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We are just a few days away from EVO. What are you looking forward to the most?
I've become a recent KOF convert, so KOF
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Learning what Uzuki's moves actually are.
And I don't know, maybe some other news if they even have any left for UNI2 aside from the patch. I'm one of like 10 people who care about its story.
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I really hope it's not just Mature and Vice
>it's not Ryu
>it's another boring ass female character
Bro imagine ending a game on something so underwhelming during a hype event.
Ryu is a boring ass character
Who the fuck wants to play the most barebones shoto in KOF?
It should've been Alex
Tekken 8 is still fun to watch, so T8
only one set of feet looks like. could be Cammy?
Bro if they add Krauser to Tekken, I would buy their game.
>not boring or underwhelming
Why the fuck would it be Ryu when he's literally already in the game TWICE
I have a feeling that Mature and Vice won't be the only characters revealed, or at least they'll show that there's at least one more to follow them.
The best way to get the most out of a SF collab would be to have an entire team of SF characters; Ryu, Chun and then a 3rd character.
Very funny and original comment
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japan really doesn't know what subtlety is
who fucking cares
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Apparently more people than KOF has that's for sure KEK
The SF guest is definitely going to be in CotW and not XV, just makes the most sense to put them into the fresh new game and not into the game that's being sunsetted. Even then, I don't expect it to be Ryu, but rather Chun and/or Luke, maybe Ken if only so he can interact with Terry again.
I'm only interested to see if Tokido can become champion once again with SF6 Gouki.
Most of KOF's playerbase live in countries that can't afford to travel to the US.
I hope they can afford PS+ then
Mature and Vice?
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>What are you looking forward to the most?
snk's death
At least Granblue niggas got free versions
I'm just happy fighting games are back and hoping to see some good feedback from stuff like Marvel vs Capcom collection. I also hope we get some deals from Chipotle for SF 6 fight coins.
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2025 is SNK's year
that's what i said in 2003, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2016 and 2022
Dang, KOF is getting beat online too
Watch the KOF guest characters be Makoto and Dudley
Yeah, but this is the year for sure.
This is the year of the 4 Kings of Fighting games, Street Fighter, Fatal Fury, Tekken, and Marvel Vs Capcom.
that doesn't look like pissrat
Granblue literally has the ugliest, most generic sameface anime characters I've ever seen. Their shit is boring as fuck.
I can't even name a single GB character
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You can't name Gran from Granblue?
Why are so many of Zeta's doujins rape?
Why are these threads so dead? I feel like there's a lot to discuss and we're so close to the biggest fighting game event of the year but no one cares
I can't even tell if you're making a meme or not. That's how much I don't give a shit about GB and it's literal who characters.
Because SF6 is boring with a shit season 2 lineup
Because Tekken is a joke
Because the new Garou looks terrible
Because MvC2 will be dead within a month
Because KOF could never break into the West
Because Fightcade is ass
Anon, where do you think you are? At least 90% of fighting game threads are filled with people who actively hate the genre.
nah, you just sound like a miserable cunt
Fighting games are actually dead, we're in the Dark ages 2.0 era
>Because SF6 is boring with a shit season 2 lineup
>Terry, Mai, Bison
>shit lineup
Lmao bro is literally trolling.
>Worst iteration of Bison so far
>Terry over Kyo
>Mai over King
Nigga really thinks people still like Kyo in 2024, nigga fucking K has more of an actual fanbase
The new Fatal Fury looks incredible. It's literally the only good looking 3D FG I've seen in probably a decade or longer.
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>Terry over Kyo
Who the fuck wants Kyo over Terry lmao. Are you Chinese or a spic?
>Worst iteration of Bison so far
that's SFV with his slow ass walk speed and no psycho crusher by default
Your point is moot because they're adding Terry. Nobody except Max Dood cares for Terry.
He's an execution heavy character with rekkas. SF6 is missing a Karin equivalent.
SFV Bison is leagues better than 6, because at least with V Bison you didn't have to kill your damage and pressure early to set up psycho mine so you could try and get in for another combo to set it off. It's horrible design. No one used psycho mine in VT2.
The transition to 3D absolutely annihilated any visual identity Kyo had.
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I don't really like any of the newer games. For some reason they just don't seem as interesting even though they're more balanced and not as broken. I just fool around with old games nowadays
>Nobody except Max Dood cares for Terry.
LOL Max isn't even a Terryfag, he's a Rock one.
>No one used psycho mine in VT2.
do i have to look up footage of problemx and zhen doing it multiple times for you
You say that but the original Maximum impact games from the mid 00's handled 3D perfectly fine.
>Nobody except Max Dood cares for Terry.
He's not even an SNK guy lmao
What the fuck even happened with XIV?
Come on now.
Why are you coping?
They both used VT1 a lot more, because Bison was peak Bison when he was teleporting everywhere comboing EX supers into each other
Unbelievably unbalanced deal for Capcom to get Terry and Mai and SNK to get Luke.
I mean, it is the last dlc for the game, and they call it a 'special' dlc, theres no way something like that could be friggin Mature and Vice.

