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You guys should play it
I played this shit before you born son.
I did but why did you post that stupid fuckhead and not an actually good boss like Flamelurker or Tower Knight?
Gimmick bosses are good, actually and not every boss needs to be the Flamelurker
Gimmick bosses are only as good as their gimmick
Rom is good
Bed of Chaos is shit
Armor Spider is great!
feeling the same thing man
>enjoyed the Spiritcaller Snail that was summoning Crucible Knights
>liked Fire Giant but he was just too basic
why can't there be more gimmick bosses? why is everything just a variation of Fume Knight?
i bet that looks way better in the remake
Do you see how it says tutorial in the top right?
I finished it 15 years ago.
it's still the only good Souls game.

It literally does not. And it SOUNDS even worse.
Ok now post the OP webm
>original sounds ethereal
>remake sounds like he's shouting at you from the rafters
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Bluepoint is known for quality remakes.
I played it and I thought it was meh
like its not that great, if anything it feels pretty bad compared to DARK SOULS
Until you get to Anor Londo, that is.
Then it just feels decent compared to Dark Souls.
I want to but it's not on PC yet.
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I played it on RPCS3 it was really fun. I will probably play it again some time.
Is it even worth playing now that the servers are down? What's the point if I can't summon some phantoms for the bosses?
demon sovls
After playing Elden Ring it's amazing to me how shit those bosses really are.
Demon's Souls has the best atmosphere compared to Dark Souls 1, 3 and Elden Ring (the only games I've played).
Those guards in the jail ringing the little bell are so oppressive.
The guy screaming and moaning in his cell kind of spoils the mood, though, yet another example of how voice acting destroys immersion, contrary to what the normalfags who encouraged the industry to go down this road by only buying games with voices think.
it runs flawlessly at 1440p 120fps on my 12600k
I went back to Dark Souls 2 recently after playing ER and the Sinh dragon fight is so easy to metagame now.
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I did, it was fun.
I actually will. Elden Ring had me craving it and I just watched Matthewmatosis' videos for what must be the tenth time. I wish I played more if it when it still had multiplayer, I underestimated how important it was to the From experience.
I kill Yurt on sight every playthrough nowadays, not even to prevent him killing everyone I just really like his armor
I knew what he did, but wanted to keep him alive for a little bit. At least until right before he started going after essentials
I did years ago, it was nice, at first i was intiimidated at getting it because people overhyped the difficulty but i decided to take the leap anyway after seeing someone play the Stormking section and i just plain wanting to experience the game for myself, fell hard in love with the Estoc and Magic.
How is it on RPCS3? Always wanted to play it again, but didn't want to dig out my old PS3.
You need to follow the rpcs3 wiki to fix some issue with the crackling audio. Otherwise the emulation is perfect. You get 1080p, online mode AND 60 FPS.
Can't be that hard to do, thanks.
It's the definite version at this point. 60 fps patch (it can go up to 120 but physics start to break), high resolution and a functional online through a private server (as a bonus it has the ability to force pure white or black world tendency if you want).
private servers are a thing
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I'm playing on RPCS3 as well, super easy to set up (although I haven't personally bothered setting up online play). I recommend it personally
Grab this.
>die in a cutscene
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I think it's cute that From kept the animation where the player is restrained/standing and put it in ER
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Better than on the PS3 just for the load times. Can't think of any bugs left in the emulation.
I played up until the dragon god fight because I wanted to use the dragon crusher but didn't know about world tendency so I missed out on it.

I may try emulating again at some point and plan on using a different weapon that doesn't need the world tendency shit to be aligned a certain way.
what is world tendency
I put thousands of hours into it since 2010 on the PS3 and emulated for a few hundreds of hours more. Who knows, maybe in a couple years I'll do another playthrough.
Already played it on PS 5 the Remaster looks amazing. I'd say it's the best looking game of this generation so far.
I wish the lamp in Elden Ring created light in the same way the stone in Demon's Souls did. In Demon's Souls, the stone glows an even color that doesn't interfere with the overall lighting of the level. And it doesn't wash out the whole screen in its glow. Retaining higher contrast between light and dark.
In Elden Ring, the lamp emits an ugly orange color that interferes with the lighting of the level. It washes out the whole screen in a dull yellow glow too, reducing contrast. The lamp honestly kills the aesthetic of the game, because there are so many dark places, you always need the lamp. And because you always need the lamp, you're always awash in that ugly low contrast orange.
World Tendency is a mechanic that shifts levels between white and dark. It's a scale with like 7 steps toward white, and seven steps toward dark. Performing certain actions will cause a step toward the one or the other. Or sometimes, a few steps.

