chaos alignment?
Kys /u/nugger
Doube /u/ nigger
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Alice alice alicee
>ACW = Chaos
Yes, you fucking yuro.
I think if you completed the chaos side quests, you're done. You should've unlocked Belial as a fusion, if I remember right.
Nocturne made me think about life, death and society
VV made me want to fuck Mermaid armpits
How does the game handle attack with grafted status, for the status hit chance

For example, zeus madness glint is a almighty attack with seal and panic 40%. Do i get a bonus for the status to stick if i increase almighty affinity or i would need debuff affinity?
I believe the way skill potential works if you have attack + status effect the value is static and cannot be upgraded by adding +9 to it only damage of attack goes up and MP cost goes down. Buying ailment affinity won't work either since it's not an ailment skill. Increasing luck should help but it'll probably still be very unreliable compared to a dedicated ailment skill.
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A fertile harvest.
who’s harder: satan or demifiend?
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sad, but expected. Still i'm planning on a debuff zeus with some keraunos on the side, so he'll be fine. That would have been a rare use in any case.
Whoa cute girl.
>Decide to go back to SMT 4 before finishing up 5, since I was right near the ending
>Get the law route
>Look up info on the neutral route. See a thing that says "If you just pick the top answer on all the alignment stuff, you'll wind up neutral."
>Decide to NG+ for the Neutral Route.
>Look up the guide again, find a post on reddit
>"Bro just select all the top choices, and then also make sure to beat all these quests. Easy peezy."
>Do that
>Grind all the way to the end.
>Get Law route
>What the actual fuck?
>Check the reddit guide again.
>"Oh this guide was based on this guide. Link here."
>Check link
>"IMPORTANT: Do NOT talk to the lady in Ikebukuro, because she will fuck up whatever path your own no matter what. This guide is based on not talking to her at all."
I fucking hate reddit so fucking much. I'm so fucking furious right now. I am so fucking tired of casting Estoma Sword. I am so fucking mad at myself for not immediately questioning the source. How is that site THIS consistently retarded.
why couldn’t they get rid of the tutorials in new game plus? playing through the beginning of a new playthrough is always a fucking slog due to the menus popping up and bullshit like making you collect the first miman and reporting back to gustav.
Getting neutral in IV is pure hell. Just keep that in mind.
should've went straight to the source, gamefaqs or 4chan
Neutral in IV is annoyingly strict. IIRC you can even fail it if you're too neutral since the last alignment choice can push you straight to one side. I swear its the reason I keep like 5+ rotating saves in RPGs now
I stopped taking 4chan seriously about voice actors as soon as I realized that if you only listen to one audio vs the other, then your ears get attuned to those voices and you bitch about anything different. Seriously, the major difference is that people who want Sub-only are used to listening to their 16-30 year-old men speak in the octave of a 4 year-old toddler girl, let alone the women.
Proof: People who prefer Goku's JP voice.
Then you're retarded.
What the fuck has that to do with anything from my post?
Yeah you are neutral from -9 to +9 alignment if your alignment is perfect 0 the very last choice will push you to -10 or +10 sending you into law or chaos route.
I just talked to the guy in the bar that tells you your alignment after every quest to see if I'm on the right track it's best to be just slightly law or chaos aligned doesn't matter which one.
I got vanilla on Switch as a gift back then and I don't remember it having any performance issues. Is Vengeance alright on it or should I go ps quad?
Actually the concerts were the reason why the first game actually made profit despite being a massive failure (the music company that basically produced the game got money from that, Nintendo and Atlus got paid by them to make the game in first place so nobody actually lost money from the original release of TMS), the switch port getting its concerts cancelled because covid was what actually made it lost money.
Can't you basically pimp up any demon into being "endgame" materia anyway?
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I noticed something else about this ending. Both the snake and Yoko are looking directly at the MC. There is already so much that enforces Yoko is the snake, but I like finding new things.
Did anyone notice that they fucked up his head animation too? You know when they zoom in and he turns his head away? It plays early before the zoom in and then it's like they reversed the animation. Fucking Atlus lmao
You can see what I mean if you watch the timestamp here and watch his head https://youtu.be/-_OvN7bO3vM?feature=shared&t=109
Why would I be mad they reused the UI from the previous best SMT game?
Yes but grinding out the grimoires needed takes a while unless you have the mitama DLC.
I got neutral on my first blind run of SMT IV.
You are very lucky then there is a lot you can do to fuck it up entirely.
All you have to do is do all the quests and answer questions like neither a psychopath nor a drone.
I remember that i used the ikebukuro woman to put myself in neutral.
It seems like I was very lucky to get Neutral my first time considering all the replies. Did you at least manage to unlock the power flight early on? I wasn't able to unlock it till the very end so I fucked in that regard. Navigating that stupid city was a total pain in the ass.
>Did you at least manage to unlock the power flight early on?
Does that carry over when you NG+? I beat the game and saved over my file before I found out that the little ship was a thing.
The orochi quest is the most confusing lore dump in a game I've ever seen. And I say this as someone who's seen all the other information you need to piece it together. It doesn't help that some of that info is behind a paid dlc also.
As far as I'm aware, no. You'll have to redo the questline in order to receive the ship once more. Although, it will be much easier due to New Game Plus.
>unlocked base Nuwa for fusion near the end of the game
Weren't both versions of her NG+ only in vanilla?
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You unlock Nuwa in NG+ in the CoC.

