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Are you excited for the future?
Sigh fine, show it to me
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me when butterface booba
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luv booba simple as
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I'm not going to lie to you /v/. I'm down bad. I'm gooning to A Perfect Marriage for the 17th time since I found this game. I'm checking f95 like a fiend every day. I'm so desperate that I even started writing a script for my own game. I'm dying here, boys.
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There it is. Im out
Imagine not being able to get out of your size 74 clothes
im free now. Thanks and goodnight
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there we go
even better
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If you needed more reassurance that AIfags won't ever amount to anything, I've given up on the weg I never actually started
boob bees
It's evolving kek
But the original's still the best
Leelel not spam
Give me attention
wake me up when Eternum is finished
Why does he look like that?
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women just fucking never stop contorting
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WEG for this feel
>AI is the fut---ACK!!!
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sure am
Not impressive to have big boobs when you're fat, even men can do that.
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Mom, look!
It's one of those low test FAGGOTS you told me about! Wow, it's even gayer and more pathetic up close!
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I like chub on sexy girls
You like fat on ugly whales

We are not the same, as I'm not a fag0t
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not gonna bother making it into a webm, link related is now my standard for boob physics, and everything else is garbage
I will
oh no oh no oh no oh no

my man
Is that Todd Howard?
Maraming salamat.
You live with your mom, who the fuck are you calling low t, lol.
i have yet to see the use of ai in any of these games. meanwhile they are all perfectly fine searching porn stars or ripping off sprites to makes their games.
But can this model do two pairs of differently sized breasts squishing against one another?
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Has this finally come out?
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never stop wegh poster
Years ago
nice boobs
1 bone seems too stiff but 3 seems a little too much, 2 is probably the answer
See those tits? You can fondle them.
Buh bye
>fursona player character mental illness instead of HMOFA
so close, yet so far
Still waiting for the Judith update.
is that the fat ugly loser? why do people like her so much?
I love you wegh poster
Can someone animate this with AI?
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More like this
Don't even try to pretend you're any less mentally ill, furfag.
That boy is made for sissification!
based wegh poster
>literally a fucking bot
Kill yourself, nigger
Kinda sucks how we can't actually discuss wegs anymore desu
Wtf is this, SDT 2?
I played like 3 cheg and they were shit gameplay wise even if they have good artist.

I died.
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>Not impressive to have big boobs when you're fat
Yes, compared to that huge skill thin people with big boobs have.

Anon, do you even think?
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You are either a fag, a bling fag or a fag that did not play the game. Judith iso ne of the best looking girls in the game together with Jenny and Roxxy.
I wish the teachers had more content.

Also Roxxy would be hotter with bangs.
I don't think the hot bimbo cheerleader from the early 2000s she is modeled after really ever had bangs.
No it doesn't. Wegs are utter garbage
Go back to your smegma eating games, weeb.
Enjoy your traced art coomer
Thanks, I will.
>Yes, compared to that huge skill thin people with big boobs have.
It is a skill. Do you even T?
kek based
Who's the artist? No way this is AI.
Big tits on a slim body is a sign of good genes. Big tits on a fat body is just you being fat.
Good job
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>man it sure sucks that we're not able eat shit anymore
What's it actually called?
Well at least you're honest about just going here to shitpost
>big tits = hot
get a grip she's a fat ugly slob
you're retarded, even if you're pretending
The thing is that you're not committing to just one girl and sometimes you just want to fuck a fat slob with huge tits
it's ai you dumdum.
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/twg/ misses you, Weghposter
The only AI in this thread is the samefagging spam bot >>682904782
>NTR game
I don't even feel bad for you
I can't stop cooming to Confined with Goddesses.
The redhead sister is the perfect woman.
>Confined with Goddesses.
That one looked interesting but apparently a girl just ends up fucking her virginity away on chads dick because she doesnt want to fuck you, but then comes crawling back to you later or something.
Either way, it sounded like cuckshit so i dropped it
you have an evil girlfriend who wont have sex with you, and all the girls in the house also have a partner at the start. They all break up with them, two of them while having sex with you. The cuck aspect is minimal to none and only happens to characters not actually part of the story.
Sloppy seconds the game
if you only want to fuck virgins then thats a you problem. I don't care.
There are other boards where you can do that
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You are a faggot. Judith is super pretty and is not fat.
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>she's a fat ugly slob
You are a roastie with no tits or a tranny. No red blooded straight man could be this much of a faggot. Judith is one of the best looking girls in the game.
t.been watching her art getting drawn on stream for some time now
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fugg if I messed around with that I'd never leave my room again
>face not pictured
so like i said, big tit = hot
Here is her face, fag.
She is cute AF.
this art looks nothing like her conversation model.
Typical for the game of course.
The desire to fuck exotic women is one of the most natural fetishes since the beginning of our species, retard-kun
This was always her body ever since we saw her fully naked in the art class quest. You faggots simply never played the game.
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i remember the toilet event, she seemed fat bro.
art class is revisionism.
She was never nude in the toilet. She is clothed and you only see her massive boobs. You are just arguing and trying not to lose face even tho you know that i am right.
i loaded up the game and she's not fat. She's just not pretty.
go see an eye doctor, she is one of the prettiest in the game
well tell her to buy a nicer colour shirt.
>stinky vibe
>old, haggard tshirt
>toilet scene made her look repulsive, haven't gone near her since so maybe the retard dev improved her
>massive boob
ok nevermind i was still right, big boob = hot
>we need second bikini contest where all the summertime saga girls are participating this time
>get Judith's massive milkers trying to escape out of micro bikini on stage
Fuggg i need to learn geonodes
Did you figure this out from his Twitter post?
Why did he do it?
>WEG is littered with hentai tier humongous tittied girls
I'm so fucking over it bros. Where are my flat cuties.
Anon, I wish I knew.
>wants flat chests
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Yeah, modest chests and petite bodies are far too rare in wegs.
wtf, where did you get that photo of me
can you make hangers with this?
It's fine up to the point of being jarringly unrealistic. That hyper kind of shit where the tits are bigger than her head. It's just stupid. My level of autism simply isn't high enough to enjoy that kind of essentially-inflation fetishism. People look at Karryn's Prison's default breast size and say 'yeah that looks good'. I don't understand.
are you blind?
patreon doesn't like flat girls
that's very cool now put it into a game
only people that want to fit in and hypocritical sameface loving weebs dislike summertime saga, summertime saga has a charming artstyle
Not a WEG, not yet translated, mosaicslop
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Love those blender wizardry webms
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play elvensang
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Attitude to weg/hgame discussion is "trash/trash, japan" kind of situation, desu.
i came
I act like that and look like that but I don't sound like that
What DO you sound like, then?
a man

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