and then we have the sf6 Collab. if that shadow doesn't represent a sf character then what the fuck can it be?

so, what is that supposed to be?
Coping with what exactly? What I said is absolutely true. He's not an SNK guy. He didn't grow up with the games, he knows nothing about it's lore, he doesn't even know half of the characters in those games or what their stories are. Him playing games on a stream is not validation. He's not a Soul Calibur guy either but he's on the internet playing that as well. His only knowledge of SNK games is playing CvS and being a Rockfag. That's it.
No SF fan is going to buy KOF to play Ryu, Chun, Ken or Luke.

It needs to be 3rd strike characters. Dudley already has a KOF hop and moveset.
I don't think they need a Karin equivalent but Jaime is already a complex character with Rekkas, he just sucks.
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>so, what is that supposed to be?
a donut steel
No, he played Garou. That's why he likes Rock and Terry.
Is this the thread where people pretend like they play UNIST and BlazBlue?
He didn't even know that Garou and Fatal Fury was the same franchise originally lmao. Dood is a secondary
I'm labbing CF right now.
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I support this just because Dudley getting into Fatal Fury/Kof but not SF6 would be really funny, do Makoto too.
Those two get the most lobbies out of most games that are discussed from what I see.
I like uni
>UNIST and BlazBlue?
I don't play faggot anime games with lazily designed feminine characters
marduk never says that though
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>both SF6 and Tekken 8 are getting MK characters.
I can't fucking wait. Scorpion in Tekken 8, and Sub-Zero in SF6.
It's the kind of garbage I expect after Tekken 7 opened the shit gates on guests.
I was going to open up a lobby for the fellow working class anon who requested it but it's too late now even for me.
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I'd play Tekken 8 if it wasn't $40 on sale. I'd buy it if it was like 20 or less.
What's he going to show up in next?
>I'd buy it if it was like 20 or less.
That's literally how I play every fighting game. I wait a couple years until the games and all the DLC are bundled together for $20 or less and then I buy it on the PS store. You'd have to be a complete fucking retard to buy any fighting game full price + all the DLC separately when there's NEVER enough content in those games to ever justify the price.
Betting a cent on him appearing in 2xko
>but lol is fantasy or something
then explain the idol skins that I fap so much to
But the content is fighting other people
Screenshots look good, but in motion it's the same weird freshman student fan project bullshit.
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I'll never play Tekken even if Harada personally gave me the full game with every DLC for free.
The animations are perfectly fine. A 3D Fatal Fury game made by SNK isn't going to have the kind of money that Namco and Capcom can put into their major titles
Games with smaller budgets look way better. They've been making these ugly ass 2.5D pieces of shit since KOFXIV, why are they STILL bad at it?
I wish, then maybe they'd bring back the Chun skin. So sick of seeing Disney slop on there every fucking week
Are you actually retarded?
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>when there's NEVER enough content in those games
You do not belong here.
So you're telling me that Street Fighter 6 upon release with no DLC is worth being a $70 game unironically? You're telling me that right now?
>muh content
Have fun getting bored in an "open world sim" for 100+ hours bro.
Do you even know what 2.5D means? It means 3D models but played on a 2D plane.
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>What are you looking forward to the most?
Being completely and utterly indifferent to it.
Funny how /fgg/ became such a fucking cesspool that we need to have a general in disguise on this board and somehow it's better quality.
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i want more melty support announced and i want to see if the new strive patch saves the game, if not im dropping that shit for good (3 months at most lol)
What the fuck do you expect? All of /vg/ is cancer. How do you devote your entire fucking attention to ONE thing? True fucking autism.
Not the guy you're replying to, but games with 3D characters but still fight on a 2D plane are called 2.5D fighters. A true 3D fighter would be something like Tekken, Soul Calibur or those arena fighters where the characters have free movement.
>Do you even know what 2.5D means? It means 3D models but played on a 2D plane.
Isn't that what Strive is
>somehow it's better quality.
This shouldn't come as a surprise at all when generals are always cancer and /fgg/ is especially so.
Fighters have allowed controller remapping since the 90s, you know?
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You not dropping it year one just means you're stupid. Melty is dead. No way they come back and give away more free DLC for all of its 130 active players.
wait... gyatt...
Started with SFIV, but yes.
ill play melty as much as i want lil guy
Yeah, so will I.
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based child molestation trauma abuser
These character designs are atrocious and boring. Is that suppose to be a fighting game or an anime SoL
Fighting and improving is the content. I get a minimum of two hours of gameplay against other people I enjoy for each dollar in the 1st month alone with fighters I like. Then I get 1000 more over the course of a year and keep enjoying the game with my characters who are always in the base game since my characters are from the most popular games in series' I play.
Seethe harder shonentard
I dont play fighting games but I like watching Tekken a lot.
UNI 2 is good
And nobody cares
well it is based on a 2000s VN
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>mfw it's real
They really saved the best girls for last.
Thank fuck, the tease is over.
I care
will redownload and try the game if real
How is she supposed to play? Is she gonna be a zoner? Trap character?
I cant see her as rushdown.
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Mid-Long Range screen bully
Hilda without a projectile
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Based but Scorpion should have been the story guest of T8 who was hired by Jun to save Kazuya.
There are dozens of us
Yeah, nobody
Damn, I play Enkidu so I know this is gonna be a nightmare for me.
Oh well, I'll deal with it.
Most people who play the games stay in their own lane and those who don't play would rather game war over who's game they don't play is "less dead" than the competition
How? Tekken is not only ugly as hell but the combos look stupid. One launcher into a corner carry wall bounce OTG while the characters flail about with janky animations.

