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Starfield is dead, dead before its first birthday. Why did it die? How did it die? What killed it?
game pass
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It still lasted longer than dragon's shitma 2
Game is made by pajeets for brainless bethesdrones and it was too lazy even for them which says a lot. The funniest part is that modders couldn't or wouldnt polish this turd when it was half baked from the start. Finish your games Todd
Uh oh the babel media sirs have arrived
>Outlasted Palworld, DD2 and Helldivers 2.
I kneel, Todd.
Fuck xfags

Hit xfags, punch xfags, burn xfags, kick xfags, bodyslam xfags, stab xfags, deck xfags, mock xfags, trip xfags
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You think we wanted, asked for, or cared about starfield? No, thats why its dead. We didnt made the game, nigger
I know :)
honestly the movement is just insanely bad, you tap a key in first person and your character strafes over 3m so le 3rd person animations look "good". add to that ZERO story or voice acting for encounters, boring space combat, shit performance and terrible progression and you just have a massive stinky turd of a game
You remembered to not post the Hindi version this time, good job
reminder that this is real
>are meant to be empty by design
Lmao every fucking time I'm flabbergasted by the audacity
How the fuck did it take them 8 fucking years (+ production)?
People have woken up to the fact that once you remove Name Brand recognition (Fallout, TES) from bethesda games you're left with very little
>(+ production)
Starfield is just awful. It would not be saved by being a Fallout game
1 year later
>larian supports bg3 with free updates (next update is the last features update tho)
>todd tries to sell you shit.
Embarrasing. You'd think microsoft has deep enough pockets to not try to charge you 6 bucks for ai-generated radiant quest dlcs
It's funny to me how apparently all these hardcore Xbox / Bethesda haters on /v/ apparently played the game to the point where they know every little detail about what's wrong with Starfield. Meanwhile I actually liked previous Bethesda games, I own an Xbox and I have an active gamepass subscription, yet I never bothered to download Starfield because it looked mediocre and the setting isn't interesting to me. Why do you guys engage so much with shit you hate? I get it when it's an offensively bad game like Forspoken, Saint's Row, Spider-Man 2 etc. But Starfield doesn't seem to fit that category. At worst it's still a a typical Bethesda game within an uninspired sci-fi setting.
>>larian supports bg3 with free updates (next update is the last features update tho)
how gracious of them to actually finish the game they released unfinished
Did they fix the PC port yet?
Elden ring and baldur's gate 3 were both massive hits among normalfags.
Starfield could never compete with such standards.
why does Larian care so little about their playerbase that they refuse to make DLC for the game? I mean, considering how unfinished BG3 is and how massive of a quality drop act 3 was, a big story DLC that fixes act 3, expands on it with another act and gives the game a less shitty ending would be very good for the game.
>I never bothered to download Starfield
>Why do you guys engage so much with shit you hate?
I have a better question; Why are you engaging on a topic you apparently don't know dick about?
act 1 of BG3 only has a 50% completion rate.
>I get it when it's an offensively bad game like Forspoken, Saint's Row, Spider-Man 2 etc. But Starfield doesn't seem to fit that category.
No, it fits in that category. Starfield is offensively bad.
Lmao what a fucking retard
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>when the line doesn't go up
Sorry Todd make a better game next time kek
only if you also consider Oblivion and Fallout 3 and 4 offensively bad. Which most people don't.
Why do bethesdrones bring uo baldurs gate so much? Can you not defend your game on its own merits? Just kidding we know you can't
Probably one of the most soulless and bland games ever made with about 30 hours of content in total. There's no reason for anyone to be playing it.
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>b-but what about OTHER GAME??
Cope. No one fucking likes Starfield.
Unlike Larian, at least he tried his best and delivered a finished game. I am much more inclined to forgive someone for trying and failing than someone who pocketed the money and scammed his audience with an unfinished, bug ridden mess of a game, like what Larian did with BG3.
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>Unlike Larian, at least he tried his best and delivered a finished game.
I'm just saying, it's more or less the same as other Bethesda games and even better in many aspects such as the gunplay.
Tell Todd to invest Ina. Better game rather than you babel jeets astro turfing kek. Its actually embarassing that you bring up different games because starfield got panned by virtually everybodu

That sums up the problem. Bethesda has earned a terrible reputation with the consumers. The lies, the over-promising and under-delivering, go back to Skyrim. The disrespect for the consumer with the way they expressed anger via social media posts at people for complaining about their games, complaining about their merchandise, complaining about putting mods behind a paywall, really turned off a lot of people, especially when so many developers from other studios are so friendly towards the consumers. And the public at large has caught on to the cheap Bethesda formula of designing games that are as wide as an ocean but shallow as a puddle blended with a childishly simplistic and shallow combat system. Magic lovers who are drawn to such Tolkien-esque games are inevitably disappointed with Bethesda's terribly shallow and ineffectual magic system.

