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>playing a game
>actually having a ton of fun with it
>suddenly a female character in the game steals your heart forever and you're in love
This ever happen to you?
Love Haru
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I love Totooria Helmold!
Shit, forgot the pic
No. I'm aware these characters are designed to make emotionally starved and obsessive types buy a fuckload of merchandise for their "waifu". Just imagine a bunch of middle age men sitting in an office debating whether your waifu design will make nerds spend a lot of money for her or not.
for me its the claw dude you get in endgame
Yeah so why is it always the same thread & different characters. Insincere fag
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Mythra My Beloved
For me, it's Towa.
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I love my wife Neptune!
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Shockingly, it's happened to me. Perhaps I'm bending the rules by falling in love with a girl who just shows up in a lot of video games?
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I love my wonderful wife Nepgear! She's so adorable!
Reccetear was neat, I should play it again someday.
Maybe real life is the real videogame...
I will love Towa for all eternity no matter what happens in the future.
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I love my beloved yamawaro wife Takane yamashiro!
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It sure did.
Now I'm love with this cutie. My beloved wife, Vikala!
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I love the foremost beauty of the Crimson Demon Clan and one and only wielder of the key to my heart, my dearly beloved explosive wife, Megumin!
Fairy leviathan
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I love my wife, Annette.
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>Want to stay up and post more Jeanne
>Have work tomorrow
What a shame.
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I love Red Riding Hood
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My love, Dolce. Love this new swimsuit art! Have you discovered any new drawings of your wife in a swimsuit lately?
Nagi got lost on the way to your heart. She's currently somewhere between the liver and spleen
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I love Felicia with all my heart.
Have this pic printed out and framed on my nightstand.
Wow she looks really sexy here. Congrats fren!
same =_='
nae :(
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A few cute ones.
Anyways, I'm going to sleep. Take care, everyone.
I love you, Jeanne.
I love Lysithea!
A couple ones
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I don't remember the last time I was infatuated with anyone. I also don't think I've ever been in love.
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This one
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finally finished enlarging and cleaning this... then when i went to upload it on the custom keychain site, i saw i had misread the minimum order amount. It's not 5, its 50.
i'd have to buy at least 50 thief keychains and spend hundreds of dollars. guess black rubber keychains are too expensive for small runs. :(
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Only one I've seen in a while.
That's actually a pretty small batch minimum.
A lot of stuff wants at least in the hundreds.

Suppose the question is if you want to flip the other 49 (or 48 if you want to have a keep and use)
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The Tiger of Rokuhara - I love Ashikaga Chachamaru with my entire heart, body, and soul!
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I really like the colors used here, so vibrant
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Nothing I can post comfortably, I think.
Waifu swimsuit!
im not *not* considering it. the problem is i dont know if i want 1.5 inch or 2 inch keychains, or if my picture is optimized right, etc
i dont want it to turn out wrong... and THEN i get to keep 50 of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if im gonna drop hundreds why not just commission art or get something else even more deliberate?
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This is the most recent one I've found so far.
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You bet!
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I really like this one.
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I don't get it
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Recently? There haven't been any new ones that I've found, but I like this one.
I love Paruko
that u did find pictures but they werent safe 2 share
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I love Jeanne Alter with all of my heart.
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I love her.
I have an increasing obsession with the horse girl franchise, please send help
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My heart beats for the dragon.
I really like the pose and composition here.
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Have some self respect you old whore Jesus. I'll fap to this but I don't respect your whore ass.
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Tried making undertale like talking sprites of takane. i missed the mark
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I think it looks cute and very close to the simple wacky style of Undertale. You could always go a bit simpler and lower the resolution some more I guess.
>You're gonna have to try harder than that
Super cute faces. Has a real temmie vibe
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I love Arisu!
Cute work!
We need to raise money to send Takane to college.
Sweater 'fu!
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I’ve got crossover art for that
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i lost an entire drive while reinstalling windows. 10+ years of files, most of my steam library and all of the backups for the drive that was supposed to be wiped.
fortunately the ONE thing i backed up to google drive was my waifu folder

all she's been getting lately is swimsuit stuff
Why does everyone in this game have their mouths open in their pic? It's weird.
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Which sprite would she use when it's time to seal the deal? Very cute as well
Even in the summer, I can feel a longing for sweater weather.
Blanc is my wife and I love her more than anything in the whole world. Getting adequate sleep feels impossible lately.

