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What are the most lonely feeling games to play solo? It doesn't need to be survival horror or anything but I guess that genre generally serves that sort of lonely and solitary feeling games.
grifter thread
dead mmos
Man remember how the pandemic triggered normies and sent them into full blown schizophrenia because they had to live alone for a little while? At this point I think being a shut in autistic is a super power. My normie coworkwers STILL go to therapy because of the loneliness they had to deal with during the lockdowns.
PlayStation home
Multiple women killed themselves because they couldn't cope in their own company. Apparently for some people they legit only know how to go out and eat around other people.
I like to hear stories of people picking up hobbies and realizing they're still too lazy to learn anything new and dropping them.
Lockdowns made everyone a neet so when it was over I just larped as Chad and now I sleep with 3 women in the same bed. Never took the vax desu it was the most based psyop ever and I don't really get the seething by anons on /pol/ if you knew you got to get an awesome free ticket to the Chad life
What a pussy, been doing that for years. Normies will can't sit 5 mins by themself
>7 days
Longest I did was 2 months
>not going to have to speak to anyone for the next 30 hours
>shopping done, clean, shaved, ready for peace
>friend texts me and asks me to run her shop for the day
Should have said no.
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>Multiple women killed themselves
Consequence will never be the same
>haven't had a conversation with another human in almost 40 days
shit kinda sucks, ngl. I hate being autistic
>mfw playing Stalker during the pandemic
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Project Zomboid
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Ok what were his rules for "no human contact" because some retards seem to think talking to retards online counts as not having any human contact. Im not watching the video give us the TL;DR.
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>Haven't had proper human contact for 2 years, let alone an actual friend
>Bite the bullet, join Pisscord after dunking on it for years
>Meet genuinely nice people in likeminded communities
>Chat with them, play with them, whole nine yards
>Realize "them" was really just one person who liked having a haram
>Realize nobody else really interacted with me unless that other person was present
>Messages get ignored in chat all the time, unless of course that person responds then everyone else does too
>Go from excitement about having friends to sheer disappointment and depression within a couple days
Felt so ill from that rollercoaster of emotions I ended up puking. Anyway OP, to answer your question Journey and, by extension, Flower felt really lonely.
Zoomers have been a disaster for the internet
>I like to hear stories of people picking up hobbies and realizing they're still too lazy to learn anything new and dropping them.
You'd love to hear about my last 2 or so years of life, then.
Shit thread
It's incredible the kind of absolutely pathetic individuals who somehow manage to gather a harem online.
Be a woman. Have a high degree of charisma. Tell people you're single. Bonus points if you work out (no proof needed), have niche male oriented hobbies and are rich.
Have those qualities and you'll hit a 30 nigga haram online within days end no sweat.
>7 days
try 5 years
My best friend lives next door and i haven't seen him in months, we only chat through steam
shit op but i'll bite
The Long Dark(in survival mode)
Errm its harem not haram
Make the thread again without eceleb cancer and I'll answer your question.
I'm not even talking about women.
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they looked like this
You won't find actual people to hang out with on Discord unless you join a small server. Big public servers are groomer circlejerks where zoomers and the mentally ill constantly compete to be the center of attention.
>5 years
fucking casual mode, try 24 years
Small servers make it easier for these people to manifest.
ugly enough to larp as some faggot with no timestamp
In my experience, those kinds of small servers always appear as offshoots of one big server, like a personal circlejerk
I bet noone here can do 7 days without the internet or anyway to text plus no human contact.
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>7 Days
>haven't seen another living person for over two years now
Granted I still come on here daily, but I guess there was also a stretch where I didn't use 4chan or any internet for about 2 months and I didn't feel any need to talk to people either.
It honestly baffles me people find it unbearable to be alone for only a few days.
NaissancE, it has a total population of two separate beings, player included
No problem if i can still play games
serves you right tranime loser
>troons larping harem on Discord
Pls be real
why would you want it to be real?
Because it's poetically funny, confirming stereotypes about both discord and mentally disturbed men who will never be women.
>7 days
Rookie numbers. Try 7 years.
You're all engaging in human contact right now, posting in this thread.
>discord and mentally disturbed men who will never be women.
same thing
Skimming, no tv, no internet. he used his pc but claims it was video editing work and not for entertainment, he pretended to read a book for a bit but he's obviously never read a book in his life so he dropped that quick. The video was just eating/home gym/chores. He made no attempt at developing a hobby.
Nice shot of tassie, but you didn't take it.
How do you know I'm not a bot :^)
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How is this a challenge? I've seen people twice per month for almost 7 years now, and that's saying "Hi" and "No thanks" to the fucking cashier. Normies are fucking weak.
I need introvert friends, people who don't feel the obligation to see each other every day but enjoy each other's company from time to time for a couple of hours
I'm a woman.
>7 days no contact
lol i had no contact against my will with anyone outside school hours for three years in fucking highschool, that's real loneliness
I didn't. There is no way I'm posting a picture of my own home on 4chan.
meant for op but whatever
>Extroverts and social vampires goes mental when they get a glimpse of my life
Many such cases
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>7 days
I haven't left my house in three years.
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>only 7 days
Is 7 days supposed to be some agonizing experience? Fucking normalfags who'll literally break when forced to be by themselves.
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I miss playstation home so fucking much.
Here we go again with that fucked up story.
>be a socially awkward freak with no real human contacts and a low self esteem
>start to develop some form of relationship with human interaction
>mind starts to develop conspiracy theories how everyone only tolerates your presence and actually just hates your guts
>get depressed and withdraw into your shell
such is life
Literally me minus the last part, because why should I be the one getting sad for the state society currently is in?
Too comfy, I played OGSR. It was perfect
I'm the exact same except I sleep with 4 women in the same bed
We have sex ALL the time, btw
>normalfaggots kill themselves because they can't stand their own company and being unable to pile their own evil onto others consumes them utterly
None of you are real people
>someone compliments me
>immediately suspect them of wanting something from me and dismiss it entirely
you know the rules
Unironically post your tits with a timestamp
Literal nigger cattle subhumans
Luckily ww3 will wipe billions
except the women all took the jab and transferred the prions to you, the retard who did not vett his fucks
i got banned from my discord because people can't keep up with me, oh well, i had some good laught when i dunked on some of them about never talking with a real women despite me being the NEET.
Even loners know they need some interaction.
Talking to a wall for eternity is boring.
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Let's be serious, this is the important part:
> No internet
I'd fail this, and so would most people here. I could go for a walk, or hit the gym at night, and I'd be reading some book all the other time, but after 3 days I'd go crazy. The point is not the physical isolation, the point is now our information hunger and Internet addiction.
I'm used to it
Disregard that, I suck cocks. With single player vidya I could binge for a week easily. Don't know why I didn't think of it.
I would play so many video games if I didn't have access to 4chan or YT. I might actually start having "fun" again.
Do urbanites really?
Prove that you are
>laid off work
>buy GPU with stimmy
>live frugally off savings/unemployment
>no one wanted to do anything or go anywhere because covid
>Doordash was still decent
>play vidya until it all blew over
It was nice while it lasted.
Two more weeks guys it's totally gonna happen this time
I still believe a solar flare would wipe a huge chunk of the population because the average NPC literally wouldn't konw how to survive without electricity let alone without social media
that's like saying normies are weak because they can't deal with eating 30 big macs in a row
being by yourself is not healthy at all, the fact that its a challenge for normies should give you a clue about how far off being healthy you are
that's crazy, I didn't know how it affected normies because it didn't affect my life at all
actually I made more money during the time too
>>buy GPU with stimmy
I wasn't allowed to get one because I was in college at the time...
tits or gtfo
> being by yourself is not healthy at all
Actual zoomer/woman post. Shameful display.
>"i got excluded from a group because i was just so far ahead of them B^)"
You sound insufferable.
I just played RoR2 with my buddy and online friends, still had to fucking work cause I worked in cancer biology at the time. Everyone at my lab was feeling it, so much so most started hooking up and having sex. You could see the desperation in their discussions.
Sounds like a terrible week.
It was a great time. I was working from home doing vidya testing. I set my little jome office up to be good and private, set my laptop up next to the equipment I was provided but outside of where the webcam they would make us use in meetings could see, and watched anime/read manga/used porn/used 4chan all day long while still being near the top of productivity even beating out the people who were forced back into office. All the idiots whining about how much they wanted to be in office around all the other people instead of alone at home was the worst part of the job at that time.
I leave my house but I don't leave my property
I sometimes forget normies have complete meltdowns if they go more than a few hours without someone affirming their existence.
>It honestly baffles me people find it unbearable to be alone for only a few days.
It's an acquired skill to be honest. We start life constantly surrounded by people and some people go through life with tons of friends constantly and never really experience being alone. Explains their mental state when covid hit
God I miss it. At least it gave us wfh.
>Have a few friends that I enjoy hanging out with, and talking to online
>Realize one day that they only ever talk to me if I contact them first
>The friendship is onesided
>Decide to stop contacting to see if they say anything to me
It's been years now, and still waiting.
This world never wanted me
It's not equivalent
Being healthy involves being adaptable
The fact normies couldn't go a single year without "human contact" even though the whole thing was a meme and there was nothing stopping you from visiting friends and stuff doesn't mean they're healthy. It means theyre oversocialized retards who are empty inside and can't stant to be alone with their own thoughts
I remember how they whined about not being able to hookup with random people for a while.
>Multiple women killed themselves
On on hand BASED AS FUCK
>government and globohomo big pharma kikes forced people to suicide
you just supported his side of argument
Empty garry's mod servers
Empty doom servers

