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Wife found, game saved, doomers lost.
Are you going to keep spamming threads with your custom character as the OP
When Wuk Lamat calmly said, "Sfeen, lissen to me", my dilator popped out of my neovagina and I immediately broke down.
Thank you, Yoshi-P.
didn't know penumbra was back already
Is dalamud updated yet?
>get rid of plunge and whatever gnbs thingy was
>have to fix enmity anyways
>now i slide in front of enemies and get enmity instead of hitting them

seems stupid to me.
They're retards.

they get angry that you jumpscare them
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Heard they're adding solo raids, I might go back to it too
>bosses' hitboxes are small, chariots are big
>bosses constantly moving and spinning with mechanics
>bosses are moveable during mechanics for good and bad
>new fresh mechanics

Raidsister, we are so back
yeah except you're getting less than half the gold of normal and less than that of KR while they have T4. Enjoy working a full week for less than $1.
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They don't change jobs for people who actually play them.
Does that even matter if you're not trying to do the latest endgame shit?
>Expansion is so bad that you can just bait people by pretending you liked it.
>He's mindbroken his raid failed (again)
>Only 8 Discord raiders
>Not a static
>Didn't watch videoguide about /v/'s mechanics
is this the power of raidtrannies?
The casual are already complaining about the content being too difficult. Do not fear. Normal service will resume.
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Right now what's the cheapest craft to farm orange crafting scrips?
5/10 first raid wing, hope second and third get better.
How does the last boss know who Zeus is?
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are these just matoran
>watching guide for a normal raid
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krile is so cute
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Oh no
Rip my dreams of pf w1:ing this tier
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We got harley quinn at home.
My completely useless and irrelevant wife...
It's the easiest normal tier for tanks literally ever, and I've yet to see them throw a shield on a healer or a bleeding/burning player once.
Think makes you it does.

You do know the final boss of an expansion has been Hades?
How would you make monk fun?
you can't...
SMTVV released last month.
I've seen casuals complaining about dungeons being too hard. They arent human their opinions should not even be considered.
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>Think makes you it does.
Why not?
Put all positionals back to how they were, removing them because of raidtroon complaints was a mistake.
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Why is there no private XI server that goes up to Rhapsodies? I want to see the whole story but I absolutely refuse to give SE any more money. Maybe there's some youtube autist that has uploaded a whole playthrough? Can someone please spoonfeed me here?
why would she? that's the skill she used
you don't know the technical term for everything you're doing!
You would still just be spamming bootshine and dragon kick over and over it wouldnt change anything.
>I want product but I don't want to pay for product
Nigger tier
Wrong, the bootshine dk combo is already gone as of yesterday
weekly turn ins
then typically the alchemy level 90
No the question is why is there no free trial on par with 14s for 11

You can't even get the leaden fist proc in your first hit of dk anymore, you have to be in opo opo which means you have to have already snap punched or demolished.
I'll give them money when they do something to deserve it, I think I've spent enough just for SE to shit on my plate.
whatever change that would make mnk fun equals to something that has a risk of filtering the normie wider playerbase and they'll feel gatekept from fun and they'll start complaining about it and YoshitPiss will be forced to make it even more dumb that it already is
As I said, you're a nigger
Got the sauce on that cosplayer?
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>Preach is live shitting on the MSQ right now
How will Yoshida ever recover?
NIN is no fun with the new encounter design and I have no idea how they could fix that.
>honey rampant
PF Kino on the menu
nigga XI has yearly free months and goes on sale for $10 regularly
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>this is what the SE defense force has been reduced to
Healers kept complaining that they had nothing to heal and now that they gave them something to heal they can't even shield or mit a raidwide that has feint, reprisal and addle on it. Exposing themselves as the biggest shitters with the loudest mouth in this game.
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Why healers are not healing in arcadion?
*Plap plap plap* i'm gonna cum in this anon *plaplaplap* *squelch* aw yeah thanks anon, you're a good little bitch.
Not defending anything, but you clearly want a product without paying for it, so you're just a filthy nigger
Probably too busy to dodge shit.
I know FFXIV was always a theme park mmo and they've had Allagan shit back in 1.0/2.0 but this might be the second worst aesthetic since then jesus christ Solution 9 and it's surroundings is dreadful, like the most undercooked "make everything purple xd" cyberpunk aesthetic. Did they even try or did all the budget go for the japanese cowboylands and shit
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I always wait for someone to parse to see how much I'm carrying, because a random parse is the only thing that matters.
>double the healing and damage of the other healer
>top 200s
I'm not even good. You people need to shape up.
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>get GNB to level 100
>opener and entire rotation changes
>no mercy window is now fucking tighter than Yoshitpiss' anus
I actually fucking hate this. You have to delay no mercy until the last moment of your ogcd without clipping in order to fit all 9 gcds into the fucking no mercy window
because bloodfest is now tied to the new gcd combo, you have to hold bloodfest for no mercy instead of popping it for cartridges on cd
fuck this fucking shit dude, busiest fucking tank ever where the fuck am I going to even fit my mitigation CDs and shit dude
tell me i'm not the only one
when Savage
I'll take this over azys la any day of the week
Revert back to EW Monk, it was a step in the right direction. The balls system killed the fun/flow of the class
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fuck forgot my image
Finished the Arcadium without a single wipe 1-4, shit was easy as fuck. Are people actually having trouble with them?
Because there is no real private server, the ones that exist were coded from scratch and only use assets from the game, not it's actual code.
HPS means nothing. You can achieve high hps just by putting media on or having one of your million ogcd regens on as sage or earthly star/cu as ast, pressing wd or sacred soil on cd.
Legit nobody cares about healer parses. Your rotation is 1 button.
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Sounds like you don't heal
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Kinda looks like...
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There are a few channels if you want to dig, this is the one I know from memory but I haven't watched it myself. I believe they have every single cutscene recorded for every expansion, including sidequests and anything important.


Or you could play retail for a month and see it all yourself.
You're retarded. How do you even manage to string a setence together nevermind breathe.
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>Krile realises that she did barely anything during DT and gets mindbroken into giving up on being a pictomancer and goes back to her conjurer cuckshed
>Maybe there's some youtube autist that has uploaded a whole playthrough?
Multiple people have. Look for "FFXI Mission", as they are the MSQ for XI.
Base XI is kinda meh until Mission 3-1 when it builds up to fighting Shadowlord, RotZ is better, CoP is where the boomers' heart lies, ToAU is good, WotG is also good, Abyssea is mostly battle content with a few bits of story that feels meaningful and didn't get a conclusion until the crossover with Granblue Fantasy, yes seriously , the mini expansions are fine for what they are (think of them like the Trial series stories in XIV), SoA is good, RoV is good finale, TVR is basically a bookend that wraps things up.

It's easy to solo up to SoA because Trusts are stupid. Then it becomes a grind at late RoV as you have to level up about 3-4 times what you already have. TVR requires Job Mastery.
stop eating dots
It's based on Ra'Kaznar from FFXI
I'm not praising my parse. I'm telling you how awful other healers are if they both will not heal, nor contribute that extra 2-3% total damage.

