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This is the most overhated boss I've seen in some time
Why Radahn tho?
he's objectively a poorly-designed boss, this is apparent if you're not running a cheese build.
The fact that you can't see jack shit in phase 2 and the fact that there's no transparent way to dodge a number of his attacks is just retarded
>he's objectively a poorly-designed boss
Not really
>The fact that you can't see jack shit in phase 2
If you can't dodge the attacks that are the exact same as in phase 1 because they demand slightly better spacing and timing you're just bad
The new attacks he has are all also incredibly telegraphed
>there's no transparent way to dodge a number of his attacks
80% of his attacks can be dodged by going to the left with a mid roll lol
Huh???? This is the easiest way to beat him. Just take a shield and a thrusting weapon, and you can just spam r1 while holding l1. The only attack that can harm you is Miquella's grab.
Radahn is literally the easiest boss to cheese in the entire game.
Yes you can retard. Did you miss all the tank/shieldposting?
yeah my favorite telegraphed attack from phase 1 is the one where he floats into the air and turns the whole screen white and then half your health bar is gone for some inexplicable reason
or the one where he spams faith clones in the camera's direction so you can see fuck all when he's the 7th guy to teleport at you
anything with near unavoidable damage in a souls game is shit tier. bed of chaos was a better fight, unironically

this is coming from someone whose favorite fromsoft boss is orphan, which was considered the “hardest” in the series up until ER launched
BB is hard because of shit performance more than anything else.
Radahn was liquid shit-tier and everything wrong with the modern FromSoftware
Terrible boss fight.
The problem is you spend hours in a thread explaining why this boss is shit, then come the next day and the next retard comes here and asks the same question, i will start to save my posts these days so i can effortlessly copy paste them to retards instead of wasting time.
>this is apparent if you're not running a cheese build
light roll, tank, mid roll with talisman bonus or better timing, backstep with talisman, parry, use a defensive aow, use deflect tear, use a shield, do literally anything and you can beat him
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Why the fuck midwits correlate difficulty with fun? Radahn can be cheesed or beaten legit, doesn't matter though because he's unfun either way, for fuck's sake. Literal Reddit tier mindset where seeing the victory screen is all you care about
but I did exactly that and beat him first try. I just had to hold L1 the whole time too.
> This boss is poorly-designed, too hard, unfair, broken, terrible, boring to fight
> Okay, then just use the build that counters the boss and beat him in 2 minutes
> Hmmmmm no I refuse
> Waah waaah this boss is poorly-designed, too hard, unfair, broken, terrible, boring to fight
I don't get this position.
>where he floats into the air and turns the whole screen white and then half your health bar is gone for some inexplicable reason
Literally just run
If you haven't gotten the memo that "boss is standing still for a long period of time" and additionally in Radahn's case "generating a huge golden circle on the ground" means "NUKE INCOMING TIME TO RUN" you're brown
If you get hit by it anytime after the first somehow even nogs are unironically smarter
>where he spams faith clones in the camera's direction
You mean the clones that do fuckall damage and are easy to dodge out of? Or the clones that clearly show what he's going to do next? Or maybe the clones that he only spawns in specific scenarios like if you somehow get hit by the gravity pull (phase 1 attack btw)?
Did you even fight the guy or are you just repeating what you're reading in fextras comment section, it's a difficult fight sure but not particularly egregious or unfair by the game's standards
I don't really like him at all but why did people have literal mental breakdowns about him being le harder than heckin malenia when he just isn't at all

I was actually disappointed when I got to the fight. I was expecting it to be much more dumb than it is. I can't help thinking back to when ER first came out and people were borderline losing their minds about fucking Margit on here
My posse of Ansbach, Thioller, Jolan , Anna & I wrecked him with bleed, poison, rot and frost. Fuck that guy using 3 AoE moves in the time it takes me to sip a flask. I have no regrets.
When people were whining about le I only get to poke him once with my dagger after an 82 hit combo that tanks the FPS I expected that to actually be the case and for it to legitimately be some actual hardcore uber kaizo nonsense.

Then you fight him and he has multiple huge punishable openings and isn't even really that hard to dodge outside of one or two attacks, he just has a lot of health and hits hard if you're not wearing decent armor.
I don't know why I even bother listening to anything on this board anymore
Malenia heavily punishes blocks. Radahn highly rewards turtling. Radahn is only easier once you figure this out, and even once you do figure it out, you have to be willing to do it, which a lot of people clearly aren't
I didn't even turtle and found Radahn significantly easier

He's just easier to actually fight because he's big and constantly in your face with well defined attacks and downtimes unlike Malenia who constantly prances around and breaks out of her stagger animation randomly. You can beat Malenia more easily if you just get lucky and poisebreak her a billion times with bleed or something, but with colossals or something mildly slow she's dogshit. Radahn can be beaten with pretty much anything though

Also Waterfowl is still >>>>>>> any of Radahn's attacks, yes even the meteors into clonespam or the left right cross combo everyone is apparently bad at dodging
To be honest, I simply disagree with any of your statements, according to my experience they are all wrong.
The fight with Malenia is very fair, fun and quite easy, and waterfowl is the most overrated attack in the history of From Software.
I see. Unfortunately you're also very wrong.
Except for the bit about Waterfowl being overrated, I actually do agree but it's entirely unintuitive how to dodge it at first sight which hurts an annoying fight even more (which is not the only or worst case of this attack in the game or Fromsoft's history, but regardless).
>its easy when you cheat lol
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>a grandma
>some whore on a dance
>another with brainwaves
>cosplay streamers
are all doing challenge runs while VEE is COPING
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Don't care. The DLC and the bosses are all dogshit made by Pajeets. A roastie beating Fagdahn with a dance pad just proves he is a shit boss further.
>>he's objectively a poorly-designed boss
>Not really
Nah, he's dogshit, and I wont ever forgive from for ruining my favorite character in the game.
1st phase is fine, not counting his gay fucking cross swing that's literally undodgeable, but they totally dropped the ball on his 2nd phase which plays like an mmo final raid boss with all the aoe bullshit happening around him for no fucking reason.
Consort Radahn is the quintessential "wait until he does a move you can reasonably punish" boss because anything else is almost certain to either kill you, or get you damn near dead.
This boss is legitimately a "git gud" boss. He's 100% manageable without cheese. Sorry you just suck
Being manageable doesn't mean he's fun to fight. Why do you Fromcuck tranny Vaatitroon retard drones fail to grasp this
No, a "git gud" boss is something like Nameless King. Fagdahn is diarreah made by Pajeets.
Shielding with a thrusting weapon has to be one of the easiest ways to beat Malenia, you win every trade and she doesn't properly follow up her kick guard break so you get a free punish on her after it instead. It's worse if you're trying to guard everything without a thrusting weapon, but guard counters still fuck her up and it's worth having a shield to trivialize waterfowl.

Waterfowl's probably worse to dodge perfectly (both to figure out and execute), but you can fuck it up at 40vig with shit armor and still usually survive + have time to flask safely after dodging the two easier followups, and it's a single attack you might not even see in the whole fight. Most of Radahn's attacks still hurt at 60vig 13scadu with good armor if you aren't also stacking defensive buffs.
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you literally can
>changing your build to beat a boss
couldn't be me
Grow up
i beat him with the dark moon great sword and a parry buckler on my basic STR/INT build the ones who cant beat him and need a cheese build are just bad
The chick who uses her mind and the dance pad one fake their runs
The minute you say 'phase 1 is fine, BUT LE HECKIN PHASE 2...' that immediately signals you're about to say nothing of worth and are just parroting ledditors
Phase 2 is just the same as phase 1, most of the combos are nearly the exact same thing, you dodge them the exact same fucking way, through them instead of backwards. The 'AoE bullshit' you're crying about should never hit you if you're actually playing well.
If you're getting destroyed in Phase 2 that just means you're panic rolling and running around like a retard and not realizing the boss is using most of the exact same attacks.
>"wait until he does a move you can reasonably punish"
So almost every single attack he has?
The only one you can't is the meteor because of how far you have to run that you can't reliably get back to the boss before he recovers, and even then you can use the time to apply a buff or heal or something.
Everything else gives you an enormous window. I was actually shocked at how forgiving it is.
>giving up is adapting
cry more
>giving up
What kind of tranny logic is this? Adapting and changing your strategy is the opposite of giving up you stupid fucking ugly zoomer.
Why would you be going into Radahn with 13 Scadu? Most people I think should be getting there at 17-18 at which point even if you get hit with something like the left-right-cross you'll take only maybe 30-40% from one of the hits with good armor and then be able to roll the rest
And yeah you can survive Waterfowl even if you fuck it up but it just ends up healing Malenia a ton and prolongs the fight a lot more, which is way more irritating to deal with
We're doing this every single secret boss/DLC and we'll be doing it for every single game after Elden Ring.
people are fucking weirdos, they do these self imposed challenge runs on their first time and cry about it being too hard
>sacrificing character cohesion for meta cheese
couldn't be me dawg
there won't be any more after turden slop considering how badly the dlc flopped
>character cohesion
This is literal zoomer tranny TikTok nonsense. And why do you assume changing a build/loadout means "meta cheese"? Sounds like you're projecting, troon.
Yeah, playing smart isn't a concept in a fromslopper's mind. Only rolling in dirt like a pig.
I love how people have started using terms like "overrated" and "overhated" as catch-all dismissal terms to discredit even valid arguments for or against something.
I actually don't love it. I fucking hate it.
Keep crying, sister. At least you're better at it than at Elden Ring.
>I actually don't love. I fucking hate it.
Okay Reddit
>golden vow
>black dumpling
>seppuku + white mask + lord of blood's exultation
>kindred of rot
>Royal Knight's Resolve
people who don't use buffs and complain the game is hard needs to off themselves.
>have started
How fucking old are you if you're just now noticing this?
But I didn't need buffs to kill lobotomized dark souls 1 bosses that barely even aimed attacks at me, why can't this boss respect that?
These games becoming known for difficulty, and really just specifically boss difficulty has had a deleterious effect on both the games and the playerbase.
Was I being lied to when anons said damage negation barely changes after 12
I'd been leveling it as I found them, but 13 was doing enough damage to kill earlier bosses before I even saw the fight and was enough to kill radahn without seeing phase 2 off a poise break, so leveling for offense seemed excessive and it didn't sound like defense would meaningfully improve from there
Playing these games is the entire identity of Fromsharts
if you can't see why allowing the player to change their entire character at the drop of a hat is absolutely abysmal for the development of the game, I can't help you
You really shouldn't be surprised. This is a process that /v/ goes through with every game.
People hated orphan of kos for being too hard, now its looked back fondly, people hated midir for being too hard, now its praised for being the best dragon fight in the series
same thing's gonna happen with radahn. right now most people are just heated because they got filtered by radahn
>NO NO NO NO NO *shits pants*
They just went too far with him. The first phase is fine, hes aggressive, has wide sweeping attacks that we'd expect from Radahn, and does a massive amount of damage. And most importantly, there are small gaps there to attack him through if you can find them - certain attacks that leave an angle open to counterattack if youre in the right position for it.