Also HUGE missed opportunity to make Yakumo a guest character to fight alongside you.
holy shit you have a general already on /vg/
>complaining about videogame threads on /v/
kill yourself
i want to see my daily Trump shill thread on /v/ not videogames.
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Not to mention the part where Goko admits he's the one who shoved a creation goddess into her can only be seen in CoC. What the fuck were they thinking?
do I get less fragile in SMT4? I just ate a gram slice from a level 1 demon as a level 7 MC and it did a little under half my HP in damage.
I mean SMTV's ui is p good so I don't mind.
As someone who enjoyed Devil Survivor 1 and 2 but couldn't get more than 8 hours into persona 5 and strange journey, are there any other fatlus games worth playing?
IV's first dungeon is stupidly hard. The difficulty drops off completely once you get past the Minotaur.
She is piss easy compared to Walter's Agi spam.
Minotaur sucks balls, stop spreading this bullshit. Medusa is the actual wall.
Medusa can be beaten in auto battle by fusing a pig that's immune to gun, there's no such strategy for minotaur.
It's not that bad, just check your cursor every now and then and have a few backup saves ready in case you get too neutral. Thanks to that (and gamefaqs guide on alignment points) I got law/neutral in my first run.
yea, there's no strategy because he's way too easy.
sex with agrat
The best strategy against minotaur is just to yolo the damage and hope you kill him before he kills you. If minotaur gets a bit lucky and starts critting your entire party goes from full hp to dead in 1 turn and there's nothing you can do.
the strategy is to reset if the game pairs you with walter for the fight
yea, just dont get Walter and keep hitting him, that's easy compared to Medusa.
hey kid, we are talking about SMTIV not SMTVV, fuck off to your general.
Minotaur on master difficulty is honest to god the worst boss in any megaten game I've ever played. I've reloaded more times on minotaur alone than on entire rest of the game combined. NEVER play smt4 on master it's a fucking stupid difficulty.
this is a SMTV thread, retard.
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All that talk about being king and queen and it won't happen. Who will be her demon king?
I'm not going back to that schizo pit until all discussion on /v/ has dried up completely. This game is barely over a month old.
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No, it's Digital Devil Saga thread.
What kind of merch do you think theyre going to put in the anniversary store, anon?
already overstaying its welcome, new games get a few weeks of leeway before they should be moved to /vg/
You are truly retarded.
Danu or beelzebub for debuff/magic damage ?

Beel can double debuff, danu reduces damage and has her broken ass magtsui skill.with dagda, especially since i can get extra's with intercalation
if anything /v/ has more schizos than /smtg/, have you been keeping up with these threads?
better bump the thread more anon, that'll get rid of it!
Agreed. Master Difficulty is a total slog if only for the accuracy decrease.
Not really. One of the oddest quirks of SMT 4 is that you don't really get less fragile for the most part. You just start gaining more HP and higher evasion. Towards the end, some of the enemy attacks will taper off, but when I hit NG+, my level 90 Flynn was still getting hit for like the 30-60 damage that all my other demons were being hit for. It's very weird and creates a stupid early-game wall that just suddenly goes away around early-mid game and stays gone.
SMT games have tons of replay value. People are still playing the new release.
I quit /vg/ when the game came out. I was told /vg/ isn't that bad right now in threads. I have been in smtg for years. I know the schizo that post there and they were posting there non-stop right before release. You really expect me to believe they stopped and the general is somehow normal now? Even the insane bible fag screaming about his fan fiction? I really can't believe it.
>Why is this game so blue?
the lack of a VIT stat and the effect it has on the game's difficulty is weird man.
>it's Digital Devil Saga thread.
Oh is it?
i went to /smtg/ since they had the leak first, checked both /smtg/ and /v/, somehow /smtg/ was more sane and more fun to interact with over the first couple of days, /v/ was really annoying.
Do you love yoko chan sister? i think shes bombastic
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NTA but she is a very pretty snake. When is she getting more art?

