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What is wrong with Finland?
This is like the tamest one out of all the options
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Too much memes in the groundwater.
finland mentioned
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blame the ES energy drink. starting from a young age their liquid intake is primarily ES
Fat fuck needs to brush his teeth holy fuck.
Easy to learn. Hard to master. It's got the best handholding and initial game guides.
Hungarians made Long Drive.
Now if only it was finished then Hungary would be winning something.
imagine letting your kids teeth be like that lmao
Going from a literal "Hi guize!" forum post into figuratively carrying the world on its back in about 10 or so years is pretty big imhodesu.
Also the amount of common tools and infrastructure still used today that was made by finns is also baffling.
don't forget void stranger
>Baba Is You

Easy, each of the Finns who worked on these also worked on their own crazy ass games, especially culminating into the latter.
Let me guess, Alan Wake 2, the craziest western AAA game in awhile, doesn't belong here because black people or something. It's okay, I get it. I'm not saying it wouldn't be out of place here but it's worth mentioning.
>but it's worth mentioning.
Its not
You have to give Sami Järvi some credit.
Why? Its just more AAA movie slop garbage.
So it has different themes, who cares, its still shitty as a _VIDEOGAME_
>environmental station alpha
Hempuli is a streak of kino

I see 5 absolute kinos here. Havent played F&H
bro that kid's fucking faded

you are a virgin and he is a chad
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perkeleeeeee - t. gray the desdroyer
The only credit that game should get is for wasting a bunch of Epic's money with little to no return.
He always get credit where it's due, and that's Max Payne. The first one.
For what it's worth, Alan Wake 2 taught me a lot about Finnish culture and a couple of Finnish words because they filled the game up to the brim with that shit.
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nobing :D
You'd get much more of their culture for FREE by just going to /int/ and actually talking with some fins.
Great people, but you do them a disservice by experiencing their culture by proxy via vidya.
I wasn't really too big on ESA. It starts out as not-Metroid but the postgame - however intriguing in its own right, felt like a giant bait and switch and is arguably the true meat and bones of the game itself. Still, curious to see what the sequel will end up being.
Actually that's a very good question. How come Finns are so autistic? They're probably the most autistic people group I've ever met.
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uh yeah don't go on /int/ it's worse than this board but barely
Alcohol and winters spent huddled inside.
This. He had credit and then squandered it from alan wake onwards.
There's something in Suomenlahti's water.
Liero was peak suomipelit
imagine an entire country where everyone has autism
The original Alan Wake that wasn't an Energizer ad and never came to be was pretty promising though, I will give him that.
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God gave a gift to the world. It's name is Suomi.
Don't forget My Summer Car
whats the deal with finland
Unreal world is the greatest game ever made.
No niggers
Im convinced cold weather breeds high iq
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It does. Cold weather is significantly harder to survive. The human body evolved for African plains and jungles. You cannot survive a cold climate without planning and problem solving skills.


