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Left = Indie games
Right = AAA games
soul, soulless
If only
Came for this.
2nd place was drawn by a typical arthoe in her 20's. 1st place was drawn by a colossal chadicus 6 year old boy, who has already forgotten about the competition because kicking a ball in front of a wall calls.
someone post the original picture of the dog they're supposed to draw
Not gonna lie, this is kind of proof as to why democracy is a shitshow.
>Hey look guys! I can draw a photorealistic dog.
No one cares. Take a picture or some shit.
Only if you’re dumb enough to have universal sufferage, but surely no one would be that foolish, right? R..right?
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>NPC Density: 0
>hahaha look guys i said the opposite of the thing you'd normally say hahaha i'm so funny plz upvote
>t. typical arthoe in her 20s
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It's proof as to why taking stuff you read on the internet at face value makes you a fucking moron
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soul overload.....
>BRO those guys who have land are totally more qualified to make decisions!!!!
kill yourself
>the masterful lost edge of the head as it overlaps the body and makes a funny picture
>generic dog drawing
cute dog
bacon pancakes making bacon pancakes
>people who work in agriculture, factories and actually build and maintain shit are less important than people who live in a city doing fuckall but working at coffee shops
I wonder in the old days when they first introduced printed labels with artwork on things, whether people would cut out the labels and stick them on their walls or whatever, just to have some art in their homes
Techbros thinking that art is something that should be "optimized" would be hilarious if they weren't the ruling caste that is actively crushing the human spirit
I'm not going to say landowners are qualified to make decisions, but they're certainly more qualified than non-landowners. Unless they're foreign investors, then they're even less qualified than non-landowners.
make the right one a pit bull and it would be accurate
You can't realy own land, tho. Such delusion is an angloid mind virus.
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So you're saying she's right?
isn't it the other way around
>some people can take your shit from you without consequence
>this means everyone can take your shit from you without consequence
come try and steal my plot of land and see what happens. i'll get away with it too
don't waste your time at the public library computers going on /v/, your tribe is going to get moving any second
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So was this picture actually a real contest or was it just a parody of pic related
He made a good game but that's no excuse to be spammed like the second coming of christ
I am now angry
>Right = AAA games
They also only think in generic generalization. They'd probably tell you some AI can make a Michelangelo better than Michelangelo then seethe when people still go to the Sistine Chapel instead of investing in meme-brand crypto coin.
>generic dog drawing that doesn't even manage to look like the dog in question
Low IQ
>AAA good, indie bad
>AAAs are corporate and make games for normies! Indies Rule!
High IQ
>Old AAAs are the only games that matter, both indies and modern AAAs are crude imitations.
It’s they/them!!
Right is trans, and there's a hecking wholesome 1 hour long scene of it having sex with trans woman. Available for a pre-order on PS5™.
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Dude's got a whole set of pictures just like it. I dunno if he woulda submitted it into some art contest ran by spics since most articles talk about the artist laughing how these shitposts are his most popular artworks
>generic generalization
You just know that right comes from a "pittie mom"
Yet the left picture won. Curious!
Yes. The logistics pipeline for modern AAA games is literally too shit to sustain quality development without tanking the game's profitability. Game length needs to stop being equated to game cost and graphical fidelity needs to go back to whatever can be feasibly managed entirely in-house.
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Now post them in real life
I'm tired of waiting 8-10 years for an unfinished game to come out, only to be met with 4 hours of actual gameplay and 400 hours of mindless padding, on top of being charged $70 plus tax and tip, then expecting another $50 for "DLC" (content purposefully cut out to be sold as "extra" content). Neither padding nor realism graphics are important. Publishers and realismfags both need to be publicly executed.
That fucker didn't even deserve 2nd place, it's a totally different dog.
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chat name the butthurt gamedev faggot OP is posting about
hardmode: no druckman
the fez guy
let's check out the goty then
>contest was choosen through likes
it's the other way around.
as always OP is a dick sucking faggot.
2nd place isn't even the same type of dog lmao
Ultra High IQ
>Indie games aren't real videogames
Left will be forever remembered. Right will drown into the background noise of cosmos. Left has brought joy. Right has brought 'oh, that's kinda nice'.
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Drink bleach
average white woman when she didn't get knotted since 2 hours
>since 2 hours
Her eyes scare me, why are they bulging out so much??
What an insufferable way to deliver information.
She reminds me of that teacher from daria.