Souless product.
I will autobattle you to death.
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I'm really hoping for a DDS remaster or port. Hopefully they just shadowdrop that shit like when they ported P4G to Steam soon or something.
I'd LOVE for Raidou to get some love, too.
Yeah, honestly if they had just simply cut most of the normal monster's damage by like 1/2 or 1/3, it could have been fine. But because the enemies are hitting at a range where they can basically almost always two-shot you, just ONE wrong turn with too many Press Turns on your enemy's side, or even just an off back attack and insta-kill you.

Fuck, there were a couple of early, and also super late-game, bosses that if they just felt like it and the RNG hit on the same attack one too many times, it could legit wipe your entire party out without a single chance of counter play.
The phone game is finally forcing them to update some of their models, but I found it funny how many of them were unchanged since the Xbox era
UI in TMS is an evolution of SMT IV's UI.
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before doing the Agrat nude mod request i was thinking of requesting a Panagia Yoko's nude mod but i wasn't sure if they were gonna freak out over her age or some shit, so, i just went with the safe option. someone with quite an amount of points should post a request and see what happens.
What do you think is next for V? Sequel game? Spin off? Manga? Anime?
It's their most successful SMT title. They will milk it in typical Atlus fashion.
better install comfyUI cause bad products like this hardly get any fanart
smtvi stupid
That's what they said about persona 6.
wow you must have been saving that up for a while
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Thats it for now I'm guessing, maybe a manga what if following one of the other nahobino in a world where aogami and the protag don't exist. I do expect bino will come back for later games, I doubt he'll become a superboss since DF has that market pretty much cornered but I can see him getting chosen for a messiahs in a diamond realm type DLC
I think a Manga or a CD drama release covering one of the Vengeance routes and expanding on Kei and the respective alignment rep.
>DF is the only MC they can milk as a super boss
Demi was a super boss because they wanted V to be a "subtle" direct sequel to III. That was what they thought was subtle anyway. Nahobino makes money. Aogami and the MC also makes money because they were selling acrylic stands of them like hot cakes at that colab cafe. He will be a super boss and they will pick one of the endings from CoV to pull him from to be fought and recruited. Probably Law.
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No one gives a shit but me but Atlus West really fucked up Aogami's stupid confession scene at the bench after Taimat
>in english he says "I belong with you"
>in Japanese he says "tadaima" but as if he's coming home, like what you would say to your family when you greet them after work
This switch sucks because this was a myth reference. Susano-o got so excited to build his first home for him and his spouse he wrote the first waka in Japan. The first poem ever written:
>The many-fenced palace of Izumo
>Of the many clouds rising—
>To dwell there with my spouse
>Do I build a many-fenced palace!
He found his home after killing the big snake. It's an incredibly fitting end for him and it's lost completely in english.
Feels bad man.
fujos lost, get over it.
Myth fags lost. Namely me. And I lost to shitty California based translators.
What the fuck was the ending. I have a 300IQ but I dont get it.

>Reject Yoko
>Go to throne
>Mastema tries to stop me

Ok I get it so far

>Yoko and Goto disappear

Why did Yoko just leave without a fight and WHO THE FUCK IS GOTO and why didn't he fight?!

>Lucifer becomes a mecha tells us we have to kill him to stop the mandala cycle

Where in the fuck did that come from?!