I'm carrying the entire community. You're welcome.
>azys la
oh man I forgot about that abomination too, hell, Endwalker's last zone was kinda shit too, I don't know how they keep fucking them up constantly. I guess Amaurot is not much different either.
Do moids actually say this during sex? Do they have brain damage?
You're expecting XIV players to have played the other MMO
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Half of the cash shop outfits are just real life casual clothing with no fantasy flair whatsoever, and these outfits sell like hotcakes.
They're just giving the retarded playerbase what they want. FFXIV hasn't had a coherent aesthetic for longer than it had one.
oh I've been unaware of that, so that does explain things, they probably didn't wanna bother with a brand new story for FFXI raids too so it'll probably be bolted on to Solution Nine too?
They added cyberpunk shit to XI? Gross. Glad I got outta there when I did.
No, I don't even expect most people who did play XI to know what that area is.
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Ra'Kaznar is closer to Allagan sci-fantasy aesthetics than Solution 9's generic cyberpunk.
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Yeah I'm not seeing it, one is a techno city and the other is... part of Tartarus?
No, it isn't. The gate uses Ra'Kaznar aesthetics, but the actual city has nothing to do with it.
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>purple cyberpunk city
>can't dress up as Neptune
Let me guess, you play white mage, drop assylum occasionally and use assize on cooldown
who? i dont follow ecelebs
I'm not entirely certain how they plan on handling it but realistically the only way it can be done is by making it another shard, even then there are still issues with the settings matching up, things they can't simply ignore because it's integral to the story.
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They literally put Ra'Kaznar metal in the game
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Shame Zenos isn't around to be our Yuri... But what if the president uses Zenos' soul. He's described as a beast so often, after all
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>He hasn't said that while handholding fingers interlocking while sloppehly making out or kissing their neck or biting into their collarbone
Have you even lived?
If you're leveling a job from 90 onwards, seems like running Aglaia might be one of the, if not the most efficient way till about 97.
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They do that a lot, it doesn't mean anything as the two locations have nothing in common. One is a futuristic city based on lightning energy and the other is a demonic playground growing out of Tartarus or some shit.
Back to twitter with you
>not being able to repair and meld my own shit sucks
>I should level my non-battle jobs again since I didn't touch them in EW
>swap over to one and notice a red slash through everything
So when are we introduced to the Ronkans and fight Exdeath (again)
>All of the hi-tech zones and gear in FFXIV used to have an obvious science-fantasy look, with monolithic buildings, tron lines, spaceships, alien designs, etc.
>The half-wit playerbase uses this to justify shit like casual street clothing glamours because ummm actually a Magitek Reaper and Azys Lla are aesthetically the same as blue jeans and vans shoes.
>Solution 9 is the peak of this and it's the blandest garbage the game has ever seen.
>Second Lifers love it.
Fuck this community.
get SkS if you want it to be more lenient
>busiest fucking tank ever where the fuck am I going to even fit my mitigation CDs and shit dude
did you just not play GNB before this expansion? this has always been the GNB problem, whining about it now is weird as fuck
Any lore dudes know what "nightworld" is? Ronkans?
I can't remember the last time I didn't use a macro for crafting
I craft to the tune of making over 1.5 billion gil per expansion and I couldn't tell you what half my buttons do. >>682923463
No. Let me guess, you press 1 and hope the other healer does all the work.
>"It's Zenos with a Steel Chair" meme might actually get implemented into the game
i fucking wish
Materia melders can do all melds you don't need to level for it anymore, levelling to repair yourself just increases the repair percentage beyond 100%.
Most likely Ronka, yeah. Nightworld is only used when Ronka seems relevant and they're directly compared to Allag a lot.
Final Fantasy I had Warmech in it which completely justifies having TVs, Vtubers and Kpop fashion in FFXIV you stupid trancer.
There is literally no explanation anywhere in XI for what Ra'Kaznar actually is, where it comes from, who made it, etc. It's just an ancient mysterious labyrinth where Hades is chilling.
You are so fucking brain dead, you literally said you somehow had double dps and more healing so if all i did was press 1 you would never outdps me, you absolute retard.
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Solution 9 is incredibly soulful and they NEED to have an entire expansion feature in there, including giving us more fitting clothing, hair colours, eye colours, mounts (god I want one of those cars, or trucks!) and housing. I never want to go to that fantasy shit again, just look at what they presented us in 2,0 with lmao how could that shit even fly??? Garlean and Allagan shit sucks, they need to move XIV fully into the cyberpunk aesthetic.
>muh zenos coming back

this is the biggest tranny cope of the expansion so far.
You're trying too hard
One brings shadow....
The First.
Obvious bait is obvious.
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Pretty much, but it's absolutely not a futuristic cyberpunk city running on ancient lightning rune magic. I wouldn't expect to see anything about it in XIV either because the expansion it is a part of would require too much to actually reach and implement into the alliance raids.
>jumping from a Japanese cutscene simulator to a Korean cash shop grinder that even tries to jew you for fucking collectable slots
Loving every laff.
cope doomsissies, yoshida said XIV will be going into a new direction and let me tell you, it is purple.
My favorite part of the expansion is all the Pashtarot fags getting blown the fuck out. Hopefully they all get the treatment they need for whatever form of schizophrenia made them see any remote similarity between the Pashtarot sigil and anything in Sphene's outfit.
You're shit at dodging and die too. Oof. Pretty bad.
Oh so this is where Emet took the 'I am stifled by this vessel of flesh' line.
All of your posts are full of retardity, you really need to sort yourself out and get checked for brain rot.
>Yeah the story may be complete shit, but at least these randos who had hopes it wouldn't be shit got BTFO so it's actually good.
Typical /v/ subhuman mindset.
Yes there is, it's a major point in RoV. Ra'kaznar is a chunk of Tartarus which is a dead world consumed by CoD.
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Well it is right fucking there if you aren't blind, but you'd also have to be retarded to ignore all the FF9 rumors surrounding yoshi p and the fact that her outfit decoration is also exactly like the Alexandrian crest.
Those look nothing alike, but please do keep coping
It's halmarut
What the fuck, so basically the only time XIV was not aping XI was when Ishikawa was in charge between 5.0-6.0? Yoshida-san? I thought you were supposed to hate XI.
I hope your treatment goes well
have some ff9 music, remember beatrix, well we don't have the budget to make a beatrix character, so watch 2 lalas fighting and ofc the female lala will win that fight
>yeah if you cut off bits of the ascian sign and then squint it looks the same
It was always like that with foreshadowing of ascian presence.
Well, i'd say that's when it copied it the most, the ancients and ascians are pretty much what XI used for it's major "arc". The end of days was wholly original though.
>Femhroth are so low-effort that all gear in the game is just fitted to their bodies using a shitty AI algorithm that makes everything look disproportionate.
>Still can't wear hats.
It's funny to think this was the race that Yoshida personally wanted in the game instead of Viera.
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>Midgardsormr crashes Agrius into silvertear lake
>leaves this amazing vista in mor dhona
>if you dont know the lore you still can appreciate how good it looks and wonder
>actually gets used later when you climb the ruins of the Agrius
Why did DT not have a single thing like this? You even had dragons fighting a fleet that must have been ways stronger than the garlean fleet who had to fight with logistics and supplie lines. How did this game turn to such shit?
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>omg my sis needs to eat souls to balance her lightning humors or some shit
>when scions dealt with practically the same thing in the past
bro just call alisaie and her pig and be done with this retarded plot
then we can have some corny, dumb as fuck, rule of cool nonsense from the announcer that makes up zany shit to hype us up in front of the audience instead of having some saturday morning cartoon motivation in the background
The mamool ja, including Gulool Ja Ja, Bakool Ja (he only had one head) and Zoraal Ja, the city of Mamook, the Yok Huy (trolls) and Gurfurlur himself are all straight from Treasures of Aht Urhgan. There's a nonzero chance the Azem portal key will be called the astral candescence.
Yes that's surprisingly what they do for all of them, is this your first time realizing this?

I'm sure someone else can post the whole image of all the ascians and their symbols I don't have it.
When they do use the sigils, they are nearly exact. The Sphene example is barely even close.
Does anybody remember when Yoshi-P bragged about personally re-designing Monk for Shadowbringers, and how it ended up being so horrendously designed that they had to retool the entire job in the same expansion?
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>mfw repeatedly queue for R4N so I can see my horsewife
It's also not a face sigil, it's a decorative piece of clothing.
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>if you cut off bits
You mean like every other fucking ascian? Yeah, I wonder.
>The casual are already complaining about the content being too difficult
I cleared m3 three times and every single time it was me + one healer I kept alive with externals when he does his combo. it's telling that you get lb3 right at the end of it, the only moment that's even slightly challenging for DF heroes
admittedly, it's kind of hype to recover an almost-wipe with a healer lb and plays very well in an otherwise boring fight so I think the end result is decent, but good god the average DF healer is just lol
The Garlean fleet was dimensions stronger than whatever garbage those retards had.
How organized is your inventory?
It is pretty amazing how boring the raid story is considering THIS was the moment to get all hildy and make it camp as fuck.
Reminder that if you don't raid savage this is all of your content for the next 4 months.

>Complain about complexity
>Can't perform complex tasks

Pick 2 of 2. Many such cases. There's a reason why summoner was the most played caster in dsr and top even though blm was objectively speaking a better caster to bring into prog (body- and dps checks makes extra rezzes basically useless and when you do have a death you are still better off with black mage's dps potential to cover for the weakness debuff). The "hardcore" playerbase is full of hypocrites who will pick easy jobs even when they have less carry potential. It's all posturing and these kids are gonna be exposed hard by when they go back to older design principles.