The second phase just goes too far. The windows are all gone, replaced with 60 part combos, each swing followed by blinding lights that cover the whole screen and never ever stop. It exposed the limitations of this kind of combat, where instead of asking yourself ''where can i find an opening to hit him?'', i was asking myself ''how can i manipulate the AI to do this one attack so i can maybe get some damage off?'' Thematically he's cool, i like the design, the story of it, but mechanically he's a badly designed boss. After just one attempt, i wanted to just find a way to cheese the boss - something that ive never had any urge to do on any other boss before, because he's just badly designed. There is more to souls combat than difficulty people enjoy the flow of the combat, and this isnt a flow, more like having your head held under a waterfall
I dunno how the Scadutrees work precisely and don't trust Fextra worth shit, but I'm just speaking on personal experience there with my own example
I accept your concession
>needs to run a cheese build to beat a boss

could never be me
>And most importantly, there are small gaps there to attack him through if you can find them - certain attacks that leave an angle open to counterattack if youre in the right position
>The second phase just goes too far. The windows are all gone
Why do people complain about games they've never played?

Which 'windows' in particular are gone from phase 2 that were in phase 1? I'd love to hear it
People seem to forget that its not difficulty players are looking for. Its good quality combat. It just so happens that traditionally souls games happen to be hard too, but the quality of the combat has always been what draws people to these games. Radahn has the difficulty, but not the quality, making him a bad boss. Rellana was really fun though, and the dragon was pretty good too
>no argument
As expected.
>if you can't see why roleplaying in a roleplaying game is bad then I can't help you
You should help yourself by committing suicide.
>ran away from >>682898536 like a little bitch
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>Thematically he's cool, i like the design, the story of it
You know it's just an inferior take on a boss From already did 8 years ago, right?
Not to mention it's a reuse of a boss who already had the perfect sendoff in the main game.
There simply isn't anything good about consort Radahn.
>hated midir for being too hard, now its praised for being the best dragon fight in the series
Sihn is better and idk why people had trouble with Midir. He's not that hard.

I spent many threads fighting people over this. There's so many players that think a boss just being hard equals a fun boss.
His basic attacks in phase 1 and 2 are almost the same, but after most of the swings, Miquella now slams down a shitload of white beams. So the time you spend dodging those beams that have been added on to the combos is the time you would have used to attack in phase 1. Its why phase 1 is fun, phase 2 isnt, despite his basic attack pattern being almost the same
>The windows are all gone
The fuck, it's the same windows as before plus an enormous grab attack free hit window.
There isn't anything similar between them aside from a twink hanging on his neck.
And of course the quality is determined by how easy it was for you personally to beat the boss.
>no argument
as expected
he's fun to fight if you git gud, tendie
>changing your entire character on a whim to make a boss easier
pick one
>His basic attacks in phase 1 and 2 are almost the same, but after most of the swings, Miquella now slams down a shitload of white beams
Anon, how the fuck were you dodging his phase 1 attacks?
If you dodge through them - which is more or less the only way to dodge them as he rollcatches you easily if you dodge backwards - then you won't ever get hit by the beams.
The beams are only an issue if you get hit since it can chip you if you get hit into them by his swings.
The only times the beams are an unavoidable problem are when he expands them in a circle where you just roll towards him to dodge them.

Also his punish windows are literally the exactly the same between phases and have literally nothing to do with the beams at all
Malenia being regarded as infamously difficult actually made the fight a lot more difficult for me since the preconceived notion I had of her made me afraid of just engaging with her with in straight up unga bunga combat.
Turns out that Malenia's posture meter is extremely fucking shit for a boss.

Similarly. You can just use a shield against Radahn. Fuck. Moore drops his shield like right before Radahn.
I admit its a little lazy, but since Elden Ring was released, people were talking about how strong Radahn would have been in his prime, since we fight only the broken version in the base game. It was nice to be able to fight who was canonically the strongest of the demigods. Who else could have even been used as the big final boss? The only person left alive on that level is Miquella, and he's more of a magical small child anyway, would have been a shitty mage boss
Cry more.
What i mean is, for example, in phase 1, say he swings 4 times. Now if you dodged well enough, you didnt get hit, dont need to heal, you can use the gap at the end of the 4th hit to slap him. Probably only once or twice, but its still an attack window. In phase 2, he does the exact same combo, but that gap after the fourth swing is now filled with Miquella throwing a spell at you. So you either use that window of time to dodge the spell, or tank it to still hit Radahn. You cant do both because he's relentless and will start another combo immediately. And i dont think being forced to take that magic hit if you want to do damage is good game design. Also something really weird happens if you just keep parrying him, he stops changing up his combos and just repeats the same 2 swings over and over, no spells either. Not sure what thats about
>i was asking myself ''how can i manipulate the AI to do this one attack so i can maybe get some damage off?''
This has been classic boss design since the NES days. And most certainly all the Souls games.
Quick bosses with low poise/health are always hard to balance. Friede, the last boss of DS3 Ashes of Ariandel was a pretty hard boss for most builds, but if you have a high stagger and quick weapon its hilariously easy. I went through with Ceastus, and turns out you can just keep punching and staggering her until you run out of stamina. She's a lot harder with a big weapon
What counts as 'changing your build'? Putting on slightly different armor? Changing your talismans? Using a different weapon or playstyle?
there's no builds in dork souls, friede was manageable for 99% of players, it's just an attrition boss with three phases. Elden shart wasn't even playtested and is near DS2 tier quality. the DLC is so bad that it's highly possibly it's the same quality as DS2, but I wouldn't know because I didn't play it. The fact that I played (half) of DS2 but not elden ring's dlc might automatically qualify it as begin worse than ds2
>In phase 2, he does the exact same combo, but that gap after the fourth swing is now filled with Miquella throwing a spell at you
Yes, and if you dodge to his sides, you won't get hit
This is because the light beams only appear in front of him when he swings his swords, so if you dodge through his swings and to the side, which is how you should have been dodging the phase 1 moves, the light beams will completely miss you because you're either at his side or behind him, you get the exact same amount of time to punish him as phase 1
Also, for his groundslam combo and his Promised Consort AoW move, he shoots the light beams omnidirectionally at the end of it so if you dodge through them you will be 100% safe

Not to mention said punish windows are quite generous by the game's standards. He has very few attacks that are unpunishable and actually gains more attacks in phase 2 that you can land free hits - his highly telegraphed grab, the new combo he gets where he telegraphs it with a stance, and his updated version of the meteor attack
>think should be getting there at 17-18 at which point even if you get hit with something like the left-right-cross you'll take only maybe 30-40% from one of the hits with good armor
And vigor at the cap. If you don't level up vigor you still die no matter your scadu level.
I was messing around with her fight last night and I didn't even realize that Carian Piercer knocks her on her ass. She has so little poise it's kind of funny.
>Elden shart wasn't even playtested and is near DS2 tier quality.
If true. Then how come the DLC has Messmer? The most ludo fight in a Souls game to date.
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thing being beatable doesn't mean it's good

now go eat poop because you can.
I wouldn't know because the base game was so bad I didn't play the skibidi toilet dlc
respeccing, I'd imagine
Anything that makes him cry
The best thing is that you can still knock Malenia around even in phase 2.
The only thing that's legitimately bothersome with Malenia is the camera going nuts if you're locked on to her when she jumps around.
im currently on my first playthrough of er. how the fuck can anyone ng+ such a long game? why would you do all that shit over again? unless you purely focus on the main objectives and do none of the sheer number of side stuff/exploration
Then why claim the DLC wasn't even tested?
Don't even need a greatshield. Just the old reliable dorito shield with carian retaliation does all you'll ever need for this fight. I must be playing these games the intended way because I didn't even have to change my play style for Radahn, I roll through what I can confidently roll, I parry the obvious moves and I block what I don't want to risk. The Dark Souls 1 knight playstile is still the best thing ever even a decade later.
you have to be exceptionally stupid to replay it
i don't even block ever and I still found radahn way more reasonable of a boss than Malenia. And no that's not me saying he's a good fight before some schizo replies, he's just not even close to as hard. The biggest bullshit attack he has is the one where he quickly swings lefthand then right, and then swings both. If you don't dodge the first swing almost instantly you are going to get hit by the second every single time
I was stuck on malenia for like 2 days trying to figure out all her shit, when you could stunlock her in each phase, the different ways she strings combos etc. And in general she's way more punishing
Because it's low quality
There's honestly no reason to do a NG+ in ER. They don't even have enemies scale. Replays are even worse because there's no more discovery, I just beeline straight to the stuff that helps out the most and it ends up being a check list of the basic necessities before I actually get to playing.
>The Dark Souls 1 knight playstile is still the best thing ever even a decade later.
I wonder how many people even noticed. After several games, including ER's base game, doing completely away with it. But Shadow of the Erdtree even has the return of tons of enemies that are optimally fought by circling around to backstab them.
Felt very classic.
because I like fun and good video games. I'm currently playing SotE on my second build and then planning my next build for a taunter's tongue playthrough
Seeing a video of Friede getting gangbanged by four players in the corner was an eye opening and a penis hardening moment for me. Just go in and fuck em, outpoise them, bend them as you wish, you create the attack opportunities in these fights.
How would you know? You said you hadn't even played it.
But thats exactly what I did
Great Katana + Occult + Blood Tax
but enough about Nintenslop
there's no such thing as builds in dork souls
everything scales, it's just completely exposed how dumb the NG+ scaling is in these types of games bc it's open world
scaling is tied to areas so you fucking 2-3 shot everything in limgrave and liurnia including bosses
then in the late game the scaling gets more normal, in the DLC it's already silly only on NG+1, the damage is absurd
I've seen webms of the broken hitboxes, watched enough videos of the horrible bosses and of course the scat fragment gameplay
IIRC the scaling in the DLC assumes 20 Skibidis
okay grandpa
what do you even think fragments are
If they took his moveset and gave it to godwyn, gloam eyed queen, melina, fucking humanoid torrent or rykard or literally any other character we didn't already kill, it would've been peak.
Still enjoyed the fight though, even though it felt more like a superboss than a final boss
>diarreah made by Pajeets.

You Americans reference shit more than we do. I took one trip to NYC and saw more homeless degenerates shitting on the streets than in most parts of India. Fuck you
Shut the fuck up Rajesh
Scat fragments?
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fuck this stupid nigger right here. Worst fucking boss in the game. Stupid bullshit. If you thought this was easy, kill yourself
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that and her phase 2 opener is so long you have time to heal, buff, and even empty her poise completely before she stands up
it's cathartic taking a victory lap to bully her
I have managed to avoid every single attack in the dlc without bloodhound step/raptor of the mists except for this stupid niggers charge attack
I beat him first try with my dragon incant build earlier
he's fine now that he doesn't instacharge the fog gate when you walk in
his wombo combo is entirely avoided by rolling to the right for the second part which is the only thing that gave me trouble aside from the FUCKING charge
he's very easy. Literally doesn't do anything I could see someone having trouble with.
fucking kill yourself faggot don't reply to me ever again
Nameless King is incredibly easy lol
then what's the point of elden boring
i just beat him, i'm not even joking. i am sorry for my harsh words. i love you guys
>challenge runs in a game without challenge
How do women do it?
Genuinely. I am not going to pretend to be some kind of god gamer or anything even remotely close to it.
But how did Malenia ever get the reputation she had?

I know I am super late to Elden Ring. But I started it for the first time in time for the DLC. And having played all the Souls games I expected a lot more from the infamous Malenia. I personally don't even think she is all that even compared to ER's other base game bosses.

