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Is Ar Tonelico good?
Yes it's very good, play it. Just remember that Mir is best girl.
What's so bad about Aurica?
Nothing, all the girls in 1 are fine. It's 2 where you get controversies.
AT1: 6/10 gameplay, 8/10 story
AT2: 10/10 gameplay, 10/10 story
AT3: 3/10 gameplay, 9/10 story
>it's been over 10 years since the last Gust song magic game
Why did this franchise die?
Expensive and rights issue for Ar Ton. For Nosurge it was just the expense of developing on modern consoles, the company was struggling to make money period until Ryza took off, and now that she's more or less over doesn't really know what to do.
I guess paying all those high ranking singers wasn't cheap.
They legitimately ran out of money making AT3 and just barely slapped the credits together.
>Nosurge translation never
I've beaten the first five hours of AT1 like three different times because I pick it up, can't remember where I was, and start a new game all over again, get around the point where you lose Misha and get Aurica back, and then stop playing for half a year. I really need to stop that so I can beat AT1 and finally play AT2.
AT remains the single easiest game I ever played in my 40 years of vidya.
I'm genuinely unsure if you can even die in that game.
Supposedly they're almost finished, but I suspect it'll take a while due to the lead translator's gacha addiction.
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Threadly reminder that Luca is a slut
Would you support EXA_PICO gacha [Y/N]?
Inclined to say no, but it has the possibility of more music so I'll take it but never play it.
It's ok. 2 is overrated. The lore autism and music are more interesting than the games themselves.
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Even when it comes out Aquagon went full retard in between AT2 and working on Ciel so you're getting something that's been manipulated.
I feel in this case it's fine so real biological women have an easier time self-inserting into Earthes, who is literally (You). Know more (real) female EXA_PICO fans than males so I feel they deserve the participation award, because the voice overs will still refer to (You) as male.
I'd say yes, but then I remember how shit every other Gust-derived gacha has been, so no, fuck that.
There was already Trinary, which wasn't Exa Pico but was song magic, and it seemed to have flopped, although I don't have access to their financial info about it
Mentally ill people who can't disassociate themselves from the character they're playing don't deserve to be pandered to. The player character is unambiguously a guy and when you consider there's dialogue about stuff like Ion talking about kissing girls being weird you know there's a lot more that's going to get fucked with to accommodate them.
No, fuck off.
>First game is alright
>Second game is fantastic
>No other games exist past that point, ignore what you see

This arc is also known as the Star Ocean Special.
Star Ocean 3 is kino.
There's no controversy in some contrarian liking the blue-haired whore. Mir is simply superior.
AT3 is still the worst game I've ever played. Even Raidou and the Soulless Army handles better.
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>love Aurica's design
>her personality is shit

>like Misha's personality
>her design is not as good as Aurica's
Those were better times
ar tonelico
Kill yourself, trash.

Ah, yeah, the liar who obsesses over Lyner to the point she states she has to sing forever when it makes no sense from how the setting works.
I'm getting mixed signals about AT3 from this thread.
Judging from several threads over the years, I believe the general consensus is

Great story, characters, music, worldbuilding and lore
Bad gameplay
AWFUL translation thanks to NISA ruining what was great about the game except the music
Because it's a BAD game, best song variety though.
>have done multiple rereleases of the game both on console and on Steam
>Refuse to translate it every time
>Yet perfectly fine releasing the sequel with a translation and removing the save transfer feature since EN doesn't have ciel
why are they like this
the playthrough w/ a translation has been sitting on my hard drive for over a year, maybe I should just get to watching it all...
What's your favorite Hymm song, guys?
AT1 is good
AT2 is great
AT3 is mediocre
This franchise could turn into one of the greatest masterpieces in jrpg history if it only took itself a little more seriously and had higher production values.
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Everything about AT3 is good except the gameplay and certain aspects of the cosmosphere
>They legitimately ran out of money making AT3
How is this even possible? These were very low-budget games.

>until Ryza took off, and now that she's more or less over doesn't really know what to do.
Making another ArTonelico?
If they gathered more money with Ryza why not do it?
I can't believe Akira Tsuchiya is fine with such a great setting being forgotten like this.
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The memory of my family walking into this scene is forever etched into my head.
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>betatesting phase
goddamn it might actually release this year then huh?
oh well
It's up there, yes.
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Only normalfags seethe about Qoga.
Ar Tonelico peaked here

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