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>vast majority of consumers, and vast majority of playtime is spent in only a few multiplayer games, all of which debuted before 9th gen was created, give or take treating Counter-Strike 2 as the same game as Global Offensive
>sudden glut of hero shooters, all of which will probably end support and future updates within a year
>everything else is just flavors of the month that seem unstoppable at first but then quickly die out

Is there room in the market for a new multiplayer shooter or is it just going to depend on something like COD, Fortnite, Apex, CS, etc. dying or losing its audience in some unfathomable way?
Who cares about popular games.
>hero shooters
Beamdog started the trend, lol
>check my Steam
>says I last played Counter-Strike 2 in 2013 for an hour
what's their endgame, why haven't they fixed this "bug" ?
It would’ve been mildly amusing if a moron managed to tank all of Lights carefully laid out plans entirely by accident.
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those games aren't worth playing.
A moron did tank all of Lights carefully laid out plans. That moron was arc 2 Light, Light having inexplicably transformed from a clever planner into a retarded faggot between the two arcs because the author was butthurt that the readers liked Light
What was the best Leslie Nielsen movie?
Either Airplane or if you are extremely based Forbidden Planet
are the boxes absolute or an axis because that distinction flips this image from completely insane to accurate
>“I did not want a plot told of Light’s failure because of his own mistake. I had to think extremely hard for a plot that relieved Light of most of the blame for his own failure. Hence, we had Mikami make the fatal error.”
Courage could definitely solve the case. The farmer wouldn’t make it, but that’s an acceptable loss.
That's dumb. The whole story hinges on the fact that Light made a stupid ass mistake when he killed Lind L. Taylor.
Courage would survive and save Muriel but he would just escape. Courage survives monsters, he doesn't defeat them.

At best he would escape and then ten seconds later the mustache police chief guy would show up or the asian car guy would accidently hit Light and call him stupid
Why the hell is Magnum there?
Outside a few cases, Katz being one of them, Courage is usually able to outsmart whatever horror is attacking the farm. The dog is more clever than he looks.
>people side with character because he is... LE PROTAGONIST??????
tarded chink
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Yeah but usually after Courage outsmarts the bad guy of the episode he does so by making them leave, managing to escape, or he just manages to avoid disaster long enough for someone else to show up and actually put a stop to them. It's extremely rare for him to actually proactively capture or directly defeat an enemy
It's beyond that, bad writers are bad at influencing readers. It's no different then meme of x did nothing wrong. This is the same for villains. If your subject matter is grounded even partially in reality then there will be some aspect of "death of intent" if you are not competent.
Movie Dex or book Dex?
Nobody read the book, don't fool yourself.
making me think of how they did my boy Gul Dukat dirty in the last season of Deep Space 9 because the fans of the show actually liked and agreed with the character, had to turn him into a literal demon worshiper and assassinate his character.
>The autistic attorney can't intuit the mechanics of the death note
> Nardwuar
I lost
Of course, people don't fundamentally understand that media is just propaganda(what do you think fables or legends were?). Writers cannot divorce their beliefs from their works. So whenever some buffoon messes up, they just say you're bad at media literacy or just don't get it. Plenty of cases also where the MC is hated instead of the villains, not even because the villains are sympathetic; But because the MC is that insufferable.
There's certainly room in the market for them. But the project would have to be small enough to account for a small userbase and low active user numbers.
You can turn a profit off small numbers. Just all about scaling to meet it. Not trying to do photo realistic graphics in a massive world or whatever. Or something truly innovative.
Battlebit probably made the boys who developed it a huge amount of money when it was FOTM. This kind of thing can work.
Each quadrant is its own axis
It’s called Deep Rock Galactic, you should play it
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What about Inspector Gadget?
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>blues clues is in
>but not her
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Damn, is Nancy Drew retarded? Drew heads, care to explain?
>Monk not being able to solve it.

