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Why did he do it?
qrd on blazblue's story? I've always been a KOF guy
Very funny anon.
is this the guy with the gigantic ass?
Oh Jesus. How many levels of autism can you take?
Like 6 or 7, my dude. Let er rip!
>quick run down

Good luck.
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The tl;dr is the world is going to end. That is not opinion, that is not a fear, that is a fact. However the robots that run the world can easily make a new one. And these characters are fighting over control of it so that they can remake the world the way they want it. I need to establish a few things first because the things these characters do rest on some basic knowledge you just have to accept.

Okay so everything starts with this thing. There's a realm outside of reality, time, and space called "The Boundary." And all the way at the bottom is a centerpoint. A singularity called the Azure. The Azure is the source of everything: power, information, and most importantly, souls. And fixed just on top of it is this thing: Amaterasu, The Master Unit. Amaterasu is functionally the god of the BB universe, it siphons power from The Azure and uses it to create reality. And like the name implies, Amaterasu is a machine. Who built this thing or how is a question that will never be answered and honestly it doesn't matter. In gonna keep going but understand is that all of the fighting in this series is because of characters trying to protect, destroy, or control this thing
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>Bridget gets truckloads of fanart and love
>Amane, the superior vidya femboy for based trugays gets like no fanart and nobody knows who he is
>also uses drills and drills are cool
It's not fair
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Amaterasu has 3 sub routines attached to it. The first is called Tsukuyomi, the ultimate shield. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can penetrate Tsukuyomi's protection. And the second is the Susano'o. Susano'o is an empty suit of armor that acts as the ultimate sword. If anything occurs in the Master Unit's simulation of reality that it doesn't like, Susano'o deletes it. Not destroys. It removes it so completely that it is considered to have never existed in causality at all. And all of reality will shift itself to account for that missing information to avoid paradoxes. That is fucked up. The third I won't mention just yet.

So this is the basis of Blazblue's world, so what changed to cause the plot to happen. Well for some reason, no one knows how, Susano'o became self aware. It grew a soul all it's own. And it understood that it exists as Amaterasu's slave. Even if it destroyed all of reality, Amaterasu could just remake it. And that would mean that it was just fulfilling the purpose Amaterasu gave it. And the 3 units can't harm one another. So in a rage, the soul ran towards the real world, tore it's own soul out of its body, and escaped into the real world. And this is where the insanity starts.
arigato anon, I wasn't expecting a real reply. That sounds rad and has made me more interested in getting better at this game. Funnily enough I was having a lot of fun with Susanoo.
In the real world, humanity found an entrance to the Boundary. And they found the abandoned body of Susano'o. With that they were eventually able to locate Amaterasu and the Azure. Realizing what they'd just discovered, they tried to go down there. But oops, the Boundary is extremely hostile towards life. So humans built robots. But not like the Mars rover, rather anime waifu bots called Murakumos. They started tossing them into the Boundary and most of them just died. But one didn't. One made it all the way to the bottom and touched The Master Unit.

When it came back it was very different. It was alive. Legit. It had a soul and everything. This one was called The Origin and would be a proof of concept for all the other Murakumos. But it was more than just that. When it touched The Master Unit, the Master Unit matched her software to its own. And thus it became one of the Master Unit's "eyes," a robot that can use The Master Unit's abilities. With a thought, the Murakumo could just change reality to be whatever she wanted. Change time, pull things from alternate universes, it did not matter. For all intents and purposes, it was a goddess. And so humans built more. This time as overt weapons that they could control.
Susano'o is basically the Lucifer of the BB universe. But he's so much fun in his outright evil he is. He just loves this shit
As all of this was going on, humanity had a more ambitious project going on. Why are we tossing waifu bots at Amaterasu? Let's seize Amaterasu ourselves! Then we can have the power of God at our fingertips! And so humanity made Takamagahara, an AI super computer intended to seize control away from Amaterasu.

But as all of this was happening, paranoia set in. The Murakumos were alive and therefore could not be controlled at the push of a button. And they can just change all of reality. At any time. So humans turned on them. Bound up The Origin and threw her back down to the bottom of the Boundary. This sparked the Murakumo War. Humans had the advantage in numbers... and nothing else. As expected fighting a gang of waifu gods was never going to end well for people. In response to their immortality, humans made the Izayoi, a counter to the Murakumo that could not only absorb and weaponize light by could instill death in the Murakumos. This did not help humans turn the tide
He gets a fun introduction in the story too
>Es comes and is supposed to kick your shit in when you’re playing Naoto and Makoto
>Terumi becomes Susano’o and the next fight is immediately going and beating the shit out of Es
>player is allowed to get their revenge on the input reading “boss” as the game’s big final villain
Drills are for faggots, very fitting for Amane
At this point all was basically lost. The Murakumos were set to just win. So humans did the smartest thing ever. Using the Izayoi as a basis, they created a self observing, multi reality monster called The Black Beast. The Black Beast devoured everything indiscriminately. Murakumos, people, the whole world. But to humans this was fine. Takamagagara was primed to seize control of Amaterasu shortly. And once it did that, it would remake the world in a way where humans are all powerful. Yeah Earth 1.0 died. It's over.

But as Takamagahara tried to complete its purpose, something happened. The world was already being remade. Remember how humans threw away The Origin into the Boundary? Well it found it's way back to The Master Unit. And it took control of it first. And she began remaking the whole world already. And this new world is the one Blazblue takes place in.