Shit is straight trash.
What have you fear when you got 6FF?
Same thing I always look forward to Samurai Showdown's Earthquake vs. Street Fighter V's Abigail, only possible on 100" screens with both characters being $100 dlc characters.
Me misspacing it.
I'm new to UNI. I prob should use 6FF more often.
>A Street Fighter female that's not made in the horror engine.
I hope it's not the stale bread picks
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Based SNK keeping XV slime free.
I just like the vibe and the silliness. I also find it way easier to follow what's happening than some anime fighter where the whole screen flashes and someone gets juggled for 3 minutes. And SF is boring to watch.
It's going to be BIONIC ARM
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Wonder how will they be changed since they're no longer serving Orochi and Goenitz is out to kill them for being traitors.
>whole screen flashes and someone gets juggled for 3 minutes
Anon you just described Tekken 8. I play that shit everyday and I wish there wasn't stupid blueberry screen flashes with gunshot counterhits and retarded zoom ins atleast 3 times a round.
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>Mature and Vice
Actually based as fuck. Looks like I'm coming back to XV one more time.
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>Was expecting it to be team Street Fighter
>It's actually some highly requested KOF characters
>My perfect murder nerd wife is coming back

Based SNK. I will now accept whatever SF character you want to put in CotW.
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Finally, the holy booba chart is complete.
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>96 designs instead of the lame suits they had from XII to XIV
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One more.
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>The saxophone is back now the trio is in.
Their theme will be absolute kino.
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So it's definitely Mature and Vice. I'd assume then, we'd fade to black after their trailers and reveal Orochi? I mean we have all the pieces. Mature, Vice, Goenitz, Rugal, Yamazaki, Iori, Leona. All we need to do is see Orochi. I think SNK would be willing to do that.
>and reveal Orochi
He got spawnkilled in XV.
If it is Vice and Mature, I hope we get Adelheid too. They'd make for a fun team.
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Orochi was sealed in XIV ending. So hard chance he is coming back. They're going to be teaming up with Rugal considering he was the lone solo entry in season 1 which was all teams but M/V will still have a special intro/destiny theme with Iori.
What are the chances they reveal the marvel vs capcom realease date and they just launch it during EVO?
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Even if they got kicked out of the Orochi club, they still have Iori and Rugal to stick with.
Would be infinitely cool, but Krauser can't even get into latest KOF, there's no way they would give him out as guest.
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Who in the actual fuck gives a shit about Ryu?
NPC ass character designed for literal soulless people. Fuck outta here with that shitter. Every single Street Fighter character is better than that boring stump.
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i get that, but like why have a boss mode if they're only gonna have two bosses there
why bring back all the Hakkesshu if they're not gonna bring back Orochi

