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What went wrong?
No idea, it did everything right in order to appease to casuals
>nerfed movement
>killed rage drives and made rage arts longer
>heat is a free pressure tool you get once per round and some heat smashes are unseeable
>chip damage so matches don't last as much as they did in 7
>armored moves are stronger than ever
Normalfags are supposed to love it
here's what they did wrong:
>nerfed movement
>killed rage drives and made rage arts longer
>heat is a free pressure tool you get once per round and some heat smashes are unseeable
>chip damage so matches don't last as much as they did in 7
>armored moves are stronger than ever
they copied sf6 scummy business practices but they forgot to copy the paid reviews part.
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They came for the customizationfags.
Harada lied, people cried
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A hit is a hit this is not a hit.
fighting games are dead
>0.4 hours on record
What did he lie about?
he lies all the time and when he gets caught he plays the down to earth friendo gimmick. redditors eat it up.
Give examples.
let's start with all the cash-shop bullshit
He did promise that legacy characters would be free DLC in T7 but that was several years ago.
Not to mention nerfing King's endless grab to just 7
Isn't that just bandai namco being bandai namco?
Tekken is no longer a 3d fighting game.
What is it then?
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It never truly was.
only retards care about customization
only thing that matters is the default visuals
you are not a fighting game player, but a sims faggot
i have three steam accounts and if a game does something that annoys me enough i'll buy it on the other two just to leave a bad review and refund
They added heat.
customization is a joke, and it’s funny because that’s a “core” part of the arcade quest, yet pretty much all the customization looks like shit
Normalfag here. Im not paying for constant live service shit
He also said there would be only one season pass for 7. 8 they just didn't tell anyone about the battlepass shit until post launch
and bigger retards expect normies to care about fighting games
but t7 had negan.
>Try to appeal to newfags and street fighter players
>kills tekken
Wow, who could have seen this coming. I will piss on harada's grave.
one of the biggest people go to for tekken, aris, constantly shits on it, and has for years. I do not understand why the creators still kiss his feet and invite him to premiers and special events.
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The tekken team might actually be one of the most incompetent dev teams in the industry today
>purchased cosmetics can be lost if your save data gets corrupted
>adds a battle pass consisting which is 90% comprised of reused assets from Tekken 7, can't even manage to consistently support it and has over a months waiting before the next battle pass of reused Tekken 7 assets
>Online infrastructure is still really bad and prone to abuse
>No functioning in-game report function, have to literally tweet to the developers if you encounter a problem
These are all things that people have gotten right for years and they still manage to fuck it up
didnt put my nigga Lei in it
Why did Asuka get a blepharoplasty? Does she hate her japanese heritage that much?
It's 2.3d
>next characters are fuckyourmom and Marduk
Eat shit Harada.

Guess which demographic are the ones who make these games sell.

Protip: Not the tryhard retards playing online 24/7.
customizationfaggots are hilarious
meanwhile i just recolor the defaults lol
Being an already pretty girl and getting a blepharoplasty is practically Korean/Japanese heritage at this point.
>I will never charge money for legacy characters
I think this might genuinely be the worst season pass I've seen for a fighting game
Everyone I know who saw the datamine isn't happy about it
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Can we really trust Steamies (Redditors) to write a fair review?
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>Normalfags are supposed to love it
This is so confusing to me. Elden Ring is huge with normies precisely BECAUSE it refused to dumb things down for a wider audience. Anybody willing to spend $40 on a fighting game wants it to be difficult and badass and complex because that is what fighting games are. Stop asking normies why they don't enjoy fighting games. They're not giving you the real answer. They might say "Uhh inputs are hard" but that's not the real answer.

