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Retvrn to Teamspeak, white man
are teamspeak chats encrypted?
the TOS told you this was happening, why are people surprised?
nobody reads them
>maybe you should
they're made obtuse and overly long on purpose
>doesn't mean you can't google what they mean
the point of the TOS is to give the company the ability to do whatever they want while making it as obscure to the customer as possible, ideally skipping it altogether to give them carte blanche for unscrupulous data collection and sale
TOS? Never watched him.
>xisters need a break with wumpus to not ack xerselves from interacting with each other
you have to have your own server.
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lol @zoomer retards
bring back Clyde
For me? It's IRC
you host your own teamspeak server like a real man
and yes there's optional encryption for the paranoid fucks
>no e2ee
lol okay mr cia i will spin up a ts server and invite all my friends
it's simple fact people who care about E2E encryption use it... to talk to other E2E encryption enjoyers about E2E encryption and nothing else
Im going back to Raid call
This is what I used but I remember it being called mIRC unless there was variations. Never used Teamspeak.
nobody reads the tos lol
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why don't you use element? you can use the gay UK host address for your accounts, or your own, you can encrypt communications, and it makes poos seethe.
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>replaces U with V
>still uses W
> paranoid fucks
> multiple crimes have only been proven due to recordings made by digital devices without consent
> oh my gawd u gaiz are soo paranoida y wud dey read ur messages?
I don't know, why do they do it? If it's not a big deal they wouldn't do it. Not giving a fuck about your privacy is a you problem.
Now integrate Mumble into it and you have the perfect platform. Or just use it separately.
discord was never good and they openly said they were going to scan private messages years ago
it shouldn't be legal, but I don't know why people act surprised

also, what's that on the left anyway? does discord just interrupt your conversation when you've been talking for a long time like nintendo games do when you've been playing too long? what the fuck
But I never left?
>multiple crimes have only been proven due to recordings made by digital devices without consent
Just don't do crimes nigga?
don't be a UKuck and the cyber police won't come after you for mean tweets
unironically move to Ireland
I’m sure if you look closely at V and W, you can find a relationship between them that predates “double-u.”
IRC is the protocol, mIRC is one of the many clients you can use for it. i personally used hexchat, but afaik mIRC was the most popular one
This feature only exists for minors. I really see no problem here, if you run into this you literally need to grow the fuck up.
Violating the privacy of children is worse than violating the privacy of adults.
Contract enforced by the X button? Lol
weren't these images confirmed to be fake?
The TOS could say literally anything and people would still agree because even as an example, a paid product could just change the terms saying you have to sell your soul to use it and you'd have no choice. Americans don't have rights.
>Americans don't have rights.
or souls, so the contract would be null and void
What's a good alternative for Discord? I don't want video calls, or voice calls, or Nitro-animated avatars.

>a paid product could just change the terms saying you have to sell your soul to use it and you'd have no choice
Name one example of this happening.
Who ever said you needed a soul to sign a contract?
I only ever used it once or twice to try to find some ebooks, years ago.
When you type and post on 4chan literally every single government can see you and can perfectly connect it to your address and real name.
>he doesn't know
Hava Nagila
>What's a good alternative for Discord?
Any chat program that your friends use.
Reminder this is pound me in the ass prison tier illegal and anyone is able to start criminal prosecution without police or district attorney approval.
>No answer
Why not just use Steam chat?
I have a small group of friends and I use discord to communicate with them and that's it. I can't imagine using it for anything else. lmao fuck this piece of shit (the only reason I continue to use it is because the aforementioned friends don't want to use an alternative. yes I know, my life is suffering.)
Steam gets slower with every update.
For me? I have no friends so I talk about my day in a personal custom made blog nobody knows about and I will eventually back up everything on several books so that in the future after I'm dead I will become a legend
Does discord have de-bloated versions you can install?
It's just so needlessly full of shite.
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>electron app
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Why didn't TeamSpeak take off?
It is superior in every way. I remember only doing TeamSpeak in 2012-18 and I didn't even need an account.
The whole thing is so easy and fast to set up, withint 3 minutes and works as a charm.
It took me a hour to set up discord. Make account, can't do shit wait for security code, confirm accounts log it, navigate cluttered UI search server, can't do shit in server, apply for higher access with stupid smiley, get access hour later , mic doesn't work, search options , fix mic, etc etc....