I guess she has high damage. But for low vigor players, that doesn't even make a difference. And for high dps players, she just gets posture broken in rapid succession. Made even easier if you've got the vigor to take some hits.
>be shitty game
>have no merits
>have tons of retarded people playing you
>they post on social media for good goy points like all brainrotted losers
>whoa I can't beat this one boss
>other brainrotted rejects concur, people reading these posts that haven't played the game get the game to experience what they saw on social media
>endless cycle of 80 IQ retards from twitter playing the game
>most recent eceleb to get famous off of the game is famous because he's a braindead retarded nigger that never learns from his mistakes and takes 300 tries to beat a single boss
>whoa cool
love you too anon :) glad you were able to beat him
It's because of waterfowl dance and the fact that she heals even if you block her attack. If you take those things away from her, she would be a mid tier boss, but waterfowl is such a huge filter that it averages out her overall difficulty to an 11. Most people beat Malenia for the first time by being lucky enough to have a pull with zero waterfowls
Waterfowl dance and her reaction based moveset. Waterfowl in particular is almost impossible to dodge going in blind.
Why are dark souls 1 purists so full of seethe?
>and the fact that she heals even if you block her attack
Yeah. That's kind of scary. Until you remember that you get all the damage back and more the moment you posture break her.
What does it feel like to be surrounded by scarecrows?
Boy I love being 3 shot despite having 2,200 hp.
When dod bosses become trial and error bullshit? I would argue 3 was the first one where this was common. Sure, there were always delayed attacks and the likes before, but the moves were readable.

You didn't NEED to autistically learn every move of every boss because of unintuitive, lightning fast or roll catching attacks (by which I mean an attack quickly following another attack, sometimes you need to dodge late to avoid both at once, sometimes early to be able to roll the second) if you were good enough, it was perfectly feasible to one try most bosses, save for the extremely rare bullshit boss like bed of chaos.

Being familiar with the moveset obviously helped, but it wasn't a requirement if you didn't want to use cheese stuff or things that allow you to ignore the boss' moveset.
Pretty much
Any time I die in the Malenia fight, it's because I fucked up the waterfowl dodge.
If she doesn't waterfowl, she's not much of a threat.
waterfowl being unintuitive to dodge (unless she starts it when you're already far away) and almost certainly one shotting you for messing it up is the main thing, since you absolutely need to learn how to handle it to win the fight.
>since you absolutely need to learn how to handle it to win the fight
Absolutely? I just blocked it with my shield.
Don't forget on top of the shitty boss design the bosses randomly ignore status effects and input read
Souls bosses have always been that shit.
DS1 starting with Capra Demon
>I just blocked it with my shield.
The vast majority of souls players never use shields.
No one thinks this is easy, but this isn't the 'worst fucking boss in the game'
He has one shit attack that pretty much gets mitigated entirely if you're light rolling and then is a fine boss otherwise
Compare to gay shit like this stupid nigger where the dragons are already boring shitty camerafests but then you also have 50 armed soldiers who instantly try ganking you instead of the enormous zombiedragon if you try approaching and it's nothing, and this isn't even arguably the worst either
That's why on ER you get to the final stretch you still getting mauled by the game.
ER "game design" doesn't make you better at the game, it makes you better at fighting that encounter.
By the end of DS1 you feel like you knew your shit, by the end of ER you are just waiting for the next Simon Says moment.
So you learned to handle it
Beat my second try with no summons with no upgrades tp seduku tree fragments.
It's a cool setpiece I'll give it that much. I just ended up watching them until they were all dead then finishing him off.
Fair. Guess that's true.
It is pretty fun to watch the dragon obliterate the camp. But it also takes way too long and if you get accidentally killed by something then you have to rewatch it all over again
I just love the arrows dealing 50 dmg to the dragon and 500 to my face, it's absolute epic.
Waterfowl's the most convoluted attack to dodge in the game if you insist on not using a shield or defensive arts, and if you didn't look anything up on a first playthrough you were likely to have missed some useful tools, built inefficiently, or may not know how poise works. The fight difficulty changes drastically if your R1 does less than 500 damage since you lose the ability to trade for progress. Phase 2 also goes south fast if you aren't confident enough to stay in her face.
There's a decent amount of knowledge checks to learn if you didn't happen to have one of the weapon arts or incants that cheeses her horribly, but once you know how many openings you get to attack you can walk all over her.
>phase 2 is the same as phase 1
maybe like half the combos, sure, just with a new coat of paint. But the main reason people get real pissy at phase 2, is that the only way to really be able to deal with some attacks, mainly the duplicating ones is to stop rolling, and either strafe and/or jump, while phase 1 can be almost entirely learned by rolling at the right time in one direction, as you said.
I also acclimated to what phase 2 really was, but it really takes those 2 main realizations, that
>gotta disregard the visual clutter and realize a chunk of the attacks you already know how to deal with
>gotta realize you can't use the same approach for the fully new stuff
Once you get there, then the only issue is something introduced in phase 1, the combo ending in the cross, which is really the only thing I'm still miffed on.
So, I still think by saying P1=P2 you're missing this latter half.
Thing is, as the original anon showed, many people just don't realize these two parts about P2, and wholly dismiss the fight from that point onwards. That or they got shitty PCs, P2 Radahn genuinely fucks with them.
i can't decide which is more bullshit
>malenia waterfowl which is 100% consistently dodgeable from any range but it's completely unintuitive and the close range dodge method is likely unintended by fromsoft
>radahn's cross slash attack that is virtually undodgeable unless you react immediately to the first swing, and even then it's dependent on you not being on a bad terrain part of the arena

personally the radahn one made me much more butthurt during the fight even though it isn't an attack that guarantees death like waterfowl if you get caught in the second flurry. I can't fucking stand attacks that come out almost instantly like that, Rellana has one like that too that really pisses me off
You literally just need good and quick situational awareness. The answer to the puzzle lies right in front of you, and it's not a hard one.
The majority of new players (or bad players) will play most of the game using a heavy shield, playing cautiously, or not being great at avoiding damage. All 3 of those attributes result in Malenia draining the health from you extremely easily. Overall in terms of raw difficulty, i'd put Malenia around the level of Pontiff Sulyvahn from DS3. It just so happens that her lifesteal mechanic is perfectly designed to fuck up new players and shitters.

Lore wise, her reputation makes a lot more sense. There are youtube videos of people hacking in bosses to fight eachother, and Malenia wins almost every time. Plus imagine having to fight her in universe? An anime move spamming bitch who can dash 5 meters at a time, will heal herself constantly by slapping you, can grow wings, is an actual demigod, and if all thats not enough, going anywhere near her will infect you with hyper space aids, which has no known cure, is completely devastating, even to other demigods, and is the essence of some far off deep space god. Shit's scary
>traverse the fog wall
>immediately get stunlocked by two dogs and an enemy you've never seen before you can even step out of the entrance
Nah you're full of shit
I'd agree with if you're super close, but its quite intuitive to dodge it from medium to large distance away from her. The only thing you need to do from then on is learn how to space yourself properly and bait it, that's how I did my first time blind.
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you can

the trick is to hold L1 at the same time
Scream filtered or didnt beat the game or whatever gay buzzword you want, but you know this fight detracts from radahn and as a DLC final boss it's utter garbage. Ending the DLC with a wet fart that's just spinning around swinging nonstop with the most boring attacks while they could have just put miquella there lightspamming the entire screen with the same "difficulty" is a shitter move. What the fuck.
>When dod bosses become trial and error bullshit?
Since day one. You have to realize that if you didn't struggle on a particular boss and one-tried him it doesn't mean that it wasn't trial and error, you just passed the trial faster. I for one beat Gael first try and was really surprised to see that people are struggling with him. Meanwhile I myself spent 30+ attempts on DS1's DLC bosses back in the day because they were just that hard for me. It's not a bad thing to not be able to cruise just on panic rolls and hoping for the best. It's a bad habit because as soon as you are forced to actually play the game you treat it as a chore because you never learned to take boss fights seriously.
>fromsoft has always sucked at game design
case closed
even mid/far range dodge for waterfowl I would call unintuitive because there is no visual or sound indication telling you that you can just roll into the second part
the only reason people know you can do it is because someone found out you could. The dodge for the third flurry is sick as fuck tho, I love attacks that you can dodge via pure positioning like that
Yeah same. I still find it more comfortable to just count the steps in her attack and dodge toward her when she's done with the second step.
The second one clearly, its not consistent with any form of rolling. Only consistent method non terrain dependent involve backstepping and a talisman to buff i frames, sekiro tear, or parrying. I genuinely think its a final fuck you from FS to DS players who keep trying to dodge/strafe everything, and didn't try out the new shit they've been putting.
you didn't beat the game
this stupid ass shield is the Rivers of Blood to Radahn's Malenia
If thousands of people say "this boss is too hard" I think it might be too hard.
It's not illegal to say that. The police aren't going to arrest you
What's stupid about the shield?
yeah the only way I could figure out how to 100% consistently "dodge" the cross slash was the deflecting tear
the first swing just comes out so damn fast that even if you do dodge it you are gonna get hit by the second one most of the time. It's such bs. Waterfowl is incredibly dumb but you can even be stuck in an attack animation at close range and react fast enough to make her spin enough to miss
it's cheap
yes, that's why I worded it like that. On top of dodging it being unintuitive, the average person will see that she heals on block and assume that they shouldn't block anything at all in the fight when that isn't necessarily true. You just need to be careful and prioritize dodging over blocking. And just accept that she heals a little when she uses waterfowl since it isn't really a big deal or anything.
They don't attack so fast that you can't see them and roll, and even if they somehow did for you, you can see the arena towards the end of the fog wall animation (which has i-frames btw)
> unintuitive because there is no visual or sound indication telling you that you can just roll into the second part
Huh? If you're far away and run full speed 2nd hit doesn't touch you at all, and from mid distance and running away you just roll backwards at the right timing. Medium to close distance this becomes an issue, but still rolls give I-frames, waterfowl is basically a ball of damage, you just gotta start a roll so you're invulnerable while in the ball, and the roll is pointing outwards of that ball. The only challenge is figuring out where each ball would be placed dependent on your prior movement. It's not so much "rolling into it", but the 2nd attack being more forward than usual, so by rolling in the opposite direction you actually reach the invulnerable spot faster, as both of you are going in opposite directions.
>the only reason people know you can do it is because someone found out you could
Fuck no, this is something I, a relative FS shitter realized, and I'm sure countless others as well. The only really unintuitive thing about waterfowl is the full close range with no running backwards dodge, the rest of the ranges can be intuited.
It's not a hot take to say 95% of boss moves in Dark Souls were readable, while this number is much lower in ER, and even more so in the DLC.
Phase 2 literally just introduces one new combo, the Promised Consort AoW, which is dodged in literally the exact same way as his 'combo leading into earthquake' move that he has in Phase 1 and 2.
Sure he has some new shiny attacks, but most can also be dodged in much the same way by just dodging to his side (the lightspeed dashes, his grab, the double gravity slam thing which only gets you if he hits you with the first one which you can dodge the same way you did in phase 1).
That's what I mean when I say you can treat the phases as mostly the same. And yeah you can just dodge in one direction for most of phase 2 besides the nukes and maybe his meteors, I don't think jumping or strafing really helps on anything outside of niche scenarios, or at least not in the same way that like, jumping is the optimal way to deal with Putrescent Knight's flame attacks.