Achieving pure black or pure white tendency can be key to unlocking blocked paths. You'll return to a level, and then notice a path that was previously blocked, is passable now. The game won't signal this in any way, you just have to explore often and note the changes yourself.

But you don't need pure black or white to see differences. Even 1 step in either direction will see enemies change stats and drop rates. Tending toward white will make enemies slightly weaker with lower drop rates. Tending toward black will make enemies harder with higher drop rates. If a world becomes TOO black, then much harder black phantom versions of enemies will spawn.

World Tendency is difficult to control, because the rules that govern it aren't really explained. But when you're connected to the server, then both your actions, and other player's actions can effect your world tendency. Making it even more unpredictable. Playing offline makes it easier to control, if you know how. Which you will have to look up on your own. World Tendency isn't meant to be controlled. It's meant to be a mysterious variable that creates a unique experience for players depending on how they choose to play the game.
This boss was bugged during the asian launch.
you play with shit?
So you can do nothing but look at atmosphere and fight shitty bosses
I played it when it came out
Not really the boss, that's from if you survive the tutorial boss. Still a super disappointing boss once you get to it.
I was just having this thought after dying to Rellana in ER for the 10th try. I really miss the Bosses from DeS. They feel more like arcade bosses, and most have even a small unique quality or gimmick you need to take into account to fight them.
>Phalanx: You find pieces of Phalanx all over Boletaria, teaching you they're weak to fire and are shielded from the front.
>Tower Knight: Have to attack the ankles to bring them down, also made harder by the archers on the walls peppering you with arrows.
>Penetrator: Can use the pillars to block his attacks, but only once per pillar.
>Armour Spider: Cannot attack from the sides, narrow arena forces you into a frontal attack, have to perfectly time rolls or hard block attacks, web attacks can slow you down.
>Flamelurker: Teaches you it's best to be aggressive and in the fight, also a highly mobile boss you need to chase down. Also teaches you to watch the terrain as getting trapped is a very real possibility.
>Dragon God: 'nuff said.
>Fool's Idol: She can lay traps, make copies of herself, and has a sorcerous ally casting magic at you (that you can kill beforehand if you explore).
>Maneater: Teaches you how to fight two on one, be aware of the terrain (falling off and using the brazier to your advantage).
>Old Monk: 'nuff said, brilliant boss.
>Adjudicator: A boss with well-telegraphed weakpoints you need to hit, and you can use melee or ranged strategies equally well.
>Old Hero: A blind boss you need to stay well away from, has brutal melee combos but only in the direction of which you attacked last/were heard last.
>Storm King: You need a specific weapon to take them down, but their long range magic attacks can nearly one shot you.
>Leechmonger: You start far away from this boss and need to run down a spiral ramp to reach them, dodging balls of goo flung at you the whole way. You can stay up high and try to shoot or throw firebombs as well.
What a great mechanic (sincerely). It could have been slightly better explained in the original release, but the remake did make it more clear.
DeS was peak Fromsoft creativity, just maybe not the skills to match their vision. Shame we went down the "make bosses faster and harder" route, and not the "create unique mechanics which require attention and exploration to get the most out of" route.
And still the bosses are all dogshit compared to Elden Ring
In what capacity? They're actually varied, memorable encounters not just the same slurry of overextended combos with unnatural rhythms that all just blend together.
I always wondered, was that supposed to be the opposite side of the Dragon's Arena?
>Elden Ring had me craving it
>And still the bosses are all dogshit compared to Elden Ring