I've legit been in statics with 99 parsers who couldn't beat Titan Unreal. It's absurd how bad some "hardcore" players are.
calling it now: a few people have to get enough stickers to get mind controlled (instead of instadeath as on normal) to join groupies and soak something otherwise lethal
How? Did you see Solution 9? How can they have such high tech shit and still job so hard? It makes no fucking sense, did no one stop and think 2 seconds over this?
Soul degrading =/= aether imbalance in the soul
The closest thing of reference is when the WoL's soul was about to explode in in ShB and even that's not exactly the same
It was an army of lions led by a sheep.
I did Aglaia once and it took 40 minutes. We wiped twice on the final boss from people fucking up the scale and then the second time a retard got a stack marker and dragged it on top of the other stack marker
>Garleanfans got less Garlean related stuff in previous expansion so we could get faster into Wuk's ascension to Wukage
before DT, your no mercy window was considered to be a bit more lenient because while it was optimal to fit in a few more GCDs into no mercy, it technically wasn't required because you could still fit all your big damage skills in without much issue
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It actually works pretty well. Finally there are zones where all those modern-day and cyberglams look appropriate.
In terms of the lore...
>be random mook living in limsa
>eat crappy fish every day
>face is all fucked up from salt and sun
>expect to die at 50 or get human trafficked
>some godlike powerful adventurer with power armor and cyber cat ears walks by, 300 million gil in their pocket
>teleports to literal heaven on earth to eat some "iced cream" thing you've never even heard of
Eorzea is now Africa and the WoL is Bill Gates.
BLM was not good during the early days of DSR or TOP on content because it was prone to trolling on the dps checks. This isn't to say it was unusable or that people didn't enjoy it, but it's a lot nicer to have a rez and not wipe because you didn't crit.
They also dont work in some cutscenes, here the character just clips into the floor. It is amazing how shitty fem horth have been implemented.
It's even funnier when you consider the fact that the feral souls in Arcadion would have absolutely fucked everyone when the WoL was away, and that they were already reserved for the explicit use of the army, sure is lucky they didn't use them!

It seems like they intentionally attacked with their weakest forces and just went "ok I guess we lose" afterwards.
>eorzea is now africa
Garleans called them savages for a reason.
I want to try EX trials. How much time do I need to set aside to attempt them?
>A powerful army losing because it's commander is an idiot
They teach history in school still right?
It always was Africa and as a place to live in it's a nigger tier shithole. It's why people that had critical thinking sided with Garlemald, because Garlemald actually had a working industrialized society instead of neo feudalism, tree worship or being whored out for roe pirates.
Next time don't pick such a shitty race
A lot of the hardcore playerbase has been asking for homogenization, full uptime, no RNG mechanics and single target-only raids for years. They do this by means of bitching hysterically whenever a raid boss releases and forces them to hold a cooldown for 5 seconds, adapt to RNG or switch targets.
Then, when they get what they want, they realize it's fucking boring as sin but they blame the casuals for it.
I main tanks but NIN is without a doubt my favorite melee to play
>Rolling your GCD doesn't eat all your Raijus
>Ties Zesho Meppo/ Deathfrog Medium to Kunai's Bane, lower their potency if needed
>I did Aglaia once and it took 40 minutes
This game's playerbase is legit the biggest issue it ever had. Yoshida should have gone full retard with the graphic updates and made everyone fucking ugly and somehow fuck up the shaders so bad that not even gshade could save it. Then, maybe we'd have had a good game. I can't stand the second lifers any longer.
the scions figured out how to transfer souls between shards, surely they can figure out how to flex tape an existing one with some effort?
there were half a dozen muh soul plots across the expansions, going all the way back to post-ARR, don't bullshit people about how *this* time it's different
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enjoy your second job that beats you everyday
Theres gonna be a lot of angry melee after savage hits and they'll over correct the rest of the expansion as always. Just give it time.
Why are you entertaining some retard that speedreads everything then complains about the details

>both have an arrow

They are not that alike. Sphene has a infinity sigb on her crest which presumably represents "endless"
>Yeah a new expansion feature may be shoddily implemented and expose the devs as hacks, but you shouldn't talk about this, you should instead talk about how players are stupid for using this feature.
Typical Yoshidrone behavior.
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the #1 complaint in EW was not being able to fit all your buttons into your burst
Garlemald had an entire organized military superstructure fueled by boatloads of Allagan tech that was specifically designed for war and subjugation. Meanwhile, Alexandria's last war was centuries in the past, and Zoraal Ja's entire story arc is that he's not fit to be a leader because of daddy issues.
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>get rid of cool gap closers because parsetrannies were prioritizing 0.01 dps over gap closing
>don't make gap closing necessary in your fights
help me undestand
First trial too me watching a 15 minute Hector guide, and then two lockouts to clear. About 3 hours.
>comparing face sigils to a random piece of clothing that only looks remotely the same if you're schizophrenic
there are tons of opportunities to use gapclosers for uptime, even in dungeons. what are you talking about?
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Just how fucking blind are you, or rather are you really going to march yourself up on this hill over a nothingburger just because you desperately want to feel right over a point no one cares about.
We literally lucked into a cure for the WoL because Ardbert was there for a rejoining. Everything else isn't even in the same ball park
if you were a Second Life player you'd understand
Emet's name is Hades, and pretty much took everything from XI Hades but with an Ancient spin on it
They're already trying to pre-correct by giving bosses fixed windows where positionals are ignored.
It's poorly implemented for sure, but you deserve it for being such a huge faggot
Melee DPS players unironically don't want to play melee DPS. They want to play ranged physical DPS that looks like a melee class. Having to struggle for your uptime, adapt to disconnects, do positionals, etc. They hate all of this, they just want Machinist gameplay.
>its just like my op isekai anime xD
thanks I hate it
huh? Am I retarded because you could literally easily fit all of GNB's buttons into no mercy window
you pull, do your combo for one cartridge, no mercy, start gnashing fang combo, weave bloodfest in gnashing fang, weave your other shit, pop double down, pop burst strike, pop dot, and you had seconds to spare
They are already bitching that melees have to disengage from the boss for 3 seconds.
>Everything else isn't even in the same ball park
and in 6.4 an easy, relatively straightforward and low-to-no-cost solution will magically be developed
>change gapclosers
>waste time designing shitty ass animation
>fuck up cast time on instant ability somehow
>also don't change anything for pld/war so its just retarded change
damn this is really a final fantasy because all you can do is fantasize about having good game design.
the funny thing is they added charges to gapclosers to mitigate this issue and it's literally always been that you hold onto at least one charge of gapcloser for when you need it
According to the few lore elements we have, most of S9's army was made up of civil automatons and vehicles hurriedly repurposed for war, good example being their flying drones being just a civilian motorcycle with a cannon on it and a single real ship.
The retarded Ja they had for leader probably thought that it was enough.

On the other hand, Garlemald was completely dedicated to their war economy and engineering.
But I enjoy having to be mindful of my position. It's the only interesting thing they have

It genuinly blows my mind how the same players who complain about the lack of depth also complains when the boss mech doesn't allow them to do a full uptime dummy rotation. They are completely clueless about constitutes as depth.
Honestly do these people even enjoy this game at all.
I hope not. We're abolishing the whole system so I'd be fine if she just died
make a different game
>back when the game had substance
Can we pretend that everything after the Yotsuyu patches in StB didn't happen? Also retcon Regula dying. I think it's time we have a proper Garlean civil war expansion. Having Gaius, Regula, Gabranth, Vergilia and Quintus on the screen at the same time would be kino as fuck. Also Garlean armor, Judge and actual Gunbreaker instead of the furry shit we got.
They wobble between

>NOOO we hate wall bosses we hate giant hitboxes we want boss movement back!!!!!
>NOOO the boss is moving and it's hitbox is so small i'm forced to take downtime AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Don't listen to them, don't think about them, ignore them.

