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>Finds out he's terminally ill
>Doesn't change a thing about his behavior and spends his last days on Earth killing young soldiers for money and helping with petty revenge missions
>People think he's "redeemed" because he acts weepy during a few cutscenes and they play a sad song during the final mission, hundreds of Redditards make 6-hour "video essays" explaining why this is the greatest plot of all time

Red Dead Redemption 2 should be a litmus test for whether or not you're allowed to vote. If you go through the game and think Arthur is a good man by the end, you shouldn't be allowed to vote because you're easily manipulated. You're the type of person to see a video of a crying Bomalian and start advocating for infinite third-world migration. We are going to do things to you that have never been done before.
I miss the time when npcs were out in the field toiling in cow shit and we didnt have to listen to their 60iq opinion
oh the irony
But he's not all bad

To be fair he was planned as bad guy, but they didn't dare go that route so they retconed him into charming mass murderer.
anyone who cares about storylines in video games are stupid. rdr2 is great because of the world and attention to detail
Bad people can never be the protagonist of anything
I didn't even finish the game. The second that old dude coughed on him, I thought 'oh well that TB' and sure enough I was right. I restarted and played the game up until that mission again to see if it was mandatory and it was so I just dropped the game and never played it again. That trash story was NOT worth suffering through the insanely restrictive mechanics.
Yes they can. The prefix 'pro' doesn't mean 'good', retard ESL.
I just like hanging out in big valley
There is nothing to be afraid of, Mister Morgan
>every camp companion mission eventually goes wrong and ends up with you killing half a town's population
>"you're a good man Arturd Morgan"
It's so tiresome
It's funny because they pressure you into being a nice guy outside of missions, but practically everything fun you can do in the game involves being a bad guy. I did my run with maxed-out honor, and the game was nothing but a boring slog, I feel like I'm steering a boat when I walk around and the good guy activities consist of hunting, giving homeless people gibs, and a bunch of other boring stuff when I can be robbing trains and getting into shootouts with the entire police force if I'm not going for honor.
i was being sarcastic, I was making fun of op
The game obviously frames him as a changed man, as a "good guy." Not saying everyone plays him as a good guy or anything, but the game is called Red Dead Redemption for a reason.
I got so fucking bored I tried just running my horse off a cliff but I couldn't even do that. That was the exact moment I knew the game was fucking trash.
Arthur cutting his losses by abandoning his "friends" and fucking off to Mexico or fuck it Canada. after learning he has Tuberculosis is like Ending D in GTA5 where Franklin kills both Trevor and Michael.
Too fun for Rockshart so they didn't do it.
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There are people that say niko bellic from gta 4 isn't evil because he has feelings sometimes so that makes him a good person or at least morally grey.
People rooted for the mafia boss in the godfather because some character did a rascism against italians
Let people be stupid
>can't fucking murder redskins
this game was certified trash the moment i found that out
>but you can knock them out of the area and murder them or shoot them from outside
not the point
>walk into saloon
>some dude hunched over a beer
>woman storms in
>for gods sake, timothy, you said you weren't drinking no more with the new baby being born and all-
>leave me alone, woman
>woman grabs man trying to pull him away
>woman sitting on the floor crying
>barkeep buts in
>good god, timmy, get her out of here. you're causing a scene.
>timmy yanks her arm up and leads her out of the saloon

>2 dudes in the general store standing at the register next to the clerk
>one of them talking to clerk
>so looking at your tab here, john, it's quite the bill-
>yeah i know, but i got a good feeling this time! i swear!
>you're 33.50 in the hole...
>it's not my fault those ungodly chinks took over the mine!
>yes, but you still have to pay.
>please, just one more chance. you know i'm good for it!
>that's the thing, i know you're not. the only reason i even agreed to let you run a tab was because your father pulled that stinking drunk mexican off me 20 years ago.
>...i just-
>listen why don't you come around this evening after closing and we work out something?

>train station
>2 cops 1 woman arguing
>calm down, young missy, breathe and start over
>alright, so i was standing over there at the news stand waiting for the 3:10 to yuma when this... darker fellow approached me
>he was rather well spoken for a freed man, you might even say well mannered
>something about needing help with his daughter having some lady issues in the rest room
>and when i turned around my bag was gone and the man was running away!
>so, you're saying the nigger distracted you while someone grabbed your luggage?
>that's right! i can't believe it! we give them the gift of freedom and that's how they repay our generosity!
>can you describe the man a little bit better? for the wanted poster and all

That is the kind of shit that i was expecting from RDR. Not a world and society that is more progressive than the 1980s.
> Doesn't change a thing about his behavior and spends his last days on Earth killing young soldiers for money and helping with petty revenge missions
He literally dies though
Why would he change? He's a literal gang member who's in too deep to get out, he knows that there's only one way out of it outside of maybe dying of old age and that's a bullet to the head eventually
>I'm A. Fraid
I thought his last name was Morgan?
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I wouldn’t say Arthur is anything close to a “good man” by Chapter 6 and characters like Edith Downes constantly remind him of that, and Arthur himself protests the assertion whenever anyone calls him “a good man”

I think its the effort that resonates with so many people, the fact that he at least tried.
His biggest flaw was his unwavering loyalty to Dutch right up to the moment where it gets him killed.
There you have it. The audience for this dogshit game. Women, browns and numales.
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RDR2 is the vidya version of Avatar.
Rockstar fanboys are legit some of the most insane people on Earth. When they talk about Rockstar they literally treat them like gods who could do no wrong.
Yes he steals from people
Yes he murders people
Yes he breaks into peoples homes
Yes he engages in usury
What redeems him is that he is not racist
So a horse, a live animal, didn't hurl itself to its death because you held the up arrow key? Immersion broken 0/10
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>walk 2 centimeters from objective marker
>mission failed
Feels more like an interactive movie rather than a video game desu.
Yeah they should of had carte blanche to do risky things and chalk it up to satire, but the pandering to the leftist was in high gear. Maybe something in future will change.
If GTA6 is anything to go of of, they are just doubling down on the double down that was RDR2
Thank you. People keep acting like this is the best game ever made when in reality it's a messy story set in a world that's more focused on frivolous detail than creating an engaging experience. I understand what they were trying to do with the narrative but it is just so poorly structured. Luckily for Rockstar they are the sacred cow of the industry and normalfags are easily tricked.

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