I really think it's more the former than the latter thing. People just get freaked out at the lightshow and start panicking when Radahn starts up a combo with his flashbangs while they're in front of him and they're not at full health, so they panic roll and get killed instead of waiting out the combo and healing during his (lengthy) recovery window.
He's not really any different than someone like Messmer or Midra, he just has a lot more health and hits a lot harder so people can't just rely on overlevelling like they could for those bosses
It's just two quick slashes in the second part, I don't see how it's any less intuitive than any other attack you'd roll through. Even then rolling away or just running away also works.
Third part's no-roll dodge pissed me off when I saw it online afterward because when I tried it I either got stuck on her collision and died or dodged the first hit but got caught by the second. I still roll it every time because I could never get consistent at avoiding it without it.
>It's not a bad thing to not be able to cruise just on panic rolls and hoping for the best
Nobody said anything about panic rolling though.
>as soon as you are forced to actually play the game you treat it as a chore because you never learned to take boss fights seriously.
hooooly shit, dark souls 1 purists absolutely BTFO
radahn's combos in phase 2 are largely the same as phase 1 except
>miquella twink beams punishing people who roll backwards (I actually fucking love this lel)
>meteors have the 5 hit phantom followup which you only have to worry about the 5th part if you have a brain
>the giga combo which is just there to scare people, but you can dodge it on pure reaction to the animations

everything else he adds is standalone aoe/projectiles
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>The bosses can be cheap with me but I can't be cheap with them
If the "game" is simon says I already have the better version at home.
I've played all of the 4 fromsoft games with souls in the name and haven't had a single satisfying boss fight.
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Really? Not even Twin Princes?
you just don't like it then and that's fine
But you can tho
Miquella can't resist the helicopter dick
This has been the complaint from DS3 trannies who get PTSD now that bosses have roll catches to the days they would get roll caught when they tries to PvP. AAnd no, it's only DS3 trannies. Because that was the only game you could roll over purely with roll + R1 and a single braincell.
that's reductive and you know it
i think I just had an aneurysm trying to read that
>lightspeed dashes
>same way by just dodging to his side
You can't just roll those, that's the point. They slam like 5 of those in a row, such as the dash from the ground which he TPs (better dodged just through strafing close to him, he goes away in a different direction), the jump then multiple homing slashes (could continue in different combos, only way to properly dodge is to run to the other side, only start rolling when combos resume) and of course the meteors (a mix of a jump, and running backwards at a slight angle, and only then roll back in).
All these new phase 2 attacks, need a different strategy than phase 1, and it's not immediately apparent especially for those who just got used to phase 1.
As for the fully new combo you're right, that is quite intuitive to dodge based of your P1 skills.

My point still is that approaching P2 radahn purely as P1 radahn isn't the correct approach. You gotta differentiate what combos can be dealt the exact same way, but for the new moves you gotta kick the methods you used for P1 and try something different, atleast if you want to be able to reliably dodge his stuff.
And for those who struggled with P1, only managing to be able to consistently do it after fully wiring their brains for it, rewiring parts of it for P2 while leaving others the same, really fucks with them.
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Why is nobody talking about Miquella's hair? It legitimately hides most of the screen, his light attacks cover the other half, who made this boss?
I didn't do the shield and poke and I beat him eventually and I"m not even good at the game.
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for me it's the first two parts having normal movement while the third will track you to the ends of the earth before attacking
That's been happening for over 30 years, zoomer
yeah the third flurry she straight up teleports, it does not matter how far away you are
if you're fighting her normally tho the third one is irrelevant because you just make her miss by walking away from it. It has bad tracking intentionally
it's fine because all the people who were crying about Radahn were also using the utterly meaningless word "overtuned" when the DLC came out
>most overhated boss
Nah, it's just rhetoric the reverse honeymoon phase soulshitters go through in the first couple of weeks of the DLC. After dust settles a bit and a couple patches are out, the shitters would have countless strategies to rely on for beating him, just like Malenia.
Only those into CBT replay ER, it's just so boring. Realistically though, if you're actually trying to progress, your first playthrough should take no more than 60 hours, DLC included. Future playthroughs are just beelining for whatever bosses you actually feel like fighting. Anyone who claims their first playthrough took over 100 hours are either geriatrics or they spent most of their game time idling.
Considering the quick patch to the shadow tree fragments, I'd say there was some merit to that. The DLC is entirely based around them, and if those aren't balanced well, then that fucks with all the bosses.
Brother did you know that a shield will straight up tank the charge attack
All they did is front load the tree blessings then shrink the amount of growth past 12.
This is true. The Chinese review bombed the shit out of it, but then started praising it the moment the Thorns build and Lightning Perfume one shot kill build happened.
all they did to those was make the first 3 levels count a ton more and reduce all level ups after that
it did absolutely nothing else, it did not raise the scaling at all. If anything it was just a gimme for speedrunner faggots so they don't have to collect as many
I havent even got to him yet, i keep playing my rts instead. everytime i play the DLC i get souls fatigue from trying to figure out what obscure secret path i missed to run down the 15 minute corridor to the one remembrance boss who kills me with his suprise aoe moves. Elden ring cured my souls fatigue but the DLC gave it back.
Dist was whining a ton about them during his first playthrough like a fucking baby
>oh my god us heckin speedrunners are gonna have to ride the horse even more! Woe is us!
But you can, so long as you combine it with a few R2s
Stay based, king
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You can definitely dodge his basic dash by rolling to the side. Also it feels weird even including it as an attack, he whiffs it constantly. I think it killed me once, ever, and then I went "Oh, that's an attack, I thought he was just spacing himself to do something else".
You also can dodge the meteors into clonespam by just dodging, you just need to dodge back towards him on the final light blast.
I will give you the "hop into the air and clonespam". But A. the clones do barely any damage and B. the danger as you say comes more from his actual followup combo than the clones themselves and ties back into "people start panicking and fuck up their timings".

I'll admit that coming to that kind of realization isn't instant and it will take at least a few tries to internalize, and fine, P2 isn't exactly the same as P1, but it's intended to be the hardest fight in the game.
I really just take issue with people saying P1 is fantastic or manageable but P2 apparently is some unstoppable juggernaut who never stops attacking. I guess you're just trying to explain why it happens, but it's annoying
>60 hours, DLC included
That's way too short for a first playthrough of ER with DLC on a blind run. You'd have to have skipped quite a chunk of things to reach that time, but since there's no way to know what meaningful things you have not touched yet or not, so basically all new players explore more than they need to, and eventually encounter all the major parts after enough time.
100 hours is a much more reasonable time for them both, but I can see (and have seen) longer playtimes put even into base ER for first runs, depending to how used to fromsoft games they are.
the glowie lightspeed dash you don't even need to do anything to avoid
the 2 hit one can be rolled
the 4 hit one can be rolled but it's annoying because he often quickly follows it up
the 5 hit one cannot be but the game kind of expects you to learn to just fucking run away from the meteors so that he misses the first 4 slams
After fighting radahn, melania is consistently a complete steamroll. Radahn legitimately makes melania look like asylum demon so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
The 5 hit one isn't even that big of a deal unless you're trying to no hit the fight

The thing that throws people is that they try panic rolling as soon as the clonespam finishes and then get caught by Radahn's sword slam and two separate light beams which one shots even at 60 vig high blessings
the 5 hit one is the easiest to avoid because you always know when he's doing it.
he can't pull it out of his ass like the 4 hit one
>That's way too short for a first playthrough of ER with DLC on a blind run.
Not at all, I beat ER and the DLC in about 48 hours on a blind run, 60 hours was me being generous. Explored every side dungeon I came across and followed every bonus marker. Completed plenty of sidequests too. When I looked up the map afterwards, I missed a couple things, but nothing substantial that would take long. The only thing that takes a while is traveling and figuring out where to go, levels and bosses are rather short for the most part. Even the underground wasn't as expansive as I thought it'd be and instead consisted of sections.
I think what inflates playtime is people idling, getting summoned, and invading. That and playing harder, but not smarter. If someone spent 2 hours on a boss without changing their strategy at all, good on them for sticking to their guns, but they're also just making it take longer than it should. The game isn't at all as long as it appears, it's just a lot of filler.
these two are fun to fight with deflecting hard tear and dane's footwork. with some other builds though it doesnt seem very fun.
i thoroughly enjoyed using the deflect tear on radahn but fighting him normally really annoys me because of that fucking cross slash attack
i dunno how the fuck you are expected to react to that unless you are a speedrun autist who plays for thousands of hours. The startup looks very similar to the bloodflame attack he does that is slower, it just feels cheap
>your first playthrough should take no more than 60 hours, DLC included.
Thats only if you use a guide to figure out where to go and use a guide to make some OP youtuber build and then use summons and just speed run the remembrance bosses.

Most playthroughs take around 100 hours just for the base game.
>I don't like elden ring
say less
I think one other thing that is often underlooked but plays a big role is phase 2 starting at 2/3rds health, compared to 1/2. I think that's the breaking point for a chunk of people, and I assume the biggest complainers are the ones who in the end cheesed him, and never bothered to properly learn P2. Once you really learn it, its I'd say more fun than P1, which really does get quite repetitive with the limited amount of moves you already know at the back of your head by the time you're really practising P2.
Still, very few people actually go out of their way to learn a boss for the sake of learning it. For them, beating it is the only point of the game, and more often than not the times they do it are flukes, where they learned a couple of moves, lucked out on the boss AI and even the end shit on it calling it unfair.
Part of this comes from the warped reputation FS games got, and is now lead to quite detrimental playstyles of new players.
NG+ takes the least amount of time because you only need to do some of the great rune bosses and dont need any smithing stones or crafting stuff or anything else from dungeons. restarting on new characters is a slog though
FUCK these fucking niggers they were unironically giving me a harder time than any boss. But now I'm pretty good at cheesing them with Carian Slicer (breaks their stance in literally 4 seconds, faster than rolling sparks spam) and then landing the ol' crit riposte + hefty furnace pot.
>kill all of those cunts on my first playthrough
>only 2 of the tears are good

Well, you're certainly a minority then, majority of players aren't as direct as you.
>I think what inflates playtime is people idling, getting summoned and invading
Nah, main thing still is exploration, the part you called filler (and in certain regards were right to). The average player just loves this kind of dopamine loop of checking any slighlty interesting thing they find. Issue is, they're not great at that, and would spend more time often faffing about in areas that don't have much left, double check certain things, going through obvious bloat, or just intentionally get lost in it. Other things is the average stubborness of the average player, you brought a bit of that up with bosses, but time wise again exploration would take the cake. Many won't easily accept they might be underleveled for an area and push through, taking much more time.
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100 hours is way too much for the base game. I think the average could only be that high because ER was the entry to From games for most of its playerbase. They're playing an entirely new "genre" so maybe it makes sense for that and the DLC combined, but for anyone who's played one of these games before, it shouldn't take anywhere near that long. Even experimenting with new builds can't bloat your playtime that much, so I can only think someone wasted plenty of time grinding for levels and materials dsp DeS style. That or they got lost for a very, very long time, which I guess I can't blame them for.

Filler sounds harsh, but I don't know what else I'd call it. That's sadly just how these open world sandboxes go, more quantity over quality. Nothing wrong with someone enjoying that, but when you spend a lot of time searching for little reward, it is what it is. I know I was certainly annoyed that I'm getting Smithing Stone [4]s in the DLC or alternate weapons with no changes aside from the AoW.
>and would spend more time often faffing about in areas that don't have much left, double check certain things, going through obvious bloat, or just intentionally get lost in it.
That's just the thing, I did explore. Can't say I checked every nook and cranny, but a cursory glance at the wiki afterward confirmed I completely about 95% of the content in the game. Even some sidequests I accidentally skipped entire portions of and completed early. Just missed a few side dungeons and a couple bosses (like the Dragonlord). I'm someone with no sense of direction, so the idea of others taking even longer than I did to explore is just bizarre to me.