>b-but they do make hardcore games! they just don't sell! look at platinum!
This is a marketing problem. If ER and Baldur's Gate 3 can do it without dumbing anything down, so can you. Please stop asking casuals why they are not buying these games. They're not giving you the correct answers
No but in this case it does show the general feeling towards 8 since people assumed they were going to fix the problems with 7 not create new ones and deliver a worse product.
are you retarded? ER is THE dumbed down souls with baked in summons and le open world.
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tekken 8 is my first tekken and i love it, got to fujin on 2 characters and raijin on one. my first fighting game ever (did auto combos on dbfz with some friends in the far past thats it)
put like 600 hours in so far
negative reviews are for the jewish as fuck in game store
It's literally not dumbed down in any way. Ashes add more complexity to the gameplay, and so does open world.
how does mimic tear add complexity
>baked in summons
what does that even mean.
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Julia fucking when... de gowasu.
that's no excuse for bending over backwards and allowing them to buttfuck their playerbase for money you retard. arguments like yours are how these practices are allowed to continue unchallenged. kys
Because you have more ways to play the game. Complexity = mechanical depth.
My negative review glossed over the store shit and got straight to my problem with the game. Heat removed character identity. On top of that, they went through every character with a fine toothed comb to make sure they ironed out every little quirk that make the characters unique. I can see liking it if it's your first tekken, and I kind of envy you, you don't know what you are missing. I've played every Tekken game. 8 is trash where winning feels like you didn't deserve it, and losing feels like they didn't deserve it.
Not him but I'm also a newfag
Any examples of stuff they removed?
uhuh, and how are they worse than dark souls' summons that make every boss a complete joke? at least with ashes you first have to find them as well as level them up.
they masked off as jews and cut all the soul out for the wide audience is my guess. I haven't played tekken since the ps1
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just scamco things
just because you can beat the game with 500 different weapon doesnt mean it isnt dumbed down. its still a game made to please a wider audience, and if you disagree you dont even need to reply back because I'm not discussing something objectively true
There's no universe in which Elden Ring is dumbed down. No mechanics have been simplified, nothing has been made easier, the player chooses exactly how he wants to play. In DS1 you could go pyro and breeze through the game. Does that make it casual?

Anyway Im not gonna fill this thread up with ER crap
Accessibility gone wrong. They dumbed down an already dumbed down game series past the breaking point.
It's not even fun to watch because even the best players playing against each other look like an average online mashfest match.
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Tekken 8 is the best Tekken.
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but why the exact copy pasta?
genuinely skill issue if you cant adapt to heat
just a bitter boomer upset at the resources for the game being more available and not able to knowledge check scrubs with strings anymore
>Do simple move
What the fuck were they thinking besides twitch streaming bait for zoomers watching the game.
basically, there was no such thing as a "guaranteed plus frames" and no "It's my turn" moment you get after Heat-Engager or Heat-Dash.
Side steps for 3D Fighters exists to evade those 2D Fightrer's "cornered into a wall with a mid/low/oki mixups" situation.
This game forces you to play "2D" and that's why it's shit and feels exactly like playing a kusoge.
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>"refused to dumb things down"
Ignoring the fact that accessibility is quite literally a stated goal of ER:
>The horse makes EVERY encounter in the over-world completely consensual
>he also lets you run straight to any item on the map with zero knowledge on enemy movesets or level design
>Buffed summons, making them no longer increase boss health and damage, while also making them more accessible
>removed solo invasions
>carried over bleed and poison from past entries, but made it considerably stronger with no counter measure
>carried over the ash of war system from DS3 but made all of them considerably stronger with zero counter measure
>carried over the posture system from Sekiro and DS3, but made it trivially easy to stagger every enemy in the game, with no counter measure
>completely removed the concept of ashes of war being bound to singular weapons, letting you make broken combinations with ease, again, with no counter measure
>made the vast majority of the content in the game (non-legacy dungeons) considerably easier than any souls dungeons in the past
>has an almost completely redundant compass because they didn't trust you to remember where you dropped your souls
>quite literally points you in the right direction if you cant follow the story
You said you weren't going to reply, tranny. Guess that was a lie :)
It's not that they removed moves, it's that they removed options and force you to play how they want you to. The universal mechanics (heat in 8 and armor moves in 7) they added to make it "easier" for noobs. You are playing the heat game, not your character.
As a character example, take Jin, your quintessential tryhard character, and my favorite since 3, through buff and nerf. While he always had some good moves that stand out from the rest, a deep knowledge of his movelist lets him really shine. In 8 they made him absolute easy mode. Things that used to take practice to pull off, he just does automatically. Auto electrics? You must be kidding me. What is even the point? Learning to do the stance cancelling and stuff was the fun part. Why? Why?
Another example is Feng, always strong, crazy pokes, good mixup, poor combo ability. Now on top of everything else he has, now here come powerful and absolutely braindead combos requiring zer0 execution.
and I didnt. thats another person
>Just adapt to this shitty mechanic that ruins the game
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>While he always had some good moves that stand out from the rest, a deep knowledge of his movelist lets him really shine.
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As a newfag I don't see why people say Tekken 8 killed movement when I just did the hardest read by sidestepping Asuka's fully charged RA and launching her. The next round she tried to partial charge it but I interrupted it with my own RA.
But I guess I'm just a lowly hardstuck Fujin Jin main so my opinion isn't worth shit.
I'm confused why they would do that since I only bought Tekken 8 because I heard legends of its crazy movement and insane endless amount of matchups you have to learn etc.
Obviously its a fun game, I'm enjoying it but i don't get what direction they're trying to go in. If tekken is not the crazy movement and insane knowledge check game then what is it supposed to be?
You're right of course, 7 is the downturn.
For me, it's catching back rolls with b2,1.
Games can't have a niche any more, not that Tekken wasn't mainstream, but it still wasn't big enough I suppose. If it doesn't sell more than THE FIGHTING GAME (street fighter) it's a failure in the eyes of business men. Never mind that they are totally different games with different strengths. Tekken is a 2D skinwalker game now. The core fanbase and those who would be fans of actual Tekken just wasn't enough I suppose.
My theory, but your guess is a good as mine.
In certain ways, I think they have made it worse for new players than it ever was. Lower skill ceiling = less skill expression at every level. I got into Tekken for mostly the same reasons you did, I was excited to dive into the deep end and learn. Which I did, for years. 8 gives me no motivation to learn or get better. The changes made it much less interesting. I dumped this game and just cope with the old ones.
I far prefer watching the wiggling and waggling between two top tiers from T7 than the absolute knife fight you watch in 8 where even pros like Arslan and Knee follow the Heat into jab jab jab jab down forward 1 into jab flowchart or combo into heat into heat into more jugglan into finisher
Everyone who isn't retarded agrees with you. I think the "movement is boring to watch" people were actual shills.
Thanks Looneytroon!
>buy game in an account
>family share it to another account and play for more than 2 hours
>refund it if it's shit, no questions asked
as shrimple as that, you still have to refund within 1 or 2 weeks but that's plenty time to try a game
Boomers hate shops and battle passes
They're retarded
Complexity != Mechanical depth. It's necessary for depth but doesn't create depth by itself.
The duality of FGNaggers.
strive has half the players tekken does, I thought tekken was dying
I'm a noob. Can't deny I've had fun with the game but it feels fun in the same way a 2D fighter is
Very streamlined & straightforward and simple but if I want that kind of thing why wouldn't I play sf6 instead
Esp because sf has huge character variety but t8 is all aggression and it wants everyone to play the same
Oh yeah man, Namco a famously pro consumer company until mean old Capcom turned them bad.
>made rage arts longer
I hate this so fucking much why do I have to watch a 3 hour long full feature film for trying to press a button ON MY TURN? At least invincible moves in 2D games are fast.
Why are you being so harsh at your heritage?
It's really fucking grim coming to a random FG thread of all places, and spotting ER fanboys spew such tripe.

