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Who killed Iji?
The black knives
Considering the black knives assassin corpses around his corpse, probably they did
they're a mere tool, the question is still unanswered also If they really did it, it still remains to be figured out who sent them and why
Nice spoilers fuckhead
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i did on my first playthrough. thought he was just another enemy
>they're a mere tool, the question is still unanswered
iji is burning with blackflame and there are black knife assassin corpses scattered around
it was them
>it still remains to be figured out who sent them and why
the two fingers, they were going against the greater will, after all
Radhan and Marika are the same person
radahn is the final boss of the dlc
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The choices you made along the way
Who hired the Assassins?
Ranni did for what he did to Blythe
One of those alien lizards, but only if you suck at the game.
why would black knives take orders from some gay ass fingers?
The black knives were defending him. Blaidd killed him after Ranni killed her fingers.
again, they are only a tool in the service of someone and the fact that they physically committed the killing doesn't answer the question. Moreover, there are indications that Iji used them to eliminate Blaidd
>Who hired the Assassins?
the two fingers because ranni feuded against them
>Ranni did for what he did to Blythe
ranni tells you to tell iji and blaidd that she loves them, she wouldn't betray them
blaidd has his sleeper cell programming activated and tries to resist, but fails, forcing you to put him down
iji acknowledges blaidd's determination in the face of his nature, and dies fighting the assassins sent against him
No Blaidd dies first, the proof is that you can report to Iji about the Wolf's death
The final boss is a cosmic slug
I was mostly shitposting but interesting, thanks Anon.
Daniel Remarzibart... Forgive me...
how does that even make sense, he's rennallas kid
Ranni fucked over the Black Knives with her plan which caused Godwyn to not only "survive" in some compacity but taint with world.

The world blames the Black Knives for Godwyn's Death and the creation of TwlID, not Ranni.

So after being missing, Ranni suddenly exposes herself by sending people to the Eternal City. It's obvious the Black Knives seek revenge against Ranni.
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the... black knives
Every NPC in From games just dies for no reason
Sure, plus it's a consideration you can easily get to if you progress in a different order. In addition, Iji feels very guilty about Blaidd's death, admitting that he doubted his loyalty to until the end
praise the slug!,
praise the tree!
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Populars are
>Vengeful Black Knives
>Black Knives sent by Fingers/Marika after Ranni leaves/kills her Fingers
>Black Knives with their leader stuck in gay baby jail by Ranni, are used to clean house because she is EVIL

I'd probably go with the first or second. It also looks from their corpses like insane Blaidd was defending Ranni's Rise from them
So Ranni had to fuck over Blaidd and Iji because they were under control of the greater will? Sounds like she should have told them that so they could get away from her asap.
an answer that makes a lot of sense but in theory black knives have always been obedient to someone and never acted of their own volition. It would be a unique precedent
Rya is the best girl
there's even a Black knife coming for Ranni but rogue Blaidd took care of, but the lorelets still missed it KEK
>they are mercenaries so this means they have absolutely no free will and will only ever even breath when asked by someone else to do so
you are retarded, the black knives are seeking revenge because ranni's plan fucked them over too.
and this isn't just assumptions nigger, their ringleader is imprisoned in an evergaol next to the moon altar, so there is clearly a feud going on.
literally Melina, shes a black knife assassin and former Glum Eyed Queen
more likely is that Ranni sent them to tie up loose ends, she wouldn't want someone else in the future to figure out what she did and how she did as they could try to follow in her footsteps which could be a threat to her.
She's cold as Ice my friend
Would Blaidd get over it eventually or be fixable now that she has starfire?
it was ME
its ambiguous but its implied that it could be Ranni tying up loose ends but other lore also implies they might not working together anymore so its ambiguous
personally i still headcanon that it's her sending them after her allies cuz funny
if it wasn't Ranni tying up loose ends, why would they bother with Iji? He's not important to the black knife plot, even if he was loyal to Ranni, why would they bother taking him out?
Because the 2 fingers are very petty.
What makes you assume they were coming for Ranni and not Blaidd?
Godskins. Black Knife Assassins don't use black flame
when were the black knife assassins stated to be working for the 2 fingers/gw?
Ranni tells you to tell them that she loves them, but she has them killed because.... this is the worst elden ring theory that exists.