Nah, I think I'll do what I want. Thanks though
people who like exploring are people who like souls games.
you find those mini dungeons which are like mini sections of a dark souls level and they have a mini boss at the end. if you dont like fighting the mini bosses then you dont like souls games and just play because its the hot new thing, or you are a pvp fag who doesnt like PvE.

If you use the wiki to find the items you need for your build then you ruined the exploration for yourself, ruined the part of the game where you make do with what you have instead of min maxing, and i say this without any irony: your opinion on the games exploration is not valid.
Prove it's not fake
So true, sister! You ackshually have to spam L1 THEN R1 to beat him.
>erm that doesn't count you didn't le beat le game
sucks to suck niggers
Watching other people's gameplay puts their criticisms of Radahn in perspective.

>watch someone who knows what they're doing with an incredibly basic build (2H straight sword)
>there are opportunities to attack the boss every 3 - 9 seconds, with a few exceptions like Radahn's meteor fling, light of Miquella, or the desperation meteor which take 12-15 seconds
>can get off multiple R1s, charged R2s, jumping R2s, or square off depending on the punish opportunity

>watch someone who has been complaining about Radahn being "impossible" and "never being able to attack him"
>he's just backpedaling away from the boss waiting for his "turn" to attack
>because he's backpedaling away, he's never in a position to punish him
>gets off an attack maybe once every 20-30 seconds
>gets desperate and tries to trade with a jumping R2
>preferred method of attack is using a projectile ash of war from a distance because it's "safe"

We're at the point where we need people to post footage of their gameplay before their opinion on bosses is worth anything.
It's pointless to criticize Elder Nigr because those 10+ arena size hits with variable delays, aoe and visual clutter combos that let you poke once in 30 seconds at best are exactly what the from fanbase wants.
Just laugh at a fromtard the next time he starts rambling how the fromslop is superior because of the great exploration, enemy variety, high quality animations, deep combat and other bullshit and send him back to doing his tranny challenge runs.
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>only found out that you can 1 cycle them after I'd killed every single one
>all because i had the bright idea to use a furnace pot on a downed one BEFORE taking the fucking riposte
You mean like >>682909630 ?
>Start phase 2
>Alright bro here's my gigantic fucking explosion attack, you have about one second of leeway to get out of it so if you're doing anything at all you may as well just come and hit me because you're not getting out. At least it's telegraphed and usually what I'm gonna lead phase 2 with so it's not a huge deal
>Okay, you ran across the entire span of the arena to dodge the attack? I'm gonna teleport on top of you now
I just think it's a little stupid. That's all.
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You hear all this bitching and moaning about the old fanbase of toxic gitgudders, but the reality is that the new batch of fromfaggots is comprised of the most insecure people in all of gaming. Genuinely mentally ill crowd of midwits with no actual gaming experience.
It's just waterfowl
>uhhh why don't people just watch a tutorial on how to dodge it LOLE
Idk man why don't you jump off a bridge and kill yourself
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gitgud used to be an ironic meme, nobody who actually said it was being serious. Just being facetious for fun and parodied nonstop.
Then what happened was newcomers enter, see the meme, and take it at face value, spamming it for years. Gitgud fell out of style, now skill issue is the "popular" meme.
What's that quote, any group that acts like idiots for fun will be joined by real idiots who think they're in good company?
>>uhhh why don't people just watch a tutorial on how to dodge it LOLE
If you can't dodge it. Maybe try something else?
You don't need to look up a fucking dodge tutorial to beat Malenia.
He's not overhated - if anything, he is underhated. Not for his shit boss design, but because he's a fucking insult to the character and a lazy, faggot-tier rehash, that brings nothing but retarded misery porn and faggotzaki's gay sex incest fantasies to the lore.
What a joke.
They're so insecure that they take basic advice about the game's mechanics as a form of harassment by the git gud boogeymen. Just level fucking VIG, for the love of all that is good and holy. It's like refusing to touch the mushrooms in Super Mario Bros. because you're convinced there's a global conspiracy to make fun of you for doing it.

It's genuinely insulting to summon other players when you have <50 VIG in the DLC and don't know how to play. You're wasting everyone's fucking time.
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This boss is really good, better than Romina, Scadu Avatar, and Dancing Lion.
Putrescent is also really good and better than all those + Gaius.
Pretty much yeah

I was talking more about how insecure they get over the slightest bit of criticism being directed at these games, when anyone that's actually been in the loop for the entire length of the series knows that things have been slowly deteriorating with basically every new release.
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>Get summoned for Putrescent Knight
>Host is dead before I can physically even enter the arena
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You mean to tell me that when the developers put shields and thrusting weapons in the game, and then also made a special animation and movement for thrusting with said thrusting weapon while simultaneously holding the shield up, that they intended for players NOT to use this?

Then what did they put it in the game for?
it's not really cheating
yes shields break fromsoft's balancing but they're well aware
so much so that you need to minmax a whole build dedicated to shield poke and nothing else
which btw sucks in later ng cycles and takes 10x as long to kill anything because you're "safe"
until messmer or rellana decide to turn half a degree to the right and dead angle you for 70%+ hp
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>Get summoned for radahn miquella
>Host enters boss arena
>Im outside the fog gate in a buffing animation still
>giant fucking gravity rock attack hits me through the wall
>does half my HP and flings me down the stairs
>host is dead also

Being a PVE host is a mental illness. They are all like the children who play GTA online and just perpetually fail heists over and over.
>playing blind
>shadow keep
>”this place is easy”
>get to Messmer
>first try
>get him to 1/10 health
>”I don’t want to beat such a major boss yet, I might miss out on some quest”
>let him kill me
>go explore
>do the rest of the game
>come back
>”okay, I could have beaten him first try last time, this should be easy”
>can’t get him past 1/4 health
>now stuck in him
What the fuck happened?
I put maybe dozens of attempts into Radahn

He's legitimately a fantastic, well designed boss, and 90% of the 'criticisms' people have for it do actually just come from 'it's too hard'. Unless you just hate difficulty period in video games there's very few actually problematic elements with the fight.
There are multiple, legitimately terrible bosses across the DLC and basegame that aren't brought up as much because people just did not struggle to beat them

It really is that simple and /v/ will constantly refuse to acknowledge this distinction
I'd say it's not even difficulty.
Even ignoring things like >>682909630 the fact of the matter is that most people's builds fucking SUCK for Radahn.
>usually well below 60 vig
>usually have dogshit stat spread
>usually wearing bad armor that gives 0 poise and 0 damage negation because didn't level endurance enough, or did level endurance enough but waste the weight on equipping a bunch of weapons, and they can't learn the light roll timings
>not wearing a shield either because just learned to rollspam everything but can't even do that right
>usually terrible talismans, maybe radagon's soreseal and erdtree favor if lucky
>have a terrible weapon, or if they have a good weapon that they saw in their favorite streamer vid they only know to either spam AOW or jumping R2s with
>never bother with buffs, physick, consumables, etc.
You can get through the entire DLC by being a bumbling retard who just looks up where all the Scadutree fragments are, 18 or 19 just lets you faceroll all the bosses except maybe Bayle where the funny BAYLEEE man and the dragon-killing katana cheeses him.
Then you get to Radahn who actually makes it a necessity to be able to tank some hits and deal at least 800-1000 damage per hit and they just can't do that unless they're actually using things worth shit.
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malenia took me 2 days this nigga didnt even take 5 hours
once you get past the visual diarrhea its all extremely straightforward
you niggers are legit awful
how do they fucking do it man
burden of proof does not work like that faggot
Nope. The game should let me play how I want. Railroading me into playing a certain way is shit.
Radagon is basically a 3 to 4 minute comprehensive knowledge check. He's the cumulative final exam of the semester.
>Did you learn how stats work?
>Did you learn how weapons work? Do you know how different attacks work?
>Did you learn how talismans work?
>Did you learn how to avoid damage by rolling?
>Did you learn how to dodge in ways other than rolling? Seriously, we've been trying to teach you to jump, sprint jump, strafe, or just run away from attacks for the entire fucking game
>Did you learn how damage negation works?
>Please tell us you've at least been eating your Scooby-Doo fragments...
>Okay, cool, now fight this difficult boss who tests you on everything
Every knowledge check you fail makes the fight more difficult, and failing 2 or 3 makes it exponentially more difficult because you lose control of the fight. When you pass all or all but one of the knowledge checks (or are good enough to ignore them), all you have to do is keep it together for those 3-4 minutes - because Radahn doesn't have a move like waterfowl dance that can shift the momentum of the fight from 100 to 0 in at a moment's notice.

One of the issues with this is that Elden Ring is designed to be beaten by anybody, which is why its accessibility concessions are so generous. If you're a casual who never learned that jumping is a thing and therefore have difficulty with Maliketh (the boss weakest to jumping), you have mimic tear, magic, or an OP L2 to brute force your way through the fight without ever learning why it feels difficult to you. And then do it for Godfrey, and Radagon, and even Elden Beast. You may or may have not been brute forcing fights since Margit. Every boss you beat without learning, you're accumulating a mechanical knowledge debt that has to be repaid in the DLC.

You can beat Radahn with basically anything as long as you learned how to play the game and can pass the knowledge checks.
They see the move where he jumps off his horse, and instead of realizing it definitively is not their turn until he's done and think it's their turn
You can safely harass him while he's off the horse as long as you have an appropriate tool to do so and manage your stamina, but I'm aware that's beyond the abilities of the average summoner. I spent a lot of time trying to find good punishes for the horse move, but ultimately it all came down to throwing / casting shit at before the horse rushes you, and then getting your big punish in at the end.
>Just study for the boss bro
Damn nigga this isn't dark souls university
>just learn how to play the game before facing the final boss of a 40-100 hour long video game
Big ask, I know
Throwing shit? stamina management? These people have like 35 vig and rivers of blood, man. I just want them to roll and not get hit until I get aggro so he can waddle up and mash L2 on their backside. I'm starting to fucking sever if I see RoB or Elenora's I am so sick of these people
Co-op'ing made me hate the nu-FromSoft player base. There's a stat dedicated to letting you make more mistakes that even "good" players consider mandatory, yet bad players who need it most reject it because... I don't even know why, the reasons I've heard are honestly fucking incomprehensible, and I always get a different one.