Imagine, for even a second, claiming that fucking spirit ashes add to the complexity of the gameplay in any way, or excusing that trash band aid of a mechanic because you "have to level up the summons." I continue to be amazed by the sheer retardation and utter delusion.
Giving players more options is always a good thing, especially in single player games
Let people play the game however they want, it's really that simple
people complaining about heat are hardstuck genbu retards so I wouldn't worry too much about it
Half? It has 3-4times less depending on time of day
That's stupid, because in a game like Tekken making the harder things easier to do just makes intermediate to higher skilled players infinitely more threatening especially to casuals.
>mad capcultists literally unable to stop themselves from defending their overlords
Tekken in general is kinda shit, 8 is just boring and season 1 characters are so shit i don't think i will play it any time soon
Get over yourself nigger.
I want BOTH things.
I like the game but the monetization completely killed my interest in it, don’t feel like putting hours upon hours of work into a grimy greedy product. The additional content also isn’t that interesting so far. Maybe I’ll come back if there’s a new feature or character I like.
That's not synonymous with complexity, it's just an empty platitude to justify shit which was haphazardly throw in for the sake of it. The implementation of spirit ashes in ER is marred with tremendously high reward for such a measly low risk, with 90% of spirits being useless filler.

Same goes for the open world. It doesn't add complexity, in fact, it actively dilutes encounters. Not only there are way too many boss encounters copy-pasted across the huge world, fighting certain monsters (or simply escaping them) on horse back with Torrent trivializes them.

That's not getting into how invasions have become less and less of a factor (being invaded solo isn't even a thing anymore, unless you go out of your way to lure in invaders with an item), the abundance of checkpoints compared to earlier Souls games, no mechanic like World Tendency or Hollowing that makes the game progressively harder each time you die, how easy it is to over-level and clear out "legacy" dungeons with ease, etc. etc.
Harada and Murray are faggots.
Game is reduced to unga bunga heat spam and heat is probably the most braindead way to implement aggressive mechanics in a game.
Most defensive characters can't play defensive anymore due to how strong offense is, and thus have been given rushdown tools so now everyone is a pseudo rushdown character.
7 has its problems but at the very least preserved character identity and different playstyles. 8 just made everyone some flavor of rushdown.
>That's not synonymous with complexity
Literally is. It's more variables that alter how the game plays out, which is by definition more complexity.
Same goes for the open world. It doesn't add complexity
Again, it literally does. This game has both old style souls levels AND open world which is more complexity by definition.
> the abundance of checkpoints compared to earlier Souls games
You are CHOOSING to use the stake of marika retard. The game offers you a choice

