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It's finally over for 343
Halo Finite
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They still have a game under their belt but it's essentially true otherwise.
CE remaster is legit.
>Halo Art:

Art of Halo (Book):

Art of Halo (CE-Reach Era)

Art of Halo 3

Art of Halo 4

Art of Halo 5 (In Pictures)

Art of Halo 5 itself:

Art Compilation from CE to 4

Art of Halo Infinite


Halo Books:

Halo Encyclopedia (Reach Edition)

Halo Encyclopedia (2022) PDF and Images



Halo 3 Bestiarum:

Halo Prima Strategy Guides
About fucking time.
Based link anon
Took 3 flops for MS to finally decide to shitcan the studio?
Top kek
Halo 4 was so bad I never played Halo again. Not even the Bungie ones.
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Took way too long
Too late
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Halo was never good
Mechanical Turk, assemble!
Halo will never return to its rightful place as a great FPS until Microsoft accept that Old Halo (1-3) was the right direction for the series.

Literally everyone put up with Reach but by the time Halo 4 rolled around it singehandedly killed any interest in the series because for 1. it wasn't developed by Bungie 2. it lacked a lot of fundamental aspects that the other 5 games had
>Literally everyone put up with Reach
not really actually. a large part of the playerbase stayed in Halo 3. I was part of that and I honestly barely noticed any change when Reach released. Reach's release was the big fracture Halo never recovered from imo. both in terms of the community and of course in terms of the design because Reach started every bad trend:
>sprint and jetpacks, basically movement abilities that ruin the pacing
>less physics, more hitscan
>desaturated, noisy art style
>whiny, overly serious story-telling in singleplayer
Halo 4 actually fixed the visuals which was a surprise, but of course it murdered what was left of the gameplay.
Is it happening or not? Sketch (343 CM) keeps saying this is fake news?
>Halo 4 actually fixed the visuals
nigger what
There was still a considerable amount of players on reach I think the game consistently 500,000 daily and 900,000 all time peak? Anyway people still enjoyed forge, fire fight and the social features that got phased out post 343
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>It's finally over for 343
Almost a decade way too late
Sketch is a fucking faggot liar thatll deny anything because he can, hes not being transparent. The guy left bungie cause he blew his chance to get a good position and went over to Microsoft just for a better pay and secured a permanent position. Hes just a corporate bootlicker. Luke Smith and Frank O'Connor are 10x better than that faggot
>Halo will never return to its rightful place as a great FPS until Microsoft accept that Old Halo (1-3) was the right direction for the series.

>Halo will never return to its rightful place as a great FPS

is all u needed to say

Halo will never ever ever ever come close to becoming the cultural phenomenon it was in the early 00's ever again. Microsoft let 343 fumble and destroy the IP for a whole decade straight. It's over. Halo hasn't been a staple with 90% of gen Z and they missed the window for Halo remaining crucial entirely. Microsoft was retarded enough to let 343 shit their pants for 10 years so it's hard to envision them making a practical decision by handing the franchise to a competent dev.
Halo 4 dropped the milsim design of Reach for overt sci-fi. It's not too noticeable for UNSC stuff, but Covenant aesthetics took a hit in Reach. 4 brought back a lot of the shiny, sleek elements. Problem was they decided to redesign the aliens while they were at it and go overboard on bloom. The biggest change was Forerunner design, but all they needed to do was dial it back and inject a bit more thought; that was one of two things Infinite got right.
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Halo 4 looks like an 8th gen game with low res textures. it was ahead of its time and pretty much presented a slight upgrade of Halo 3's aesthetic. of course suit designs for both the Chief and the Covenant suffered but the Covenant already looked like shit in Reach and the Chief would be okay if he didn't have the hexayawn meme going on.
All the UNSC designs in 4 are shit too. It's crazy how bungie left them with the blueprint for peak Halo aesthetics with reach and instead of utilizing that 343 felt the need to ugly everything up with generic soulless scifi designs
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>Halo 4 actually fixed the visuals
>because they dropped the milsim design of Reach for overt sci-fi