That's scary. Were these files on a boot drive, or a separate drive? I want to know because someday "soon" I'll be reinstalling windows myself.
so i was supposed to be wiping my boot drive and reinstalling windows on it. i went to wipe the drive through cmd and it listed the drive as "disk 2" but when i wiped disk 2 it wiped a different drive. my recommendation is to remove every other drive beforehand so there's no chance of it happening
Ah, that stinks. Was already planning to remove my storage drive, anyways, at least. Luckily my PC case makes that really easy. Thanks for the heads up, Anilabro.
That's basically all she ever gets. Her art is like 70% swimsuit stuff. I wouldnt mind as much if they atleast drew the 3 other official swimsuits she has but no it's always the American flag bikini
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That sucks to hear man rip
Damn cool gun
Where did her onahole companion run off to and why isn’t she in a swimsuit either?
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RIP, that really sucks to hear
every waifu thread except the flat bitches like Blanc lol
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It is called Sword of Light: Supernova
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That sucks to hear. At least the silver lining is you got your sheepy folder still.
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Oh fuck off and die faggot
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I hate messing with storage devices and that's not helping. At least the waifu folder is safe... I learnt my lesson some time ago and now keep three backups.
a cardigan is close enough
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Cute. I've never played Undertale though.
That sucks. Windows has been nagging me to install 11 for ages now and I always decline.
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I love Reisen!
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My dearest wife, Tsukino.
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I love my wife Seele!
He was pretty sick. Charme had a parry skill so i used her through most of the game though.
That's pretty good, well done.
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Good night.
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My love belongs to Oboro
You at least kept thw waifu folder, so that's good
i really should've had my morning coffee before posting
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Is waifu a coffee drinker? Towa is...kind of.
Sorry that happened to you, it's happened to me too but thankfully my wife folder is backed up too. Vidya saves mean nothing to me in comparison
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This but with Arma
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It's not brought up but she's probably more of a tea person
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Imagining the feeling of our fingers intertwined..I want to shower her in kisses
Night Megufren
I'm sorry to hear that bro. No chance of recovery?
I imagine her as a coffee drinker. Being busy all the time and sleepless nights makes me feel like she enjoys good coffee.
Waifu dreams
thank you frens for mourning my SSD with me. the wife would kill me for staying up this late so i'm gonna try and sleep
the games can be redownloaded. but i'll miss my pictures folder. i had a lot of old stuff i made and tons of old screenshots
>No chance of recovery?
nope. it's all gone
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Curious, which one is your favorite?
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Not in a video game
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Rio my beloved
Cute expression
Out of the many thousands of images of her that I have saved, only one shows her wearing a swimsuit. And that was many years ago.
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My only goal in life is to be good enough for UMP45’s love.
Old news but still coming to terms with 45’s change of voice actress. This new girl does a decent job but Tomomi did this unique thing with her voice that is a big part of why I fell in love with 45 in the first place. It’s hard to explain, I’m not sure even I fully understand it myself. Oh well. I’ll still always love her.
Haven’t gone looking for new images recently but the handful of swimsuit images I have are so adorable. And sexy.
Honestly kinda based.
Holy fuck, that sucks. Sorry, brother. Good call backing up your waif pics though. Good luck getting it all back.
Goodnight. Sleep tight
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You know I never really think about how odd it could be if your waifu's voice actress gets recast. I'm lucky in that Towa's voice has been consistent in both languages.
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Japanese VA's seem to rarely change thankfully.
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It does really suck but it is what it is, I guess.
And, yeah, it’s nice that Towa’s VA has stuck around for so long. If I’m not mistaken, the Trails franchise spans quite a lot of games
That’s understandable bro.
I like Skye’s voice as Mythra but I heard her voice acting in dead island 2 and that shit threw me off lmao, it was exactly the same as my wife.
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Love my adorable demon wife!
Not really, but I'm not really hurting on the swimsuit art side to be fair.
Have you tried vograce? iirc they let you order in small minimum batches.
I've only used them for stickers before, but I know some waifufags who've used em for keychains.
I'm afraid it's too late for you.
I too absolutely adore my wife's voice, she just wouldn't be the same with a different one.
your wife kinda reminds me of my own. which is the highest form of praise I can give her.
she almost looks like a big sister or something
catchin' flies
>never played undertale
me 2, so I don't get any of the memes.
that's okay, I have loads of crusty old memes that nobody else gets. :)

Huh. I didn’t know she got a gig in Dead Island 2. Good for her though, I always kind of liked her. Though I guess it is kinda awkward hearing her voice like that lmao.
Also, hi, Mythrabro. Hope you’re doing good
Which one?
can waifu sing better than this?
Is this the incel school shooter thread
shut up dumdum
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I never expected to have fallin in love with my wife Edge but I am very grateful for it
No, that would be Janny's thinly veiled public masturbation safe space a few threads over.
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Yes and it happened with me and my Waifu Neo the ice cream girl!
No but there’s some good art of her in swimsuits
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I fucking love Kuro!

I never lack for art of Kuro in swimsuits. Most are extremely suggestive and I don't want to post them here.

Careful. The yakuza will break your legs if you do anything to their precious horse girls.
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Spending afterlife with my ghost wife!
no offense friend but even the non-suggestive ones look pretty suggestive to me, lol.
sigh... I wish artists loved drawing Thief as much as Kuro.
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Been experiencing a slowdown of Lilith art sadly
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None taken. I know the usual reaction to Kuro is UUOOHH CUNNY and the fan art definitely reflects that. I'm the oddity that fell in love with her.
Fucking RIP
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>the usual reaction
i mean, i feel that way about Thief. and more heheh
thanks for saying so,
This one, you know, the one that gets the LEAST art. I know how lucky i am for her to have gotten 3 completely unique swimsuits in one character, but it doesn't stop me from being salty.

Speaking of swimsuits, how do you feel about summer BB? She's a bit of an odd one as its technically not BB but a fusion of her and Pele?
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damn, sorry to hear that fren but at least fu was safe
i think this one with shelly's the latest one i've found, though technically it's quite old
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Good morning!
She usually drinks tea, or hot water if Aqua makes it.
I can only imagine how rough that is man, my condolences.
I'm sure the new voice will grow on you eventually.
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100% certified tea drinker.
At least waifu made it out ok.
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Morning where summer update for tf2
Coffee doesn’t exist in gensokyo as far as I know so she more than likely drinks tea (I know this is coffee in the image but there’s no images of her drinking tea)
I could see her hopping between tea or coffee
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I love and adore my wife Chris!
Yes and I love it
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Im an umadacchi too don’t worry >>682911567
Very cool looking
That is unfortunate I’m sorry to hear that

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