I think you honestly have to have a really low IQ not to understand how this works. Did you ever study math in school? You know how adding more variables to functions increases the complexity right?
Only sure thing is pandering to blacks, experts in good ass that they are, and packistanis, experts in being neets without the associated societal guilt induced in Japan and second best Korea, was the right thing.
What the FUCK are you even saying here?
imagine being more jewish than SF who is selling 20 dollar avatar skins
>not a weeb fighter
>post 2020
massive mistake
Tekken is anime as fuck.
In fact, as of SF6, it is even weeber than Street Fighter.
What is up with disingenuous ER fanboys and their insane attempts at bending fucking reality to suit their arbitrary definitions?

Look, retard, I have watched newcomers to Souls games destroy Malenia in a handful of tries thanks to RoB + Mimic Tear. That is NOT complexity, that is just casually using one of the many crutches available that make the entire experience objectively easier. The same way that you would select between Very Easy all the way up to Extreme difficulty modes in a menu, or using a skip feature, that is not what complexity entails in the mind of any sane rational human being.

>stake of marika
Not even that. To name but just one very small example of what I'm talking about, Swamp of Aeonia alone has about 4 sites of Grace in close proximity to each other. Not mention the fact that you can easily traverse that whole area with Torrent and not get Scarlet Rot or can escape Commander O'Neil's boss encounter like just any regular enemy.

But sure, go ahead and say that using Torrent is just an "option" and that it somehow makes the game more complex. Christ, what an idiot.
It's illegal in my country to be less obtuse.
I think he means that the game panders to hypebeast blacks and nolife paki/korean grinders
>panders to hypebeast blacks
pfffft I wish
If that was the case then the female characters would have an actual ass.
Reina has a fucking NEGATIVE ass.
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Why do people like SF6 so much when it has the same problems as Tekken 8?
Capcom has some amazing brainwashing skills.
Also, they are bribing people to play their shit game with the promise of those million dollar prizes.
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I'm looking for a fighting game to play
is there anything to do in tekken outside the 2h long story and online ranked 1v1?
You can listen this bumbling fucking moron >>682917492, or consider a more nuanced perspective:
Unlike Heat in Tekken 8, there is very clearly the possibility of countering tactics like Drive Rush if they're abused mindlessly by the other player. I am low MR and often check DR attempts with EX DP, for example.

There's also the fact that these system mechanics are tied to a resource that leaves you in an extremely vulnerable position if depleted. In T8, not only there is not as much counter play against Heat, depleting the Heat bar just leaves you with a character's default moveset, meaning, you hardly lose anything from just throwing it out. Rage is also arguably very cheap, considering it's a one-button special move that does a ton of damage.