I was talking about the ascian symbol in the picture you dolt. I was agreeing with you
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Zoraal Ja's trial is good but when the sword lines mechanics and it lines up with the burst my beginner MNK brain goes full mush. I haven't found a way to do both so I just decided to find the nearest summoner or healer and trust in them since they only need 1 braincell and button to do their job. Works like a charm.
They don't. They enjoy their big numbers of a website that is not related to the game they are playing at all and they use cheats to achieve those big numbers.
>we need to genocide the entire fucking world to get a proper supply of souls that we want to use as fuel
>we have no army or really anything resembling military btw, we only kind of have one after an outsider forced us to build one
so what was the original plan, before zoraal happened?
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it's shit
>typically the alchemy
Anything particular about alchemy collectibles?
Remember you don't have to avoid everything, it's ok to get hit by one thing but not 2. Healies clean it up.
I don't care, fuck you
I miss my slam pig Arciela
No plan because witers didnt think about it
>Solus is dead
>WoL kills Zenos
>Varis is dead
>Garlean civil war breaks out
>Instead of going on a quest to read about rocks and stupid fucking lizards, you influence the political processes of Garlemald to favor Eorzean geopolitics and stabilize the place, inviting just enough moral ambiguity and giving Alphinaud another "Are we in the right to do this?" arc
I'd like that.
Alexandria is a congregation of simpletons
Just because someone understands the lore about the world does not mean they are a retarded garleanfag you are not in good company you insufferable twat. Yes you got shafted with garlemald being only half of endwalker instead of a proper expansion. No, you haven't seen all of ilsabard, you've only seen the capital.
Get over it.
positionals are cancer and always have been, true north is a bandaid fix just like invig/goad was a bandaid for TP and diversion was a bandaid for enmity management
I did them yesterday. As a turbo casual healer who only picked up healing with DT I thought they were pretty fun. I think we only wiped once on M3.
Though M4 was a 15+ minute shit show with people dying to the dumbest shit and those constant attacks at the end had me sweating a bit.
Having to learn a rotation priority order and how to get your rotation back on track after a forced disconnect (or gasp, a RANDOM forced disconnect) is clunky and makes it too difficult to run the same 100 times to practice my perfect fflogs run.
I should just learn my striking dummy rotation and be able to bring that with no changes whatsoever to every raid, which makes the gameplay extremely shallow, which is a bad thing, but it's also what I want, but I will also complain about it.
That's completely fine, it's a shared party mechanic, you don't need everyone to independently solve the same puzzle at once.
I dont raid. I just want to play my class and have fun pressing my buttons. Having to disengage regularly and just spam one button... I might as well play a healer at that point. Also, it is just an indication that the game design will move more and more towards fights being twitch reflex action slop and your class getting more and more simple.
The only one acting like an insufferable twat here is you, are you a left winger by any chance?
I didn't read too much into it myself but the plan was, and apparently it's a plan they've executed before, to use fusion to farm worlds. I don't know if it's explicitly stated how they take over once they've connected to a world but that's it. You hear about it in the MSQ how people are worried about the path of destruction Alexandria left behind before you stopped them.

It's possible they did it via opening portals like the one to the golden city but we'd need a lore and sidequest friend to tell us.
I'm not even a Garleanfag, I just want something fun to happen and this New World shit ain't it. Even the fucking raid series is safe garbage.
They also announced job changes to make classes easier in less than a week of it being released because "its too hard". Community is a joke and Yoshi folds fast.
This has always been true, but for the past expansion bosses were the entire arena, now people are bitching about uptime. He will fold. As always.

Don't forget that magic also makes a difference. Being technically more advanced isn't everything when the opponent might be more magically advanced.

Solution Nine's armed forces consists of a handful of commanders, the rest is automatons. Said automatons can't use magic so they will get shit on by a seemingly less technological army.

The reason Garleans had to go so far up the tech tree was because it was their only way to keep up. At the same time, the Dragons are basically a bunch of cavemen since their magic is so strong.
This is your brain on Shadowbringers combat design.
So i blinked and zone 4 was done in 10 minutes with no story or anything happening, what was the point of that?
I've cleared every ultimate with a purple or higher parse and average a 97 or higher across every raid tier I've done on content.

I love downtime, I don't mind bosses forcing us to disengage. I also enjoy wall bosses and do not care about the size of a bosses hitbox.
They needed a 4th zone, duh.
>so what was the original plan, before zoraal happened?
They didn't have a plan, that's why Sphene was desperate enough to hand control of the whole kingdom to Zoraal Ja to gain access to the Azem key.
Wait until you see the next two zones. (They're almost just as pointless)
Quite a few jobs had that late weave window in the past, its nothing new.
Are you telling me a fucking wrestler like Horse-Cat has figured out how to mold the electrope into huge fuckoff laser and every other weapon under the sun, but all of Solution 9's military couldn't do anything but turning civil automatons into stormtrooper tier useless soldiers? Like, they obviously have advance AI so just loading a fucking bomb on a drone and fly it into a dragon should not be an issue. Yeah Zoraal Ja was an idiot but the army being so lackluster doesn't work for me.

Also, fucking SHOOT THE RAILS.
>Quality of the playerbase has degraded to the point that ARR/Heavensward raid design is considered "twitch action slop" even though the game has always been designed for geriatric-tier reflexes.
>Bloated rotations with 5000 buttons you press in the exact same order every time are now "complexity", whereas having to adapt your rotation on the fly to fight mechanics is "simplicity".
>Having to use your ranged button once is considered "spamming one button".
The downfall of this game is ultimately the playerbase's own fault.
This is often a problem for BLM because the job is not bursty, it does very consistent high damage. This makes it weaker on fights with constant interruptions that allow other jobs to pool resources and dump damage when it is needed. This is going to be a glaring disadvantage versus PCT going forward, even if BLM is brought up to equal or even superior overall damage.

>admits to not knowing how to play at a high level
>claims to know how to deal with downtime mechs

What did he mean by this?
>you're the one who is insufferable
>brings up real world politics immediately
like clockwork
Ok pitch something that isn't another half decade of garlemald wanking.
Personally I want meracydia and more warring triad shit.
Shard travel was the original plan until Krile's parents threw away the key and made it impossible. At that point they were basically resigned to their fate, gradually rationing souls and putting a waiting list on Living Memory to prolong it as much as possible. The plan being doomed from the start was almost certainly by Ascian design, because there's no chance Alexandria just happened to develop all this soul technology by themselves, and it's also obvious their reflection was very close to being ready for rejoining until we put a stop to that whole business. Emet knew what was going on.
Listen here chuddie, the raid tiers are never canon. Now stop asking questions and pay up your sub.
You're insufferable because you began insulting someone else for no good reason other than talking about a faction you don't seem to like in game.
>the raid tiers are never canon
coils are canon
eden will be made canon in 7.2
Garleans are fine. Retards who have been bitching for almost 7 years about them not getting their own expansion over thousands of threads, are not. You would know that if you weren't a tourist.
Omega is also canon
It's even more stupid when you think that they don't need souls for the Endless but aether, their whole genocidal plan is fucking useless when you can just harvest places like the aetherfront or the mothercrystal. It's literally purposefully choosing the worst possible course of action to pass as villains.

>apparently it's a plan they've executed before
It's not, as stupid as it sounds, the whole "thunder dome on Yyasulani" fuck up happened only because they didn't know how to control it and never really tried it on this scale before.
>Omega is also canon
are there any references to it outside of alpha and mini-omega running around the map?
the lightning rejoining already happened a long time ago

The drones do not have more than a basic AI, this is obvious. Horsepussy on the other hand is 0.x% top athlete/magician of their society.
>I dont raid.
then why do you care about raid encounter design
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Well, anons?
It's stated twice, and then again during/after the final trial, that they've farmed other worlds for souls.
sphene choker
Anti-Garlean posters get personal with it very quickly because, in their mind, any sign that you enjoyed Garlean stories = wishing the Garlemald expansion wasn't canned = thinking Endwalker wasn't perfect = YOU'RE A ZODIARK TRANCER.
Half of the most retarded talking points in these threads are tied up in batshit insane cult-like devotion to Endwalker, a mediocre expansion that set the stage for the disaster we're in now.