then again what if they reveal a new host? fem orochi?
Is ArcSys gonna announce anything new this year? Unrelated to ArcSys, what leaked shit do we know is gonna pop up?
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>i get that, but like why have a boss mode if they're only gonna have two bosses there
trust me. id be so fucking down for that. but also id want mukai and adelhied back. they're super fun. especially mukai. my office place has a KOF 2003 machine and i've gotten so good at fighting the CPU version of him
>Vice and Mature hanging out with Little Rugal
>When the actual Rugal is alive again
That's mature of them to put Vice in
The actual Rugal seems to be in hiding, so they could use Rugalito and the tournament to draw him out. It's much more cool than just putting an ad in newspaper.
Season 3 Roadmap
>Shen Woo/Oswald
>Krizalid/Igniz Boss
It's possible they're doing Season 3 in duos.
Season 1 was all teams (Rugal exception)
Season 2 was all solos
Season 3 will be all duos.
Mature and Vice are easy to do as a duo, others would have too many differences that I can't see this being their plan.
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Shen and Oswald are friends somewhat.
Shen even helps Oswald in finding a cure for his illness. So it's possible for them to team up.
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>new arrangement for An Improvised Concerto and a new theme too plus a new costume
God I'd be all for it. Considering how much people complained about the boss version of Goenitz it'd be an absolute joy to see everyone's reaction to Magaki. While we're at it let's finally introduce HIM and who HE is and what HIS plans are.
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a guy in my community picked my main and is doing better than me and i'm fucking LIVID. He won an online tournament the other day and i got furious and started breaking things. Not cause he won, who cares, but he won with my MAIN and i was the only one playing that character successfully in my scene.
I need to surpass him, humiliate him and sabotage him. He fucking insulted and humiliated me
strive 2
iirc Mature and Vice are members of the "I don't give a fuck about Orochi" club along with Iori and Yamazaki. So completing the Hakkesshu collection wouldn't really matter.
The only people that still care about the revival stuff are CYS and Goenitz, and even then C seems to be the only part of that group that still has it as priority number one.
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will Sakura make it into 6?
3rd Strike, fcorse.

Are Pachikasu and Pierrot / Lucifer participating?
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for shits n giggles
I love that the story reason that Mature and Vice gave up their chance to be one of Orochi's maidens or whatever was
>"lol watching Iori go crazy is way more funny lmao"

Best KOF girls.
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TEKKEN Season 1 - Lidia
TEKKEN Season 1 - New Character
The King of Fighters XV - Mature & Vice reveal.
Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves - Character reveal
Street Fighter 6 - Terry Bogard & Stage
Marvel vs. Capcom Arcade Collection Release Date
Guilty Gear Season 4 Teaser (Jam probably)
Under Night In-Birth II Uzuki Trailer
Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising - DLC character reveal
Mortal Kombat 1 DLC Tease?

am i missing anything?
considering vice and mature a usually a packaged deal i dont think it's either cause it be lame just to do this for the two of them,i want to say whoever it is on the right might kasumi at least,but there could also be a 3rd person hiding in there somewhere
didn't he say that he actually didn't play mark of the wolves much because rock was considered bad in that game?
But we already have Ryo.
My dad works for SF6 and he said S3 is Sakura, Makoto, Menat and Dudley
sounds awesome
Nobody replying to this post actually uses Mature or Vice.
I need to visit girl Terry with my going into games machine.
The club also has Gaidel, who is somewhere out there for god knows how many games in the future, so all earthly kings are now out of the business, while the heavenly continue being in.
>TEKKEN Season 1 - New Character
God, I wish, but everyone is prepared for it to be either Marduk of Fuckyourmom
You're right. I don't. They're lame and gay. I hope it's someone else.
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This ain't Angel we're talking about here, they are straight forward characters that are easy to play. So yes, some people do actually play them.
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>2 guest characters in a 4 character season pass
>fucking elena and bison