In short, Bamco needs to look for a way to integrate their universal mechanics better into a whole so that you feel like you're losing a valuable resource once you utilize it.
They're adding characters people like, for one. It's been weeks since Lidia has been mentioned, and that's a character no one gives a shit about.
negative reviews are either from casuals getting mad at the jewish game store or vets that are mad at how shit it is at being a tekken game.
no. most fighting games don't have much outside of playing the main mode against people online or offline.
i'm honestly not sure. both are garbage fucking fighting games with super scrub friendly systems (drive, heat) but SF6 gets it's dick sucked. tbf Tekken 8 also gets it's dick sucked by the """FGC""". at this point i think nu FG players are just incapable of realising that a fighting game is bad. the novelty of playing a fighting game is still bright with them.
no ones crying about making the harder things easier. people are complaining that the thing that made tekken tekken (the defensive movement focused neutral with brutal okizeme game ) has been completely neutured in favor of mashing for plus frames and enforcing mix. it leads to a very inconsistent game. T7 also had this problem due to nerfed movement. in T3 or Tag1 beating a scrub was no problem. super easy as they could not play neutral. in T7,T8 it was alot harder as the nerfed movement meant that in most cases i just had to take their pressure or know the EXACT solution to everything they were doing. in nu tekken your fundamentals don't matter until you have labbed every string and set up in the game. which was why everyone under TGP was a noob
>The tekken team might actually be one of the most incompetent dev teams in the industry today
Eh, all those problems sound like the usual Japanese dev incompetence. Jappas just can't into online, they are unfortunately still stuck in the 80s.
unironically this might be the answer. people only care about reveals and updates to add HYPE tm. we seen the same thing in SF5 and T7 when T7 added geese and SF5 had... abagail. no one gave a shit.
tekken 8 online gets mogged by free community projects of T3 and Street fighter 2 online
Street Fighter doesn't recycle assets from the PS3 era and recharge the customer. Tekken is such a low effort reskin since 5. Not sure how the player base just eats shit all the time
OK retard.
do things like game balance and mechanics attract new/casual/normie players?
or is that something that only dedicated players care about?
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>t-tekken is shit B-B-B-BUT STREET FIGHTER
Massive cope, SF6 is the best fighting game since SF4, tekkucks keep losing
"""Street Fighter""" 6 is barely a Street Fighter game and it is certainly NOWHERE near being the best fighting game by any meaningful metric, shut the fuck up.
>tekken 8 online gets mogged by free community projects of T3 and Street fighter 2 online
Yeah because those free fan projects are made by westerners. There isn't a single Japanese-made game that has good online capabilities, even when a Japanese release has good online, the online bits have been made in the west, like ArcSys rollback netcode for example.
never been more alive
They shot themselves in the foot with the monetization, they launched the ultimate edition with a season pass and then due to pure greed they decided to drop a fucking microtransaction store and a battle pass (with reused assets from T7). I held off buying it because after 1k+ hours of T7 I wasn't really convinced with the new heat mechanics and general gameplay flow and I'm glad I did, because the game turned out to be shit in the end.
>I bought three of the things I hate just to shit on them
Faggots like this then go "vote with your wallet, people" and wonder how AAA duds keep printing money.
i know. it's fucking embarrassing for the japs. honestly if the same fighting games was made by western devs we could of got so much more. every game in the 360 era and afterwards would have rollback, kof13, SF4, SFxT, MVC3, VF5FS, they would all have PC ports and rollback.
but we trusting the fucking japs
Put the goal posts back, faggot. He lied about it, I don't give a shit who did it or why. Just don't say anything unless you are certain of it.
6 much like 3 is designed for people who do not like street fighter. it's a garbage game
>b-b-but tekken shills
Tekken 8 is arguably worse sure. but fuck me anon fightcade exists. why would i pay full price for either of the two worst fighting games to ever exist when i can play something good. and when T3 gets added i'll say the exact same thing to tekken cucks
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Bandai Namco strikes again. There's a reason why they're called Scamco. The game being partially casualised doesn't help.
>3 is designed for people who do not like street fighter.
How so?
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Just wait for Lidia
Tekken 8 is like windows 8 of tekken. We had the best one already with 5dr and everything after is just more bloated shit.
What even is "Street Fighter" in your view?
parries. it basically breaks the core fundamental game state of street fighter. the core of street fighter is the footsies game, and the fireball game. 2, alpha, 4. they all had this in common. parries esentially break this by making fireballs and the fireball game bad. they also change how the risk reward works in street fighter. the way it works traditionally is that jumping is the ultimate gamble. if you jump over a poke or a fireball i get hit and possibly dead. or at the VERY least you get pressure. if i do nothing, you were wrong and get hit by my anti air. in 3rd strike air parry adds a get out of jail free to this. if you jump at a bad time. you can air parry and there is another layer of mix that the defender has to deal with because.... the attacker tried to brute force their way in instead of neutral. look at any A rank 3s player on fightcade. and play them by playing very traditional street fighter. you will lose. but not because of their superior spacing or neutral. but because they are just gonna jump at you and OS parry until they get in. don't get me wrong. 3s is fun if you can roll with the fact it's not a street fighter game. and play it for what it is. but that doesn't change the fact it doesn't play like street fighter. and the people who liked it hated street fighter before then for the most part. obviously there is some exceptions but especially in NA you don't see legacy legends like john choi entering 3rd strike tournaments https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxZ2LGfAqi2bq3Z5zR0nzp7AZcv5XKFI5t
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Here's your answer because the other anons don't really get it. A character being "easy mode" compared to its previous gameplay is egregious, but not as bad as what they did to the whole game. You can say they "removed" any playstyle that doesn't revolve around pressure. Almost every character now has a string that leads into stance mix up. Devil Jin used to be a character that poked a little bit and had great launch punishes. You could maybe still try to play him like that but you're at a huge disadvantage if you don't abuse his Crow stance mix ups. Same with Jack, even Yoshimitsu inb4 redditfags claim yoshi was only le party character
The way pressure is added is different. Take characters like Ganny and Hei in t7, their pressure was + moves like df1, jab, or ganny's sweep. Did you know that there's no quick low that's +oh in this game? It's because pressure is not supposed to be guaranteed, it's always a cointoss from stance.
All the game is centered around this, non-stop button pressing and le epic moments. Chip damage and heat management obvious endorsements of that.
a simple 2d fighter with a CORE emphasis on the fireball game and the poking game. ofc characters can exist outside of that and even do well. but the core game revolves around those two concepts. parries break this. drive impact somewhat breaks this (the same could be argued for focus but the range difference changes it's application. focus isn't really used as an anti poke as much because of it's weaker range and only being able to absorb one hit. so either i do a poke that i can throw out knowing focus won't hit me or if it will i can use a poke that can be cancelled into something like a fireball) drive rush doesn't break this.. but drive rush also fucking sucks. a mechanic can not break these core principals but still suck to deal with like ultra in SF4 or red focus. parries however is the main offender. granted to 6's credit it hasn't added air parries which is great but having ground parries means that alot of the games design is based around that. take honda vs sim for example. to deal with headbutt sim MUST perfect parry, all his anti airs lose. not even to mention what parry has done to said fireball game of street fighter
anyone that thinks yoshi is a party character never played tag 1 or T3. he was a turtling wall due to poison mist, flash and a godlike DF2. https://youtu.be/siLL4Al2skc?t=158
Tales from the Green Ranks
I can't tell if you're trolling but evading a 120f move isn't really a hard read anon. Backdashing and launching an electric would have been, but the backdashes have been greatly nerfed because we all want AGGRESION
when people talk about it killing movement. they are talking about backdashing. side stepping was the hard read option. if you labbed every fucking string and set up in existance. this is the one you would go for if applicable. backdashing was the safe option. KBD was essentialy the crouch tech of tekken. it beat mindless aggression by creating space faster than they could close it with strings and at most you would take a small low as a result and reset back to neutral. as a result tekken was a game where alot of interactions lead back to neutral rather than mix upon mix upon pressure upon pressure and the constant turn shifting we see now in nu tekken.