I have no problem with my GigaChad normalfag friend who has 35 VIG and refuses to level it because, "Let me play the game how I want," because he's not summoning me or anyone else for that matter. But when you summon or play multiplayer, you have a responsibility to not be a massive fucking retard who dies in 1 hit because the multiplayer session lives and dies with you. It's crazy.
>but with colossals or something mildly slow she's dogshit
>lion's claw
>lion's claw when she gets up
repeat until fight is over
Malenia gets owned by colossals, giant hunt / lion's claw or not.
>spam r1
>in elden ring
you didn't even play the game
the mind one is obviously fake but the dance pad one is legit
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am I on the course for "i didn't beat the game"? I am progging phase 2
I beat him by rolling and R1 spamming maliketh's blade how are you niggers so mad about this boss? Divine lord's fortification makes it easy too.
I gave up on elden ring after an hour and refunded it. It’s way too hard you have to be a sadist to enjoy that shit.
>malenia took me 2 days
learning disability
>this guy took me 5 hours
learning disability
I like Radahn now that he's making DSP seethe
this just look at how many bosses were actually difficult in Demon's Souls, now every minor boss (and sometimes even non-boss enemies) have to be at least flamelurker or king allant tier so redditors can go poggers when they see their cool moves
you look like you understand the boss yes
I don't understand all the crying and bitching, just git gud
Hey, don't disrespect the deleveling boss. He provided a key function.
Beating him isn't that hard, finding him fun is. Radahn is just boring.
git gud, hav fun
How many times has he died so far
5 hours is still a lot, anyway you just get better at the game. I probably struggled more with fucking Ludwig in Bloodborne than with any other From boss since (the butterfly lady in Sekiro is a close second but just because I got to her early and I still didn't fully understand the game)
I got good. I solo'd him. He's still not fun. Malenia was a hard boss done right.
Fuck off low-iq nigger, Radahn is fine.
Yes, Radahn is fine, Gaydan is garbage and is only liked by corporate whores who love it when Daddy Miyazaki takes a shit on them. Have some tastes, goycattle.
Radahn was a shit boss, but when it comes to it, he's not REALLY hard, any player can make a bleed or grug build and beat him, it's just a matter of finding his openings. Even then, I beat him with a INT build without using a single spell, took me a while but that's it.

If you want truly a challenging experience, go fight Fatalis
>huge HP, even for MonHun standards
>usually you get a 50 minute timer, in his fight you get 30 minutes
>half his attacks can combo you to death, the other half deletes 90% of your HP
>need to keep up damage for the entire fight
>if you didn't pass a dps check by phase 3, all his attacks one shoot you
>absolutely dogshit hitboxes, genuinely embarassing
>some scripted sequences waste a lot of time and can kill you for not knowing when or where to hide
>add in monhun own mechanics like smaller iframe window, player stuns, tenderizing, etc

All of this make the fight absolute hell and you can't make mistakes for 30 minutes. This was literally the only boss in any game ever where I had to kneel and look up a guide.
>I had to kneel and look up a guide.
Really? The only tip I got for it was getting the bombardier skill to increase the cannons initial damage.
But IG is a great matchup against it I guess.
I'm still mad at this shit, this should not have been the final boss.
For one, I'm not good at videogames, also, I'm a SnS main, it was difficult to hit the high damaging combos because they take a while to pull off and Fatalis loves to bait openings.
This is your brain on contrarianism.
It's rotting.
Nigga just roll left at him. It's not hard. Monster Hunter fags learned how to negate entire bosses by just humping legs, why can't Soulsfags?
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>i will start to save my posts these days so i can effortlessly copy paste them to retards instead of wasting time.
>"wait your turn" boss but he's doing the Mot special from SMT3 the whole time
>why can't Soulsfags
because the game has a built-in easy mode that lets players convince themselves they beat the game despite never actually developing the mechanical knowledge or skill to do it themselves, mostly
>wait your turn
>>682913680 seems to be having no issues attack radahn in the middle of "his turn", though
Knowledge checks should come earlier in games, not at the end when casuals would have weeks of bad habits to unlearn. Sekiro got this right with Genichiro's placement
NTA and I'm not inherently disagreeing but he's also using what I would assume is the one of the fastest possible weapon types in the game. And he got in a grand total of three hits in the actual problem phase before he died.
Miyasaki isn't doing the dlc retard, he's busy supervising their two upcoming games
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Is Margit not early enough for you? Crucible Knights? O'Niel (or the rematch with Niall)?

The base game is full of bosses that try to teach you these lessons. The DLC is specifically full of bosses that test you on jumping (Divine Beast Dancing Lion's breath attack, Rellana's entire fight, Bayle's shock waves), strafing (too many to list), or just running the fuck away (Midra's phase transition).
Not the WebM I meant to post, but it illustrates the point well enough. Unfortunately, this stuff is still trial and error at the end of the day, but you have an entire 60+ hour game to try and make errors while learning what does and doesn't intuitively work. I blundered my way through my first playthrough without learning anything and it made me miserable, because I could still brute force every boss with a 2H claymore ignoring the existence of the L2 button. I only learned to play on my second playthrough.
the thing is that from what I understand those monster fights are the whole core of Monster Hunter so a super hard beast would be welcome, while for me bosses in souls games are basically a side gig so it pisses me off if a boss takes me more than an hour to beat
Because that's what YouTubers and streamers tell them to think
"This boss is so bad that I need to use a very specific build to kill him" isn't a great defense of the boss design.
There are ways of approaching the boss, evidently, which permit a great deal of satisfaction and fun to be derived from it.

Something about medium shielding and parry windows. But I couldn't tell you anymore than that. I never found any fighting him.

It was already way to much work to "enjoy" week 1 Malenia. And Radahn 2.0 reeks of a similar design ethos.

If I have to engineer a build, playstyle, in addition to artificial goals for a fight, just to make the fight enjoyable in the first place, that strikes me as maybe being the result of poor boss design and planning.

But who knows what a good final boss even looks like anymore; other than Gael, I suppose.
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I'm still pissed that this fight just feels lame and doesn't live up to the festival at all. The initial cutscene is great, the music is hype, but then you just get phase 2 at 70% or whatever bullshit, repeat twin princes but then it just feels like cheap attempts to one up everything.
>Ohhh ummm well like now when he attacks he actually attacks with his afterimage like 5 times
>Oh yeah and he uhhhh can like teleport and just explode everything!
>Ohh yeah and remember his Meteor Crash? Well now he can do it again but this time its just even bigger and explodier!
I kinda feel the same about Bayle but at least in his fight there's Igon.
Bayle is easy as fuck though and all the drakes teach you his moves. His unique moves are only his arm stab and his Rathalos world tour. He even has a damage zone in his leg that's comparable to hitting a drake's head.
His giant fuck explosion he can do during phase 2 absolutely annihilates my framerate for like 5 seconds, please nerf
Sounds like a (you) problem.
>and all the drakes teach you his moves
I literally cheesed all of the ones on the way to Bayle just because (the last one because it was a pain in the ass to fight up close). Anyway he wasn't that hard after all but I still hate giant bosses
>people say that you shouldn't lock on in these cases
>if you don't you lose him when he leaps into the air and by the time you spot him is the fireballs have already started hitting you
if only From PULLED BACK the fucking camera a little these fights would be much more enjoyable
No, thematically he's garbage.
Mechanically he's nothing special, they just make the regular combo stupid in phase 2 so that you have to roll in a specific way.
It's pretty clear the dlc isn't what from were putting most of their resources into.
they're mostly focusing on their next game.
Little did Anon know that merely opening Messmer's door had already broken half the NPC's quests. Not joking.
Fatalis is just tedious and has a million hp, the hardest part is optimizing your damage so you don't time out
Always makes me laugh when people complain about a Souls boss having too much hp
Is that leaked trailer still up?
The bear claws were not as fun as I had hoped
>people saying bayle is an abominable camera and impossible to fight without katana or summons
>can roll everything to the left and he literally will jump backwards randomly to free up your camera if you fuck up and get cornered
I am expecting radahn complaints to be literally nothing after bayle ended up being a series peak fight.
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This was my experience with Radahn
>got to him late because I was exploring the DLC so thoroughly
>phase 2 was overwhelming at first, but beat him in ~30 tries and enjoy the fight
I don't get it
I disagree. Both games rely on boss attack timings as cues to roll so it's exactly the same. The reason why rollcatching delay attacks work is that you're used to associating boss attack with it putting its arm up, not down, so to speak. Off the top of my head Capra and Quelaag don't follow that pattern in DaS itself. And good luck reading whatever the fuck Nito or Seath are fucking doing without practicing specific moves and learning their timings.
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She learned from the best.
You should never sacrifice quality for increased difficulty, and that’s precisely what a lot of ER bosses do.
Malenia, for example, is a great boss fight. But waterfowl dance is absolutely retarded.
A ton of second phases in the dlc include nigh unavoidable chip damage. Hell, they don’t even have to be bosses. If the ice version of the sacred beast warrior starts his AoE when you’re anywhere near him, you are going to take unavoidable damage.
Clarity is one of the most important factors in a boss fight. If you can’t tell what the boss is doing, how can you reasonably be expected to avoid or punish it? Phase 1 Radahn is fine in this regard, if a bit janky on some of the ground hitboxes. But phase 2 with the giant, blinding light hitboxes behind you every time he swings, the shadow clones, and Miquella’s massive hair obscuring everything makes it extremely difficult to tell what the fuck the boss is even doing.
That's something I've noticed recently. Take a look at this:
The guy is just showcasing a funny mod and isn't trying to play cleanly but he's just casually rolling through everything without too much effort while using a mediocre weapon with not status effect and a long-ass L2, no posture breaking and so on. Watching this you don't see him do anything one wouldn't do for any other souls boss, it's nothing special. Might as well be fighting Artorias. Maybe people really are simply intimidated by the number of flashy attacks Radahn has?
Sekiro had Isshin as the ultimate knowledge check and is beloved because of that. He tests everything you could've learned in the game.
DSP has been completely correct about this whole DLC. The bosses are terrible.
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History always repeats itself.
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>hey its not so bad
>reach phase 2
I still have no idea how to dodge his initial aoe attack, I start running as soon as I see his animations but I simply cannot reach the outside of the circle. At least it doesn't deal that much damage.
Oh and mimic tear doesn't help, all of his attacks are retarded aoe swings so tear just gets chipped over time and dies. Hell, I've seen mimic take like 2.5k damage in a single combo, something that mimic would never take due to how decreased damage on mimic is, the duo is that retarded.
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Honestly anon just craft giant rot pots, they absolutely melt his asshole and if you can have mimic tear get grabbed you can evaporate half of his health bar because the recovery on that leaves him open for a solid 4-5 seconds
I tried him actually, after failing a dozen times started researching and realized that the most common strategy for killing him is to first craft his armor and then attempt him. Also he's unlocked way too early now, you're like MR30 when you need 100 to even begin farming for weapon augs that apparently heal you for free and shit. In other words, you're either metagaming and optimizing your build through horrible grind, or you learn his fight to perfection. Souls are so easy compared to that.
And to add, I really liked Leda's encounter. I would actually like a game like that, where you and some other guy builds a party over the game for some objective and final fight is a bunch of retards fighting over meaningless bullshit, while the support from each side are random characters that you influenced to join either side by your actions or inactions.
To be fair I think it was reasonable to expect From Software not to drop the ball as hard as they did. This doesn't make them look bad so much as it makes Miyazaki look bad.
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Fucking classic
I'm halfway through the dlc but I'm really disliking this trend of every boss doing elemental damage. Seems like fromsoft wants to punish shield users, but it's such a lazy way to do it since all it means is I die once to chip then grab the right talismans, buffs, and armor and come back to smash you on the second try.
I'd like somebody to tell me how to dodge the 1-2 into cross slash attack. The second one is literally unrollable unless you happen to be behind him
Leda's gangspank is the real final boss for me.
>but beat him in ~30 tries
that's way too much, not in the sense that you are bad at the game but in the sense that no other From boss has ever required that much trial and error to beat. Exploring the world and deciding how to approach mobs in different situations is what I find fun in souls games, not beating my head against the wall and trying bosses over and over until I have enough memory and precision to beat them. That's why opinions on ER bosses are so polarized, there's people like me and there's people who care about the fights and the action side of the game the most
light roll and roll at the last possible frame, you actually roll both attacks with 1 roll it's pretty retarded
pretty sure its just straight up impossible unless you're light rolling, and even then its extremely precise
Sell me on your fun new weapon from the DLC, I want to try a new build.
I see, thanks. I'll just treat it as unavoidable damage same as how I always took a few hits from Waterfowl
Milady my beloved.
Twin Blades of Renalla are also fun.
If you know you are going to go full turtle mode, why are you not using the deflection tear?
you're better off reaction blocking it even with a 2h
I like the Smithscript Spear while riding Torrent. Makes you basically play Mountain Blade throwing weapons
NTA, 30 tries isn't many at all