dude, i didn't think a pass worse then the season 1 pass could happen but here we are
marduk would be rad.
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is it worth trying out mortal kombat 1? never played NRS games before i'm kinda curious what its like
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Mai is a bad choice, her design might be iconic but her gameplay is one of the dullest in both Fatal Fury & KOF. Terry should've been the sole guest, and Mai's place should've been another SF veteran. Elena is at least a 3S rep and a character that wasn't in V but among 3S characters the only ones I was less interested in than her were Remy & the Twins. Bison seems to be too popular to let die, and his gameplay is significantly better than in V, but just having the same fucking body he's had since 2 deteriorate when his ENTIRE gimmick is that he has a bunch of backups set up seems kind of lame.

Season 1's biggest issue was that all four characters felt like they should've been base roster and then Capcom told the team to sell them instead. Season 2's choices outside of Terry are just meh. 3-5 need to be damn good seasons to save this roster, which sucks because I like 6 WAY more than V as a game.
The best NRS MK is X, 1's main gimmick is a striker system like MvC1 or KOF2000. If you want NRS games that are marginally better than MK there's both Injustices.
>You're right, I gay.
I play Marduk but I realize he's an anti-hype reveal to most people. Even in 7's stacked Season 2 he had the most tepid reaction for his reveal.
NRS games are literal garbage. Casuals and pros hate MK1 the most.
can't they just jump the border?
Trump is becoming President again. They would all get deported anyway. Not worth the effort.
King-Vice-Robert/Elisabeth has been my backup KOF team for a long time. Mary has been a good sub for me in XV, but I'm looking forward to grinding people's faces against the ground again.
Ryu is the Mario of fighting games. The only thing wrong with him is when you encounter 500,000 people from South America who can't do basic combos with him.
even edgy tards that play Iori, Kyo and derivates have a pocket Mature
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this thread has grown, these threads are not dead but they are not as common because FGC gamers are elite among gamers. we are the highest skilled of all types of gamers. Motion inputs, combo chains and strings, defensive and offesive strategy, and the dedication it takes fight in thousands of matches. the energy it takes to master fighting games is like learning a real world martial art.
Is this mobile game still alive? Is it worth it?
Tekken guy should make a KOF game in the tekken vein (3D). Tekken is dead.
I never played MK X, i've always been more into Capcom and SNK fighters, Max seems to like MK X though, and he's a harcore Capcom guy.
Tekken 8 s the second highest participating game at EVO next to SF 6. I always run into casual gamers who play Tekken.
Pretty sure it died recently
nah, it's got a lot of stupid bloated mechanics with a lot of powercreep plus it had its eos date announced already for October.
Oh God I actually forgot EVO is soon™. I'll be the usual for me, I almost never bother with most of the tournament livestream and will only tune in for the top 8. Street Fighter is a must watch for me, Guilty Gear is a maybe.
>top 8
Can't even have that anymore. Enjoy top 6.
not videogames
its a bunch of retards being watched by even more retards who consider them worth listening their retarded opinions
Not a hardcore fighting game player, but out of the modern games I tried (Strive, SF6, Tekken 8, Granblue), I just can't help but hate SF6, despite it being the most popular and mainstream by far and I just don't get it
All of the drive mechanics seem like such shit, both on paper and in practice, half the combos require some shitty double forward tap cancel and at all times you have to be primed to react to people using Drive Impact because they wanted some meme hype moments, only thing I don't hate completely is the parry
Oh right I forgot about that.
I literally have not played any Street Fighter game since SF2, yet I still occasionally watch some of the big tourneys. Same with GG; last one I actually played was GGXXAC+R, i.e. the final 2D before Xrd. But I still enjoy watching GG.
The uninstall wizard.
I've been checked out of fighting games for years, but I've had the urge to get back into them. None of the latest games do it for me unfortunately, and the games that do interest me have a tiny playerbase. Hopefully Evo brings in new people to some dead games for a couple weeks so I have people to learn a game with.

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