noobs will claim this cannot be beaten but it could. as core weakness of KBD was that it lost to more committal offence. deep dash low or throw namely. but in turn this lost to buttons. it had a triangle system. KBD beat buttons, power lows and throws beat KBD, buttons beats power lows and throws. the problem was because of it's heavy emphasis on neutral. spectators viewed tekken as boring at a high level. one of those spectators being harada. he wanted more action. so he removed this and now the only thing that beats buttons is the specific option for that perticular button. meaning that in the modern day. tekken is a game where until you have labbed EVERYTHING. you aren't really playing the game. and we can see this. in T7 anyone under TGP wasn't just bad. but straight up not playing the game.
>Did you know that there's no quick low that's +oh in this game
oh my god the sheer irony of you posting jack while saying this
my bad, Jack is the only exception.
There's no irony though, Jack was all about long range poking and baiting for df2, now that part of his identity is diminished with his gigas stance mixups
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No Christie, no buy.
Kill yourself. Ultimate should always include ALL content
This is why I bought tekken 7 and will wait for the ultimate edition of 8 before purchasing it for 15 dollars.
My biggest issue with the game is why the fuck is every match Bo3? I can understand ranked but why casual and your heckin epic and unique avatar arcade?
this unironically
my first crush
Putting Eddy instead of Christie in the game was a fucking insult
Did you miss the part about Souls already having summons? What's next, claiming that Elden Ring casualized things by having shields?
at least its the day one dlc
they let us know how its gotta be from the get go
since they had the courtesy, we can just not buy eddy's dlc
>Look, retard, I have watched newcomers to Souls games destroy Malenia in a handful of tries
Meanwhile Souls let you do that with every boss on the first try. Malenia is objectively harder than any Souls boss, and everyone I've seen who played the game was stuck on her for hours WITH summons. Same with both Radahns (mostly dlc Radahn obviously).
>Not mention the fact that you can easily traverse that whole area with Torrent and not get Scarlet Rot or can escape Commander O'Neil's boss encounter like just any regular enemy.
How is this an issue? You're saying they should have forced you to eat the scarlet rot swamp even though people have universally hated poison swamps in these games? That's a good design. And "escaping a boss" lmao, I suppose you didn't know you could also do that in souls games by using a homeward bone or simply going back to the title screen?
>all that shit
What about a long and fun story campaign full of gameplay? What about funny or lore rich arcade story modes for every single character with lovingly made cgi cutscenes?
That already existed and none of you fags cared.
Hey a sphere is the most powerful customization tool for peak cumslut coomery in NGS
But in tekken it's lol
Reading these threads fills me with joy over my decision to drop the genre with Tekken 7 season 1.
>nerfed movement
if anything they made side-stepping too powerful
Someone must be really proud of that OC.
To me I won't even look at this game without Josie and Mommy Raven. Also Claudio
stopped reading
neck yourself retard
Did you miss the part about refunding?
>doesn't recycle assets from the PS3 era
Such as?
I thought this might've been a skill issue and mad cause bad, but looking at SF6 page it has very positive review rating, so that can't be it.
shit matchmaking and surprise MTX bullshitery
If Bamco made the decision then getting angry at Harada is retarded and shows you're arguing in bad faith, don't shoot the messenger and all that.
Spirit ashes don't work like summons do, they don't increase the boss's health, and don't require you to be in human/body/embered state. ER has NPC/player summons ON TOP of having extremely powerful spirit ashes.

