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Breaker breaker fellow EVE chads I'm going in for some shiny rocks do you copy
How does a group of five niggas just starting out have fun in this game?
Shoot all miners
Blow up all miners
Camp all miners
Stalk miners out of game
Bully miners for ruining the game
Get miners fired from their jobs
1. Eve isn't for fun.
2. Eve isn't for fun.
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woopsie i forgot to pay the space toll, what's the worse that could hap
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Pyroxeres available in all known space huh. Well I'm not seeing it immediately so that's unacceptable.
>you can just buy it on the market to finish that missi-
UNACCEPTABLE. I am a working man who collects his own minerals.
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Scrnshot got butchered.
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SIXTEEN YEARS this person has been playing the same account. EVE is something else.
As soon as someone in real life tells me they play Eve I instantly start checking out their girlfriend or wife because I just know
>the nerfed null in update that should have buff null
I was just trying to play eve with a bud a bit ago
We are gonna try to make our own corporation or whatever
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Target acquired. Had to be told about the search function. Those pyroxeres cheeks bout to get clapped.
I admit this ad I saw a while ago did stick with me. Took a long time for me to actually try the game though.

Fuck those rocks hard!
If you aren't living in a wormhole you are playing the game wrong
I don't think I've even been to one yet, beginner AIR missions don't take you to any right?
don't listen WHkek
YDBTG (You Didn't Beat The Game)
Looks like they do, but you want to get into and git gud at scanning. That's how I made a lot of money when I just started out. Scanning a route through w-space into null sec and doing relic and data sites and following the route back to sell the loot
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I like to loiter around Stargates watch people come and go.
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The community seems good
You're in mining chat.
Count is baiting pirates in chat
Mat is giving bad advice for fun
Left is Count on a second account multiboxing
Lara is running a billing scam where she asks for help then blackmails and extorts anyone who helps her with billing and service fees they're forced to pay or their house gets foreclosed on.

Don't trust them
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Target acquired. GG fellas I'll take it from here over and out.
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Owari da
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>Scanning a route through w-space into null sec and doing relic and data sites
Ah yes right of course.
>rumors about sub price raise yet again
i mean i understand that most 'old' players just pay for plexes in isk, but what the fuck
>just pay for plexes in isk
Very interesting. So can someone still grind out a subscription by playing for free? Kind of like WoW?
Not without paying for it first. The longer you play and the more skill points and isk you have = more isk you can make. Paying for sub is pretty trivial.
I WILL visit every system. Shouldn't take too long.
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Now this is juicy.
If someone tires violating me while I'm mining in low sec can't I just immediately warp to stargate and flee? Seems like no threat at all. I'M UNSTOPPABLE
you don't, the game Is on the verge of collapse, its filled with chink botting while the dev did 4 years of bidenconomie and litteral austerity, killing all activity In a player content based sandbox.

the last big patch was strictly only downgrade on everything It affected, It used to be cool but Its super dead and likely too late to reverse, don't bother
It became a job with how expensive It Is and how you have to abuse the multiple sale to min max It enough to an acceptable reduction.
They nerf all the high income In the game aswell, so Its just hopeless grind to keep grinding, no point In trying, and the fucking sub Is 20€
Hanging out in the stations is so kino.
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ninja mining
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From outside
they are going to make Is open source
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My nextdoor neighbour in his early 40s used to play (i'd see him playing on his laptop through the window). His gf or whatever was some kind of yoga instructor and every night they'd have really really loud sex (or he was getting cucked). She also used to go to China for 'business trips'. They both had kids from different people as well.
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That's great.
Haven't played since 2016
While mining, generally you are stationary, aligned to a warpout, and have no velocity.
Don't want to drift out of range of what you are mining, or orbit a rock to lose both time for align/gaining speed to warpout.
With mining frigates like a Venture, you should have enough time from seeing a hostile land on grid and then gaining enough speed to warp out before they tackle you with point/scram.
But you'll get a bigger ship for efficiency, like a Hulk, which is slow as fuck or you run into a stealth guy that uncloaks right next to you, rams & bumps you off your align, and then kills you.
Good tips thanks
I have been in a really hard space ship game spree recently. Honestly downloading and trying everything I can. I especially like autistic mining - it must be from a spaceship, never manual so deep rock galactic is no dice. What should I download/try/play bros?

So far I am learning towards X4, Eve Online, or Elite Dangerous. Anthing else good?

Tried Star Citizen and holy shit this shit is not even in alpha yet!
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Ventures have +2 warp strength innately, this counters one warp core scram module(-2 tackle) or two warp disruptors modules(-1 tackle) .
If one ship jumps you, you can just warp out as they won't have enough to shut off your warpdrive.

Your biggest threat in LowSec ganking :
1. The instant locking Thrasher
2. The instant locking Svipul
They are destroyer class, slightly bigger than frigates, with specialized builds. One will land on grid, lock instantly when able to, and one shot you. They run targeting boosters and 6-7 Artillery Guns, slow at 10s Rate of Fire.

