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Shantae Advance if the portraits weren't PTSD inducing
Way forward is the most mkultra game studio alive
what do the portraits actually look like?
>t. coombrain
They're a studio with a lengthy history of licenseshit shovelware, alright licenseshit, and the occasional original coomshit game people like more for the designs and writing (but mostly the designs) yet still consider themselves indie
I wouldn't say they've risen to "prominence" but it always felt weird people treat them bigger than they really are
It actually looks like the old art style that would have been used if this game was made back in the GBA days. Good shit.
like this
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Can't get over how retarded this is. It's like if those 2000s retro game re-releases that represented the characters with their modern designs on the box extended into the games themselves.
Looks better.
I'd say fight me, but I'm leaving this thread now.
Bite me.
While it should echo the older artstyle, look at WayForward's marketing of the girl. They know EXACTLY who their modern audience is.
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HGH, both in game graphics and portraits, is the best game art style wise.
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What's wrong with this? She looks like pure sex
Pirate's Curse had the best art.
Design that only appeals to Gen Alpha kids or "Skibidi Fanum Tax Only in Ohio Rizzy Grimace Shake Toilet Kids"
>censored her pants

it's over
Except the classic illustration style has better silhouettes and fits the game's general aesthetic more.

Also, Shantae's sprite keeps the classic design
Any news on the comic?
Nope. I commissioned someone to draw Classic style Advance Shantae for me.

It was someone on Twitter who could replicate more specific art style
Do you know when its scheduled for release? Also, do you mind sharing the commission?
I'm using my Dad's phone, which has no access to the commissioned drawing. I'm at the beach, and my phone with the drawing is left at home
Already wasn't going to buy the physical edition because fuck LRG, but this was what put me off from buying it at all. I can understand having to reconstruct assets when the source files may not exist anymore, but having the modern designs slapped into what is supposedly this long lost GBA game is tacky even for this series.

Art doesn't match the character sprite, and at the game's native resolution, the line weights get annihilated. Regardless of which design is better, I generally would prefer it to be a faithful reconstruction of what they might have shipped at the time than some cheap cash in built on a partially finished game.
This is why Sigma Star Saga is a miracle, and that game is now about to get re-released.
I also think it has more of that Classic Mr. Bozon charm than the "revived" Shantae Advance.

I wonder what a revived Guppi's Beach Block (lost block-pushing web sequel to Xtreme Sports GBC) be like?
Shantae got me into mighty switch force. Im surprised how much i enjoy this game.
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Incorrect. Pirate's Curse wins.
You're on the beach and mingle in a shantae thread? Why?
And yet, the game's art direction feels kinda cobbled together. Notice how the foreground is complex and realistic while the background is simple and cartoony?

Feels like a work of different artists.

Shantae GBC is the best Shantae when it comes to in-game art direction
I'm on the beach with my family. I can't go home and once I get there, it's too late to show you the full commissioned drawing
The sprite work isn't what I was talking about. Pirate's Curse wins purely in the portrait department. Definitely the hottest Shantae has ever been.
Holy fucking schizo hours
Will it get a port?
It's about to come to consoles in 2025.
The GBA original is delayed to January 2025 and I'm sure it has to.do more with WayForward than LRG
Her portrait doesn't match her sprite, most prominently the gold part around the crotch.
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I'm not so sure. I think Limited Run realized shipping the GBA cartridge and the console port at seperate dates months apart would be fucking stupid.
No news about the summercomic, and a release delay for the game. The fuck are they doing
>No news about the summercomic
What more do you need? We know the size, the general content and that it ships in September.
>it ships in September
I did not have this information.
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It's on the preorder page though we don't know the exact date yet: https://store.udonentertainment.com/collections/shantae/products/2024-shantae-swimsuit-special-1-cvr-a-nami-sakurajyousui

Matt Bozon also posted a preview of the included comic.
rottytops breast expansion
Neat, thanks mate. Though I assumed it would be full colour for whatever reason
are they british?
Only egg tits and only here

>least favorite
>dad is Nigel Thornberry

Checks out
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I like both designs old and new
I think this is the best shantae thread on here in a long long time.
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What game is Shantae playing that's making her yell into the headset here?
HGH on a 12 year old machine.
>On a 12-year-old machine
What machine would be just over a decade old that could play HGH? I can't think of a machine that old that could play such a game. I blame my tired brain, truth be told.
shantae gonna find my DICK! to unlock her VAGINA DOOR!
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The Wii U and some kind of 12 year old PC.
>What machine would be just over a decade old that could play HGH?
the wii u, which HGH released on, is 12 years old this year.
Well what you know.

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