>but Covenant aesthetics took a hit
>Problem was they decided to redesign the aliens
>while they were at it and go overboard on bloom
>The biggest change was Forerunner design
>all they needed to do was dial it back and inject a bit more thought
>bungie left them with the blueprint for peak Halo aesthetics with reach
the gravemind typed this.
Anon's right. After 3 the audience got divided somewhere along ODST/Reach/4's release. Not even a Halofag and I noticed that at the time, your audience getting divided is never a good thing
regardless about how you feel about reach's gameplay the UNSC aesthetic was undeniably peak idc. It was the perfect balance between military grit and the sleek sci-fi designs from 1-3. Reach's visual design has held up more so than any of the other bungie games desu
Release schedule went too hard. 3 was still very alive and well when the sequels came out.
Probably needed to pivot into more Halo Wars type spinoffs while working on something big enough to kill 3, and late enough to catch people coming down from it.
Read, you dumb bitch: Reach was Halo with a coat of cod paint, 343 aliens look retarded, and the floating forerunner bullshit looked bad. Bungie was losing the plot and 343 didn't know what the funk it was doing. Both made some lucky hits in the process. They, like you, didn't bother to think before throwing out some stupid trash.
I think the only salvation for this franchise is to do another prequel like Gears E-Day
>entire post is just quoting yours
>throwing out some stupid trash
I agree
It literally doesn't matter what they do unless they dissolve 343 and let some other dev take charge. As long as 343 is at the helm there will never be a good halo game again.
Yes, that's what I'm saying. The gritty milsim was bleeding into fucking everything, including the covenant, which made everything look washed out and boxy. 343 overcorrected by polishing away the grit - which brought Covenant weapons/armor/vehicles back in line with previous halo designs - from everything. On top of that they greebled everything and gave all the aliens downsyndrome. Then they doubled down in 5.
And then Halo 3 never really died considering it was having players online in fucking 2018, that's quite amazing all thing considered. Not even cut the matchmaking stopped the actual Halo 3 players lmao

The only salvation is someone with the state of mind like the Bungie era making games. Almost impossible to happen now and a replacement could open the door for a worse dev than 343
Imagine being such a shit developer fans constantly wish you weren't working on their favorite series. Wonder how the devs at 343 feel about that.
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yeah, totally. Reach looks great and so does pic related.
Proud that they killed another white male centric franchise
I think the grunts and brutes in reach look worse than 2/3 but the elites look fine in reach
zoomers were never based
implying that the art styles of shitfinite and reach are even close to being on the same playing field is just disingenuous
delicious whitey tears
you'll miss them when the indians fully take over
You still give a shit about Halo when it's being outsourced, again? It's done fella, shit is as the kids say, cooked
>shit is as the kids say, cooked
is it the 90s again? Awesome!
Far out
I actually made the mistake of buying Infinite's artbook and it was a massive disappointment. It doesn't have a single concept art of Cortana or the Weapon in it.
I won't, 343 is that fucking bad. I will never forgive them for releasing MCC in such a shit state, abandoning it and only coming back to it because of interest for a PC release. 343 didn't even fix MCC it was all outsourced to other developers. Fuck 343 they're useless.
MCC and Halo Wars 2 were outsourced and are better than any of the shit 343 has put out.
MCC is still inferior to their original releases if you want to ignore all years of being broken pieces of shit until they ported it to pc.
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beast of an art style, wow.

you KNOW this same scene would have looked really good in Halo 3. or in Halo 4 for that matter.
how is that any different from what we got from them?
Even inferior to the original releases they're still more enjoyable than the shit 343 has put out
The MCC was 343's work, which is why it was released in an utterly broken state and took nearly 3 years before the multiplayer was actually playable for the majority of players.
MCC PC wasn't 343 at all.
because it has bunch of excellent games minus 4 underneath the shit port.
The MCC originally came out on the Xbox One.
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here, have another. and you know I'm not cherrypicking because it's literally the next number in the gallery.

one theory is that a colorblind person was in charge of the art style until shortly before launch. when the others realized what had happened there was not enough time to fix the whole game so they dialed down the saturation and gambled on fans thinking it's "realistic" for every scene to be ugly.
What? What the fuck is in there in?
still looks miles more aesthetically pleasing than gaylo 4
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you ain't seen nothing yet
Very little amounts of character art, mostly it's just environment art. It's really bad overall. Check the links above, not worth the purchase.
does it though?
This is why you don't let Jannies run (ruin) things.
thank God. 343 should be shut down, and anyone who works there bared from the industry
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yeah desu

>almost all the weapon models in 4 are blocky and overdesigned
>promethean designs look like deviantart-oc tier fan art
>the warthog model
>covenant designs look incredibly goofy
>cranking the saturation to distract people from end of life 360 textures
>skyboxes don't hold a candle to bungie era

I could keep going on it's just an ugly looking game
Nah, it's over for Halo. They might be able to squeeze out a well received entry if they hand it over to the right devs but it will never reach the numbers it did at its peak, the landscape has changed and that sort of multiplayer isn't hot anymore.
The next Halo will be developed by Ninja Theory. How's the gameplay do you guys think will be?
If Microsoft isn't smart enough to hand the development over to Id Software there is no hope for the Halo franchise going forward.
Can you imagine naming your studio after something Halo related and then no longer working on halo games
>name your studio after the bad guy
>ruin halo

could be worse, they could be working for blizzard
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These information are purposely being spread to flame copium in the community. You know this already as its been done with every release. This is why 343 is able to keep saying they've learned their lesson and have people believe them. Get over it already.
It will be a 2:30hrs long movie and the only gameplay will be the player pressing X on the controller when prompted by the game.