I'm like this.
I'm autistic, I don't particularly mind talking to people if they talk to me, but I have little to no drive to start a conversation except with like 3 people I know irl I 'click' more with
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>Spent most of my life alone
>Highlight of my days is the times when people just leave me alone entirely and I am left to my own devices for a few weeks
>Normies fucking off themselves it has been six hours since they got out into public to gulp down some choccy milk masquerading as coffee

I fucking HATE normalniggers
I'd struggle with doing absolutely nothing for 7 days, but if I had books, vidya and movies, I could easily do it I think.
with AI being what it is the chances of going even longer without human contact for someone who lives alone is also huge
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>Used to spend much of my time ERPing or looking for people to ERP with
>Now AI is DTF anytime, and I have completely abandoned ERPing with people
I fucking LOVE computers.
>Haven't had proper human contact for 2 years, let alone an actual friend
>i know what to do! lets go to pisscord and make friends with absolute mental wrecks subhumans!
you didn't think this through did you?
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>All the idiots whining about how much they wanted to be in office around all the other people instead of alone at home was the worst part of the job at that time.
This was the most unreal shit to me. Boomers saying shit like
>I just miss the culture, going to each other's desks to say hi, and the nerf gun wars!
These weren't people in management positions mind you, so they had no incentive to shill RtO. Don't they have social lives outside of work?
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Made me think of Batman Returns.
Whats the best ai to erp with

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