Bethesda is basically a victim of its own unforced errors. Their reputation as a developer and as a communicator are in the toilet. Starfield served to prove what many people already believed about Bethesda, and that is that they are the worst AAA studio in the industry.
>it's more or less the same as other Bethesda games
No it fucking isn't.
Any singular city in Skyrim has at least 10x the amount of lore that the entire universe of Starfield has
you can laugh all you want, but you can't make a cohesive argument because you know I'm right and BG3 is unfinished whereis Starfield isn't. Starfield may or may not be a bad game, that's subjective and up for debate. But BG3 being an unfinished mess is not a subjective opinion but a factual truth.
you can play a game a lot and still think it's objectively bad, and indeed that's why i played it a lot, to try and find good things about the game
>At worst it's still a a typical Bethesda game
ok well congrats i'm never going to play another bethesda game now
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>but you can't make a cohesive argument
Lmfao nigger you cannot be serious
this one hurts
dd2 had so much potential
I didn't bring up BG3, >>682921129 this poster here was the first person ITT to bring it up.
keep crying and keep coping but every reply you make to me without making an argument as to why you believe BG3 is a finished game and Starfield isn't is a concession to me being right and you being wrong.
>one of the most soulless and bland games ever made

Exactly. "Soulless" gets over-used and mis-used a lot, but it perfectly applies to Starfield. The whole game has that uncanny valley feel to it, as though the game was made by AI and not by artists.
>without making an argument
You never made an argument yourself dipshit.
Try defending starfield without pretending bg3 isnt an objectively better game in every way
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There is an NPC miner at the very start of the game who has a line of dialogue that sums up Starfield perfectly -- "The juice ain't worth the squeeze"
>such as the gunplay.
You mean gun feel.
And it's literally straight out of Fallout 4, which has the exact same issue as Starfield, where full auto deals no damage and semi auto does, but there are 2 separate ability paths, which increase either bolt/semi auto weapons or full autos.

Even Fallout 3 is more enjoyable game to play than either 4 or Starfield, despite having possibly the worst gun feel in AAA game ever.
Bethesda thrived off good will of their customers that did insane amounts of free labour for them.
They've pissed that away. 13 years to put out a sequel to one of the largest franchises and still no sign of it actually existing is insane.
I have 300 hours in Starfield. Things they did well: shipbuilding, combat is spongy but it's not bad and you can tweak it to be more of a sim with the difficulty options they added. Also with these options now I can finally play a more survival type of game. And with the mod integration, despite it being only a month or so, there's been already some great mods coming out, although they're still mostly QOL enhancements or new outpost/ship parts. And the graphics are great, inexplicably detailed, the outdoor lighting is amazing.

Things they didn't do well: the fucking loading screens everywhere and they're as seamless as a streaming hot rod up your ass. The story is underwhelming, the faction quests are ok but not that much, the side quests are a lot of going back and forth between A and B. Factions are uninspired (space USA, space cowboys). Your companions have the same moral principles, there's no fun in going with the evil choice, maybe sometimes they'll politely call you a bitch if you choose a non-assertive response. Facial animations are laughable. One type of "dungeon" will always spawn with the exact same layout and structure. The XP gain is a slog in the later levels without 5x mods.

It's just a mid game unless you find something that you really like in it. Personally, although many shat on the game and said NMS was better, I prefer the exploration in this game. The gameplay is almost the same between the two when you're on the ground, except Starfield doesn't rape my eyes with aggressive colours and terrible terrain.
Creation Club was meant to save it but modders have already moved on from the game. And Bethesda are trying to sell their own mods which are 10 minute missions that cost $7 each.
Bethesda must fail
It was never good
It never will be
You faggots go play spiderman or some shit
>dragon's shitma 2
What a disgrace and disappointing piece of shit
Literally same game but worse
Fucking niggers
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Todd thought people would like a generic scifi instead of a new elder scrolls or fallout game then used pajeets to make it with reused assets
I'll go play palworld
At least it has fucking content
Stupid nigger
Truly a cuckold s game
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apologize to him right now
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There's a quest in this game that's a literal cuck fantasy.
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I wish Starfield having pronouns and triggering conservatard snowflakes was the biggest of its issues as that could be easily modded away.
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shame you cant mod away woke ideologies
Woke = broke.
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What killed Starfield for me are the constant loading screens that are everywhere for everything.
Procgen killed exploration
That's rough
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it is a loading screen sim
thought we were past that at least 5 years ago
cp77 was underwhelming as well but at least it had no loading screens
>Starfield could never compete with such standards.
Meanwhile back in the real world:

Sales > Your head canon.
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converted starfield to star wars and surprise, surprise it is absolute kino
It's actually a pretty fun game. It's just that most gamers don't have a good enough rig to run it, and it can get a bit stale if you no-life it.

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