Id software ain't touching this thing with a 10ft pole.
They had already confirmed that The Coalition(devs that make Gears of War now) had to take over and fix the game. On top of that, Splash Damage were responsible for the actual gameplay and multiplayer.
This most likely means that they’re now handing off the writing, art assets and PR.
God I can't wait for the first big major full budget AI-lead game. It's gonna be so fucking funny. It's gonna be those flopped NFT elements they put into ubisoft games X10.

Anyway I wish 343 was more actively humiliated over their failures. I don't normally feel that way but I think if you're given a massively successful formula that people clearly love and want to keep playing and you make the choices that fuck it up as bad as they did for as long as they did, you should probably be chased out of the offices into the street and then tarred and feathered.
Master Chief will be in Quake 6, which will be similar to Quake 3 arena, along with other Microsoft IP characters.
Man, 343 just got it rough, when the major complain about infinite was "the mtx bad, cosmetic bad" you know modern gamers are just so fucking pavlov dog levels of retarded.

I think it's good they are stepping aside, no matter what they do, hating them for the sake of it is what people have done, do and would continue doing if they developed further Halo games.

Personally I would really like to see what studios like ID can do with the franchise
the biggest complaint about infinite should have been that campaign was a boring unremarkable bloated slogfest idk why people were so fixated on the microtransactions
>Literally everyone put up with Reach
That's what zoomers think because it was their first fps, but Halo Reach was hated a lot. Shitty abilities, the fucking bloom in every precision weapon, etc.
>Master Chief will be in Quake 6, which will be similar to Quake 3 arena
last we heard the next Quake was going to be a singleplayer "Lovecraftian" (Quake 1 style) game and it goes without even saying, for consoles. of course multiplayer is assumed to feature in some way, but to expect anything like Quake 3 is setting yourself up for the disappointment of a lifetime. plus there's a really high chance the whole project was canceled a while ago and the devs were pulled into the nuDoom 3 team so Microsoft at least has ONE decent 9th gen game for the core audience, before the gen is over.
They’re going to turn Quake into the Smash Bros of FPS, using lovecraftian multiverse nonsense as the basis
How fix Halo? Make a Halo. A real in game physically simulated Halo. This allows an open world with a corridor shape. It's the best of both worlds. Obviously a Halo based on the current game standards is too large, so a retcon or a something like a UNSC made mini Halo would do the trick.

A huge element to Halo is immersion. The giant levels in the first game, amazing skyboxes, the introduction from the ship to help visually setup the location for when you were on it.

A real simulated Halo provides the fulfillment of that promise. It also provides incredible gameplay opportunities. Some ideas like sniping the upturned curve. Real in game pelican drops ala silent cartographer. Dynamic day night gameplay design. ODST style launch and land from a carrier. You could even do an in-game version of the torpedo launch from the carrier bay.

Halo could lean into common gameplay concepts. A battle royale or large scale team conflict style is a given, so a real Halo would be a great perfect differentiator for the map.

Single player should do the territory takeover style game that shadow of war employs. On a Halo ring, it would be a focused battle with a set front. Maybe divide the ring into three lanes with territory squares you take over one by one to advance territory. A nice simulated dynamic war that you can tune difficulty settings and modifiers and play over and over again.
>CE remaster is legit.
Not even Bungie ever figured out how to perfectly recapture what made CE special this shit is DOA
Yeah, they fell into the "open world is what kids want now!" meme and the game really suffered for it.

I have to say though, imo is the best PvE game in the fanchise, and ALL the sandbox is usuful in the campaign in legendary, giving you a lot of variety on how to approach each encounter. I also liked the new abilities, and neat things like being able to launch explosive barrels made me enjoy the campaign a lot.