He can kill you in several different combos and has at least one attack that will essentially OTK you if you whiff the first dodge/parry
I DID wanna try the Sekiro tear sometime so that seems like a good plan
Because if I was actually going full turtle mode I'd just get a 90 guard shield and not bother getting reamed by rellana's 10 hit combos.
NTA but 30 tries is a lot. Outside of sl1/rl1 stuff, I've never had more than 15 tries on a boss in any souls game. Radahn is honestly just a new level of bullshit that requires you to build around him.
30 tries for the final boss of the endgame DLC doesn't seem too bad. I probably died to Manus 30 times back when DS1 first came out.
Wow that's pretty bad. Either you suck or I'm a god gamer.
I died a lot more to malenia, to waterfowl specifically every single time.
And twice to scarlet aeonia I guess.
I still can't believe that people unironically thought he was fake in the leaks lmao. It was so obviously real to me and it also killed my interest in the DLC. Still didn't buy. Maybe for $5 one day.
If you haven't tried a boss for at least 50 times you haven't really beaten it. You gained no understanding of it, just pressed roll on reaction like a bot.
>If you botch a dodge/parry during certain combos you die
>If you botch a dodge/parry to his upward+downward slash combo you will be OTKed
>He's not as buggy as Messmer, but will still routinely lag out out for no apparent reason (poor issue)
>Build around him? Are you gay?
>niggers cheese bosses and beat them all first try without a thought in their head
>consider bosses that actually made them play for real as "bullshit"
Oh, so these are the kind of people who complain about Radahn. And the inane "forced to change build" point as well since your success is completely tied to your one specific loadout. Now this makes sense.
I died that much to Radahn too, but I haven't died nearly as many times to any other souls boss so it was pissing me off and I was just about to resort to a cheesing strat. I just don't find really hard bosses fun in souls games
>Maybe for $5 one day.
given the current pricing policy on From games that day is really far
why are you retarded zoomers so bad at reading comprehension? Close tiktok and read a book once in a while ffs
Try actually playing the game next time, retarded guidenigger.
I watched two of my friends respec multiple times for Radahn. I don't know whether people actually mean respeccing by being forced to change their build, or merely changing their weapons, ash, or talismans. All I did was throw on some defensive talismans and eat crab and I found it gave me more than enough room to make mistakes while learning the fight.

Respeccing also rarely fixes the core issue of making mistakes that the game tries to get you to stop making with every other boss. Panic rolling, rolling away, "waiting your turn", overcommitting when it isn't safe to attack, etc. If you start rolling away from Radahn in phase 2 because he's scary, no amount of larval tears is going to stop you from taking damage from the roll-catch lasers of death.
IMO, it's one thing to swap from Dex to Str or w/e to prioritize a specific weapon, but it's something completely else to swap from a melee only build into something that incorporates shield blocks or magic
>Panic rolling, rolling away, "waiting your turn", overcommitting when it isn't safe to attack, etc
Actually all of these issues are fixed by respeccing to a greatshield build and poking
Well, it is a Radahn without the problem of Scarlet Rot rotting his mind.
So if I scarlet rot him he should be as easy to beat as Caelid Radahn? From pls fix
Somehow I easily beat this guy with Ancient Death Rancor.
If Scarlet Rot carries over from Phase 1 to 2 that's a pretty big deal
True, but then you learn nothing which doesn't actually solve the problem
It doesn't
Then it's not gay imo
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I beat him with a Light roll power stance Claymore+Banished Knight Greatsword build.
The margin of error mediated through his insane Health, Defense, and Damage is too much.
DLC Radahn is overtuned.
Also his hitboxes are just way bigger than they should be.

People hide behind git gud as a counter to criticism of design. Weak
There's a problem when phase 1 is easy and phase 2 somehow ends up with instant deaths

Yes, I hate rolling forward
>Yes, I hate rolling forward
Why don't you just roll forward, though
Honestly, dodging to the right solves most problems with this boss's charge attacks that his basic combos became the most threatening of his moveset.
It feels weird
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>hitbox matches the slash effect
I don't see the issue, Fume also has retarded hitboxes like picrel
>hitbox matches the slash effect
damn, shockwaves are good now apparently lmao
Look, just do it...
What this image fails to show is that Fume Knight's attacks are also much slower than Radahn's, meaning that the hitbox is overlapping with the player's model for a similar amount of time.
23 tries later I killed him with dual straight swords bcuz I like the moveset and it looked good with the Black Knight set, but, it was pure bullshit.. Killed him 2 more times but cheesed the hell out of it, is the second phase, the light after shock of the hits just fucks with my tempo
sister friede is harder, maybe even Laurence on Ng+ is harder.
I'd rather shitpost on /v than go try Radahn at this point
Dont forget the uneven terrain can make some of his light laser attacks undodgable if you're in a crater
Being put under Miquella's charm aside, Radahn at his best was considered to be Malenia's equal so it's not that farfetched that he'd fight like a superboss.
what armors in this game are secretly sexy, like how malenias greaves are actually thigh highs
Bayle is the best dragon fight in the series. CURSE YOU, BAYLE!
what's the most fun new toy in the dlc
Hand to hand weapons
*kicks u*
I beat her with the guts greatsword, she's ez pz
how hard/long it is to get them from the very beginning of the game
You just gotta either beat Rellana or circumvent her castle and then go fight Dane
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The moveset itself is fine, but visual effects and hitboxes need way more polish.

Also, some animations are designed to be as confusing as possible for no reason whatsoever... then you get oneshot by *something* and you can't even tell what the fuck happened.
Like, in second phase he has a move where he charges for a second and then dashes forward, dealing damage in its path: https://youtu.be/adU0HMKjDoM?feature=shared&t=117 . It's nothing special, just roll sideways.
But what you *see* in-game is a bunch of clones blinking in and out of existence, flashes of light everywhere... aaand you're dead. Did you understand what happened? No? Too bad, now you have to go through his first phase again for a chance of seeing that move again.
I’m level 400 doing the Albinauric rune farm thing. I’m on NG+6 and planning on doing 7 as well. I plan on levelling up even more, just listening to a quick hour podcast here and there and grinding when I can until I get to at least 500 or 550.

What build will let me absolutely mog the fuck out of this game on NG+7? I currently have a shield poke build with blasphemous blade at the ready but feel it starting to slip a bit.
>But how did Malenia ever get the reputation she had?
Waterfowl. They made a move that's impossible to dodge by normal means (I am convinced breaking her tracking is unintented) and rollsloppers complained.
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try deflecting bro
>When dod bosses become trial and error bullshit?
With the Maneaters
From the very, very start?
>Kill Margit and Godrick because they're bitches
>Beat Rellana or w/e her name is for respec
>Access Altus to trigger Radahn festival
>Deep dick Radahn
>Do Varre's quest to get Mohg teleport
>Grab the Bloody Tear for Mohg fight (in Altus)
>Kill Mohg
>Boom, you can pretty much run to Dane and duel him as soon as you reach SoTE

From a completely fresh game, I'd guess 4-5 hours.
too damn long desu.
It was pretty lame to make the DLC require so much of the base game to access
>t. retard who has never played a Souls game before
I have played literally every single game on release.
Elden Ring has the most based game requirements to access the DLC since DS1
Making that mechanic a temporary buff is outright insulting, I can't put it any other way.
It's like fromshit openly spitting into its fans faces with this.
Nigger it lasts like 5 minutes, that's long enough for every boss or miniboss
I don't give a fuck. It's a temporary buff.
If it wasn't temporary there would be zero reason to not use it ever, making it a trash "win more" mechanic with zero drawbacks.
If you already played Elden Ring and know where to go and what to do, not too long. You need to kill Mohg and Radahn to access the DLC, and then you can run straight to Shadow Altus and get the weapons. So a few hours maybe.

If you're going in blind... 100+ hours into the game, if not 200+ hours. There's a good chance you never find them.
furthest i got was beating the nerd bitch and grabbing the big red poker from the average french nobleman
divine bird chest + ascetic anklets
Does that mean you've beat Rennala and Mohg or...?
no, the guy in the mini catacomb just over the lift
But that's already what it is for bosses, if it was a talisman you could at least use it for levels
...I miss kingdom hearts.
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80% of the difficulty of some of these bosses would be removed if you could just zoom the camera out, even moderately.
>You can beat Radahn with basically anything as long as you learned how to play the game and can pass the knowledge checks.
Or you can just roll lol
Camera has always been the hardest enemy in FromSlop games.
That'd make the fights too impersonal.
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too many lessons. No idea which one can stick per individual. Some people learn to use summons, others when to roll, others how to get lucky, and others when to throw your hands in the air and explore. Asylum Demon just taught you when to roll and when to explore. This is why it's a better first boss. You don't test so many fundamentals at the same time
>crusible knights
Optional, and not even necessary to enter SotE.
Is this bait? Are you baiting me?
Just don't lock on, retard
You niggas need to learn what a dominant strategy is, and why it fucking breaks the entertainment value and progression system in elden ring.
>if you have access to a tool that can clear an obstacle with minimal energy and time spent, you fucking use it!
DS3 and Sekiro had bosses that were considered harder
Laughs in ONGBAL
>Complain for years that all you do in souls games is spam dodge
>Then complain that the boss doesn't let you spam dodge when they've given players block, jump, parry and even deflect
Actually this makes perfect sense.
>people learn that the universally accepted method of playing souls games is to rely on iframes of rolls to avoid danger
>this solves 100% of the bosses in DS1, 2, 3 and Bloodborne
>with time the games become faster and dodging becomes harder, the games introduce mechanics to catch rolls, BUT rolling is still the accepted optimal strategy
>by the time DS3 comes out and makes evade attacks for ten seconds in a row some people start feeling that it's played out and the games just rely on that strat as the key part of the gameplay too much
>suddenly ER introduces new ways to engage with combat while also buffing previously existing ways (more ways to parry, guard counters)
>by this point the players are so used to rolling being their key to every boss that it's too late to break the habit and learn a new approach because that would mean their pride of being a souls veteran is challenged and they have to humble themselves
>things that mess with the established paradigm of rolling through everything are labeled as unfair and tedious even if they are solved by literally anything but rolling
Margit is optional too retard
Radahn does magic and holy damage and chews through stamina so people feel forced to respec into a holy great shield, and it’s not just that the window to attack is so tiny people are using a rapier. So the game is making people into respecing as a great shield rapier, or some other quick weapon
Ah yes. The moment I saw how much damage he does and saw how stupid his moves were, I turned off the game and walked away. I don't play souls games for this shit.
From wouldn't give you verdigris shield for free before the radahn fight if they didn't intend you to use it.
It may be discount fingerprint defenses-wise, but it's still extremely useful.
One problem. 99% of ER is still designed to be beaten by roll dodging. Then comes along this one boss that punishes you for engaging with the mechanic pushed and encouraged by the game.

