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dev thread
>Want to become a lolidev
>No way to monetize it anywhere
>It's probably illegal to sell where I live, too
It's pain.
hard times
goofy ahh nodev thread
hold that moment
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How many tris should I aim for.
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i have never shown /v/ any of these. top left is what i am currently working on
I made a visual metaphor today instead
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Is there any ETA on Godot with C# exporting for web?
Pretty much nobody is going to play my game, and even fewer will if they have to download anything.
How the fuck do I find playtesters/feedback for my game? All my friends only play goyslop or nothing at all. I made an itch page, posted in a few discords, even reddit, and hardly anything. Itch forums are dead. Gamemaker forums are dead. I suppose you'd have to be weird to be just hanging around those places looking to play unfinished stuff, but still. I really don't want to have to make a twitter, and I doubt that would be any better anyway.
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I'm so desperate to make my "dream game" I've been thinking of just trying to use the (free) RPG maker program to create a facsimile of the open world even though I know it'll be shit and I'll just give up.
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i improved the settings menu today and added a couple new options

nothing for 4.3 it seems
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Making a Japanese summer festival scene at the moment.
Post your ゲーム here.
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We are here for you, anon.


Thank you!

I am also working on a Onsen (japanese bath house) scene where you can take a relaxing dip with your multiplayer friends. Why? I don't know. I am throwing every cliche on japanese culture in there.
Do you plan to make it a possibility to behead the girls ? Or to violently kill them by any other mean
i'm wondering the same thing anon, i need to find playtesters willing to screenshare / record to know if i'm on the right track for the fundations of a game but i can barely find any
unfunny cringe
I'm learning substance designer
It's a lot of fun
>Be me
>Senior developer
>Working on my side project at home
>Want to share what I’ve done so far
>Go on /v/
>”Game dev thread”
>”Oh cool, I’ll share my work here”
>Everyone else sharing are using Unity and Game Maker to make shitty little basic ass “games” that look like they belong on the DS or PS1

You people aren’t game devs, you’re game dev wannabe hobbyists. Nothing in here even remotely comes close to looking like a game. Everything looks like you coded it with fucking RUBY. This level of work I would expect from a middle schooler who took 3 months of basic coding. Meanwhile my game in Unreal Engine rivals AAA games and looks next gen. I’d post it but I don’t want to discourage anyone. Good luck though.
k didnt ask
You're on 4chan bro, you're talking to people in their early 20s, professional developers have their own circles
don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + who asked + stay mad + get real + L + bleed + mald seethe cope harder + dilate + incorrect + hoes mad + pound sand + basic skill issue + typo + ratio + ur dad left + you fell off + no u + the audacity + triggered + repelled + ur a minor + k. + any askers + get a life + ok and? + cringe + copium + go outside + touch grass + kick rocks + quote tweet + think again + not based + not funny didn’t laugh + social credits -999, 999, 999, 999 + get good + reported + ad hominem + ok boomer + small pp + ur allergic to sunlight + GG! + get rekt + trolled + your loss + muted + banned + kicked + permaban + useless + i slept with ur mom + yo momma + yo momma so fat + redpilled + no bitches allowed + i said it better + tiktok fan + get a life + unsubscribed + plundered + go tell reddit + donowalled + simp + get sticked bug LOL + talk nonsense + trump supporter + your’re a full time discord mod + you’re* + grammar issue + nerd + get clapped + kys + lorem ipsum dolor sit amet + go outside + bleach + lol + gay + retard + autistic + reported + ask deez + ez clap + straight cash + idgaf + ratio again + stay mad + read FAQ + youre lost + you “re” + stay pressed + reverse double take back + pedophile + cancelled + done for + don't give a damn + you're mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post +get a job + sus + baka + sussy baka + get blocked + mad free + freer than air + furry + rip bozo + you're a (insert stereotype) + slight_smile + aired + cringe again + Super Idol的笑容 + mad cuz bad + my pronouns are xe, xem & xyr + irrelevant + deal with it + screencapped your bio + karen/kyle + jealous + you're deaf + balls + i'll be right back + go ahead whine about it + not straight + eat paper + you lose + count to three + your problem + no one cares + log off + don't care even more + sex offender + sex defender + get religion + not okay + glhf + NFT owner + you make bad memes + problematic
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bottom left and top middle looks the coolest
Are you me? I don't want to quit my current game I'm super happy with it but the promotion and stuff has me second guessing things. I'm almost considering just leaving the demo as the game and saying that's enough I did it I made game and that's it. At the very least I learned a lot and plenty of people said the game looks cool and they like it which is great but yeah.