Also one big complain I have with 343 is that they can't handle a story at all, the three games don't feel conected at all and each one of them is a failure in the narrative department
but that's what Quake Champions already is, the characters are just all from the Quake franchise instead of crossovers like Smash or Fortnite do. and a console Quake won't have strafejumping etc. so it'll just be nuDoom minus most of the sci fi if you're right.
I don't believe it yet because Quake as a franchise has basically zero mainstream appeal. why would Microsoft bet on Quake of all IPs? the most obvious alternative would be Doom. the singleplayer side has been a success but the multiplayers both fell flat on their faces. so there you go, put all the game celebrities you own into a nuDoom multiplayer game. ez and obvious. why the hell would they use Quake instead?
>smash bros fps
This sounds unironically amazi---

>along with other Microsoft IP characters.
I'll admit that the gameplay loop was fun, and the grappling hook was a great idea but the level design and story/narrative were completely forgettable and those two things were what made Bungie era Halo so great. Infinite's level design is almost identical through out the whole game. There is no variation in set pieces, it's either woodland or forerunner structures barely held together by an unnecessary open world.

Almost every single major story beat happens off screen, in turn making you not feel involved in the story at all and the world lifeless and empty.
We should take an arena/relatively close quarters shooter, and then put the players into an open world experience that's designed by Ubisoft!
Oh yeah! Also remember to make practically all important or worthwhile parts of the game take place in linear sections anyway!
Don't forget to scatter audio recordings around that don't even tell you anything!
What about making narrow gaps the player has to squeeze through slowly?
We tried that, but the outsourced engineers couldn't make it work on the engine, so that idea was scrapped. Instead, we just made the world obscenely huge and scattered pointless collectables around to trick the players into thinking the game isn't wasting their time.

