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What are you playing? Do you have favorite games in this genre?
sim city 4 is the goat
reinstalled tropico 4 last night because of a thread
I liked Anno 1800. When's their next game?
manor lords
Any recommendations or must plays? I've played the ones anons have mentioned above and City Skylines 1.
Farthest Frontier.
They just released a trailer for ancient rome apparently.
I like Anno 1404 and Tropico 3,4
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
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Beach Life since it's summer
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Give aid money please.
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>Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
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why are women so mean?
i miss juanito
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Gooooooood morning Tropicooooooo!
Any recent games with a small scale vibe like Banished?
Manor Lords?
I have seen some posts here about how Sim City 4 can't be played on modern PC but...it works. Just saying
Laysara Summit Kingdom
Am I the only one who think Tropico 4 graphics is a downgrade to 3?
>X can't be played on modern PC!!
>try it
>it actually can
many such cases. I don't know why people keep trying this card.
simcity 3000 you bitches
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I don't know if it's better, but I think 3 graphic give you the feel of a banana republic during Cold War more than 4.
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I'm really fond of children of the nile even though it's a bit easy and basic and the expansion sucks ass.
Songs of Syx. I expected shitty rimworld and got an amazing successor to sierra stuff instead.
Zeus: Master of Olympus
What about some retro city building?
Huge potential but too barebones at the moment. There’s literally nothing to do after a couple of hours.
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Has anyone tried Fata Deum demo?
Its a Black and White clone.
A comfy city builder than flies under everyone's radar is Settlers 6. It's probably one of my favourite in the entire series despite it being really easy. I recommend it.
because they're retarded win11 zoomies (which still can probably play those games)
LMAO, it's weird how I had no idea a game like this even existed. Would have played that back in the day.
my man. I miss other sierra games like pharaoh and that one set in medieval China, Emperor was it maybe?
games for this feel
soul overload
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Nice commieblock.
what game?
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Tropico 1
Anyone else like late '90s, early '00s city building with pre-rendered graphics?
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Impeccable taste, the old paradox games are the shit; honestly I wonder why no one is making similar games today.

I know what you mean, when I was a kid I used to play without ennemies and just make a comfy town.

Is Cities Skylines 2 worth anything? I like the first one but only heard that 2 is bugged and unoptimised.
that ballbusting was hot tho
Shit like this would explode my computer.
Black & White 2
>one of my favorite citybuilders, despite it's simplicity, but it has other mechanics besides the city building to compensate
>conquering more cities makes you evil and replaces the various ground textures with an ugly lava texture

Tropico 4
>modern era, so everything will look ugly
>solid game otherwise
>actually allows for proper rebellions

Tropico 5
>garbage, skip

Tropico 6
>feminism got implemented and removed a huge part of it's soul (professions are now open to all genders, instead of gender locked)
>they castrated the constitution mechanic
>bunch of dumb shit like brokers and whatever
>allows you to play the Colonial era, which is very cool

>artificially hard, until you realize houses are resource sinks and hoard resources
>which means you just have to expand slowly, that's the only "difficult" part of the game
>but it makes the beginning very tedious, because it's vital to expand asap to not experience a population slow down
>is incredibly barebones, there is only a single layer of advanced production chain buildings, which means your city will build dozens of fire wood choppers to use their manpower and have a tradeable good for the docks
>massively overrated

