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wtf there's no way that's real. sad that sony fanboys have to rely on fake pictures to try to make it look better than the nintendo 64. pathetic
I'll never understand zoomers' fascination with this screenshot of a 1994-1995 game magazine.
They haven't experienced any evolution of tech in their lifetime, so they don't understand it.
Going from super mario world to a fully 3D first person rpg was kinda insane back then. People were still talking about the original Doom at that time and even tho it was a first person shooter it was still 2D.
i assume it was the huge jump in graphics/tech they're just naturally used to. Most people born in the 90's like me probably didnt look at 80's games as they do because it wasn't as much of a jump comparatively
Because the only thing they've given the world at this point is evolutionary regression.
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theres no way this a real game screenshot
Every game NEEDS to have animated skeletons in them.
>90s to 2000s games go from 2D to 3D
>2000s to 2010s graphics get exponentially bettet and games feel more fluid
>2010s to 2020s not much graphical change, le 4K meme
>2020s is the same shit from 10 years ago but now with DEI
where did it all go wrong
what game is that, anyway? reminds me of king's field
This was the crysis of the 90's. Our shitty IBM aptiva could barely run it. Good times.
It's literally King's Field. It was a launch title in japan but never made to the west.
>be mind
>get boggled
King's Field 1, the one that wasn't officially released outside Japan
I played it on my dads shitty dell at 5-15fps
Because it sucked.
filtered by skeleton
whwt do you mean I played Kings field at launch. It was on a demo disc with jumping flash and several other games including that T-Rex model thing. I dont remember if the demo disc came with the ps1 or it came with a magazine, but that disc was the only game I had on launch day. either I ran out of money or Toy Works didnt have the game I wanted (Battle Arena Toshinden)

I remember rotating the fuck out of that T-rex, climbing to the top of the tower in kings field and jumping off, and getting vertigo from Jumping Flash all night long on 9/9/95
King's Field 2 was released as King's Field in the west. The first King's Field never made it out of Japan.
I remember when I saw Turok evolution for the first time and I was like

>damn that is it, they'll never top these graphics

The same when I watched finding nemo at the teaters
>animated movies will never have better grahics this is it
Holy shit, this guy is real!
dude that is almost TOO scary. Won't be playing that one at night lmao.
Let me add one more, this also happened when I saw third strike, and I was right, that was the peak of sprites
I beg to differ. When Terminator 2 was released and I watched it at the theaters I immediately thought "man, I can't wait for them to invent ray tracing technology". That was shortly before I transitioned.
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They can never understand the pure 90s optimism of the time.
How’s your tits, ex-man?
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ok but
I still don't feel like graphics have gotten all that better since even the early 2000s. Resolutions have been increased but intrinsically it's kind of the same. The metroid prime remake is basically the same game just with better resolution and textures. Yes, I understand games look better nowadays and can do more things but stuff like elden ring doesn't seem like as big of a graphical leap from the 2000s as the time period between 1988 and 1995
my nigga. i never played it but was kinda hype for that. instead I bought that medal of honour game with 32 player multiplayer which was crazy on the wii, but it was just garbage because it could only handle small maps
Tears of the kingdom is one of the most technically impressive games I've played, and considering its basically running on a tablet from 2010, I'm even more impressed
Was this just a big joke or is totk really a technological marvel?
Is it an alpha version because kings field skellys are yellow
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KOFXIII would like to have a chat with you.
It's a photo of a magazine that took a photo of a crt screen running the game anon.
>mind status: BOGGLED
wtf???? HOW
Diminishing returns for graphics is real.
I can understand finding third strike more visually appealing, as it is a bit subjective, but in terms of fluid and intense sprite work, nothing surpasses KOFXIII.

