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/v/ - Video Games

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/v/ really isn't that bad these days. It used to be a lot worse.
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I disagree.
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>/v/ really isn't that bad these days
Also >4chanime
Hand holding and snuggling with Yui
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frog frog
im a frog
/v/ is worse now than it's ever been before
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That's a man poo poo stinky
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Nope, it's best girl Miyeon!
Cool. How much does she charge for her... services?
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Not sure, someone posted a picture for the Australian concert and it was around $200 for the cheaper tickets.
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Board is downright unusable once americans wake up and start porn dumping.
>namefag doesn't even no how to trip
>/v/ really isn't that bad these days. It used to be a lot worse.
No way. A lot of threads are just coomer shit now.
i was probably using this site before you were born
Are you hitting the klaxon?
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I think it still has the lamest posters out of any boards, like literal unabashed neckbeards who think their opinions actually matter
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I'm not that into summer songs to be honest, mostly been listening to the new Dreamcatcher and Chuu.
>3DPD poster
You're not any better.
Not a big fan of it myself. Doesn't really have that usual IDLE sound
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Could be their last comeback so I was really hoping for something like Uh-Oh but the rest of the album is nice.
Do you think it's their last? I think they'll squeeze out one more after the tour
Here's a question, did any of the va die with the rest of the team.
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They seem to be very overworked, even Basedeon who never misses anything had to take a break.
Yeah the overworking is pretty bad, I seriously think they'll just disband after their contracts end and all go their own way
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absolutely no question the worst quality to traffic ratio on the website
literally 2/3 of the posts anymore are anime shit and or coomdumping
it’s getting close to the being unusable hasbeen board like /b/
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I'd love to see them all back together.
tranime posters ruined this board while mods promote child rape 24/7
I dont think it will ever happen but even a picture of all 6 of them would be amazing
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Basedeon is apparently loaded to keep the group going if they leave and they did admit in an interview not too long ago that CUBE actually treats them well.
I really have no idea what's going to happen to them.
I've never bothered to learn what 3DPD actually stands for. Three-dimensional penis destroyer?
this samefagging kpoop bot is annoying
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>tfw I hate women
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Newfags can't even check for samefagging these days.
Incorrect, but it is bad. Largely due to /pol/niggers and lack of moderating them, though that has improved with them being banned much more frequently which is much needed.
The blatant spamthreads need to be reduced in numbers of course, through removal and bans.
>hurr durr brownfu hurr durr
Should just get throw to
>muh tranime
You are literally the problem with this board.
Anime is 4chan culture. Go be obsessed about trannies somewhere else.
Still wondering why they don't just make /av/ - adult vidya and move the porn posting elsewhere
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You're the neckbeard I was referring too
>I think
Bold of you to assume yours actually matters.
I auto filter 40+ threads and having a good time
BBC magnet
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I doubt British television would have any interest in her, she doesn't speak the language.
I thought this would be a good thread but
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How could a thread like this ever be good?
It's way worse than it has ever been
>majority of anons hate and probably don't play any vidya
>even comfy niche game threads are being invaded by shitposters and have formed their own schizo posters
>off topic threads used to be more fun (daily JAV threads, Gaki no Tsukai, GCCX, niconico, etc.)
>nowadays off topic threads are usually just ragebait and /pol/shit
>every poster is behind even more layers of irony than before
>no IP counter
>actual bots posting shit (as an example, /weg/ on /aco/ is run by a guy with bots)
>still have the same shitty platform wars
>everyone's obsessed with trannies
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/v/ had more threads I felt I could contribute to during 14 to 10 years ago.
The only new thing is the tranny obsession. Everything else has always been here

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