Ranni betrayed the black knives, they are a faction of nokrom who want their own age to replace the golden order but ranni wants her moon age or whatever an was only using them, also you steal the nokrom treasure for ranni which probably made them more mad.
Iji is the only one who knows everything and as an advisor is behind Ranni's every move so, if the theory of cutting off every tie is true, it's natural that he must also perish along with the others. It reminds me a bit of the story of the egyptian architects and workers who were killed after building the pharaohs' secret chambers in the pyramids
this, Ranni had a woman moment
You could argue they were trying to get info on Ranni out of him.
it wasn't the black knives you retards
what makes you think they came for Blaidd? Have you ever seen Blaidd at the tower? KEK
then why were black knives bodies found near ijis body shortly after his death, mr brainiac?
Blaidd was looking for Ranni because his mind was turning to mush, They tracked him to the tower or Ranni knew he would come looking for her at the tower and she sent them to ambush him.
with that much of a leap in logic you could really argue either way.
Iji knows where ranni went and if you talk to him before progressing in nokrom you can actually use a portal to skip the gargoyle fight and go straight to rannis doll.
you assume shitposters played the game. big mistake
HAHAHAHAH the amount of headcanon he needed to come up with
Curious that the area is covered in black flames then when the Black Knives do not use the black flame.
>blaidd is locked in the gayol you first fought the bloodhound fag in
>it doesn't actually matter and is just a thing that exists doesnt matter if you free him or leave him in you can also just never find this shit
pretty sure on my first playthrough I didnt even fnd blaidd in the ruins and still did rannis quest
fromsoft quest design doesnt work in open world shit
>but talk about it on the playground mew under the truck
kids dont even play games anymore this shit isnt a thing now and everyone just uses the dogshit fextrralife wiki
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He was fighting the black knives until all of a sudden the Godskins appeared and killed both of them. How else would you explain the black flame?
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Iji is dead! How did this happen?
Did Blaidd get rabies or what?
If Ranni didn't do it, then she really is best ending.
>How else would you explain the black flame?
The black flame is the byproduct of the death blade, the attack has a reddish flame but that becomes black after striking
Black Knife daggers contain Destined Death, equip one and press l2
It was Selen.
I don't think Iji's loyalty has anything to do with the Greater Will, he's a troll. Not to mention ALWAYS wearing one of the only custom Anti-Greater-Will helmets on the continent.
Did this in ds1 with engi jump scared me and got cursed with egg head my whole playthrough for it
I don't know if you're trolling but it seems to me Iji doesn't die if you don't continue Selen's quest hmm... can anyone verify with certainty?
True black flame is black red, Godskin Black Flame is weaker and is black white.
The black flame and the death flame are distinct visually.
i can confirm that you're retarded
sex with tiche
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>why are there black flames around
I helped shank Selen and Iji is still alive when I finished Ranni's quest.
Still a fucking mystery and the board has so many mongoloids that no one is able to give an answer other than an 80IQ take out of some e-celeb
>jewtube comment but it lacks the self awareness or the humor
he's wearing a mirror helm to block out the influence of god, as his master tries to commit blasphemy, the two fingers makes sense
then why did they side with Ranni when they killed Godwyn?
same reason people summon Tiche
Ranni didn't beat the game
>Have you ever seen Blaidd at the tower?
Yes? He literally stays there for awhile
>he didn't play the game
It was 4D chess play by Marika. Once the black knives put 2 and 2 together that Ranni was against the fingers however, they started killing her allies.
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Its what ranni does she betrays their companions all ranni fags are irl cucks.
Snape kills Dumbledore
the game explicitly says so through the characters involved that the ultimate sacrifice is to take into consideration, Iji himself mentions it
We know it’s not Ranni based off of Iji’s dialogue. When you kill the maddened Blaidd who was defending Ranni’s tower from Black Knives (as evidenced by the Black Knife corpse trying to get into the doorway) Iji says he was wrong to doubt Blaidd’s loyalty to Ranni, and apologizes. If the Black Knives were a hit sent by Ranni to kill Blaidd, there is no way to reconcile that with Iji’s statement of being wrong to doubt Blaidd’s loyalty to her. Thus, the Knives were either sent by someone else OR were acting in retaliation since Ranni has their leader in a Gaol.
Ranni, not directly, but she did
He has the white flame of the godskins on him not the red or destined death
it could be that from messed it up
There’s no pattern at all. They served Ranni once then, once betrayed, acted against her. Makes perfect sense.
Iji was the one who double-crossed black knives in the first place, he imprisoned Alecto and probably killed Tiche.
Black Flame is interesting, since Iji most likely imbued black knives with it in the first place.
I'm thinking he fought assassins off, was wounded and set himself on fire. Very FromSoft.
Ranni does have dialogue beforehand that says she has to betray Ijji and Blaidd and that they both know and understand that. I think this is when you are talking to mini Ranni.
Jesus dies
No, she says that she has to betray everything, and rid the world (what she is what she is referring to when saying ‘everything,’ English sentence structure 101) of what came before.
The list she says afterwards is the list of people she cares about / are kind, of which she muses about adding you to it as she thinks you have a heart as kind as they (Blaidd and Iji). Immediately after she gets embarrassed realizing she is openly expressing her feelings of you and insists you forget what you just heard from her (specifically, the what she just said about how she considers you kind hearted). Seluvis’ dialogue hammers home that she is a gentle girl at heart with an icey persona, and that she lets that icey mask slip when around the Tarnished.
The game literally tells you the Black Knife Assassins all had close ties to Marika. The game is already vague enough without asking the players to come up with insane theories. Look at the places we find Black Knives:
>catacomb, hiding in a secret area
>in front of a hero's grave
>in a prison in Ranni's summer state
>sitting outside of Marika's bedchamber
>in the prison-puzzle outside of the Haglitree
The hero's grave is the only one without a clear explanation but all other are either in hiding, guarding a place, or after a mark. Then later we find the they went after Ranni once she revealed herself (remember the wizard said she hadn't been seen for long time).
ranni is a tranny, it's foreshadowed because her name rhymes with tranny
>Complete Ranni's quest
>Ignore the 100% missable schizo blaidd in the end that is hostile for no reason
>Iji stays alive and happy Ranni is in space :)
>Kill Blaidd
>Don't report it to Iji
>Iji stays alive and happy Ranni is in space :)
>Report blaidd's death to Iji
>Oh, shit. It's sad he had to be put down