"That's cool! I love that thing your game is about" is very different from "Wow let me play your game right now where is it!" A difficult but important gamedev lesson to learn.
It does feel good to know other devs are going through the same thing.
>Make games for yourself!
Okay we did. Now the other thing would be nice too. It's crazy being a creative person in a field like this. The competition and noise is just so insane and it's not like making pretty pictures and asking people to look at them, we aren't trying to make viral videos. We need people to literally download and open software and play the game for a few minutes. That's such a huge ask. It's hard enough to get people to open a link to watch a 1 minute trailer.
>my game looks next gen
Things real game devs say!
I'll post because I doubt anyone will check it anyway. https://seaform.itch.io/decade
You can put it on Steam with an off-site uncensor patch.
>multi-project chad
This is the way. I'm kinda tired of working on the same thing. I think anons were talking about the same thing last thread for a bit.
Can't answer but you can use this as reference
How do you convince an artist to cooperate for free on making art for a free game?

I was thinking about asking around once i have a prototipe ready.
I also want to make a web game so I made one in Unreal Engine 4.3 which is the last one that supported HTML5 exporting and it ran great on my 16gig system. Getting it to run on an 8gig will take some serious work though possibly having to recompile UE from source to include ES3 rendering. In the end it would be worth it because people are 1000x more likely to play a game in a browser.
How much art and what level of quality were you interested in?
maybe find a community where people talk about game jams and find an artist you get along with there
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Worked on the big ass website filled with every single bit of info on my game.
just take a screenshot dude
Pixel art that doesn't look like it was made by a 3yo (me) (describing picrel)

That's not a bad idea but where do i find a community like that? Itch's subreddit? Twitter?
>phone pic of screen instead of screenshot
I want to see a Napoleon Dynamite style movie about you someday.
This looks fantastic. And super comfy. Are you planning to make money or is this just for you?

I’ve always wanted to make something like this but get super discouraged because all my ideas just boil down to “animal crossing but made by me”
Also the idea involves 4 chars and 16 different levels, but i would be happy to even just make a demo since devving is my 3rd worry right now, so i'm currently worrying about just one level.

