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The brown ones look better
isn't the lore of the game that all the brown people are fucking dead or something
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They do. Mainstream chinese beauty has to be ghostly pale though for some reason. Even the "brown" characters in genshin have a very white complexion.
You can't just slap a brown skin into a white anime face, it looks weird
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lol americans thinking they matter at all
true, no real artist would be able to do that without vommiting.
>retards thinking race is skin deep
>for some reason
It's called colorism
Really prominent among Asians (i.e. all the whitening skin products) but even black people have it
being white IS the global standard
stay mad brown skin
Same outrage as the Sumeru one, give it a couple months and it will be forgotten, next
Yeah. It also ties into India's caste system iirc.
Disagree, but to each their own.
Mihoyo will continue pandering to China. I still don't see why we can't have a brown or two. Woke reasons be damned, though; there are better things to complain about.
Agreed, I'm a sucker for exotic girls and would love some brown gals preferably as sultry belly dancer or tribal desert girl archetypes.
>*Spends 100$ Spends 100$ Spends 100$*
Sounds like bullshit. Why China is so low?
First time in a Genshin thread? We love our fake graphs.
Light is beauty and dark is ugly. It isn't hard to understand.
Well then you can mod the game to make them how you want :^)
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2 hrs limit rule.
I find it insane how an anime game with sexualised lolis has such a rampant Tumblr faggot esque fanbase, it doesn't make any sense
I agree we need more cute brown anime girls.
Diluc and Kaeya got Genshin a fujo fanbase from the start.
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>I didn't tell you to stop playing the game, I told you to boycott them
These people are absolutely retarded LMAO.
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>but even black people have it
Got an uncle who work for a few years in Antilles.
Blacks there were utterly fucking racist to each others, based entirely on which shade of black they were.
And even in Creoles, the word for a black with lighter complexion is "shapé" which mean "saved".
>Yeah. It also ties into India's caste system iirc.
Indians come in a variety of skin tones?
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They believe the lolis are just there to be cute not funny. They're hypocrites enabled by a collective cognitive dissonance.
lmao based
white people tan for the same reason
Every nationality does, anon. That's why the makeup section of the pharmacy is so fucking long.
Damn. How can a person be this ignorant about the world?
I don't play Genshin and thus don't follow any news relating to Genshin. What exactly is the problem? What real or imagined slight managed to get the Chinese's knickers in a twist this time? What trivial thing managed to "hurt the feelings of a billion people" or whatever?
Mihoyo has enough fuck you money to make a literal sun.
poo and pooer
>white people tan for the same reason
People tan to get DARKER
Shit's the fucking opposite and nobody judges people negatively choosing to tan or not nor does it actually negatively impacts a person's life
And yet the same people are ok with the portrayal of Greeks in Hades. Lack of principles is disgusting
White people bad
Niggers good
Yeah, not an outragefag but that always bugged me
I can get the whole "The Greek Pantheon weren't Greek themselves because they're gods of the whole world not just Greece" which yeah, I can vibe with but the second you introduce/hint at the existence of other pantheons you have to wonder if double standards can be at play
colorism goes either way brainlet buddy. white people get bullied by white people for being too white just like black people get bullied by black people for being too black.
why did they start putting grandmas into game all of a sudden?
In their fantasy world there aren't darker enough
Which is funny because when you ask why Asgard has Chineses and blacks now they reply with "it's fantasy they can portray it however they want", but disapprove the same answer when it's given by hojo