Bullshit chart.
Ok, most of these I get but how do you solve the case without being able to intuit the mechanics of the death note? Solving the case would also imply you can figure out how it was done.
That said, Sam and Max is in the perfect quadrant. They would make some joke of how simple it was and there would be a joke about how their names aren't just Sam and Max. Also throw in some joke how they were already dead at one point.
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Are they top left or bottom left?
>tell us about the Shinigami: Ryuk.
>you're Light "Kira" Yagami, we have to know!
Lind L. Taylor was in all honesty a plothole.
L had no reason to reveal it was a trap, it was only done for the audience to introduce L as Light's intellectual rival and opposition.
I think Light should've found out about L looking for him through his father's police work, causing him to get seriously worried as he'd realize someone as smart as himself was working towards stopping him.
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Easy top left, but would spend 6 months in a mental asylum afterwards.
>*Title Card: Later that day
>Captain Ed Hocken, "Frank, that suspect you brought in, Light, died of a heart attack."
>Frank Drebin, "Damn, just like the others. Well, I might as well keep using this edgy note pad to write the name of the other suspects."
>Captain Ed Hocken, " Alright Frank and don't forget to write down that one girls name that kept hanging around Light, she seems suspicious as well."
>Frank Drebin "Good idea Captain. And can someone get this pale guy an apple?"
Damn Nancy whats with that "really faggot?" look?
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Where is Poirot?
the Columbo episode would probably feature him legally changing his name or revealing that he has a secret middle name that is not listed in most official documents
Isn't the Twin peaks guy used to dealing with weird shit? I don't think he would struggle to believe in a killer book. Or is this chart saying he's just not a very good detective?
Top left, it's just the Kenneth Branagh version rather than the David Suchet version for some incomprehensible reason.
He didn't solve anything in Twin Peaks, arguably he didn't understand what was going on either going off of the ending of The Return.
>he didn't understand what was going on either
Nobody did.
brown bricks
David Bowie did.
We don't talk about that.
I never understood bottom left. how do you solve the case without figuring out how light is committing the killings. what evidence would you use to arrest him
It would be like how at the start, L just homes in on Light Yagami cause its too coincidental. Except they would with their own way find a way to nail it on him.
The statue smiling always gets me
Imagine this movie but released today.
Solved as in "perpetrator no longer carries out his crimes" could mean comedically stumbling into busting Kira like Frank Drebin would.
Hank and connor would've busted him just because they could throw Connors at Kira forever
Aren't they planning a reboot of naked gun?
They got a serious actor, Liam Neeson to play drebin.
Hank doesn't get enough credit, he'd definitely be able to solve the case though figuring the mechanics would have to come in the shape of a stroke of luck like Walt's diary.
Adachi and Courage both have supernatural elements to their work so I'd put them in the could solve it. Key word being could in Adachi case but we all know how lazy he is
To this day I consider Death Note ended at L's death, nothing after the timeskip made sense, the executives being killed was the definite proof Kira was among the Japanese police team, the super detective orphanage was retarded, Light deciding to outsource all his stuff to Mikami was retarded, especially since he was the one spearheading the Kira chase, making him a target of a fanatic.
Then every supplementary chapter onward was retarded, the entire premise of the Death Note is a tool with no drawbacks, only humans fucked up but every time Ryuk ended up as a cheeky merchant with the same punchline: "woops, based on semantics the holder now has to die teehee"
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>They got a serious actor, Liam Neeson to play drebin.
How the fuck do you make that casting choice?
The man is not a goofy actor. You be Drebin you've got to be the perfect blend of Goofy and Serious, which Leslie Nielson could do in spades.
Can Neeson even do "Non-plussed"?
the level of retarded loser you need to be to create this chart is off the proverbial charts
Nah Shinichi/Conan could intuit the mechanics of the Death note but cannot solve the case
he hasn't even solved his own case!
Columbo would have destroyed Light.
I never noticed movie L on the graph lol
I dont think so, when pubg first took off it hit overwatch at the height of its popularity something hard and then just kept going with fornite becoming a br(and blizz's own dumb choices but thats besides the point)
Nielsen was a serious actor, airplane was the first comedy he was in
he plays things completely deadpan as the straight man, Neeson could pull it off (I still think the remake will be bad though)
Columbo isn't a moron.
Columbo is literally the personification of "I was only pretending to be retarded."
I know Nielson was a serious actor, that's what made him so funny. He could be completely serious and non-plussed in the face of the most ludicrous shit.
But Neeson just seems like a walking scowl.
unironically the funniest movie ever
>Columbo's entire shtick is to be observant to a frightening degree, to act like a moron in make people lower their guard
>his specialty is to pretend the "police" might see some details the villain dropped somewhere (while never putting himself in danger since he pretends to be a moron)
>he pushes people's buttons and leaves the room knowing the suspect is a panic state
>always goes for the kill once he's 100% certain the suspect will be detained with no way to defend himself
him against Light which is prone to panic, arrogant, with an ego easy to feed? he would have bagged him in less than a day after meeting him
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where the hell is my GOAT??
>Aren't they planning a reboot of naked gun?
Leslie Nielsen is kinda like Arnold, you can't just remake his movies without him, it just won't work
She would have got kira after the first murder and easily. Without the various japanese obasan buffs.
>Aren't they planning a reboot of naked gun?
I fucking hope not.
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Apex is 100% dying. There's tons of cheaters and there's no way the normal players will keep playing that shit, then when most normal players leave the cheaters will move to some other game that's alive so they can grief that instead.
CoD is always all over the place it feels like, it seems everyone that plays those games hates it but they keep buying and playing. Fortnite affected CoD to an extreme extent so it's nothing like the classic CoD games now.
Fortnite is the best multiplayer shooter now but it keeps making dumb changes and throwing in OP items to appeal to all the casuals
Monk not being able to solve it is fucking bullshit.
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>Branagh Poirot instead of Suchet
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aren't cooper and the deadly premonition dude basically the same guy
Never worked with supernatural and she's a Miss Marple ripoff.
Top left, but Gus wouldn't believe shaun about how the death note works
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What about our guy?
Top left easy.
Decent chances he could solve it but cannot comprehend it.
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How would Delta Green solve the Kira case?
that's not what nonplussed means
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Baste taste.
Forbidden Planet is one of the greatest science fiction films of all time.
Ah, the only good game Telltale ever did.
Blow up the apartment building.
Developers solved player retention with battle passes, competitive season grinds and cosmetic buy ins. Jumping between games now is just too inconvenient since they all equally demand your time and you are effectively dumping all prior investment in a game by leaving it. My hot prediction is that there will be some kind of hacker catastrophe where most multiplayer games will become unplayable due to malicious hacker groups. Just a matter of how long anti-cheat can delay it.
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Would any of these characters have just murdered Light once they had enough reason to suspect him? Because thats really what L should have done from the beginning.
>OG jews make absolute KINO
>nujews and their puppets ruin everything
Nuke the entire town after L pointing out the city in the news.
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A lot of her earlier cases by original author are solved by her ticking the suspect off by being nosey based on her hunches, and she gets confirmation to her suspicions after the bad guy kidnaps her (female writer's thinly veiled fetish) and she manages to escape bondage after being left tied up alone.
L could have imprison Light from the beginning and the manga would have ended in 10 chapters.
But he didn't do it because he was an idiot pretending to be smart.
what about picrel?
Hero shooters are a misinterpreted flawed concept that the faggot side of gaming has been convinced into thinking is good.
Overwatch copied the wrong parts of TF2, overwatch turbo flopped way harder than anyone seems to realise. Every new hero shooter is trying to be a bad game.
No True Detectives?
Most modern games just don't use any kind of approach that would lead to player retention.