For reference that pic took me 2 afternoons, which is why i will eventually ask someone else for help
I would check different subreddits, try to find some popular dev / game art discords too. Just make it a research goal to find a few communities and get involved in conversations, show off your work and tell people you're looking for an artist. If it's a big project I would try to find someone you mesh with and work on a smaller project first so they don't get overwhelmed. I would think you'll be able to find someone, there's a lot of people out there that are involved in some aspect of gamedev, it's just a matter of finding someone you get along with
Also it's probably best if you're willing to let the other person contribute to the vision for your project. It's unlikely someone will just want to flesh out your ideas without any of their own input
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This is not yandere simulator, but cute anime girls going camping simulator.
>How do you convince an artist to cooperate for free
Be really talented and have a compelling project
Otherwise you can't
So if I'm building a Princess Makerlike stat management game, but I'm not sure how to structure it.
Do you guys prefer
>A: Shorter overall runs, but entirely new content for at least four runs
>B: Longer run to ensure you see most of the content
>C: Persistent data across runs, New Game+ where you keep your employees/upgrades/money across runs
The game will have a heavy visual novel narrative, but a decentralized and choice based storyline.
I think that or you become good friends with them
Frankly I'd work on a project like that with someone if the idea was right, but only as a demo
if the demo was popular I'd want to develop the game to sell it
bottom row is all the same concept just from a different perspective
top middle looks cool because i didn't make the UI, my friend who is really good at that stuff made it
these were all made on the side over the span of like 2~ years with a lot of downtime. having a bunch of projects is mostly an indication that i can't finish my work. i work on a project until i hit a wall and then stop because it feels like i'm not getting anywhere and that nobody will want to fucking play it anyway. also there is a large difference between prototyping like this and actually making a finished game. more than going multi project, try iterating on the same idea multiple times, which is what 3 of those are
A game out for free should net you more eyes and thus make the next projects more popular + you can make a patreon. And you can always publish for free on itch then sell on steam (ideally after a couple years)
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i posted on /vrpg/ a bunch and one day an anon offered to fix my UI since he didn't like it.
he did it for free, but i liked his style so we made an arrangement and he's been my game's artist ever since.
if you have an interesting project i think the chances are higher, but nobody will ever offer to do it if you don't share your work and let it be known that you're looking for one.
Being friends doesn't make a difference
nah you do that with a good demo and sharing progress
if you can't get people interested from that then it's probably not going to work
there are exceptions but I what I'm saying is generally true
i'm getting better
now i can model, rig and animate in blender
How'd you learn? Every step I mean, modeling, rigging, and then importing into the engine. That landing animation was made in Blender or in Godot?
not him but you just do things little by little, tutorial by tutorial. when you learn something new, you incorporate it into your engine or another software to see how you get the pieces to fit together. you make things, import them, adjust your next effort based on how importing worked
>Every step I mean, modeling, rigging, and then importing into the engine
nta but this video sure helped me with all that
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Ever wonder why the jannies do it for free?
it was made in blender
>how did you learn
youtube tutorials
dozens of them
>Meanwhile my game in Unreal Engine rivals AAA games and looks next gen.
Doubt, but you do have a point, games posted in these threads look like shit.
I don't suppose you could show me some of those tutorials? I also bookmarked >>682930546, thanks
What's a free complete game if not a very big demo? It's also easier to advertise when chatting because it's free, so people don't think you're trying to sell them something.
Sure a demo is needed to get the first people interested while you're still making the game, but a free game is easier to share around
Alright, then i suppose i should first make something playable with stole-i mean borrowed art and after that i'll come back here to do regular posts

please look up how to install the bool tool extension, it will make your life so much easier.
also, when the time to make multiple animations comes, remember that you can create new ones and switch between them in the action editor. blender calls them actions for whatever reason.
thank you, this will be very useful
>but a free game is easier to share around
I don't think that's easier than linking someone a steam page
besides you can release the demo as a free game, those get a ton of traction if the game is good
I’m hiding the bad formatting of the website because the picture of Fygoon is currently at the bottom of the page and not on the upper right hand corner.
“Varanusaur” is a more recent crappy portmanteau made in the spirit of my old elementary school portmanteaus, combining the genus of monitor lizards “Varanus” with the Greek word for lizard “Sauros”, in this case condensed to just “Saur”; this is to show that the members of Fygoon’s species, though superficially similar to the varanids of Earth, are technically from a different lineage of reptiles.
Also, if they do make a documentary on me, if they don’t portray me like Uncle Rico, then I’m not giving it my blessing.
another one that might be useful to you
this one also talks about uv smart project unwrapping, which is very useful for texturing
Demos are listed as free games? I don't think that's how that works.

>“Varanusaur” is a more recent crappy portmanteau made in the spirit of my old elementary school portmanteaus, combining the genus of monitor lizards “Varanus” with the Greek word for lizard “Sauros”, in this case condensed to just “Saur”
You ARE Napoleon Dynamite. Your game is exactly what he would make as a gamedev too. You need to take your show on the road outside of 4chan man the people will love you.

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