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Who's play OSRS? I started a new ironman after not playing for maybe 6 years and I've hit the point where I need both materials, quests, and levels.

Old school Runescape thread?
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and shit I just realized I'm out of cakes so thieving or start levelling fishing
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I am doing prayer to 99 right now. I mistakenly believed the grind to max after 2200 total level would feel less bad, and it doesn't.
>It doesn't
ESL babble?
I don't even know what the fuck that thing is
>I mistakenly believed the grind to max after 2200
I mean you 99'd one skill first right? How didn't you learn?

I'm about to run through Restless Ghost and Rune Mysteries
I'm currently putting off a hydra task and grinding con for tree+ring

Absolute gamer
RuneScape was likely designed by the CIA. One way to view this is that every product goes through a similar building. One thing I've uncovered. About the plot. Screen space was immediately figured out. The value of cheap as fuck entertainment was made even more insane through time wasting mechanics. Porn is designed to keep you attracted to it for longer using categories and by sneaking in different stuff with the algorithm to keep you hooked up and jacking off your cock and eating Doritos and playing RuneScape. They know. Thats why they do it. The ethos was a system that we didn't want to touch. We were too afraid of it.
I hate hydra tasks but I keep taking em
60 left to go
Ironman wouldn't have to be a thing if they didn't put GE back in
Fuck OSRS all it's problems stem from GE.
RuneScape 666. Just google it. You can just google shit, with 666 in it. This was part of the plot, and why I've suggested you've had your time wasted intentionally as a method to keep you unaware of the shadows that are looking up from over your devices. You've probably noticed by now. Something weird is going on. Something about the depictions feels off.
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Honestly the reason why I started an ironman again.
>make new regular char
>hit the point where it's just grind slayer or make money
>dick starts tingling thinking about that time I actually enjoyed playing the iron man
>tfw the fire of autism was sparked with the fact that I killed Jad but never got my fire cape
I'm gonna lose what's left of my life to this shit.
There's so much shit I need to do irl but I'm just gonna watch the numbers go up.
Literally play a regular fucking account and opt out of the GE unless it's something unreasonably dumb to grind. It's that easy.
>but I can't remember
So type it down in a notepad somewhere
>but my cool pride badge I mean helmet icon
>Literally play a regular fucking account and opt out of the GE
So play like an ironman without my cute little helmet?
You gotta be fucking retarded to play ironman
just started over after 2 1/2 years of inactivity. game is still kino as fuck, i like how they are backporting the good shit from rs3 and leaving behind all the bad.
any word on the new skill that passed a poll? i noticed that while looking thru the poll booth but am too lazy to read 10+ blogposts to dig for info on it
O and need a partner for shield of arrav btw
Fuck agility.
Fuck farming.
Fuck construction.
Fuck runecrafting.
Fuck hunter.
Sailing? That was put on the backburner I think. I'm just getting back into this shit.

That's the shit that makes the ironman a more entertaining game but also fuck it
god damn I forgot how much con, rc, and hunter fucked me

any made like 1500 bronze arrows time to idle game it while watching king of the hill or something
FUCK it was only 600
I'm a mentally-ill, fire-max-to-be collection logger so GE access just expedites the process of going back to the actual grind.
Honestly the collection log tipped the scale back in favor of just staying main for me because it's forever content. I get a good taste of iron life with the occasional league. Actually grinding as an iron sounds like misery and I've done some horrible logs.
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I've got no clue what anything you said other than "fire-max-to-be" so I assume that's firecape 2 with max cape?
fuck me I just remembered the blue dragon ecto grind for prayer
i hate stopping what i'm doing to do farming and farming will be one of my final 99s.
fuck it I've gotta do quests this early levelling shit is a nightmare
>do a
>do b
>do c
>so you can do A-a
Right this is why it tickled my autism
Basically the collection log is a thing that keeps track of various uniques you've collected via monster drops or other activities, you can't just buy it off the ge directly to tick the box off. Even if I buy the item, I am still compelled to earn it.
In short, I am an autistic treasure hunter.
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This, is McNigger. My brand new Watermelon restricted Ultimate Niggerman. I started with just a single Watermelon and every 1000 USD I steal I get to unlock a new one. I'm unlocking Runescape one Watermelon at a time. The goal? Well, you'll just have to find out.
>it does not

