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What is peak character design for you? Mine is women in armor.
Women in military gear
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Female robots that have no face
shameful beta males
Women can have WW3 for themselves.
Women in armor being raped by men so that they know their place.
Im at the lowest point in my entire life
Mine is
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Women in armor being raped by disgusting, skin-crawling giant insects and turned into broodmothers for hundreds of larvae who are birthed, grow nice and fat, and then proceed to rape their own mother.
That sounds a bit problematic
Me too, anon. Wish you the best.
Here is your (you)s
You mean you don't have sex or own a house? That's the entire thing really. It's not a hard thing. Some guys got to be disabled mutts. Imagine being a robot machine and having to shoot yourself.
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women in cum
probably just a matter of time till "rape sexual" gets added to the LGBTQIPOC+ Flag So, maybe be more forward thinking about your fellow queers?

Remember, Diversity™ and Inclusion™! Its everyone's strength!
I just love women bros. They're so cute and huggable. God I wish women were real.
Female armor should follow the female form. If it's a fridge like a male one what's the point
God said he made tormented and Uber bosses for us
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Elves in armor?
At least post real art not ai slop dawg
Halo armor doesn't do it for me. But I like Combine or Black Ops assassins I guess, but that's more of a latex fetish thing.
I like women in historical armor, but only if it's at least semi realistic and preferably not late medieval plate stuff.
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>High tech combat gear
>Sci-fi space suits
Aw yeah, it's fappin' time.
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I said armor not naked woman >>682918216
>Black Ops assassins
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Can real art do this?
now that's hot
Aestetics and coolness are way more important, and armors in fiction never protected anything
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I like cute girls
I like heavy armor
I like cute girls in heavy armor
>What is peak character design for you?
cool helmet, outfit has bits that move in the wind (cape, scarf, poncho, etc.)
women with short hair big tits and a cute butt and only wearing enough clothes to not be considered "half-naked"
now let's discuss women's income
She wouldn't be able to adventure then
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Gas mask wearing mooks
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I'm torn between female ninjas and women in big poofy/ flowing dresses. Both get me diamond hard.
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Environment should affect the character's appearance.
For example injuries should be visible on the body as well as dirt.
i gotta give halo women cutting a nice figure in full body space armor
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Now this is good
Please never post shitface nuLara as a positive example ever again
She's the hottest Lara.
The old one is silly with balloon boobs and bad outfits.
weird fetish but okay
I hate women, so faceless or heavily caricatured suits and armor sets let me enjoy the female form without being reminded of the vile beings that exist underneath it.
I can't take women in armor seriously because women in combat roles is stupid. Even if she had decades of training, I could beat up any woman with ease and I haven't trained or worked out a day in my life.
Yes I am fat and still stronger than any woman.
>Blah blah autism
>headshots you
lol lmao
You sound like a woman, I want you to know that if this was irl I could beat you up.
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>how do you like your girls?
60' tall and made of metal.
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>muddy generic desexualized millennial next door with bogged scanface
Lmao she looks like shit and she's nothing like Lara.
The old one is fantastic, has great face and tits and awesome outfits.
Basically you are either a gay contrarian or vidya journo
Last couple of Lara's before nuLara look better. Would look even better if they had pale skin.
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Women in chainmail bikini armor
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Love me some robofucking.
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Bodysuits with that type of jacket are the absolute best, wish more vidya had it
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>what is good design for characters
Sexy Evil Ladies

And there is two variations I fucking love.
>Undead / Witch or Necromancer Lady wearing black frilly dresses with armor
>Big Giant Berserker non-human (like an Orc) wearing next to nothing or furs / leathers
I made my pawn the first one in Dragon's Dogma 2 if we're talking about recent games.
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Ive seen this bitch a lot, its overall beautiful but god damn the panties ruin so much
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gimme bad bitches in big armor
This but with an open crotch so I have somewhere to stick my dick.
>he says posting a 5'2" femlet with mommy/daddy issues
This only works when the armor is feminine in design. Most modern faggots will simply put them in male armor.
Safe horny garbage
Women but they're aliens and also bigger than me and also they love me and also we're married (but only to 1 because polygamy is a sin)
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don't talk like that about MY KING
peak aesthetic
Peak character design?
Bikini armour, of course
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Wrong. You're at the highest point of the rest of your life.
then she gets headshot by a robot because in the far future human infantry would not exist
built for nero trainer cock
Femlet, lmao
The queen of /v/
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Good taste.
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best part of IV
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I've recently come to understand the appeal of this.
Where is this from?
Spiderfag, is that you?
How about pregnant armored ladies?
Do they simply stop wearing armor piece for abdomen? Do they get a custom job armor to protect their big, triplet pregnant belly? What about their swollen lactating breasts? Do they enlarge their chestpiece to accomodate for them? How do they deal with leakage? Armored breast pumps? Drains?
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The former.
You can't post something like that without also posting a link to an uncensored version.
They don't even give fem-Spartans big asses anymore
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>She's the hottest Lara.
Gay or blue haired hambeast?
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Looks straight out of some chink gachashit, on top of being generic anime garbage. Get the fuck out of the thread.
Sorry if I'm not black like you
I'll leave you to your negress stuff then, Tyrone
you are so obsessed because its in your programming but instead of getting what you want you just abuse your brain by looking at a bunch of rearranged pixels like a bunch drug addicts
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kinda weird how Remake has female black robes but no SOLDIERs
girls with twintails
bonus points for small breasts too
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Circular women
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Women in armor with frills and laces
>obligatory scene where she takes it all off to take a shower with MC
I want to feel a female super soldier's body warmth on my skin after the takes off her armor.

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