I don't know the word for when you don't apply the same principles when it affects you and when it doesn't, care to help me?
2,3, 5, and some at the bottom are heavily influenced by the dominant American consensus.
It was fine when Hades did it to culture but now it's not. Lol. Lmao even. People are actually drones. Same with tenacious D guy getting cancelled. It works both ways. Sorry but there will be no nigger-kun in genshin
>white people get bullied by white people for being too white
Because when you're ghostly white it either means two things
A. You're born that way as an albino
B. You're literally dying
Portraying your imaginary world however you want is only ok if it also happens to be how I want.
You'll notice this isn't a partisan statement but will likely be interpreted as one.
Not really, it's how I can find dark skinned girls cute.
>tenacious D guy
jack black is getting cancelled?
need an albino gf I can bully
or you just can't tan for a variety of reasons. gingers are a good example of people bullied for their skin, though that's a bit deeper than mere colorism since they have freckles and particular phenotypes and hair color.
albinos are a great example too, they're always eating shit all over the world.
Why the fuck did we import the ape faced bantu and not gorgeous Ethiopians around the world?
Mainland China caring about your woke ESG DEI shit, lol lmao

Tried with Sumeru and failed
Do African Africans have this issue?
IIRC colorism among black people in America might have roots in the slave trade with lighter skinned blacks being seen as more valuable/expensive
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tanning oils should be a universal feature
you're welcome, Xi
No the other one. Jack Black kicked him off the band
>brownoids think we bully people because their skin is too light

Not really they're being eaten in Africa, they aren't the ones eating
>gingers are a good example of people bullied for their skin,
Wasn't that only a problem the second South Park made that episode making fun of discrimination to begin with?
It wasn't even commentary or personal experience, one of the creators saw a billboard of something warning of gingivitis and thought it'd be funny if it was actually about gingers because of the word
No, they don't. The pale-skinned girl looks objectively better, it's a better match with her eyes and hair.
>IIRC colorism among black people in America might have roots in the slave trade with lighter skinned blacks being seen as more valuable/expensive
No, that's retarded. Mixed people always get it worse and this goes back to basically the dawn of time. If people are different people will point that out. And there will always be favoritism based on what's more rare.
I want sex with Nyotengu
Asians are all extremely racist toward each other, too. I somehow doubt it has anything to do with the slave trade of africans.

I really hate how you zoomers that don't know anything about the world you live in
nta but no it's existed far longer than that. Anne of green gables is mocked for being ginger.
>Mixed people always get it worse and this goes back to basically the dawn of time.
In other words
>next cat hag is geo
why do they keep forcing me to roll geo girls reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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>Asians are all extremely racist toward each other, too.
That's different from their whole deal with colorism
Asian on Asian racism comes from very bad blood over very bad history like war and stuff
You see, the pendulum has swung. The shoe is on the other foot now.
And now we're going to start kicking and never stop.
God I fucking love Trump so much
But those aren't the same principles, even looking how you described it.
>A world mainly white, where some blacks are now injected
>A world mainly black, where none are there and they're all white
Logically those are not the same thing, you trying to obfuscate it adds nothing to your argument
Yeah but I don't think you need stuff like different shades of skin to hate each other. I think people just probably hate each ither and find things to blame it on or to act as markers to help decide who to hate.
>Hernes is Chinese
>Tons of blacks
>"Gets its god's right"
And now have the gall of complaining about genshin
How are their animations and designs so consistently lame? It's like an uncanny valley effect, except for personality instead of realism.
Who cares? We already know that the blackie-lovers are hypocrites. Why should we play by your rules, when you would blatantly cheat every time?
The simple fact is that dark-skinned characters are ugly, and no-one wants to see them.
You dug your own grave, now rot in it.
>I think people just probably hate each ither and find things to blame it on or to act as markers to help decide who to hate.
Because hating people is fun
>I don't know the word for when you don't apply the same principles when it affects you and when it doesn't, care to help me?
double standards but these people take it so far that they should be in prison for being annoying faggots
Outside of brainrot rightoid echo chambers, no one has as harsh a stance on this as you've indicated. You're just as retarded and unable to offer nuance, but on the other side of the coin
>A world mainly black
Where? We are still talking about Genshin, where is this black world? Same answer "is fiction, deal with it"
>gorgeous Ethiopians
>You're just as retarded and unable to offer nuance, but on the other side of the coin
At this point, do I really need to offer nuance? Neither side can convince the other either way, it's a partisan issue. Not liking dark skin is reason enough.
Like, why bother making excuses now?
For the last time random online I am not playing as a nigger
It's fantasy they can portray it however they want. You don't get to repeat this mantra whenever you change ethnicities and the act wronged when it happens to you