Souls are aether. Their endgame was likely to siphon energy straight out of the lifestream.
Try NIN, the TCJ windows on both Vali and Zoraal happen during extremely busy sequences that forces you to move half the time.
stop being a disingenuous waste of space you strawmanning nigger
Did you miss the final boss in Vanguard? They did have generals using beast souls, but conscripting random civilians who had been living a relatively utopian life into a "war" that doesn't actually threaten them doesn't give you much in the way of competent soldiers. Alexandria hasn't had a real war in over 400 years.
Why are you people still trying to make heads or tails from the DT story and worldbuilding.

How haven't you learned the lesson yet that Hiroi has no fucking idea what he's doing and just throws shit at the wall with the sole intention of having every single plot element be in service of a single character at a time.
before getting merged into the Source Alexandria was mostly self-sustaining, but Sphene is retarded and decided to start adding literally everyone into Living Memory which threw everything off
What a stupid post.
Endwalker was pretty mediocre at wrapping things up.
Garleanfags are also insufferable.
They are not mutually exclusive opinions.
Go to bed doomy we're having a discussion here.
Isn't eden already canon by Gaia appearing in an MSQ?
Also Alexander and omega were both involved for the time/space travel of the crystal tower, weren't they?
>We already had calamities for all the elements, therefore another calamity can't happen
Fourchenault is that you?
>beast master will be muh beast souls wank instead of actual beast master
I hate Yoshi so much it's unreal
I bring my extremely average (I think) blue parse, they bring the braincells, we clear, simple as
Eden Raid is the dumbest story in the game. It's over after the first fight. Every thing after is filler.
The NM window is the exact same as EW, 9 GCDs at =<2.47, 8 in 2.50. Unless you played 2.50, you still had to weave late to get in 9GCDs. This did not change in dawntrail, we now just lion heart instead of ending in a basic combo for 2mins and sonic break can now be placed at the end of the NM window. The big change from EW is that we don't need 3 carts for 2min windows
How exactly did you expect them to rejoin thirteen shards with only eight elements and no duplicates?
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>figure out a way to send their not-spaceship to the first
>have them clean up all the excess light aether
>the first is much improved
>alexandria gets an almost world-worth amount of aether that's just floating around
>anon making shit up to be mad at.
>Everywhere everyone points at has terrible inconsistencies that are completely inexplicable and have no possible reasoning behind them other than "Hiroi wanted an enemy for Wuk Lamat that'd make her at once the underdog but also immensely superior".
>Pointing this out makes me a doomie.

Your standards for what makes someone a doomer sure are fucking low.
Louisoix literally died fighting against this propaganda
I did and I will do it again. Fuck Yoshi.
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>buttons dps mains dont even have on their hotbar
>Beast Master will be a meme job that will get smaller and smaller updates every expansion (just like Blue Mage) because Yoshi completely gave up on fixing pet code and decided to just delete pets from the game, allowed only to exist in a meme limited job for the rest of eternity.
I just can't accept that there is a Cyberpunk City, that has this fucking unobtanium tier electrope shit, that has been shown to be incredibly potent when used for combat is not able to have any meaningful impact in a military campaign. It makes no fucking sense, especially if you think that Zoraal Ja had 30 years for this shit. People accepting it because some throwaway line says "Uhh yeah, the army was actually really shit" is just a fucking low standard I never thought we would reach.
>rejoin thirteen shards with only eight elements and no duplicates
eight elements + five power rangers
bedtime chop chop
It's not going to be souls you are literally being red herring'd when the actual answer is erenville is going to meet lyon and pagaga and take up the job due to his affinity for animals to honor his moms wish. Stupid faggot how did that go over your head so easily?
Congrats, now the Empty will never heal since now there's permanently less Aether in the world, making the entire plot of Eden pointless.
Whatever Beastmaster is, you can bet your arse it won't be a pet job.
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>your average dawntrail fan
Ok come back when you wake up and feel ready to discuss things with the adults instead of crying that your favorite company got criticized again.
Anon you might not have noticed, but everybody in Alexandria is kinda retarded and Zoraal Ja is even stupider
it's like giving unobtanium technology to xaela
The raid patch released and it's slightly better than the rest of this dogshit expansion, so the cultish retards who call everyone doomsissy are back here trying to change the narrative.
this reminds me of smackdown vs raw 2006, therefore it has soul and I have no issue with it. I hope in the next tier some of them hold signs.
I actually have to agree. S9 is supposed to be singlehandedly the most advanced civilization we've seen barring Omicrons, but a wooden bomb train and a dragon are enough to make them heel? A dragon with only one eye too?
I mean shit, these guys are advanced enough to make a post endsinger WOL try, but then they lose to things a Level 60 or 70 WOL could beat. Its too jarring, they really should have said it was a scouting force, cause honestly given what Eutrope has shown has Electrope is a force to be reckoned with.
Yeah, that was kind of the point anon
the issue on the first is the imbalance
suck out all the excess light aether and things will eventually fix themselves, same as eden converting it all into different elements
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The state of (You)
Those become super useful when dealing with mediocre Tanks or Healers in your party.
I think I was the only person that had the Titan button before the summoner rework, it kept me alive during so many near-wipe fuckups.
The whole point was to show that Zoraal Ja would have failed as a leader and in his ambition to take over Eorzea, because even with 30 years to plan and access to the most advanced tech in all the reflections, he couldn't do shit. If the Garleans had access to Alexandrian tech, they would have taken over the world 100%.
How did you find this video of me and my FC at fanfest? I didn't see anybody recording.
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Queen B in her normal form then again in her Bee form. No condom.
Would be based. They should make it so it picks a random adventurer plate from anyone in the group and put those on signs. Maybe then I would bother to use that shitty system
The funny part is that Zoraal is the one that's supposed to be the competent military leader, he then proceeds to be character assassinated to prop up poochie. This expansion could actually have been good. Dooming intensifies.
We used the crystal all of one (1) time the entire expansion, the rest was canonically with scions/randoms. The only thing that came close to endsinger, or even fucking hades, was the robot.
The entire second half of DT, from the ground up makes no sense.
Fuck Electrope's ability to convert Aether into different forms would be a godsend, except it only works with Lightning aether. If there was Lightrope there would be hope, but nah I'm thinking the ore is an ascian thing
These buttons aren't in the dummy rotation I downloaded from the balance. Making me use them is clunky. I hope Yoshi-P deletes these buttons after he's finished getting rid of DoTs and fixing all the clunky forced downtime in the game.
>adventure plate on the signs
they should put them on the teleprompters to coincide with the "that bitch fell off the arena" callouts.
It's not going to be tied to the main plot in any way. It will be an ARR unlock like BLU is, so it won't involve anyone or any concepts introduced in the MSQ beyond this point.
You don't need penumbra to do that, or to use 90% of mods/plugins.
>saw many people and streamers not caring about the Tural arc and only caring about Alexandria
I liked the first half though...
The only explanation people can come up with for this is "the villain was literally too retarded to ever represent a real threat", rendering most of Dawntrail utterly pointless. Incredible writing.
The only time I've ever felt it really necessary to use Addle in any form of casual content, it was for Warm Glow during 6.0. That shit fucking hurt and I just wanted to do the healer the favour.
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>[unknown cafe with 15 stores across entire europe]
why are xiv collabs so fucking gay all the time? why can't they choose something that is available everywhere?
Just make a functioning army from civilians who haven't seen a weapon other than for the Arcadion in about 400 years forehead, especially when they refuse to become soldiers because death is so scary to them. Just use some dumb AI tin cans repurposed for war in a hurry and defeat an empire that had been at war with each constituent parts of itself up to 80 years ago and manages to keep order with a strong military.

