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>Total staff as of 2021: 336 people

>Administration: 35 people making an average of 4.5 million a year

>Game Developers: 181 people making an average of 1 million a year

>Steam Developers: 79 people making an average of 960k a year

>Hardware Developers: 41 people making average of 430k a year

that's cool i guess
average is meaningless, as it is going to be VERY top heavy. use the median and other percentiles if you have that data.
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they have 181 game developers? they dont do jack shit
>a million dollars just to sit around and babysit steam
this is why you need a minimum of 10 years experience to get into valve
they don't have custodians and maintenance? or do jannies there do it for free too? i guess there's plenty enough valve shills that are willing.
it's actually quite sad how easy it is for normies to be swayed by the "average". They're totally oblivious to basic statistics so stuff like the top 1% skewing an average from 75k down to 35k when removed is totally beyond their understanding.
and so we suffer
>How small
>Pays out a billion in salaries a year
That's pretty substantial for what essentially boils down to being a storefront for a niche platform
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>Game Developers: 181 people
the fuck are they doing?
so that's just 432 million in payroll, where is the rest of steam revenue going?
At the very least, none of them can count to 3
what a retarded thread. Are you people upset theyre making money doing a solid job at a reputable company that millions use as a medium? Kill yourselves.
kind of like how everyone at a tech company is a "product engineer" even though it entails a very broad range of job functions
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It's none of your business, Tim.
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whos upset at their income?
they have dotards, csgo and now deadlock that's a decent sized team for each game if they're evenly distributed and the 1 guy working on tf2
it's a bot post
>Game Developers: 181 people making an average of 1 million a year
But they don't even make games anymore? So they have 180 people just sitting around collecting 1 mil a year? I'm jealous
peak game design right there
Source 3, Steam Audio, Proton, Half-Life 3
Servers and equipment for hardware like VR and the deck.
Otherwise who knows.
Not really sure you can say PC is a niche platform anymore.
It very much is a niche platform in the first world. The vast majority of PC players are 3rd worlders.
Mostly working on Dota, CS and Deadlock
There is at least someone who updates their older games to keep them running on modern systems.
It hasn't been niche in the first world for quite some time now, there are just proportionally more third worlders in general.
Where I work all the janitorial stuff is outsourced to some crew that comes in a couple times a week. They're not actually on our payroll, they're not employees here. It's probably the same for Valve if they have none of these things on payroll.
In my daily life I encounter roughly 10-20x the amount of console owners than I do PC, and I don't even mean PC gamers, I mean people that actually own a home computer.
According to insider stories they have too much freedom to fuck around with pet projects and aren't organized enough to actually get much done.
sitting with their dicks in their hands and occasionally pressing CTRL+C and CTRL+V on workshop items
Guess it depends because for me it's a mix or own both.
It's no shock that consoles are bigger in first world countries since they can actually afford them.
Also chances are if someone owns an actual desktop these days it's either a gaming PC or workstation.
Alien Swarm still got an update.
Brother, how many people in your day to day life are you questioning about their gaming platform of choice, that you can form a large enough sample size to be relevant? That aside, niche doesn't mean "second place". It kind of implies something that's uncommon or specialized enough that you'd probably go "huh" if you heard someone was into it. Like painting model trains. I'd probably go "huh" if my coworker was genuinely into that. I don't really go "huh" when I hear someone games on their PC. It's a perfectly normal enough thing to hear I figure.
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Also video games industry is worth like quarter trillion dollars or something. And gayben's steam gets 30% cut from almost all pc games. That's a lot of money.
Paying a bunch of retards (around 400 million total) to sit around do nothing barely puts a dent in jewell's deep pockets. He probably doesn't even notice nor does he care what retarded employees are doing. He is too old, rich and soulless to give a shit.

FFS just imagine. 30% cut from an entire industry. You could donate bajillions to charity shit and still have enough money to buy some sex islands. Anons really fucking underestimate how much money is in vidya industry. It's the largest single entertainment industry and it is not even close.