Impression Games
>more like puzzle games than actual city builders
>still comfy despite that
>for some reason future citybuilder games were never able to handle 3D very well and only allowed you to build extremely tiny cities, which means to this day they have no real competition, if you want to build actual Roman cities
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>Play Against the Storm
>like only playing the early game of city builders
>put 50 hours in before I know it
>get to prestige 4
>on a silver seal
>get scared and set down the game
>haven't played in months
I just don't want to make the queen angry
People should just bite the bullet and try Workers & Resources Soviet Republic.
It's so good, but the theme disincentivizes people from picking it up.
>ruins the genre by being so good and comfy you dont enjoy anything else anymore
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I have completed 2 full playthrough myself (from level 0 to prestige 20 in early access version, and to the highest seal level in the latest version) I'll probably spent another 60 hours on it when the DLC dropped.
Can u sex her
i'm too much of a brainlet to design a perfect city
It's all washed away anyway. Queen probably won't even remember it if you flop.
Feels weird describing a game about everything being out to get you as comfy.
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Is there any franchise that doesn't get progressively easier, more casualized over time?
The X series.
Cities Skylines remastered. It's alright although I doubt I'll put as many hours into it as the unremasterd, gets a bit boring after a few hundred hours and the only real differences are shininess
Monster Hunter.
Dark Souls.
Ace Combat.
7 is piss easy with checkpoints and all. What are you talking about?
Pong and Tetris
Isn't it some weird shitty roguelike so it's already not part of citybuilding or colony sim genres?
A core aspect of those is that cities can go on for hours of real life time, adding roguelike shit completely annihilates that
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Let's ask other anons in this thread.
Which do you guys think looks better?
Hate that weird grey filter in 4
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>promotional footage versus ingame footage
beach life was great
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My bad, is this better?
>A core aspect of those is that cities can go on for hours of real life time, adding roguelike shit completely annihilates that
1. Says who?
2. You can keep playing the same city as long as you want
CivCity Rome, and I LOVE IT!
I wanna replay 3 now. 4's MOdern times expansion was just the ugliest shit. Bitch basic blender models with no texturing, absolutely broken edicts and building, that gay timeline shit where you couldn't put down basic shit anymore. They lost someone in between games, 3's texture work was fantastic.
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>make queen angry
>have to grovel before her, get stepped on and insulted before she lets me go again
Ostriv is really similar.
Workers and Resources has been fun, its very much an industry first more than any other city builder.
You might like Captain of Industry. Both games I tend to run out of potato pretty fucking fast.
I don't play early access games, thank you though I am interested in it's release.
Try pirating it. Even now you can actually finish the game by an end goal, which is launching the rocket. Everything from steel processing to running a nuclear plant are functional. Trains coming next update.
It's like factorio on hyper autism, you have to properly seperate crude oil into its hydrocarbons and deal with all the byproducts, electrolysis for copper, different materials for cement as well as keep your cities fed.
its not a matter of money, though no early access scam deserves it.
also I'm already playing pyanodons in factorio, so I have more than enough autism to spare.
I have Farthest Frontier on early access. Is it fully out yet? Have they optimized it? And can you upgrade a city without having to put all your special buildings in a block in the center and build nothing but squares of houses around them?
I'd like to install SC4 again but I've heard there's stability problems with the digital version
I actually can't think of a single early access game I've bought that made me feel "scammed". What game hurt you so bad. I can honestly think of at least 15 games I bought in early access that were solid all the way through release.
>want to play Pharaoh
>remember it punishes you for not tetris optimising
Anno 1800's road change was amazing
It probably doesn't like multicoring.
I wish more games let you build cool looking cities over efficiency grids
Alright, though it's probably gonna be a while. It's functionally complete for now but their update cycle is slow as shit because it's like 3 fucking guys. Keep an eye on it regardless if you ever want to blend factorio with a city builder. Their last diary mentioned taking stuff from TTD.
I got burned by spacebase DF-9, Hardspace Shipbreaker, Maia and a fair few others, some were just straight up abandoned. I understand his concerns.
How did hardspace shipbreaker burn you? Game is good and comfy. I didn't buy it until after it was out of early access and found it to be a solid experience from start to finish. Don't know about the others.
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Kenshi counts, right?
Much better, my only gripe now is that the angle is clearly different so there's nothing telling me that an angle such as bottom wouldn't also look shit with top, but yeah top is much better than bottom
>1. Says who?
t. played those genres for a combined about 10k hours on Steam alone
That's a annoyingly long story, so i'll tl;dr it
>game promises way more ship types, models, etc, comfy shipbreaking with weaver
>HW3 gets announced
>bunch of the staff leave, b-team shit gets added by non-coders
>they declare no more ships, no editor, nothing, but add in unskippable story sequences having to listen to a black communist woman who need no man without the option to tell her to fuck off
>literal hamfisted agitprop soapbox about capitalism bad to mustache twirl levels
>game went from just quiet ship cutting shaping up to be a good game to californian dogshit
>i just wanteed to cut up ships with weaver, man