3. The notorious system of Rancer and its pipebombers. Lots of history and significance to the old Eve Players. Pipebombers use large battleships with Smartbombs (AoE Pulsing weapons about 5-10km from their ships model) to destroy smaller ships in warp between stargates in a system.
Why fly through Rancer? Its the fastest route between major Trading Hubs of Jita & Hek if your ignore space security status
I haven't played a game like Eve in like 20 years so for me it's been pretty amazing as far as scifi ship focused games go. It's not exactly fast paced though, this is a really particular kind of game hard to define. It's perfect for playing while frequently alt tabbing to something else or watching videos.
mining in X4 is not really dangerous until you have an industrial operation in a sector with multiple miners, which attracts "bandits" that keep trying to snipe your miners

so it's not really exciting or anything, but the slow progression towards a vertically integrated economy (ores -> ships) is a fun number crunching grind

you will be fighting the interface the whole time, For the most part, ships will do what you want them to do, but you have to figure out how.
I just got my ship destroyed for the first time by fumbling a warp while getting attacked mining by a Serpentis soldier trainer of all things. How embarrassing. Just pulled up to it thinking about fighting it then it starts taking chunks out of me while I fumble to target the nearest gate. Now I'm taking my capsule back to home station to recoop, will head back to the saved location and salvage my wreck.
>you're in horde
hate this daily shit
Eve RTS when?
Allow me to control 200 pilots or 200 sweaty nerds at 3am without actually having to do either
I hope Egosoft hurries their asses and makes their X MMO already
X4 anon, you can get a key that has all the DLCs for 40 bucks
It's an extremely rich game that will make you sunk hundreds upon hundreds of hours
Its basically mount and blade in space, you pilot everything from small ships to giant super carriers, you assembles fleets, you create your industrial empire, you wage war with other factions and so on
It's incredible.
Making a large part of their income selling skill extractors was a mistake because it meant this fucking archaic leveling system would be here to stay.
The passive skill training was awesome in the 2000’s because the competition was all Korean grinding mmos, Eve would respect people’s time by skilling even AFK.
But now 20 years later we can’t get an injection of new players because they don’t want to “hurry up and wait” for 2 years to cover just the basic skills. The massive timegating would have been majorly reduced by now if they didn’t make it so they made money off people paying to skip the wait, it’s too big of a barrier to entry for the average new player.
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>Tried Star Citizen
Huh sounds interesting I wonder if it's free to ...
>they don’t want to “hurry up and wait” for 2 years to cover just the basic skills
It's more like PVE in this game, outside of Abyss, is pure trash and CCP instead of fixing core problem only capable to redo tutorial thousand times to give new players false premise. Like we have
"Activity Tracker" that not only doesn't work most of the time but...don't even give you any fucking SP rewards (something that any competent devs would do). Holy shit we can't even reroll dailies in 2024.
get a hustle making some isk and then spend the isk dunking cunts in Faction Warfare
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FUUUU it almost happened again.
Done right, PI pays for 2/3rds of your sub on its own
Skill extracting fills in the rest, or just actually undock once in a while and itd make up the rest.
Its literally not hard once you know what you're doing.

Or wait for a sale, buy a year's worth of Sub at once and its like $8/month.
What's the point of playing this when Starsector exists?
I started playing during a big war. Shit was going down so I legged it into the system somehow dodging all the camps.
Warped onto the wrecks midfight, was scared shitless when I started taking damage, who the fuck shoots frigates when the blob of battleships is fighting at point blank range.
Snagged a Pith something shield, got the fuck out, and sold it for hundred mils.
EVE is one of a kind but I wouldn't recommend anyone to play it. The fun is hundreds of hours away from the start.
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I'm hurt real bad and server's about to shut down. What a night.
AI can't compete with the player at some point.
The main draw of EVE online is the player-driven economy. Starsector does not have a real economy that you can actually participate in. There's no resource -> ship supply chain. Attacking or protecting merchant ships doesn't affect a faction's ship building capability (they spawn in their controlled sectors regardless). They're just there to balance the prices for you to have a trading mini-game to play, or easy targets to kill when starting out.

In that respect, X4 is probably the closest thing to offline EVE that I've ever seen.
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I have a question. is there a good and finished mount-&-blade-like sandbox? doesn't have to be fleet based, single ship is also fine. doesn't have to be 3D, but preferably as few arcadey mechanics as possible. I've played X2-X4, elite dangerously retarded, scam citizen, star control 2, freespace 2, eve, freelancer, dark star one, and a bunch of forgettable rogue-likes
just climb the ranks and become a space politician/warlord bro
Nah, bets on them dipping their toe with limited co-op multiplayer first in X5.
then maybe in 20 years time from now there will be an X MMO if it goes well and they aren't bankrupt.
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>maybe in 20 years time from now there will be an X MMO if it goes well and they aren't bankrupt.
hopefully Bernd doesn't go full retard and releases another Rebirth that kills the company
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try star sector
it's not finished
>Play for the first time
>Play the tutorial a little
>Someone from the Eve team contacts me and gives me freebies as well as answers some questions
>Feel good about the community
>Try to join corps
>They call me a spy for other corps
>The skills in the game take 900 days or so to complete
And people say MMOs aren't dying...
Those people weren't trying to bully you out of the game you have to learn to laugh that kind of thing off. I'm not interested in any of the social stuff right now besides piping up in chat once in a while I'm going to solo everything and just see how far I get before I get bored. Been having a good time so far.

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