TeamSpeak was
>Open program
>Invite friends

I hate normoids and Mutts so much. It took of from Muttmerica and the europoor normoids followed suit
TeamSpeak was the shit, sadly nobody uses it anymore.
It literally has de-bloated versions.
Because it sucked. Vent was better and that had its issues.
>return to teamspeak
nowadays I only use discord to chat with my friends and stream games/movies. not defending discord but I'm not sure if teamspeak can do that
You dumb motherfucker that's why I set my name to Anonymous
TOS are not laws anyways, I will just sue them if I have to, it aint hard
What did they do that was illegal?
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It had a brief 15 minutes of fame when the only other options was MSN and Xfire.
Then vent came alone and took over.
>People already forgetting the "big outcry" when they updated the ToS to include "you completely resign from the ability to sue us".
Teamspeak? Discord? Retard, just call your friend over the phone while playing games.
Ah, yes, when they sneakily added the arbitration clause.
ts2 > vent > ts3 >>> shit > discord
what kinda destitute 2005 eeePC netbook are you using to need to "debloat" fucking discord
>you completely resign from the ability to sue us

That would never stand up in court.
>nooo, why can't I groom children in peace?
Pedos btfo
I don't *need* to. I want to becasue It's full of shit I don't want.
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Okay i still post loli and talk about niggers and jews. The fuck discord jannies gonna do about it?
>this program has features i don't use and now i am mad
total STEMnigger death
Nobody is forcing you to use their services
I don't care. I don't fucking care.

It's always the same with privacy freaks. If you're not grooming minors or building bombs then there is no reason to care. Nobody will ever read your messages out of the literally billions of messages in this scanning database.

You are not important enough to spy on. The government is not going to go crazy and hunt you down for talking about TND with your neckband friends. Stop acting like schizophrenics.
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I shared that vid to my buds of of that russian guy's head getting turned into pink mist by that Ukrainian chick in a pitch black trench bunker with a Famas. We both laughed about it and never got this warning. I've never even seen this warning before and I share violent shit,racist shit, and awful shit so this must be a message only for pedo's or rapists.
Yes. Why do you want bloat you will never use?
I am so happy both the law and courts have largely stopped listening to this dogshit argument
You shouldn't even need complex regulations to get this through, all forms of civil law across the globe impose good faith behaviour on contracting parties
because it doesn't affect me in the slightest if i just don't use something but it still exists
I wish my country never enters an actual war
I wouldn't want my death to be posted on some swedish fish-fermenting forum
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What spying is going on is AI automated at that. Even then you can just turn said AI moderation off.
>You are not important enough to spy on
I don't care, CIA, you're still not getting the sauce of my loli folder
Please explain why you think it's better to have slower, more bloated software.
All lawyers should be killed on sight for engaging in legalese.
>install teamspeak for cs:go
>join public server
>no problems
>enter faceit tourny with team
>hey join our room
>this room is using an updated version of teamspeak do you want to update ?
>click yes
>steam account gone
never again its just IIRC with even less security
Run it in a browser you absolute pleb.
oh no it takes 0.0023 ms to do something when it could take 0.0021 if this mess of a codebase was """DEBLOATED""" what horror
AI does not run locally.
This man loves paying taxes. Give this man more taxes.
It's not that I don't believe you, it's that I don't believe you.
kek no way you fell for that
>Doesn't sanity check links before clicking
>Doesn't check the direct TS site to double check if bullshitting
You'd fall for this type of scam in a fake ass paypal email as well you fucking idiot.
>i-it's written in p-piles of legalese, therefore it's ok!
>b-but it's l-legal so it's morally acceptable!
kill yourself corporate cuck.
Desperation is a turnoff.
There's a browser version? Never knew that.
>Can't explain why he wants slower programs
Why not anon? Why do you want all of your software to be slower?
>clicks random links some rando pastes into his chat
>downloads and installs random software without checking
appstores have turned zoomers into drooling retards.
i like it when the programs i use can do more than "run fast" like have actual features for people to use, i know it's a hard concept to grasp for you distro hopping troonix tards that a program could serve more purpose than looking pretty when you take a screenshot of your desktop and terminal but some of us actually use our computers
It's OK, it's just a little bit slower
And it's getting a little bit slower
And it's getting a little bit slower
And it's getting a little bit slower
Why do you care just buy better hardware
>Changes the topic
The whole premise is, the software is bloated with things you don't want. Don't change topic.
Why do you want software to run slower, and be bloated with features you will Literally Never Use?
You keep avoiding the question. Please tell us why you think slower software is better than fast software.
>slower software
found the poorfag. only poors rocking steaming toasters complain about 'bloat'
ok, go ahead and post every single private message you sent and received in the past month
you got nothing to hide, yes?
when teamspeak actually fucking mates a persistant irc chat then maybe. Fuck me.
>couldn't answer the question
Why not?
the discord app runs like absolute dogshit. Caring about software bloat is what separates a real developer from an indian codemonkey.
It's literally in the op you nigger
>no friends
What court? You cannot sue them.
Upgrade your 2500k toaster retard
They've ALWAYS scanned all your messages, and they've always said that they do. How do retards think they can afford to keep the servers running?
Why should he when the performance issues are entirely software based?
If you are using an ancient toaster you have zero rights to complain about software quality
open the notification bay and scroll down, it lags even on modern hardware.
It's a bad design. The mobile application is even worse, not a month goes by that they dont completely break something on it.
You misunderstand the point of data collection. The point of data collection is not to trawl through everything you say at all times and punish you for it. There isn’t enough time, and even if there was you don’t matter.