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It has the climate of Alaska, so most of the year the population is stuck staring at their screens. Which results in a lot of hermit hippie weirdoes who like vikings and electronics.
Alcoholism and autism
>Finns pretending to be foreigners
>Finland is so epic xDD
Nobody cares about your shithole
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>Finns are such low energy people they drink energy drinks instead of water
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>tfw dozen game ideas
>too depressed to learn to do anything
I will never be a gamedev...
Don't forget git
Consoles didn't really take off in Finland until PS2. The Finnish gen X and millennials grew up with PC gaming, not with nintendos and segas. There was also a strong hobbyist game dev culture in Finland since the 90s, a lot of freeware kino is forever locked behind understanding Finnish.
Not anymore the new generation can’t afford ES.
>Consoles didnt take off till ps2
Ps1, nes and snes were huge here. Retard
How does a country with only 5 million people have such a huge impact on internet culture?
Yurop historically had a stronger PC games market than console market
Are you saying finns are not europeans like the mongol rape babies they are?
Legendary Autism
The whole country has a robust internet infastructure. What do you think they're all doing when its darkness and cold outside for most of the year?
Explain Russia then. Or did the back to back to back Mongol rape offset it?
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they are too powerful...
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Russia has one, if not the best, philosophy schools and literature. Also their painters are incredible
white argon energy at play. keep your swarthy ass in your lane boy
games for this feel?
>Explain Russia then.
Russia is 3 times the size of the US. Biggest russian cities are on the same hemisphere as Germany and Poland. Reason why Siberia is full of dumbfucks these days is thanks to Stalin purges and repopulation with southern russians.
Russia is way too fucking big to have an exact same climate all over it.
lol no, cold weather generates lots of dead time
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>these names aren't on some fake alien language
>it's just finnish
imagine my shock
dragons dogma
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>still haven't beaten noita
Finland and Russia are like 2 points apart in average IQ and it can be explained by statistical error because Finland has 30 times less population
>all those names
Rome should have conquered them and got rid of this abysmal gutterspeak.
Wrong? Noita is one of the greatest pure video games every created.
beaten to what degree, though? like beaten the boss in the laboratory, or beaten as in like, completed the sun quest and achieved 100% progress in each category, or beaten as in finished a 33 orb run for the peaceful ending, or beaten as in defeated NG+28 kolmi?
This easily could pass as French mumbo jumbo or something. Just imagine it pronounced with a baguette accent.
Might & Magic
Novgorod was a high IQ and high literacy medieval civilization. Sadly, they lost to Muscovites.
nah french is a very fluid language. finnish is all hurda gurda hoidy doidy
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Hey if big sci-fi and fantasy just take finnish names and change them a little to make fantasy names, why can't finns do that? My personal favorite Snow Queen in Fables is named "Lumi", which sounds like an elf name but really is just word for "Snow".
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What's wrong with Finland indeed.
i too wish i was mad and confident enough to make gaem
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Developer of Unreal World is a forest hermit hippie who has been coding the same game for decades. Stop making excuses and just start doing your dream project. Theres no guarantee you'll be successful or famous but who the fuck cares if you've learned to enjoy the experience of making your dream game? Your budget is the living expenses you already have anyway so thats not a restriction either.
What's special about it?
baba is you, but the devs smoked even more crack
Wow, spoiler.

Other than the fact that it's also a block pushing game what's the relation? Baba is pure, but I played Void Stranger for a few hours, and it's the kind of game that, for a lack of a better term, insists upon itself, and quite heavily.
Wrong, he's an archery autist.

Stop saying spoiler for every picture of the game, bitch
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Like all slavic quackery their lands are accursed. Something very evil must have died there and it's putrid essence forever stained the land and those that live on it. It's why all their folklore involves death 90% of the time.
What do you mean "stop"? This is the first time I have personally done that. I have not seen that cutscene in the game, so for me, it's a spoiler.
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Also you insist upon yourself. Actually insistence upon oneself is the will to power made manifest. t. schopenhauer
Hidden shit on top of hidden shit, levels that look suspiciously simple or have seemingly meaningless structures turn out to be related to a parallel game hidden in plain sight with mechanics you just didn't know about.
Guaranteed he's doing mushrooms every early autumn. Nordic hippies aren't "Peace & Love"-type of city vegan hippies, they're more of paganism and traditional culture fanboys.

i'll finish writing it first and then i'll consider learning to code
Finns aren't slavic
I get the appeal of that, but since you can't selectively go to levels, it's just tedious.
They're a mystery meat blend of nordic and slav, more closer to typical slavic quackery.
>tranny game
>tranny OS
>tranny game
mental illness
Finnish is from a language group separate from the Indo-European languages. The Finns definitely have some Nordic and Slavic mixed in, but they also have their own thing going on.
drink alcohol
take drugs
There's nothing slavic about them. Not the language nor the inclination towards despotism and corruption. It's like calling americans french
>I have not seen that cutscene in the game
Yeah so people post pics of game cutscenes all the time and you don't cry about spoilers
I think you're just being annoying
The difference is that this is a game I'd like to finish someday. I dropped it for a while, but because of how people talk about the FOMO is just too strong.
As a kid growing up in the 90s everyone I knew had a console (or two) along with an Amiga or IBM. Console warring was never a thing for me since everyone had access to everything if not at their homes then via their friends.
I care.
I plan to genocide all finns, eventually.
You can though, the game gives you two different sources of shortcuts and a third method that lets you warp to arbitrary floors. The game just makes you figure them out yourself because of its autism.
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Finns have a unique genetic lineage. Back in super early agriculture/caveman times one super large tribe and one smaller one migrated to Europe from Asia. Super large one is the tribe where all the Anglo-language families come from, which means indian poos and british have common ancestors. The smaller tribe was where the finnic tribes originated from and that tribes descendants are finns, estonians and hungarians. That ancient tribe came from the asian steppes where all the Mongol memes come from.