They don't allow communities to form in player hosted community servers because they to use matchmaking systems to maintain full control over player experience and engagement.
They don't allow mods because that would undermine their control over player experience and engagement.
They don't have solid aesthetics that could really draw players in because restricting themselves to an aesthetic would mean restricting the cosmetics they can sell.
The game pretty much dies out as soon as the company stops being adequately able to drive up engagement with updates because the design of microtransaction games is heavily reliant on the base game being "just barely fun enough" to tolerate.
Neeson can be pretty funny actually, but still I find his style very different from Nielsen. That could be for the better tho, if they're remaking a comedy movie they'll need different jokes after all.
>not Suchet Poirot
the person who made this image is a tool
first link cuts a part of the final joke for some reason, here's one without the random cut
Adachi would just shoot the kid
autistic hands wrote this
The problem is that Light was morally correct and people should be struck down either by government or man for things like murder so crime will go down.
The cult worshiping him are morally correct also.

We all have our headcanons, to this day I consider it canon that Misa pissed herself after she lost her memory
>anon hasn't played a new game since 2012 (he is autistic)
Don't do my man Monk dirty like that.
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You see that skinny little gook over there? It's him. He did it. You know he did. You don't have to explain why you know. Fucking kill him. Wring his thin neck. Then write down the names of everyone who has wronged you in that gay book of his.
reminder that Light was considering killing NEETfags
you too will get executed for pirating a game
Leslie Nielson should be in most games.
Shit I forget about that.
Based Light I fully support him, death to all NEETpedos.
Columbo is OP
What are some essential Columbo episodes to get a taste? I assume you can just watch random ones and don't have to start from episode 1.
Light wanted to kill /v/? basado
99999pp supernatural
100pp crime
1000pp evidence
>Careful planner
He had dumb luck on his side 90% of the time and a magic notebook. Also L immediately was suspicious of the 13 day rule and was already setting up a test for.it in order to nail light.
the words "airplane" and "remake" in the same sentence should be immediate grounds for death by firing squad
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Watch Darkman.
>was just about to post this

If theyre smart theyll have him play it completely straight, so long as its not just telling the same jokes too. Like there is some modern aeroplane behaviour that could be funny.
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>we shouldnt have a doctor in the sketch if I cant talk about AIDS.
Yea ok, I can see it.
>They got a serious actor, Liam Neeson to play drebin.
Leslie Nielsen was serious actor before Airplane
For Naked Gun reboot you somebody known for serious roles not comedy actors
Columbo would wipe the floor with Light.
Small wonder no one recognises it

Neeson can be good if given the right material.
>no Jessica Fletcher
>implying courage wouldn't somehow manage to save the day despite being terrified
Courage could absolutely solve the Kira case

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