The point of data collection is that one day 7 years from now when you’re an important person in the latest net neutrality push, or you’re a whistleblower for a major corporate scandal, or you have just published a newspaper article that could destroy the credibility of the head of a federal agency… someone has now got access to 20 years of things you’ve done and said and can go find something in there that’s objectionable enough to discredit you, or humiliating enough to blackmail you.

Anonymity is armor, idiot.
>No answer
Sometimes I feel like I'm going mad when talking about this sort of stuff with people, there are probably millions of messages being sent every second, if you're not planning anything illegal and being extremely dumb about it, who the fuck cares? I've jacked off to some fucked up shit using my company's PC and there's been literally no repercussion and there never will be. Stop fucking being schizos about governments that care even less about you as an individual than that.
>runs like absolute dogshit
works on my machine. sounds like a skill issue
mIRC was the retard-proof client.
>Faggots will give up all their rights just because spyware is easy to use
I hate this gay earth.
You asked for this for using this kind of manipulative advertising software to begin with, you're even aware of that.
You have no rights anyway, why do you care, no one gives a shit about you
I see it senpai. Was just hoping for someone to confirm if it means what I think it means - that they're scanning private messages with their shitty AI bot to ostensibly analyze sentiment of them.
>people actually sucking dicksord client this hard
the youth are so cucked its unreal.
Enjoy your nitro retards.
>they're made obtuse and overly long on purpose
I keep reading this constantly. Literate people can quickly skim through legal word salad and get to the meat and potatos.
>making it as obscure to the customer as possible
The internet solved that too by providing just a very site for this, TOSDR.
>blah blah customer's fault
Yes! People are over grown children who are bullied and just take it just so they can satiate their immediate current desire like a chimp and deal with the consequences later.
>You have no rights anyway
Speak for yourself
>why do you care
>no one gives a shit about you
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So it's basically over for me anyways? Fuck.
You're not disproving his first point, if anything you're confirming it.
Ah so you're one of those retards that call "showing off terrible cosmetics and how much I enjoy wasting money on fake digital goods" good "features".
it can only be over if it ever would've started anon.
Discord was always a Chinese botnet tho
kek poorfag mentality, upgrade your fucking toaster retard
I hope they have fun with all the loli porn.
Never denied it or disproved it, emphasis on the second sentence first two words.
>I keep reading this constantly. Literate people can quickly skim through legal word salad and get to the meat and potatos.
How is that disproving the point?
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Yeah. Go and manually dl this exe and rub it.
Anyways I prefer Mumble over TS and Vent.
>but you CAN

Anyone who makes excuses for current levels of legalese should be publicly flogged.
But who cares? If you weren't pedophiles none of you would use Discord anyways.
get back on Vent or I'll have you bent
anyone who defends electron bloatware deserves to be hanged from that fact alone. and it only gets worse when you add the draconian terms of use, the periodic chat scanning, the sale of your info, putting shitty emoticons behind paywalls, etc.
mircbros, we keep on winning.
voice chat? what's that?
Electron wouldn't be half-bad if windows was decent at library sharing.
It would still be bloated to fuck for use, but at least you wouldn't have chrome installed like 10 fucking times like an average machine does.
Terms of Service are not legally binding, it's basically bullshit until it's brought to court.
>Heh, I'll use this program without reading the TOS.
>bad thing happens because you violate TOS
Not my problem.
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*blocks your argument*
you seriously can't defend that shit.
some randos made discuck clients that use 40 MB of RAM and less than 0.0% CPU, stupid faggot.
Electron should be used to throw up quick POCs, not be in a final product. I agree.
Maybe in the first world, not so in America. Scummy TOS have been upheld by courts on the grounds that 'not reading the fine print is your fault'
>it's on a contract therefore it's legal
severability clauses exist precisely because corpos know their ToS are full of bullshit. if their terms were 100% legal, they wouldn't write a clause to make sure the rest of the contract still stands after a clause is invalidated.
you need to be hanged.
>Why not just use Steam chat?
Steam hates me sharing images to the point of maddening frustration. That's why.
Not him but average Joe don't have legal expertise or money to defend himself in court.
TOS are bullshit but if you can't afford the legal battle you are fucked.
Americ*ns getting fucked over by TOS is my fetish.
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>be british man on holiday to spain
>make joke to your private group of friends
>england makes spain deploy fighter jets and you face a £22k fine
steam chat?
it's functional
You realize that all it takes is one incident of some roasties nudes being passed around discord staff for the ToS to be thrown out right?
>Aditya Verma
Ah yes a British lad
You fell for the csgo tourney scam? I didnt think anyone could be this retarded
Ain't clicking that shit nigga.
I only ever used discord for school stuff since the videocall+file sharing+ screen sharing was what made it the supreme option. Had success running a guild using discord roles to hide channels from pleb members. Most public gaming servers seem to be just for porn, cheat files, and flirting with children though

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