certified bot post
>Fuck agility.
you dont even understand
You're gonna be playing this game a lot longer than I am.
If they bring in that graceful change
The negative weight is nothing in comparison to the regeneration buff
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>tfw i enjoy flipping items more than playing the actual game
there's something bout it, the knowledge that i just got richer because some fuck on the other side was too lazy to weight for an item to sell for cheap
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I know what I signed up for.
Fucking hell I wish you the best of luck
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The hero we need
Also, what's that one combat task you're missing?
I bet it's one of those faggy new Tormented tasks that are actually fun because it doesn't have a dumb kill 6 million kill count task.
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ah right the reason why login is green
fuck off
I'm not even being mean but fucking hell I just looked at the combat tasks
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>Jagex finally lets a ton of Runelite plugins in that basically trivialize a ton of high end content
>But they dont allow the prayer plugin that made demonic gorillas less AIDS
I'd rather videos of people playing OSRS rather than play it myself. Less time consuming
Been doing WGS today. After that just gotta knock out DT2 and will have my quest cape.
Then gotta find a new goal, might learn raids or something.
Do it all over again but unguided.
That series has started to annoy me given how often it's the fact he doesn't read dialogue and then gets mad.
I tried to watch it because I'm always looking for OSRS content to stave off my actual addiction to OSRS that I refuse to give in to, but the guy behind it simply isn't interesting enough despite the concept being great. Sadly common with OSRS series / content.
I popped A bond in main for a huge drop party, went to do a single raid and got a light bearer which I need on my iron and it killed my desire to play main so the bond is just expiring ATM.
Planning to catch a few hours of dmm and sell the money at least
Jeoprite finally updated Northern UIM after like a year if you haven't seen that before. It's pretty good.
Watch flip
I'm not familiar with him, so I'll check it out. I'm honestly pretty entry level as far as OSRS content goes. I enjoy Settled's unbridled autism, Framed being a gremlin with Asperger's, and J1mmy is genuinely funny (rare quality on YouTube) but I don't even know if he makes anything anymore.
>but the guy behind it simply isn't interesting enough despite the concept being great. Sadly common with OSRS series / content.
Have the same opinion as you. A lot of ideas are neat, but the people working with them don't have enough of a spark to drag me in.
I think it's the monotone voice that makes it a tad boring, The idea itself is interesting,

Josh Isn't Gaming has some chunk autism if you are interested in that
Oh, I forgot /our boi/ Limpwurt and I feel great shame for doing so.

I think I watched his Yanille while falling asleep / working over a week or two, it was comfy.
If you want ultimate autism you can try chunk series.
Limpwurt was kinda the original in that regard. The first few videos are kinda poor quality but it does pick up and is pure unbridled autism with him currently having to get 99 construction with only access to bagged plants.
Verf, Fray, Josh is Not Gaming also do good chunk series.
Soup does good content too with gielinor games.
Josh got the highest ever fishing XP drop 74k
The series picks up later on but the beginning especially the free to play parts are very boring.

I wonder if the cap for the disconnect was 75k or 80k
I think he gets a lot better after getting into members content but there's still an element of boredom.
Honestly that's my issue with a lot of OSRS series. Any "unique ironman" is boring as fuck, including Settled because he seemed to have burned himself out with Swampletics and his work has greatly declined.
Then you have all the crop of PvP dudes who are so fucking lazy they keep reusing the same music, sound effects, editing style, video setups, just about everything's the same and it's boring as ass. The same with PvE completionists like Solomission or boaty but at least those two actually sound happy playing the fucking game.
Swampletics was lightning in a bottle because the self-imposed challenge was genuinely difficult in terms of the skill, knowledge, creativity, and time that it demanded. The presentation was also great. Both of his series succeeding Swampletics made me ask how the fuck he could decide to do this when he'd spent like 2 or 3 years on the previous challenge. It was like he learned nothing. The only challenge in the tileman series was how much free time he was willing to waste on grinding, and permadeath demands so much time and attention that it simply cannot be fun to produce on a regular schedule.
tl;dr swampman was "can i do X without being able to Y?" and the other two are just "can i do X with it being as fucking inconvenient as possible?"
Hitpoint is at least interesting in the fact it's all about optimisation and minimisation of risk
>minimization of risk
it's more like that elimination of risk at all costs, because you cannot make a single mistake without wasting dozens of hours of your life.