Btw estáis hablando con un hispano moreno el cual no se ve ofendido para nada, a mamarla por ahí
I don't see a problem with this? Greeks are black.
Cry about brownie
One erases a minority the other doesn't, retard beaner
There are no minorities in fantasy, tho.
Why would fantasy China-land have black people? Is there a fantasy Wakanda too?
>Mentions Trump
Found the troon
Yeah man totally
And Cleopatra was African
She was born in Africa despite having Greek/Macedonian ethnicity, technically she was African. The word you were looking for was black, because being born in Africa doesn't mean you're black, see Elon Musk
there are far more beautiful bantus than ethiopians
also west africans(american blacks) are not bantu, retard
I can't believe people like this are arguing in good faith on 4chan of all places. There's also not the slightest hint of irony in its posts. Are you for real, nigger?
>still no Lisa
Anyways I agree with OP
>She was born in Africa despite having Greek/Macedonian ethnicity, technically she was African.
Lol try saying that in egypt, see how well it works out for you
I wonder how the lawsuit went.
A few years ago I would think he's falseflagging or trolling, now after seeing these same answers in media and people on the streets? Not sure anymore
Boycott Ubisoft for bastardising Japanese culture and history: Nah.
Boycott Hoyoverse for fictional characters not having the “correct” skin tone: Yes.
?? The republic of Egypt is located in Northern Africa, am I missing something? Again my point is being African=!black
reminds me of this egyptian who also sued over racial crap,
even the brown in the "fixed" version from OP is at most a tan. they themselves know how retarded it would look to make a random anime girl with dark skin. just doesnt look good unless you design a black character from the start, with their facial features and all.
Becausa grannies are cool! You will love to play as one! :)
That's been debunked, Cleopatra was of Persian / Iranian descent.
>Outside of brainrot rightoid echo chambers
>the "soft racism" of the left treating black people like monkeys who don't know how to use voting machines and calling Clarence Thomas every slur you can think of after repealing Roe v. Wade? they don't count.
LMAO. Your days are numbered, leftoid.
illiterate fuck
I have my doubts she had enough % to look like one taking into account there were only 2 instances of ancestor like 200 years prior. That would be like saying Obama is white because he had a white grandmother
The same happens if you slap a white skin on a black person... well, not quite, they are fugly IRL, at least white on black just looks off.
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they try to appeal to me personally but somehow keep making games in the genres i don't play
>That would be like saying Obama is white because he had a white grandmother
if I recall correctly, Queen Tiye had a white father but was otherwise entirely African with looks to match that and I've seen a lot of people argue she was white. It's funny.
most of these outrage chimps are only in it because they cant stop worshipping nigs/shitskins and also because they hate china for not bending the knee to the jew
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Don't asians whiten their skin because of some past class system long before europeans set foot where if you were tan you were considered a filthy day laborer and if your skin was pale it meant you were wealthy enough to afford to stay inside all the time away from the sun?
Every single historical civilization that was capable of it (and has extant records) considered paleness as an attractive trait. Even today, it's only mongrelized whites who bought into the meme that tans look good; everyone else (including nonwhites who fit the above criteria) still prefers fair complexions. Look at something like Turkish or Indian movies and television. Whatever you might think of them as people, they haven't forgotten what attractive people are supposed to be.
>Long before Europeans
Nah it was still European fault because they sent their racism mind waves across the globe even before they met
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The reason black characters don't sell well isn't because of racism, it's because black people make up only a tiny fraction of the customer base. For a group whose representatives constantly screech about representation, it seems baffling that they won't allow that same wish for representation for any other group. Also, as an additional bonus, it's amazing to hear "whitewashing" and other borderline anti-white sentiment in an argument between chinese and black people, with literally no whites involved whatsoever. White people truly are the scapegoat for everything.
It's mostly due class system, fair meant you weren't a dirty peasant working under the sun. Like how girls pay insane amounts for gucci, balenciaga, and other brands despite not being rich, is to give the appearance of being of noble birth. We didn't change much since we were spearing mamoths
you prove yourself wrong talking about tanning, retard
I remember someone saying back then being skinny was seen as a negative because it'd symbolize you being poor
Admittedly part of me thought that was fatty cope
>a few f2p sjw twitter fags crying about how every character isnt niggafied.
if any of these stupid as fuck sjws keyboard warriors think they will change anything about china, they better think again. They wouldnt even show black panthers face in the black panther movies or posters.
most brown cultures like bigger women because they feel better
Europeans are that powerful?
Pale is hot. Tan is hot. You can't convince me to not be attracted to women because of bollywood standards. I don't live in India or Turkey, why would you expect me to share their tastes? You can have your tastes but this argument is retarded.
Historically this is true but nowadays (in first world countries) tan isn't a marker of anything.
I've seen most tweets reference colorism specifically and not whitewashing. Perhaps we've seen different tweets but it's important not to generalize.
>anime face
Find a single white person (or 3d human being at all, for that matter) with facial anatomy that resembles a genshin impact anime style character.
They have to be, it's the only explanation for why countries all over the world were dealing in slavery, colonization, racism, sexism, homophibia, etc long before meeting Europeans
I said civilizations. Mongrelized whites aren't civilized, they're lobotomized cattle.
go make your own game brownoids
Having an inner monologue is a super-power that allow whites to say the N-word at will in their mind.
This result in a racism field projecting a significant distance outside their body.
When more whites get together, those racism fields enter resonance and exponentially grow in size, reaching places whites haven't even colonized yet.
If whites weren't only 7% of the world population, the psychic N-word would be felt up to Proxima Centauri, according to the most conservative estimations.
Can it be like the asians with 50% plastic in their face that turns them into anything but asian?
>Japan plays more Genshin than the Middle Kingdom itself
It's over. The Mandate has been lost. Billions must be fried....VGH!
You call other people cattle but you are literally part of the herd. Your entire argument is just other people's opinions, if other guys thought black women were hot you would say you do too
You know the hypermajority of people complaining are white american liberals with a guilt complex.
>t. white american liberal without a guilt complex
No, they're concerned individuals with principles of all social strata
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Characters can be white, brown, black or whatever as long as they give a boner
>t. Mexican
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you know what the brown one does look better, but not for the reasons they think, this looks better because it's implied to be a heavy tan which makes sense for a beach bitch, gives gyaru vibes. chocolate is good in small amounts.
t's not like Hoyo would do anything to change the characters as they are now. It'll be a long wait to see what they do with any characters from Lansan's tribe, though. It would really just be a slider from white to red to brown from this one region.
Burgers are mentally ill.
this is different than the one above tho?
Clear tan lines on brown girls make them immediately one magnitude better.
Tan lines are to race play what lingerie is to eroticism.
I don't care about dark skin anime anime girls, they're inherently east asian coded to me so giving them dark skin does nothing, they still look like so.
>Mihoyo will continue pandering to China.
>I still don't see why we can't have a brown or two.
Is Nilou still the best companion for Nahida?
And why to begin with?
yes, because Nahida applies a shit ton of dendro
And what does nilou do that's so good
Apply a shitload of hydro?
And then you get what, someone like Raiden to do hyperblooms?
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Yes get her costume as well
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> waaaah my hot chinese waifu's aren't diverse enough!
Is that really what ANYONE who plays these games is looking for? Racial diversity?
>Apply a shitload of hydro?