>Me and my tard wite live happily ever after I guess


Game peaked in Shinuku for me and Quaditsu were way better antagonists. Mastema was pretty good too.
Id kill to see a Nahobeno fused with that Susano design. Same for the ild Tsukiyomi
Tao and Goko should have fought you. Fighting Taimat was stupid because you side with Taimat. I know it's a myth reference and you were told Mastema can control demons but this is still a rug pull. Lucifer becoming a mecha was in the original. He's the same Lucifer from III and he failed to stop creation everywhere. His plan is to make you super strong so creation is halted, he does this in every ending except one.
Yoko is the snake tempting you in that metaphor
Outside of that, after that point you blow everything up just like Yoko says. After that she wants to travel with you and talk to demons like you do in the demon haunt. She wants everyone to be equal in the new world and for you to hear the complaints of demons and help them. She basically says this in her demon haunt dialog. Also you need Aogami to blow shit up like Lucifer says so you are probably just bringing her over to him since you need all 3 of you to kick the void off. You are watching the last moments of the old world before chaos reigns.

I'm surprised you didn't complain about Koshimizu. That's usually the biggest thing people bitch about.
The ending theme did grow on me but I do like the original better as a whole package. 2:00 - 2:37 is my favorite part
The original end theme was written for the true neutral end so it's supposed to pack an emotional punch. CoV's endings are depressing like that one so it's more upbeat. I know the thing about true neutral because it was in the original OST commentary. Kozuka didn't say much of anything about the new end theme.
>Fighting Taimat was stupid because you side with Taimat.
How so? It fits perfectly with the themes and ideology of the Chaos route. What better way to illustrate Yoko's point than having the God of Law's servant directly mind control your ally to impose their will on the world?
I get that but from purely a gameplay perspective, especially if you saw law already, it feels like shit.
>CoV's endings are depressing like that one so it's more upbeat.
The retardation of statements from V shills never fails to impress.
How tf is Tao's ending depressing when it's quite literally sunshine and rainbows if we try hard enough?
I meant to say aren't depressing. It was a typo. Calm down sperg.
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>Considering how low-effort everything is would it kill them to give each demon type maybe 2-3 poses so at least they look somewhat varied?
it's crazy because Persona 5 actually did this, when you fight 2 or more of the same enemy half of them will either have a mirrored idle pose or a completely different idle pose. they just... didn't do it for any other HD MegaTen game.
I do like the additions they made in CoV which is a pain that similar concepts that patch up characterization evidently don't exist in CoC
That's a pretty dumb take. Obviously a boss isn't going to be as cool the second time you fight it in an rpg, the same thing happens with every single Megaten game whether it's Ouroboros or Beelzebub.
No it isn't. The phone game doesn't even use the same models, most of SMTV's kaneko demons come from P5 (with Vengenace adding some from SH2)
>That's a pretty dumb take
You think it is, but I've seen plenty of people complain about fighting Taimat again in chaos. Theming only stretches so far. The hypocrisy of the great will's messenger using a snake against you isn't enough to make the average player happy that they are fighting the same fight over again when it gives the impression you won't.
Do people think Vengeance's story is actually good?
Can you guys rate it out of 10. I just want to confirm.
It went from Vanilla's 4/10 to a 7/10, squinting 8 if you get all the references towards the demons and the myths.
Aogami should have gotten an upgraded Susano-o design after Taimat.
>Raidou to get some love
That ain't gonna happen. Fatlus already censored his outfit in the SMT3 Remaster. Who knows what they would do if they tried to Port/Remaster the Raidou series. They are too scared of the backlash regardless of whether or not the people complaining care about the series.
I wish this wasn't the case since I'm a fan of the Raidou series as well.
Then why aren't people pissed about Lucifer, the Qadistu, Lahmu, Abdiel, etc too? Or really the fact that both routes aren't entirely unique fights from each other? This is just a you problem, I think.
Raidou only got censored in Korea.
Plenty of people were pissed about Lucifer back when the original game was released. Don't kid yourself.
>I know it's a myth reference and you were told Mastema can control demons but this is still a rug pull.

You know what's really a rug pull? I don't know how anything goes in Law but when I was on Chaos after I defeared Tiamat and before I fought Mastema I did the Mastema quest to fight Sameal. And Mastema said his real self shat out a minime emanation or some shit and somehow he was totally OK with me helping his duplicate thing while his real self was in the middle of killing me. And Sameal and the Qaditsu were acting as if I wasn't on his side. But the worst part is his fight was so much harder than Lucifer and Lucifer was piss easy. I didnt even use anyone but my main 3 demons.
Vanilla 2/10
Vengeance 4/10
This is an improvenment but it's still a shitshow.