Zoraal Ja was a retard for thinking that Tural could ever take on Eorzea.
Zoraal Ja is also a retard for thinking he can just create a military force out of nowhere where he has no actual way to convince the people to fight and repurposed civil bullshit
M4 wild charge showed me how people don't mit in this game. During a reclear, I had to reprisal and hol, we healer lb3d and we still wiped twice on the last part because my co-tank and dps don't know what mit is. I appreciate the raid design in this tier but it proved the playerbase brings this game down
it was offensively bland all the way to wild west, and even then it was only a smidge better
There really is no excuse for Alexandria other than the fact that they got cocky and didn't pool their resources into a fullscale invasion.
I can imagine Zoraal Ja saying that Tulliyollal was a bunch of knuckledragging cave monkeys and slacking cause of his excess confidence in technological superiority, but they should have shown this not have me copingly rationalize this.
>that is available everywhere?
Like what? McDonald's?
>S9 is supposed to be singlehandedly the most advanced civilization we've seen barring Omicrons
Solution 9 is the dying gasp of a world that bastardized its own tree of life just to perpetuate an endless cycle of walking death. It's directly implied everything outside that dome is fucking gone. They're running on fumes of souls, controlled by a retarded AI remnant that knows nothing about war and is based on a peace loving princess, and the only time they start being militantly competent is when notvergil takes control temporarily.
smol indie company please understand
The President is Pashtarot and his true name is Zeus, he was probably the leader of Preservation previously. In Elpis Emet mentions Pashtarot by name when talking about the memory machine
like KFC? the collab they had twice in japan but not everywhere else?
FOMOtroonslop for goys
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nice try asshole
Pretty much all of the marketing shit surrounding this game is a reflection of FFXIV's utterly soulless state.
Dogshit figures with horrendous quality, dogshit uncanny valley dolls, ugly merch, collabs that involve either disgusting levels of gouging on fast food or going to overpriced cafes nobody has ever heard of.
this but unironically. put feint and addle on ranged phys and make DPS personal mitigations stronger.
KFC isn't available everywhere
>even if you ignore wuk, the fucking MSQ becomes wore and wore the more you think about it
How the fuck did they miss so bad?
they already built that onc kfc in belgium so it's everywhere now
a lot of people don't like ff9.
DEI consultation grift forced MSQ rewrites
I honestly think the Alexandrians encountering Allagan tech would actually buff them massively. As for why, they're possibly the only civilization other than Omicrons who could not only reengineer, but commandeer the Allag fuckdeath machines. The Everkeep is already more impressive than the Crystal Tower, but Allag is obviously militarily superior. Goddamn if they had only scouted Eorzea instead of attacking and trying to gain control of Tural they might have actually won.
KFC isn't available in my country because our food standards are too high lmao
I honestly think the shit was rewritten significantly multiple times. They've never blatantly lied to us before like they did with Dawntrail. Scions divided and fun treasure hunting vacation.
There's vore?
Jesus christ now that all the sweats have gone through raids already, queen honey bee filters casuals hard. You are absolutely fucked if you have shit healers and no res casters.
Cid is going to cream his fucking pants the second he gets his hands on electrope. Nero too.
Names aside there is little FFIX here. Living Memory feels more like FFX Zanarkand than the soul bullshit of the Ifa Tree. Even the fusion of Gaia/Terra is not really like the purposed fusion that Sphene was trying to achieve, if anything, the Gaia/Terra thing is more like a standard Rejoining.
Yoshida rushed to wrap up all of their pre-existing lore in some kind of insane hype-generation marketing frenzy, and was then left with no interesting hooks or worldbuilding left right after all the talented writers got promoted out of FFXIV.
Dawntrail is FFXIV's B-team writers trying to start over from scratch. It also feels like there's some kind of corporate push to make the setting less gritty and more PG13, but that's just my personal conspiracy theory.
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Listen to me.
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>KFC isn't available everywhere
it's everywhere except total shitholes like half of africa and russia
the only civilized country on earth that doesn't have kfc is norway
That I can agree with, if the dome apleared anywhere other than native american lands that would have been a fucking problem.