That's right fucko. All of that was the prologue
No anon, you are the faggot (derogatory)
>6 or 7
You MIGHT survive the synopsis of Calamity Trigger, but I advice going no further.
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I'd spam kicks too if I learned from the best.
Haha kitty toe beanies sexo!!!
this, so much this ^^^
that's a man anon (forma de gato)
yes, and? The deep voice makes it like 10 times better too btw
Please do not Jubei, he's married.
I think you mean was married.
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It's cool, I don't have the time to read 200 hours of fighting game VN to learn that in a lore dump or whatever
so I'll just make my own headcanon because cat sex, capiche?
>posts the most homosexual faggot mecha anime since Legends of the blue wolves
Like clockwork
>greatest swordsman in the world
>most powerful (and "powerful") witch in the world
>gave birth to stinky flat catnip addicted NEET daughter with recreational nukes
Where did it all go so wrong, herochads?
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>ripoff of a ripoff of Terry Bogard
>and yet he manages to chuuni his way into being cool somehow anyway
How does Ragna do it?
>not GAR
Shoot, shoo, newfag.
In any other fighting game he would be edgy chuuni character, but Blazblue is so excessively edgy chuuni, he comes off as the most reasonable person in the franchise.
>father was a deadbeat
>mother was MIA
>doesn’t use any of her natural talents out of spite
She was doomed from the start.
>dying like a faggot
>implying GaoGaiGAR ins’t the tru GAR show
Get that dick split, newfaggot tranny
also, obligatory https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Emq0Xf6zVDw&pp=ygUWbHVja3kgc3RhciBnZXR0ZXIgcm9ibw%3D%3D
You forgot
>illegal body modificator
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Holy shit. Well summarized though. Maybe I'll finally understand Blazblue lore.
>GGG is OP bullshit from the start
>CHADmina has to fight overwhelming forces in mech equivalent of a pinto
Fucker knew he gonna die, but he persisted anyway and it's because of him humanity got where it was at the end.

Also any mecha power level discussions are rendered moot by Demonbane existing.
Now shut up and let's go back to retarded lore of BB franchise.
I'm sure at least one of Platinum's personalities is legal
phew what a ride
thanks for the bedtime story bro
>overwhelming forces
You’re so fucking embarrassing, you probably wouldn’t feel any shame sucking Imaishi’s micro dick in public if they let you.
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Was BlazBlue the last fighting game franchise with tru-sovl?
Under Night is faux-soul so underoosissies need not reply to me
He looks very fluffy.
>gets refuted
>immediately thinks of penis
I was thinking of how much of cocksucker you were since you wanted Amane to get more fanart, and you didn’t refute shit, you fucking cockroach
ho ho ho
go back to strive, bridget
Does UNIEL even have lore? I always thought it was just chuuni rooftop fights (and my man, my boy, my nigga Merkava, the best character in that shitshow)
Blazblue is true autism. Mori wrote a story in high school and just kept adding to it over the years.
Not even amane guy, I took offence at some faggot (hint: it's you) badmouthing drills.
To be fair BB started as a soulless GG clone until it had time to develop. Under Night might have been the same if French Bread didn't fall for the Type-Moon meme.
Right, let me guess it’s because you enjoy getting “drilled” in the rear or you got your “bussy” drilled in half and folded inside you
Wouldn't necessarily say that BB started as a soulless clone, but it did come off as a necessity since ArcSys at the time lost the rights to making new Guilty Gear fighters. I guess because they were uncertain of getting the GG rights back, they went full in on BB.
...look man if you want a bf just say so. Discord?
A BBCFBF, if you will
Why don’t you Troonen Faganns fuck off to discord and stay there
Terumi did nothing wrong. Fuck Amaterasu.
Terumi could have just enjoyed his life once he got a new body. But Terumi is also very spiteful and knowing everything is just Amaterasu's doing was unacceptable to him. He can't really kill her, he certainly did try. But shit did he make life hell for her creations
He's got Akira Ishida's voice, it's still effeminate but has that manly growl during his attacks.
It's nothing like Bridget who is literally voiced by a chick.
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Absolutely has lore.
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>it's still effeminate but has that manly growl during his attacks.
Yes and that makes it much hotter
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He hurt the kitty.
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>this breaks the bucks
fuck you George, you little faggot
Damm I miss BB.

A witches hands typed this.
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>So we been breaking bucks for 2 console generations
At least the multiplayer in BBCF got a big upswing after the rollback patch.
>he comes off as the most reasonable person in the franchise.
He IS actually the most reasonable person in the franchise, everyone else is fucking mental.
Taokaka is probably the most mentally stable, partially because she doesn't have two brain cells to knock together, partially because she just wants to grill.
Taokaka, Bang, Naoto, Tager, Kagura, Makoto, to be precise.
After what catcel have done to him he will never be the same.
I guess sure, though he's got more brain cells than Tao, but not by a large margin.
Tager is pretty sane and amicable. Makoto is too, she's just Genki but not to a retarded degree, she's pretty chill. I don't remember Valkenhayn being a retarded/insane/asshole in any major regard either, just being loyal is all.
>Terumi could have just enjoyed his life once he got a new body.
He would still be enslaved. The world and all of it's creatures are still extentions of Amaterasu's will and he couldn't stand that. If anyone deserved to win in Blazblue it was him given the amount of shit he did trying to kill Amaterasu.
Deserved. They literally enslaved him using the mind eater curse. Nines and the rest of the six heroes got what was coming to them.
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Need one of these but with Terumi
Terumi go to bed
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>I can't believe Amaterasu did this, it's horrible. I need to regain my body to escape this hellscape.

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