The amount of aspulls in the story is just impressive. Things genuinely come out of knowhere and I'm still pissed at the nonsense the pulled with yakumo stabbing Nuwa. Like if that happened why didn't he pull that in the basic neutral ending of V. Shit just happens because the incompetent director wants it.

That Aogami scene at the end with the killing Tiamat asspull just shows the game that the devs wanted to make. Just shounen bullshit. IVA was what they wanted. If given an option they wouldn't want a mainline SMT game but instead Persona. I don't hate Persona I just think Persona should be Persona and mainline should be mainline.
they removed his DLC from persona 5 royal. he's never coming back, get over it.
>How so? It fits perfectly with the themes and ideology of the Chaos route.
It's literally the snake god route in contrast to law (and basically every other ending in the game) being a bull god route, and yet it still has a scene where aogami (a bull god) triumphantly returns to slay tiamat (the snake god). That's just stupid from a theming perspective
Oh, I assumed that was the case for all international versions. My bad then.
Because they are retards with substandards that will eat whatever slop Atlus feeds them.
Just know there are retards out there that bought V and VV at full price and are perfectly satisfied.
>And Sameal and the Qaditsu were acting as if I wasn't on his side.
He wasn't on anyone's side really. You killed the bitches he summoned and you want him dead to reverse the salt. You were going to kill him no matter what and he's going to defend himself.
>I'm surprised you didn't complain about Koshimizu. That's usually the biggest thing people bitch about.

Once I realized after Shinjuku was the same as SMTV (which I played and beat but forgot most of) I almost entirely lost interest but kept going becuase the gameplay was fun and I invested so much time into it. I 95 hours and I normally can't get into games at all. (I played like 3 this year.) So I think I was too burnt out to care. I just thought Aogami should have stayed dead. It was kind of dumb.

Yoko leaving your party and Tao kind of not doing much in Taito sucked too. Their interactions were great.
The biggest issue with chaos is that it doesn't feel like it's own route. It comes out of no where with no build up. Law is sufficiently built up before the end to the point it felt like they only planned to do one ending. That's symbolism and myth use aside because gameplay fags could care less. If you're on chaos you should use Yoko's panagia for Taito and the route lock should come sooner than it does.
Can someone explain the snake and bull god shit to me? I was insomniac while playing this game a lot and didn't really get it
Yeah it did feel weirdly half baked. Why would they halfass it when they made Yoko the best character though?
Then I hope they hold that same standard and complain about it in the other games too.
Doing CoC now after CoV just beat ishtar and man it feels like none of the humans get sufficient screen time aside from dazai. Like I guess he got shafted for screen time in CoV aside from the scenes with the gang all together so seeing why he drinks the law extremist kool-aid is nice but tao and yuzuru really don't show up that much huh
wait until you see the original hat scene
I'd tell you the reason is purely a obvious myth reference they are making but it doesn't mean much when you just want Yoko in your party.

Yuzuru and Koshimizu are so utterly shafted in this game it's not funny. If you play CoC to see what they are like without getting separated you'll be unpleasantly surprised to find out they do all that off screen while you fuck around in Chiyoda.
It's the chaoskampf
Truly the Poland of Asia.
I feel like it's too much to explain if you want themes. I'll just explain the game's lore:
>a bull god slayed Taimat a long time ago (they said which one but I forgot and don't feel like looking it up)
>to retaliate against the world Taimat made, he took the throne and cursed it so that only bull gods can take the throne
>that leads to a large divide between the oppressed and oppressors because most bull gods are assholes

If you want the actual theming that will take a lot longer to explain.
The turning point in the third area felt actually pretty impactful since I got to interact with the gang a lot more so the consecutive shit hitting the fan cutscenes and dazai(who really was not shown favorably in CoV despite being part of the gang) having yuzuru killed felt properly dramatic since he actually had a character arc. I really can't imagine caring about yuzuru in CoC he's just kinda there for the most part, and tao bowed out of the plot way too early even accounting for her eventual return in taito