You absolutely know this is how Infinite started development.
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>"ok what about the poorly optimized UI, instability of the engine which ruined match experience and gave the competitive scene horrible PR, shit map design, bloat, lack of maps, shitty implementation of the friend v. foe system, and terrible weapon balance"
>I mean, I can't answer that because the situation is complicated!! :( and I don't want to look like those chuds who hate on modern Halo. Now give me that [dogshit armor design] for $2!!!
Ironically, even before the cross-core update, Infinite was still the best game for customization even if you never spent anything.
So....who's gonna be the new devs?
They can't just make a new team from the ground up
That's how we ended up in this problem to begin with
Infinite was straight up retarded and disrespectful to Halo as a franchise. Launched with only two playlists one of which, BTB, flat out did not work with 16 player matches constantly softlocking because point capturing randomly stopped functioning. Locked basic color customization behind a paywall, because the colors have decal textures that were totally worth money when only a handful were even textured. All play incentives locked behind battlepass quests that flat out do not work for fostering smaller team based objective play. Nobody is taking the flag because they need 10 kills with a dogshit pistol. Zero incentive to just play the objective. It's team objectives not a fucking BR where individual zoom zooms don't have to worry about dragging down a team. Features that launched on a 360 game decades ago just not present at launch like forge, theater, split screen. The potential fanbase for the game already left by the time forge released. Campaign despite being paywalled does not provide cosmetics like H3 did with Hayabusa. Campaign also suffered from being open world far cry shit with a single biome and without all the features of a far cry game or the individual missions with unique and diverse play mechanics of a Halo campaign. It's just a halfassed middle ground between the two. Don't try to blindly defend Infinite like you ever appreciated a Halo game. 343 got exactly what they deserved.
Microsoft buys out Guerrilla Games now that Horizon hit the wall and Sony sends them packing. The Killzone guys make the next Halo.
>Microsoft buys out Guerrilla Games now that Horizon hit the wall and Sony sends them packing. The Killzone guys make the next Halo.
Hermen Hulst got promoted to co-CEO or co-president or whatever of PlayStation Studios
Sony may shut down devs more frequently (Media Molecule is so fucked if their next game is a dud) but he isn't gonna betray his home team like that
>Buying more studios willy nilly
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Oh God, please yes.
Still, I know for a fact that Microsoft will fuck it up, again.
>/v/ was straight up retarded and disrespectful to [insert game here] as a franchise.
The more time goes on, the more I believe /v/ is the same as 343. The only difference is politics.
Infinite was a obvious project scam as a final attempt to grab whatever money they could get before getting kicked out. Management lied about multiple updates to prevent external actions being taken. There was no direction with the project, and the fact they had to heavily rely on contractors made things worse as it destroyed the engine's stability. Infinite's campaign was the result of desperately putting chunks together into a playable experience.
The difference is we're not trusted with with the development of games for multimillion dollar IPs.
I have never once seen someone unironically say 4 improved anything, especially over reach.
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Honestly, I wouldn't trust /v/ any more than I trust 343. When you read enough comments here, you realize most people have zero respect for gameplay and want 700 hour cinematic JRPG collectathons that are 90% porn VN scenes. Literal normalfags who think watching a few anime series a year makes them special.
you realize most people have zero respect for gameplay and want 700 hour cinematic JRPG collectathons that are 90% porn VN scenes
Who the fuck are you quoting?
well now you've seen it at least twice in one thread.
You don't need to resort to the retarded "/v/ is one person" mentality to shit on this website, we were going to agree with you regardless nigger.
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Fuck you.
I fucking hate the likes of you. Pic very related.
If infinite was actually finished on release and had forget and all the game modes I think it'd be way better received. Campaign had cool ideas, the banished and spartan killers/Escharum are cool as shit, and just dropping the plot in 5 was the best thing they could've done. But 343 really just doesn't like releasing finished games and likes to just abandon them too.
I remember when they took assassinations out of infinite for no reason when they've been in since reach. Said they were thinking of how to put them in but never did. Just seemed like they didn't want to make all the animations for them
I didn't mean to make it sound like I think /v/ is one person. Most of the crowd here really is failed normalfags. It's some bizarre hipster thing due to bloated egos.
I will have to agree on that part then
ODST 2 when?
>failed normalfags.
What did he mean by this?
They have the motion capture stuff, anyone can cobble that together these days after a few days of research. The real problem is that they'd have to hire a really good stunt coordinator to make the effort worthwhile and not get dumped on like Disney Wars was and still is to this day, and that's less money into the pockets of executives. Infinite really was just a way to squeeze more money out of Microsoft.
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>All play incentives locked behind battlepass quests that flat out do not work for fostering smaller team based objective play.
Shouldn't the main play incentive be to have fun? I honestly can't understand zoomer gamers
I just play for fun, that's it, wild, I know
I trust myself though and I fucking hated shitfinite even with a solid group of old Halo friends. The game is F2P. You and pretty much every anon ITT is welcome to play it and form your own opinion at no cost other than disk space.
The series ended with 3. Anything else is just cope.
They say this because games used to be rewarding to play simply because they were fun to play. Games aren't all that fun to p-lay anymore because they're made by people who should have nothing to do with game development. They wanted to be a game developer because that was the cool and hip job to have 15-20 years ago. Just because you like consuming something, doesn't mean you're good at managing or creating it.
No, i've seen one guy with really bad fucking taste.
Kinda but it helps to have an overall goal to push you to play just a little bit longer and a little bit harder than you typically would. It helps to put a carrot on the stick even if the stick is enough on its own. I bought Gold and got into online matchmaking for Halo 3's Rogue lieutenant rank helmet and it was the funnest shit ever. Because the progression wasn't designed by a greedy braindead retard. The journey to the helmet was better then the helmet, but the goalpost was there for me to pursue. I even kept playing long after the helmet and got into the Action Sack playlist for my main play which was excluded from the progression system. Halo Infinite has no carrot and the gameplay isn't good enough. There is no action sack for Infinite that is worth the play on its own.
cope. you've seen two.
>It's finally over for 343
If they aren't producing Halo games anymore what is their reason for existence beyond that point?
Jesus Christ; Who's going to want to touch the shitpile that is Halo, even for a great big wad of money?
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>Replace woke programmers with Indians
Nothing changes
The fact is that MC’s story ended in 3. Reach was a disappointment but ODST was acclaimed. Conclusion: revert to H3 gameplay, play as unnamed non-spartan soldier(s) in H1 / ODST-like open levels in as-of-yet unseen conflicts in the Halo universe. And hire people who can write worth a damn.
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They should feel bad if they have any shame at all. In terms of funding(basically infinite Microsoft money) vs output(zero good games) they might legitimately go down in history as one of the worst vidya studios of all time
NTA but personally I prefer Halo 3's design for the elites.
I wish they weren't hunched over. It's stupid how they were turned into generic monsters from Reach to 5. It's stupid how it took 10 years to get decent Elites back. It really shows 343 is a bastard company when the first thing they should have done is make Elites look intelligent again in 4, but they kept it up for 2 mainline games and all of the other material. Sometimes it's easy to forget that 343 didn't just mismanage the art in "only 2 games", they published a ton of stuff where the art was the early 2010s overdesigned garbage.
I like how the studio is still alive despite failing for over 10 years because bill gate's wife's son works at 343
Atleast we got 4tana out of these hacks
Frankie needs to leave forever.
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More like 404 Industries
shut up 343 shill enough with the damage control simping lol
Hi Bonnie Ross
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I can accept hunched over elites as a necessary evil to make them playable alongside Spartans - another thing that 343 hasn't done despite all but one Bungie-era game (and one expansion pack) featuring playable Elites - as long as the game also features them walking upright in cutscenes or what have you.

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