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Post pics/videos depicting things that look like they belong in a video game but are real.
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Fucking RAT.
It's called the "Salar de Uyuni" and is assumed to be the inspiration for the Infinite Azure in Tekken.
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>no ratcatchers
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Uh what?
Rom the Vacuous Spider.
>enemy is weak to blunt damage
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>Game has unconventional tools and weapons available
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This must have been a real nail-biter
I think this is also a stage in soul calibur. I know in one of the games you go inside of soul calibur(the sword) to fight its manifestation the same way you used to do Inferno in Soul Cal 3 or 2. she takes the form of a angel bimbo and the entire stage is a unending expanse of clouds and light.
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>Feed your chao only the red drives
>He grows up into this
That place in KH3.
God damn I need to own that
Which Half-Life chapter is this
fucking kino, I hope they got to play in their costumes
Yo what the fuck barnacles look like THIS?
Yeah I'm not familiar with this type of barnacle.
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Are they dying?
no they can survive out of water for a bit
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>he didnt pick up the secret flashbang in the last level
enjoy your filter noob
All varieties of barnacles are essentially sedentary shrimp living inside a stationary shell.
Burn it down!
Imagine living in a nasty metropolitan shithole it would make me want to kill myself just like faggots there so every day
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>Enemy attacks when your back is turned
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For some reason its the russian referees that get me.
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how does the sign know for sure I haven't been there before?
If you think you've been there before just go talk to the MTA employee.
Its for people that follow the rules
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Anon, please come with us.
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>Game reuses character animations regardless of models
Eh it's a living
You ever see some wildlife and just get mad at God? This and those giant Salamanders. I hate those motherfuckers so much.
Your old man in the guild? Did he get to ever race in the races? For those of you who don't know the wacky races were real and that cartoon is just based on the real races. This little game was a fun event between two orders back when the Klan was still recognized both are lower tier which is why they play in the masons stadium not their own.
Nowadays they wouldn't let either of those groups on the court even for a clown show what a shame how institutions fall
>Half time show is minorities getting whipped
See that's where your wrong it was black men in dresses. Check the sponsor and where they played and for who's benefit lmao
…I lost it all
See you wanna root for the Klan for the sportsman ship and playing in a hood but the betting man knows to bet on the Catholics cause they already have arranged a deal with the referee to buy a kid and the Jews pet has gotta win just like any other sporting event.
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This pic has the exact same aesthetic as Battlefield 4
Fuck my LIFE dude. Oh my GOD, man. OH MY GOD. I HATE my life dude.
Seems more like 3 thanks to all the BLUE
desire to invade china intensifies
It's not some caveman country. You'd get your ass kicked.
lol they would just kill themselves by accident.
unlike you people, who do it on purpose.
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Good job faggot. Now you are being attacked by bats that are fire.
Fight fire with fire!
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Goose Barnacles. They're a species of barnacle in which a large fleshy tube grows out of their face creating a stalk.

The stalk is meaty and is a delicacy in the Mediterranean. Remember, Barnacles are actually crustaceans that are trying to evolve into sea anemones
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All of these groups were just fraternal orders before fraternal medicine plans were banned.
Potemkin? Is that you?
Is this like a rat king?
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best thread on /v/ rn
are they fugging?
I bet this is fun for the bird
so how's it taste? is it rubbery?
What?! And leave bats homeless?
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she cute
INFRA, please, I'm tired of pump houses and water treatment plants
It's funny, but it doesn't look like a video game. You niggers really can't have any fun.
Pletty good, Chang. Pletty good.
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>Hellenistically accurate armor
I can appreciate the love for cheese but what kind of subhuman scoops the sauce with their palm?
just use bread like the rest of the Mediterraneans
I am yet again pointing out the dangerous idiot creating a slip hazard in front of a crowd of people exiting a train is far more in the wrong than the hobo chad appropriately utilizing his slop busket.
The fact all these people got together to make this happen reminds that all of us are human
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They're so weird. I love them.
the signs at the bottom look like they say 'cum' in blue/red text with a white background if you zoom out a little
Alright, what are their roles in the party?
Big lad is obviously the tank that heals a shit ton off of food based healing items.
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its not fair bros, where's my hole?
whatever the fuck that means
Ryan Gosling.webm
>choose your fighter
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>God gets to marry THIS
so jealous
I need this video in reverse and with the pipe sfx
I’m Portuguese and that stuff is a delicacy in the south of the country. It’s really expensive because people risk their lives catching these things. I hate fish and seafood so they smell vile to me. The thought of eating it makes me gag.
I don't understand this complaining about big cities. People move here because that's where jobs and services are. I remember ~1k people town my grandgrandmother lived - now it's almost abandoned because the only job perspectives were owning grocery store or as barber. Even post rarely pays a visit. How is that any better?
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here's it reversed at least
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>haha wouldnt it be EPIC if I started posting old, unrelated webms everybody has already seen?
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mario if he real!
>outrun backgrounds
>thinblood, brujah, gangrel, toreador, ventrue, malkavian, nosferatu
he just like me fr fr
Street Fighter 6 new characters
Just like serious sam :)))))
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>when you play with mods
>The Scourge of Crocs
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>tfw you and Torrent going for a nice ride
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>when the Klansman spills his beer over a Irish jew
>and those giant Salamanders
What's wrong with those fellas? They're just chilling and plotting world dominance by first becoming second-class citizens before stealing all of our dynamite and blowing up coastal areas to make more shallow waters for their habitation.
It's not. The point of the rather uncharitable image above is that people aren't supposed to enjoy cities, which are a tool of economic growth that eats humans and spits out malformed simulacra. That the model citizen depicted in the pro-citylife fiction permeating our culture is an incomplete human who has been castrated or rather, didn't get a chance to bloom and mature, remaining at a level of emotional and mental development comparable to a high schooler.
The solution is presumed to be not the destruction of cities, but exposing city dwellers to the way their mental barriers look from the outside. Perhaps the hope here is that the guy depicted discovers himself to be capable of much deeper engagement with reality, his current hamsterwheel existence a distracting kaleidoscope of easily obtained pleasures rather than a fulfilling life of self-actualization and agency.
Like most if not all basedjak posts, it's OPs attempt at crude meditation, the author trying to slap himself awake from a nightmare. We are all of us the feels guy.
What you described have little to do with cities themselves. Like I said, cities concentrate opportunities - jobs and services like shops, bars, restaurants, hobby related stuff, healthcare, education and so on. Guy that was mocked here is overenthusiastic about consuming provided type of culture but he wouldn't be much different if he remained at some small outskirt town, only having far less options. Now he goes to some bar, listen to music here, play arcade and drink craft beer. Back in small town, without these options, he would attend local speluna to do exactly the same (minus craft beer and arcade) or sit in front of local grocery store and drink cheapest wine with similar people. But he don't have to restrict himself to these things in big city where he can go to local library with far richer selection of books, attend some organised board games meeting, try to paint and play wargames at local game store, watch or participate in street performances, attend culture events and so on and so on. It's his choice to limit himself but city provide him with far more options and opportunities than small town ever will.