She literally said it's friendly advice you pisschud incelbaby.
i want to jerk off to tranny rabbits so bad
i want to jerk off as a tranny rabbit
I’d like to see the post that made her that mad
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god damn
>almost 2mins
skippa skippa
AAA dog would be black and trans tho.
I want games made by white and asian men who are adequately remunerated instead of outsourcing huge aspects of vidya to talentless shitskins who'll work extremely poorly for pennies while the only talent left in the company is stifled by diversity hires and overbearing HR, marketing and PR departments.
Transcends IQ
>I play games I like and I don't play games I don't like.
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i want to jerk off a tranny rabbit
i want 2 hour games that cost $40, have no interesting mechanics, shit graphics and no voice acting and im not joking
Yes. The modern AAA leviathans are too unwieldy and bloated to be enjoyable, too low to develop, and crush the lives of those who work on them.
It's funny how /v/ cheers on a memetic scribble when it's an opportunity to put down someone's hard work, but when it comes to video games, it will universally choose AAA over indie no matter the amount of screaming nigger women in the former.
first place is actually more accurate to the given image that the contestants were supposed to draw. second place is a completely different breed, probably just their own dog. it got second simply due to being well drawn, but not because it fit the subject.
missing the whole point, npc retard
Verification not required
Van Gogh, picasso and any other famous painter (Yes, Adolf too) could draw photorealistic images as well. That was not the fucking point, because everyone can do it with enough skills
Noone can however make something unique and interesting
i think its a filter to give her a different eye color.
There are sadly no rabbit girls irl
Bottom one is that guy from heavens gate isn't it?
artcels keep losing, not just to AI but to drawlets lol
>removes the dark alley which was supposed to be contrast to the open shop
>removes the starry night on top
>adds a bunch of fucking extra light sources to be a faggot
>probably played the FERNS half life 2 mod since he shoved a bunch of fucking plants everywhere
Picasso is everything wrong with modern art, he just pumped out soulless paintings like he was taking a crap and set the foundation of the modern Jewish art market.
this was a literal internet poll where the winner was decided by the amount of likes
clearly the funnier submission won over something decent, because it's funny
this worked the exact same way 4chan used to rig internet polls like Dub the Dew etc.
if any of you have a problem with this you are a faggot
Videogames have never been better, apart from some genre-defining classics the vast majority of old AAA titles have aged poorly and are not worth re-playing.
She's a cunt and didn't realize she should have taken her own advice, but what she's saying is completely true.
retarded take from a pol chud, educate yourself on the matter before opening your mouth instead of acting like a nigger
So you'd call the left one better if those things were fixed?
>it will universally choose AAA
AAA games get shit on relentlessly here while bad rpg maker games are praised as the second coming of christ
no, i'd call him a faggot
>women's suffrage.jpg
Meanwhile videogame on the right gets no notoriety while the one on the left gets popular as hek.
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Every time I play a AAA game I think "x mechanic is retarded, why did that even get added" and just start thinking of ideas for new and interesting games, write shit down and think about making the game. Then I realise I would have to learn how to code, model, advertise, make music and put all of that together without it falling apart. I respect the shit out of most indie games because they took the fucking risk, I'm poor have to take care of a wife that's pregnant, my game may never become real but I'm glad someone else's was.
This bitch got fired from her job for this vid.
It's so funny how videogames now are about how everyone can do it better like tranny retards rather than enjoying and recognizing an actual good game for what it is.
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I want bigger games with better graphics made by people who are paid less to work more and I'm not kidding
What the fuck are you talking about? Indie games are by far the most warmly talked about games here.
Reminds me when tlou 2 leaked and all the artstation people said the same thing
Nigger what are you on about that is the corporate advertising that you don't filter cause you're new and stupid. Minecraft started on /v/ and the creator of Lisa was fond of us too until he turned into a weirdo
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So you're saying illegal Mexicans should have the most say in society, got it.
It's so obvious that the reason most companies hire women to work in HR is because women (especially white and black women) are instilled with a sense of entitlement from birth, and have no concept of what it means to do any real work. A man in HR would be too likely to side and help the people doing actual work in a company.
Then she was rehired shortly after by another firm.
>Dood some poor bastard with an lgbt flag in his room made a fucking pixel shit platformer that took 7 years to make and it's getting no credit, let's just discard professional videogames entirely because we need to fuel the indie industry in order to get other pixelshit made by people that can barely code.