she creates much more powerful bloom cores when her teammates are all hydro/dendro
>nilou hyperbloom
you are probably too stupid to roll, try learning to read first
nice ass
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I think it's funny how these people are so desperate for something to cling to that they just take slightly tanned characters and call them representation now kek
somehow picrel passes as black now
I see, thanks
Kys retard
You're too stupid to breathe
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Aye, 'Jade like beauty' is a compliment for women with very white skin.
Jade is green not white
exactly, dark skinned = low class working the fields in the sun all day
It's funny how Greek and Roman beauty standards were both similar and reverse. They idealized paleness of women, but thought that men should have a heavy tan because it was seen as sign of a man who trains for wars and goes to wars and was considered much preferable to being idle rich.
Jade can be in several colors, due to impurities. Green is the most common impurity, with Chrome.
"Pure" Jade without impurity is white to transparent grey.
>bloody toe nails
Can leftists go one day without being hypocrites?
they don't and you are black
kill yourself
not my Athena
That's true, could even go darker honestly. Love me some brownime girls.
But I also don't want the westoids to win so eh keep them white.
why dont they just put in a sexy dark skinned anime girl like that bunny from blue archive?
Tanlines are the greatest thing ever, especially when the girl is naturally really pale. I seriously hate how some of these retards see a tanned character and immediately assume they're the most gorilla nigger this side of the continent.
Because Koreans have seen the outside world at least and the Chinese would probably scream in fear of seeing anyone 1% different hue than them.
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It's hilarious how angry nonwhites get whenever they catch the slightest whiff of white skin. God I love being white*. I love being superior in every way to darkies.