Yeah IDK what I expected, yuzuru and koshimizu really feel like they're non-characters in CoC so far, only there to move the plot. CoC answers some questions a bit more explicitly since its a lot less busy than CoV but it really feels like CoV has a better pacing or relatively more engaging of a plot. Really I was just hoping to witness dazai's slow descent into lawfaggotry and more yakumo.
That would be cool if you could explain it more. I think in another thread someone said it was Marduk but I dont know where they got that from
Dazai gets an actual character arc into law faggotry in CoC so you should enjoy that. Mastema doesn't speed run him into it this time, he gets there himself after he sees Abdiel get bullied so it feels more earned. The scene itself is pure cringe kino, so enjoy it.
My favourite thing is seeing Abdiel's fall

You dont see it happen in CoV
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I actually feel like the original route handled the transition into the final act better. I feel like vengeance was hampered by the lack of the summit scene
Yeah Marduk, thanks. Here is a wall of text about the themes for you:

The goal of SMTVV (and this part is direct from an interview) is comparing and contrasting stories where the bull kills the snake or the bull serves the will of the snake. The two stories VV pulls from is obviously Susano-o vs the Orochi, but the second one is Paradise Lost, where god's creations Adam and Eve follow the snake's will. The idea here is basically comparing and contrasting the quintessential snake killing story and the quintessential serving the snake story (to Atlus I assume).
As a result CoV is basically just an alternate retelling of both stories. Tao is Amaterasu. Yoko is the serpent. The MC is caught between both stories and deciding your alignment is basically like deciding which story you're following. Do you become Susano-o or fall to temptation? Etc. Both endings reflect that.
Because of this the "snakes are losers" narrative is a big part of the story. In Paradise Lost the snake mostly wants revenge and hates that god sits above all. The actual poem itself makes him out to be an asshole for this but many gnostics view the serpent's tale for revenge as a tragic hero's tale of someone fighting for equal rights from an oppressor. William Blake specifically. Snakes losing is obviously part of Susano-o vs the Orochi too because it's about killing a snake. It's like what you're "meant" to do. You're not supposed to sympathize with the Orochi for demanding sacrifices. But because of the theming the argument is present that Susano-o would sympathize. Susano-o is meant to be a multi layered god, and likewise Eve (because she's being tempted and decides the fate of mankind) is the one that decides between order and chaos in her own story. This makes it so both stories can overlap with each other. If you want to get into real specifics you can actually point out every scene from CoV that's pulled from Susano-o or Paradise Lost, but that would be an even longer post.
>Mot is one of Mastema's ingredients
>tfw Mastema and his "Great Lament" spams.
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>Side with Yoko
>We're gonna literally blow up everything as a fuck you to the mandala system
>Get super excited because I love fucking over The Great Will whenever I can in these games
>Lucifer stills shows up and tells us we're still The Great Will's bitches

>what was the fucking point
You don't have Taimat and you need more power to actually nuke everything without it. Did you read what he says when you first see him?
I know this will sound retarded but the Mitama colors. They are blue, red, yellow and what the hell is the color of that fourth one called? Bronze?
If I didn't play original SMTV and only want to do 1 playthrough should I pick canon of creation or vengeance?
>You don't have Tiamat
I assumed that was why, but it still feels like everything was pointless.

Why did we still decide to reset the world if it wasn't gonna work?

Would it be like Dagda's endgame where nobody remembers god or demons so they'd all be powerless?
>Why did we still decide to reset the world if it wasn't gonna work?
It is going to work. He's just explaining Mandala to you so you're more motivated to make sure everything is extra nuked. This is also another way to halt Mandala.
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This should help.
The way he made it sound was that like all other routes, there's still the possibility of it not working.

