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'mono on the 'chon

aroo my dog daughter
I really like anime characters with cool ears and animal parts
why can't they be real
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Camyu has some plump titties for a child
The world would be so much better if people (especially women) had fluffy ears and tails and were genetically engineered to want to obey and love you
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Speaking of, I keep wondering if there's a decensor patch. But it would be... interesting to see 20 year old MS-DOS h-scenes in the middle of the game lol
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Camyu what the flip we can't put that on Steam (removed for modern sensibilities)

We always think of the kids here, especially when they're attractive
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lol it's actually barely censored even in the modern release. i love this game.
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Karulau has a co-op chain with Touka AND Ulthury so that's the key to this stage prolly

Derihourai will just hang back with his useless units
Finished the trilogy recently, really liked the story. Wonder what's the new project about, you guying think it's a new Utawarerumono mainline game or a continuation of mobius monochrome?
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That stage sucked. I picked all the slow heavy hitters like a dummy.
idk I know Monochrome Mobius can be played independently of the series. I'm sure the next game will be the same like that to reel in new players (like me). This trilogy is great, the first game is at least.
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god i fucking love underwater ray romano
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>it's another effeminate bad guy with nail polish
Not as effeminate as the guy from Muramasa at least
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POV: you're the only anime character who doesn't understand the power of friendship
Dog feet
God I wanna tongue-fuck her toes
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...or maybe more effeminate
He can sing castrato
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Alright here we go
I seem to enjoy posting here (not really) more than playing video games
I still have 3 games to go and a spinoff with a low attention span goddamnit
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The twins visiting a brothel. Living it up. Hakuowlo is known as the lustful owlo after all lel
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Erm prostitution is illegal in my country
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If I was Owlo, Murrica would have these on every corner

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