(*actual white european, not american "white")
>mainstream chinese beauty
>"We NEED to have brown/nigger girls in our Chinese anime game!"
>"seen most tweets"
Why the fuck do Xfags keep coming here? Holy fuck, you have 4 fucking months. Your days are numbered, retards.
But enough about you, Mohamed
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Oooo would look at that, an Amerimutt triggered by a proper white person. Like clockwork
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>They do.
>Mainstream chinese beauty has to be ghostly pale though for some reason
"FoR sOmE rEaSoN" Beauty isn't subjective anymore when you need to get your quotas, huh, leftards? How about you stop dictating to foreigners who are natives in their own country what to do/like/behave like? Or is imperialism good now, all of a sudden?

These entitled idiots went insane years ago with Sumeru but this time they absolutely shat the bed with their entitlement.
Go play the woke skin color quota games shat out by western companies on a yearly basis. It's not like it's year 2002 and there's barely any dark skin characters in video games.

All this crying and bitching about a chinese phone game but nobody cried and bitched that Greek gods in Hades 2 were blackwashed. Fucking hypocrites.
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Prevaricative reminder
Bottom is perfect.
Because niggers are disgusting
Don't be like that, I'm sure they also complained about God of War and AC Valhalla having black and Asian characters aka people of the wrong ethnicity in those cultures, right? They wouldn't be fucking hypocrites for sure
These people have principles, they aren't partisan hacks, they care about faithful representation.
This is better because of contrast, skin color should only ever be treated as another color on the design, no different from hair or clothes. Not as a benchmark for racial equity. The saturated brown contrasts with the pale colours. The light tan marks only further accurate the contrast. Far better than the original or the gray chocolate milk one in op.
I want a fat genshin character that has a 3% chance of farting every step when running
US is their third biggest source of revenue
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been collecting niggers, anybody want to buy?
why the pronouns
>ZIggers and holohos that high
it's different in the west. here in europe, the people who are wealthy and can afford a holiday have tan.
The higher the melanin the lower the profits
Where the europeans?
Fake. China is more like 80% of Genshin's playerbase. The only exceptions are big patches like 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 etc. Burgers get excited for new region, then get bored after two weeks when they explored most of the map and have to sit down and read 20 hours of text boxes to catch up with the story.
Whales are human garbage
God, I dread having to actually finish Fontaine's story before exploring Natlan.
Americans are into this reddit/Guardians of the Galaxy look.
some of those are just tanned whites, let out people free
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Well, it's not like most of them actually play the game
It's always funny how they are always "it's their culture you have to respect it" but the moment not enough blackerinos appear on it they go full nazi on them calling them beaners, chinks, gook, etc
>I-I still need to do my dailies, I can't stop playing!!
lips are bad
it doesn't.
it never does.
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Even the Chinese are complaining about her repeating character designs.
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COOM diversity is important
About who repeating?
anime characters are typically seen white anyway
and why people keep saying the skin color?
genshin is using cultural inspirations not cultural appropriation to create a fictional world and people first say is the skin color
culture would exist anyway even if you are blue skin or green skin