Yes, before you born son.
Might replay It soon, might go faith.
>They're actually varied, memorable encounters not just the same slurry of overextended combos with unnatural rhythms that all just blend together.
Agreed. I wish Fromsoft had taken the lessons of DeS and not of DS when it comes to bosses. I'm not saying there's no place for great, fast, combo-laden bosses - they're another puzzle to solve. But when every boss is like that it somewhat becomes a DPS battle. SotE has highlighted this shortcoming quite starkly IMO. I guess I wanted more creativity from ER/SotE, not just more DS.
I forgive Bloodborne because that game specifically was trying to emulate an ultra fast action game, but even those bosses had some gimmicks you could take advantage of.
>Moonlight Greatsword is pure FTH instead of INT
Best game in the series just for that
i killed each bitch with firestorm and i have no regrets
>i killed each bitch with firestorm and i have no regrets
That's certainly a strategy in of itself.
I don't recall - did they patch that in the remake?
>go back to demon/dark souls after elden ring
>game is so slow it feels like I'm playing baby mode
i may or may not have also done it in the remake with some regrets. soul ray is still busted though.
I find it comical how a behemoth of a dragon with teeth the size of a bus, and who's doing the cliche "I scream at the camera" move isn't burning the character to a crisp or chomping on him like it'd do in any games featuring dragons, but instead falcon punches the character straight into the you died screen.
well dragon god isn't just a normal dragon
Maybe "methodical" is a better term than just "slow". Your character does move with more purpose, making enemies who are even slightly faster quite a challenge. It does make the game more focused on positioning and timing I feel, rather than panic-rolling/jumping and Weapon Skills like in ER.
I did. I think I threw my ps3 in the trash though.
No thanks, fromschlop is trash
I remember there was a big fancy menu showing your tendency but I never learned how to interpret that screen at all.
I already did but there's no build variety and getting upgrade materials is a massive chore. No replay value.
>Play DeS Remake
>Every sound effect sounds like a pewpew laser gun shot
There's no trick to interpreting the menu. Each monument represents one of the worlds. The lighter it gets, the closer it is to white. The darker it gets, the closer it is to black. It's difficult to tell the shades of gray apart from each other.
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the only one i've played sorry lil bro
I don't disagree or dislike the gameplay in these games it just shocks me that I ever found them hard back in the day I guess. But I guess thats the same with any new game with unfamiliar gameplay. When you know all the tricks they aren't hard anymore.
Fromsoft's problem now is that they want to appeal to streamers with flashy bosses that emphasize action and combat. The problem is that the Souls games aren't really action games, and trying to force them to be without actually altering the combat in any meaningful way leads to shit like DS3 and ER where all the bosses are basically the same. The bosses in Demon's Souls are all unique, which makes them a lot more interesting than the 30 millionth boss that plays like Artorias.
me on the left
>see black man
>it's not woolie
not clicking that shit
I did.
When DaS came out I actually thought it was a huge letdown compared to DeS. Worse aesthetic, worse soundtrack, obscenely cryptic lore compared to DeS’s approachable but still sufficiently vague lore, and overall worse atmosphere.
>Play the janky Dark Souls prototype
For what purpose?
The cartoon is funny regardless of who its referencing. You don't have to know who he is.
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why did they name 3 games after her feet?
>When you know all the tricks they aren't hard anymore.
100% when people are beating this stuff with Guitar Hero drums or whatever.
>They're actually varied, memorable encounters not just the same slurry of overextended combos with unnatural rhythms that all just blend together.

