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ITT: Safe horny
itt: shitty newfag memes
The truth hurts?
It turns me on because she has a nice body and she's functionally nude.
The fuck is safe horny? Is this some zoomer slang?
well you didn't come up with anything better in all these years spent here, so you deserve the slop you get
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You heard it, Felicia is officially safe horny and Reddit/Twitter approved.
sometimes it seems like this term is used to mean "this is horny but does not offend me as a male feminist!" and sometimes it seems like "this is just MEN getting away with being HORNY!"
and both are worthless
It always struck me as strange how acceptable strong mommy arch types are almost as if the general populace likes being infantilized.
Wanting a domineering woman to straddle your pelvis and fuck herself on your cock is not the same as wanting to be treated like a literal child.
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I thought xiv wasn't allowed to do blatantly sexy boss designs like that anymore. I was pleasantly surprised.
Yeah, it's just zoomer lingo that normies with boring sexual tastes use to shame weird fetishchads
Safe horney is degeneracy good hot girl bad. It's just a way for fsggots to be coomers and shit on other coomers.
Felicia's big weird feet in my face
>normies with boring sexual tastes use to shame weird fetishchads
Isn't it the other way around? It's to make fun of people with boring sexual tastes that's corporate approved?
kill yourself marchetranny
>weird fetish
Homosexuality is normal now
It's because it has the woman in power. Same as those faggots that want female characters that "own" their sexuality. They want girlbosses and obnoxious cunts. If it was a cute, pure, demure girl wanting to be sexy for her man they'd be fuming with outrage how it's "oversexualized filth for incels."
Put simply, it's putting the man as the bottom, i.e. it pushes faggotry with extra steps.
>defends his shitty newfag memes with more shitty newfag memes
Yeah, checks out.
>pov: newfriend pretends to be oldfriend
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4chan/twitter hybrid buzzword for the base human form
so anything with the base female form and nothing else obscuring it is "safe horny"
the golden disc on the voyager probe has safe horny people
Yeah, it's all about emasculation.
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I want my underage nudist boss design back. Maybe Savage phase 2 will be the loli sister?
>Safe horny
What the fuck is safe horny?
Anything that emasculted men are allowed to like without women getting angry

Usually old hags and masculine women
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Safe horny is sexuality approved by lefties. It's a term created to explain how people can publicly lust over certain female characters without being labeled porn addicts (but the term also applies to all male characters). Examples of the phenomenon are journos being allowed simp for Lady Dimitrescus and Aphrodite from Hades 2
The second boss in Origenics has a thick robot ass that looks like it's shoved into a skintight bodysuit. There is still horny designs in the game, probably from people just ignoring any DEI or consultancy shit.
They will be fired soon
Not safe horny, these are just regular horny
>we have draenei at home
A term coined by Marche aka RespectElves. It's characters who are more or less corporate-approved and that the sensitive faggots and journalists can publically lust over without getting backlash because they are very much covered up and might have other forms of softcore degeneracy. Tall/Muscle "mommies", bara faggotry, breasts that appear big but are covered up by clothing so little to no skin is shown etc.
The general populace doesn't but there's definitely a push towards societal infantilization.
the golden disc fails your own description
so basically, it's mad gay?
God that’s retarded. Even more retarded than I thought. Why make shit like that up?
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I love this fake ass obliviousposting, as if the buzzword isn't self-explanatory enough if you take two fucking seconds to think on the context it's being used on. Not even schizo forced """memes""" like keyed and locked that made literally no sense had this amount of people pretending to be mouthbreathers.
There's an active effort against the use of this term because it highlights woke hypocrisy
>my forced meme is actually super serious
>actually I'm an expert on the use of this term, forget about how I said I didn't know its meaning
>It’s not real!
The anon in the other thread
>Nooo why is microsoft shutting down their DEI division??!
Copy-pasted from another game.
being on the verge of raping, but not quite horny enough to do it.
>masculine women
but I actually like strong women (with fur and tails)
the problem is they don't exist outside of fiction or as anymore than 0.000000000000001% of the population
It's gays all the way down.
NTA just mocking you for trying to peddle your retarded meme
If it’s real how come the definition keeps changing.
Is she way over 2m tall? Otherwise meh design.
Around seven meters. She's a raid boss.
Oh my.. she can shatter my hips any time.
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Winter Goddness is best girl.
Nice try retard
new incel term for attractive women that they don't think goes far enough. its from twitter.
i'm behind whatever keeps getting hot furries into games lately
it's my fucking turn to be pandered to
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The real zest behind "Safe Horny" is conservatives still wanting to be seen as punk rock when they are at best pop punk. They want to be seen as edgy people who are intimidating and thus they get the safety that comes from being seen as an "Outsider" but without any of the actual potential harm that comes from being an actual outsider (Which at this point basically only really means tankies and certain forms of anarchism really)
It's lowkey pushing Feminism
You try to put men who like large sexy women in the same box with faggots and woke crowd, which makes you a retard.
the guy on the middle left got bullied off the internet by a bunch of woketards because of this video, so I don't think it's safe horny.
Nice try trying to make your forced meme a thing.
>safe horny
please let this shitty meme die
that's just a furry op, you retarded fuck
schizo term to dunk on your fetish(which is cringe, ewww) while also indirectly indicating that their fetish is the only correct way to play/fap, also, their fetish is epic chad chungus and if you don't like it you hate all that is good. it's basically a bootleg chad vs virgin meme argument but for retarded schizos who actually believe it. in reality, everyone involved in such conversations is a disgusting degenerate with the two sides being
>safe horny(degenerates)
wanting to be raped by a hag
>NOT safe horny(degenerates. but also schizos)
wanting to rape a loli
That is literally Mateus from FF12 tho
safe horny means lgbt sexual, unless that character is gay it's not safe horny
I wanna get raped by the loli and rape the stronk womyn though.
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>I wanna get raped by the loli
disgusting safe horny basedboy faggot. kys.
>and rape the stronk womyn
wholesome based straight chad. lys
>safe horny
Wait, so people importing "safe horny" into /v/ are just annoyed pedos?
watch as her fanart ends up being dogshit because the XIV audience has the taste of a dogshit fly.
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XIV fans have good taste in women
>conservatives still wanting to be seen as punk rock
When have Conservatives ever wanted to be punk rock? Where does the "still" apply here at all?
Punk is for faggots and children, like you.
the majority of XIV players are too busy making AIfags blush with artworks of their sameface lizards and cats to care about plot characters.
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I think you meant to say Justice

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