I'm okay with it because she's basically Mina.
I agree but I hate twitter so very much so I support mihoyo ignoring them.
I love how racist the chinks are but it's genuinely become self-harm now, because we're getting deprived of some cute brown waifus in Genshin because of it
isnt there like 3 brown character in sumeru already?
and another 3 for natlan patch
thailand + hongkong + china is the same playerbase(chinese) they just separate the 3 due to server difference
Holy ESL, kill yourself or learn proper grammar
How are anime characters white?
We wuz anime?
Pick related a pink haired human being
>bunny from blue archive
only nigs and westerns that don't play the game cares about her though.
>but artis-
they're riding on westoids and nigs money.
Even Arisu, Yuuka, Koharu, Hina and Hoshino have more art than her.
lol these days there a people calling themselves transrace
taking some skin darkening pills and over tanning so they can call themselves black for no reason
kek this anon see one black greek and calls all of them black
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oh hey thats neat
>let's you make tanlines
>chinese pov thinking you are all the same american people
surely you think people dont generalize people of the same country
Picked the fuck up.
Jesus, what a mug. I can understand why the Chinese worship European features.
Brown skin is unattractive, this is a universal truth.
Can I get a better look at bottom left, not to purchase just to laugh at?
100% could use a black character if i want a loud and rude character in a story/game
they seem to be really good a portraying the idea of it
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>nig NFTs
Picked up
anon you making this girl tan worse
if you going to keep her tanlines white you cant say shes black shes just over tanned
>he says, his streets filled with his islamic masters
Pretty based soem colors are just more aesthetic
and thats a good thing
Sorry anon but I prefer my women like my coffee with milk, Okinawan.
was there a black characters only gacha game?
i wonder if there is so we can check that game's market
it is fatty cope, being fat meant you were stealing more than your fair share of food and thus increasing chances of everyone else starving

obesity has never been a positive thing, always negative, and fatties have been depicted as greedy pigs in ancient societies
Sorry God and nature, China just designs better browns that yall do
because skinny is not skin and bones thin
and the range of skinny is large enough that it sometimes borderline to chubby

but being just fat to the point you cant see your toes when you stand straight is just sickness
You know whats crazy?
You are white and you are INSANELY undesirable
Like we couldn't give you away if we tried. How do you manage to be white and undesirable? Kek you'd have to go to Indian around the other untouchable for you to be desired in any way
Did you just assume that poster was white?
Isn't he? I assume he wouldnt glaze whites if he wasn't one well anon
>>682928872 are you white?
How long until Mihoyo bends the knee?
Eventually, there are internal factions that lost when they fucked over Deyha, they may surge again.
It's not a big deal, it'll be anime brown like Nessa anyway.
How did they ruin dehya?
2 countries out of the entire EU don't account for the rest
sweden and england made their bed
Lol France and Germany are full of muslims
>Brown girls
>White hair
Name a more iconic duo
>Ummm actually in CroatSlavBulgaristan we only have 500,000 niggers ha!!!
Made her purposely trash gameplay-wise (as in, one of the worst 5* in the game), because they knew she would sell ten times more than the fujobaits otherwise.
And US is full of niggers.
I'm not sure this the own you think it is.
>pale = beautiful
>dark = ugly
is the standard in the whole world, it only changed in the west in the last decade
I honestly believe that Genshit impact fans are the biggest subhumans in gaming right now.
Somehow even worse than pokefags.
Rumor was that fujo faction nerfed her visual and dumped her into standard banner using her dark skin as an excuse... because they hated her for being too sexy.
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Never. Chinese are already mocking americans.
Can someone who plays this garbage tell me why they had brown characters since the very start (the ice dude) but somehow they don't make the characters inspired by south American culture brown as well? Like wtf is the problem, they clearly already have brown characters in the game!
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>isn't the lore of the game that all the brown people are fucking dead or something
Wait was genshit always this based?
I might... I might try it after all...
On a second thought , nah
Gatcha shit
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It's literally a distinctly anime look. See K' from KOF, Archer from FSN, T-elos from Xenosaga or my wife from Turn A Gundam. It was actually pretty trendy at one point.
Yeah and that sounds a lot like projection and insecurity lmao
that's a boy
They said the same thing about Japan and they are now owned by Blackrock
Japs are part of the US banking superstructure.
Chinks are not, simple as.
Brown skin is safe horny now