Your post is utterly baffling, like you literally forgot what the crux of your argument earlier was.

>How is this an issue?
It's an issue insofar as you claim that ER didn't dumb things down by making environmental hazards a complete non-factor. People didn't like that? Oh, I see... then let's accommodate their whining by giving them a tool to completely bypass that obstacle. This, in your mind, is what you call "complexity."
They also removed weapon durability. Because no one cared about that. What's next? They should also eliminate weapons bouncing off of walls because that has to little to no impact on the overall gameplay. And honestly? Losing Souls/Runes on death should be another thing on the chopping block, because running back to that shit is just tedious, and pointless too, because you can just farm it eventually.

You can rationalize all you want about why your currently preferred game is the bestest of them all, anon. I'm just here to tell you your logic isn't sound at all.

>And "escaping a boss" lmao, I suppose you didn't know you could also do that in souls games by using a homeward bone or simply going back to the title screen?
I sure did. Now they've added Torrent, an extra option to escape bosses in the overworld. Incredible, so much complexity!
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Rank inflation. Everyones at Fujin and its just a fuckfest of actual Blue rank players and Tekken gods on their subs.
Your blue rank winrate will be <50% because of TGP on their subs owning you
>story truly ended with T4
>past DR, the devs keep doubling down on juggles, it should be no more than 2-3 hits
>customization is ass, peaked at T6
>haven't had a good original character since Dragonuv, and even then they turned him into a joke character
>turning serious characters into joke characters all the time (Paul, Marduk, Drag).
>quality in both graphics and music has been taking a dive since T7
>game modes that are highly requested (Tekken Force) and yet some game modes that have been a stable in the series are questionably absent (Team Battle been a thing since T2 I believe)
>turning the series into anime
Tekken lost the serious tone it had going for, this is what the intro' used to look like:
Ancient Ogre holding up a severed fucking head (used to be believed it was Jun)
Tekken just isn't the same, the story peaked at T4.
No one thing but it's fuckup after fuckup that soured a lot players on the game.
>surprise MTX with ingame money revealed shortly after launch
>dragging their feet with balance updates
>atrocious, unexplained rank system that artificially boosts player ranks until it just stops
>questionable and clear favoritism in balance decisions (Jin and King are both popular with casuals and are both top tier and escape nerfs)
>performance issues
>network issues
>a completely braindamaged season 1 character dlc lineup featuring 2 extremely disliked characters
>going after mods and modders' social media
All while having terrible PR skills even for the gaming industry standards, Murray is basically a manifestation of anti-PR, all he does is be rude, condescending, arrogant and always projects an aura of hating Tekken players, he should never touch social media.
Harada is hardly better, he rambles on about shit and he sometimes comes off as demented at times, both Murray and Harada post on twitter way too much.
If anything tekken has never been more serious or else they would have given us Dr. B, Gon and Roger Jr.
you know there are all these problems with the game but the real reason why I stopped playing is ranked
in 7 you would find that one guy that you never saw before and deathmatch him for an hour straight. that was something unique to tekken and it was amazing
im t8 not only they removed that, the game is also plagued with one and doners. that shit completely sours the experience
and as if that wasnt enough, the game is infested with pluggers now. I can remember getting plugged in t7 like twice in the 3 years I played. in t8 you play 10 matches and 5 of them are one and dones and 2 are pluggers. no reason to play
I like tekken 7 and refuse to touch 8.

What virtua fighter game would u guys recommend for playing online with my friends?
It got roughly the same review scores from critics as SF6 did
3tb is on fightcade iirc
i meant to say alpha 2 specifically. alpha 3 is weird af.
assuming your friends will actually play it because VF is dead in the west. VF4FT is on fightcade, it's the more popular one ( i say popular but i just mean there is 10 people on instead of 2), vf3tb is also on fightcade but i personally found it weird due to shit like side step being on a button.
sf6 got great reviews despite having the same + worse business practices than the ones tekken added that pissed everyone off.
>Giving players more options is always a good thing
not true at all, that's extremely dependent on what type of game it is and whether the obstacles the player's going up against have been adjusted accordingly. there are any number of sequels in which the developers consciously removed an option from the predecssor to impose interesting limitations on the player or sequels/remakes considered worse than their predecessors because they thoughtlessly dump so many extra mechanics on the player's head without adjusting levels/enemies/etc to accommodate them that it trivialises most of what you're engaging with
owned lol
That would suggest either that both got paid reviews or neither did