plugins are pretty cool and all, but there's a limit to what they can do. i was going to say that the series would be more interesting if the plugin merely acted as if you had 1 HP and didn't permanently delete your character if damaged, but then i realized that this would require further plugins to make interesting so you're not just doing suicide runs to accomplish anything. although i suppose it would also open up much more content that would be legitimately difficult with just 1 HP, no matter how many tries you got.
But risk optimization is "solved" the second you unlock protect from prayers. Because any monster that hits through prayer is immediately off the table and it's now just a matter of what obscure thing in the game that hasn't been updated since 1850 will deal unavoidable damage and get rid of the account or when he'll fuck up.
I wonder if he's going to up the drama like last time or not.
>that intro joke
Man, no one who does an ultimate ironman likes it, do they?
UIM is basically "i'm gonna walk a marathon, but im gonna do it barefoot with 100 pounds of extra weight", it's just masochism
Since you're all whores for ecelebs I'd like to ask if RS3 has any decent video series or if it's all the flaws of OSRS videos x100 because they all know no one's actually watching if it's not a boss or quest guide?
Ironman mode is for WFH autists
RS3 content on Youtube is a graveyard. There's like 2 or 3 people still making guides and they all talk like they slammed a fent and whiskey cocktail moments before recording. No video essays or any other kinds of content for it really. Same deal with OSRS but there's more variety and a few outliers like KingCondor who actually seem to enjoy the non meta game.
Currently going through ironman for quest cape, anyone think theres any quests that just aren't worth the time to do blind?
Pretty much every modern-ish quest doesn't seem to be so bad but there was some real stinkers I had to give up on with the og stuff
I found a guy with a really interesting boss progression series for RS3 where he can't buy anything beyond basic supplies and the rest of his gear he has to go farm from boss drops.
The issue is that like everyone else he's extremely boring and it's a drops vlog.
I don't get why, theoretically RS3 should be less grindy and relatively more flashy than OSRS so one would thing making videos out of that would be easier, especially videos tailored to new viewers who would know little to nothing about RS3.
>RS3 content on Youtube is a graveyard. There's like 2 or 3 people still making guides and they all talk like they slammed a fent and whiskey cocktail moments before recording. No video essays or any other kinds of content for it really. Same deal with OSRS but there's more variety and a few outliers like KingCondor who actually seem to enjoy the non meta game.

How's dovydas doing?
How does one re-obtain desire to play OSRS if I got burnt out doing slayer a few years ago. I wanted to get 95 for hydra, got 91 but jesus spending a day on a black demon task a few times in a row gave me ultimate fucking burn out. I just went back to my RS3 iron, slayer xp rates in OS are just fucking abysmal and unfun.
>they're actually making a RS3 gleinor games called Runescape Showdown
I'm genuienely curious if Rs3 has some interesting shit that they can do to mimic that or if the whole game is just fucked at a fundamental level and no one knows because it's full of MTX and a bunch of other bullshit.
Farming was my first 99. Long before combats.
>log in
>herb run (5 min)
>tree run (5 min)
>guild run (5-10min depends on how many pre-planted)
>log out for 10~ hours (work etc)
>long in
>herb run (5 min)
>tree run (5 min mostly wood trees on this run, fruit won't be done, or spirit/calquat)
>guild run (5-10min depends on how many pre-planted)
>play game for a few hours
How did WGS end up in OSRS, the loss of the 400k herb xp sounds painful. Was the code/assets for it largely in the 07 build? Or was it all made from scratch? Why didn't they even include it? OSRS wanted to pretend it was 'old school' but the power creep over the last decade is real, what's to come as thing progress story wise will just lead to more creep. 5 or so years and you'll be at world wakes time.
More or less the exact same with some minor plot details removed as to not go too hard on the World Guardian plot.
For drops you still get a fuckton of xp just in various other skills, and the tormented demons now drop a discount dragon's claw and a bunch of demonbane upgrades to weaponry like Arclight/one of the bows/one of the staffs.
>spending a day on a black demon task a few times in a row
Block black demons.
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How do you even make this shit palpable to a new player?
What could possibly require this many menus and toolbars in runescape of all things?
You don't, that's why you play OSRS
I remember trying RS3 once and spent like 5 hours just configuring the menus and then I quit, absolute shit game.
I'm just pontificating on this. >>682928137
Even to complete newcomers to OSRS the game is simple enough to follow along and the grand entertainment is in the people participating and their shenanigans. I cannot see it translating to RS3 especially if all the competitors are going to bring the energy of someone who's just lost their entire family.
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It's not even just that, it's the setting too. How the fuck is a beginner supposed to comprehend the setting and the shitty menus all at the same time? It's too overwhelming
Stopped when they added the faggot furry shit unpolled
Faggots should kill themselves
ljaskldfjslkdjg im going to play rs3 and nobody can stop me

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