When you got that kind of money you literally don't need to do anything. Hell even old fag ex valve employees admit they didn't do much at all after steam took off. They are also ex for a reason (fired) if you didn't catch what's going on so no. You won't just get in valve and get paid king's ransom if you are not a manipulative sociopath of some sorts.
Makes sense, they put quite a bit of money into social media shilling every sale since only a few years into Steam's beginnings
Lot of younger anons don't even realize how blatant it is since it's just "normal" at this point on /v/
>average $1 million a year
>no half-life
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These are the average salaries in the US? Jesus christ.
So is everyone over there a millionaire already? How the fuck can you be struggling with money under these circumstances?
That's way way way above average compared to everyone else
read the thread
steam collects 30% tax from an entire industry just for existing so they can throw away a bunch of money to useless employees to do nothing for over a decade
it is a very special case
BASED BASED BASED Turns out that you can give your employees a shit ton of money if you don't hire a bunch of useless people
Go read up on how valve is one of the last companies using stack ranking then come back and tell us all about how they pay people to do nothing.
a job at valve isn't paying average saleries
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Right, to fool anyone dumb enough to think 181 people are paid 1 million there without asking to see the actual median.
Glad to see there are others here who don't blindly suck Gabe's cock.
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Show me the fruits of their work.
Where is it?
What did they do for over a fucking decade between abandoning projects, firing employees, gay work politics, lawsuits, going knee deep in babysweet?
Valve would instantly die without steam bucks kiddo.
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I know this is basically a clip show of all her non-work playtime is to give the illusion of a 'dream job', but Christ does it come off with such vanity that you hope to god the tech and game industry falls apart to see these people fired in mass. Fucking "marketing specialists" is the culmination of pure bloat of when a company gets so rich that it forgot its humble beginnings and just hires people for the sake of hiring people with no experience whatsoever in order to fulfill the diversity quota.
Most new work is either into Steam, Linux and hardware. Otherwise it's Dota and CS.
No shit Steam is the big enabler for working on shit that doesn't generate immediate big bucks.
valve makes billions a year you mong
It is fucking bloat but investors like "growth" and this counts even if it's a net drain on the company and a complete waste of everyone's time.
>Working on CS2
Not him, but the frequent updates on CS2 have come down to a crawl. Chances are whoever there is working on Battlelock.
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What work?
You mean selling other people's workshop items and adding more webshit bloat to steam client?
There is probably a small team still keeping that wheel going but I guess they have as many hands on deck as they can get for finishing up Deadlock.
okay we're done here.
Let's look at it a different way then, Steam pays out $10 per active user in salaries a year.
They can’t seriously be hiring at $1m/year. That must be heavily skewed to the top few or based on a commission system
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cry about it to jannies
You could say that but like I said Linux and hardware are now part of their business. Also got people working on Deadlock which seems to be their current focus.
Why not? They're not a publically traded company so they don't have to cut costs at every corner and can actually pay people based on what they're making as a whole.
Which is crazy
Yeah no way it's the average, they are probably getting paid above industry rates even with the skew.
>Hardware devs at the lowest
Aren't those motherfuckers the only one actually doing shit at Valve other than the ones jerking off on Deadlock for years
Well their work is the most exciting but does seem low unless they are getting a lot more of that average compared to other departments.
It's a private company making 10 billions+ a year with 330 employees why the fuck wouldn't they be paying out that much
It's probably because it only has one lead position where there's several in both of the others.
how much does the racist tranny that keeps denying japanese games make?
Dude's probably never worked for a private company in his life and only ever known the hellscape of the public. Small private companies are so comfy.
Too much
Oh boy, uninspired slop just like artifact. They truly are out of touch and made up of majority people not around during the early-mid 2000s.
They pay as much as needed to keep talent from the large pockets of Microsoft and Google
Everything I heard about Valve's workspace is that it's not comfy because of the clique mentalities that rule the roost. You either laugh up and are in with the crowd, or the invisible hand of management in the supposedly 'flat management' structure marks you as a bad egg.
>made up of majority people not around during the early-mid 2000s.
Pretty much, a lot of early employees are gone which no doubt affects their priorities.
It's definitely not that exciting but for whatever reason are sticking with it.
SW niggers had their salaries massively inflated by the FAGMAN recruitment craze where every retard with a degree and 9000 hours of memorizing leetcode would get $200k + bonuses starting for a completely pointless non-job of trying to look busy, you have to toss stupid amounts of money around to keep the headhunters away. HW never got that luxury so it's a far, far less lucrative despite being more niche and arguably much more difficult.
That's back in 2021. I guarantee you that shit popped off by 2023.
cliques are the natural outcome of a social environment
Only ones with femoids and troons involved.
No. Male cliques are very much a thing, they're just more accepting than others as long as they don't feel like they have to be reserved, because well guys generally get along better with eachother than girls.
>How dare this company not create useless diversity positions and hire niggers and women to do jack shit and instead pays a good salary to the employees they have