I'm not saying that dodge rolling is a good or a bad mechanic. I'm saying that a boss randomly differing from the rest of the game's core design is odd to say the very least.
>One problem. 99% of ER is still designed to be beaten by roll dodging. Then comes along this one boss that punishes you for engaging with the mechanic pushed and encouraged by the game.
That's the "malenia and shields/blocking" argument.
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Some of the bosses are bullshit but great dlc overall.
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I wanted a Souls game, not a Ninja Gaiden game.
Malenia was and still is literally broken, though. As in her shoddily programmed states break fundamental game mechanics, like randomly resetting various build-ups.
>and I found it gave me more than enough room to make mistakes while learning the fight.
I like how you did not say it didn't let you win the fight. Your solution is still not a solution. He's a bs fight.
Malenia's fine
>If it wasn't temporary there would be zero reason to not use it ever
Good, it should be a base mechanic with all the bs we have to deal with in ER.
But jumping r1s is already swallow drop tier from NG anyway.
The game sets the rules, not you. If malenia is doing it it is part of the game and you are in error assuming it breaks a rule you made up.
>But jumping r1s is already swallow drop tier from NG anyway.
But not as fast as he can do it.
I don’t think ER is really designed around anything, a lot of bosses have stupid bullshit you can’t REALLY dodge and you just have to manipulate their AI to not do those attacks, and a lot of bosses also have these gay coinflip combo extenders
You can’t react to Radanns sparkle stomp vs fast stomp for example
She's beatable, and she still "works" as a boss, but she's factually broken. That's just a fact.
>If malenia is doing it it is part of the game
That's the thing. Her shoddily programmed states cause parts of the game to not work.
>The game sets the rules, not you. If malenia is doing it it is part of the game and you are in error assuming it breaks a rule you made up.
nta but that is such a cuck reply from you
But it did
It works fine you just dont like it.
No it isnt. Cry more about letting a program tilt you.
>She's beatable, and she still "works" as a boss, but she's factually broken. That's just a fact.
There's a reason she's an optional boss, she's not for everybody, I had a blast learning her moveset. Her being fine or not ends up being to what the player expects from ER bosses really
>letting a program tilt you
It doesn't tilt the player, it tilts itself. For example, Malenia's programmed to stagger like every other boss, but certain buggy animations will cause this mechanic to break. It has nothing to do with the player's actions.
Main game Radahn:
>masters gravity magic
>stops the fuarking stars
>uses magic so he can ride his weak but faithfull steed, Leonard
>Even in mindless state he's a chad among chads
>Subjects host an event with strong warriors just so they can grant him honorable death
>Falls from the sky like a fuarking meteor
DLC Radahn:
>Revived using the body of an Omen who was redeemed of all slander previously got
>Weak against twink Miqussy
>Has access to bloodmagic thanks to Mhog's body but can barely do anything great with it.
>Bald sigma using twink as a wig to compensate for hair loss
>Can barely fly compared to main game
What does that have to do with bugs and glitchy animations?
>Summon ash
>Spam ranged L2
>everything dies
This game is almost as easy as DS3
>a lot of bosses have stupid bullshit you can’t REALLY dodge and you just have to manipulate their AI to not do those attacks
Like what?
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>fight the last boss
>it's just From designing a "le hard boss" on purpose as he does bs attacks and throws rays everywhere
>all the learning i did is irrelevant in the DLC or the scadu fragments cause his damage is overtuned and so is the speed of his attacks
>see even summons with shields die due to the bs
>get fed up after dying multiple times and turn on cheat engine
>turn on infinite health
>defeat him through all his bs

You actually get a feel for how cheating the moveset is, too, with infinite health. There's a lot of moments that you cant punish and he has a lot of bs mechanics that I no person sanely can take care of normally. Truly a fuck you to the players. I miss old souls games.
>>Summon ash
>get hit as summon animation ends
Like Radanns double eye laser into forward thrust
Or again the many bosses who have coinflip combo extensions where one move comes out instantly and another is slightly delayed
I can't name a single bug or glitchy animation
Yeah and what if you don’t want to use a 28 weight 49 strength great shield lol
They don't have names, only internal IDs, so yeah.
then git gud
Well the game has like a hundred bosses, "a lot" of bosses would mean like fifty of them have undodgeable attacks but I don't remember even one.
You know whats funny? This is the first souls game where players unironically will tell you to change your build and that it's part of the gameplay when that has never been the case in history of playing. I think the only time I ever had to change something was when I fought the 4kings to use the high poise aggressive style cheese you had to do to defeat them fast before they overwhelmed you with all four being summoned.
don't listen to this guy, I got gud and then realized that the game's a boring roll spamfest and stopped having fun

fuck gitting gud, it's more fun when you can still lose
Seen this post back in 2012 after AotA came out.
The game, and the dlc, shower you with larval tears.
They should just let you buy them in the dlc.
skill issue
I don’t think I know any malenia moves that are buggy and we all have fought her like 100 times so it’s not like didn’t have the time to see it, the only thing I can think of is her unreliable staggering ie she’ll queue up an attack when you thought you staggered her but that seems like an intentional design choice. And Promised Consort Radahn really puts Malenia difficulty in perspective
Well if you seriously can't kill a boss in any other way then yeah, change your build. If you were better at the game this wouldn't be a problem now would it?
Unlike AotA, this is the epitome of bosses with moves from a different game being in a souls game. When abusing an overpowered spell or shielding is the only answer to the spamfest that occurs, that's not good design. Our characters simply is not outfitted to deal with the bs. It's like trying to have a 2006 toyota celica try to compete with a 2024 mercedes. It ain't ever gonna happen.
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>can beat boss by rolling
>disingenuous faggot: WTF THIS IS ROLL SLOP IT'S JUST ROLL+R1
>can't beat boss by rolling
reminder that there's a nintendie discord shitposting this game 24/7, trying to "give it a bad perception" via "concern trolling"
why, you ask? because they hate the fact that FROM is ignoring their toddler platform and want to get back at the company. it's sour grapes, basically.
they can't have it so they want to convince everyone it's bad.
I'm not bad, the game is just suddenly badly designed when a boss is kicking my ass!
>change your build
No. It has nothing to do with "better." It's a lazy design to force players to change anything. There's adapting and then there's stupid shit like "just change to a new build yo!"

Like really, that's stupid as shit.
Just get better at the game and you don't have to change your build
Truthpost right here.
>Malenia heavily punishes blocks.
She really. Really does not.
She doesn't even damage you through your shield since her attacks are plainly just ordinarily physical. At least until burning aids effects start happening in phase 2. But even then Malenia barely does fuckall to your shields.

The only bothersome thing is that she heals even when you block. But she doesn't actually punish your shielding. Which is why you can so easily punish her even harder when blocking.
>that seems like an intentional design choice
Nope, it's a bug. Certain animations in her moveset reset the stance/poise gauge. It's not an intended behavior. Nothing else in the game does this. It's caused by some internal values being overriden by buggy state IDs. They can't contain those IDs in those addresses, so they get reset back to 0.
>Just get bet--

Go fuck yourself cock sucker.
Nobody is forcing you to do anything. Changing your build is a common advice to players who are struggling with the game. Now you're on the receiving end of it because you're struggling with the game. It's as simple as that.
Personally I got the boss down to about 10% health using a great sword, but it’s too hard to get him down after the mimic tear and Ansbach died without summons it’s like I was chipping away at 1% of his health every 20 seconds while still trading blows just cus he never stops attacking. But then I switched to the antspur rapier and I beat him first try and I almost even had Ansbach survive the whole fight. You’d be stupid to not switch weapons
Agreed. It's launch Malenia all over again.
>we all have fought her like 100 times
git gud

I fought her 3 times on 3 separate playthroughs and killed her first try every time
>bosses become trial and error
that's all bosses ever
Why do they have so much influence over these games?
Shit boss, wasn't fun

Are the 3 best bosses in the dlc. Difficulty is fine, but if it isn't fun to learn the fight than it's shit.
Gaius, hippo, and rahdan are the worst bosses in the dlc . I am always done for a difficult boss IF it's fun to learn.
If you didn’t struggle with her your first play through then that’s just embarrassing cus that tells me you were playing an op build or is a colossal nerd, in my last run I beat her first try but I did a lot of co op for her
To me the rot started to really show with bosses like Friede or Midir which didn't have movesets that were THAT interesting, but who had massive health pools and/or damage output just to make them slightly harder.

If From made Lady Maria in the 2020s she would have some bullshit HP removal mechanic and she would kill you in one or two hits
>If you didn’t struggle with her your first play through then that’s just embarrassing
cope and seethe
>Changing your build is a common advice
yes, and the game is worse for it
it lets devs off the hook for shoddy design work
>Our characters simply is not outfitted to deal with the bs
No, you are not outfitted to play games that are faster than Dark Souls 1. Because of this point:
>When abusing an overpowered spell or shielding is the only answer to the spamfest that occurs
And your only answer to every single boss is rolling. You are using literal invincibility, how is that any different? But here, watch the video here >>682918886 and tell me it's anything supernatural. It's just a guy dodging attacks. How is this ANY different from any other souls boss?
If you weren't gud enough to steamroll Malenia by the time you got to the Haligtree then you need to reconsider your capacity to learn.
It's just player to player advice for people who suck. You don't have to change builds if you don't suck but if you do it's probably the reason why you suck, because you have no idea how the game works and can't make your character work so you're struggling with the boss. Good players can no-hit bosses naked with their fists. Everyone else have to rely on stats and equipment to help with the process. You obviously ain't the former and can't carry your own ass, so of course the very first troubleshooting solution is to make things easier for you by using stronger equipment. Just simple logic.
>One problem. 99% of ER is still designed to be beaten by roll dodging.
Then how come people have been crying and crying about ER being designed to counter rolling? From day one. From as early to Margit's baits, or Malenia's waterfowl.

It's like you've got confirmation bias just because you beat it through rolling. Successfully. And somehow think it's all designed around being beatable through rolling because of it or something.
Why would you assume that just because you succeeded doing it?

If I won without rolling whatsoever at all. Should I assume the game is designed around being beatable without ever rolling?
No. That's silly even though it's possible to win like that.
>Then how come Fromdrones have been hyping up and completely misrepresenting the game's difficulty?
Well, gee, maybe because they've been doing this shit since DkS1? Maybe because it's important to their online identity? Maybe because they're fucking fanboys whose e-peens hinge on the series' rep as this OMG SO HARDCORE masterpiece?

Nah, couldn't be. Souls fans are all reasonable individuals with no delusions of grandeur.
>99% of ER is still designed to be beaten by roll dodging
100% of ER is still designed to be beated by roll dodging. There isn't a single boss you can't beat by rolling. Some bosses can be defeated just BY rolling. I think the difference is in ER other strats are also viable, and in the DLC other strats are almost more viable than rolling. I don't know if people assume that THE WALL is SotE's invention when it's been the most safe play style in every souls game (and even in PvP in some cases - up to DS3 even), but I get a feeling it's because rolling was just so easy people simply never researched other play styles, and now that they are it's a sudden revelation that shields are fucking op and you can easily cheese bosses like it's nobody's business.

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