There's a reason it almost completely bankrupted SNK.
Nah, I hated tht made Ralf and Clark fat in this
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b-but anon I-
I like burly muscular men (not sexually), so I'm biased into liking those designs.
>it was still 2D.
Doom does have functioning Z axis you moron.
How many 3D models and 3D geometry does it have?
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>(not sexually)
uh huh...
Partially functioning.
But the game is still 3D.
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Well anon you see the image claims that the effects are mind-boggling, but they're simplistic by today's standards. This creates a humorous juxtaposition.
Hope this helped.
>they had DEI games back on the snes
how supa nintenro make a fully playable fmv??? sega cd cant even do that
LOL at the screenshot.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Fake fan btfo
Playstation eat your heart out!
It's a technological curiosity. Nothing more.
Oh no, my mind is being boggled.
Quake was a thing long before Playstation and N64 finally gave the general public a taste of 3D games.

Go on. Thank him.
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>June 22, 1996
>King's Field
>December 16, 1994
>December 10, 1993
Also for reference the first console release of the original Doom was for the Sega 32X in November 21, 1994, less than a month prior to King's Field release and if you were alive at the time Doom on consoles was a huge thing back then, I still remember getting a SNES copy years later.
>Geograph Seal March 12, 1994
Quake was true 3D. Doom was a raycasting game with 2D sprite characters as noted >>682908495
Reminder that there are skeletons inside us all
Geograph Seal was true 3d
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Oh my bad then.
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Starfox boggled first.
Yeah. (You)r bad.
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Ah... ok then :^P
>where did it all go wrong
With 4k, HDR, ray-tracing, and other gimmicks being marketed as methods to improve visual quality that rely on the end user buying more powerful hardware to display negligible improvements in quality, while at the same time lowering the demand for developers to actually optimise their games.
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>The metroid prime remake is basically the same game just with better resolution and textures.
And the glaring removal of a feature that was supposedly too hard to do now.
I played King's Field a few months ago. It was alright. I'm playing King's Field 3 now. It fucking sucks. Worst game in the series by far. Already played 2 and 4 years ago.
Very curious.
>souless LGBT cannon laser
>CHAD cannon blaster
i don't remember there being a missile capacity on the hud in prime 1. i thought that was added in 2. is it different in trilogy?
tbf the GameCube version is basically just rendering one texture on the walls and using vertex lighting, while the Switch version is using material based shaders that would absolutely slaughter the console if dynamic lights were rendered
To be fair, the devs figured out how to implement it on the Gamecube without a massive performance hit because they were actually fucking competent.
skeleton funny
Big joke. Sticking two things together with chewing gum is not an innovation it's toddler shit. TOTK is one of the worst games of its time it is remarkable how bad it is I waited for Duke Nukem Forever and enjoyed the version we got in the end despite everything even if gear box are faggots Nintendo just made a fucking turd and people ate it up like card board or something
It does a lot of weird shit no AAA even bothers to attempt. Most AAA games are pretty but there's no interaction
There is less time between the snes (1990) and the ps3(2006) than between the ps3 and now
There is the same amount of time between the atari2600 and the first xbox then between the first xbox and now
Zoomers never lived a revolution
Finally the real answer.
this webm is the true mind boggle, why do gamers tolerate this, technology is literally getting worse, what is eve going on
Hiring based on quotas instead of competence.
but pcs at the time didnt have true hardware 3d acceleration unlike playstation.
I guess a combination of factors
>publishers aren't willing to take risks by investing in new technology, would rather spend that money in marketing and celebrity likeness/voices
>overall competency crisis in the West, made worse by the fact that vidya development is a shit job that no one really competent would willingly take part in
>new GPU adoption rate is slow due to retarded prices and supply issues
>consumers actually don't give a fuck about graphics after 10 years of stagnation so there is even less incentive
posting fake pics and pretending they're real should be bannable
the physics needed for Ultrahand are really impressive but at the end of the day it's devs being lazy
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Can we talk about skeletons?
its over for us mindcels
wtf is this real?
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>And it's coming to Nintendo 64...
It's funny
The fact that it's running on a 9 year old smartphone chip is what makes it impressive.
Kino schizoposting
You are talking to PC tards whose only knowledge of videogames is their computer (they don't know how to emulate and if they do its to play random western shit) and maybe an N64 (because of course they would pick the console with no games because it has FPS), they don't know anything about gaming history.