Artorias and the PC port of DaS1 is the worst thing to have ever happened to these games.
I still have a soft spot for DS3 despite it being the beginning of the end. Maybe it was the build variety and the aesthetic? I've said it before but if you took a few pieces from each Souls game you'd get the best of all; DS1 Level Design and Poise, DeS Boss Design, ER Build Variety and Guard Counters, BB Rally/Visceral and Trick Weapons, Sekiro Parry and Upgrade/Skill Tree.
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what did they mean by this?
It's on my list.
Is the 60FPS mod on rpcs3 good, or is it janky and people just say it's good because they want to gloat about it running at 60 on emulator?
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Humanity mechanics made for what's still my favorite souls game for PvP.
Otherwise Demon Souls is massively overrated by this board and is slightly below average.
>Levels are designed to be small and compact since you start from the very beginning of the level on death
>While great for PvP, humanity and levling up is painfully tedious in single player.
>Bosses are without a doubt the easiest in the series, with half of them being huge fuckers with telegraphed and slow attacks.
Not a bad game or worst in series by any means,but I wouldn't say it's better than bloodborne or DS1.
I'm playing through this game for the first time on rpcs3 and I've been really enjoying it, it feels as good as dark souls but not nearly as visibly unfinished and half assed in some areas.
The bosses are honestly fantastic too and I'm so glad that the ost isn't generic epic music with latin chants #324.
>BB>Sekiro>DeS>All other Souls
For me at least.
DeS would have benefited from DS level design for sure, but what become DS levels is in DeS in it's most nascent state. I don't think it's even arguable that DS didn't have the best level-design.
Ok I didn't realize it was just a cartoon and thought it was some faggots lets play or something. It was pretty good. I accept my concession.
Well yeah a lot of action games can be considered rhythm games when you figure everything out. I hate those attention whores though like who gives a fuck get a real job or suck my dick or something.
you have cat's ring equipped
Complete garbage, praised here because 'muh atmosphere' and typical 4contrarian faggotry.
Remember the random stealth ring you picked up at the beginning of the game? Completely breaks him in a way that should have been patched during the first play-test.
>Considered one the best and most difficult bosses of the game
Lol, lmao even. Demon Souls still being garbage.
another great thing about demon souls is that it filters chronically angry midwits like these, no wonder the fan community and the in game messages are a million times more pleasant than those in any other souls game.
You are immune to fall damage, son! Unless you fall from slightly too high, then you are fucked either way! Now enjoy the upcoming, optional platforming section. You do want that shiny, right anon?
>the ost isn't generic epic music with latin chants #324.
Instead it's midi brap.
Bro, Slopiyaki has been pinching out the same turds for years. Meanwhile Fromsloppers gobble it up like it was fine dining. Welcome to 2024. Tendies are no longer the biggest cancer in gaming.
I played with the Royal class and got filtered in the skeleton zone, and then I played Dark Souls 1 again.
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The bosses in DeS had actual concepts behind them. ER has only a handful of flavours. A knight or crazy flailing beast. Nothing comes close to the kino of Dragon God, Storm King, Old Monk, Tower Knight, Maneater(s) Maiden Astrea etc. ER babies don't know a good boss when they see it
They're kind of in a weird position now for me. Elden Ring feels much better to actually play, but the older games have significantly better literally everything else aside from gameplay and graphics. Playing ER was extremely fun, but the whole time I wasn't fighting bosses I just wanted to go play Dark Souls 2.
I'm firmly convinced anyone that gets filtered by any souls game is the kind of based midwit that thinks he can briteforce any enemy with a shitty sword and doesn't even think about using blunt weapons
Finally, someone else with the weird niche complaint I have. Never liked the fucking thing, wish we got a better one in the DLC. Shit, make it a remembrance reward from the final boss, would be better than what's there now.
So... learn magic, caves look better with an blue/green glow.
No, I need my spell slots all set for niche spells I never use because I'm too busy spamming the glintstone kris AoW.
I agree with the complaint in general, but you still suck and are wrong because you didn't go for the soulful option of the DS2 torches instead of the gamey mechanical DS1 light approach.
It's not hysterically funny, but I smiled a bit.
Have a (You), anon
In Demon's Souls lore, the light emitting crystal you wear at your hip, was an invention of a magician name Geri. Friend of Sage Freke.(Freke is is an actual NPC in the game. Geri is only mentioned by name) It's become a popular item among travelers, since it's light and easy to handle.

So yeah, it's actually very soulful. Elden Ring could have done something similar, by giving the player a glintstone lantern that emits a more even light.

But regardless of the color of the light, they still need to reduce the amount of washing out it does.Like, I get they want to give it some kind of volumetric effect, but they went about it all wrong.
I knew it was explained, but I still think it's lame. The explanation is only there to justify the mechanic and not the other way around, I much prefer the tradeoff approach that DS2 took where you'd lose the left hand slot in exchange for visibility. You are right about the light itself though.
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i bought this game when it came out when i was 13. remember reading about it on the gametrailers forums.
Somehow the only Souls game with completely normally told and understandable story
The hand torch is brighter and reaches farther than the hip torch. That's the trade off. Plus, the hand torch is actually a real weapon in Elden Ring. The torch was kind of neat in DS2, but without those cast shadows, it kind of defeats the purpose. Watching the shadows cast on the surfaces was the whole aesthetic.
Because it has an actual story, not particularly fragmented either, you learn all the story of the zone you are in through the items you find in said zone.
yeah they went overboard with the bass boost. the sounds are satisfying but just on a superficial nigger brain level. there is nothing iconic in the new sounds.

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