>Umm akshually I prefer brown skin
Same energy as
>Uhm I actually like realistic armor on girls, bikini armor sucks!
Japan is america's vassal state since ww2.
why? Americans aren't the main audience and if they do they'll get branded as weak and cowards.
japan is such a shit hole
You mean the places that don't breed? Yeah like we need a bunch of incels telling us what beauty is. If you are all so desirable why aren't you fucking each other?
Brown is literally the color of poop
>safe horny
I miss this. For a good while it was essentially just a cool character design quirk with no greater narrative behind it.
read a book
light skin has been the beauty standard in every civilization since the dawn of time
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>Whites are the most beautiful gifted people on the planet!!
Sounds like your overcompensating
"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's" lol
I bet this sounded much smarter in your head.
That's who I thought of to.
I hope they support inclusive gacha instead
cutie orange hawaiian nigress
>We are so beautiful and smart and gifted we are like the elves in lotr
And yet you don't breed here let me show you your ancestors contributions to humanity
Spoiler he's not on the horse
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It's hilarious that just being brown gave you such an inferiority complex.
My African Queen!
They made such disservice to this poor girl
Look at the smile on these chaps faces that's the stuff dreams are made of
I mean, the average middle-age white peasant still accomplished more than 99% of all niggers ever did or ever will.
The bar to be superior to them is so low, even our lowest of the low are still indeed better contributors to humanity.
>thread about brown girls
>turns into /pol/ tier racism thread
do you retards never get tired of this
lol imao. Now that the wyte pipo are this place must be paradise on earth.........Oh wait, it's a shithole run my gang of cannibals
the workers seem to be accomplishing a lot more than the guy on the horse althoughbeit
As a French, I thanks modern Haiti for existing and providing free "Honhonhon" on a semi-yearly basis.

Best part is that everyone here was in agreement that brown-skinned girls are nice.
It only turned racist once some "good" people insist they should have ape face on top of it.
Even though anime people are literally deformed abominations, they will always seem kinda asian too me. Skin colour doesn't really matter so much as race facial features do. Race swaps are always the worst when they feel like fucking up the hair and giving them wide noses and thick lips. To me the best looking black women are always the ones who have non black facial features, the type you can tell at a glance has more white heritage than she probably realises or cares to admit.
hello based department
yeah we got a live one
the purest type of jade in china is white, green jade is a novelty in china because of it
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Stop complaining and post cute girls with dark skin.
Modding skin tone in geshin is the easiest shit. There's plenty of mods out already for that too. I'm more concerned about modding back in proper underwear instead of those dumb granny pantaloons all the bitches wear.
Because these people do not have a personality, they live their lives following their social media bubble while holding a soapbox construction manual. That becomes apparent by how you find these people not just in something like eastern gacha games (where you rightfully wonder "Why? Why are they here of all places?"), but every other game game, community, hobby or niche that was or is getting ruined. They will quite literally figure out something exists that week that others like through social media, join in like they are deeply invested and then are surprised and baffled that it doesn't align completely with their social media dictated tastes. And so in their confusion the one other thing they know and are used to from social media comes into play and everything starts looking like a pile of planks ready for construction. Because obviously they are perfect virtuous beings on the ride side of history, so it isn't them who need to change (or move on), but the thing needs to change to fit into and validate their narrow worldview.

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