people keep comparing the mtx store to SF6 but SF had the online store in there before the game even came out and people knew about the shop
tekken store was out of nowhere and pissed people off because those things they're selling on their shop used to be FREE unlockables and included in past tekken games, and tekken 8 is fucking 70 dollars
the stupid default blender ball they sell is literally per character fucks sake
They fucked it up man, you always SSR Lidia (to her back) not SSL
no, tekken added them AFTER their launch. scummy companies have been doing this on purpose lately to avoid getting bad reviews.
>doing 2012 tier DLC scamming after launch instead of warning people beforehand
>doubling down by removing stuff from 7 and selling it later
>2D mechanics bullshit that made fucking Japan come out of the graveyard and even win tournaments now
>nerfed backdash
>every character has a retarded plus on block range 3 mid with 0 thought
>added a lot of bullshit canned mixups from stances from characters that never even had it (Jack for example)
>ft 2 ranked
>online filled with cheaters and pluggers and they'll do nothing to change
>shit optimization
>worst season pass in modern fighting games so far, even worse than MK1 for some insane reason
and now
>broken top 5 chars that they won't fix until next year with now 3 incoming p2w DLCs
play Lili then
They made this game dumbed down for the lowest gooners in the world and became so shitty
it's just worse than ps1 and ps2 era tekken and has less content
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I don't get it.
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they made her face fatter and fatter with each game
I'm playing tekken 3
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Looks fine on my end
she wide.
she ate too much sushi
Too many people suck at the game.
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japanese people are wide, that's why people call em pan-faced

unless you're trying to tell me this looks better?
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theyre adding scorpion
I prefer that look yeah, at least she's not an ugly fatass.
Bonus for actually looking japanese too and not a caked up idol with bug eyes like in Tekken 8.
Chip damage and heat ruined this game. If you fight Dragonuv, the faggot playing him can easily take you down to 1 hp even if you block everything thanks to chip damage.
Normies / zoomers aren't interested in fighting games and never will be because they don't like 1v1 PvP
False, normalfags love SF6.
>Ashes add more complexity to the gameplay
yes I guess hitting mimic tear button at the start and letting him solo the fight is complexity
No. Fighting games are niche since years and that's not gonna change.
Yes they do, stop trying to pretend your genre is niche when fighting games sell millions.
As a former Soul Calibur fan I curse Tekken to keep getting worse and worse as long as Soul Calibur is stuck in the limbo of forever reusing SC4 assets in bad sequels.
>Look, retard, I have watched newcomers to Souls games destroy Malenia in a handful of tries thanks to RoB + Mimic Tear.
What does this prove? You know these games have had cheese options since day 1 right? Most people won't find RoB or Mimic Tear unless they use a wiki, you could trivialize the difficulty of dark souls 1 with so much less effort. You cant say the game is casualized when they have always had this shit
Normalfags might know who some of the characters are like Ryu and Chun Li but actually playing the game? Not a chance.
leftmost is best
The games sell millions, they're not niche by any means, we're not in the 90s.
Compare that to fortnite / lol / valorant / whatever
Fighting games are ridiculously niche today and it's sad you don't even realize it
Yeah they sell millions and 95% of the playerbase drops the game in a month after getting their ass kicked online.
I knew you'd come up with this dumb argument. To you, niche means anything that isn't at the top of popularity like Fortnite. Sorry, but there's a large spectrum inbetween, and selling millions proves normalfags play it.
>we're not in the 90s.
Yes in the 90s those millions were the mainstream of all of videogames. These days that is less people than some gacha shit and makes a fraction of the money.
No. regular edition should include all content
Nope, SF6 is still populated.
>yeah but what about this other popular thing, huh? doesn't look so popular anymore huh?
Dumb. Other things being more popular doesn't change the fact that it still sells millions and means normalfags play it.
You were talking about mainstream, retard.
SF6 looks and plays like dogshit though, no thanks.
They introduced a bunch of brain dead offensive mechanics and now they will have to spend years adding new defensive mechanics to balance them.
Did you reply to the wrong post or what?

Since you can't read, let me show you how this conversation started: >>682930567 >>682930641
It's like saying normalfags don't watch horror movies because they only make 100 million bucks at the box office instead of 2 billion like avengers.
Opinion discarded.
The game is mostly fine.
The DLC character decisions are completely retarded.
The customization options are shit, and they're even too lazy to update their jewish battlepass.
They randomly buffed the shit out of the unreactable 50/50 lord because someone called michael murray a nigger.
>The game is mostly fine.
until you go online
Juggle has never had good single player content.

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