This is your mindset.
I can feel the checkmark oozing just out of the picture
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same energy
Indie games are constantly shat on, you get accused of being a shill for daring to make a thread about any of them
So what's /v/erdict bros, I need my opinion. Is the image on the left soul and the right soulless, or is the left shit that stole the right's thunder?
While I'm at it: are indie games kek or cringe? I like them but I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of history.
left picture actually has more soul than right, in my truthful opinion.
Ok but when was the last time a AAA title was released and it was good, movie games don't count
your pixelshit garbage doesnt count either
What do you expect the shill company back by millions of $ to do when they face competition that do it for free ?
Skyrim was released in 2011.
It's been 13 years... you gotta let go
my eyes look like none of these, what's wrong with me
subjective arts are a joke and money laundering scheme
Based toddler dabbing on the Disney adult.
>subjective arts
What does that even mean
pretty much this, I once posted my indie game, didn't even try to hide I was the dev and simply asked "I'm working on this, what do you guys think?"
got called a shill and banned for a month for marketing.
>ban indie for month
>15 goyslop thread per hour for the most garbage quadruple A game just release
Great website you got here kek
Yes and I hate that fags and twitter users are the spokespersons for this narrative. It’s them or the overpaid HR’s and project managers.
Sorry this is not a communist website.

Nice trips
If you mean Van Gogh then you're full of shit, it's a known historical fact that the dude suffered his entire life and never got rich.
Surely there was a different entry that was both more accurate than the 2nd place winner and better drawn than the meme 1st place winner.
this gets poster everytime, but never along with proof
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about, even from the big publishers /v/ disproportionately focuses on their smaller games outside the megahits like monster hunter, and even with megahits we don't talk about mario that much.
4chan is probably the only place that prefers older GTA to newer ones too
She's a horrible cunt about it, but sadly what she says is true even if it really applies to big companies where the HR office exists or has more power than just sending out salaries.
yup yup
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1) funny
2) more accurate to the source
1) pretentious
2) not what OP asked for
3) trying too hard to stroke their own ego
That's literally just entry-level banter now, get used to it
based toddler shitting on the onions manchild
Randy Pitchford
It's even more apparent when they show the real picture of the dog.
Holy shit it's exactly like video game remakes. Maybe we really are an artform.
Based marshmallow turd
What opposite? Only retards think that photocopying with a pencil is art.
When was the last time an Indie game was released and was good?
This month
Wrong, it was in 2011
What’s wrong with paying people more to work less? Why would any working class person be against this?
You get accused of beinga shill for posting ANY game, this is /v/ you fucking retard.
Just keep posting and talk about the game you want to talk about.
When you buy an Indie game you get to pay the same price of an AA or discounted AAA game but shorter and with worse quality therefore you're paying someone more to work kess.
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Pretty sure you are confusing Picasso with Pollock there.
I like van gogh's colors better. You have the yellow part and the blue part. The other painting's colors are not as good.
>"I can paint better than you!"
>refuses to paint people
>subjective arts are a joke and money laundering

>paid more to work less
Funnily enough that's what we call middle management and shareholders.

Righthand piece isn't that good honestly. It's the disappointing part about art, children's stick figures can look good no matter.
Yeah I've seen some passing mentions of that in late 1800s/early 1900s books. Some people (especially poor/rural folks) definitely did that. Also soldiers sticking pictures from tobacco packs on the barrack walls etc.
Intense sweaty handholding sex with Kagamin resulting in pregnancy
unironically, the dog on the right i've seen a million times in white girl sketchbooks, high skill but very little actual artistic merit, the one on the left just speaks for itself, it's a weird abstract dog that's also playing with the viewers sense of perspective, it may be crude but its a vsstly more interesting drawing and puts a smile on my face everytime i see it. the one on the right makes me feel absolutely nothing
There's no proof she was ever employed anywhere to begin with.
gondola type energy
holy shit her eyes. take note anons, you see anyone with eyes like these you get the fuck away ASAP

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