Finland was already occupied by other cavemen, the Sami and the Forest Finns, over time the newcomer tribe absorbed Forest Finns into itself when agriculture proved out to be the better option than hunting and foraging. Only forest finns left these days ironically live in Sweden.
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>tfw you'll never raise your wooden pints and yoik and sing and fight and dance til the morning
I thought Sami migrated to Finland much later after everyone else had settled down. They play the trad card but are actually the most recent group to arrive here.
I humbly request that you spare Hempuli. I like his games.
For some reason, most people here are just work oriented, not much creativity going around. I had some creative impulses during my teenage years, but I couldn't pursue them because I couldn't even conceive the idea of learning something myself. Now I'm 22 and realizing that there people my age (and sometimes younger) doing cool shit made me feel envy for the first time in my life, and this feeling has been burning me from the inside for over a year now.
>Fear and hunger
Cool concept but that fucking trash game engine
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>indian poos and british have common ancestors
Maybe a thousand years ago when the original aryan lineage was still alive ruling over the poo goblins but they've been dead for a long time.
All finns must be destroyed.
Should have thought twice before making their country so vulnerable to low budget terrorism and their population so fucking annoying.
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That is correct. The Sami are a mixture of finno-ugric and modern Siberian asian DNA, which means there is literally a 0% chance they are "native".
>He thinks he can't just learn cool new skills at 22
Dude, you might just be lazy.
No they were here before the asian tribe but after forest finns. They can claim they're "the first" now that Forest Finns no longer exist. Last finnish Forest Finn died over 100 years ago, before WW2.
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I find it funny how he just translated his Finnish name into English and that's just what he's called now. I wonder if he officially changed his name or if it's more like a pseudonym.
Yeah but languages in India are 100% similar in structure to english, which is not a coincidence. And which might also factor as to why tech companies hire poos so much, easier to teach them english.
People shit on Linux a lot (for good reasons) but honestly it's come a very long way and imo a good alternative to windows if you're working within the tech sector.
Too bad Linus can't keep his retarded daughter in check whose been trying to add DEI shit into Linux code for 10 years now.
Nigga there are 10yo old mobile phones that can run that game.What the fuck have you been trying to run it on that gave you problems?
Linux is 100% the right call for work and production. People daily driving linux when they're off the clock are retards who like to masturbate over their shell script and macros.
I know that I can learn new skills, I'm just lamenting that haven't already done that like everyone else. And yes, I'm lazy, which has been hampering everything in my life.
bugman cope
There's also the video game Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi (Steel Hand)
I just dual boot. Hasn't caused any major issues for me so far.
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>Finland and Russia are like 2 points apart in average IQ
More like two brain stems apart.
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And Path of Exile ex-NPC villain Catarina who steals a relic called Horns of Kulemak (Kuolema).
Russians are smarter than Burgers by a lot because they have much better education and much less nigger genes

Oh no, the drug addicts don't sterilize their needles... and then the government gives them free anti-HIV pills to keep em alive, you know that last part is kinda cringe
Now post murders per capita Burgers vs Russia
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HIV in Russia comes from drug abuse. Which is almost understandable. Imagine if you lived in a place that looks like this for half of the year.
Spotted the mutts. The immediate WHATABOOOT just immediatly revealed you. Nobody talked about burgerstan, this is Finland thread.
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wtf man
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Looks like prime breeding ground for great, if not iconic, writing desu
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>Let me guess, Alan Wake 2, the craziest western AAA game in awhile,
Finland is hard to compete with NGL
wow, russians and ukrainians really are the same people
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Finland looks much the same, except the heating and electricity doesn't cut off every 3 hours and police don't stop you for bribes.
>every 3 hours
Bullshit, it only weirdly cuts off around 2AM.
>Been learning Finnish
>Can almost understand the text
Cool. Also, the heating is actually very stable here during the heating season. It has to be since people's lives depend on it. All maintenance is done in warm times to ensure that heating is constant when it's needed. Underground heating pipes are being replaced near me right now.
>Also, the heating is actually very stable here during the heating season.
Not last year it was. Moscow had a lot of apartments where hallways had frost on the walls and grandmas were shivering in their homes. Soviets may have built a stury infastructure but commies and now russians are really lazy maintaining it.
Well, Moscow it huge, shit happens.
Not in Finland. And thats the difference between the superior race and you, Ivan.
In Finland proper, no. Who we now know as the south sami reached Finland first, but were then absorbed into the later waves of finnic migrations into the region. Essentially part of the same extended movement, though. The sami were just the first among many finno-ugric groups that moved into southern and central Finland, all of whom over time coalesced into finnish tribes and ultimately modern finns.