Imagine the dome appears over the ruins of Garlemald. It's fucking never been more over.
>Living Memory feels more like FFX Zanarkand than the soul bullshit of the Ifa Tree
Solution 9 itself is the Iifa Tree, not Living Memory.
time to git gud :)
>we see Cid, Nero, and the others in S9
>they're practically immigrated and have japanese food moments with electrope
it's closer to kingdom hearts 2 than ffx/ffix
>Imagine the dome appears over the ruins of Garlemald
and alexandrians do... what, exactly, with the ruins of garlemald?
what exactly led you to believe they're anything but staggeringly incompetent? they lost to a bunch of savages while having space age tech
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I wanna mentor these two
So... why did Yoshi-P instruct his writers to completely delete The Twelve from the setting?
I get that they're 1.0 lore and post-ARR FFXIV never did anything with them at all but... isn't just killing them all at once kind of extreme? Discovering the roots of Eorzea's religion could've been its own expansion...
I get 3 hearts every single time because I'm a simp
I do want to hear more about the actual Iifa Tree. A milala in living memory (iirc) mentions he is from a town called, of course, Conde Petie that was near an Iifa Tree. That's too big of a name to just namedrop and do nothing with, I really wonder.
Yoshit became woke. I'm convinced he made up his past as an old school WoW gamer.
It is literally the exact shape of the tree, and you can see partial tree remnants in the soul system as you progress through orogenics but alright man.
>So... why did Yoshi-P instruct his writers to completely delete The Twelve from the setting?
because he's a fuckhead
I am 200+ latency and both the bullet hell as well as the second groupbee phase were basically not doable for me. Especially the latter just hade the AoE indicators sometimes appear for a split second before going off, they might as well not be there. I suspect that is because the AoE position gets calculated by player movement, so by the time that has been received by my client the AoE has already long resolved.
We're lead to believe the suit people are robots but when we kill one and open it its a person??? Someon explain it to me. Theres the guys in the dungeon who are human too..??? Then we hear about how all the souls in the coliseum are reserved for the army and thats why they closed????
yoshitta takes pictures with trannies he loves them
Anything with a helmet is a drone.
thank you for your concession
The alexandrians do fuck nothing, the domed Garleans cream their pantaloons and get a newfound appreciation for purging savagery. There is bound to be some remaining Garleans who have not lost that drive, give them the means and they will take them.
Yeah I just realised KFC came back to my country a few years back
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We booted a guy from our static with one of the reasons stated he never used Addle
When playing for long enough, I enjoy Feint & Addle because they give me something to consider during fights. Every now and then people forget mits so we plan ahead a new mit plan during the fight together with the whole party. Keeps the people sane
We saved the entire universe in EW. How do you elevate the stakes after that? They had 2 options - either reset the MSQ (which was always going to feel like a let down) or officially end the MSQ and just make every expansion from now on side content (MSQ females and trannies would have freaked).
There were no good options.
They aren't gone or dead, they just released the pent up aether from all the prayers they received, they could eventually reform but the clock they made disperses the aether before they can.
What makes you think Yoshida gives a shit about the "Eorzea" setting he inherited from Tanaka? To you Eorzea may be tied up with your fond memories of this game and the origins of your character, to Yoshida Eorzea is just a reminder that the project that made him famous will never be wholly his.
>one of the reasons stated he never used addle
Thus began his 7 year campaign of harassing a bald retard.
>I'm upset people talk about things I don't like
There's nothing wrong with a Garlean centric expansion or wishing for it. You're a bitch and that's all there is to it.
IX is about the inevitability of death, and how you can help people in spite of it.
It will be a segment in a dungeon for 1 hallway and a boss then you will teleport to another remembird area. Please look forward to it.
Well, XIV 3.0 codename Dawntrail is fully his. Hope he enjoys it.
I know, that's why I said that they purposefully chose the worst solution for now given the amount of other options they still had before turning into literal soul vampires..
It was annoying then and it's annoying now. You have enough outfits for your natsoc rp, you dont have to keep begging for more garlemald.
It was retarded to go cosmic scale at all in the first place if they weren't intending on ending the game right there.
Endsinger should've been a purely planetary problem. I loved the Dead Ends and the alien civilizations in Endwalker, but bringing them in required insane cosmic stakes that are next-to-impossible to climb back down from.
Retard, you are supposed to plan when he uses addle, you aren't supposed to expect him to just use it on his own
And the Alexandria section of DT is about letting go of the dead and embracing the memories of why they were important. It's similiar sure, but it's not a constant memento mori like FFIX was.
Well ff11 managed it, you become god in the end but you make yourself to beat your self because yourself who is god becomes an evil god so you reborn to kill yourself.
>projecting and strawmanning
I'd be interested in seeing the narrative explore a political system that is diametrically opposite to what the Eorzea represents and how the writers would communicate it. But having seen the writing of Dawntrail, I can say that I am glad Garlemald was nuked.
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Endwalker is the end of the story. Everything after is filler episodes of naruto
Considering Allagan metal is aetheircally conductive, there is reasonable proof that any sample utilizing Allagan tech could not only be reverse engineered, but that they could actually produce the same aetherial metal the allagans used, thus curbing the reliance of electrope. Plus accessing Azys La and then plundering it, and then learning of Dalamud?
Alexandria could have easily reached Omicron levels of danger. Way I see it, we basically nipped a bud that could have grown into a real menace.
Would they have won without the WOL? No. But they could have if they had started in places with high concentrations of Allagan ruins
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I'm really worried they are going to do what all shitty anime/cartoons do in filler episodes. Evil Scions from another shard.
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>you are supposed to plan when he uses addle, you aren't supposed to expect him to just use it on his own
I clear every raid week one or two entirely through PF and I don't think I ever saw anybody planning out mit in a detailed way outside of a 6/8 static I joined for week one p4 kill
people that take savage extremely seriously are either deranged parse-chasers or shitters that think it's way more challenging than it really is (or people who play with RDM lmao)
You will take the judgment sissy and you will like it.
Endwalker unironically ended with Emet-Selch looking directly at the camera to beg us to please look forward to Dragon Ball GT (the MMO).
And to think that some people genuinely believed the "new saga" marketing.
How would you have written the champion of savages being able to waltz directly into enemy territory and actually conversea nd interact with the political system that sustains it, exactly? You have been KoS to Garlemald since Castrum, barring the sole exception of Varis's based (but insanely hypocritical) speech.
the food at the cafe is pretty good at least
I mean, that was kinda already what happened with the Warriors of Darkness. Specially if you believe the theories that the non-Ardbert ones were also Scion reflections.
Last time they did evil alternate WoL team it was cringe as shit for one patch and probably the best payoff of the entire story when it was given to a good writer. It can work.
yeah but that lead into the best expansion the game has seen years later
The Roots of Dusk?
Dawntrail is literally the Boruto tier expansion...
Oh I meant to tag the person you were tagging, who cares about the lfia tree? They fucked that up. Where are my black mages? Where are my black waltzes? It's in the shape of a lfia tree though, here let me play you another FFIX song and oh look Otis, he is kind of like Steiner!
List of waifus these hacks have killed off -
>Lyse written out of story
>Hilda gone
>Ryne written out of story
>that garlean girl who runs away from you and gets killed by a bear
When will they stop killing all the girls?
Imagine if all these were still alive and we had a huge pool party cutscene.
>Dragon Ball GT (the MMO).
This is a horrible thing to call 6.X and Dawntrail MSQ, but it's also completely accurate.
It's so fucking over for us, storybros...
so what was up with graha deepthroating ice cream anyway? and why did it include some weird-ass audio to boot?
WoL has no shortage of means by which to disguise himself and Shadowbringers showed with Eulmore that the writers were capable of portraying antagonistic or decaying societies in a multifaceted fashion without reducing them to cartoonish parodies of themselves and showing and resolving the issues they have in a believable manner. I don't trust the writers currently employed to do such a thing.
>where are my black mages
>he doesn't know
lol they're the robot casters in the alexandria dungeon enjoy.
>Where are my black mages? Where are my black waltzes?
Just wait for gulool ja to have that vivi scene realizing he is a clone
They won't even give us "pool party" scenes with the 2 main girls.
Dyke boss womyn and troon expansion. Fuck
Yeah except the garleans want to murder you the second you get to garlemald even after going through what is essentially an apocalypse so why would they be any kinder to you before one? You aren't a garlean. You stick out like a sore thumb.
True. But that's always been XIV's MO. Take something done before and spin it.
>WoL has no shortage of means by which to disguise himself
>this isnt a tranny erp game btw haha
>How would you have written the champion of savages being able to waltz directly into enemy territory and actually conversea nd interact with the political system that sustains it, exactly?
hey fuckos i'm tryna be civil with you but if you continue being a bitch imma genocide all of you, so behave
Do you actually think garlemald at the height of its power would not have scanners to detect that despite having gates that block entry to non garleans explicitly installed in multiple stormblood dungeons
I wanted a beach episode cutscene, just one with native bikini girls even if they were in the background.
None, 0, zilch.
In some of the red countries, particularly the Balkans it's only in the capital cities and some airports and like 2-3 restaurants and almost everyone hates it. I know because I live there.
What is the believable manner that it gets resolved? They eventually just go "wow we were wrong about everything and the scions were right about everything, thank you for educating us"
and that's worse than some cafe that maybe 1% of the playerbase even heard of?
You're supposed to be a hero anon. Not a murderous villain.
Unironically yes
I fucking love Parappa.
No, that's not what happens. With Vauthry removed, their defense against Sin Eaters is destroyed and they are forced to face the realities of how their society is now unsustainable because they don't get Onions Green anymore, so they are forced to contact local farms and establish cooperative relationships with outlying settlements. What do you get out of trying to lie like this to people that have actually played the game?
And I am a magnanimous hero, what with not genociding them outright and giving them a chance.
They had to destroy Garlemald because they inherently linked them with Emet Selch and Garlemald getting destroyed was thematically a part of his downfall. It was stupid linking the two of them as closely as they did but they went all in on the big evil spooky empire thing.
Spoken like a true israeli.
The populares vs. optimates plotline was clearly telegraphing that you'd have sympathizers in Garlemald and that Garlemald was heading towards a civil war, meaning you'd have towns that may be sympathetic to you, nevermind that Ilsabard is host to myriads of non-Garlean cultures that may, given the Empire's political fragility post-StB, grant you refuge in exchange for your help in fighting against Garlean occupation.
Also, before Endwalker, Garlemald was depicted as a magitek steampunk civilization akin to the Empire from FF6, meaning there's no reason to assume they have cameras or a modern media ecosystem that allows everyone in Garlemald to know what you look like. Endwalker rewriting them into having 20th century level technology ruins this though.
lvling up a warrior im lvl 30. i have a 40 paladin but i don't rlly remember how it plays.
They didn't even know about the onions green thing. What always happens is there's an anti-maguffin that reveals how their whole society is insanely evil and then they are shocked and then 100% adopt the scion's ideology.
I suppose that's right, I just kinda wish it was more of a focus. As it is the first half of the story feels aimless and devoid of themes other than "our diversity makes us strong" which would be fine if it at all connected with the Alexandrian part but it kinda just gets left there. Especially considering that when some real cultural difference appears basically all of us decide "the soul vampirism will stop". The true american colonization was the friends we made along the way.
I don't think there's any point to talk to him about it since the man clearly doesn't remember Maxima Quo Priscus existed.
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Dawntrail is shit
But that's not what happened. Without Vauthry there is no meol and no protection from the Sin Eaters either, it's irrelevant how it was made. Don't try to deflect. It wasn't magically solved and they didn't adopt the scions ideology because Eulmore still remains a closed off community that doesn't openly welcome strangers in.
>alexandria appears above pre-collapse garlemald
>within a month the entire country gets addicted to alexandrian v-tubers, same as best koreans got fucked up by south korean idol bands
>zenos doesn't care, spends all his time either at the arena or sending (you) love letters inviting you to participate
I do, but I also remember them saying the populares were a particularly small faction that only had leverage due to the untimely death of zenos throwing things into disarray. Pretty big gamble to assume they could full scale civil war with that little support.
Uh-huh, youre a transphobe nazi thats why you hate it.
The first half is more of the idea of unifying upholding traditions while advancing civilization through technology. That's why Koana & Wuk share the Dawnservant throne.
Why would they start the civil war when it should be the death of Varis that begins it?
Come home white man.
societal instability due to getting their shit pushed in everywhere, in all their colonies
also (((ascians)))
The initial unrest in garlemald is explicitly the result of zenos's death, long before varis dies. Do you just not remember stormblood at all?
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I wish the twins stayed in Garlemald for this shitty expansion. They can resolve that shitty save the garleans plot off screen and come back refreshed.
I have no idea what you're talking about, but the guy was malding for sure
We did ask him to use it. Asked a couple of times "hey do you have addle up at that point? Can you use it there?" did it for a few times, forgot, and after a few reminder, stopped doing it. Tried it a couple of times as a group, but no success. So we booted the mongrel
Why are you pushing the angle that the Populares would need to start a civil war to incite change?
They went to the New World to learn diplomacy of other nations, and all they did was be cheer leaders to Wuk Lamat. It was retardedly offensive to their characters.
They are not closed off. The whole point of the lift is how they are opening up and working together with different groups.
Their leader got killed and it was revealed that he was making people into sin eater cannibals. Then they go "oh god...we're evil??? guess we'll just become scion juniors now"
In Garlemald's case it was the big reveal that their entire society was basically created in a lab for the sole purpose of destroying the world. How do you recover from that? Jullus is the symbol of nu-Garlemald where he just parrots whatever the Scions tell him about friendship or whatever. These societies didn't recover they just became blank slates for scions to remold them in their image.
>beast master
uhm that's a little problematic anon I think you mean society master.
Ummm how about you turn your brain off and learn how to have fun?
You could literally patch the game, remove Alisaie and Alphinaud from Dawntrail and nothing would change.
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Why did the manga have better designs for the Magus Sisters than the game?
because they are completely, hopelessly outnumbered? It's like expecting House Haillenarte to overthrow the holy see.
that's it, I'm going back to World of Societycraft
You could patch the game, remove the Warrior of Light from Dawntrail and almost nothing would change.
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i mean the mary sue WoL did it single handedly so...doesn't seem that hard
lol true
pretty much everyone except wuk lamat, remember them shilling how this is an expansion about kryle and erenville and they just useless. We dont even need wol or other scions, they do nothing.
i mean... you wouldn't be able to play the game
Honey B is so great. I wish she replaced Wuk.
No, your shotcaller is supposed to call for addle midfight and say "addle now".
even better
This entire game bashes you over the head with a mallet for over a thousand hours that your SPECIAL UNIQUE POWER is MAKING FRIENDS AND ALLIES and that being POWERFUL ENOUGH TO OVERCOME ANYTHING. the wol does NOTHING singlehandedly, that is the overarching, entire point of the fucking game. Can you read?
A prefferable alternative, i regret buying this shite and a month of sub.
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New raid tier seems popular, people talking about it non-stop in the hunt train about how good it was, who they want to sniff.
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Just got to the Heritage Found part and met Erenville's mom.
Is Erenville just some american who forcibly changed his accent into what other Viera sound like?
her beast form sucks tho
>They are not closed off
They are, as a society. They work and trade with other people, but they don't invite just everyone in to live in Eulmore.
>In Garlemald's case it was the big reveal that their entire society was basically created in a lab for the sole purpose of destroying the world.
That's nonsense. Garlean Empire was built with that in mind, but Garleans themselves as people come from Goug and their empire itself was a fairly recent invention and there were people opposing Solus. He made them disappear of course.
>Jullus is the symbol of nu-Garlemald where he just parrots whatever the Scions tell him about friendship or whatever.
Good job reducing it to absurd, I suppose.
>These societies didn't recover
Yeah, because they weren't written to have done so yet. What are you trying to say here exactly?
he literally takes down gigapope boosted with a dragon eye and all 12 of his knights at the same time, all by himself.
erenville wasn't originally going to be a major character.
The Dawntrail story would barely change without any scions at all, except maybe Krile.
>autosaged to shit
>still reaches almost 500 posts anyway
yeah and that's the only time it happens
It's precisely because they are completely hopelessly outnumbered that they should try to change the political process using peaceful means, since they would be destroyed in a violent conflict.
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I wish that was our power.
But the wol has never really been given that as a focus.
Literally the only reason we're relevant at all is because Venat groomed us after meeting us in the future.
Those designs you posted are unironically shit and worse than any other version of the Magus Sister, including the weird bug one.
Name one thing she did.
>but they don't invite just everyone in to live in Eulmore.
no one does, that's a retarded standard, not even jewish bazaar uldah does that.
As for garleans, they are synonyms with the empire because that's the only relevance they have in the game
>I wish that was our power
It's Azems power. We are Azem. They're literally feeding us more Azem doohickeys to double down on it.
Pretty much, he even changed his name to pretend to not be Turali.
If you think this is a stupid retcon, try thinking about how fucking stupid it is that every Mamool Ja up to DT were simply pretending to be retarded while being sellswords for seemingly no fucking reason.
Yes, which is why people wanted a Garlean expansion - to give their culture and people more characterization beyind "Those mooks you kill occasionally".
they retconned that and everything happens now because we just summon 7 clones of ourselves so it still counts as solo.
Except dungeons of course that no one can clear that solo and we need to have a gang conviniently appear to help us.
We do an occasional "we got any mits?", people pitch in, when no more mit is brought up or any objections, it gets put on. All happens in a second.
Meet her parents.
Every single trial this expansion other than the last one had scions. The crystal was used ONE time. The raids are using soul simulacrums that are being released as the contingency for our success.
You can see a city in the background what more do you want? It's a small indie studio working from their mom's garage basement.
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Having seen how good Dawntrail is at characterizing cultures, I am going to gladly take that and ask for nothing more.
The stakes are lower in HW and that was better.
You guys really overrate the whole friend summoning power of Azem.
Just because they did that doesn't mean the wol is supposed to be some all loving friend collector.
It just means that the wol really trusts the friends they make.
Was I really playing the game as it was? If you remove the dungeons and trials (even the trials I question were we needed, think about it) my Wol did nothing that Wuk Lamat couldn't have done herself. My Character was like a vestigial organ, there but not needed.
Don't forget Wuk Lamat took on Bakool Ja Ja and his entire mercenary band completely solo, then slapped Sphene, after it knocked down our character.
Bro, she's some OC shadow donut special fan fiction tier character, it's so out of place.
Same game as Emet-selch, Vauthry, Zenos by the way, what a joke.
Erenville is the foreign exchange student who changes his name from Estiban Julio Montoya De La Mancha to Steve
You're shotcalling wrong, you call the skill out you get the skill. You're playing it too willy nilly and it's not him thats wrong, you need to name names or else you get the bystander effect.
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>The title screen music
Yep, gaming time, at least after the maintenance is done.
ok but the idea here was "if you remove the wol nothing would change"
and now you're telling me if you remove the wol it'd also remove all the dungeons and trials
so what gives?
The wol is explicitly a traveler/adventurer who makes connections with people to accomplish peace and understanding. It is what you have been doing from level 1.
i would even say there were no stakes?
like let's say the pope wins, so what? basically nothing changes.
>How do you elevate the stakes after that?
You don't have to.