I like the idea of fucking everything up and giving up literally everything to ensure there's a future that never gets this bad ever again. I actually really liked Dagda's route for the same reasons.
That's basically it. But I don't know if Yoko's idea to wander around using your power to help demons like you were doing before is going to create a truly free world. That will create a natural power gap over time. But I guess, what else are you supposed to do?
Creation is really disappointing.
Yoko and you removed the concept of a single ruler. In the new world it's not defined as such so disparities should not exist. Hence the scene in the garden of eden minus God's judgement/original sin
Vengeance is the better story but you should be aware it acts as though you've already played Creation and a lot of the major revelations from Creation are off-screened. If you have a chance, I'd still play the other at some point they compliment each other.
I just got to Shinjuku and suddenly all angels dislike me and are opposing my passage. Did I miss something? Why do they not like me despite being in Bethel? All the characters are treating it normally like I missed a cutscene explaining it to them but not me.
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That scene at the end is mainly there to reinforce who Yoko is. The temptation is what births chaos. The tree you're at is the same tree you fuse under, it's your world's tree of life. So you're still in the old world there you're just on your way to nuke everything like Yoko says you are. It's still the original sin, it's still the temptation of the snake they are just showing it exactly as it happened in Paradise Lost pretty much. God's judgement already happened when you fought Mastema.
Those who played SMTV on Switch and Vengeance. What QoL changes did you dislike outside of the obvious nerfs to sell DLC demons.
>Didn't check gamefaqs
Your fault for trusting reddit.
That scene is clearly there to show you what happened afterward. The game begins with the fall of man (from God's Judgement) and ends with you creating a world where Adam and "Lilith" are not judged, thereby undoing the fall of man.
Absolutely not. The fact the tree is the same one from your world should tell you it's not a new world. Not to mention what Yoko says. Use your head. If you don't believe me look at the tree and the background of any fusion scene with Aogami or Koshimizu, it is the same tree. You are still in your own world. Chaos hasn't happened yet.
Mirage and Seal are pretty good
It is the tree of knowledge sure. But that really has no bearing in the discussion, what would you have them do make a completely different tree model just to satisfy very specific brand autists? No, this is the new world's Garden of Eden, in the original world judgement is passed on Adam and Eve for eating the fruit of knowledge, in this world Adam and Lilith leave the garden of their own accord.
>No, this is the new world's Garden of Eden
>the tree doesn't matter
>they used the exact same tree for no reason
>they are too lazy to make a new model!
Just stop. You're already saying bullshit by thinking this.
M8 you're out of it.

>Law ending shows you Amaterasu and Susano'O ruling over the world from heaven
>Chaos ending shows you Adam and Lilith re-enacting the scene from the Garden of Eden only without God's judgement

They show you exactly what they said they'd accomplish with a Shinto/Christian flair respectively.
>outside of the obvious nerfs to sell DLC demons
That's a balance change, not a QoL
You are just misinterpreting the temptation of Eve and doing so by ignoring the tree and everything Yoko says. If you're going to stick to it by claiming they are "too lazy" to change the tree (or make the dialog match your claim) you're beyond help.
The game would be much more enjoyable playing as a girl instead of a twink.
I appreciate the irony of this post with the gorillion replies and yet there's not a single screenshot of TMS posted to get the point across
It feels extremely low budget.
Once smt VI comes out we'll see if the franchise is doomed or not.
>Want to show a new mythology for the Garden of Eden scene
>But they should change the tree model so that people don't get confused with the existing tree

What you're saying doesn't make any sense from a game developer's point of view.
SMT V doesn't even feel like SMT. The paths don't even feel like DnDs Law/Neutral/Chaos anymore.

The franchise is dead, persona 5 mogged the sales, they even tried to P5 Persona 3. At least we got Redux, it was a good run while it lasted.
>The paths don't even feel like DnDs Law/Neutral/Chaos anymore.
Good, the DnD alignement system was always shit.
Even if they wanted to go with "the power of song grants power" and talk about modern idoltry in the music industry, they could have done it without making it only appeal to a hyper specific niche.
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bring the old kino back
I mean the endings are still using them but now they have romances slapped on top. A pig wearing 3 different kinds of lipstick.

It's not like it matters, you can get any demon you want whenever you want with the skills you want, demon negotiation is such a fucking joke, i i just fast forward and mash A to capture the demon. If they ask for more than 3 things and they are of a lower level you deny them and they join.
>Yoko achieved Vengeance for Yuriko and won the Adambowl