In Scandinavia proper, however, yes. The sami were slow in their northward spread across Finland and Karelia, and the indo-european predecessors of the later norse people (norwegians, swedes), arriving from the south through central Europe, actually reached and settled the shores of Finnmark before them. The division of territories worked out quite well for the groups; the sami would live inlands while the norse settled the coastlines of Lapland. This is where the sami peoples' claims of indigenuity come from; despite their late arrival, they still laid claim to untouched soil.
Literally all of finland can fit inside moscow 3 times over
Wake me up when you've built a city that big Pekka
pic source?
soulful snowgger bickering
Highest blondes per capita. Finland is the last bastion of the white race.
Void Stanger, as stated above. It's a block pushing game, so don't get your hopes up.
Fingols are not white (and that's a good thing)
Norway, then.
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Where's My Summer Car? Literally the most quintessential Finland game ever
it just kinda sucks from controls to gameplay and everything
Hungarian Car Game did it better
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If it was Lukiotech Games making the game instead of Amistech Games it wouldn't suck
Cloud storage is on
I marathoned this shit for like 3 days getting everything and ended dreaming about the game every time I went to sleep
For 3 days I did nothing but eat, shit, sleep and play this game
Pretty fucking good and bullshit
>starts as sokoban then becomes a turn based rpg then becomes bomberman then becomes a shoot em up then becomes even bullshitter sokoban
Also include a few jumpscares and getting caught when trying to cheat and crashing your game intentionally. The ost is good too.