transition from 2D to 3D
>graphical leap

transition from 3D to HD
>graphical leap
>transition from analog to digital
>transition from SD to HD
>transition from 4:3 to widescreen
>transition from "baby" gaes to "mature" games
>transition from colors to brown and grey
>transition from games being games to being interactive movies
>transition from consoles being consoles to multimedia devices

3D to HD was the BIGGEST LEAP in gaming, because it wasn't just a graphical change, but also a cultural one. whether it was a good or bad change is a different story.
it's called diminishing returns retard. games graphics can't get better because they've peaked. it's like how film stopped evolving after it got sound and colors, and now on;y gets resolution increases
millennials complain about games not evolving, but whenever the graphics and tech does get better they complain about game budgets being overinflated and games taking 10 years to make
You wrote so many lines of contrarian nonsense
Just standing athwart reality and shouting "NO!"
they used forgotten maya technology
>3D to HD was the BIGGEST LEAP in gaming, because it wasn't just a graphical change, but also a cultural one.
Yes we all know games went to shit with the brown and bloom era. But most zoomers didn't get to witness that, even the oldest of them were only around 10 years old when it happened.
>even the oldest of them were only around 10 years old when it happened.
that's old enough to be able to experience it, otherwise millennials didn't get to experience 2D to 3D either.
MGR came out in 2013
we have been in technological statis for more than a decade now
I was 8 when I got my PS3 and even I noticed how all the games felt too bland and "realistic" compared to all the fun cartoony games I played on the PS2 before then.

anon, we are in global competency crisis
every single little thing is getting worse, not just games
enjoy what you have today, because it will get worse
it boggles the mind
You're right. A small minority of zoomers were old enough to witness the cultural shift when they were kids, not just games but also the rise of social media and smartphones. It can't really be avoided when you try to divide people into generations, there are always outliers because change isn't instant. It's also true that some millennials are too young to have experienced the shift from 2D to 3D.
But generally speaking it's fair to say that zoomers are a generation that didn't get to experience the HD shift.
While funny pictures like this show why the pursuit of realism over stylized graphics is a bad idea.
What do you dislike about it?
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Studios aren't held accountable anymore. The reason games innovated so hard in the past is because if you didn't your game wouldn't sell.
I'm glad you asked anon.
>Fields are huge and full of empty space that makes positioning not matter at all so enemies may as well not even exist in them
>Loading screens between areas replaced with excessively long loading corridors that are a nuisance to travel through
>Lots of areas with the same environment textures (copy paste caves and such)
>Instead of KF2's fast travel system where you could set up warp points in a few areas of your own choosing, you get a few set areas that are really far apart, so you spend way more time travelling
>Random mobs dropping key items (particularly chest and silverio keys)
>Need to swap to the water boots every time you need to pass through the lake area
>Fake walls are so common they may as well just be normal doors now
>Headless skeletons and their paralysis spam is bullshit
>Most boring music in the series
It also has easily the dumbest starting section in the series.
>To progress you need to go through a corridor with a mushroom enemy that spews a poison cloud when you get near it, it poisons you and damages you as long as you're in its AoE, all you can do is hope it doesn't attack when you run in to hit it because you don't get any ranged attacks until after this point
>After that you then need to enter a building which is just a thin corridor with a chest at the end and open it to get the key for the next area, the chest is also trapped with a skeleton that will OHKO you at this point (unless you juked the other skeleton behind a fake wall to pick up some extra armour) so you need to immediately pick up the key, turn around, and try to exit the building before getting hit
Like shit man, KF2 has the kraken at the start and KF4 has the lava trap but those are easily avoided, KF3 starts you off needing to actually engage with stupid bullshit just to get going.

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