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Etna's mount is erupting, what means?
It smoke signals that OP is a faggot.
it means shes going to crush shota hips
I can't satisfy her.
skill issue
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imagine the smell
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Edna >>>>>>>>>>>> Etna
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I live nearby it and it has covered everything in dust, it's not fun
Something's erupting alright
S !
It just looks normal
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for me, it's Asagi
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This but unironically
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Shitalian here, Etna and Stromboli are the last 2 hyper active volcanos.
Etna erupts every now and then, but Stromboli erupts 24/7.
One is walled by anti-pyroclastic barriers, the other is in the middle of the sea.
Do not pay too much attention to them.
>all those houses
why do I find this name funny
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>Do not pay too much attention to them.
That sounds like something an active volcano would say.
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yeah she nice

That's an old photo that I took 4 months ago
Jesus that tummy
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Everything gets covered in black volcanic ash whenever Etna erupts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdhlY8jId3k
Show me your hard drives.
Just checking if you’re projecting
>Dad walks in
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Literally me on the left except I don't say they're 18.
Means you're a shitskin latinx monkey.
that was when the volcano was not that big
not it's massive and the laval usually becomes stone again in a few hours of descent
you're not allowed to build nearby the slopes anymore of obvious reasons
dood is that a thumbnail
>live next to a live volcano
>it erupts
>there is ash
>"how could this happen to us"
I thought italians were smart. Guess only tuscans are
you seem like the kind of person to know if Thad got out. Did he?
NTA but he, in fact, did. He also fucked a hooker and managed to get gonorrhea last I heard of him.
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Because they're delicious
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That does look pretty good, but I also have the hot shits currently and the mere sight of it is sending my guts into wrenching agony.
she was puffing smoke circles not that long ago, what an attention whore.
>demon monaca
Post card fag
in the 12 years of living in my town there's only been one little place that had some of the best stromboli, calzones, and meatball subs i've had. naturally its gone now and theres just chains
how's campo formio these days, youtube keep telling me it's the next hypervolcano apocalypse tragedy to come
That subtle flattie jiggle is hypnotizing.
try finger but hole
i am truley sorry for your lots, anon.
>people caring about Etna or stromboli
>when fucking Vesuvius exists
hmmm cunny
Is it a good game?
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I want to eat a delicious stromboli dinner with Etna
Pretty good, but you ned to work on your perspective lines. The bra is slipping down on her left side, exposing her.
This reads like a middle aged woman mad that chad dated a 20 year old instead
Etna doesn't act anything like a child albeit
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>employee later gf was so small and young looking that despite having 2 kids i pulled her files just to be sure she wasnt lying about her age
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You mean Campi Flegrei?
That shit is one giant caldera like Yellowstone, ready to send those subhuman Neapolitans to the fucking moon.

any good Etna artists?
Imagine her cute panting and moans
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>look 12
>act 12
Not hot
Give me my lolibabas
jewscan hands typed this post
>taking a tape measure to a board
OK carpenter-san
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Throw a virgin shota in her that should satisfy her for a minute or two
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>later gf
>having 2 kids
What happened to her again? She was conquered by his multiple choice questions right? Or was she freed from when she failed?
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Im not italian, its just that florence impressed me more than napoli
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It's been over 10 years anon, I don't remember shit. I think she managed to beat the curse but is unable to tell the MC how she did it because plot reasons.
That looks fantastic.
Plug it
I was hoping you would remind me of 10 years ago, all I remember is that she was based and the implants ojousama.
>The bra is slipping down on her left side, exposing her.
>implants ojousama

>anime girl with fake tits
never expected that
he is
t. fed
Must lick
This is not the thread for it, but it's not unheard of in anime. I've seen a few over the years. The girl in question has them in the mental choices are interfering anime and she's based. Even a recent anime has someone who supposedly has them, although it's a cute girls doing cute things type of nothing burger show where it's barely a footnote and I don't remember the name.
he's not
t. I made it up
Is beanis' pixiv gone ?
Many doors yes Ed boy!
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RIP beanis.
wtf Etna is not flat?
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Let me recommend you a book called Don Quixote
It's about a guy who can't differentiate reality from fiction
I hope it helps
On the scale of the Earth, even the tallest mountains are just tiny bumps that might as well be flat.
Altina was born in a test tube as a weapon, she looks 12 but is actually younger than that, not older.
I still love her
Wait stromboli? Like the food?
>"ever since [A competing woman] returned to the house, she has been distant..."

Ok, WHAT did they mean by this?
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oh my, how did Etna end like this?
What happened to this guy?
Nothing, I'm right here.
And the guy who made the animations?
He's taking a shit right now.
that's her butt emitting the smoke and lava
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That's kind of gay bro
I long for laharl.
I wish to rest my head on his bare chest.
What anime?
File deleted.
>what means?
Laharl should marry Etna.
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>12 years
Is he still at it?
Yeah he's got it bad, we went for tacos yesterday...
that's pretty hot
I want Etna to pee in my mouth
Anti Magic
but the show is gay as fuck because the main MC is a literal faggot
It's been 5 years and you're still not fucking done?
I told you guys should've just gone for the burritos but noooo it just HAD to be the fucking tacos

Yes, yes it is in fact a fucking thumbnail

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