It's crazy that Valve is still only filled with white dudes and a handful of asians and women.
The only known black dude at the company is only there because he's a god-like ex-Pixar animator.
When only males are involved you don't call them "cliques" that's femoid vocabulary.
All this money and Deadlock is stull utter shit. Way to go, faggots.
Well money can't solve all problems
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We already knew Valve is crazy efficient
Why do you feel the need to defend Valve for their inability to stay soulful?
I thought he's ex-Dreamworks?
How in the hell was that a defense?
Oh you're right.
you look like a dumb fuck using words you dont understand
>steam deck
>steam input
All in the last 5 years alone. No mention releasing a brand new half life game that's simultaneously the best VR game.
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Unfathomably based.
Shut the fuck up Tim. Come back when EGS isn't owned by Chnina anymore
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Put some clothes on you degenerate.
Stack ranking means jack shit retard. Half the banks in the US use stack ranking and they still have some of the dumbest troglodytes in software development.
It never was. He's always held the majority stake and china started devesting like 5 years ago. Disney and Lego picked up like 10% of the total ownership
What am I supposed to do with this information exactly?
it blows my mind how many people get filtered by this. this isn't even esoteric autist only knowledge, it's one of the very first things covered in high school level statistics. anybody who was not in the remedial class for the borderline retarded kids would have learned this at school. i hate brainlets so much it's unreal
Tim has just above 50% iirc, 40% for tencent and the rest between Disney, Lego and Sony.
So unless it's outdated it's still his company overall.
This explains a lot
my brother in christ, this isnt her down time, this is her ONLY time. So many tech jobs were fueled money during covid they thought they were ok with people like her. Now that people arent locked inside 24/7 and don't have to only use games/tech, the layoffs were for people like her
>high school level statistics
I can tell you that my public school system in western jew york did not offer statistics of any kind. You do not learn that here until you go to college. Just like they won't teach how to do your taxes in public school. They want an uninformed population. Easier to control.
>Show me the fruits of their work.
How are people this retarded?
>counterstrike is a massive game
>dota is a massive game
>tf2 is a big game
>Half Life Alyx
>the weird Dota-shooter currently in closed beta
>by far biggest online game store
>steam deck and other hardware projects with 20 times the features the competition has
>main force behind pushing gaming on Linux
I'm sure you're looking at this and find some excuse how that isn't an incredible amount of output for a company the size of Valve, but please understand that you aren't human.
Why do you monkeys keep saying that when it's obviously not true?
>Everything I heard about Valve
The only thing you heard was that one butthurt women working on AR who got shitcanned, because her stuff was so worthless that Valve let her keep everything she made for them.
>completely made up number
>thinking a walking corpse is a good example
>>Game Developers: 181 people making an average of 1 million a year