Crazy fuggers :-DDDD
>Wake me up when you've built a city that big Pekka
A pig pen is not a city. And a toilet is not a house. Something russians fail to understand.
>then becomes a turn based rpg
Like during a few cutscenes?
Post famous finnish architecture Penti
>Moscow is a pig pen
I'm fine with you disliking Russia, it's a perfectly understandable view to hold. But Moscow is a great city, and it has one of the best subways in the world.
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Theres just one problem: Its full of russians. Doesn't matter how fine your house may look from outside, if its full of cockroaches its a pigsty.
>cant afford euroshopper
what the fuck?
I've seen better commieblocks in my life
i heard that when they changed the recipe a few years ago there were riots. people hung from lamp posts
How do you cheat, but the way? I tried to edit the save by changing the room number, but it resets to the correct value when I restart the game.
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A can of ES is like 1.85€ now and only has half the sugar.
What the fuck? That's not Euro, what a bunch of bullshit
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roll dubs for fingol woman of your choosing, 00 is for the midget
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It reverted back to normal quite a while ago after a massive backlash. Price is 1,59-1,65€ here.
>oh boy I can play any game in existence
>time to boot up latest AAA DEI nigger slop
Nobody thinks like this.
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Total aryan darkness and frostbitten winter for most of the year which leads to suicidal depression. Only way to escape it is to play metal or create vidya unless you want to kys yourself by drinking all the alcohols.
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Editing which level you are on seems kinda easy, actually.
vgh the bevtifvl nordic race
> Amerimutt telling who's white.
whipipo and their jewish overlords have ruined literally everything
being nonwhite is a compliment
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Cold weather is an IQ buff. Cuckstianity is an IQ nerf. Too much desert kike disease undoes gains from cold weather.
Mass autism hivemind.
I have been thinking about making a futuristic VR racing game. Should I go with it? t. Finn
I desire the largest one
VR doesn't sell but you do you, energy drink man
First act of DQ11
I live in Eastern Europe, although EU part of it. Still have places like that. But that's autumn, and also, that's just cities, that's why people fuck off to country side during the summer.
The only games with black people that get played are the sports ones
>Everyone else
You don't notice the masses of people who also didn't.
It's like russia but even more drunk
South Finns are genetically close to Balts and some of the Slavs, mostly because a lot of Slavs in Northern Russia are part Finnic by ancestry + just related due to mixing and living close by.
Slavs are a very broad group.
Finno Ugrics too, in a way, considering that you have Estonians that are very European and then Ugrics in Russia that are at least part mongoloid.
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I wish I had better parents. My teeth was like his until way too late when I had to teach myself about hygiene. My parents had dogshit hygiene so I learned nothing from them and whenever I tried to learn how to do shit myself they'd stop me telling me I'm doing it wrong/fucking myself up and I believed them until I was an adult and moved out.
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ZeroRanger >>> Void Stranger
I like both :)
The fact that Void Stranger was made because the programmer for ZeroRanger told the art guy to learn to program is funny
>invented modern mobile phones
>invented text messaging
>invented first visual WWW browsers
>internet access literally part of citizen's rights, stated in the constitution
>PC mustard race with an active indie, hack-a-thon and LAN party scenes since the 1980s
>fucking pioneered Tracker music
Reminder that >30% of all traffic on 4chan was from Winland alone back in 2006-2007.
>Reminder that >30% of all traffic on 4chan was from Winland alone back in 2006-2007.
I don't believe you
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I miss tracker music and the demoscene that shit was great
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>modarchive.org owner died recently
>new owner wants to "revamp" the site
Oh no...
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you don't need to. It's a fact.
When the fuck is ESA2 it's been almost a decade
4chan was no longer a seekrit club by 2008 and even if all of 5 million of finns were connected to the interwebs they still wouldn't make 30% of monthly traffic in 2007
Still in the oven. Apparently he's having to convert the entire codebase of the original ESA for some reason.
I have been brushing my teeth / had my teeth brushed every day for as long as I can remember, but they still look like that.
It was also supposed to be much narrower in scope. The designer's wife was pressganged as a playtester and she stated that she's not going to touch the NG+ bonus levels unless there's more cutscenes attached, which ended up spiraling the project out of control and leading to the game being as incredibly packed with layers as it is.
You don't brush them well enough, use an electric tooth brush at night, a normal one in the morning. Occasionally use interdental brushes too before brushing your teeth. Go to the dentist and have them drill the calcium shit out.
I don't have tooth stone, my teeth are just a off-white. And I'm not going to be buying an electric toothbrush or brushing twice a day.
How do you people know this shit?
>the craziest western AAA game in awhile
whats crazy about it?
its an artist name, like eminem
A lot of live action footage. Man, why is "footage" spelled with and "f" while "photo" is spelled with an "ph"?
Well, it's currently so hot in Russia I might actually be losing braincells.
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same, brushed regularly but teeth still yellowed. Also I recently found out you arent even supposed to gargle water after brushing, which might've been the reason my teeth yellowed in the first place, since I always washed my mouth out till I couldnt taste the toothpaste anymore
What do you mean you aren't supposed to wash out the toothpaste? That's like saying you aren't supposed to wring out the sponge after you clean dishes with it.
What about the eskimoes and showchinks in russia?
thats what I thought, but apparently you're only supposed to just lightly rinse or spit out the excess toothpaste and leave some fluoride on your teeth
I'd love to play Unreal World more but the winters are so fucking boring.
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I don't know about the Eskimos, but the Yakuts are pretty low in number, and the conditions they live in are more extreme than those of north Nordics. But The Day Before was "made" by some Yakuts, pic related.
Russia before 20th century was basically slavery, so most of the population had no chance to learn to read and write. And in 20th century it was destroyed by kikes with dozens of millions of people killed and the smartest ones immigrating.
Finnish success is a combination of a relatively high concentration of autists, and unemployment welfare.
Making multiple year passion projects is easier when you can hyperfixate on it, both mentally and financially.
My home is in this picture
Cold climate means you can just think clearly most of the year, in hot weather I can't think of anything really
There's 1 cute girl in the picture. But i'm not telling which one it is.
It just makes you wanna stay inside and read a book so you dont waste your life partying and getting drunk that's all.
and less paranoid
i want to be infected by a mentally ill russian girl
Good kind of autism, as opposed to bad kind of autism in Sweden.
Those people are capable of surviving in extreme weather and resource scarcity with nothing but animal parts as material for their tools - there is nothing else in frozen tundra. They also have no writing culture, so any loss of knowledge about processes by which they survive means death. Somehow they still live out there. They are by no means retarded, only maybe hyper-specialized. However, they are incompatible with civilization due to lacking any physiological compatibility to alcohol, trying to live modern life they're effectively doomed to drink themselves to death while stabbing their neighbors. Same shit as happened to american natives to whom they are biologically close.
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