Someone else can explain it better, but it was a huge bait and switch from what we were early promised. al the devs would go on about was 'muh story that needs to be told' resulting in a dogshit pulp narrative about how office-sitting hipsters think industrial work is instead of ADDING MORE OF THE FUCKING GAME
I picked it up because of the theme. A Soviet city builder is one of those things that I didn't know how much I needed in my life.
So I guess I benefited from just playing it and enjoying what it was. Fair enough.
they already got your money, why would they keep developing?
don't fall for it in the future.
It's not the angle but bloom that fuck over 4, the game is painful to play because everything is needlessly bright and changing setting doesn't help.
Just look at ground textures in both, there is no fixing that.
This logic applies to literally any game whether it's early access or not. And also his complaint isn't that they stopped development, it's that the extra development wasn't focused on stuff he wanted.
i was explaining why I got burned. The new lead of that game was up on sexual assault/harassment shit too. I just loved comfy shipbreaking
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As if 3 didn't have that problem, this fucking thing looks like it has 5000 LEDs built into it
Opinion of a rando doesnt determine the genre
Correct, so fuck off rando
Are there any City Builders that allow you to actually govern your city with laws and regulations, taxes and elections and shit?
Currently juggling games. There's a lot of games to play.
I enjoy Banished but there's nothing there once you stabilize after the first few years. I found you basically add two houses a year tops for steady growth and you won't have a major death wave. It rapidly turns into "how comfy can I make this look?"
>Ludicrous map size
>small smattering of Standard AI
>resources on high
Yup its City Builder time.
>Buy C:S when it's new
>Start buying all the new DLC because I enjoy it so much and some mods require it
>Stop playing for a while
>Come back and see that the game has $400 worth of DLC
They got too greedy, so I just installed a mod that unlocked all the DLC for free. Doesn't unlock radio stations because you need to download those separately, but I don't care about those anyway.
I just hope this is possible with the sequel eventually because you know it's going to have even more DLC. I don't mind buying games, but I don't want to be nickel-and-dimed with DLC.
I like building trains in Factorio, trains and train networks. I dont care about any other part of factorio.
What game is most like that?
Tropico? You are a dictator of a banana republic during the Cold War. Your main goal is to stay in power as long as possible with any means necessary.
Any builders where there's also outside threats, neighbor relations and possible realm expansion with actual status quo instead of nonsensical threats looming out of nowhere because the RNG advisor wants it to happen.
Would like the game to tick all those points above and below.

Something like
Songs of Syx without the puke inducing colors (minus points for the outside world being instanced)
Paraslop games (minus points for being exclusively map painters, rolling dice and mana generation as you move sliders autistically)
CIV series and most 4X (minus points for being turn based)
Dwarf Fortress (minus points for not really having neighbor relations and unappealing z levels)
Rimworld (minus points for more instanced locations and randomly generated threats)
RTSlop (too much gookclick and usually ends after an objective is met: crushing the opposition)
Anno 1800 (I've only played that one, idk if the other games in the series do it) has you competing against other colonial companies to expand and claim resources, and makes you build warships to defend your trade routes against pirates (and AI players you've pissed off too badly)
1404 and 1701 too.
also there's that one train game on steam that's nothing but literal spreadsheets designing train routes and keeping track of logistics
>early access
lol, dude just went full retard
no early access game ever releases, it just changes versioning to 1.0
the only exception is factorio
Farthest frontier ran like crap and felt like a slower banished with some convolution about it.
And I don't like banished.

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