A million dollars to deliver nothing, based.
>where is the rest of steam revenue going?
Gay ben owns 3 super yachts
they did not offer a statistics course at my school, it was just one of the subjects in the baseline maths curriculum at some point in high school that covered the basics for a few weeks.
>Just like they won't teach how to do your taxes in public school. They want an uninformed population
true, that is the only conclusion you could possibly come to for schools not teaching people basic maths skills like statistics or basic life skills like doing your taxes and how to spot a debt trap.
And a submarine company, a car racing steam and a brainchip company
Because it's been claimed by countless sources and obviously is true you tard.
quality > quantity
What do they eat?
only the top 0.001 get to work at valve you have to be borderline a geniuses to work there
20 years ago dog
now you just have to be woke
>valve is overwhelmingly white and male
You usually hire an outside service for those
>basic life skills like doing your taxes and how to spot a debt trap
How anti semitic of you anon
ok. why should i care
Why does literally every single ESL have the brain of a baboon
30% Gaben tax doing work
have you seen how bloated most game studios are?
deadlock alone would take like 3-4x the people at somewhere like ubishart
That's because they knew it they taught goyim statistics they would realise that the Jews have been behind every bad thing that has ever happened
working on deadlock
What is the definition of "never played"? There are games that have been in my library for months before I played them even once because I have more money than free time.
what are those averages. no way a game dev will ever be in 6 figures
>Gabin takes care of his people
yeah, based
Now show me the median pay, and watch what happens.
I bet it still pays extremely well tho
1 person keeping TF2 from crashing
1 person keeping CS from crashing
179 people making Dota/CS skins and hats
what do hardware and steam developers do
to akamai for hosting steam stuff
Aren't 180+ people working on a new valve game called deadlock or someshit
I don't think you know the pressure of the valves money faucet.
Aren't they making that hero shooter moba no one wanted?
Dude, Valve develop and scrap so many games. There's like an entire decade of unreleased games.
I remember reading they have like 5 different versions of Half Life 3 they've tried to make.
It's like the entire team has ADHD and as soon as development gets boring they move onto a different project.
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it's converted into gold coins and put in their giant vault
So this is free market capitalism
I wonder how the commie Chinese are doing
Dunno how many but yeah.
It's pretty fun.
>valve pays their employees well
>this is somehow bad
>valve pays their emplojeets millions for doing absolutely nothing
>they do absolutely nothing
Sounds like a nice company to work for, what's the problem?
That just makes me want to work for them even more.
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Did you play deadlock bro.
It is filled with woke shit.
Half the cast is minority, niggers and not the hot kind.
Vindicta with her enormously huge legs is the closest thing to an attractive person in the game.
Used to be free mod now being milked by valve.
Used to be free warcraft 3 mod now being milked by valve and the guy behind dota 2? none other than icefraud some manipulative faggot with 0 talents to speak of who got laughed out of blizzard when he asked for 6 figures there to be an ideas guy. Guess where he is now? Lead "dev" of deadlock. This alone BTFOs retards claiming valve is White male HIGH IQ only.
Made during golden age of valve when they still didn't fire all their useful staff. Today's valve staff would rather commission someone to paint anime girl on steam store page and make a thirdperson moba filled with niggers instead.
The game no one ever played.
>the weird Dota-shooter currently in closed beta
>biggest online game store
That's not exactly fruits of hard work.
TL;DR: Valve forced steam on everyone with hl2 requiring it. Then they did their best to get actual devs to sell their games on their store also tons of steam sales to make retards build their steam library until steam became the normal thing and retards refused to buy games outside of steam. Effective monopoly.
>dozen or so useless valve hardware
No thank you. I have a PC.
>Linux gaming
Why yes I love not being able to run almost all the PC games natively. How did you tell?

I'm sure you're looking at this and finding some excuse how all of this is an incredible amount of output for a company with the wealth of valve, but please understand that you are a subhuman volvo droᥒe and your mother never loved you.
sure dumb chudcel, go work for the evil corporation that has an illegal monopoly over the gaming market that screws people over
>one of the most important companies in gaming
>doesn't make games
>just leeches 30% profit from actual devs
absolute state of this industry
Yeah it's crazy how when people said steams 30% is too high for a company that just collects money and does nothing. Gamers cried and shit on them.
you say that like Chinkpic, jewA, and Ubijew are any better.
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The benefits of being a monopoly

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