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How many Forgotten Realms games have we got that are actually decent, other than the older stuff like Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate, /v/?
outside of bg3, none
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Balding Cucks 3 fag begone. Shoo shoo. Golem get yee gone.
It's refreshing to see a fantasy map that doesnt try to mirror the real world.
Stop watching anime.
it's a fun game. you should play it
I most likely won't. Can you kill anyone you don't like(not just companions). Also does doing so make the game worse? As in it's not accounted for.
How idiotically designed the map is
I killed jaheira in last light as a gith would never allow this hag to talk to my mc like that.
Needless to say that most npcs died and act three was very empty.
Forgotten Realms is a shit setting with a shit creator who fixates on one specific part of it to the expense of all other parts.

You cannot have any good game in that setting because the rest of the setting has been left undeveloped.
The old hag was useless at the tower.
Shit game, will ignore. If you want to add fucking soapbox characters or gay leftist shit to your game then make it optional.
Dark Sun is more worthy of modern games anyways.
you can kill anyone. it makes the game harder and you lose quests but I haven't gone on a full murder spree so i don't know how it effects everything.

I blew most of the Harper enclave in the shadow area the fuck out including the woman from the original bg games but I didn't finish them all off before reloading a save
Moonrise battle theme is jaheira funeral theme.

The paladin hellebarde swinging zealots are filth.
No fucking reason for high level paladins to run around there.

Shame, act 1 was decent, at least first half, e.g. the ea area.
Larian games incentive full murder spree.
Quest completed? Now die! Cool, free xp and money.
You think it's just larian. This shit is has been the same forever. Some games have bounty, karma mechanic or repercussions for getting caught. Or outright oblivion omnipotent city guard.
fr, the harpers had it coming after they tried to cuck me out of my lamp
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>shit creator
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I mean, we have two in total, yes? Bg3 and that Dark Alliance game no one remembers anymore. Thats not exactly a lot to go by.
try the goldbox series, starting with Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, and Secret of the Silver Blades
>outright oblivion omnipotent city guard.
ooo city guard
Could be the title of an anime.
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>Forgotten realms

Fuck elminister, fuck mystra, and fuck being forced to worship shit gods.

Seriously, why can't we get more games that take place in greyhawk or fucked settings like dark sun?
my bff jill?
>he wants Dark Sun made for modern sensibilities and modern audiences
Anon... careful what you wish for
Obviously not, we are just speaking in principle. There are games like vagrus where they use the IP in all but name. You don't need to have it be Darksun(TM).

100% chance of any dark sun setting made by triple aaa, the preservers a brown primitivists. And the defiler are whitey bad goys. The moral is technology bad and white people bad.
I only liked the ck2 mod
I want to play dark sun as monk heh
But muh Tolkien! Autistic individual seek monotony and similarity. Anything that appeals to existing archetypes of fantasy will reel in the autists.
Big Gay 3 has nothing to do RPGs or the Forgotten Realms, you retard.
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You're not getting another Dark Sun game, video or tabletop, ever.


>Dungeons and Dragons executive producer Kyle Brink has made a return to the Dark Sun DnD setting seem pretty unlikely. In an interview on February 22, he tells D&D YouTuber Bob World Builder: “the Dark Sun setting is problematic in a lot of ways, and that’s the main reason we haven’t come back to it”.

>However, the potentially “problematic” aspects of the setting Brink refers to are numerous. Sensitive topics like genocide are ingrained in the setting, and slavery is commonplace. Several DnD races from the setting also potentially perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
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Hahahahahaha, the absolute state of tablecucks and D&D chumps.
What phenotype is this?
ah yes nothing like that happens in real life
You better belive it goy! And when it does it only happens to US!
Unfathomably based
By that same logic, Warhammer 40k shouldn't exist because the setting contains slavery, genocide and other horrible shit.
Who posts this?!
zesty dudes who need that $
Both are criminals
why no one wants to make a Waterdeep game?
Don't worry, the process is already starting. Soo they will retconn out all of that in 40k. Then people will just stop using WG as an intermediary and play older editions only(which has already happened). Or flock to another game(which has already happened). The SJW infesting an IP is just the death blow and not the mortal wound.
0, but why would you want that? forgotten realms isn't more interesting than anything else
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>ugly gayshit
Lmao no.
does Eye of the Beholder 1 count?
No, an abortion of a game. Real time grid crawlers were a mistake. RPG equivalent of gook click.
>Real time grid crawlers were a mistake
while I tend to agree, the point was that EotB1 takes place in the sewers below Waterdeep
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>Back in the day Boomers would just fight up Bone Dragon while assisted by Bone Giant while only using Spear
Those days were something
Hordes of Underdark is pretty good.
i think that was the final dragon and in the game and really hard to slay because if the immunties it had
I don't know how i defeated it with my brainlet fighter.
>it's a fun game
there is a 0% chance that a game using 5th edition D&D rules is fun
>grug smash skelton
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I'm sure I'd find NWN to be shit if I went back to it all these years later
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where in Toril do NuOrks fit in? I thought they are all savages in the mountain who wage eternal war against the dwarves
None, you excluded the only good ones.
Thesk settled its orcish mercenaries as payment for fighting the Tuigan (Mongols). They still worship Gruumsh and the orc pantheon so I don't know how nu-orc that makes them.
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>D&D changing, do you see?
>D&D reborn, do you see?
This map is fucking awesome. Where is it from?
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Are you serious, anon? It's Faerun from the Forgotten Realms. It even says so right there in the corner.
Ok cool! Why is there no good RPG's or MMO's with this map? Could have been fucking sick
It also says in the OP and many posts ITT. This is beyond brain rott.
>Other than these decent to good ones, how many?
Literally 0
I assume that is because you would have to deal with Faggots of the Coast to make one, and no one wants to
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Still part of my potato gayming sessions.
>Kyle Brink
funny, I could swear they just fired him for being an irresponsible white person
>Look up something online about FR
>Everything on the wiki is written in past tense

I hate those faggots so much.
There's a replacement up for 1d4chan now, none of this is past tense I think
Kek, could pass as ai nowadays
What happened?
I think the guy in charge just stopped keeping it up

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