After 20 years, I feel at peace with chaos.
Yoko's route is the best one solely because you beat the shit out of Mastema
Have you never played another smt game? He was basically a trash mob in Apocalypse
Of course I did.
I never said you don't get to do that, just that it should be done in all cases.
I don't understand how you go from the first part of your post to the second.
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Finally finished my CoC playthrough. Should I start a new game for CoV or pick newborn/reborn?
Do Reborn for the Secret to unlock Godborne
Oh i'm playing SJ and some demons are harder to catch when they are from a different alignment or some just straight up refuse. Limitations are cool.
But SJ is the game that introduced the concept of demon source that allow you to give any skill to any demon.
I do note your point about alignement but will keep saying that they badly implemented, especially in SJ where the alignment of a race prevail over the mythos of a given demon.
>The paths don't even feel like DnDs Law/Neutral/Chaos anymore.
they've never been like DnD alignments at all. They're more allegiances named after them and not a role playing tool. As in you're not often chaotic for doing things you're chaotic for helping certain factions.
I noticed that. I don't see how inheriting 2 skills from a source is the same as having so many skills you have to scroll down to choose what you want. Media on lilim is barely saving my ass
I know that no one actually played the game but TMS was Gharnef using the performing arts on a whole to revive Medeus. Singing was only shoehorned in because a major record label produced the game as narratively, its only relevant super early on.
Furthermore, the game actually plays well on non baby difficulties since the mechanics apply to both sides and you cant resist spam your way to win.
>Prefaces with "I know nobody played it, BUT" before saying the same shit as the first quote.
My point was that the presentation alienated massive amounts of potential customers.
because velvet room kek
I support the construction of Bethel Africa.
You can reroll.
The later games got rid of rerolling and just allow you to pick whatever skill you want since everyone rerolled anyway and it's largely considered one of the best QoL improvement by the entire playerbase.
People think that its an idol game because of Tsubasa but this is the same game where one of the earliest characters wants to be a toku actor and another one wants to go to hollywood. Tsubasa herself also jumps through all sorts of random acting bullshit on the side instead of just being a generic singing idol girl. Its not really a game that's focused purely on the music industry, thats the point that i was trying to make.
>Considered one the best QoL improvement by me
fix that for you friend.
I'll probably emulate it once I'm done playing SMT VV. It looks like the normal SMT affair with fire Emblem characters sprinkled in. That gameplay does not look half bad. I still feel like we were robbed of something that probably would have ended up being a Fire Emblem version of SMT IV which would have been absolute kino.
All the PS2 games besides P3 and P4 used the same UI.
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Because blue is the bluest color
It's smart, why waste time and money making new assets when you can reuse what you have? V did not have a AAA budget
Then don't charge it as a AAA game? The company is not your friend.
I got it at discount, the release should have been $40
NTA, but the Mastema fight is exactly what I wanted since SJ. I know he is a boss on the chaos route but it feels like a midboss for such a twisted piece of shit that he was. Crime and Punishment is such a cool gimmick for a boss fight and I love how Seething Mansemat is the attack he uses in SJ to bust out of jail.
I love this game so much
me too
>2 games in 1
>hundreds of hours of playtime

True, it's not AAA. AAA games are 8 hours long tops.
>pay $60
>now you get to auto battle the entire game while collecting korok seeds

thanks atlus, let me suck your cock at the chinese basketweaving forum, you deserve it after turning smtvv into a shitty gacha-persona game
>let me suck your cock atlus
you already are faggot since you are in every single thread non stop no matter the time.
absolutely mind broken repair.
If you're gonna say that you've never rerolled for skills, I'm not going to believe you.
Don't be disengenious.
You can claim 100s of hours of content because there is "2 routes" but that just ignores the fact that you're:
>Going through majority of the same areas.
>Fighting majority of the same bosses.
>Experiencing majority of the same dogshit characters.

This guy >>682931606 is retarded but also right.
The fucking Miman are in the exact same locations.
You can easily autobattle through most of the encounters. To not use that system is to trick yourself that there is more depth than there actually is.
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I've never re-rolled for anything except for the times that i wiped.
I'm not going back to Antila for a Oni to summon Morax even if he looks cool as fuck
I got rid of my sick ass pele-lilim team for a gay ass archangel,apsaras and hathor team (there goes the media demon source, rip, so much for selecting skills) to beat first boss.

I don't care, i'm not going to google how to do fusions, i'm just going to play the game the way it was meant to be played. I'm not turning this into a checklist, i don't have FOMO or an unealthy obssession to turn this into a GameFaqs checklist, i just enjoy the game. Expert before you start shitting your pants about it.
So you never bothered to cover the weakness of the demon you fuse?
Because you know, you never rerolled for skills.
Also wtf is that rambling about checklists, are you retarded?
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Bros I can't get back into this game, I made it to the last area around level 60ish. I'm getting filtered by the fact it's exactly the fucking same as the beta that came out a couple years ago. I'm glad I pirated this game, I fucking hate Atlus

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