If Dawntrail was WoL and Scions having fun, beating up mad max gangs, looking for treasure, going to the beach and then getting serious toward the last third with the golden city revealing things like Ronka Empire spanning shards, Serpent, Auracite, Azem,etc everyone would be happy.
I don't know why they removed the animation, i'm fine with the lack of damage
the primal drains the world because its implied he cant stop, but vrtra would probably beat the fuck out of him.
>stuck with gay lmao
>enstein pops up
>says "hey im having so much fun haha"
>refuses to elaborate
>speak with wuk lamat.
he could presumably turn the juice off just like ysale could
is dalamud up
>revealing things like ronka empire spanning shards
that happened though.
There have been multiple expansion of all roles having mitigation abilities. When you get hit by something hard as fuck do DPS players not think at all "I should use my mitigation there"? Supports don't need their dps skills called out they just fucking do it.
Mean, we've been raiding together for a long time. Don't really have a shotcaller either, more 3 people that pitch in. All DPS use their mitigation and those are aligned with the tanks & the healers. Hells, melees are expected to use Blood Bath and Second Wind for certain mechanics so the healers can do an extra broil or glare
>either reset the MSQ (which was always going to feel like a let down)
people always say this shit and it makes no sense.
you don't need the overarching story to make something interesting
>ough.... but the ascian stuff that only takes up the last 5% of the expansion.....
even ignoring the fact that everything before that is still good, all the shit with Emet is basically set up by Emet himself in this expansion, the Ascians could have been introduced with him in Shadowbringers and nothing about that story would change.
it was heavily implied he was lost in the sauce and past the point of reason.
I know.
he seemed pretty reasonable and lucid to me when he gives his little speech before you fight him
>so the healers can do an extra broil or glare
NTA but thank you for reminding me why I don't bother with anything past EX in this game.
You NEED a shotcaller, someone that controls the raid and lets people know what is happening and what mits need using
no you don't
is that why the japs clear savage without voice comms by slamming a macro of a strat into party chat and then full sending? because they NEED shotcaller? Retard. Genuine retard.

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