I think it's time for from to accept that their team consists of clinically confirmed autists and "random deaths" does not consist for a depressive storytelling. Or whatever nonsense they write for that matter.
>and insists you forget what you just heard from her
She says that right after telling you that she was the one who orchestrated the night of black knives and killed Godwyn. She's not blushing about her confession of love.
Iji immolated himself with blackflames so he wouldn't die to the soul killing black knives.
>she says that-
No, she doesn’t. She confesses to orchestrating the night of the black knives when you first meet her in her tower IF you are going the Rogier route of meeting her. She makes absolutely zero mention of that at any point when in mini-doll form, let alone in that specific mini-doll conversation.
And we base this on?
The black knives you find around his corpse. It is pretty self explanatory, those bitches were hunting rannis clique all game.
It was a three-way plan. Rykard stole the rune (I suppose he feasted Maliketh and did while he was drunk), Ranni created the knives, Marika sent the assassins. But Marika wanted to kill the empyreans (and their allies); she sent them after Ranni, Miquela, and Malenia.
This is mostly wrong.
Ranni stole the Rune, she says as much. She was also the one to give the Blasphemous Claw.
He knows
I don't see why she would protect Rykard alone if he had nothing to do with that plan. The wording is weird, but it implies Rykard was the one face Maliketh.

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