Posts like this puts blame in completely wrong place.
As someone who grew up in a small town, there is no magic there that makes people more mentally developed and mature.
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Reminds me of the posters you'll see in Portal 2
I would add - it actually works the opposite, lack of perspectives has harmful effect on development and motivation. And kids are much eager to "escape" when being told stuff like "you will get up 5am and look after cows like generations before you and you will be happy".
>bamboozle and finesse your way into becoming the supreme puppetmaster
>all your "assets" turn out to be glue-munching retards that are INCAPABLE of NOT fucking you and your gay little bigbrain plans in the ass
kek'd heartily
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They made him an enemy in Postal: Brain Damaged
god, this is the best thing I've seen this month
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Someone let their Garloids have too much potassium
The Klu Klux Klan needs to be a team in some sports game. If you play against them it can be seen as politically correct.
fuck maybe the masons aren't lame after all

>RAWK!....eh, it's a livin'
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The Knights of Columbus sounds way cooler than it probably actually is
She should 'ick my 'eck.
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You do what you like but for me personally I'll take everything closing down at 10pm over paying triple price to live around sketchy junkies, bad traffic and everyone being rude
I chose traveling 10km to work over 120km every day.
>look at the adjacent wall
>symbols have been compromised
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You're correct. It's basically just Freemasons but for Catholics
>t. 3rd degree knight
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>Fresh out of water protagonist.
>heroic knight. Naturally gravitated towards MC for being smart.
>reclusive scholar. Only tagged along to prove his thesis.
>former political adviser from a nearby kingdom. Believes that MC is destined to liberate her homeland.
>Psychic twins created on a lab. MC saved their lives and they are looking for a reason to live.
>Former bandit who was only robbing people to pay for his daughter's treatment. Became a loyal bodyguard once the MC promised to find a cure for her rare illness.
People who ran away from their small town to the city always say this same shit. You are a 200 year old cliche at this point
Human beings weren't really designed to live in big cities. We generally do best in villages or towns of moderate size with multigenerational spaces and a sense of community where you actually know the people you live around. Cities are the opposite of this and while some people can thrive in them, generally because there's something deeply wrong with them, for most people cities are miserable places that turn them into bugmen. You also don't need to live in a city to benefit from it, you can just live in a nice town with lovely nature and clean air and space and then visit a city if you want to, which makes you appreciate the country more.
San Andreas without the fog.
t. doesn't live in a small off-highway shithole

cheers from Northplatte NE you fuckin poser
why are righties like this
No more cliche than pretending there is something inherently more engaging and real about living in a small community. Go off.
>you will get up at 5am to commute for 3 hours to work for 8 hours to commute home for 3 hours to receive minimum wage, a stab wound for not giving a drugged up beggar money, a run down car, and a high rent bill
>please leave your phone on and monitor your emails out of work so you can continue to work at home off the clock
>please enjoy your racially and sexually diverse team, please do the work of the women and the 'Spics for them
>remember to do all the work of the boss' daughter first, she needs a good report
>your boss just called to say you're fired because you gave Karen the ick but officially we're saying it's because you clocked in late by 5 seconds once and we have the records to prove it
I do it with a finger.
When i finish you wouldn't even know it has been used.
I swear i don't put the finger in my anus beforehand.
my town is 5k pop
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I don't understand the filename
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fucking LOL
don't talk to me poser
It's a funny meme on 4channel.
Calling an animal by the name of another animal.
For example, if there's a dog in the picture, you respond with "cute cat".

More relevantly, in this case, anon used "lion" when in the .gif it's a leopard.
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>village was 300 in 1990
>1400 now
Fucking immigrants.
I'm going to sell here once the land do a 10x, and buy 50km2 in the middle of nowhere.
That way, i know there'll be no cunt for 25+km in all directions.
Good luck hitting him.
4chan is smitten with the prospect of being a burly manly man living in a forest in Alps with his tradwife, worshipping God, chopping down trees and being traditionally masculine. You know, the complete opposite of a numale sipping soilent and paying exorbitant rent for a studio apartment in a, you guessed it, big city.

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